FPX Nickel Scoping Study for North America's Largest Nickel Sulphate Refinery Outlines Low-Cost and Low-Carbon Supply for the EV Battery Supply Chain

FPX Nickel Scoping Study for North America's Largest Nickel Sulphate Refinery Outlines Low-Cost and Low-Carbon Supply for the EV Battery Supply Chain

FPX Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FPX) (OTCQB: FPOCF) (" FPX " or the " Company ") is pleased to announce results from an Awaruite Refinery Scoping Study (the " Study ") which demonstrates a compelling business case for the development of a standalone refinery (the " Refinery ") to refine awaruite concentrate into battery-grade nickel sulphate for the electric vehicle (" EV ") industry, along with producing valuable cobalt, copper, and ammonium sulphate by-products.

The Study has been prepared by Wood Canada Limited and all amounts are in US Dollars unless otherwise indicated. The Study relates to a standalone industrial project and anticipates the production of awaruite ore from projects that are not limited to mineral projects of the Company; without limiting the foregoing, the Study is separate and standalone from the Baptiste Nickel Project, which demonstrated the technical and commercial advantage of mining and concentrating awaruite ore to a high-grade awaruite concentrate.


  • Strong Economics: After-tax NPV 8% of $445 million and IRR of 20% at $8.50 /lb Ni
  • Large-Scale, Long Life : 40-year operating life producing 32,000 tpa of nickel contained in battery-grade nickel sulphate
  • Valuable Products: Production of battery-grade nickel sulphate for the EV industry, and by-products including cobalt, copper, and ammonium sulphate, a valuable fertilizer product for the agricultural sector
  • Low Cost: Total estimated operating costs of $1,598 /t Ni, or $133 /t Ni ( $0.06 /lb Ni) on a by-product basis for refining awaruite concentrate to battery-grade nickel sulphate, resulting in total all-in production costs of $8,290 /t Ni ( $3.76 /lb Ni) for nickel sulphate generated from awaruite mineralization (inclusive of mining, processing, refining, on a by-product basis), with both figures ranking in the lowest decile of the respective global nickel sulphate cost curves
  • Low Carbon : A carbon intensity of 0.2 tCO2/t Ni for refining operations, resulting in a total all-in carbon intensity of 1.4 t CO2/t Ni for nickel sulphate generated from awaruite mineralization, which is magnitudes lower than current nickel sulphate production routes

"This Study confirms the disruptive potential of awaruite concentrate as an ideal feedstock for the production of battery-grade nickel sulphate for the automotive sector," commented Martin Turenne , FPX Nickel's Chief Executive Officer and President. "The Study reinforces the opportunity for the development of an integrated, made-in- Canada solution from mine-to-battery, utilizing awaruite concentrate as a lynchpin source of nickel, with conventional refining steps underpinning low-cost, low-carbon nickel production for use in domestic and allied country EV battery supply chains."

Figure 1 – Nickel Sulphate Refining Cost Curve (CNW Group/FPX Nickel Corp.)

Figure 2 – Nickel Sulphate Refining Carbon Intensity by Source (CNW Group/FPX Nickel Corp.)


FPX commenced development of the Study in October 2024 to further demonstrate the economic and strategic opportunity to refine awaruite concentrates to battery-grade nickel sulphate and other valuable by-products. This Study incorporates the flowsheet advancements outlined in the Company's previously reported pilot-scale hydrometallurgical testwork results (see FPX news release dated October 15, 2024 ).

Scoping Study Overview

The mine-to-battery pathway for awaruite mineralization is presented in Figure 3. At a mine site, awaruite mineralization could be subjected to a simple mineral processing flowsheet to produce a high-grade awaruite concentrate, which could then be marketed either to the stainless steel or EV battery supply chains. This Study envisions purchasing of such awaruite concentrate and refining to battery-grade nickel sulphate, which would then be marketed to precursor cathode active material (" PCAM ") and cathode active material (" CAM ") producers to further process the nickel sulphate into CAM, a direct input in EV battery cell fabrication.

Figure 3 – Path of Awaruite Nickel Units from Mine to EV Battery (CNW Group/FPX Nickel Corp.)

