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October 28, 2024
The suspension of trading in the securities of Brightstar Resources Limited (‘BTR’) will be lifted immediately, following the release by BTR of an announcement in relation to exploration results and BTR’s response to an ASX Price Query.
ASX Compliance
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Brightstar Resources, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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17 February
Brightstar Resources
Investor Insight
A gold-focused emerging gold producer with a clear pathway to production growth, Brightstar Resources presents a compelling investment case driven by its mining and development hubs strategy and a district-scale resource opportunity.
The price of gold stays strong. In April 2024, the yellow metal’s price passed US$2,400 per ounce for the first time. The reason is multifaceted. The world teeters on the brink of a severe recession while some markets attribute the increase to safe haven rush. Amidst ballooning interest rates, bank failures and falling bond yields, demand for gold continues to rise. At this precise moment, gold is simultaneously an excellent portfolio diversifier and a compelling hedge against ongoing inflation — particularly if one invests in the right company.
Brightstar Resources (ASX:BTR) aims to be that company. An emerging mining and development company, Brightstar occupies a strategic land position of roughly 1,200 square kilometers in the Sandstone Greenstone Belt, 300 square kilometers in the Laverton Tectonic Belt and 80 square kilometers of the Menzies Shear Zone.
The company also owns an existing processing facility that can potentially provide tremendous shareholder value in a low-capital cost restart scenario.
That plant, once fully refurbished and operational, could prove a key differentiator for the company, enabling fast gold production at a low capital cost. This is especially noteworthy given that many other gold companies trading on the ASX are largely focused on greenfield exploration and development. Even once those companies discover a promising resource, mining and processing facilities would still need to be built, undertakings which can incur significant upfront capital costs and take several years.
Brightstar's Laverton gold assets are all centered on a 100 percent-owned 300-square-kilometer tenure in the Laverton Tectonic Zone and all within 70 kilometers of the Laverton Processing Plant. Additionally, all resources within this zone are open along strike and at depth. Only minor drilling programs have been conducted in recent years, paving the way for significant exploration upside with the potential for further regional and greenfields discoveries.
Brightstar also owns 100 percent of the Menzies Gold Project, a contiguous land package of granted mining leases over a strike length of roughly 20 kilometers along the Menzies Shear Zone and adjacent to the Goldfields Highway.
In 2023 and 2024, the company announced a mineral resource upgrade to the Cork Tree Well deposit (Laverton gold project) and also delivered two maiden mineral resource estimates at the Link Zone and Aspacia deposits (Menzies gold project). This has grown the total group MRE by approximately 150 koz gold through organic exploration. Brightstar also recently announced the results from DFS-level metallurgical testwork programs at Cork Tree Well with returned recoveries over 90 percent, including a high gravity gold content, ranging from 25 percent - 60 percent.
The company has also acquired 100 percent of the shares and options of Linden Gold Alliance, a gold producer, developer and explorer with existing mineral resources of 350 koz @ 2.1 g/t gold near Brightstar in the Laverton district. Brightstar’s MRE has reached 1.1 Moz gold across the Menzies and Laverton projects, with an additional 0.35 Moz gold in resources added after the successful acquisition of Linden Gold Alliance.
In August 2024, Brightstar entered into a scheme implementation deed to acquire 100 percent of Alto Metals (ASX:AME), which owns the Sandstone gold project located in East Murchison. The project has a current mineral resource of 1.05 Moz of gold at 1.5 g/t.
Brightstar also completed the acquisition of the gold rights at the Montague East gold project (MEGP) from Gateway Mining Limited (ASX:GML). The project is located 70 km from the Sandstone gold project. The acquisition adds a further 9.6 Mt @ 1.6 g/t gold for 0.5 Moz gold to Brightstar’s JORC Mineral Resource Estimate, giving the company a total mineral endowment of 38.3 Mt @ 1.6 g/t gold for 2.0 Moz gold.
The acquisition of the MGEP from Gateway Mining and 100 percent of Alto’s shares creates a third district-scale resource base for the company called the Sandstone Hub. Upon consolidation of the Laverton, Menzies and Sandstone hubs, Brightstar’s mineral resources would reach 3 Moz at 1.5g/t gold.
Subsequent to the deal with Alto Metals, Brightstar entered into a $4 million drill-for-equity agreement with Topdrill to aggressively advance the consolidated Sandstone gold project. The deal strengthens Brightstar's financial capacity to fulfill its multi-hub exploration and development strategy, which includes the Menzies, Laverton and Sandstone hubs.
