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February 14, 2024
Antilles Gold Limited (“Antilles Gold” or the “Company”) (ASX: AAU, OTCQB: ANTMF) is pleased to present the attached copy of a Technical Evaluation of the El Pilar Porphyry System in Cuba.
The Evaluation was prepared by the Company’s Exploration Director, Dr Christian Grainger, and Ricardo Sierra, a Colombian consulting geologist engaged by Antilles Gold on its exploration programs in Cuba.
These two highly experienced geologists with a record of exploration successes have advised that “the results of investigations to date indicate the strong possibility of discovering a significant porphyry copper deposit at El Pilar”.
It is expected that drilling will be resumed on the El Pilar porphyry system after the relevant concession is transferred from Antilles Gold’s existing Exploration Agreement with the Cuban Government's mining company, GeoMinera, to a joint venture with the potential for majority foreign ownership.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Antilles Gold, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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23 June 2024
Antilles Gold Limited
Investor Insight
Antilles Gold’s gold and copper projects in Cuba are underpinned by a strong partnership with a Cuban Government-owned mining company that effectively fast-tracks and de-risks its promising projects, offering a strategic value proposition for investors.
Antilles Gold (ASX:AAU,OTCQB:ANTMF) is an Australian mining company focused on gold and copper projects in Cuba through a joint venture with the Cuban Government’s mining company, GeoMinera. This partnership has resulted in rapid project permitting and access to several new development opportunities for the Australian company.
Antilles Gold offers strong growth potential through two near‐term development projects, Nueva Sabana and La Demajagua, and two exploration projects, the El Pilar porphyry system and Sierra Maestra copper concessions.
Joint venture projects in Cuba
Nueva Sabana is a near‐term, gold‐copper mine development within the joint venture with GeoMinera, and is expected to initially produce around 70 grams per tonne (g/t) gold in a concentrate from a high‐grade gold cap followed by ~27 percent copper concentrate with gold credits. The project development strategy includes the completion of a feasibility study in September 2024, and the commencement of construction soon after.
The second proposed development is the La Demajagua open-pit mine, which is likely to produce ~50,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of gold arsenopyrite concentrate (32 g/t gold, 27 percent arsenic), and ~10,000 tpa of gold antimony concentrate (28.8 g/t gold, 48 percent antimony, 1,200 g/t silver) for nine years. According to the plans, construction will commence in late 2025, with commissioning in mid‐2027. La Demajagua will also include the construction of a concentrate processing facility to treat La Demajagua’s gold arsenopyrite concentrate, with the capacity to produce 50,000 oz gold per year in dore, which will further increase JV profit and cashflow.
The joint venture’s two exploration projects comprise the 720‐hectare El Pilar Concession in Central Cuba covering a cluster of three copper‐gold porphyry deposits (El Pilar, Gaspar and San Nicholas), the adjacent 17,000 hectare San Nicholas concession with porphyry style mineralisation, and two concessions totaling 52,600 hectares within the producing Sierra Maestra copper belt in southeast Cuba (La Cristina and Vega Grande), with both indicating of porphyry deposits highly prospective for copper, gold and molybdenum.
Surface mineralisation at El Pilar
Antilles Gold has completed a technical evaluation of the El Pilar porphyry system which was advised to ASX on 15 February 2024.
The joint venture intends to invest part of the surplus cash flow from the Nueva Sabana mine to fund the exploration of major copper targets, including the El Pilar copper‐gold porphyry system, and those in the Sierra Maestra copper belt.
Company Highlights
- Antilles Gold Limited is an Australian mining company listed on the ASX (AAU) and OTCQB (ANTMF).
- The company is focused on gold and copper projects in Cuba through a 50:50 joint venture with the Cuban Government’s mining company, GeoMinera, opening new development opportunities for Antilles and de-risking permitting processes.
- The joint venture is engaged in four development projects: 1) Nueva Sabana gold‐copper mine; 2) La Demajagua gold mine; 3) El Pilar porphyry copper project; and 4) Exploration of two concessions within the Sierra Maestra copper belt. Of these, Nueva Sabana and La Demajagua offer near‐term development opportunities.
- Nueva Sabana is a near‐term gold‐copper mine development that is expected to generate strong cash flow from concentrate sales from end‐2025.
- La Demajagua is an open-pit mine gold project commencing construction in Q4 2025 with commissioning in mid‐2027.
- El Pilar and Sierra Maestra concessions are exploration projects.
- Investment in Cuba offers several benefits, including richness in minerals, low operating costs and royalties, stable government and regulations, several investment incentives and the availability of a skilled workforce.
Key Projects
Nueva Sabana Project
Prominer Mining Technology will supply Nueva Sabana concentrator
Nueva Sabana is the company’s near‐term, gold‐copper mine development project. The project is held in the 50:50 joint venture with GeoMinera. It will be an open-pit mine developed on the oxide zone overlaying the El Pilar porphyry copper deposit in central Cuba.
Results from 24,000 metres of historical drilling, 1,800 metres drilled in 2022, and the 10,000 metres drilled in 2023 have established a mineral resource estimate (MRE). Results of a scoping study were advised to ASX on 7 May 2024, and a feasibility study is in progress for the proposed development which will be followed by a 12‐month construction phase.
Drilling has shown outstanding grades for gold and copper, and increasing lateral and vertical boundaries of the copper domain.
The proposed mining rate for the project will be 500,000 tpa of ore with a low waste‐to‐ore ratio. The anticipated initial production of 70 g/t gold concentrate will be followed by a ~27 percent copper concentrate with gold credits.