This Study outlines a mid-stream Refinery located in an industrial location in central British Columbia which will be fed with awaruite concentrate and produce battery-grade nickel sulphate. The Study considers a Refinery capable of producing 32,000 tonnes per year of contained nickel in battery-grade nickel sulphate.

In addition to nickel sulphate, the Refinery will produce three by-products, approximately as follows:

  • 570 tonnes per year of contained cobalt in cobalt carbonate;
  • 240 tonnes per year of contained copper in copper cement; and
  • 87,400 tonnes per year of ammonium sulphate, a valuable fertilizer product.

The Refinery would process commercially available awaruite concentrate. Published metallurgical testwork on awaruite (Ni 3 Fe) nickel ores has shown that a relatively simple mineral processing flowsheet utilizing magnetic separation followed by conventional froth flotation can produce a highly desirable awaruite concentrate that presents flexibility for downstream consumption. Considering other awaruite nickel projects in development by FPX and others, a refinery operation lifespan of 40 years is considered.

Study economics are presented in Table 1, demonstrating the Refinery has robust economics while producing meaningful quantities of battery-grade nickel sulphate for the EV supply chain.

Table 1 – Awaruite Refinery Scoping Study Economics




Initial Capital Cost

$, millions


Operating Cost

$/t Ni produced


Operating Cost, net of by-products

$/t Ni produced


After- Tax

NPV 8%

$, millions





Payback Period



The Refinery's operating costs excluding byproduct credits ( $1,598 /t nickel contained) would fall within the lowest decile of global production as per Benchmark Mineral Intelligence's (" Benchmark ") nickel sulphate cost model, as presented in Figure 1. When byproduct credits are included, the Refinery would have a lower production cost that any current global producer.

The Refinery will be supplied with low-carbon power from the BC Hydro grid, resulting in a carbon intensity of 0.2 t CO 2 /tNi. As presented in Figure 2, this is magnitudes lower than current nickel sulphate production routes.

According to Benchmark's database, the 2024 annualized nickel sulphate production market size was approximately 657,000 tonnes per year of contained nickel as of the fourth quarter of 2024, with production heavily dominated by China at 76%, as presented in Figure 4. Additionally, less than 1% of current nickel sulphate production is North American (3,300 tonnes per year of contained nickel). As such, the 32,000 tonnes per year of high-quality nickel sulphate produced by the Refinery in Canada would represent an approximate tenfold increase in current North American nickel sulphate production.

Figure 4 – Current Nickel Sulphate Production by Region (CNW Group/FPX Nickel Corp.)

Metallurgy & Process Design

The metallurgical testwork program involved multiple bench- and a pilot-scale campaigns (see FPX news release dated October 15, 2024 ). The latest testwork campaign involved continuous pilot-scale testing of leaching unit operations and confirmed the leaching flowsheet. Nickel leach extractions greater than 99% and production of low-impurity leach solution, suitable for downstream purification and crystallization, were simultaneously achieved during piloting. In addition, bench-scale testing of solution purification and crystallization unit operations demonstrated the ability to produce battery-grade nickel sulphate crystals using the new ammonia-based flowsheet. Incorporating testwork results, the refining strategy takes advantage of awaruite's characteristics in a simple flowsheet utilizing well proven unit operations, as presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5 – Awaruite Refinery Block Flow Diagram (CNW Group/FPX Nickel Corp.)

Refinery Process Description

In the leaching area, awaruite concentrate is first subjected to an atmospheric leach, which serves the dual purpose of 1) commencing awaruite dissolution, and 2) using awaruite as a reagent to neutralize free acid and precipitate remaining iron, aluminum, and chromium from the pressure leach solution. Any unleached awaruite is then further leached in a mild pressure oxidation circuit, where full awaruite dissolution is achieved in tandem with initial iron precipitation. Pressure leach solution then reports to the atmospheric leach circuit and pressure leach residue is dewatered for disposal. A slipstream of pressure leach solution is processed in a copper removal circuit, where a copper cement grading approximately 70 to 80% copper is produced.

The final leach solution, grading 100 g/l nickel, is first processed in a solvent extraction (" SX ") circuit to extract cobalt. Extracted cobalt is then precipitated from the cobalt-rich solution as a carbonate product grading approximately 50% cobalt. While a cobalt carbonate product was selected for the Study, FPX testwork has also demonstrated the ability to produce cobalt-rich mixed hydroxide precipitate (" MHP ").

