Altair Minerals

Acquisition of High-Grade Venatica Copper Project

Unlocking a high-grade Copper Porphyry within the northern extension of a Multi-Billion Tonne Belt.

Altair Minerals Limited (ASX: ALR) (‘Altair or ‘the Company’) is pleased to announce the proposed acquisition of the Venatica Copper Project which highlights a major expansion to Altair’s portfolio of Tier-1 sized discovery opportunities, stepping into South America with an exceptionally high-grade porphyry. Located ~60km from the Las Bambas Mine which produces 2% of global copper supply, Venatica shares the same host rocks, structures, geological controls with outcroppings of >6% copper.

Key Highlights:

  • District Scale Opportunity | 337km2 Landholding
    The Venatica Copper Project spans 337km2 over 34 claims, situated on Peru’s prolific Andahuaylas- Yauri Porphyry belt, host to 3 deposits which are >1Bt along strike of Venatica1.
  • Large Scale Targets | >16km2 of Porphyry Targets, open in all directions
    Venatica West has two key targets amongst a regional system - (1) Irka NE: high-grade felsic copper-silver-moly porphyry >4km2 and (2) Irka SW: copper-gold porphyry-skarn >6km2, with the true lateral extent of both systems completely open. The Irka NE porphyry represents an exceptionally large target, which has shown an abundance of copper across a significant 3.4km strike which samples range 3,000ppm to >60,000ppm Cu. Majority of Venatica remains untested with potential for subsequent high-grade copper systems to be discovered.
  • High-Grade Surface Outcrops | 20% of samples >3,000ppm Cu
    Irka NE Porphyry Target: Historic sample reported by INMET (acquired by First Quantum) reported 9.5% Copper, 471ppm Mo, 160g/t Ag and 4.59g/t Au. With subsequent outcrop sampling programs at the high-grade Irka NE Porphyry (>3km strike) returning:
    • 5.7% Copper and 43g/t Silver (Sample 4807)
    • 4.8% Copper and 32g/t Silver (Sample 15245)
    • 4.7% Copper and 40g/t Silver and 31ppm Molybdenum (Sample 646141)
    • 7.0% Copper and 33g/t Silver (Sample 2254)

Irka SW Porphyry – Skarn Target: Follow-up sampling programs by INMET returned exceptional copper-gold results of 4.8% Copper & 0.40g/t Gold (Sample 4801) and 6.5% Copper & 0.52g/t Gold (Sample 4803)

  • Multiple Regional Anomalous Targets | 17km of anomalous strike
    Stream sampling at Venatica East has returned 4 distinct copper targets which has shown >5x background levels of copper that has an outstanding combined anomalous strike of 17km. Stream sediments at Venatica East are analogous to the stream anomalies to Haquira (Figure 6) also >5x background levels of copper, which led to 1.4Bt @ 0.46% Cu discovery along strike Venatica1,2,8.
  • Historic High-Grade Production | Average 6% Copper Ore
    Reported historic small-scale mining at Irka NE exploited dykes at 6% Copper, whereas on Irka SW target, a pit (50m x 50m x 10m deep) exploited at 4% Copper from the base of pit (10m depth).
  • Proven Geological Model | Untested Northen Extension
    Venatica is sitting on the large margin contact of the Andahuaylas-Yauri Batholith intrusion, the same Batholith contact which is the key structural control that has led to the discovery of 5x copper deposits with >1Bt resources on this belt (See Fig. 1)1,3. Altair holds first-mover advantage to systematically test the northern extension of the trend, with Venatica covering the key controlling and proven geological formation.
  • Expansion of Technical Team | 11.4Mt Cu & 26Moz Au of Discoveries
    Assignment of expert geologist team in the discovery of porphyry/skarn deposits within the Andahuaylas-Yauri Batholith. The Peru exploration team has significant experience in characterization of the high-grade traps in this style of deposit, which becomes key in the initial drill program at Venatica. Altair’s strengthened Technical Team have been collectively responsible for discoveries of over 11.4Mt Copper & 26Moz Gold.
  • Established Social Credentials | Fast-Tracked for drilling by Q2 2025
    Irka Vendor (Venatica West) has established social relations over 10-years with a supportive community. Irka has the additional benefit of small-scale exploitation and provisional permits granted, allowing ability to leverage Peru’s REINFO process to receive drilling permits within months. Ample infrastructure, power and access roads, leading to exceptionally low exploration and drill costs.



