Cette collaboration fait d'ABB le fournisseur privilégié d'équipements de sous-stations électriques modulaires et standards, avec des perspectives supplémentaires en matière de solutions d'automatisation
Tycoonstory, an online network for startups and entrepreneurs, has profiled Charbone Hydrogen (TSXV:CH,OTCQB:CHHYF,FWB:K47), citing the company as a leading startup making strides in innovation in green hydrogen production.
“With a mission to provide sustainable energy solutions, Charbone is well-positioned to become a key player in the green hydrogen market,” the article said.
A standout feature of Charbone, according to the article, is the company’s strategy to secure multiple production locations for its green hydrogen technology. There are currently 16 locations where Charbone has identified green hydrogen source.
“Charbone’s technological innovations are also noteworthy. The company has developed processes that require less pressure, reducing the risk and cost associated with hydrogen production,” the article said.
Charbone Hydrogen (TSXV:CH) offers a compelling investment opportunity in the US$89 billion green hydrogen market, leveraging a decentralized approach for scalable plant deployment and focusing on environmentally friendly production to reduce carbon footprints.
Charbone Hydrogen (TSXV:CH,OTCQB:CHHYF,FWB:K47) is the only publicly listed green hydrogen firm in Canada looking to expand across North America (US and Canada) with a pipeline of new projects. This is an opportune time for Charbone as the world races to find effective solutions to meet its net-zero ambitions by 2050. Green hydrogen could be a perfect fit as a potentially low-emitting fuel source. There is an increasing realization of the potential of hydrogen in serving as a low-emissions substitute for fossil fuels in residential as well as industrial use cases.
The Government of Canada has laid out its hydrogen policy, aiming to meet nearly 30 percent of its energy requirement in 2050 by hydrogen, as well as become one of the top three clean hydrogen producers globally. The presence of abundant hydroelectric power, favorable government policies, and a progressive tax regime should boost hydrogen production in the country. The 2023 federal budget includes more than $17 billion in tax credits over the next five years to help fund clean energy projects, including hydrogen.
Green hydrogen: key element to decarbonize the world
The US Department of Energy expects to produce 10 million metric tons (MMT) of hydrogen annually by 2030 and eventually reach 50 MMT by 2050. According to US Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk, 50 MMT of hydrogen could power every bus, train, plane and ship in the US.
Charbone stands to benefit from rapid adoption of hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels. Moreover, Charbone’s focus solely on “green hydrogen” should further its position among investors looking for opportunities to invest in sustainable energy solutions. Green hydrogen is produced when the energy used to power electrolysis comes from renewable sources like wind, water, solar or nuclear. Charbone has clearly stated its intentions to leverage hydropower and nuclear energy to produce hydrogen.
Carbone forged strong partnerships to execute its business model.
Charbone has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with ABB to collaborate on the development of up to 15 modular and scalable green hydrogen production facilities across North America over the next five years. Under the MOU, ABB will support CHARBONE in standardizing basic engineering for systems and components across its project portfolio, to increase energy efficiency and reliability.
Among the sites covered by the collaboration is Charbone's flagship Sorel-Tracy facility near Montreal in Québec, Canada, which is currently under construction. The Sorel-Tracy facility is located on a 40,000-square-meter land parcel along Quebec Highway 30, known as the “Steel Highway” because of the numerous steel mills and process plants operating along the highway.
The construction of Phase 1 of its Sorel-Tracy facility is being done in partnership with EBC, one of the largest construction companies in Quebec. EBC has a proven track record of designing and building facilities in Canada and the US. The partnership agreement gives EBC the right of first refusal to construct additional Sorel-Tracy phases, as well as one or all of Charbone’s facilities within the North American market.
In addition, Charbone has entered into several other strategic partnerships all aimed to expand its footprint in North America. The company entered into a special consultancy agreement with Enki GéoSolutions for potential partnership proposals as a co-operator and distributor of an emerging form of clean and renewable hydrogen, known as white or natural hydrogen.
In June 2024, Carbone executed a supply agreement for a complete containerized electrolyzer system ready for shipment to its flagship green hydrogen site in the City of Sorel-Tracy, Quebec. The electrolyzer has a higher capacity than originally planned and will significantly enhance initial operational capacity estimates. The company also acquired its first tube trailer for the transport and bulk delivery of compressed green hydrogen produced from the City of Sorel-Tracy, Quebec flagship project to local and domestic customers.
This partnership allows Charbone to sell hydrogen produced at the Sorel-Tracy facility to Superior Propane, a subsidiary of Superior Plus. Such supply agreements ensure that Charbone can generate cash flow immediately following the commencement of production.
Carbone Hydrogen entered into an off-take partnership with Superior Plus on the supply and
distribution of green hydrogen.
Another such supply agreement was signed in November 2023 with NEK Community Broadband, which ensures the supply of green hydrogen in the Northeast Kingdom of the state of Vermont (USA). NEK Broadband is building a high-speed broadband infrastructure and plans to install a hydrogen fuel cell backup system for a reliable power supply.
Further advancing its goal of US expansion, Charbone signed a memorandum of understanding in December 2023 with Michigan’s Oakland County Economic Development Department to set up Charbone’s first green hydrogen facility in the United States. Oakland County is home to major automakers, and a green hydrogen facility in their proximity will support the effort of producing environmentally friendly mobility options.
Being the only publicly listed green hydrogen player in Canada, Charbone offers investors a unique opportunity to participate in the rise of green hydrogen as a potential low-emitting alternative to fossil fuels.
Dave Gagnon has been chairman and chief executive officer of Charbone Hydrogen Corporation since April 21, 2022. He has been a climate tech entrepreneur for the last 25 years, and was the first entrepreneur in Canada to start a wind turbine company and offer a new alternative energy solution in North America. Gagnon also worked with an institutional investor that manages several public pension plans, Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec, where he gained deep knowledge of the financial markets.
Benoit Veilleux was appointed as the CFO of Charbone on August 15, 2022. Veilleux has over 15 years of experience in corporate accounting and finance. He began his professional career at KPMG in 2003, where he managed and coordinated audit teams for public companies until 2010. Since then, he has worked with a number of companies including Air Liquide Canada and the Hypertec Group.
Daniell Charette has been the chief operating officer of Charbone since February 2019. He brings over 25 years of experience in running and managing renewable energy companies. He has worked in senior leadership roles with several renewable companies including NEG Micon A/S, Vestas and Brookfield Power. He has served on various association boards and councils, including the Canadian Wind Energy Association, Association Québécoise des Producteurs d’Énergie Renouvelable, and Latin Wind Energy Association.
Francois Vitez is a hydropower and energy storage expert with more than 24 years of experience in the development, engineering and construction management as well as operations and maintenance of hydropower and energy storage projects in North America and internationally. He is a board member and chair of the Value of Hydropower committee at Waterpower Canada, vice-chair of the Energy Storage Association of Canada, board member of the California Energy Storage Association, and member of the International Hydropower Association.