Company Highlights
- Brightstar Resources is an ASX-listed mining and development company with more than 3 million ounces of gold resources and an on-site processing infrastructure across its project locations in Laverton, Menzies and Sandstone in Western Australia.
- Brightstar's mineral assets are situated across roughly 300 square kilometers of 100-percent-owned land in the Laverton Tectonic Zone and ~80 square kilometers in the high-grade Menzies Shear Zone.
- The Laverton Gold project has a mineral resource of 9.7 Mt @ 1.6 g/t gold for 511 koz gold and the Menzies gold project has 13.8 Mt @ 1.3g/t gold for 595 koz gold.
- In 2023, the company completed a scoping study into the development of its Menzies and Laverton gold projects and the refurbishment and restart of its processing plant in Laverton.
- In 2023 and 2024, Brightstar completed a small-scale mining joint venture with BML Ventures which involved a 50/50 profit-sharing agreement to exploit the Selkirk deposit at Menzies. In April 2024, Brightstar announced that this joint venture delivered a net profit to Brightstar of $6.5 million.
- In June 2024, the company successfully acquired all of the issued ordinary shares and options in Linden Gold Alliance, a gold producer, developer and explorer with existing mineral resources of 350 koz @ 2.1 g/t gold near Brightstar in the Laverton district.
- As part of the merger with Linden Gold, Brightstar released a scoping study into Linden’s development-ready Jasper Hills gold project, which delivered key metrics including:
- 140 koz mined over 3.75 years (35 koz pa)
- Net present value of AU$99 million
- Internal rate of return of 736 percent
- Pre-production capital requirements of $12 million
- All-in sustaining costs of AU$1,972/oz
- Jasper Hills is located just 50 km SE of Brightstar’s processing plant in the Laverton gold project
- Brightstar has recently completed the acquisition of the gold rights at the Montague East gold project (MEGP) from Gateway Mining Limited (ASX:GML), and has entered into an agreement to acquire Alto Metals (ASX:AME) further creating the company’s third district-scale resource base known as the Sandstone Hub.
- Brightstar plans to continue generating shareholder value through a combination of development and strategic acquisitions along with some exploration.
Key Projects
Laverton Hub
Brightstar’s Laverton hub is comprised of the Cork Tree Well, Beta and Alpha project areas with the addition of the Second Fortune gold mine and the Jasper Hills projects.
- Cork Tree Well, Alpha and Beta have current total JORC mineral resource estimate of 9.7 Mt @ 1.6 g/t gold for 511 koz (52 percent measured and indicated category). All mineral resources are on granted mining leases
- Cork Tree Well (6.4 Mt at 1.4 g/t gold for 303 koz gold)
- Alpha (1.4 Mt at 2.3 g/t gold for 106 koz gold)
- Beta (1.9 Mt at 1.7 g/t gold for 102 koz gold)
- Main project area Cork Tree Well is open at depth and along strike with recent drilling results of 34.4 meters at 7.94 g/t gold from 43.5 meters (CTWMET004) and 27.6 meters at 17.8 g/t gold from 51 m (CTWMET003)
- Second Fortune has a mineral resource estimate head grade of ~11g/t gold with an average ore body width of ~0.6 meters.
- Jasper Hills is located 50 km from Brightstar’s existing processing facility along a wholly-owned private haul road, allowing unimpeded, direct access to both projects
- Permitted, previously mined and production-ready
- Last mined by current owners in 2020 with 23,000 oz gold mined
- Scoping Study outcomes include:
- Pre-production capex of $12 million required (maximum capital drawdown)
- Open pit mine at Lord Byron and underground mine at Fish
- Production of 141 koz over four years (35 koz per annum)
- LOM EBITDA of $135 million (@ AU$3,000/oz)
Menzies Hub
The Menzies Hub comprises a tenement holding of a contiguous land package of granted mining leases over a strike length of more than 20 km. The majority of deposits hosted along the Menzies Shear Zone are located adjacent to Goldfields Highway in Menzies (130km north of Kalgoorlie).
- Total Current Resource: 13.7 Mt at 1.3 g/t gold for 595 koz gold (36 percent measured and indicated)
- September 2023 scoping study showed the simultaneous development of open pit mining at Lady Shenton system and underground mining at Yunndaga:
- 1.9 Mt @ 1.63 g/t Au (100 koz) in open pit mining at Lady Shenton
- 650 kt @ 2.91 g/t (60 koz) in underground mining at Yunndaga
- Low capex of $22 million
- Significant opportunities to find virgin discoveries and brownfields mineral resource growth:
Sandstone Hub
The consolidated Sandstone project is over 100 km from existing third-party milling operations in the Murchison. This third processing hub boasts Alto’s Sandstone project with a mineral resource of 1.05 Moz at 1.4 g/t gold and Gateway’s Montague gold project with a mineral resource of 0.5 Moz @ 1.6 g/t gold.