The estimated project cost is approximately US$33 million, of which approximately US$6 million is shareholders equity with the balance of $27 million expected to be funded through an advance on purchases of the concentrates by an international commodities trader.
Chinese engineering group, Prominer Mining Technology, which has extensive experience in designing and constructing gold and copper concentrators, is expected to supply the crushing and flotation circuits for the Nueva Sabana mine.
La Demajagua Project
La Demajagua involves the development of a gold‐antimony‐silver deposit as an open-pit mine by the joint venture company, Minera La Victoria.The project is located within a 900 hectare mining concession on the Isle of Youth, 60 nautical miles from mainland Cuba. The project site is 35 kilometres from the port city of Nueva Gerona and enjoys excellent infrastructure in terms of accessibility by highway, and availability of water, electricity and fiber optic cable.The project has an MRE of 905,000 oz gold equivalent for the open-pit operation. The MRE was calculated from 29,000 metres of drilling undertaken by the JV, and selective results from about 50,000 metres of historic drilling and revised after the receipt of additional antimony assays. The project expects mining of about 815,000 tpa of ore to produce two concentrates: 50,000 tpa of gold‐arsenopyrite and 10,000 tpa of gold‐antimony‐silver for nine years.
The project will also include a concentrate processing facility to produce gold doré from the gold-arsenopyrite concentrate. The facility will comprise a 50,000‐tpa two‐stage fluidized‐bed roaster, a carbon-in-leach (CIL) circuit, and an antimony recovery circuit. The overall production target is 75,000 oz gold equivalent per year. Chinese engineering firm BGRIMM Technology Group, which has extensive experience in designing and constructing roasters, is expected to supply the process plant on a turnkey basis.
The total development cost is estimated at US$165 million, expected to be funded by US$75 million of equity, which includes contributions by a third shareholder in the project, and the balance of US$90 million in debt. The life‐of‐mine cash surplus is estimated at ~US$600 million, with an NPV of ~US$330 million based on US$1,800/oz gold, and US$13,000/t antimony.
A revised scoping study including the concentrate processing facility is expected in December 2024, and construction is anticipated to commence in late 2025, with commissioning targeted for mid‐2027.
El Pilar Copper‐Gold Porphyry System Project
El Pilar is an exploration project of a cluster of three copper‐gold porphyry deposits: El Pilar, Gaspar and Camilo. The project comprises a 752 hectare exploration license and an adjacent 17,000 hectare reconnaissance permit covering the San Nicholas copper targets.
The project site benefits from established infrastructure with close access to a major highway, high‐tension power, and a 60 kilometre rail link to Palo Alto port.
Previous mapping, soil sampling, ground magnetics, an aeromagnetic survey and 24,000 metres of shallow drilling confirmed the existence of copper‐gold mineralization and identified the exposures as a potentially large, leached porphyry system. The surface exposures at El Pilar are leached phyllic caps to a cluster of copper‐gold porphyry cores. The extent of surficial hydrothermal alteration indicates the porphyry intrusions have large dimensions, and potential depths greater than 1,000 metres.
Ground magnetics and induced polarization surveys in early 2023 have confirmed a cluster of three potentially large porphyry intrusives – El Pilar, Gaspar and Camilo. A 10‐hole initial program has demonstrated positive results with good copper intercepts in porphyry‐style veining and has indicated the proximity of drilling to the core of El Pilar porphyry intrusive. In particular, drill hole PDH‐004A assayed 1.23 percent copper over its length of 134 metres from 49 metres.
Sierra Maestra Copper Belt Project
The project is an exploration project covering two highly prospective concessions for copper, gold and molybdenum in the Sierra Maestra copper belt in southeast Cuba. It includes a 3,600-hectare geological investigation license in La Cristina, and the adjoining 49,000‐hectare Vega Grande reconnaissance license.
The copper belt spans more than 200 kilometres of Cretaceous‐age geology intruded by Eocene stocks, which are the source of widespread gold and base‐metals mineralization. The project is near the El Cobre mine which is the oldest operating copper mine in the Americas. The concessions incorporate a series of copper‐gold‐molybdenum zones that display significant footprints of hydrothermal alteration normally associated with potentially large porphyry systems.
An extensive, two‐year prospecting program will be carried out on the two concessions, commencing in Q4 2024, to identify drill targets.
Management Team
Brian Johnson – Executive Chairman
Brian Johnson is a graduate of civil engineering from the University of Western Australia and a member of the Institute of Engineers, Australia. He has rich experience in the construction and mining industries in Australia, Southeast Asia and North America. He was instrumental in establishing successful companies in the iron ore and coal sectors. Previously, he has served as a director of two listed gold producers, and of companies with stock exchange listings in London, New York, Vancouver and Australia.
James Tyers – Chief Executive Officer
James Tyers is a member of the AusIMM and has more than 30 years of experience in the mining industry, holding senior management roles in gold and iron ore operations. He has been associated with the Palm Springs Gold Mine in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, and the Cornishman Project, a JV between Troy Resources and Sons of Gwalia. He has experience developing and operating iron ore projects in the mid‐west of Western Australia. He was responsible for developing the Las Lagunas Project and is the project director for the La Demajagua gold mine in Cuba.
Ugo Carlo – Non‐executive Director
Ugo Carlo has more than 30 years of experience in the Australian mining industry. Throughout his career, he has served in several senior leadership roles at Rocklands Richfield, Austral Coal and Conzinc Rio Tinto Australia Group. He is also a former director of the Port Kembla Coal Terminal, the New South Wales Joint Coal Board, and interim chairman of the New South Wales Minerals Council.
