FPX Nickel Reports Final Results of Maiden Drill Program at Van Target Confirming Large-Scale Footprint of Higher-Grade, Near-Surface Nickel Mineralization Open for Significant Expansion

FPX Nickel Reports Final Results of Maiden Drill Program at Van Target Confirming Large-Scale Footprint of Higher-Grade, Near-Surface Nickel Mineralization Open for Significant Expansion

 FPX Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FPX) (OTCQB: FPOCF) (" FPX " or the " Company ") is pleased to announce the final drill results confirming the continued near-surface lateral extension of the significant new nickel discovery at the Van Target (" Van ") in the Company's Decar Nickel District (" Decar " or the " District ") in central British Columbia.  The results from holes 21VAN-005, 21VAN-006 and 21VAN-007 complement the first four discovery holes previously reported by the Company, with the first seven Van holes now defining a zone of strong awaruite nickel mineralization approximately 400 to 750 metres wide and up to 750 metres long, to downhole depths of up to 350 metres.


  • The mineralized footprint defined by the Company's 2021 Van program remains wide open for expansion to the south and west, and potentially at depth within and beyond the initial 2.5 km 2 target area, confirming the potential for this target to host a large-scale, standalone nickel deposit which could rival the deposit already delineated at the Baptiste Deposit
  • Final set of Van holes (including 21VAN-005, 21VAN-006 and 21VAN-007) extend mineralization by approximately 350 m west from the first two holes (21VAN-001 and 21VAN-002), with the first seven holes returning strong nickel mineralization over broad intervals
  • Hole 21VAN-005 intersected 132 m grading   0.140% DTR nickel (0.210% total nickel), starting from bedrock at 9 m downhole, which is one of the 10 highest-grading, near-surface intervals encountered at Decar (see Table 1 regarding vertical depth)
  • The highest values in all holes start from the bedrock surface, with the three southernmost holes, returning long intervals of strong nickel mineralization as follows:
  • 21VAN-002: 260 m 0.134% DTR Ni from below a fault zone to the end of hole;
  • 21VAN-003: 143 m of 0.143% DTR Ni from bedrock surface; and
  • 21VAN-005: 342 m of 0.128% DTR Ni from bedrock surface to the end of hole
  • Nickel mineralization at Van occurs as disseminated awaruite (nickel-iron alloy) and in the same ophiolite host rocks as at Baptiste
  • The results of the first-ever Van drilling program compare favourably with early drilling results at Baptiste, which contains 1.996 billion tonnes of indicated resources at an average grade of 0.122% DTR nickel , and 593 million tonnes of inferred resources with an average grade of 0.114% DTR nickel , both reported at a cut-off grade of 0.06% DTR nickel.  Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability.  See the resource estimate set out in FPX's NI 43-101 Technical Report – "Preliminary Economic Assessment – Baptiste Nickel Project, British Columbia, Canada ," with an effective date of September 9, 2020 , filed under the Company's SEDAR profile on March 17, 2021

"We are very pleased with this final batch of drill results from the maiden drilling program at Van, with the first seven holes all returning broad intervals of strong awaruite nickel mineralization," commented Martin Turenne , the Company's President and CEO. "The three southernmost of the Van holes (21VAN-002, 21VAN-003 and 21VAN-005) returned among the 10 highest-grading, near-surface intervals in the history of Decar, suggesting that Van has strong potential to host a higher-grade, near-surface resource than that found at Baptiste, where the majority of higher-grade mineralization occurs at depth."

FPX's Chairman Peter Bradshaw added: "The results of the first seven holes at Van, drilled in the central and eastern portion of the large 2.5 km 2 target area, have exceeded our expectations and confirmed Van as a major new discovery for the nickel industry.  Having confirmed that the strong mineralization in previously reported outcrop samples continues to depth, we now look forward to additional drilling in 2022 to expand the mineralization to the south and the west of the 2021 holes, with a view of generating an initial mineral resource estimate for the deposit."

Link to view drill results within interactive 3D VRIFY model (for best results, view in full screen): https://vrify.com/decks/FPX-Nickel-Van

Figure 1: Decar Nickel District (CNW Group/FPX Nickel Corp.)