Brightstar aims to fast-track the development timetable through:
- A focused, multi-rig infill drill out to take the inferred mineralisation into measured and indicated status to underpin mining studies and project advancement
- The application of Brightstar’s dedicated in-house geological and mining engineering team to retain crucial project IP and fast-tracked mining studies;
Brightstar Processing Facility
Situated close to Brightstar's existing mineral assets at Laverton, the Brightstar Processing Plant provides the company with a considerable operational head start over its peers.
- Extensive Infrastructure: Current facilities at the plant include two ball mills, a power station and gravity and elution circuits. Other infrastructure includes:
- A tailings storage dam
- An on-site process water pond
- A 60-person accommodation camp
- An airstrip at the Cork Tree Well Project
- Vehicles and equipment include a forklift, bobcat, two loaders, multiple light vehicles and a 30-tonne crane.
- A Leg Up Over Competitors: The presence of pre-existing processing infrastructure represents significant time savings compared to greenfields development. Brightstar had an independent valuation completed which valued the processing plant at AU$60 million in replacement value.
- Low Upfront Capital Cost: As part of the scoping study released in September 2023, GR Engineering estimated a capital cost requirement to refurbish and expand the milling capacity would cost just AU$18.5 million.
- Close to Existing Assets: Brightstar's major development projects — Cork Tree Well, Jasper Hills, Beta and Alpha — are all close to the plant.
Gold doré bars (BTR005 – BTR016) poured on 9 March 2024
Management Team
Alex Rovira - Managing Director
Alex Rovira is a qualified geologist and an experienced investment banker having focused on the metals and mining sector since 2013. Rovira has experience in ASX equity capital markets activities, including capital raisings, IPOs and merger and acquisitions.
Richard Crookes - Non-executive Chairman
Richard Crookes has over 35 years’ experience in the resources and investments industries. He is a geologist by training having previously worked as the chief geologist and mining manager of Ernest Henry Mining in Australia.
Crookes is managing partner of Lionhead Resources, a critical minerals investment fund and formerly an investment director at EMR Capital. Prior to that he was an executive director in Macquarie Bank’s Metals Energy Capital (MEC) division where he managed all aspects of the bank’s principal investments in mining and metals companies.
Andrew Rich - Executive Director
Andrew Rich is a degree qualified mining engineer from the WA School of Mines and has obtained a WA First Class Mine Managers Certificate. Rich has a strong background in underground gold mining with experience predominantly in the development of underground mines at Ramelius Resources (ASX:RMS) and Westgold Resources (ASX:WGX).
Ashley Fraser - Non-executive Director
Ashley Fraser is an accomplished mining professional with over 30 years experience across gold and bulk commodities. Fraser was a founder of Orionstone (which merged with Emeco in a $660-million consolidation) and is a founder/owner of Blue Cap Mining and Blue Cap Equities.
Jonathan Downes - Non-executive Director
Jonathan Downes has over 30 years’ experience in the minerals industry and has worked in various geological and corporate capacities. Experienced with gold and base metals, he has been intimately involved with the exploration process through to production. Downes is currently the managing director of Kaiser Reef, a high grade gold producer, and non-executive director of Cazaly Resources.
Dean Vallve – Chief Operating Officer
Dean Vallve holds technical qualifications in geology & mining engineering from the WA School of Mines, an MBA, and a WA First Class Mine Managers Certificate. Vallve was previously in senior mining and study roles at ASX listed mid-cap resources companies Hot Chili (ASX:HCH) and Calidus Resources (ASX:CAI).
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Strong continuity of high-grade gold in Sandstone drilling
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26 February
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11 February
CAZ: JV Secured Over Advanced Gold Project in WA
High Resolution Ground Magnetics Commences at 100% - Owned Kiabye Gold Project, Western Australia
Red Mountain Mining Limited (“RMX” or the “Company”) is pleased to advise that today it will commence conducting a high-resolution ground magnetics and targeted pXRF assay program at the Company’s 100%-owned Kiabye Gold Project in Western Australia. The Company will aim to define potential gold bearing structures for conventional wet geochemical sampling.