Nickel is then extracted away from the cobalt depleted leach solution to produce a purified and concentrated stream of nickel sulphate which is then crystallized into battery-grade nickel sulphate crystals suitable for use in the EV supply chain.

The nickel depleted leach solution is then treated to sequentially removal trace levels of nickel and magnesium. This purified stream is then crystallized into ammonium sulphate crystals, a widely used industrial fertilizer. Miscellaneous minor process streams are also processed in the ammonium sulphate crystallizer which enables the refinery to operate as a zero liquid discharge facility.

Capital Cost Estimate

Initial capital costs have been estimated in alignment with AACE (Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering) Class 5 standards, while sustaining and closure capital costs have been estimated on an order-of-magnitude (" OOM ") basis. The total initial capital cost for the Project is estimated to be $424 million , with no expansion considered. Total sustaining capital cost is estimated to be $40 million and total closure capital cost is estimated to be $42 million . No salvage value is considered due to the 40-year operation life.

Table 2 – Total Estimated Capital Costs

Capital Cost Type



($, millions)


Initial Capital


Refinery Process




Utilities, Services, & Infrastructure


Total Direct Costs


Indirect Costs


34% of Direct Costs



28% of Direct and Indirect Costs

Owners Costs


Total Initial Capital


Total Sustaining Capital Costs


Expended years 1-40

Total Closure Capital Costs


Expended years 41-42

Total Capital Costs


Operating Cost Estimate

Total operating costs are estimated to average $1,598 per tonne of nickel produced before by-product credits, with a breakdown of these costs by cost centre presented in Table 3. The net operating cost inclusive of by-product credits for cobalt, copper, and ammonium sulphate is $133 /t Ni ( $0.06 /lb Ni).

Table 3 –Estimated Operating Costs (excludes by-product credits)





$/t Ni produced



$/t Ni produced



$/t Ni produced



$/t Ni produced



$/t Ni produced


General & Administrative

$/t Ni produced



$/t Ni produced


Economic Analysis

At an assumed nickel price of $8.50 /lb ( $18,738 /t) and a USD:CAD exchange rate of 0.74, the Refinery generates an after-tax NPV 8% of $445 million , an after-tax IRR of 20%, and an after-tax payback of 4.0 years. Table 4 provides further details on study economics.

Benchmark maintains a comprehensive database of nickel production statistics and forecasts long-term pricing premiums relative to the LME nickel price for battery-grade nickel sulphate. While the nickel sulphate market is currently small with inherent pricing volatility, even the most conservative of EV adoption rates will see a significant increase in nickel sulphate requirements. As the nickel sulphate market grows in coming years and preferred feedstocks are established, it is expected that a more consistent premium basis will be established based on typical upgrading costs. Benchmark's forecast nickel sulphate premium basis for the year 2030 is $1,575 /t nickel ( $0.71 /lb nickel), which has been applied in the economic analysis. This premium is based on Benchmark's "base case" forecast of EV adoption and battery chemistry trends.

The Study models taxes in accordance with provincial and federal legislation. The Study reflects the impact of the federal government's refundable critical minerals investment tax credit, announced in the 2023 Federal Budget, which is proposed to be equal to 30% of the capital cost of eligible property for the extraction and processing of certain critical minerals, including nickel. The Study estimates total LOM taxes paid of C$1,000 million including C$520 million to the Province of British Columbia and C$480 million to the Government of Canada .

Table 4 – Study Economics

Economic Basis/Result



Payability, Awaruite Concentrate

% of LME Ni












Ammonium Sulphate











NPV 8%

$, millions








Environmental Assessment and Permitting

The Refinery has been assumed in the Study to be located in central B.C., with the selected location ultimately subject to community consultation, environmental characterization and baseline studies. The BC Environmental Assessment Act Reviewable Projects Regulation specifies that a new non-ferrous metal refinery would require assessment under the established provincial EA process.

Study Report

FPX intends to file the Study Report on the FPX website before the end of the first quarter of 2025. As this Study presents a separate midstream industrial project which does not impact in any way the Baptiste Nickel Project, or any of FPX's other projects, there is no mineral resource attributed to the Study. For readers to fully understand the information in this news release, they should read the Study Report in its entirety, including all qualifications, assumptions, exclusions, and risks that relate to the Study. The Study Report is intended to be read as a whole, and sections should not be read or relied upon out of context.