Van Target Drilling Overview

Starting in June, the Company executed a maiden nine-hole, 2,688 m drill program at the Van Target, which is located 6 km north of Baptiste at a similar elevation, and accessible via active logging roads (see Figure 1).  Maiden drilling at Van tested the sub-surface potential for mineralization below and adjacent to prospective mineralized outcrop, which had defined a target area of approximately 2.5 km 2 .  The size of the Van Target as defined by this outcrop sampling is comparable to the Baptiste deposit, which measures 3 km along strike with widths of up to 1 km.  All nine holes at Van were drilled to the north-northeast at an inclination of minus 50 degrees to a target depth of 350 m .

The results from holes 21VAN-005, 21VAN-006 and 21VAN-007 complement the first four discovery holes previously reported by the Company, with the first seven Van holes now defining a zone of strong awaruite nickel mineralization measuring approximately 400 to 750 metres wide by up to 750 metres long, to downhole depths of 350 metres in the southernmost holes.  The approximately mineralized footprint defined by this program remains wide open for expansion to the south, to the west, and at depth to the south, confirming the potential for this target to host a large-scale, standalone nickel deposit to rival the deposit already delineated at Baptiste, but with the possibility of higher grades in early years of a mine plan.

Table 1 – Van Target Drill Hole Results


Intersections 1

DTR Nickel (%) 2

Total Nickel (%) 2






































































1 The vertical depth (true width) of all quoted intersections in this news release is interpreted to be approximately 75% of downhole depth.

2 Core samples are assayed for "total nickel" and "Davis Tube Recoverable (" DTR ") nickel."  "DTR nickel" analyses measure only the magnetically recoverable nickel hosted in awaruite (nickel-iron alloy), whereas the "total nickel" analyses measure both recoverable and refractory nickel, the latter hosted in silicate phases like olivine and, to a lesser extent, serpentine. The Davis Tube method is in effect a mini-scale metallurgical test procedure used to provide a more accurate measure of recoverable nickel and is the global industry-standard geometallurgical test for magnetic recovery operations and exploration projects.  See "Sampling and Analytical Method", below.

Nickel mineralization intersected within 21VAN-005, 21VAN-006 and 21VAN-007 is characterized by disseminated, coarse-grained awaruite (nickel-iron alloy) mineralization hosted in serpentinized peridotite and is very analogous to the mineralization and geological setting at the Baptiste Deposit.

21VAN-005 was collared 400 m west of 21VAN-002 and was drilled to the north-northeast at an angle of minus 50 degrees.  The hole encountered bedrock at 9 m downhole (approximately 7 m vertical depth) and thereafter intersected 342 m of strong awaruite mineralization to the end of the hole.  The strongest mineralization was encountered near the top of hole, including a 141 m interval of 0.140% DTR nickel starting from bedrock at a downhole depth of 9 m .  Nickel mineralization in this hole remains open at depth and to the south.

21VAN-006 was collared 300 m north-northeast along section from 21VAN-005 and was also drilled to the north-northeast at minus 50 degrees.  The hole was collared into bedrock and intersected 351 m of awaruite mineralization, grading 0.088% DTR nickel to the end of the hole.  The strongest mineralization at 21VAN-006 was encountered near the top of hole, including a 107 m interval of 0.123% DTR nickel starting from surface.  This hole ended in weakly-mineralized semi-massive peridotite.

21VAN-007 was collared 280 m northwest from 21VAN-001 and was drilled to the north-northeast at an angle of minus 50 degrees.  The hole encountered bedrock at 1 m downhole and then intersected 350 m of awaruite mineralization, to a downhole depth of 351 m .  The strongest mineralization at 21VAN-005 was encountered near the top of hole, including a 111.23 m interval of 0.110% DTR nickel starting from bedrock surface at downhole depth of 1 m .  This hole ended in weakly-mineralized semi-massive peridotite.

21VAN-008 and 21VAN-009 were collared on a section 350 m east-southeast of 21VAN-003 to test the potential for nickel mineralization several hundred meters to the south and to the east of previously reported outcrop samples. 21VAN-008 encountered bedrock at 8.84 m downhole and thereafter encountered dyking and intercelated iron carbonate altered peridotite to a downhole depth of 28.25 m where the hole was abandoned due to drilling complications.

