Peregrine Diamonds Verifies Kimberlite Tonnage

Diamond Investing

Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. (TSX:PGD) announced a tonnage estimate for the CH-6 kimberlite of up to 5.7 million tonnes of kimberlite.

Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. (TSX:PGD) announced a tonnage estimate for the CH-6 kimberlite of up to 5.7 million tonnes of kimberlite.

As quoted in the press release:

New microdiamond results from the CH-6 kimberlite continue to confirm a coarse diamond size distribution. A cumulative 1,512.3 kilogram sample of drill core collected from CH-6 in 2011 yielded 4,867 diamonds larger than the 0.106 mm sieve size, including 166 commercial-size diamonds larger than the 0.850 mm sieve size which weigh a total of 6.77 carats. The Saskatchewan Research Council Geoanalytical Laboratories (“the SRC”) classified the colours of the 166 commercial-size diamonds as follows: 42 percent white/colourless, 40 percent off-white, 14 percent yellow, 3 percent grey and 1 percent brown.

Click here to read the Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. (TSX:PGD) press release.  

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