Denison’s Winter Drill Program Continues to Expand

Company News

Denison Mines reports that its 2010 winter program at the Phoenix uranium deposit continues to expand.
In addition, the last two drill holes of the winter season, at the farthest northeast location tested to date, intersected the strongest sandstone and basement alteration yet observed at Phoenix. This intense alteration is similar to characteristics exhibited by other major deposits in the […]

Denison Mines reports that its 2010 winter program at the Phoenix uranium deposit continues to expand.

In addition, the last two drill holes of the winter season, at the farthest northeast location tested to date, intersected the strongest sandstone and basement alteration yet observed at Phoenix. This intense alteration is similar to characteristics exhibited by other major deposits in the Basin. In addition, these two holes intersected a silicified cap, which is a unique characteristic feature that overlies the mineralization at McArthur River.

Ron Hochstein, President and C.E.O. of Denison Mines states:

“We have very high expectations for the Phoenix deposit and the Wheeler River project because, as with any major discovery, there are multiple targets developing. Based on internal estimates, as presented in our January 19, 2010 release, and publicly available information from all other deposits, Denison believes the Phoenix deposit is already, at this early stage, the sixth largest deposit discovered to date in the Athabasca Basin”.

For complete news release, click here.

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