- Survey has launched today in the northern Kiabye area – an area which has previously reported anomalous gold-in-soil
- Kiabye Gold Project covers 23km2 of strike and remains underexplored – providing considerable upside potential for RMX
- The survey will target structures amenable to gold bearing fluids with target areas to be followed up with detailed pXRF assaying
- The program will take approximately 12 days, covering to 10km2 – results of the magnetic survey are anticipated in mid to late March
- Defined anomalous areas will be targeted for wet chemistry sampling with lab results expected in late March.
The program is focused on the most northern section of the Kiabye licence (E59/2893), which is one of the four exploration licenses that make up the project area. This straddles the Kiabye Greenstone Belt in the Yilgarn‘s Murchison Domain, southeast of Mount Magnet. The survey will total 10km2 and will be split into three areas of focus, based on priority (see Figure 1).
The program is expected to take 12 days, with coverage to depend on the rate of surveying, across both magnetics and pXRF assay follow-up. This will assist the Company in defining the three target areas, based on sample results (see Figure 2). A summary of each area is as follows:
- Area 1 covers a number of anomalous gold in soil samples, hosts two NNE (North- North-East) striking faults and is located in an area of unverified alluvial and insitu gold.
- Area 2 contains numerous gold in soil samples with several samples of >20ppb to 47ppb Au. The block is also cut by two faults striking NNE and NS. The area also contains RMX rock sample KPR020 which assayed at 96ppbAu and 2.6ppm Ag.
- Area 3 contains two areas with samples of >20ppb Au. The west is cut by a major NNW to NS faults marking the boundary between the Kiabye Greenstone Belt and Granites to the west. The second fault strikes NNE and is believed to extend north into Area 2.
Significance of Gold-in soils
In consideration of the highly diluting soil profile in the area, any soil sample with ≥20ppB Au is considered anomalous therefore Area 2 and 3 contain several areas with anomalous gold-in-soils.
Ground Magnetic Survey
The Red Mountain Mining team and contractors will conduct the geophysical survey initially at 100m east - west line spacing and 20m reading intervals. The data will be processed and interpreted in the field and where structures of interest are identifying these areas will be infilled to 50m line spacing. The main targets for gold mineralisation include shear zones and faults interpreted in the data. The surveys will collect data from 110 to 213-line kilometers depending on the number of infill lines conducted.
Figure 1: Three priority survey areas in the North of the Kiabye Project.
Figure 2: Planned ground survey areas and thematic soil and lag sample results highlighting anomalous gold-in -soil areas.
Project background:
The Kiabye gold project is located in WA and covers a strike length of 23km² of the greenstone belt (Figure 3) with less than half covered by exploration samples from historical explorers and only around 7% having been covered by prior holders.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Red Mountain Mining, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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Lahontan Gold Corp.
Investor Insight
Lahontan Gold is on track to become a leading gold developer in Nevada’s Walker Lane district, presenting a compelling investment opportunity by combining a high-quality resource base with a clear path to production in Nevada’s premier mining jurisdiction — all in a rising gold price environment.
Lahontan Gold (TSXV:LG,OTCQB:LGCXF) is focused on advancing its portfolio of high-quality gold and silver projects in Nevada. The company’s flagship Santa Fe mine was a past producer that operated from 1988 to 1992, yielding 356,000 ounces of gold and 784,000 ounces of silver. Lahontan aims to unlock the mine’s full potential by expanding its resources and pushing forward on permitting.
The company recently completed a robust preliminary economic assessment( PEA) outlining a clear pathway to production. Permitting efforts are progressing with the Bureau of Land Management, and Lahontan anticipates being in a position to break ground by 2026.
Additionally, strategic drilling campaigns are planned to further expand the existing resource base.
The company's strategy to unlock shareholder value is to advance the Santa Fe mine toward production by derisking the project through permitting and feasibility studies, while optimizing heap leach processing for maximum recoveries and economic efficiency. Concurrently, it is unlocking value from satellite deposits, including West Santa Fe, which has high-grade oxide potential, and Moho, an early-stage project with promising historic gold and silver intercepts.
Positioned as a low-cost developer in a top-tier jurisdiction, the company maintains strong institutional support with minimal dilution risk, ensuring capital efficiency and sustainable growth.
Company Highlights
- Flagship Santa Fe Project: 100 percent owned, past-producing open-pit heap leach mine with a current MRE of 1.95 Moz gold equivalent at a grade of ~0.9 g/t.
- Strategic Nevada Location: Situated in Walker Lane, one of the world’s best mining jurisdictions, with excellent infrastructure, water access, and a mining-friendly regulatory environment.
- Strong Resource Growth Potential: The Santa Fe Mine and its satellite projects, West Santa Fe and Moho, offer exploration upside, with further drilling planned to expand resources.
