Company Profiles

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Embark on your investment journey with small stocks armed with the power of knowledge. INN's exclusive company profiles will act as your compass, simplifying value propositions and investment narratives, while also providing the ability to explore our database and request information from companies of interest. All our profiles were crafted through interviews with the executive team and from publicly available information. We distill this information to facilitate investors in discerning which companies could be a fit for your risk tolerance and strategy.

Investing in the mining sector? Taking a look at our Global Mining Projects Map to get a bird's-eye view of where our partner's significant mining ventures are taking place.

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Westport Fuel Systems (NASDAQ:WPRT)

Westport Fuel Systems

Advanced, clean fuel systems and components that deliver both economic and environmental benefits

Skyharbour Resources (TSXV:SYH)

Skyharbour Resources

Pre-eminent uranium explorer and prospect generator in Canada’s Athabasca Basin

GTI Energy (ASX:GTR)

GTI Energy

Disrupting the uranium supply chain through highly prospective ISR projects in Wyoming

Alvopetro Energy (TSXV:ALV)

Alvopetro Energy

Leading independent upstream and midstream gas developer in Brazil

VVC Resources (TSXV:VVC)

VVC Resources

Engaging in the exploration, development, and management of natural resources

Source Rock Royalties

Source Rock Royalties

Pure-play on oil & gas royalties in Western Canada

Provaris Energy

Provaris Energy

Enabling clean energy supply chains through innovative hydrogen and CO2 storage and transport solutions

AuKing Mining (ASX:AKN)

AuKing Mining

Advancing uranium, as well as critical and base metals assets in Australia, Tanzania and Canada.

Coelacanth Energy (TSXV:CEI)

Coelacanth Energy

Natural gas exploration and production in the prolific Montney region in British Columbia

Basin Energy Logo

Basin Energy

Developing High-Grade Uranium Projects in the Athabasca Basin

Toro Energy

Toro Energy

Uranium development and exploration in Western Australia

Purepoint Uranium (TSXV:PTU, OTCQB:PTUUF)

Purepoint Uranium

Investing in Canada’s Uranium Future

Nuclear Fuels

Nuclear Fuels

Advancing district-scale In-Situ Recovery amenable uranium projects towards production in the United States.

First Helium (TSXV:HELI)

First Helium

Advanced stage, high-value oil, and helium-enriched natural gas project in Alberta, Canada

Moab Minerals

Moab Minerals

Advancing a portfolio of advanced uranium assets in Tanzania.

Jupiter Energy (ASX:JPR)

Jupiter Energy

Sustainable, long-term and profitable oil exploration and production in Kazakhstan

Condor Energy

Condor Energy

Rare world-class hydrocarbon exploration opportunity

BPH Energy (ASX:BPH)

BPH Energy

Investing in a Solution to Australia's Fossil Fuel Crisis

Forum Energy Metals

Forum Energy Metals

Exploring Canada’s Athabasca and Thelon Basins for high-grade uranium

Saga Metals (TSXV:SAGA)

Saga Metals

Diversified portfolio of critical mineral assets in Canada’s top-tier jurisdictions

CEO Interviews