21VAN-009 was collared 350 m south-southwest along section from 21VAN-008 and was drilled to the north-northeast at an angle of minus 50 degrees.  The hole encountered bedrock at 6 m downhole consisting of dyking, intercalated iron carbonate altered peridotite and metasediments to a downhole depth of 189 m , at which point drilling was terminated due to unfavourable geology.

Collar locations for the nine holes drilled at the Van Target are provided in Figure 2.  Holes were spaced on section lines approximately 350 m apart and tested the Van Target over an area of approximately 0.6 km 2 to a maximum downhole depth of 350 m .  Assay results from holes 21VAN-001 and 21VAN-002 were reported in the Company's October 19, 2021 news release, and from holes 21VAN-003 and 21VAN-004 in the Company's November 15, 2021 news release.

Figure 2: Van Target Plan Map with Drillhole Collar Locations and Previously Reported Outcrop Samples with DTR Nickel Grades (CNW Group/FPX Nickel Corp.)

Figure 3 – Van Target Cross Section with Assay Results and Lithology for 21VAN-005, 21VAN-006 and 21VAN-007 (CNW Group/FPX Nickel Corp.)

Regional Exploration Program

As disclosed in its May 26, 2021 news release, the Company conducted a regional exploration program over the summer months on five prospective under- and un-explored areas within the 245 square kilometre Decar ophiolite complex.  These new areas were identified on the basis of magnetic response from a previous airborne survey, very limited previous sampling, and/or improved access resulting from more recent clear-cut logging activity, providing possibility of exposure of new outcrops which are by far the best method of indicating new targets

The regional exploration program was constrained however by the general lack of outcrop, even in logged areas, due to a blanket of glacial till covered by thick vegetation and deadfall.  In two of those areas (located to the northwest and to the east of the Van Target), no outcrop was identified, and in a third area (located to the southeast of Van), outcrop samples of listwanite and iron-carbonate altered peridotite suggest very limited potential for significant nickel mineralization.

The remaining two prospective areas (located to the north and to the northeast of Baptiste) contained some limited samples of prospective outcrop comprising massive to semi-massive peridotite and cataclastic peridotite which returned nickel grades ranging from 0.060 to 0.075% DTR nickel.  While further exploration work is warranted in these two areas, the Company expects to focus its 2022 exploration efforts on further drilling and surface sampling work at the Van Target. Efficient and low-impact methods of collecting the first 20 to 40 cm of bedrock under overburden are being investigated, particularly for extensions of the Van target where it goes undercover.

Sampling and Analytical Method
For a description of the Company's sampling and analytical method, including a description of QA/QC procedures, see the news release dated October 19, 2021 .

Dr. Peter Bradshaw , P. Eng., FPX Nickel's Qualified Person under NI 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical content of this news release.

About the Decar Nickel District

The Company's Decar Nickel District claims cover 245 km 2 of the Mount Sidney Williams ultramafic/ophiolite complex, 90 km northwest of Fort St. James in central British Columbia . The District is a two-hour drive from Fort St. James on a high-speed logging road.

Decar hosts a greenfield discovery of nickel mineralization in the form of a naturally occurring nickel-iron alloy called awaruite (Ni 3 Fe), which is amenable to bulk-tonnage, open-pit mining. Awaruite mineralization has been identified in four target areas within this ophiolite complex, being the Baptiste Deposit, and the B, Sid and Van targets, as confirmed by drilling in the first three plus petrographic examination, electron probe analyses and outcrop sampling on all four.  Since 2010, approximately US $28 million has been spent on the exploration and development of Decar.

Of the four targets in the Decar Nickel District, the Baptiste Deposit, which was initially the most accessible and had the biggest known surface footprint, has been the focus of diamond drilling since 2010, with a total of 82 holes and over 31,000 m of drilling completed.  The Sid target was tested with two holes in 2010 and the B target had a single hole drilled in 2011; all three holes intersected nickel-iron alloy mineralization over wide intervals with DTR nickel grades comparable to the Baptiste Deposit.  The Van target was not drill-tested at that time as bedrock exposures in the area were very poor prior to more recent logging activity.  In 2021, the Company executed a maiden drilling program at Van, initial results of which are reported here and in the Company's October 19, 2021 news release, which has returned promising results comparable with the strongest results at Baptiste.

