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May 12, 2024
Sarama Resources Ltd. (“Sarama” or the “Company”) (ASX:SRR, TSX-V:SWA) is pleased to announce the Statement of Executive Compensation - 2023.
The following information is provided as required under Form 51-102F6 for Non-Venture Issuers, as that term is defined in National Instrument 51-102 – Continuous Disclosure Obligations for the financial year ended December 31, 2023. The Company reports its financial statements in United States dollars. Unless otherwise noted, all compensation described in this statement is awarded to, earned by, paid to, or payable to an NEO in either Canadian dollars or Australian dollars. Unless otherwise noted, all compensation amounts have been converted into United States dollars at the following Bank of Canada annual average rates.
All references to “C$”, “$” or “dollars” in this Statement of Executive Compensation refer to Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated. References to “US$” or “U.S. dollars” refer to United States dollars. References to “A$” refers to Australian dollars.
Compensation Discussion and Analysis
The following compensation discussion and analysis provides insight into the compensation that the Company provided to its Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and the three most highly compensated executive officers of the Company (the “NEOs”) for the year ended December 31, 2023 (the “2023 Fiscal Year”). For the 2023 Fiscal Year, the Company had the following NEOs: (i) Andrew Dinning, CEO; (ii) Lui Evangelista, CFO; (iii) Paul Schmiede, Vice President – Corporate Development; and (iv) Jack Hamilton, Vice President – Exploration.
During the 2023 Fiscal Year, the Company focused on completing a Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) on its Sanutura project in Burkina Faso (the “Project”), until the PEA was suspended in September 2023 due to the illegal withdrawal of the Company’s rights to the 100% owned Tankoro 2 Exploration Permit (the “Permit”) by the Government of Burkina Faso. Subsequently, the Company’s exploration activities were reduced to administrative and compliance requirements and exploration field camps were placed on care and maintenance.
Advancement of the Sanutura Project
In early 2023, the Company completed internal assessment work evaluating various project sizes, configurations and throughput rates, and staging the development of the Project. As a result of this work, the Company decided to undertake a PEA to evaluate accelerating the Project via a staged approach, commencing with a mid-sized mine development established using high-grade, free-milling oxide material, followed by successive upgrades and expansions to deliver a long life, high return project. The Company’s approach had been to optimise the Project to facilitate development funding, focusing on the payback period, minimising upfront capital and structuring the Project to generate cash flows as soon as practicably possible. Open pit mining was focused on bringing value forward and was being scheduled accordingly while underground mining was being scheduled to augment grade requirements later in the mine life. The PEA was scheduled for completion in September 2023.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Sarama Resources, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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06 February
Sarama Resources
Investor Insight
Sarama Resources offers a compelling investment opportunity fueled by a multi-million dollar, fully-funded arbitration claim and two new gold projects encompassing 1,000 sq km of the Cosmo Newbery and Mt Venn Greenstone Belts in Western Australia’s Eastern Goldfields.
Sarama Resources (TSXV:SWA,ASX:SRR) is a gold-focused Australian mineral exploration and development company. Sarama has two core components to its business, one being a significant and fully funded arbitration claim, and the other being two highly prospective gold projects totaling 1,000 sq km in area in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Individually, each component significantly derisks the company and together they present significant value and upside optionality for investors.
Sarama recently acquired the Cosmo and the Mt Venn gold projects which cover 580 sq km and 420 sq km, respectively, and encompass most of the greenstone belts in which they are situated. These greenstone belts are located in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, and both have historical gold workings and strong geological and structural similarities to the adjacent Dorothy Hills greenstone belt which hosts the +8 Moz Gruyere gold deposit.
The Cosmo and Mt Venn gold projects offer a unique and promising opportunity for exploration in a region known for its prolific gold endowment.
The company is also pursuing a significant arbitration claim which is fully funded through a non-recourse loan facility. Boies Schiller Flexner who have an excellent track record of securing large settlements has been appointed to assist with the claim. The damages being sought are not less than cAU$200 million plus interest, and have the potential to be significantly more.
Sarama is led by an experienced board and management team with more than 30 years of individual experience and a proven track record of discovery and development of large-scale gold deposits including the +25 Moz world-class Kibali Gold Mine (formerly Moto Gold), and the +3 million ounce Sanutura gold project.
Company Highlights
- Sarama has two core components to its business - a fully funded arbitration claim and a new and highly prospective gold project in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.