Patrick Cuddihy is a seasoned operations leader with over 20 years of experience at Air Liquide Canada, to its hydrogen operations team. Patrick brings a wealth of expertise in managing industrial gas production and distribution, having held senior roles including network sales director for Quebec Region, general manager for Pacific Region, director of procurement services, and director of logistics and assets for the Eastern Region.
The only publicly listed green hydrogen player in Canada.
Cette collaboration fait d'ABB le fournisseur privilégié d'équipements de sous-stations électriques modulaires et standards, avec des perspectives supplémentaires en matière de solutions d'automatisation
L'entente permettra à Charbone de faire progresser la production d'hydrogène vert au Canada et aux États-Unis
L'entente soutient la feuille de route énergétique 2030 du gouvernement du Québec visant à réduire la consommation de produits pétroliers d'un milliard de litres par année
Brossard, Québec TheNewswire - le 13 mars 2025 - CORPORATION CHARBONE HYDROGÈNE (TSXV: CH OTCQB: CHHYF, FSE: K47 ) (« Charbone » ou la « Société »), la seule société cotée en bourse spécialisée dans l'hydrogène vert en Amérique du Nord, est ravi d'annoncer la signature d'un protocole d'entente( « MOU » ) avec ABB pour collaborer au développement pouvant aller jusqu' à 15 usines de production d'hydrogène vert modulaires et évolutives en Amérique du Nord au cours des cinq prochaines années, fournissant une source de carburant propre aux utilisateurs d'hydrogène existants et aux processus industriels lourds tels que la fabrication de l'acier, qui utilisent actuellement l'hydrogène gris comme source d'énergie.
Le MOU positionne ABB comme fournisseur privilégié pour la conception, l'ingénierie, la fabrication, les tests et la fourniture de sous-stations électriques modulaires et standards (eHouses) pour l'interconnexion entre les usines de production et les services publics locaux. ABB soutiendra Charbone dans la normalisation de l'ingénierie de base des systèmes et des composants de son portefeuille de projets, afin d'accroître l'efficacité énergétique et la fiabilité. La portée des services positionne également ABB pour opérer en tant que principal entrepreneur en automatisation, électrification et télécommunications en fonction des exigences des projets .
Parmi les sites visés par cette collaboration, figure l'usine phare de Charbone à Sorel-Tracy, près de Montréal, au Québec, Canada. L'usine devrait être raccordée au réseau d'Hydro-Québec d'ici la fin du deuxième trimestre de 2025, et utiliser l'hydroélectricité pour alimenter des électrolyseurs produisant l'hydrogène vert. L'usine servira de modèle pour la conception et l'ingénierie d'équipements modulaires et évolutifs pour d'autres sites développés par Charbone. Le prochain projet à démarrer se situera dans la grande région de Détroit, aux États-Unis, qui est le berceau de la fabrication des principales entreprises automobiles.
" Cette collaboration stratégique avec ABB est un signal fort et significatif concernant notre proposition pour le marché nord-américain de l'hydrogène vert ," a déclaré Daniel Charette, Chef de l'exploitation chez Charbone. " Avec le projet de Sorel-Tracy évoluant rapidement vers des activités sur le site et des capacités avec une approche modulaire de type ‘plug and play' pour démarrer la production en un nombre minimal de semaines, Charbone soutiendra la décarbonisation de l'industrie . "
Le gouvernement du Québec a élaboré une stratégie locale en matière d'hydrogène vert et de bioénergie pour soutenir le déploiement de l'hydrogène et de la bioénergie pour alimenter des secteurs industriels comme le transport, les métaux primaires et les produits chimiques. Elle identifie l'hydrogène vert et la bioénergie comme ayant le potentiel de réduire la consommation de produits pétroliers du Québec de près d'un milliard de litres par année d'ici 2030. Cela pourrait réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre de la région de quatre mégatonnes de dioxyde de carbone par année, soit l'équivalent du retrait de 1,2 million de véhicules à essence des routes.
" L'hydrogène vert a un rôle important à jouer dans la transition vers un avenir énergétique à faible émission de carbone ," a dit Per Erik Holsten, Président chez ABB Énergies Industrielles. " Nous sommes fiers de collaborer avec Charbone sur sa stratégie de développement et de croissance d'installations de production d'hydrogène vert à travers l'Amérique du Nord, permettant à un secteur important de se développer et aidant les industries à devenir plus économes et plus propres . "
En plus du MOU, Charbone fera l'acquisition du système ‘Extended Operator Workplace (EOW)' d'ABB pour toutes les usines prévues et d'un poste de travail d'opérateur principal pour surveiller toutes ses installations en Amérique du Nord depuis le siège social de Charbone. Les EOW – les premiers à être installés dans des usines de production d'hydrogène vert en Amérique du Nord – amélioreront la productivité et réduiront les temps d'arrêts grâce à une surveillance 24 heures sur 24 et ce 7 jours sur 7 depuis des centres de contrôle locaux et à distance.
La demande mondiale d'hydrogène, largement concentrée dans les secteurs du raffinage et de la chimie, a atteint 97 mégatonnes (Mt) en 2023, soit une augmentation de 2,5 % par rapport à l'année précédente. La production d'hydrogène à faibles émissions était inférieure à 1 Mt, mais elle pourrait atteindre 49 Mtpa d'ici 2030 selon les projets annoncés.
À propos de Charbone Hydrogène Corporation
Charbone est une compagnie intégrée de production d'hydrogène vert axé sur la création d'un réseau nord-américain d'usines de production. En utilisant des énergies renouvelables, Charbone produit du dihydrogène (H2) respectueux de l'environnement pour les utilisateurs industriels, institutionnels, commerciaux et de la mobilité future. Charbone est présentement la seule société d'Amérique du Nord cotée en bourse spécialisée dans l'hydrogène vert avec ses actions listées sur la Bourse de croissance TSX (TSXV: CH); les marchés OTC (OTCQB: CHHYF); et la Bourse de Francfort (FSE: K47). Pour plus d'informations sur CHARBONE Hydrogen et ses projets, veuillez visiter www.charbone.com .
À propos de ABB
ABB est un leader technologique mondial dans le domaine de l'électrification et de l'automatisation, contribuant à un avenir plus durable et plus économe en ressources. En combinant son expertise en ingénierie et en numérisation, ABB aide les industries à atteindre des performances élevées, tout en devenant plus efficaces, plus productives et plus durables afin qu'elles surpassent leurs concurrents. Chez ABB, nous appelons cela « Conçu pour distancer ». L'entreprise a plus de 140 ans d'histoire et environ 110 000 employés dans le monde. Les actions d'ABB sont cotées à la SIX Swiss Exchange (ABBN) et au Nasdaq Stockholm (ABB). www.abb.com .