About FPX Nickel Corp.

FPX Nickel Corp. is focused on the exploration and development of the Decar Nickel District, located in central British Columbia , and other occurrences of the same unique style of naturally occurring nickel-iron alloy mineralization known as awaruite.

On behalf of FPX Nickel Corp.

"Martin Turenne"
Martin Turenne , President, CEO and Director

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain of the statements made and information contained herein is considered "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. These statements address future events and conditions and so involve inherent risks and uncertainties, as disclosed in the Company's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Actual results could differ from those currently projected. The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

SOURCE FPX Nickel Corp.

Cision View original content to download multimedia: https://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/January2022/06/c4165.html

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FPX Nickel Announces Management Appointments to Support the Advancement of the Baptiste Nickel Project

FPX Nickel Announces Management Appointments to Support the Advancement of the Baptiste Nickel Project

 FPX Nickel Corp. (TSX-V: FPX, OTCQB: FPOCF) (" FPX " or the " Company ") is pleased to announce the appointments of Nigel Fisher as Director, Environment and Jarett Lalonde as Director, Government & Public Affairs for the Company.  Mr. Fisher will lead the advancement of environmental and regulatory programs for FPX projects, while Mr. Lalonde will lead the Company's public communications and government relations strategies.

FPX Nickel logo (CNW Group/FPX Nickel Corp.)

"We are excited to grow our team with Nigel and Jarett," commented Tim Bekhuys , FPX's Senior Vice-President, Sustainability & External Relations.  "Mr. Lalonde has a proven track record as a trusted government relations advisor to corporations, governments and nonprofits, and brings a wealth of knowledge and strategic insight to our team.  Mr. Fisher has been instrumental in permitting and advancing many of British Columbia's largest mines, including most recently, the Blackwater and Eskay Creek mines, and will lead our Environmental Permitting and Assessment for the Baptiste Project."

Mr. Fisher brings 20 years' experience leading environmental assessments, permitting and management systems, developing and executing on regulatory strategy and advancing governance and funding agreements with Indigenous governments across British Columbia .  Mr. Fisher has held progressively senior roles with New Gold, Teck Resources, Woodfibre LNG, and most recently, Skeena Resources as Director of Environment and Regulatory Affairs.  In his prior roles, he successfully obtained multiple regulatory approvals for large-scale resource projects while maintaining compliance with existing and changing legislation.

Mr. Lalonde is a highly regarded public affairs leader with over 20 years' experience in the natural resources, technology, and regulated products sectors.  In his most recent role as Global Head of Product Policy at Shopify, Mr. Lalonde was instrumental in crafting compelling public affairs narratives for the company's diverse product offerings and spearheading engagement with policy makers across North America and Europe.  Before joining Shopify, he worked with Global Public Affairs, a leading government relations and strategic communications firm, where he performed advisory work for numerous companies advancing large-scale natural resource projects in British Columbia and across Canada.  Mr Lalonde previously served as Chief of Staff to the Attorney General & Minister of Justice for the province of British Columbia , and as Policy Advisor to the Minister of Natural Resources Canada.

Stock Option Grant

FPX has granted 775,000 stock options to certain employees of the Company.  The stock options are exercisable at a price of $0.35 per share for a five-year period commencing on September 23, 2024 .

Market Making Services

Further to its news release on August 1, 2024 , the Company has engaged the services of Insight Capital Partners Inc. (" Insight ") and its market making service provider, ICP Securities Inc. (" ICP ") (the " Engagements ") effective August 1, 2024 .

Pursuant to an agreement (the " Consulting Agreement ") between the Company and Insight, Insight will provide capital markets consulting services, including providing the Company with advice and information regarding trading activity, for a term of twenty-four (24) months, provided that after a period of four (4) months either party may terminate the Consulting Agreement on thirty (30) days notice.

In addition, pursuant to an agreement (the " Market Making Agreement ") between the Company and ICP, the Company has engaged ICP to provide market making services. As previously announced, ICP will provide automated market making services, including use of its proprietary algorithm, ICP Premium TM , in compliance with the policies and guidelines of the TSX Venture Exchange and applicable securities laws. The Market Making Agreement is for an initial term of four (4) months (the " Initial Term ") and shall be automatically renewed for subsequent one (1) month terms (each subsequent one-month term called an " Additional Term ") unless either party provides at least thirty (30) days written notice prior to the end of the Initial Term or an Additional Term, as applicable.