Angela Pankhurst – Non‐executive Director
Angela Pankhurst has more than 20 years of experience as an executive and non‐executive director, primarily in the mining industry. She has been a senior executive for companies with projects in Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Vietnam, South Africa and Australia. She has held senior leadership positions at Antilles Gold and Central Asia Resources. She is currently a director of Consolidated Zinc and a director of Imritec.
Tracey Aitkin – Chief Financial Officer
Tracey Aitkin is a professional member of CPA Australia and has more than 30 years of rich experience in finance, administration and staff management across a range of industries, including mining, manufacturing, retail, transport and agriculture. She joined the company in 2009 and was named CFO in 2010.
Dr. Jinxing Ji – Technical Director
Dr. Jinxing Ji is a seasoned metallurgist with six years of research experience in universities and 26 years of practical experience in the mining industry related to gold, silver, copper, zinc and lead. His broad experience includes due diligence, metallurgical test work, pre‐feasibility study, feasibility study, detailed design, plant commissioning support, and operational support for projects in Turkey, Greece, Canada, China, Romania, Brazil and Papua New Guinea.
Steve Mertens – Mining Director
Steve Mertens is a mining engineer with more than 20 years of industry experience across a range of commodities, including nine years based in Latin America. He has been associated with the Goro Nickel Project in New Caledonia and the Mina de Cobre Project in Panama. Prior to his current role as general manager for the Minera La Victoria JV company, he was the mining manager for Antilles Gold’s Las Lagunas operation in the Dominican Republic.
Chris Grainger – Exploration Director
Chris Grainger holds a PhD in economic geology from the University of Western Australia. He is an Australian geologist with more than 25 years of international experience with involvement in grassroots and brownfield exploration, as well as resource definition and development, with a focus on precious and base metals in South and Central America and the Caribbean. He has been associated with Continental Gold’s Buritica gold‐silver project, and Cordoba Minerals’ Alacran copper‐gold project.
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Summary of Pre-Feasibility Study for Nueva Sabana Mine
11 December 2024
Revision to Updated Scoping Study Nueva Sabana Mine, Cuba
Antilles Gold Limited (AAU:AU) has announced Revision to Updated Scoping Study Nueva Sabana Mine, Cuba
14 November 2024
Results of Updated Scoping Study for Nueva Sabana Mine, Cuba
Antilles Gold Limited (“Antilles Gold” or the “Company”) (ASX: AAU, OTCQB: ANTMF) is pleased to advise the results of the Updated Scoping Study for the first stage of the proposed Nueva Sabana gold-copper mine in Cuba. The Study has been prepared by the 50% owned Cuban joint venture company, Minera La Victoria SA (“MLV”), which is undertaking the project.
- The Updated Scoping Study is based on a pit limited to 100m depth which, at a mining rate of 500,000tpa of ore, will result in an initial mine life of 4.8 years.
- With additional exploration, and a greater mining depth, the project life and NPV could be increased.
- Metallurgical testwork set out in ATTACHMENT C indicates the mine will initially produce a gold concentrate grading ~57.5g/t Au for around 18 months, followed by a blended copper-gold concentrate with an average grade of ~28.3% Cu, and ~29.8g/t Au.
- Payables for these concentrates have been received from a major international commodity trader that the joint venture is negotiating with to establish an offtake agreement.
- The off-take agreement is expected to include a provision for advanced payments for concentrates to assist in the funding of construction costs.
- The 752ha concession covering the Nueva Sabana oxide deposit also hosts the El Pilar, Gaspar, and Camilo porphyry copper intrusives, and numerous shallow gold targets identified by artisanal mining.
- The Nueva Sabana deposit has a small gold cap, an underlying copper-gold zone, and a deeper sulphide copper zone with mineralisation open at depth at 150m which could potentially transition into the El Pilar porphyry copper deposit offset to the south.
- Estimated Operating Profit of ~US$60M from the first 22 months of concentrate production will comfortably permit repayment of the ~US$28.5M project debt before the end of this period.
- MLV intends to drill the copper mineralisation that continues below the stage one mining depth of 100m with the aim of deepening the Nueva Sabana mine and extending its life.
- The Revised MRE for Nueva Sabana which is incorporated as ATTACHMENT A in the Study, established approximately 25M lb of 0.75% copper in Inferred Resources within the 50m below the initial mine depth, which is a positive indication of the potential to extend its life.
- MLV also intends to drill identified oxide gold-copper targets overlying the nearby Gaspar and Camilo porphyry copper deposits to potentially increase resources.
- Subject to the results of additional drilling, consideration will be given to doubling the mining rate in the copper domain to 1.0Mtpa of ore to increase annual profitability and cash flow.
- It is possible that the Nueva Sabana mine could be significantly expanded and extended in the future to mine the three porphyry copper deposits located within the mining concession.
Antilles Gold Chairman, Mr Brian Johnson, commented: “The first stage of Nueva Sabana, while relatively small, has an excellent IRR and will deliver significant free cash within a short timeframe.
MLV’s priority at this time is to finalise current negotiations on a concentrate off-take agreement for the project, and to arrange financing for the mine construction.
Antilles Gold’s share of the estimated NPV8 for the first stage of Nueva Sabana is ~A$70M at current metal prices of US$2,600 per oz Au, and US$9,300/t Cu, and an exchange rate of A$1.00 = US$0.66, which is significantly higher than the Company’s current market capitalisation of A$7.5M.