Énoncés prospectifs
Le présent communiqué de presse contient des énoncés qui constituent de « l'information prospective » au sens des lois canadiennes sur les valeurs mobilières (« déclarations prospectives »). Ces déclarations prospectives sont souvent identifiées par des mots tels que « a l'intention », « anticipe », « s'attend à », « croit », « planifie », « probable », ou des mots similaires. Les déclarations prospectives reflètent les attentes, estimations ou projections respectives de la direction de Charbone concernant les résultats ou événements futurs, sur la base des opinions, hypothèses et estimations considérées comme raisonnables par la direction à la date à laquelle les déclarations sont faites. Bien que Charbone estime que les attentes exprimées dans les déclarations prospectives sont raisonnables, les déclarations prospectives comportent des risques et des incertitudes, et il ne faut pas se fier indûment aux déclarations prospectives, car des facteurs inconnus ou imprévisibles pourraient faire en sorte que les résultats réels soient sensiblement différents de ceux exprimés dans les déclarations prospectives. Des risques et des incertitudes liés aux activités de Charbone peuvent avoir une incidence sur les déclarations prospectives. Ces risques, incertitudes et hypothèses comprennent, sans s'y limiter, ceux décrits à la rubrique « Facteurs de risque » dans la déclaration de changement à l'inscription de la Société datée du 31 mars 2022, qui peut être consultée sur SEDAR à l'adresse www.sedar.com; ils pourraient faire en sorte que les événements ou les résultats réels diffèrent sensiblement de ceux prévus dans les déclarations prospectives.
Sauf si les lois sur les valeurs mobilières applicables l'exigent, Charbone ne s'engage pas à mettre à jour ni à réviser les déclarations prospectives.
Ni la Bourse de croissance TSX ni son fournisseur de services de réglementation (tel que ce terme est défini dans les politiques de la Bourse de croissance TSX) n'acceptent de responsabilité quant à la pertinence ou à l'exactitude du présent communiqué.
Pour contacter Corporation Charbone Hydrogène :
Téléphone bureau: +1 450 678 7171 | ||
Courriel: ir@charbone.com |
Copyright (c) 2025 TheNewswire - All rights reserved.
News Provided by TheNewsWire via QuoteMedia
Collaboration sets ABB as preferred supplier of modular and standard electrical substations, with future scope for automation solutions
Agreement will enable Charbone to progress green hydrogen production in both Canada and the United States
Supports the Québec government's 2030 energy roadmap to reduce consumption of petroleum products by one billion liters per year
Brossard, Quebec TheNewswire - March 13, 2025 Charbone Hydrogen Corporation (TSXV: CH; OTCQB: CHHYF; FSE: K47) (the "Company" or "CHARBONE"), North America's only publicly traded pure-play green hydrogen company, is thrilled to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreement with ABB to collaborate on the development of up to 15 modular and scalable green hydrogen production facilities across North America over the next five years, providing a clean fuel source for existing hydrogen users and heavy industrial processes such as steelmaking, which currently use grey hydrogen as an energy source.
The MoU scope positions ABB as the preferred supplier for the design, engineering, fabrication, testing and supply of modular and standard electrical substations (eHouses) for the interconnection between production facilities and local utilities. ABB will support CHARBONE standardizing basic engineering for systems and components across its project portfolio, to increase energy efficiency and reliability. Future scope may also see ABB operate as the main automation, electrification and telecom contractor depending on project requirements .
Among the sites covered by the collaboration is CHARBONE's flagship Sorel-Tracy facility near Montreal in Québec, Canada. The facility is expected to be connected to the Hydro-Québec grid by the end of quarter two in 2025, using hydro electricity to power green hydrogen electrolyzers. The plant will create a blueprint for the design and engineering of modular and scalable equipment for other sites being developed by Charbone. The next project to get underway will be in the greater Detroit area in the USA, which is the manufacturing base for major automotive companies.
" This strategic collaboration with ABB is a strong and significant signal about our proposition for the North American green hydrogen market , " said Daniel Charette, Chief Operating Officer of CHARBONE . " With the Sorel-Tracy project moving quickly to on-site activities and the capabilities of plug and play modular approach to get production starting in a minimal number of weeks, Charbone will support the decarbonization of industry. "
Government du Québec has developed a localized Green Hydrogen and Bioenergy Strategy to support the deployment of hydrogen and bioenergy to power industrial sectors such as transportation, primary metals and chemicals. It identifies green hydrogen and bioenergy as having the potential to reduce Québec's consumption of petroleum products by nearly one billion liters a year by 2030. This could cut the region's greenhouse gas emissions by four megatons of carbon dioxide a year – the equivalent of removing 1.2 million gasoline-powered vehicles from the roads .
" Green hydrogen has an important role to play in the transition towards a low carbon energy future , " said Per Erik Holsten, President of ABB Energy Industries . " We are proud to collaborate with Charbone on its strategy to develop and grow green hydrogen production facilities across North America, enabling an important sector to scale and supporting industries to outrun leaner and cleaner. "
In addition to the MoU, Charbone will acquire ABB's Extended Operator Workplace (EOW) system for all the planned facilities and a main operator workplace to monitor all the facilities in North America from CHARBONE's headquarters. The EOWs – the first to be installed in green hydrogen production plants in North America – will enhance production and reduce downtime via 24/7 monitoring from local and remote-control centers.
Global hydrogen demand, largely concentrated in the refining and chemical sectors, reached 97 megatons (Mt) in 2023, representing an increase of 2.5 percent year on year. Low-emissions hydrogen production was less than 1 Mt, but it could reach 49 Mtpa by 2030 based on announced projects.
About Charbone Hydrogen Corporation
CHARBONE is an integrated green hydrogen company focused on creating a network of modular green hydrogen production facilities across North America. Using renewable energy, CHARBONE produces eco-friendly dihydrogen (H2) for industrial, institutional, commercial, and future mobility users. CHARBONE is currently the only publicly traded pure-play green hydrogen company, with shares listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV: CH); the OTC Markets (OTCQB: CHHYF); and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE: K47). For more information on Charbone Hydrogen and its projects, please visit www.charbone.com .
About ABB
ABB is a global technology leader in electrification and automation, enabling a more sustainable and resource-efficient future. By connecting its engineering and digitalization expertise, ABB helps industries run at high performance, while becoming more efficient, productive and sustainable so they outperform. At ABB, we call this ‘Engineered to Outrun'. The company has over 140 years of history and around 110,000 employees worldwide. ABB's shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (ABBN) and Nasdaq Stockholm (ABB). www.abb.com .