As previously disclosed, there are no performance factors contained in the Consulting Agreement and no stock options or other compensation are being granted in connection with the Engagements. Both Insight and ICP are at arm's length to the Company. Insight and ICP do not have any interest, directly or indirectly, in FPX Nickel or its securities or any right or intent to acquire such an interest at this time; however, Insight, ICP and its clients may acquire an interest in the securities of the Company in the future.

ICP's market-making activity will be primarily to correct temporary imbalances in the supply and demand of the Company's shares. ICP will be responsible for the costs it incurs in buying and selling the Company's shares, and no third party will be providing funds or securities for the market making activities.

About the Baptiste Nickel Project

The Company's Baptiste Nickel Project represents a large-scale greenfield discovery of nickel mineralization in the form of a sulphur-free, nickel-iron mineral called awaruite (Ni 3 Fe) hosted in an ultramafic/ophiolite complex.  The Baptiste mineral claims cover an area of 408 km 2 , west of Middle River and north of Trembleur Lake, in central British Columbia.  In addition to the Baptiste Deposit itself, awaruite mineralization has been confirmed through drilling at several target areas within the same claims package, most notably at the Van Target which is located 6 km to the north of the Baptiste Deposit.  Since 2010, approximately US $30 million has been spent on the exploration and development of Baptiste.

The Baptiste deposit is located within the territories, keyohs, and consultative boundaries of the Tl'azt'en Nation, Binche Whut'enne, Yekooche First Nation, and Takla Nation .

About FPX Nickel Corp.

FPX Nickel Corp. is focused on the exploration and development of the Decar Nickel District, located in central British Columbia , and other occurrences of the same distinctive style of nickel-iron mineralization. For more information, please view the Company's website at www.fpxnickel.com .

On behalf of FPX Nickel Corp.

"Martin Turenne"
Martin Turenne , President, CEO and Director

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain of the statements made and information contained herein is considered "forward-looking ‎information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. These statements address ‎future events and conditions and so involve inherent risks and uncertainties, as disclosed in the ‎Company's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Actual results could differ materially ‎from those currently projected by management at the time of writing due to many factors the majority ‎of which are beyond the control of FPX and its management. In particular, this news release contains ‎forward-looking statements pertaining, directly or indirectly, to the following: the duration of the ‎Consulting Agreement and the Market Making Agreement, and the services provided thereunder. These statements speak only ‎as of the date of this release or as of the date specified in the documents accompanying this release, as ‎the case may be. The Company does not assumes the obligation to update any forward-looking ‎statement except as expressly required by applicable securities law.‎

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the ‎adequacy or accuracy of this release.‎

SOURCE FPX Nickel Corp.

Cision View original content to download multimedia: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/September2024/23/c9666.html

News Provided by Canada Newswire via QuoteMedia

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FPX Nickel Commences Scoping Study to Develop North America's Largest Nickel Sulphate Refinery for the EV Battery Market

FPX Nickel Commences Scoping Study to Develop North America's Largest Nickel Sulphate Refinery for the EV Battery Market

FPX Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FPX) (OTCQB: FPOCF) (" FPX Nickel " or the " Company ") is pleased to provide an update on value engineering (" Value Engineering ") studies that have substantially improved the operating margin and reduced the risk profile for an awaruite concentrate refinery to produce battery-grade nickel sulphate. Building on this improved business case and incorporating results from the ongoing pilot-scale hydrometallurgical testwork program, FPX has commenced the development of a standalone refinery study which will be completed in the first quarter of 2025.


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FPX Nickel Announces Support from the Province of British Columbia for the Advancement of the Baptiste Nickel Project

FPX Nickel Announces Support from the Province of British Columbia for the Advancement of the Baptiste Nickel Project

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FPX Nickel Engages ICP Securities for Automated Market Making Services

FPX Nickel Engages ICP Securities for Automated Market Making Services

 FPX Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FPX) (OTCQB: FPOCF) (" FPX Nickel " or the " Company ") is pleased to announce that it has engaged the services of ICP Securities Inc. (" ICP ") to provide market making services (the "Services"), including use of its proprietary algorithm, ICP Premium TM in compliance with the policies and guidelines of the TSX Venture Exchange (the " Exchange ") and other applicable legislation.