The opportunity to unlock further value for Antilles Gold will occur with the proposed development of the joint venture’s flagship project, the La Demajagua gold-silver-antimony mine, where the Company’s share of NPV8 reported to ASX on 30 March 2023 was ~A$150M, prior to the joint venture’s decision to expand the project to produce gold doré from the mine’s gold arsenopyrite concentrate, and to increase antimony production.
Before the end of 2024, Antilles Gold will contribute the final US$0.4M of the US$15.0M earn-in for its 50% shareholding in the joint venture company, Minera La Victoria (“MLV”), after which the Company’s cash burn will be substantially reduced.”
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Antilles Gold (ASX:AAU), licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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What Was the Highest Price for Gold?
Gold has long been considered a store of wealth, and the price of gold all time high often makes its biggest gains during turbulent times as investors look for cover in this safe-haven asset.
The 21st century has so far been heavily marked by episodes of economic and sociopolitical upheaval. Uncertainty has pushed the precious metal to record highs as market participants seek its perceived security. And each time the gold price rises, there are calls for even higher record-breaking levels.
Gold market gurus from Lynette Zang to Chris Blasi to Jordan Roy-Byrne have shared eye-popping predictions on the gold price that would intrigue any investor — gold bug or not.
While some have posited that the gold price may break US$3,000 per ounce and carry on as high as US$4,000 or US$5,000, there are those with hopes that US$10,000 gold or even US$40,000 gold could become a reality.
These impressive price predictions have investors wondering, what is gold's all time high? In the past year, a new gold all time high (ATH) has been reached dozens of times, and we share the latest one and what has driven it to this level below. We also take a look at how the gold price has moved historically and what has driven its performance in recent years.
In this article
How is gold traded?
Before discovering what the highest gold price ever was, it’s worth looking at how the precious metal is traded. Knowing the mechanics behind gold's historical moves can help illuminate why and how its price changes.
Gold bullion is traded in dollars and cents per ounce, with activity taking place worldwide at all hours, resulting in a live price for the metal. Investors trade gold in major commodities markets such as New York, London, Tokyo and Hong Kong. London is seen as the center of physical precious metals trading, including for silver. The COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange is home to most paper trading.
There are many popular ways to invest in gold. The first is through purchasing gold bullion products such as bullion bars, bullion coins and rounds. Physical gold is sold on the spot market, meaning that buyers pay a specific price per ounce for the metal and then have it delivered. In some parts of the world, such as India, buying gold in the form of jewelry is the largest and most traditional route to investing in gold.
Another path to gold investment is paper trading, which is done through the gold futures market. Participants enter into gold futures contracts for the delivery of gold in the future at an agreed-upon price. In such contracts, two positions can be taken: a long position under which delivery of the metal is accepted or a short position to provide delivery of the metal. Paper trading as a means to invest in gold can provide investors with the flexibility to liquidate assets that aren’t available to those who possess physical gold bullion.
One significant long-term advantage of trading in the paper market is that investors can benefit from gold’s safe-haven status without needing to store it. Furthermore, gold futures trading can offer more financial leverage in that it requires less capital than trading in the physical market.
Interestingly, investors can also purchase physical gold via the futures market, but the process is complicated and lengthy and comes with a large investment and additional costs.
Aside from those options, market participants can invest in gold through exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Investing in a gold ETF is similar to trading a gold stock on an exchange, and there are numerous gold ETF options to choose from. For instance, some ETFs focus solely on physical gold bullion, while others focus on gold futures contracts. Other gold ETFs center on gold-mining stocks or follow the gold spot price.
It is important to understand that you will not own any physical gold when investing in an ETF — in general, even a gold ETF that tracks physical gold cannot be redeemed for tangible metal.
With regards to the performance of gold versus trading stocks, gold has an interesting relationship with the stock market. The two often move in sync during “risk-on periods” when investors are bullish. On the flip side, they tend to become inversely correlated in times of volatility. There are a variety of options for investing in stocks, including gold mining stocks on the TSX and ASX, gold juniors, precious metals royalty companies and gold stocks that pay dividends.
According to the World Gold Council, gold's ability to decouple from the stock market during periods of stress makes it “unique amongst most hedges in the marketplace.” It is often during these times that gold outperforms the stock market. For that reason, it is often used as a portfolio diversifier to hedge against uncertainty.
What was the highest gold price ever?
The gold price peaked at US$2,989.58, its all-time high, on March 13, 2025 at 3:38 p.m. PDT. What drove it to set this new ATH?
Gold set a new record high on March 13 as US President Donald Trump expanded his tariff war to the European Union, and continued to reiterate his sentiment that the United States may need to go through a period of economic pain to enter a new "golden age" of economic prosperity.
Gold set multiple new highs in the prior month as uncertainty continues to reign under Trump, from his announcement that he would enact extensive tariffs on North American allies Canada and Mexico, to the proposed resettlement of Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip to develop it into "the Riviera of the Middle East," (a suggestion that has been condemned globally), followed by his announcement of blanket 25 percent tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.
Gold also set a previous record high on February 20 as US President Donald Trump continued tariff talks and sided with Russian President Vladimir Putin against Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Elon Musk's call to audit the gold holdings in Fort Knox has also brought attention to the yellow metal.
Read our in-depth breakdown of gold's recent price performance below.
2025 gold price chart
2025 gold price chart. December 31, 2024, to March 13, 2025.
Chart via the Investing News Network.
What factors have driven the gold price in the last five years?