- Sarama’s Cosmo Gold project covers 580 sq km and encompasses most of the highly prospective Cosmo Newbery Greenstone Belt in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.
- Sarama has acquired 80 percent interest in the Mt Venn gold project, which is 40 km east of the Cosmo Newbery Project, less than 40 km from the +8 Moz Gruyere gold mine and covers 420 sq km of the highly prospective Mt Venn Greenstone Belt.
- The company’s significant arbitration claim in Burkina Faso is fully funded through a non-recourse loan facility, seeking no less than AU$180 million in damages.
- The company is led by an experienced management team and board with more than 30 years of individual experience and a proven track record of discovery and development.
Key Projects
Cosmo Newbery Gold Project
The Cosmo Gold project is an underexplored, belt-scale gold asset in Western Australia's Eastern Goldfields. The project spans 580 sq km covering the entirety of the Cosmo-Newbery Greenstone Belt, a large and prospective system with gold first being discovered in the area in the 1890s and where rock chip sampling has returned grades up to 52 g/t gold. Cosmo Gold comprises seven contiguous exploration tenements and is located approximately 85 km northeast of Laverton in a region known for its prolific gold endowment.
Project Highlights
- Promising Geology: Whole greenstone belt with good structural setting in a prolific gold-producing region
- Scale: Tenure is contiguous over 583 sq km and covers the entire +50 km of greenstone belt
- Old workings: Gold was discovered in the 1890s highlighting its potential, but the area has remained unexplored for decades
- Limited exploration: The belt has seen virtually no modern exploration and no drilling of merit
- Location: Situated 95 km west of +8 Moz Gruyere gold mine (Gold Road) and 85 km from Laverton which sits in a greenstone belt hosting over 35 Moz of gold
Mt Venn Project
The Mt Venn Gold project has many similarities to the nearby Cosmo gold project and the company views it as an underexplored, belt-scale gold asset. The project spans 420 sq km and covers a large portion of the Mt Venn Greenstone Belt, a large and prospective system with gold first being discovered in the area in the 1890s. Limited drilling has returned multiple intersections of merit, and the project has a 35km long gold corridor marked by semi-contiguous gold-in-soil anomalism, old workings and drill intercepts. Mt Venn comprises three contiguous exploration tenements and is located approximately 35 km west of Gold Road’s 8 Moz, +300,000 oz/yr Gruyere gold mine and 40 km east of the company’s Cosmo gold project.
Project Highlights
- Promising Geology: Project covers a significant part of the Mt Venn greenstone belt, it has a good lithological and structural setting, including a regional shear zone approximately 50 km long and 1 to 3 km wide, extending full length of the greenstone belt.
- Scale: Tenure is contiguous over 420 sq km and covers a large portion of greenstone belt
- Old workings: Gold was discovered in the 1890s highlighting its potential, but the area has remained unexplored for decades
- Limited exploration: A lot of exploration potential remains in the belt with historical exploration work delineating a 35km anomalous gold trend coincident with a major regional structure and favorable lithologies
- Gold intercepts in drilling at Three Bears Prospect on Mt Venn project extend over 4 km trend to maximum 8.5 g/t gold
- Location: Situated 40 km west of Gold Road’s 8 Moz, +300,000 oz/yr Gruyere gold mine, 20 km west of Gold Road’s 1 Moz Golden Highway deposit and 40 km east of the company’s Cosmo gold project
Management Team
Andrew Dinning – Executive Chairman
Andrew Dinning is a founder, managing director and CEO of Sarama Resources. Dinning is committed to development in Africa and recently retired as a board member of The Australia-Africa Minerals and Energy Group (AAMEG) after eight years of service. AAMEG is a peak body representing Australian companies engaged in the development of Africa's resource industry.
Dinning has over 35 years of experience in the international mining arena and has worked in the Democratic Republic of Congo, West Africa, the UK, Russia and Australia. He has extensive mine management, operations and capital markets experience and has spent most of his career in the gold sector. Dinning was a director and president of the Democratic Republic of Congo-based Moto Goldmines Ltd from 2005 to 2009. He oversaw the development of the company's Moto Gold Project (Kibali Gold) from two million to more than 22 million ounces of gold. Dinning took the project from exploration to pre-development. The Moto Gold project was later taken over by Randgold Resources and AngloGold Ashanti for $600 million in October 2009. Dinning has an MBA, a first-class mine managers certificate in Western Australia and South Australia and a Bachelor of Engineering in Mining degree.
