India’s August Polished Diamond Exports Rise 35.9 Percent

Gem Investing

Rapaport reported that in August, India’s polished diamond exports rose to $1.923 billion, a 35.9-percent increase compared to the previous year. Polished and rough diamond imports increased, while rough exports fell.

Rapaport reported that in August, India’s polished diamond exports rose to $1.923 billion, a 35.9-percent increase compared to the previous year. Polished and rough diamond imports increased, while rough exports fell.

As quoted in the market news:

By volume, polished diamond exports rose 23.3 percent to 3.77 million carats. Polished imports increased 45 percent to $524.8 million, leaving net exports 33.3 percent higher at $1.398 billion.

Rough diamond imports surged 32.5 percent year on year to $681.6 million, while rough exports fell 16.1 percent to $135 million, leaving net imports 50.8 percent higher in August at $546.6 million. India’s net diamond account, reflecting the difference between net exports and net imports, improved to $851.4 million from $686.7 million one year earlier.

Click here to read the full Rapaport report.

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