Despite these recent runs, gold has seen its share of both peaks and troughs over the last decade. After remaining rangebound between US$1,100 and US$1,300 from 2014 to early 2019, gold pushed above US$1,500 in the second half of 2019 on a softer US dollar, rising geopolitical issues and a slowdown in economic growth.
Gold’s first breach of the significant US$2,000 price level in mid-2020 was due in large part to economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. To break through that barrier and reach what was then a record high, the yellow metal added more than US$500, or 32 percent, to its value in the first eight months of 2020.
The gold price surpassed that level again in early 2022 as Russia's invasion of Ukraine collided with rising inflation around the world, increasing the allure of safe-haven assets and pulling the yellow metal up to a price of US$2,074.60 on March 8, 2022. However, it fell throughout the rest of 2022, dropping below US$1,650 in October.
Five year gold price chart. March 12, 2020, to March 13, 2025.
Chart via the Investing News Network.
Although it didn't quite reach the level of volatility as the previous year, the gold price experienced drastic price changes in 2023 on the back of banking instability, high interest rates and the breakout of war in the Middle East.
After central bank buying pushed the gold price up to the US$1,950.17 mark by the end of January, the US Federal Reserve’s 0.25 percent rate hike on February 1 sparked a retreat as the dollar and Treasury yields saw gains. The precious metal went on to fall to its lowest price level of the year at US$1,809.87 on February 23.
The banking crisis that hit the US in early March caused a domino effect through the global financial system and led to the mid-March collapse of Credit Suisse, Switzerland’s second-largest bank. The gold price jumped to US$1,989.13 by March 15. The continued fallout in the global banking system throughout the second quarter of the year allowed gold to break above US$2,000 on April 3, and go on to flirt with a near-record high of US$2,049.92 on May 3.
Those gains were tempered by the Fed’s ongoing rate hikes and improvements in the banking sector, resulting in a downward trend in the gold price throughout the remainder of the second quarter and throughout the third quarter. By October 4, gold had fallen to a low of US$1,820.01 and analysts expected the precious metal to be on the path to drop below the US$1,800 level.
That was before the October 7 attacks by Hamas on Israel ignited legitimate fears of a much larger conflict erupting in the Middle East. Reacting to those fears, and rising expectations that the US Federal Reserve would begin to reverse course on interest rates, gold broke through the important psychological level of US$2,000 per ounce and closed at US$2,007.08 on October 27. As the Israel-Hamas fighting intensified, gold reached a then new high of US$2,152.30 during intraday trading on December 3.
That robust momentum in the spot gold price has continued into 2024, chasing new highs on fears of a looming US recession, the promise of Fed rate cuts on the horizon, the worsening conflict in the Middle East and the tumultuous US presidential election year. By mid-March, gold was pushing up against the US$2,200 level.
That record-setting momentum continued into the second quarter of 2024 when gold broke through US$2,400 per ounce in mid-April on strong central bank buying, sovereign debt concerns in China and investors expecting the Fed to start cutting interest rates. The precious metal went on to hit US$2,450.05 per ounce on May 20.
Throughout the summer, the hits have just kept on coming. The global macro environment is highly bullish for gold in the lead up to the US election. Following the failed assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump and a statement about coming interest rate cuts by Fed Chair Jerome Powell, the gold spot price hit a new all-time high on July 16 at US$2,469.30 per ounce.
One week later, news that President Joe Biden would not seek re-election and would instead pass the baton to his VP Kamala Harris eased some of the tension in the stock markets and strengthened the US dollar. This also pushed the price of gold down to US$2,387.99 per ounce on July 22.
However, the bullish factors supporting gold over the past year remain in play and the spot price for gold has gone on to breach the US$2,500 level first on August 2 on a less than stellar US jobs report before closing just above the US$2,440 level. A few weeks later, gold pushed past US$2,500 once again on August 16, to close above that level for the first time ever after the US Department of Commerce released data showing a fifth consecutive monthly decrease in a row for homebuilding.
The news that the Chinese government issued new gold import quotas to banks in the country following a two month pause also helped fuel the gold price rally. Central bank gold buying has been a significant tailwind for the gold price this year, and China's central bank has been one of the strongest buyers.
Market watchers expected the Fed to cut interest rates by a quarter point at their September meeting, but news on September 12 that the regulators were still deciding between the expected cut or a larger half-point cut led gold prices on a rally that carried through into the next day, bringing gold prices near US$2,600.
At the September 18 Fed meeting, the committee ultimately made the decision to cut rates by half a point, news that sent gold even higher. By Friday, September 20, it moved above US$2,600 and held above US$2,620.
In October, gold breached the US$2,700 level and continued to set new highs on a variety of factors, including further rate cuts and economic data anticipation, the escalating conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Hezbollah, and economic stimulus in China — not to mention the very close race between the US presidential candidates.
While the gold price fell following President Trump's win in early November and largely held under US$2,700 through the end of the year, it began trending upwards in 2025 to the new all-time high discussed earlier in the article.
Gold has seen upward momentum in the last year on a variety of factors. In 2025, the gold price was on the rise early in the new year as President Trump and his team began to talk seriously about a wide-ranging set of tariffs on several countries in the run-up and following his inauguration on January 20.
On January 29, the Bank of Canada shaved 25 basis points off its policy interest rate, marking its sixth consecutive decrease, and announced plans to end quantitative tightening. On the same day, the US Federal Reserve opted to leave its interest rate unchanged. The following day, President Trump announced it very likely will be placing 25 percent tariffs on Mexico and Canada as of February 1, alongside tariffs on the EU and China.