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains statements that are "forward-looking information" as defined under Canadian securities laws ("forward-looking statements"). These forward-looking statements are often identified by words such as "intends", "anticipates", "expects", "believes", "plans", "likely", or similar words. The forward-looking statements reflect management's expectations, estimates, or projections concerning future results or events, based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates considered reasonable by management at the date the statements are made. Although Charbone believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, and undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements, as unknown or unpredictable factors could cause actual results to be materially different from those reflected in the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements may be affected by risks and uncertainties in the business of Charbone. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions include, but are not limited to, those described under "Risk Factors" in the Corporation's Filing Statement dated March 31, 2022, which is available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com; they could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements.
Except as required under applicable securities legislation, Charbone undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking information.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release .
Contact Charbone Hydrogen Corporation | ||||
Telephone: +1 450 678 7171 | ||||
Email: ir@charbone.com | ||||
Copyright (c) 2025 TheNewswire - All rights reserved.
News Provided by TheNewsWire via QuoteMedia
Brossard, Québec, le 6 mars 2025 TheNewswire - CORPORATION CHARBONE HYDROGÈNE (TSXV: CH OTCQB: CHHYF, FSE: K47 ) (« Charbone » ou la « Société »), la seule société cotée en bourse spécialisée dans l'hydrogène vert en Amérique du Nord, est heureuse de fournir une mise à jour sur les travaux de construction du site et de l'interconnexion avec Hydro-Québec pour le projet phare de la Société à Sorel-Tracy, suivant le communiqué de presse émis le 15 janvier 2025.
" L'entreprise de monteurs de lignes a été très efficace et était prête comme l'exigeait le calendrier initial ," a déclaré Daniel Charette, Chef de l'exploitation chez Charbone. " Hydro-Québec a maintenant tout ce qu'il faut pour terminer ses travaux et nous fournir l'énergie nécessaire à temps pour la livraison des composantes majeures, leur installation et leur mise en service . "
À propos de Charbone Hydrogène Corporation
Charbone est une compagnie intégrée de production d'hydrogène vert axé sur la création d'un réseau nord-américain d'usines de production. En utilisant des énergies renouvelables, Charbone produit du dihydrogène (H2) respectueux de l'environnement pour les utilisateurs industriels, institutionnels, commerciaux et de la mobilité future. Charbone est présentement la seule société d'Amérique du Nord cotée en bourse spécialisée dans l'hydrogène vert avec ses actions listées sur la Bourse de croissance TSX (TSXV: CH); les marchés OTC (OTCQB: CHHYF); et la Bourse de Francfort (FSE: K47). Pour plus d'informations sur CHARBONE Hydrogen et ses projets, veuillez visiter www.charbone.com .
Énoncés prospectifs
Le présent communiqué de presse contient des énoncés qui constituent de « l'information prospective » au sens des lois canadiennes sur les valeurs mobilières (« déclarations prospectives »). Ces déclarations prospectives sont souvent identifiées par des mots tels que « a l'intention », « anticipe », « s'attend à », « croit », « planifie », « probable », ou des mots similaires. Les déclarations prospectives reflètent les attentes, estimations ou projections respectives de la direction de Charbone concernant les résultats ou événements futurs, sur la base des opinions, hypothèses et estimations considérées comme raisonnables par la direction à la date à laquelle les déclarations sont faites. Bien que Charbone estime que les attentes exprimées dans les déclarations prospectives sont raisonnables, les déclarations prospectives comportent des risques et des incertitudes, et il ne faut pas se fier indûment aux déclarations prospectives, car des facteurs inconnus ou imprévisibles pourraient faire en sorte que les résultats réels soient sensiblement différents de ceux exprimés dans les déclarations prospectives. Des risques et des incertitudes liés aux activités de Charbone peuvent avoir une incidence sur les déclarations prospectives. Ces risques, incertitudes et hypothèses comprennent, sans s'y limiter, ceux décrits à la rubrique « Facteurs de risque » dans la déclaration de changement à l'inscription de la Société datée du 31 mars 2022, qui peut être consultée sur SEDAR à l'adresse www.sedar.com; ils pourraient faire en sorte que les événements ou les résultats réels diffèrent sensiblement de ceux prévus dans les déclarations prospectives.
Sauf si les lois sur les valeurs mobilières applicables l'exigent, Charbone ne s'engage pas à mettre à jour ni à réviser les déclarations prospectives.
Ni la Bourse de croissance TSX ni son fournisseur de services de réglementation (tel que ce terme est défini dans les politiques de la Bourse de croissance TSX) n'acceptent de responsabilité quant à la pertinence ou à l'exactitude du présent communiqué.
Pour contacter Corporation Charbone Hydrogène :
Téléphone bureau: +1 450 678 7171 | ||
Courriel: ir@charbone.com |
Copyright (c) 2025 TheNewswire - All rights reserved.
News Provided by TheNewsWire via QuoteMedia
Brossard, Quebec, March 6, 2025 TheNewswire - Charbone Hydrogen Corporation (TSXV: CH; OTCQB: CHHYF; FSE: K47) (the "Company" or "CHARBONE"), the only publicly traded pure-play green hydrogen company in North America, is pleased to provide an update on the on-site construction work and interconnection with Hydro-Quebec at the Company's flagship project in Sorel-Tracy, following the press release issued on January 15, 2025 .
" The lineman's company has been highly efficient and was ready as required by the original schedule , " said Daniel Charette, COO of CHARBONE . " Hydro-Quebec has now everything they need to complete their work and will provide us with the energy we need on time for the delivery of the major components, their installation, and commissioning . "
About Charbone Hydrogen Corporation
CHARBONE is an integrated green hydrogen company focused on creating a network of modular green hydrogen production facilities across North America. Using renewable energy, CHARBONE produces eco-friendly dihydrogen (H2) for industrial, institutional, commercial, and future mobility users. CHARBONE is currently the only publicly traded pure-play green hydrogen company, with shares listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV: CH); the OTC Markets (OTCQB: CHHYF); and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE: K47). For more information on Charbone Hydrogen and its projects, please visit www.charbone.com
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains statements that are "forward-looking information" as defined under Canadian securities laws ("forward-looking statements"). These forward-looking statements are often identified by words such as "intends", "anticipates", "expects", "believes", "plans", "likely", or similar words. The forward-looking statements reflect management's expectations, estimates, or projections concerning future results or events, based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates considered reasonable by management at the date the statements are made. Although Charbone believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, and undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements, as unknown or unpredictable factors could cause actual results to be materially different from those reflected in the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements may be affected by risks and uncertainties in the business of Charbone. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions include, but are not limited to, those described under "Risk Factors" in the Corporation's Filing Statement dated March 31, 2022, which is available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com; they could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements.
Except as required under applicable securities legislation, Charbone undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking information.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release .
Copyright (c) 2025 TheNewswire - All rights reserved.