- Advancing Toward Production: With a positive Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) completed in late 2024, Lahontan is aggressively moving toward permitting and development.
- Experienced Leadership: The company is led by an experienced management team with a proven track record in mine development, permitting, and value creation for investors.
Key Projects
Santa Fe Mine
The Santa Fe mine, located in Mineral County, Nevada, spans 26.4 sq km and represents Lahontan Gold’s flagship development project. With an updated mineral resource estimate of 1.95 Moz gold equivalent, the project hosts multiple oxide and sulfide zones that remain open for expansion.
Historical production from the Santa Fe mine yielded 356,000 oz gold and 784,000 oz silver from an open-pit heap leach operation. Modern exploration and metallurgical testing have identified additional high-grade mineralization that could support an expanded operation.
The recently completed PEA indicates strong economic potential, with favorable heap leach recoveries and low operating costs. Lahontan is actively working with the Bureau of Land Management to advance the permitting process, with the goal of achieving production readiness by 2026.
West Santa Fe
The West Santa Fe project, situated just 13 km from the Santa Fe mine, is a highly prospective satellite project that could serve as an extension of the main operation. Historic drill data suggest the presence of a shallow oxide deposit, with early resource modeling indicating a potential gold equivalent resource of 0.5 to 1 Moz.
West Santa Fe’s excellent resource growth potential
Lahontan is preparing for an extensive drill program in 2025 to validate and expand this resource. Geophysical surveys and geochemical sampling have identified strong structural controls on mineralization, further supporting the potential for economic extraction. Given its proximity to Santa Fe, West Santa Fe offers a compelling low-cost, high-margin opportunity for future production.
Moho Project
The Moho project is another 100 percent owned asset within the Walker Lane district in Nevada, presenting a longer-term growth opportunity for Lahontan. The project is characterized by historic high-grade gold and silver intercepts from past drilling, with reported grades exceeding 20 g/t gold and 300 g/t silver. Initial exploration has confirmed the presence of oxidized tertiary epithermal vein systems, which are ideal for conventional heap leach processing. Core drilling in 2019 further validated the high-grade nature of Moho’s mineralization, with significant intercepts occurring at relatively shallow depths. Lahontan plans to conduct additional exploration drilling to refine resource estimates and assess potential economic viability.
Management Team
Kimberly Ann – CEO, Founder and President
Kimberly Ann is a mining executive who has founded multiple junior mining companies and served in a variety of senior executive positions including CEO, president, CFO and board member. In the past 12 years, she has raised over $210 million in project financing and collaborated on three junior mining M&A projects. While at Prodigy Gold, she was responsible for all aspects of the company’s corporate communication program, facilitating equity financings, generating analyst coverage, and participating in key aspects of corporate M&A leading to the $340 million buyout of Prodigy by Argonaut Gold. Kimberly was CFO and VP corporate development at PPX Mining, successfully bringing the high-grade Callanquitas gold-silver underground mine into production in Northern Peru. In 2017, she founded Latin America Resource Group, building Jasperoide from two small concessions into a 57 sq km strategic project in the heart of Peru’s most prolific copper-gold mineralized belt. In 2020, LARG merged with Carube Copper to create C3 Metals, setting the stage for value creation throughout C3’s project portfolio.
Brian Maher – Vice-president Exploration
Brian Maher is an economic geologist with over 45 years of experience in the international mining and exploration industry. Prior to Lahontan, Maher was the president, CEO and director of Prodigy Gold, where he guided the company through a period of expansive growth, exploring and developing the 6.6 Moz Magino gold deposit in northern Ontario, culminating in the $341 million acquisition of Prodigy Gold by Argonaut Gold in 2012. In 1982, he began a 16-year career with ASARCO, exploring for gold and copper deposits in a variety of geologic environments throughout North and South America. From 1998 and 2004, he was project manager for Metallic Ventures Gold, supervising underground and surface exploration, mine development and operations at an underground gold mine in Nevada.
John McNeice – CFO
John McNeice is a chartered professional accountant registered in Ontario, Canada, with over 30 years of experience in public company reporting, financial management, accounting and audit. Currently McNeice is the CFO of Gold79 Mines (TSXV:AUU), C3 Metals (TSXV:CCCM) and Northern Graphite (TSXV:NGC), where he is responsible for financial and regulatory reporting as well as day-to-day financial management. He has held CFO roles in seven public resource companies over the past 17 years and has overseen IPOs, RTOs and many quarterly, annual and periodic public company filings. From 2004 to 2007, McNeice was CFO of Ur-Energy, a uranium exploration and development company now a US-based producer of uranium. During his tenure, Ur-Energy raised an aggregate of $150 million in a series of private placements, the IPO and several significant secondary financings.