Gold price set new highs in all currencies alongside a weakening US dollar, the US Federal Reserve leaving interest rates unchanged, a rush to safe haven assets and the looming threat of US President Donald Trump's tariffs on February 1. Additionally, new US economic data showed inflation-adjusted gross domestic product in the country increased an annualized 2.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2024 after rising 3.1 percent in the third quarter.
What's next for the gold price?
What's next for the gold price is never an easy call to make. There are many factors that affect the gold price, but some of the most prevalent long-term drivers include economic expansion, market risk, opportunity cost and momentum.
Economic expansion is one of the primary gold price contributors as it facilitates demand growth in several categories, including jewelry, technology and investment. As the World Gold Council explains, “This is particularly true in developing economies where gold is often used as a luxury item and a means to preserve wealth.” Market risk is also a prime catalyst for gold values as investors view the precious metal as the “ultimate safe haven,” and a hedge against currency depreciation, inflation and other systemic risks.
Going forward, in addition to the Fed, inflation and geopolitical events, experts will be looking for cues from factors like supply and demand. In terms of supply, the world’s five top gold producers are China, Australia, Russia, Canada and the US. The consensus in the gold market is that major miners have not spent enough on gold exploration in recent years. Gold mine production has fallen from around 3,200 to 3,300 metric tons each year between 2018 and 2020 to around 3,000 to 3,100 metric tons each year between 2021 and 2023.
On the demand side, China and India are the biggest buyers of physical gold, and are in a perpetual fight for the title of world’s largest gold consumer. That said, it's worth noting that the last few years have brought a big rebound in central bank gold buying, which dropped to a record low in 2020, but reached a 55 year high of 1,136 metric tons in 2022.
The World Gold Council has reported that central bank gold purchases in 2023 came to 1,037 metric tons, marking the second year in a row above 1,000 MT. In the first half of 2024, the organization says gold purchases from central banks reached a record 483 metric tons.
“I expect the Fed’s rate-cutting cycle to be good for gold, but central bank buying has been and remains a major factor," Lobo Tiggre, CEO of IndependentSpeculator.com, said in an email to the Investing News Network (INN) at the beginning of Q4.
David Barrett, CEO of the UK division of global brokerage firm EBC Financial Group, is also keeping an eye on central bank purchases of gold.
“I still see the global central bank buying as the main driver — as it has been over the last 15 years,” he said in an email to INN. "This demand removes supply from the market. They are the ultimate buy-and-hold participants and they have been buying massive amounts."
In addition to central bank moves, analysts are also watching for escalating tensions in the Middle East, a weakening US dollar, declining bond yields, and further interest rate cuts as factors that could push gold higher as investors look to secure their portfolios.
Speaking at the Metals Investor Forum, held in Vancouver, British Columbia, this September, Eric Coffin, editor of Hard Rock Analyst, outlined those key factors as supporting his prediction that gold could reach US$2,800 by the end of 2024.
“When it comes to outside factors that affect the market, it’s just tailwind after tailwind after tailwind. So I don’t really see the trend changing,” Coffin said.
Also speaking at the Metals Investor Forum, Jeff Clark, founder and editor at TheGoldAdvisor.com, was even more bullish on the precious metal. He sees Santa delivering US$3,000 gold as a good possibility.
However, others see gold taking a little longer to breach the US$3,000 level. Delegates at the London Bullion Market Association's annual gathering in October have forecasted a gold price of US$2,941 in the next 12 months.
Randy Smallwood of Wheaton Precious Metals (TSX:WPM,NYSE:WPM) thinks US$3,000 could become a reality within a couple of years. He told INN in an October 2024 interview that he believes the west has finally caught the gold fever that has mainly been contained to the east for much of the year.
Meanwhile, Alain Corbani, head of mining of Montbleu Finance and manager of the Global Gold and Precious Fund, told INN in an early January 2025 interview that his price target for the year is US$3,000 per ounce. He advises that the direction of interest rates in the US will be the most important factor to watch.
Should you beware of gold price manipulation?
As a final note on the price of gold and buying gold bullion, it’s important for investors to be aware that gold price manipulation is a hot topic in the industry.
In 2011, when gold hit what was then a record high, it dropped swiftly in just a few short years. This decline after three years of impressive gains led many in the gold sector to cry foul and point to manipulation. Early in 2015, 10 banks were hit in a US probe on precious metals manipulation. Evidence provided by Deutsche Bank (NYSE:DB) showed “smoking gun” proof that UBS Group (NYSE:UBS), HSBC Holdings (NYSE:HSBC), the Bank of Nova Scotia (NYSE:BNS) and other firms were involved in rigging gold and silver rates in the market from 2007 to 2013.
Not long after, the long-running London gold fix was replaced by the LBMA gold price in a bid to increase gold price transparency. The twice-a-day process, operated by the ICE Benchmark Administration, still involves a variety of banks collaborating to set the gold price, but the system is now electronic.
Still, manipulation has by no means been eradicated, as a 2020 fine on JPMorgan (NYSE:JPM) shows. The next year, chat logs were released in a spoofing trial for two former precious metals traders from the Bank of America’s (NYSE:BAC) Merrill Lynch unit. They show a trader bragging about how easy it is to manipulate the gold price.
Gold market participants have consistently spoken out about manipulation. In mid-2020, Chris Marcus, founder of Arcadia Economics and author of the book “The Big Silver Short,” said that when gold fell back below the US$2,000 mark after hitting close to US$2,070, he saw similarities to what happened with the gold price in 2011.