News Provided by TheNewsWire via QuoteMedia
Brossard, Québec, le 12 février 2025 TheNewswire - CORPORATION CHARBONE HYDROGÈNE (TSXV: CH OTCQB: CHHYF, FSE: K47 ) (« Charbone » ou la « Société »), la seule société d'Amérique du Nord cotée en bourse spécialisée dans l'hydrogène vert, est heureux d'annoncer la nomination de M. Jean-Claude Gonneau comme nouvel administrateur de Charbone, qui sera élu lors de l'assemblée générale annuelle et extraordinaire des actionnaires le 28 mars 2025.
M. Jean-Claude Gonneau est un dirigeant chevronné et un conseiller senior comptant plus de 40 ans d'expérience pertinente. Il a occupé des postes clés de direction et de banquier d'investissement en tant que fondateur et directeur général de Camden Associates, une banque boutique d'investissement gagnante de plusieurs prix. M. Gonneau est un dirigeant très performant et reconnu, spécialisé dans l'élaboration et l'exécution de stratégies complexes de développement d'entreprise et d'affaires dans le secteur bancaire et de banque d'investissement, en particulier dans les domaines de la technologie, de la technologie verte et de la biotechnologie, ainsi que dans le domaine de l'énergie et de l'exploitation minière non conventionnelles. Il possède une vaste expérience internationale, ayant travaillé chez Duet Asset Management, SG Cowen, Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette, First Boston Corporation et BNP Paribas. De plus, M. Gonneau est un excellent communicateur doté de solides compétences interpersonnelles et de leadership. Il a fait ses preuves dans le développement de nouvelles affaires, le développement de marchés, la planification stratégique, la recherche de fonds et dans des rôles de direction en marketing, de plus, il a de l'expérience dans les start-ups, les situations de redressement et le développement de stratégies d'entreprise.
M. Gonneau a également été membre du conseil d'administration de plusieurs sociétés cotées en bourse et privées au Canada, aux États-Unis et en France.
En tant que cadre supérieur et membre de conseils d'administration chevronné, M. Gonneau apportera une expérience complémentaire exceptionnelle au conseil d'administration de Charbone.
Règlements de dettes par émission d'actions
Charbone est heureuse d'annoncer des règlements de dettes de rémunération pour un total de 310 000$ avec certains membres du management, incluant son chef de la direction, par l'émission de 4 133 334 actions ordinaires à un prix établi à 0.075$ par action ordinaire.
Dans un effort de conserver son capital, la Société a conclu ces ententes de règlement de dettes avec certains membres du management, incluant son chef de la direction, pour régler des dettes de rémunération. Tout règlement de dette sera attesté par une entente formelle et selon la politique 4.4 – Rémunération en titres du Guide du financement des sociétés, les Actions pour Dettes sont sujets à l'approbation des actionnaires désintéressés avant l'émission comme la valeur réputée des actions ordinaires à émettre regroupées excède 10 000$ par mois. Tous les titres émis dans le cadre d'un règlement de dettes feront l'objet d'une période de conservation réglementaire de quatre mois au Canada.
Mise-à-jour sur la modification des conditions des débentures convertibles
Suite à son communiqué de presse daté du 10 juin 2024 annonçant l'accord de principe visant à modifier certaines modalités des débentures convertibles garanties de la Société (chacune, une « Débenture ») qui ont été originalement émises par la Société dans le cadre du placement privé de débentures d'un montant principal total de 1,2 million $ CA de débentures convertibles garanties à 14 %, et son communiqué daté du 4 décembre 2024, confirmant que toutes les exigences ont été satisfaites, la Société est maintenant heureuse d'annoncer la réception de l'approbation finale de la Bourse de croissance TSX. Elle a modifié et émis de nouvelles débentures en date du 29 janvier 2024, pour un montant total de 1 346 366 $, qui expireront le 31 octobre 2025, avec un taux d'intérêt annuel de 12 % et un prix de conversion de 0,10 $ par action par débenture. Avant l a modification, la date d'expiration était l e 7 octobre 2024, le taux d'intérêt annuel à 14 % et le prix de conversion à 0,40 $ par action par débenture
À la suite de l'approbation de la transaction par la Bourse, Charbone a émis 1 346 366 bons de souscription aux détenteurs de la Débenture. Chaque bon de souscription donne droit au détenteur d'acheter une action ordinaire supplémentaire de la Société à un prix d'exercice de 0,10 $ au plus tard le 31 octobre 2025.
Octroi d'options d'achat d'actions ordinaires
Charbone est heureuse d'annoncer l'octroi de 5 200 000 options d'achat d'actions de Charbone (les « Options ») à des administrateurs et des hauts dirigeants. Ces Options sont octroyées conformément aux conditions du régime d'options d'achat d'actions de Charbone. Chaque Option permet à son détenteur d'acheter une action ordinaire de la Société au prix de 0,15 $ par action ordinaire pendant une période de deux ans à compter du 12 février 2025.
À propos de Charbone Hydrogène Corporation
Charbone est une compagnie intégrée de production d'hydrogène vert axé sur la création d'un réseau nord-américain d'usines de production. En utilisant des énergies renouvelables, Charbone produit du dihydrogène (H2) respectueux de l'environnement pour les utilisateurs industriels, institutionnels, commerciaux et de la mobilité future. Charbone est présentement la seule société d'Amérique du Nord cotée en bourse spécialisée dans l'hydrogène vert avec ses actions listées sur la Bourse de croissance TSX (TSXV: CH); les marchés OTC (OTCQB: CHHYF); et la Bourse de Francfort (FSE: K47). Pour plus d'informations sur CHARBONE Hydrogen et ses projets, veuillez visiter www.charbone.com .
Énoncés prospectifs
Le présent communiqué de presse contient des énoncés qui constituent de « l'information prospective » au sens des lois canadiennes sur les valeurs mobilières (« déclarations prospectives »). Ces déclarations prospectives sont souvent identifiées par des mots tels que « a l'intention », « anticipe », « s'attend à », « croit », « planifie », « probable », ou des mots similaires. Les déclarations prospectives reflètent les attentes, estimations ou projections respectives de la direction de Charbone concernant les résultats ou événements futurs, sur la base des opinions, hypothèses et estimations considérées comme raisonnables par la direction à la date à laquelle les déclarations sont faites. Bien que Charbone estime que les attentes exprimées dans les déclarations prospectives sont raisonnables, les déclarations prospectives comportent des risques et des incertitudes, et il ne faut pas se fier indûment aux déclarations prospectives, car des facteurs inconnus ou imprévisibles pourraient faire en sorte que les résultats réels soient sensiblement différents de ceux exprimés dans les déclarations prospectives. Des risques et des incertitudes liés aux activités de Charbone peuvent avoir une incidence sur les déclarations prospectives. Ces risques, incertitudes et hypothèses comprennent, sans s'y limiter, ceux décrits à la rubrique « Facteurs de risque » dans la déclaration de changement à l'inscription de la Société datée du 31 mars 2022, qui peut être consultée sur SEDAR à l'adresse www.sedar.com; ils pourraient faire en sorte que les événements ou les résultats réels diffèrent sensiblement de ceux prévus dans les déclarations prospectives.