Chris Donaldson – Independent Director
Chris Donaldson is an experienced executive with a 25-year track record of raising funds and building out new investment channels for both public and private companies. He is the CEO and director of Valkea Resources (TSXV:OZ), CEO and executive chairman of TinOne Resources (TSXV:TORC), and a non-executive director of Vizsla Copper (TSXV:VCU). From 2013 to 2020, Donaldson held the dual role of director, corporate development with Western Copper and Gold (TSX:WRN,NYSE:WRN) as well as director, corporate development and Community with Casino Mining Corporation. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Western Ontario.
Josh Serfass – Independent Director
Josh Serfass is the executive vice-president of corporate development and investor relations at Integra Resources. Previously, he was the manager of corporate communications at Integra Gold. He was a key member of the team at Integra Gold that grew, developed and sold the past producing Lamaque mine in Val-dOr, Québec to Eldorado Gold for C$590 million in 2017. Committed to thinking differently about mining, Serfass worked with the team at Integra Gold to host the 2016 Integra Gold Rush Challenge and the 2017 #DisruptMining Challenge, initiatives that encouraged innovation and technology disruption in the mining industry.
Bob McKnight – Independent Director
Currently, executive VP, corporate development and CFO at NevGold, Bob McKnight is a geological engineer and mining executive with over 40 years of experience in copper, gold, base metals, coal and potash. Directly involved in over $1.5 billion in project debt, equity, stream financings and M&A transactions, he was an executive VP and CFO at Nevada Copper arranging over $500 million in debt, equity and metal stream financings to develop the Pumpkin Hollow copper mine. He was also CFO and VP at Expatriate Resources, which spun out Stratagold, Yukon Zinc and Selwyn Resources. In 2004, Stratagold acquired what is now Victoria Gold’s Eagle deposit from a subsidiary of Vedanta for $6 million cash and 5 million Stratagold shares.
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28 February
Castle Minerals: Advancing Strategic Gold Exploration Assets in Ghana’s Upper West Region
Castle Minerals (ASX:CDT) is dedicated to advancing its Kpali and Kandia gold projects in Ghana’s Upper West region, a significantly under-explored yet highly prospective geological setting within the West African gold belt. The company is committed to identifying, exploring, and developing economically viable gold deposits by leveraging the region’s rich mineral endowment and proven mining history.
Castle’s portfolio is anchored by its flagship Kpali and Kandia gold projects, both demonstrating significant potential for resource expansion and economic development. Castle aims to delineate and grow its resource base, positioning itself as a key player in Ghana’s emerging gold sector. The company’s dedication to sustainable exploration practices and strong community partnerships further strengthens its ability to operate effectively and responsibly in the region.
The Kpali gold project, a key focus of Castle Minerals, is located 30 km west of Sawla in Ghana’s Upper West region. It includes the Kpali and Bundi prospects within the 170 sq km Degbiwu prospecting license (PL 10/26), surrounded by the 1,033 sq km Gbiniyiri retention license (RL 8/27). The licenses’ western boundaries follow the Black Volta River, bordering Burkina Faso.
Company Highlights
- 100 percent ownership of a 2,686 sq km strategic landholding in Ghana’s highly prospective Upper West region.
- Flagship Kpali and Kandia gold projects with high-grade gold mineralization and significant resource expansion potential.
- Strong management team with a proven track record in West African gold discoveries and project development.
- Proximity to the multi-million-ounce Black Volta gold project, enhancing economic potential and development synergies.
- Robust exploration pipeline with systematic drilling programs aimed at resource expansion and near-term development.
- Commitment to sustainable and responsible exploration practices, with strong community and government engagement.
- Positioned to capitalize on the growing global demand for gold through disciplined exploration and strategic partnerships.
This Castle Minerals profile is part of a paid investor education campaign.*
Click here to connect with Castle MInerals (ASX:CDT) to receive an Investor Presentation
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27 February
Athena Gold Sees Opportunity in Shifting North American Focus by Major Gold Miners
The global gold-mining industry is witnessing a strategic pivot toward North America, prioritizing projects in the US and Canada over traditionally resource-rich but politically volatile jurisdictions, according to Koby Kushner, incoming CEO of Athena Gold (CSE:ATHA,OTCQB:AHNR).
In an interview with the Investing News Network, Kushner highlighted key factors driving this trend and how Athena Gold is positioning itself to capitalize on the shift.
“Geopolitical tensions are certainly one of them. Some jurisdictions are perceived as more risky than others, with places like Canada and Nevada perceived as less risky,” Kushner explained.