The Venatica Project is a district scale and advanced discovery opportunity, located ~7km South & Southeast of Abancay, in the Apurimac region of Peru. The project has ample nearby infrastructure, with significant recent investment into power lines, access roads, manpower and pro-mining social integration due to the on-going development of two world-class mines and construction of three world- class mines in the region. The project is connected to all main roads in South Central Peru either via asphalt or paved roads, with a supportive community whereby relationships have been built over a decade. Two wide public roads facilitate the logistics access and connect the region with the main seaports of southern Peru for shipments of minerals: the Marcona Seaport accessed via Ayacucho and Ica, and the Matarani Seaport accessed by Cusco and Arequipa.

The Venatica transaction represents a non-dilutive exciting discovery opportunity, which consists of the acquisition of 100% owned Mining Process’s alongside an option to acquire 80% of the Irka Mining Concession (“Irka Permit”), Permit Code: N010184917, which sits within the Western half of Venatica. Altair has entered into an agreement with Crhistian Enrique Vargas Serna (“The Vendor”) for an exclusive 120-day due diligence period for the cost of USD $10,000. Upon satisfaction of initial due diligence, Altair has the option to either extend the due diligence period by 3 months for USD $10,000 or has the option to purchase 80% of Irka for USD $60,000 – see terms section below for full details.

Geologically, Venatica is located on the Andahuaylas-Yauri Porphyry Belt, a prolific mining corridor known for hosting numerous Tier-1 copper deposits and recently has led to the construction of multiple world-class copper mines in the last 10 years (Las Bambas, Constancia, Antapaccay) run by majors such as MMG & Glencore. This belt represents a globally significant geological trend, extending over 300km and containing some of the largest copper resources in the world.

The northern portion of the Andahuaylas-Yauri Porphyry Belt is renowned for hosting 5x copper deposits each with >1Bt resources, including one of the lowest quartile producers in Peru (Constancia), and the 3rd largest copper producer in Peru (Las Bambas) accounting for 2% of global copper production1,4, located just 60km from Venatica. The belt stands out due to its simplicity in discovering these globally significant deposits which typically occur at the margin contact of the Batholith Intrusive.

Click here for the full ASX Release

This article includes content from Altair Minerals Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.

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Fourth Major Copper Porphyry Venatica System Discovered

Fourth Major Copper Porphyry Venatica System Discovered

Altair Minerals (ALR:AU) has announced Fourth Major Copper Porphyry Venatica System Discovered

Download the PDF here.

Altair Minerals Limited  New Central Porphyry System Identified at Venatica

Altair Minerals Limited New Central Porphyry System Identified at Venatica

Sydney, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Altair Minerals Limited (ASX:ALR) (OTCMKTS:CHKMF) is pleased to announce preliminary findings following a site visit where the Company has identified a significant outcrop of stockwork system at Central Porphyry. Outcropping quartzite, magnetite and secondary biotite veined porphyry stockwork which is part of a new separate Central Porphyry - 3km Southwest of the high-grade Irka NE Porphyry.

Key Highlights:

- Identification of new Central Porphyry | Venatica West a Porphyry Cluster

Site visit has discovered a significant outcrop of leached porphyry stockwork and ultra-potassic vein system which identifies a Central Porphyry intrusive part of a cluster system at Venatica West. Typical alteration and veining present within Bornite-Gold rich Copper Porphyry systems.

- Extremely dense veining and stockwork | Multi-stage Mineralisation

Stockwork of A-type quartz, magnetite and secondary biotite on Central Porphyry is the densest identified to date across Venatica West, suggesting significant hydrothermal activity, overlapping events, fracturing and multi-stage mineralisation at Central Porphyry, ideal for copper enrichment.

- Small portion of a much larger system | Central Porphyry Remains Open

Identification of Central Porphyry is an outstanding outcome, due to only a portion of the potassic stockwork zone outcropping, which could've easily been missed. Ultra-potassic alteration with dense stockwork as seen within this outcrop, generally tends to expand kilometres, with remaining footprint of alteration sitting under soil cover. Further fieldwork can identify full extent of this Central Porphyry.