Sauf si les lois sur les valeurs mobilières applicables l'exigent, Charbone ne s'engage pas à mettre à jour ni à réviser les déclarations prospectives.
Ni la Bourse de croissance TSX ni son fournisseur de services de réglementation (tel que ce terme est défini dans les politiques de la Bourse de croissance TSX) n'acceptent de responsabilité quant à la pertinence ou à l'exactitude du présent communiqué.
Pour contacter Corporation Charbone Hydrogène :
Téléphone bureau: +1 450 678 7171 | ||
Courriel: ir@charbone.com | ||
Copyright (c) 2025 TheNewswire - All rights reserved.
News Provided by TheNewsWire via QuoteMedia
Natural gas is a vital source of energy for the global economy, representing about one quarter of electricity generation worldwide.
Natural gas is the largest source of electricity generation in the US, beating out coal as the top power fuel. One of the advantages of investing in natural gas is the important role it plays in the energy transition. For example, natural-gas-fired electricity plants can be quickly turned on and off to serve as a back-up energy supply for intermittent wind and solar power. Even so, global demand can be volatile as it is very much dependent on the weather.
For some investors, natural gas investment remains an exciting frontier and a potentially lucrative portfolio addition. Read on for a more in-depth look at why natural gas investing can be compelling and some of the best natural gas stocks to invest in when the time is right.
What is natural gas and LNG?
What is driving natural gas prices?
How to invest in natural gas
How to invest in natural gas stocks
How to invest in natural gas ETFs
How to invest in natural gas futures
Natural gas is a hydrocarbon gas mixture that is primarily composed of methane and is found by itself or with oil. Although it's a carbon-based fuel, natural gas is considered a cleaner form of energy than oil and coal.
LNG, or liquefied natural gas, is a form of natural gas that's been cooled to a liquid state to reduce transport risk and allow for easier storage.
Natural gas is used as a fuel in home heating and in transportation. It’s also used to manufacture chemicals and materials such as propane, ethane, lubricants, household cleaners, carpet fibers and plastics.
Volatility in natural gas demand often leads to big spikes and declines in natural gas prices. As a fuel for home heating as well as an energy source for air conditioning, the natural gas market is highly attuned to seasonal temperature changes and extreme weather events. Other factors that can influence natural gas prices include production, import and storage inventory levels, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). Geopolitical events are also a major factor.
Natural gas prices reached a 10-year high of US$9.25 per million British thermal units in September 2022 as an energy crisis took hold in Europe following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Global supply uncertainty and delivery disruptions were the main culprit.
However, reduced demand from a mild winter demand coinciding with a period of record high production in the United States led to an oversupplied market. This pushed prices for natural gas down below US$3 in the first few weeks of 2023 and prices remained below US$4 for the next two years as the supply overhang remained.
In 2025, a much colder winter and rising geopolitical tensions have sent natural gas prices on an upward trend. The growing threat of war in Europe and the US-Canada trade war are both having an impact on natural gas prices.
The United States is the largest natural gas producer in the world by far. According to the most recent data from the Energy Institute, US natural gas production in 2023 totaled 1.35 trillion cubic meters. That figure represents nearly a quarter of global natural gas production for that year.
The country’s output has grown exponentially over the last decade due to the transition away from coal, and advancements in extraction technology such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking. The United States is also the biggest consumer of the fuel, primarily for home heating and generating electricity.
In 2022, in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the US became the world’s largest exporter of LNG as European nations sought to wean themselves from Russian natural gas.
As for the other top natural gas producing countries, Russia is the second largest natural gas producer and exporter, with 586.4 billion cubic meters of output in 2023. The country also holds the world’s biggest-known natural gas reserves. Up until the end of January 2025, Europe accounted for 49 percent of Russia’s LNG exports, followed by China at 22 percent and Japan at 18 percent. On January 1, 2025, Ukraine let its Russian gas transit agreement expire, which could potentially disrupt natural gas supply chains and jeopardize energy security in Europe.
Iran ranks third in largest natural gas production and second in largest reserves. The Middle Eastern nation produced 251.7 billion cubic meters of the commodity in 2023. Iran plans to increase capacity with an US$80 billion investment in its gas fields and a long-term natural gas supply deal with Russia’s Gazprom for 109 billion cubic meters of gas supplied annually for domestic use and re-export.
China is not far behind Iran, producing a record 234.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas in 2023. Despite this, the Asian nation still relies on imports to meet about half of its demand. The majority of China’s natural gas imports come from Australia, Turkmenistan, the US, Malaysia, Russia and Qatar. In response to the 10 percent tariff imposed on Chinese products to the US imposed under the Trump Administration, China slapped a 15 percent tariff on US LNG imports in mid-February 2025.
Canada rounds out the top five natural gas producers country, with an output of 190.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas in 2023. Canada is also a top natural gas exporter; however, the US is its only trading partner. As of late-February 2025, the LNG Canada project and the Coastal GasLink pipeline is nearly complete with first shipments to the Asian Pacific markets of Japan and South Korea scheduled for mid-2025.
Canada's natural gas exports to long-time partner the US are currently in question as Trump threatens 25 percent tariffs on Canada, with a lower 10 percent tariff on imports of Canadian natural gas and other energy. Trade negotiators on both sides are trying to work out potential exemptions.
Other trends to watch in this sector, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), are fast-growing natural gas demand in the Asia Pacific region and the transition from oil to natural gas as the primary energy source in the Middle East.
All of the uncertainty in the markets may be daunting, but investors interested in the potential for natural gas investments should not necessarily be discouraged — after all, while prices for the fuel can reach incredible lows, they can also climb to incredible highs, which no doubt supports companies in the sector.
Those who decide to invest in natural gas have plenty of ways to gain exposure to the fuel, including natural gas stocks, natural gas ETFs and natural gas futures. Take a look at each of those three best ways to invest in natural gas below. All data and information was current as of March 12, 2025.
Investors can opt to look at some of the best natural gas companies to invest in this market. Many companies that are exploring for or producing natural gas are also focused on oil, and it can be difficult to find stocks that are aimed purely at natural gas. That said, some of the large-cap NYSE and NASDAQ-listed oil and gas stocks listed below are heavily involved in natural gas.
This list of US natural gas companies is arranged in alphabetical order and all stocks had market caps above US$2 billion when data was gathered.
Antero Resources (NYSE:AR)
Antero Resources is a natural gas and liquids company with operations in the United States’ Appalachian Basin. The company is one of the largest US-based suppliers of natural gas and liquified petroleum gas (LPG) to the global natural gas export market.