“What we saw happen to Barrick Gold (TSX:ABX,NYSE:ABX) in Mali is a great example of companies wanting to get to safer mining jurisdictions. We also saw, in the last couple years, Kinross Gold (TSX:K,NYSE:KGC) exit Russia completely.”
Beyond political stability, Kushner noted that North America’s rich geology continues to yield significant gold discoveries, citing the Great Bear discovery in Ontario’s Red Lake district, and AngloGold Ashanti’s (NYSE:AU,JSE:ANG) Silicon discovery in Nevada’s Walker Lane district.
Athena Gold is actively advancing its projects in these emerging hotspots. The company’s Laird Lake project, located in the prolific Red Lake district, sits near several major gold producers, including Kinross and Evolution Mining (ASX:EVN,OTC Pink:CAHPF).
“It’s always nice when your next-door neighbors are investing heavily into their projects,” Kushner said. “It seems that every few years this camp is blessed with a new billion-dollar discovery.”
Similarly, in Nevada, Athena’s Excelsior Springs project benefits from its proximity to Kinross and AngloGold’s developments.
“Kinross is very active in the Walker Lane district, they’re our nearest neighbor there. And just further south is Anglo’s Silicon project. AngloGold is investing heavily in the Walker Lane trend,” Kushner explained.
“Last year, they put more than 40 percent of their global exploration spend into (their) project. And this is a jurisdiction, a country where they don’t currently produce a single ounce of gold. So what does that tell you?”
Watch the full interview with Athena Gold’s incoming CEO Koby Kushner above.
Disclaimer: This interview is sponsored by Athena Gold (CSE:ATHA,OTCQB:AHNR). This interview provides information which was sourced by the Investing News Network (INN) and approved by Athena Gold in order to help investors learn more about the company. Athena Gold is a client of INN. The company’s campaign fees pay for INN to create and update this interview.
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27 February
Castle Minerals
Investor Insight
Castle Minerals is a compelling investment opportunity, underlined by its 100 percent ownership of two high-potential gold projects, a seasoned management team with a track record of success, and a strategic location near multi-million-ounce gold deposits.
Castle Minerals (ASX:CDT) is an Australia-based exploration company dedicated to advancing high-value gold projects in Ghana, West Africa. The company holds a 100 percent interest in a highly strategic 2,686 sq. km land package within Ghana’s Upper West region, a significantly under-explored yet highly prospective geological setting within the West African gold belt.
Castle Minerals’ core mission is to identify, explore and develop economically viable gold deposits, leveraging the region’s rich mineralization and proven mining history. The company's management team brings extensive experience and a strong track record of successful discoveries, ensuring that exploration efforts are guided by industry-leading expertise and strategic execution.
Castle’s portfolio is centered around its flagship Kpali and Kandia gold projects, both of which exhibit strong potential for resource expansion and economic development. These projects are situated within prolific gold-bearing structures and have demonstrated high-grade mineralization through extensive exploration efforts. With a focus on systematic exploration, the company aims to delineate and expand resources while positioning itself as a leading player in Ghana’s growing gold industry. Castle’s commitment to sustainable exploration practices and strong community engagement further enhances its ability to operate effectively in the region.
Investment Highlights
- 100 percent ownership of a 2,686 sq km strategic landholding in Ghana’s highly prospective Upper West region.
- Flagship Kpali and Kandia gold projects with high-grade gold mineralization and significant resource expansion potential.
- Strong management team with a proven track record in West African gold discoveries and project development.
- Proximity to the multi-million-ounce Black Volta gold project, enhancing economic potential and development synergies.
- Robust exploration pipeline with systematic drilling programs aimed at resource expansion and near-term development.
- Commitment to sustainable and responsible exploration practices, with strong community and government engagement.
- Positioned to capitalize on the growing global demand for gold through disciplined exploration and strategic partnerships.
Key Projects
Kpali Gold Project
The Kpali gold project, a cornerstone of Castle Minerals' exploration efforts, is strategically located approximately 30 kilometers west of the regional town of Sawla in Ghana's Upper West region. Encompassing the Kpali and Bundi prospects, along with several satellite discoveries, the project area lies within the 170 sq km Degbiwu prospecting license (PL 10/26), which is encircled by the 1,033 sq km Gbiniyiri retention license (RL 8/27). Notably, the western boundaries of these licenses are delineated by the Black Volta River, marking the border with Burkina Faso.