Marcus has been following the gold and silver markets with a focus specifically on price manipulation for nearly a decade. His advice? “Trust your gut. I believe we’re witnessing the ultimate ’emperor’s really naked’ moment. This isn’t complex financial analysis. Sometimes I think of it as the greatest hypnotic thought experiment in history.”
Investor takeaway
While we have the answer to what the highest gold price ever is as of now, it remains to be seen how high gold can climb, and if the precious metal can reach as high as US$5,000, US$10,000 or even US$40,000.
Even so, many market participants believe gold is a must have in any investment profile, and there is little doubt investors will continue to see gold price action making headlines this year and beyond.
This is an updated version of an article first published by the Investing News Network in 2020.
Don’t forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Melissa Pistilli, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Editorial Disclosure: The Investing News Network does not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the information reported in the interviews it conducts. The opinions expressed in these interviews do not reflect the opinions of the Investing News Network and do not constitute investment advice. All readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence.
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Grande Portage Resources
Investment Insight
With an established mineral resource and further significant exploration upside, the New Amalga gold project presents substantial opportunities for Grande Portage to advance the project, generate cash flow, and create shareholder value. The company’s ongoing exploration efforts and strategic partnerships enhance the potential for long-term growth and value appreciation.
Grande Portage Resources (TSXV:GPG,OTCQB:GPTRF,FSE:GPB) is a junior resource company focused on the exploration and development of its high-grade gold asset in southeast Alaska. The company’s flagship project, the New Amalga Gold project (formerly known as the Herbert Gold project), is located approximately 25 kilometers north of Juneau, within the prolific Juneau Gold Belt.
This historic 160-kilometer-long belt has yielded nearly eight million ounces of gold to date, and New Amalga represents one of the most prospective undeveloped gold systems in the region. The rebranding from Herbert Gold to New Amalga Gold reflects the company’s commitment to advancing and expanding its exploration and development efforts in this promising district.
Over the years, Grand Portage has significantly expanded its resource base through extensive exploration and drilling campaigns. The current mineral resource estimate, published in June 2024, outlines an indicated resource of 1.44 million ounces of gold at an average grade of 9.47 grams per ton (g/t) gold, and an inferred resource of 515,700 ounces at an average grade of 8.85 g/t gold. Additionally, the project hosts significant silver mineralization, with indicated resources of 891,600 ounces at 5.86 g/t silver and inferred resources of 390,600 ounces at 7.33 g/t silver. The deposit has demonstrated exceptional metallurgical recoveries of up to 98.2 percent, reinforcing its economic viability.
Grande Portage is led by an experienced management team with a strong background in exploration and project development. The team’s focus is on creating shareholder value through the advancement of the Herbert Gold Project while maintaining a commitment to environmental and community responsibilities.
Company Highlights
- Grande Portage Resources is a junior resource company advancing its high-grade New Amalga Gold project, located in a prolific gold belt in SE Alaska.
- Strong management team led by Ian Klassen who has 30 years’ experience in business management, public relations and government affairs, and Kyle Mehalek, former chief mining engineer at Hecla Mining’s Greens Creek Mine.
- The flagship New Amalga Gold project, located near Juneau, Alaska, boasts a measured and indicated resource of 1.44 million ounces at 9.47 g/t gold, and inferred resource of 515,700 ounces at 8.85 g/t gold.
Key Project
New Amalga Gold Project
The New Amalga Gold project (formerly, Herbert Gold project) is a high-grade mesothermal quartz vein system containing six or more known parallel gold-bearing vein structures. The project consists of 91 unpatented lode claims covering approximately 2,000 acres.
Grande Portage has completed extensive drilling campaigns, with more than 54,000 meters of diamond drilling across 240 drill holes from 55 platforms, confirming a large, structurally complex gold-quartz system. The deposit remains open at depth and along strike, highlighting strong potential for further resource expansion. Historical production in the broader district, including previous operations at the historic Amalga Mine, has demonstrated the potential for high-grade ore shoots. Modern exploration drilling has intersected robust mineralization in multiple vein structures, supporting the project's continued development.
Primary veins with geology
Grande Portage is committed to responsible mining practices that minimize environmental impact. The company prioritizes low-impact mining methods and is exploring off-site processing solutions to align with community concerns regarding environmental preservation in the Juneau area.
The company has filed its 2025 Plan of Operation, proposing up to 10,000 meters of diamond drilling, along with detailed geological mapping and trench sampling. These initiatives aim to expand the known mineralization, refine geological modeling, and identify new high-priority targets. To further optimize project economics, the company is advancing sensor-based ore sorting testwork to improve processing efficiency.
Additionally, a Letter of Intent has been signed with Goldbelt, Juneau’s Alaska Native Corporation, to explore strategic collaborations that could enhance the project’s development and operational sustainability.
Management Team
Ian Klassen – President and Director
Ian Klassen brings almost 30 years experience in business management, public relations, government affairs and entrepreneurship to the company. He has extensive experience in the administration of public companies, government policy, media relations strategies, business/government project management, and legislative decision-making. Klassen is an (Honours) B.A. graduate from Western University and is a recipient of the Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada, in recognition of his significant contribution to his community and country.
Kyle Mehalek – Lead Mine Planning Consultant
Kyle Mehalek is the lead consultant at OreLogic, providing underground mine planning and project development services. Mehalek is the former chief mining engineer of Hecla Mining Company’s (NYSE:HL) Greens Creek Mine. More recently he was the chief technical officer for Talon Metals, a TSX-listed company advancing the Tamarack nickel project in Minnesota.