Civitas Resources (NYSE:CIVI)
Civitas Resources produces crude oil and liquids-rich natural gas from its assets in the DJ Basin in Colorado and the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico. Natural gas and natural gas liquids comprise 32 percent and 30 percent, respectively, of the company’s total proved reserves.
Comstock Resources (NYSE:CRK)
Comstock Resources is a natural gas producer with operations in the Haynesville Shale in North Louisiana and East Texas. This natural gas basin has direct access to Gulf Coast markets and the LNG corridor.
ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP)
ConocoPhillips is headquartered in Houston, Texas, with operations and exploration activities in 14 countries. In addition to oil and bitumen, its products include natural gas, natural gas liquids and is a leading pioneer in the LNG market.
Coterra Energy (NYSE:CTRA)
Coterra Energy is a Houston, Texas-based energy company with a multi-basin portfolio of operations and deep inventories in the Permian Basin, Marcellus Shale and the Anadarko Basin. Natural gas and natural gas liquids account for 50 percent of the company’s revenues.
Diamondback Energy (NASDAQ:FANG)
Diamondback Energy is a Texas-based oil and gas company operating unconventional, onshore oil and natural gas reserves assets in the Permian Basin. Half of its hydrocarbon reserves are natural gas and natural gas liquids.
Devon Energy (NYSE:DVN)
Devon Energy, based in Oklahoma City, has oil and natural gas exploration and production operations in key US energy resource plays including the Delaware Basin, Eagle Ford, Anadarko Basin, Powder River Basin and Williston Basin. Natural gas production is a focal point of Devon’s growth strategy for 2025.
EOG Resources (NYSE:EOG)
EOG Resources is one the largest US oil and gas producers with significant operations across the US, including in the Barnett Shale, Northeastern Utah's Uinta Basin and South Texas. The company has a long-term LNG supply contract with major energy trading company Vitol.
Northern Oil & Gas (NYSE:NOG)
Northern Oil & Gas is a non-operator model company with a large portfolio of upstream oil and natural gas assets in the United States. As a non-operator, NOG does not drill or operate rigs, but rather acquires a fractional working interest in drilling operations. This allows the company to benefit from market upside while mitigating costs and downside risks. The company’s properties are primarily in the Williston, Uinta, Permian and Appalachian basins.
Range Resources (NYSE:RRC)
Range Resources is a Fort Worth, Texas-based natural gas exploration and production company. It operates in the Appalachian Basin and is the largest land owner in the Marcellus Formation.
If you're interested in Canadian and Australian stocks in the industry, check out INN’s list of the top-performing oil and gas stocks on the TSX and TSXV and biggest ASX-listed oil and gas stocks.
Dividend stocks are another good play in this sector. Check out INN’s top US oil and gas dividend stocks and top Canadian oil and gas dividend stocks lists.
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are another option for oil and gas investors. Below are a few natural gas-focused ETFs and broader oil and gas ETFs to get you started.
iShares U.S. Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF (BATS:IEO)
The iShares U.S. Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF offers investors exposure to the US oil and gas industry. While not a good pick for a long-term portfolio, ETF Database says “it can be very useful for more active traders seeking to establish a tilt towards domestic energy companies.” The fund’s top holdings include many of the stocks on this list. The fund’s one-year and three-year returns are -8.14 percent and 6.48 percent, respectively.
SPDR S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF (ARCA:XOP)
The SPDR S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF is another fund focused on the US energy markets, specifically companies discovering and exploiting new oil and gas deposits. As with IEO, the XOP is not ideal for a long-term investment approach. However, it does offer a more balanced exposure to the same stocks and lower costs than IEO, "making it the most attractive option for those seeking to bet on this corner of the U.S. energy market,” ETF Database states. The fund’s one-year and three-year returns are -12.37 percent and 1.18 percent, respectively.
ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas ETF (ARCA:BOIL)
The ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas ETF offers twice daily leveraged exposure to natural gas. An important caveat is that the volatile nature of the natural gas market makes this ETF for more seasoned investors, ETF Database advises. Taking a look at the fund’s one-year and three-year returns of 37.2 percent and -70.49 percent, respectively, proves this out.
United States Natural Gas Fund (ARCA:UNG)
The United States Natural Gas Fund offers exposure to US natural gas. It can potentially act as an inflation hedge, ETF Database states, although “UNG often suffers from severe contango making the product more appropriate for short-term traders.” The fund’s one-year and three-year returns are 48.37 percent and -29.09 percent, respectively.
United States 12 Month Natural Gas Fund LP (ARCA:UNL)
The United States 12 Month Natural Gas Fund LP differs from UNG in that it “diversifies across multiple maturities, potentially mitigating the adverse impact of contango,” ETF Database explains. The fund’s one-year and three-year returns are 37.17 percent and -10.53 percent, respectively.
Some of the top natural gas futures contracts include Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures, E-mini Natural Gas Futures and Delivered Natural Gas Futures sold through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group (CME Group). Futures prices of natural gas are set in contract units of 10,000 MMBtu.
Investors considering investing in natural gas futures should be aware that these contracts are very liquid and extremely active throughout the week.
As for when natural gas futures trade, these futures trade nearly 24 hours a day from Sunday to Friday, with a 60-minute break each day beginning at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Trading in natural gas futures is generally heaviest on Thursdays, when the US Department of Energy releases its weekly natural gas storage report.
This is an updated version of an article first published by the Investing News Network in 2020.
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Securities Disclosure: I, Melissa Pistilli, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Source Rock Royalties Ltd. ("Source Rock") ( TSXV: SRR), a pure-play oil and gas royalty company with an established portfolio of oil royalties, announces that its board of directors has declared a monthly dividend of $0.0065 per common share, payable in cash on April 15, 2025 to shareholders of record on March 31, 2025.
This dividend is designated as an "eligible dividend" for Canadian income tax purposes.
About Source Rock Royalties Ltd.
Source Rock is a pure-play oil and gas royalty company with an existing portfolio of oil royalties in southeast Saskatchewan, central Alberta and west-central Saskatchewan. Source Rock targets a balanced growth and yield business model, using funds from operations to pursue accretive royalty acquisitions and to pay dividends. By leveraging its niche industry relationships, Source Rock identifies and acquires both existing royalty interests and newly created royalties through collaboration with industry partners. Source Rock's strategy is premised on maintaining a low-cost corporate structure and achieving a sustainable and scalable business, measured by growing funds from operations per share and maintaining a strong netback on its royalty production.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy of this release.
Alvopetro Energy Ltd. (TSXV: ALV) (OTCQX: ALVOF) announces February sales volumes of 2,285 boepd, including natural gas sales of 13.0 MMcfpd and associated natural gas liquids sales from condensate of 115 bopd, based on field estimates.