Study Lead

The Study has been prepared by Wood Canada Limited, who has reviewed and approved the technical and cost estimating content of this news release.

Qualified Person

Andrew Osterloh , P.Eng., FPX's Senior Vice President, Projects and Operations, has reviewed and approved the content of this news release.

About FPX Nickel Corp.

FPX Nickel Corp. is focused on the exploration and development of the Baptiste Nickel Project, located in central British Columbia , and other occurrences of the same unique style of naturally occurring nickel-iron mineralization known as awaruite. For more information, please view the Company's website at https://fpxnickel.com/

On behalf of FPX Nickel Corp.

"Martin Turenne"
Martin Turenne , President, CEO and Director

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain of the statements made and information contained herein is considered "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws, including those which relate to the proposed development of the Refinery, the intended processing of commercially available awaruite concentrate at the Refinery and the ability to obtain same; the projected economics of the Refinery, including capital cost; operating costs; NPV; IRR; carbon intensity; processing life; growth of the EV market; marketability of the concentrate; growth of demand for nickel sulphate and pricing therefor; and all other statements, other than statements of historical facts. These statements address future events and conditions and actual results could differ from those currently projected. The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

Generally, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of terminology such as "plans", "expects', "estimates", "intends", "anticipates", "believes" or variations of such words, or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might", "occur" or "be achieved". Forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, performance and opportunities to differ materially from those implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements are set forth in the public reports and filings for FPX, filed on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.com . Although FPX believes that the information and assumptions used in preparing the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements, which only apply as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed times frames or at all. Except where required by applicable law, FPX disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

FPX Nickel logo (CNW Group/FPX Nickel Corp.)

SOURCE FPX Nickel Corp.

Cision View original content to download multimedia: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/February2025/24/c4996.html

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News Provided by Canada Newswire via QuoteMedia

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Group Eleven Intersects 7.5m of 20.1% Zn+Pb and 51 g/t Ag, incl. 2.2m of 37.5% Zn+Pb and 72 g/t Ag at Ballywire in Step-Out Drilling; Upcoming Drilling at Cu-Ag Target and 'D' Gravity Anomaly

Group Eleven Intersects 7.5m of 20.1% Zn+Pb and 51 g/t Ag, incl. 2.2m of 37.5% Zn+Pb and 72 g/t Ag at Ballywire in Step-Out Drilling; Upcoming Drilling at Cu-Ag Target and 'D' Gravity Anomaly

Group Eleven Resources Corp. (TSXV: ZNG) (OTC Pink: GRLVF) (FSE: 3GE) ("Group Eleven" or the "Company") is pleased to announce assay results from four new holes (and additional assays from a previously announced hole) from the ongoing drill program at the Company's 100%-owned Ballywire zinc-lead-silver discovery ("Ballywire"), PG West Project ("PG West"), Republic of Ireland.


  • G11-3552-29 intersected (from 189.3m):
    • 130.7m of 2.3% Zn+Pb (2.0% Zn and 0.3% Pb) and 13 g/t Ag, including
    • 7.5m of 20.1% Zn+Pb (19.1% Zn and 1.0% Pb) and 51 g/t Ag, including
    • 5.7m of 24.1% Zn+Pb (23.2% Zn and 1.0% Pb) and 60 g/t Ag, including
    • 2.2m of 37.5% Zn+Pb (36.9% Zn and 0.7% Pb) and 72 g/t Ag
    • Represents a 55m step-out down-dip from G11-3552-27
  • G11-3552-271 intersected (from 201.5m):
    • 70.5m of 3.4% Zn+Pb (2.2% Zn and 1.2% Pb) and 41 g/t Ag, including
    • 25.7m of 7.9% Zn+Pb (5.7% Zn and 2.2% Pb), 78 g/t Ag and 0.12% Cu and
    • 4.2m of 2.0% Zn+Pb (0.4% Zn and 1.6% Pb), 172 g/t Ag and 0.66% Cu, including
    • 0.9m of 3.6% Zn+Pb (0.9% Zn and 2.6% Pb), 511 g/t Ag and 2.01% Cu
    • Located 50m down-dip from G11-3552-25 (announced 06-Feb-2025)
  • G11-3552-29 expands the footprint of the recently announced 360m long, flat-lying zone of zinc-rich massive sulphide lenses by at least 50m down-dip, to a total of at least 125m down-dip
  • Drilling continues at Ballywire with two rigs testing further down-dip of the two holes released today, plus the NE extension; assay results are expected in due course
  • In several weeks, drilling will also begin testing (a) a Cu-Ag target below the Zn-Pb-Ag discovery horizon; and (b) a step-out target 1.3km to the ENE of the Ballywire discovery testing in the vicinity of the prospective 'D' gravity-high anomaly, at a locality with abundant calcite similar to the calcite typically observed immediately above high-grade mineralization along the discovery trend