Geologically, Kpali is situated at the convergence of two significant greenstone belts — the Bole-Bolgatanga and Wa-Lawra/Boromo belts — and three regional-scale structures. This unique positioning is associated with several major Birimian-hosted gold deposits in the region, enhancing the project's potential for substantial gold mineralization.
Recent exploration activities have yielded promising results. In February 2025, an eight-hole reverse circulation (RC) drilling program intersected shallow, high-grade mineralization in all holes. Notable intercepts include 12 meters at 8.29 grams per ton (g/t) gold from 25 meters, including 6 meters at 11.60 g/t gold from 31 meters, with a peak 1-meter intercept of 20.43 g/t gold at 36 meters. These findings have significantly upgraded the status of the Kpali gold prospect, suggesting the presence of multiple sub-parallel lodes with high-grade gold mineralization.
The broader district encompassing Kpali contains several other high-conviction prospects, reinforcing its potential as an emerging new exploration frontier. Castle Minerals plans to undertake further drilling programs, including step-out drilling, to delineate the extent of mineralization and assess the project's viability for future development.
In summary, the Kpali Gold Project's strategic location, favorable geology, and recent high-grade drilling results position it as a significant asset within Castle Minerals' portfolio, with the potential to evolve into a major gold production site in Ghana.
Kandia Gold Project
The Kandia gold project is situated in Ghana's Upper West Region. Discovered in 2010 during reconnaissance field mapping, the project encompasses a 16-kilometer-long corridor along a significant granite-sediment contact within Birimian greenstone terrain. This geological setting is known for hosting substantial gold mineralization, with the Kandia prospect itself identified through previously unknown artisanal workings spread over approximately 600 meters of strike.
Initial exploration efforts included extensive soil sampling, airborne geophysical surveys and RC drilling, totaling 264 holes over 19,541 meters. These activities led to the identification of two primary mineralized zones: the "4,000 Zone" and the "8,000 Zone."
Strategically, the Kandia project benefits from its proximity to major gold deposits. The 5.1-million-ounce Namdini gold project lies to the northeast on the same Bole-Bolgatanga greenstone belt, while the 2.8-million-ounce Black Volta gold project's Julie deposit is immediately along strike from the Kandia mineralized trend. This favorable location enhances Kandia's economic attractiveness and potential for development synergies.
Future exploration plans for Kandia involve extensional drilling at the "4,000 Zone" and targeted drilling in other areas with historically wide-spaced shallow drilling, such as the "8,000 Zone," where artisanal mining activities are also present. The primary objective is to delineate multiple near-surface, open-pitable deposits along the 16-kilometer prospective contact, advancing the project toward potential development.
Management Team
Stephen Stone - Executive Chairman
Stephen Stone has more than 30 years of experience in mining and exploration. As the former managing director of Azumah Resources, he led the discovery of a 2.5 Moz gold resource and 1.2 Moz ore reserve at the Wa gold project His expertise in West African gold exploration and project development is instrumental in guiding Castle’s strategic direction.
Matthew Horgan - Non-executive Director
Matthew Horgan brings a strong background in engineering, business development, and investor relations. His experience in strategic corporate growth and resource sector financing supports Castle’s development initiatives.
James Guy - Non-executive Director
James Guy is a geologist with extensive expertise in mining and exploration, specializing in gold and base metals projects across Africa and Australia. He has held senior executive positions with several ASX listed junior resources companies and with banking group, NR Rothschild & Sons. He is currently principal of James Guy & Associates
David Renner - Non-executive Director
David Renner has a strong track record in operations and corporate strategy for resource development. He is a key contributor to advancing the Kambale graphite project.
Hector Nyinaku, Non-executive Director
Hecto Nyinaku focuses on administration, finance and logistics within the mining industry. His strong networks in Ghana’s resource sector provide valuable operational support.
George Asomoah Boadu - Manager of Geology
George Asomoah Boadu has extensive field experience in Ghana’s gold and graphite exploration projects. His expertise is integral to defining Castle’s resource base and implementing effective exploration strategies.
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27 February
Yvonne Blaszczyk: Gold to Keep Rising as Global Paradigm Shift Plays Out
Speaking to the Investing News Network, Yvonne Blaszczyk, president and CEO of BMG Group, shared her thoughts on gold and global geopolitics, focusing on US President Donald Trump's rapid changes since being elected and the impact they're having domestically and internationally.
In her view, the world is in the midst of a paradigm shift, and gold's role will become increasingly key.
"One of the most important factors is what central banks are doing — central banks are accumulating, buying gold, and it's a huge indicator of where the prices will go," she said.
Watch the interview above for more of her thoughts on those topics and more.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Charlotte McLeod, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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