Natural gas, NGLs and crude oil sales: |
Natural gas (Mcfpd), by field:
Total Company natural gas (Mcfpd)
NGLs (bopd)
Oil (bopd)
Total Company (boepd)
Sales volumes in February were impacted by reduced demand for the final 7 days of February. Sales in March are expected to be consistent with January.
Corporate Presentation
Alvopetro's updated corporate presentation is available on our website at:
http://www.alvopetro.com/corporate-presentation .
Social Media
Follow Alvopetro on our social media channels at the following links:
Twitter - https://twitter.com/AlvopetroEnergy
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/alvopetro/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/alvopetro-energy-ltd
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgDn_igrQgdlj-maR6fWB0w
Alvopetro Energy Ltd. is deploying a balanced capital allocation model where we seek to reinvest roughly half our cash flows into organic growth opportunities and return the other half to stakeholders. Alvopetro's organic growth strategy is to focus on the best combinations of geologic prospectivity and fiscal regime. Alvopetro is balancing capital investment opportunities in Canada and Brazil where we are building off the strength of our Caburé and Murucututu natural gas fields and the related strategic midstream infrastructure.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
All amounts contained in this new release are in United States dollars, unless otherwise stated and all tabular amounts are in thousands of United States dollars, except as otherwise noted.
boepd | = barrels of oil equivalent ("boe") per day |
bopd | = barrels of oil and/or natural gas liquids (condensate) per day |
Mcf | = thousand cubic feet |
Mcfpd | = thousand cubic feet per day |
MMcfpd | = million cubic feet per day |
NGLs | = natural gas liquids |
BOE Disclosure . The term barrels of oil equivalent ("boe") may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion ratio of six thousand cubic feet per barrel (6Mcf/bbl) of natural gas to barrels of oil equivalence is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead. All boe conversions in this news release are derived from converting gas to oil in the ratio mix of six thousand cubic feet of gas to one barrel of oil.
Forward-Looking Statements and Cautionary Language. This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The use of any of the words "will", "expect", "intend" and other similar words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking information. Forward‐looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties, should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether or not such results will be achieved. A number of factors could cause actual results to vary significantly from the expectations discussed in the forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements reflect current assumptions and expectations regarding future events. Accordingly, when relying on forward-looking statements to make decisions, Alvopetro cautions readers not to place undue reliance on these statements, as forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties. More particularly and without limitation, this news release contains forward-looking information concerning future production and sales volumes and expected sales under the Company's long-term gas sales agreement. Current and forecasted natural gas nominations are subject to change on a daily basis and such changes may be material. Forward -looking statements are necessarily based upon assumptions and judgments with respect to the future including, but not limited to, expectations and assumptions concerning forecasted demand for oil and natural gas, the success of future drilling, completion, testing, recompletion and development activities and the timing of such activities, the performance of producing wells and reservoirs, well development and operating performance, expectations regarding Alvopetro's working interest and the outcome of any redeterminations, the outcome of any disputes, the timing of regulatory licenses and approvals, equipment availability, environmental regulation, including regulation relating to hydraulic fracturing and stimulation, the ability to monetize hydrocarbons discovered, the outlook for commodity markets and ability to access capital markets, foreign exchange rates, general economic and business conditions, the impact of global pandemics, weather and access to drilling locations, the availability and cost of labour and services, the regulatory and legal environment and other risks associated with oil and gas operations . The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect. Actual results achieved during the forecast period will vary from the information provided herein as a result of numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors. Although Alvopetro believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking information is based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking information because Alvopetro can give no assurance that it will prove to be correct. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. Additional information on factors that could affect the operations or financial results of Alvopetro are included in our annual information form which may be accessed on Alvopetro's SEDAR+ profile at www.sedarplus.ca . The forward-looking information contained in this news release is made as of the date hereof and Alvopetro undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.
SOURCE Alvopetro Energy Ltd.
View original content: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/March2025/05/c4751.html
News Provided by Canada Newswire via QuoteMedia
Trillion Energy International Inc. (" Trillion " or the "Company ") (CSE: TCF) (OTCQB: TRLEF) (Frankfurt: Z62), announces the issuance of an aggregate of 3,516,493 common shares of the Company in settlement of $204,436.07 in debt owed by the Company to directors, officers and consultants (the " Debt Settlement "). Sean Stofer, Trillion's Interim CEO & Chairman of the Board stated, " I would like to thank the directors and employees who have opted to receive amounts payable to them in Shares. This is a show of confidence in Trillion as we continue to move forward aggressively with plans to recommence drilling and workovers on our projects".
In connection with the Debt Settlement, an aggregate of 1,209,413 common shares of the Company were issued for 2024 directors fees and certain management services from directors and an officer of the Company (the " Insider Settlement ").
The Insider Settlement is considered a "related-party transaction" within the meaning of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions (" MI 61-101 "). The Company has relied on exemptions from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 contained in sections 5.5(a) and 5.7(1)(a) of MI 61-101 in respect of the related party participation in the Debt Settlement based on that the fair market value of such insider participation does not exceed 25% of the Company's market capitalization.
About the Company
Trillion Energy International Inc is focused on oil and natural gas production for Europe and Türkiye with natural gas assets in Türkiye. The Company is 49% owner of the SASB natural gas field, a Black Sea natural gas development and a 19.6% (except three wells with 9.8%) interest in the Cendere oil field. More information may be found on www.sedarplus.ca , and our website.
Sean Stofer, Chairman
Brian Park, VP of Finance
E-mail: info@trillionenergy.com
Website: www.trillionenergy.com
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This news release may contain certain forward-looking information and statements, including without limitation, statements pertaining to the Company's ability to obtain regulatory approval of the executive officer and director appointments. All statements included herein, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking information and such information involves various risks and uncertainties. Trillion does not undertake to update any forward-looking information except in accordance with applicable securities laws.
These statements are no guarantee of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties, delay, change of strategy, and assumptions that are difficult to predict and which may change over time. Accordingly, actual results and strategies could differ materially and adversely from those expressed in any forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. These factors include unforeseen securities regulatory challenges, COVID, oil and gas price fluctuations, operational and geological risks, changes in capital raising strategies, the ability of the Company to raise necessary funds for development; the outcome of commercial negotiations; changes in technical or operating conditions; the cost of extracting gas and oil may increase and be too costly so that it is uneconomic and not profitable to do so and other factors discussed from time to time in the Company's filings on www.sedar.com, including the most recently filed Annual Report on Form 20-F and subsequent filings. For a full summary of our oil and gas reserves information for Turkey, please refer to our Forms F-1,2,3 51-101 filed on www.sedarplus.ca , and or request a copy of our reserves report effective December 31, 2023 and filed on April 25, 2024.
News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia
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