"We are very pleased to see the NE massive sulphide zone expanded by a ninth consecutive high-grade hole," stated Bart Jaworski, CEO. "Additional excellent Ag and Cu values also continue to point to a stratigraphically deeper Cu-Ag horizon, which we are aiming to start drill testing for the very first time over the next few weeks. We also look forward to stepping out 1.3km ENE towards a very prospective area near the 'D' gravity high anomaly. This locality hosts abundant calcite bodies, commonly seen above high-grade mineralization at Ballywire. A nearby historic hole is also mineralized. With the Cu-Ag target, continued drilling to the NE and larger step outs along our prospective 6km trend, 2025 promises to be an exciting year of exploration for Group Eleven."

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Exhibit 1. Cross-Section Showing New Drilling (G11-3552-27, -29 and -31) at Ballywire Discovery

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Note: Partial assays from G11-3552-27 previously announced on 06-Feb-25, consisting of 24.8m of 8.1% Zn+Pb, 80 g/t Ag;

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Exhibit 2. Plan Map Showing New Drilling and Interpreted Cu-Ag 'Feeder' Structure

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Note: Partial assays from G11-3552-27 previously announced on 06-Feb-25, consisting of 24.8m of 8.1% Zn+Pb, 80 g/t Ag;

New Step-Out Holes at Ballywire Discovery

The Ballywire prospect at the Company's 100%-owned PG West Project in Republic of Ireland, is a relatively new zinc-lead-silver discovery (first announced Sept-2022). In addition to 44 holes drilled and reported by Group Eleven to date, the most recent four holes (G11-3552-24, -26, -28, and -29) and additional assays for previously announced hole, G11-3552-27, are reported today (see Exhibits 1 to 7).

High-grade mineralization from G11-3552-27 and -29 (see Page 1 and Exhibits 1 to 4) consists predominantly of massive and semi-massive sulphide (sphalerite, galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite and suspected tennantite-tetrahedrite), as well as, disseminated and vein hosted sulphide mineralization. Mineralization occurs along and/or close to the base of the Waulsortian Limestone (see Exhibit 1).

Exhibit 3. Summary of Assays from G11-3552-24, -26, -27, -28 and -29 at Ballywire



Note: True width of the intervals above as a percentage of the intersected interval is 90% (G11-3552-27), 80-90% (G11-3552-29), 90-100% (G11-3552-24), 80-90% (G11-3552-26) and 90-100% (G11-3552-28)

Holes drilled as 300m step-outs to the NE (G11-3552-24, -26 and -28; see Exhibit 2) returned zones of mineralization narrower and weaker than those at the main discovery trend (see Exhibit 3). Disseminated copper mineralization, as well as, mineralized veins and fractures, however, are strengthening towards the north, suggesting massive sulphide mineralization may be present further north (see northern-most projected mineralized trend in Exhibit 4). A second mineralized trend is also emerging to the south where the interpreted Cu-Ag rich 'feeder' fault pierced by drilled along the main discovery trend (see solid purple line in Exhibits 2 and 4) appears to correlate with mineralization intersected in G11-3552-08 (see Exhibit 2). More drilling is ongoing in the NE area to test the above targets.