- Potential for regional Porphyry system | SW - NE Regional Porphyry System

Preliminary fieldwork analysis on-going, with already a new Central Porphyry system being identified within virgin grounds at Venatica West, sitting ~3km Southwest of the high-grade Irka NE Porphyry and ~2km Northeast of the Irka SW Porphyry-Skarn system. Suggestive of a regional SW to NE trending porphyry cluster, filling the intersection of two district faults.

- Community Engagement Commenced | Early Community Approval

Early engagement has commenced with the local community, with multiple local members showing support for on-going exploration works. Altair's exploration team has also met with the President of the Community with very positive preliminary discussions. Altair has received initial community approval for exploration works with intention of putting forward long-term proposal of work programs, community incentive programs, project scheduling and local training.

Discovery of New Central Porphyry at Venatica West

The Central Porphyry is located on the Irka permit, situated ~3km southwest of the high-grade Irka NE Porphyry target and is a new intrusion system identified within Venatica West during initial site visit.

The upper zone of a new Central Porphyry has been identified through outcrop which consists of leached ultra-potassic stockwork of quartz, magnetite and secondary biotite dense veining, and surrounded by phyllic alteration halo and hosted within overprinted argillic alteration.

The ultra-potassic alteration suggests Altair is standing above the core of the Central Porphyry. The overprinting of strong argillic alteration has occurred from later stage hydrothermal fluids which has replaced the feldspars with clay material while maintaining the stockwork veining - suggesting a multistage mineralisation event which can significantly enrich the grades of copper sulphide and hypogene zone below. This leached stockwork from late-stage argillic alteration indicates the copper has been remobilized and disseminated into structurally favourable zones below, with potential to enhance grades within the contacts and breccia's at the core of the Central Porphyry.

The ultra-potassic zone generally sits right above the core of a Porphyry intrusion and in the case of the Central Porphyry, it is the densest set of stockwork, and veinlets discovered so far at Venatica West, with high alteration suggesting this area is the key part of hydrothermal activity and potentially the feeder to multiple other Porphyry systems.

The presence of dense secondary biotite veining on altered ultra-potassic outcrop not only indicates the presence of a new Porphyry system sitting below but also is an essential element for developing a large-scale Porphyry deposit within this particular belt.

Within other billion-tonne deposits proximal to Venatica, the presence of secondary biotite into the plays a key role in developing "scale" as its presence within porphyry stock and outwards into diorite host rock, tends to allow substitution of Fe2+ and Mg2+ with Cu2+, which can extend the copper mineral deposit footprint by a further ~500m radius in each direction from the main Porphyry core.

Key Takeaways

- Identification of new Central Porphyry akin to Bornite-Gold rich Copper Porphyries

- Ultra-potassic stockwork suggests we are standing above the core of the system

- Argillic overprint indicates a later-stage hydrothermal fluid enacted on Central Porphyry, leading to multi-phase mineralisation events.

- Leached outcrop, indicates copper has re-mobilized below into more structurally favourable zones allowing secondary enrichment in the porphyry core - which leads to higher grades.

- Presence of secondary biotite halo zone and veining in porphyry stock & diorite host is critical in developing scale within this belt for a large Cu-Au mineralisation zone beyond just the porphyry core.

- Structural alignment in SW-NE direction hosting a regional copper porphyry cluster. Irka NE Porphyry, the Central Porphyry and the SE Porphyry makes a potential corridor over more than 10km length.

This new Porphyry discovery adds on to the targets at Venatica, with 4x highly prospective undrilled targets for discovery being uncovered in this new district which is an extension of the belt which hosts multiple billion-tonne copper deposits, these targets at Venatica currently include:

- Irka NE Porphyry: Over 3.4km strike, with high-grade samples including:

- 7.0% Copper and 33g/t Silver
- 5.7% Copper and 43g/t Silver

- Irka SE Porphyry-Skarn: Large 6km2 anomalous area, with high-grade samples including:

- 4.8% Copper & 0.40g/t Gold
- 6.5% Copper & 0.52g/t Gold

- Central Porphyry: Newly discovered initial outcrop from field visit, part of a significantly larger system sitting under colluvial and soil cover. Ultra-potassic and advanced argillic alteration with significant stockwork and veining part of a separate porphyry intrusive.

- Venatica East: Over 17km of anomalous strike of copper stream sediments which are 5x background levels. Virgin grounds with potential to identify source of copper mineralisation feeding the streams and new major targets.