FPX Nickel logo (CNW Group/FPX Nickel Corp.)

Pursuant to the market-making agreement (the " Agreement ") entered into between the Company and ICP, in exchange for providing the Services, ICP will receive a fee of C$7,500 plus applicable taxes per month, payable monthly in advance, to be paid from funds the Company has allocated from its current working capital. The Agreement is for an initial term of four (4) months (the " Initial Term ") and shall be automatically renewed for subsequent one (1) month terms (each subsequent one-month term called an " Additional Term ") unless either party provides at least thirty (30) days written notice prior to the end of the Initial Term or an Additional Term, as applicable. ICP does not have any interest, directly or indirectly, in FPX Nickel or its securities or any right or intent to acquire such an interest at this time; however, ICP and its clients may acquire an interest in the securities of the Company in the future. There are no performance factors contained in the agreement and no stock options or other compensation are being granted in connection with the engagement.

ICP is an arm's length party to the Company. ICP's market making activity will be primarily to correct temporary imbalances in the supply and demand of the Company's shares. ICP will be responsible for the costs it incurs in buying and selling the Company's shares, and no third party will be providing funds or securities for the market making activities.

ICP Securities Inc.

ICP Securities Inc. (ICP) is a Toronto -based CIRO dealer-member that specializes in automated market making and liquidity provision, as well as having a proprietary market making algorithm, ICP Premium TM , that enhances liquidity and quote health. Established in 2023, with a focus on market structure, execution, and trading, ICP has leveraged its own proprietary technology to deliver high quality liquidity provision and execution services to a broad array of public issuers and institutional investors.

About the Decar Nickel District

The Company's Baptiste Nickel Project represents a large-scale greenfield discovery of nickel mineralization in the form of a sulphur-free, nickel-iron mineral called awaruite (Ni 3 Fe) hosted in an ultramafic/ophiolite complex. The Baptiste mineral claims cover an area of 408 km 2 , west of Middle River and north of Trembleur Lake, in central British Columbia . In addition to the Baptiste Deposit itself, awaruite mineralization has been confirmed through drilling at several target areas within the same claims package, most notably at the Van Target which is located 6 km to the north of the Baptiste Deposit. Since 2010, approximately US $30 million has been spent on the exploration and development of Baptiste.

The Baptiste Deposit is located within the Baptiste Creek watershed, on the traditional territories of the Tl'azt'en Nation and the Binche Whut'en, and within several Tl'azt'enne and Binche Whut'enne keyohs. FPX has conducted mineral exploration activities to date subject to the conditions of agreements with First Nations and keyoh holders.

About FPX Nickel Corp.

FPX Nickel Corp. is focused on the exploration and development of the Decar Nickel District, located in central British Columbia , and other occurrences of the same distinctive style of awaruite nickel-iron mineralization.

On behalf of FPX Nickel Corp.

"Martin Turenne"
Martin Turenne , President, CEO and Director
Email: ceo@fpxnickel.com
Phone: 604-681-8600

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain of the statements made and information contained herein is considered ‎"forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. These statements address future events and conditions and so involve inherent risks and ‎uncertainties, as disclosed in the Company's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Actual results could differ materially from those currently projected by management at the time of writing due to many factors the majority of which are beyond the control of FPX and its management. In particular, this news release contains forward-looking statements pertaining, directly or indirectly, to the following: the duration of the Services and the frequency of any trades in connection with the Services. These statements speak only as of the date of this release or as of the date specified in the documents accompanying this release, as the case may be. The Company assumes the obligation to update any forward-looking statement except as expressly required by applicable securities law.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

SOURCE FPX Nickel Corp.

Cision View original content to download multimedia: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/August2024/01/c0083.html

News Provided by Canada Newswire via QuoteMedia

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FPX Nickel Adopts Best-in-Class Technology to Reduce Baptiste's Carbon Intensity and Receives BC Hydro Support

FPX Nickel Adopts Best-in-Class Technology to Reduce Baptiste's Carbon Intensity and Receives BC Hydro Support

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