Michele Pillon – Chief Financial Officer
Michele Pillon has 25 years of experience in the junior mining exploration sector, providing accounting and regulatory assistance to public companies. Since May 1988, she has worked as an accountant to public companies in the resource sector.
Carl Hale – Director of Exploration
Carl Hale received his Bachelor of Science degree in geology from the University of Washington in 1972. He has worked the majority of his career on mineral exploration projects in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest for various mining companies and consulting groups. He supervised massive sulfide exploration projects in the Brooks Range, Alaska, mineral reconnaissance programs in the Alaska Range and Southeast Alaska, and is presently the project manager on a gold exploration venture in the United States. Mr. Hale spent several years as a mine geologist at the Cannon Mine, a large gold mine in Wenatchee, Washington, as a geologist at the Sunshine silver mine in Idaho, managed a copper exploration project at Bornite, Alaska for three years for Kennecott and served as a geologist on a gold exploration project in Myanmar.
Alistair MacLennan – Director
Alistair MacLennan has been working in the junior resources sector (oil/gas/minerals), in various capacities, for over 30 years. He has gained industry knowledge through founding, investment in and serving on the boards of a number of public and private exploration companies. MacLennan is also the chairman and director of Helijet International, a helicopter airline operating a fleet of Sikorsky S76 helicopters throughout the Pacific Northwest since 1986. MacLennan is actively involved in a number of private companies which are involved in leasing, manufacturing and natural gas production.
Ronald Handford – Director
Ronald Handford is a professional engineer (non-practicing) and is president of Handford Management, a private management services company. He has been a senior executive of Sixty North Gold Mining since September 2016. He was formerly the executive vice-president, corporate development for Yellowhead Mining. Handford holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Western University (1979) and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Civil Engineering from the University of British Columbia (1974). He has over 20 years of international experience as a mining and technology entrepreneur, executive and advisor, plus 15 years as an international mining project finance and corporate banker, including Barclays Bank and the International Finance Corporation; and six years as an engineer/project manager related to mining and resource projects.
Douglas A. Perkins – Director
Douglas Perkins is a geology graduate from the University of British Columbia. Perkins has served on public company boards for over 25 years involving the promotion and representation of their geological properties. He has been involved in several start-ups of both public and private companies not only geological but including manufacturing, wholesale and developmental industries. From an exploration standpoint, Perkins has worked on the Gataga Trend for Cyprus Anvil, where several multi-million-ton deposits were discovered. He also worked for UTAH, UMEX, Cominco and oversaw Freeport/ Stryker's exploration project in northern BC near the Windy Craggy deposit. Perkins has tropical experience in the jungle of the Darien Gap in Panama during 1988 to 1989. For the last two years he has been senior vice-president and director of GMV Minerals in Guyana South America.
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Gold Price Hits New Record, Breaking US$2,975 for First Time
The gold price reached yet another record high on Thursday (March 13), breaking US$2,975 per ounce.
The precious metal has seen significant momentum since the start of the year.
Recent US consumer and producer price index data released on Wednesday (March 12) and Thursday shows that inflation has become stuck, adding more fuel to recession speculation and buoying gold.
Gold price chart, March 6 to 13, 2025.
Chart via the Investing News Network.
These releases come as trade tensions between the US and other countries ramp up.
Tempers flared when Ontario Premier Doug Ford imposed a 25 percent surcharge on electricity exports to the US on Tuesday (March 11). Although the charges were withdrawn after the two sides agreed to meet in Washington on Thursday, there is still much uncertainty about Canada-US relations, as well as US relations globally.
Broad 25 percent tariffs on all steel and aluminum imports to the US went into effect on Wednesday. Canada quickly applied retaliatory tariffs on US$20 billion worth of goods, while the EU responded with tariffs on US$28 billion worth of goods. Trump had threatened to boost the tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum to 50 percent, but backed down for now after Ford withdrew the 25 percent electricity surcharge.
Trump has also said he will impose further tariffs on auto imports by April 2, creating significant uncertainty for manufacturers and businesses that rely on cross-border trade.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Dean Belder, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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12 March
John Feneck: Gold Landscape Never Better, Plus 9 Stocks on My Radar Now
John Feneck, portfolio manager and consultant at Feneck Consulting, shares his updated outlook for gold, saying that the yellow metal still has space to run.
He also discusses nine gold and "special situations" companies that are on his radar.
Watch the interview for more, or click here for the Investing News Network's Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada convention playlist on YouTube.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Charlotte McLeod, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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12 March
Brian Leni: Latest Mining Stock Wins and How I'm Deploying Cash Now
Brian Leni, founder of Junior Stock Review, runs through his investment strategy, saying he's looking for stocks with an "X factor" that's being overlooked.
Watch the interview above for more of this thoughts.
You can also click here to view the Investing News Network's Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada convention playlist on YouTube.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Charlotte McLeod, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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11 March
Willem Middelkoop: Gold to Benefit as Chaos Rises, Silver's Path to US$100
Willem Middelkoop, founder of Commodity Discovery Fund, shared his thoughts on the commodities space, saying that an "era of shortages" is arriving.
He believes that will propel prices up from today's rock-bottom levels, creating investment opportunities.
Middelkoop also discussed geopolitics, looking at recent moves from the Trump administration.
Click here to view the Investing News Network's Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada convention playlist on YouTube.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Charlotte McLeod, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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