The identification of this Central Porphyry is significant and a result of the diligent fieldwork of the exploration team, as the outcrop is exposed over a minimal area and could've easily been missed. The degree of stockwork veining and hydrothermal activity suggests this alteration likely expands kilometres in each direction - with most of it sitting under post-mineral soil cover. Further detailed mapping and fieldwork will look to identify the true extent of this potassic alteration zone.

Venatica West is shaping up to be a regional porphyry system, hosting numerous high-quality targets for discovery. The Central Porphyry sits ~3km southwest of Irka NE and ~2km northeast of Irka SW, which indicates a structurally controlled regional porphyry trend SW - NE at Venatica West.

Community Engagement

Altair has received positive initial feedback from the community regarding its preliminary exploration activities and future plans. The community board has provided their approval and remains supportive with great relations built with local miners in the region who are eager for Altair to continue further exploration work.

Altair has also had an introduction and a very positive initial meeting with the President of the local community. Following from this, Altair representatives attended the initial community meeting and received approval to continue exploration works, with local members ready to assist. Altair continues to build upon existing supportive relationships within the community and will seek to provide a longterm formal proposal of its anticipated work programs, community incentive programs, project scheduling and local training. This proposal will be reviewed by the local community and President and will then be used to form the basis of monthly meetings with the community to build upon existing support.

Altair believes its early approach to engage the community and developing upon relationships which have been built over 10-years by the vendor of Irka will be key in fast-tracking exploration and development programs. Furthermore, this engagement is key to Altair's ESG core values and is expected to pay dividends in the future for both the Company and community. The early engagement with the community will also be critical in ensuring a smooth transition into its discovery programs.

Steps Forward at Venatica

The key anticipated steps forward aim to establish maximum value for shareholders through a scientific, systematic and diligent approach to exploration with the target of making a large-scale and globally significant discovery.

Venatica sits in the right the geological formation with all the key indicators capable of making such discovery. Altair plans to immediately initiate a comprehensive program to further evaluate the full potential of Venatica. The next key steps as part of the Venatica execution program includes:

- Evaluation of regional potential and detailed mapping

- On-going community engagement at Venatica West & Venatica East

- Rock chip and geochemical sampling program at Venatica West

Altair Chief Executive Officer, Faheem Ahmed comments:

"This is an outstanding find by our geological team within the high-grade Venatica Copper Project. This is now our third Porphyry target at Venatica West, and we are treading virgin and unexplored grounds here with potential to discover further mineralised outcrops and Porphyry's.

There is consistent dense veining across the outcrop which is exactly what you would like to see within a porphyry intrusion, suggesting significant magmatic fluid activity. More importantly, it appears the Central Porphyry has gone through multi-stage mineralisation, which not only introduces more copper into the intrusion, but also indicates copper has been leached from the outcrop and has potential to go through secondary enrichment below. These are all key indicators we are onto an exceptional exploration target, both with scale and potential to be high-grade.

We now have three key targets at Venatica West, two of them which has shown exceptional copper grades ranging 4 - 9% at surface across a large area. With the latest addition being this Central Porphyry, which has gone through significant leaching. Due to the leaching, we're looking for anomalous levels of copper at surface within the Central Porphyry, which will confirm to us this stockwork is likely to be significant mineralised at depth from remobilization of copper ions.

Furthermore, we are yet to even touch Venatica East, which hosts 17km strike of anomalous copper stream sediments. I'm incredibly excited to get boots on ground at Venatica East which is a pure greenfield opportunity and has never been systematically treaded or even sampled, and no one has ever followed up these prominent copper anomalies. We'll be the first Company to take an experienced geological team down to Venatica East, so the possibilities and upside is quite endless.

Simultaneously, we continue to progress works at Olympic Domain, our latest announcement on the project, 4 December 2024, has indicated a robust conductive ovoid, with historic drilling narrowly missing the core of the target. We are in intending to complete a follow-up TEM survey which can identify the precise depth of this ovoid, which will be critical for our drill program and targeting."

*To view tables and figures, please visit:

About Altair Minerals Limited:  

Altair Minerals Limited (ASX:ALR) (OTCMKTS:CHKMF) is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) with the primary focus of investing in the resource sector through direct tenement acquisition, joint ventures, farm in arrangements and new project generation. The Company has projects located in South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland with a key focus on its Olympic Domain tenements located in South Australia.

Altair Minerals Limited

News Provided by ABN Newswire via QuoteMedia

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