Allana Potash Releases PEA on SOP Production at Danakhil Project
Allana Potash Corp. (TSX:AAA) announced the results of a preliminary economic assessment (PEA) on sulfate of potash production at its Danakhil potash project in Ethiopia.
Allana Potash Corp. (TSX:AAA) announced the results of a preliminary economic assessment( PEA) on sulfate of potash production at its Danakhil potash project in Ethiopia.
Highlights include:
- After-tax Net Present Value of US $1.6 billion;
- After-tax Internal Rate of Return of 39%;
- Total development capital expenditures including mining, processing facilities, port and logistics infrastructure (‘CAPEX’) of US $787 Million.
Farhad Abasov, president and CEO of Allana, stated:
Allana is very excited with the positive preliminary economic assessment of an independent SOP operation at its Danakhil Potash Project. The potential for SOP operations coupled with the Feasibility Study Allana previously completed on MOP operations demonstrates the uniqueness of Allana’s Project which through its sylvinite and kainitite resources has the potential to produce MOP and SOP with industry-leading CAPEX and OPEX profiles.
Click here for the full Allana Potash Corp.(TSX:AAA) press release