Key 2025 Exploration Targets at Ballywire Discovery

Copper-Silver Target

As drilling progresses at Ballywire, it is increasingly evident that there exists an interpreted Cu-Ag 'feeder' fault parallel to and spatially associated with the main Zn-Pb-Ag discovery at Ballywire (see Exhibit 2). This 'feeder' fault hosts mineralization with up to 5.90% Cu and 1,440 g/t Ag, interpreted to have been transported by mineralizing fluids from below by vertical to steeply-dipping structures (see Exhibit 5). Today's results provide further evidence, with grades up to 2.01% Cu and 511 g/t Ag (see Exhibit 3). Meanwhile, the stratigraphy of the region suggests that approximately 100-200m below the discovery horizon (base of the Waulsortian Limestone), is the Lower Limestone Shale horizon, which hosts four well known Cu-Ag historic occurrences in the surrounding area (see Denison, Oola, Gortdrum and Tullacondra in Exhibit 8, located approx. 5km, 9km, 10km and 45km away from Ballywire, respectively).

These historic Cu-Ag occurrences can be interpreted as the eroded remnants of originally more vertically extensive mineralizing systems, likely representing the roots of stratigraphically higher Zn-Pb-Ag mineralization. At Ballywire, there is a chance the mineralizing system is much larger than at the neighbouring deposits (based on relatively large footprint to date), and if it is there, any Cu-Ag mineralization would notionally be intact below the existing Zn-Pb-Ag mineralization.

Given the compelling nature of the above exploration model, Group Eleven aims to begin drilling this deeper Cu-Ag target over the coming several weeks.

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Exhibit 4. Plan Map Showing Interpreted Cu-Ag 'Feeder' and Calcite Body Targets at Ballywire

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Note: Calcite bodies occurring at the discovery trend are not shown here (shown in Exhibit 6 instead)

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Exhibit 5. Cross-Section Showing Hypothesized Location of Cu-Ag Mineralization

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Calcite Body Vectors

As drilling progresses at Ballywire, it is increasingly evident that high-grade Zn-Pb-Ag mineralization at Ballywire is spatially associated with steeply dipping bodies of calcite (see Exhibit 6), interpreted to represent the 'exhaust' from the mineralization process below (i.e. dissolved limestone at the mineralized horizon is re-precipitated as calcite bodies immediately above). These calcite bodies may prove to be a strong exploration vector along the undrilled remainder of Ballywire's prospective 6km trend.

Two shallow historic holes, located 1.3km ENE from the current boundary of the Ballywire discovery, intercepted such calcite bodies (see Exhibits 4 and 7), yet were never followed up. This locality is also near the prospective 'D' gravity high anomaly and historic hole, 99-3352-05 (see Exhibit 7), which intersected mineralization of a tenor typically seen peripheral to massive sulphide zones at the discovery trend. Group Eleven aim to test this locality in the coming weeks.

Separately, two historic holes approx. 300m and 600m to the WSW, respectively, from the current boundary of the Ballywire discovery, also intercepted abundant calcite zones (see Exhibits 4 and 7) and were never followed up. Group Eleven aims to test these locations in due course.

Looking forward, six (6) drill holes (G11-3552-30 to -35; see Exhibit 2) are in progress with results expected in due course. Exhibit 2 shows drilling to date across 1.25km of the overall 2.6km long trend (see Exhibit 4) of significantly mineralized drill intercepts. This in turn is hosted within a 6km long prospective trend defined by four gravity high anomalies, only one of which (anomaly 'C') is systematically drilled to date (see Exhibit 7).

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Exhibit 6. Oblique 3D View of Calcite Bodies Spatially Associated with Mineralization at Ballywire

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Note: Bodies shown (calcite, Zn-Pb-Ag and Cu-Ag) are not constrained by any grade cut-off and are only meant for illustrative purposes

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Exhibit 7. Regional Gravity at Ballywire Showing 6km Long Prospective Trend and Calcite Bodies

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Notes to Exhibit 8: (a) Pallas Green MRE is owned by Glencore (see Glencore's Resources and Reserves Report dated December 31, 2023); (b) Stonepark MRE: see the 'NI 43-101 Independent Report on the Zinc-Lead Exploration Project at Stonepark, County Limerick, Ireland', by Gordon, Kelly and van Lente, with an effective date of April 26, 2018, as found on SEDAR; and (c) the historic estimate at Denison was reported by Westland Exploration Limited in 'Report on Prospecting Licence 464' by Dermot Hughes dated May, 1988; the historic estimate at Gortdrum was reported in 'The Geology and Genesis of the Gortdrum Cu-Ag-Hg Orebody' by G.M. Steed dated 1986; and the historic estimate at Tullacondra was first reported by Munster Base Metals Ltd in 'Report on Mallow Property' by David Wilbur, dated December 1973; and later summarized in 'Cu-Ag Mineralization at Tullacondra, Mallow, Co. Cork' by Wilbur and Carter in 1986; the above three historic estimates have not been verified as current mineral resources; none of the key assumptions, parameters and methods used to prepare the historic estimates were reported and no resource categories were used; significant data compilation, re-drilling and data verification may be required by a Qualified Person before the historic estimates can be verified and upgraded to be compliant with current NI 43-101 standards; a Qualified Person has not done sufficient work to classify them as a current mineral resource and the Company is not treating the historic estimates as current mineral resources. 'Rathdowney Trend' is the south-westerly projection of the Rathdowney Trend, hosting the historic Lisheen and Galmoy mines.

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Exhibit 8. Regional Map of Ballywire Discovery and Surrounding Cu-Ag Historic Occurrences

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Qualified Person

Technical information in this news release has been approved by Professor Garth Earls, Eur Geol, P.Geo, FSEG, geological consultant at IGS (International Geoscience Services) Limited, and independent 'Qualified Person' as defined under Canadian National Instrument 43-101.

Sampling and Analytical Procedures

All core drilled at Ballywire is NQ (47.6mm) and is cut using a rock saw. Sample intervals vary between 0.42m to 1.3m with the majority of samples in the 0.79m to 0.99m range. The half-core samples are bagged, labelled and sealed at Group Elevens core store facility in Limerick, Ireland. Selected sample bags are examined by the Qualified Person. Transport is via an accredited courier service and/or by Group Eleven staff to ALS Laboratories in Loughrea Co. Galway, Ireland. Sample preparation at the ALS facility comprises fine crushing 70%

Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Information

Group Eleven inserts certified reference materials ("CRMs" or "Standards") as well as blank material, to its sample stream as part of its industry-standard QA/QC programme. The QC results have been reviewed by the Qualified Person, who is satisfied that all the results are within acceptable parameters. The Qualified Person has validated the sampling and chain of custody protocols used by Group Eleven.

About Group Eleven Resources

Group Eleven Resources Corp. (TSXV: ZNG) (OTC Pink: GRLVF) and (FSE: 3GE) is a mineral exploration company focused on advanced stage zinc exploration in the Republic of Ireland. Group Eleven announced the Ballywire discovery in September 2022. Key intercepts to date include:

  • 10.8m of 10.0% Zn+Pb and 109 g/t Ag (G11-468-03)
  • 10.1m of 8.6% Zn+Pb and 46 g/t Ag (G11-468-06)
  • 10.5m of 14.7% Zn+Pb, 399 g/t Ag and 0.31% Cu (G11-468-12)
  • 11.2m of 8.9% Zn+Pb and 83 g/t Ag (G11-3552-03)
  • 29.6m of 10.6% Zn+Pb, 78 g/t Ag and 0.15% Cu (G11-3552-12) and
  • 11.8m of 11.6% Zn+Pb, 48 g/t Ag (G11-3552-18)
  • 15.6m of 11.6% Zn+Pb, 122 g/t Ag and 0.19% Cu (G11-3552-27)

Ballywire is located 20km from Company's 77.64%-owned Stonepark zinc-lead deposit2, which itself is located adjacent to Glencore's Pallas Green zinc-lead deposit3. The Company's two largest shareholders are Glencore Canada Corp. (16.1% interest) and Michael Gentile (16.0%). Additional information about the Company is available at www.groupelevenresources.com.


Bart Jaworski, P.Geo.
Chief Executive Officer

E: b.jaworski@groupelevenresources.com | T: +353-85-833-2463
E: j.webb@groupelevenresources.com | T: 604-644-9514

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Such statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the future results of operations, performance and achievements of the Company, including the timing, content, cost and results of proposed work programs, the discovery and delineation of mineral deposits/resources/ reserves and geological interpretations. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located. All of the Company's public disclosure filings may be accessed via www.sedarplus.com and readers are urged to review these materials, including the technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.

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