John (Jack) Hamilton - Vice-president of Exploration
Jack Hamilton is a founder and the vice president of exploration at Sarama Resources. Hamilton has 35 years of experience as a professional geologist. Hamilton has worked around the world for international resource companies. Before Sarama, he was the exploration manager for Moto Goldmines. in the Democratic Republic of Congo. At Moto Goldmines, he led the team that discovered the main deposits and resource at the world-class Moto Gold Project (now Kibali Gold) which has a resource of more than 22 million ounces.
Hamilton specializes in precious metal exploration in Birimian, Archean and Proterozoic greenstone belts. He has worked and consulted in West, Central and East Africa for the past 20 years with various companies, including Barrick Gold Corporation, Echo Bay Mines, Etruscan Resources Inc, Anglo American, Geo Services International and Moto Goldmines. Whilst at Moto Goldmines, he led the exploration team that took the Moto gold deposit from discovery to bankable feasibility. The Moto gold deposit was later sold to Randgold Resources and AngloGold Ashanti in October 2009.
Paul Schmiede - Vice-president of Corporate Development
Paul Schmiede is a major shareholder and the vice president of corporate development at Sarama Resources. He is a mining engineer with over 25 years of experience in mining and exploration. Before joining Sarama Resources in 2010, Schmiede was vice president of operations and project development at Moto Goldmines. At Moto Goldmine, he managed the pre-feasibility, bankable and definitive feasibility study for the more than 22 million-ounce Democratic Republic of Congo-based Moto Gold Project (now Kibali Gold). Whilst at Moto Goldmines, he also managed the in-country environment, community studies and pre-construction activities. Before joining Moto Goldmines, he held senior operational and management positions with Gold Fields and WMC Resources. At these companies, Schmiede was responsible for underground and open-pit operations as well as project development and planning.
Schmiede holds a first-class mine managers certificate in Western Australia and a Bachelor of Engineering in Mining degree. He is also a fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Lui Evangelista - Chief Financial Officer
Lui Evangelista is Sarama's chief financial officer with 35 years of experience in accounting, finance and corporate governance with public companies. He has more than 20 years of experience in the mining industry –– 10 years of which have been at the operational and corporate level with companies operating in Francophone Africa.
Evangelista held the positions of group financial controller and acting CFO at Anvil Mining. which operated 3 mines in the DRC. He was an integral part of the senior management team that saw Anvil's market capitalization grow from C$100 million in 2005 to C$1.3 billion upon takeover by Minmetals in 2012.
Evangelista holds a Bachelor of Business in Accounting degree, a graduate diploma in business administration and a graduate diploma in applied corporate governance.
Simon Jackson - Non-executive Director
Simon Jackson is a founder, shareholder and non-executive chairman of Sarama Resources. Simon is a Chartered Accountant with over 25 years of experience in the mining sector. He is the chairman of Predictive Discovery and non-executive director of African gold producer Resolute Mining. He has previously held senior management positions at Red Back Mining, Orca Gold and Beadell Resources.
Jackson specializes in M&A, public equity markets management and corporate finance. His career has included corporate transactions in Canada, Australia, Africa and Indonesia. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Western Australia and is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.
Adrian Byass - Non-executive Director
Adrian Byass has more than 25 years of experience in the mining industry. He has focused his career on the economic development of mineral resources. He is skilled in economic and resource geology. Byass has experience ranging from production in gold and nickel mines to the evaluation and development of mining projects with listed and unlisted entities in several countries. He has also held several executive and non-executive board roles on both ASX and AIM-listed companies.
Byass presently operates in a corporate and market-focused capacity on a national and international basis. He has board-level experience in mine development, capital raising and M&A in Australia and on overseas stock exchanges. Byass has played key roles in a range of exploration and mining projects in Australia, Africa, North America and Europe. These projects were based on a suite of commodities including gold, base and specialty metals.
Byass holds a Bachelor of Science in Geology and a Bachelor of Economics. Byass is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, a fellow of the Society of Economic Geology and a competent person for the reporting of mineral resources (JORC 2012).
Byass is currently on the board of multiple ASX-listed companies, including Galena Mining, Kaiser Reef, Kingwest Resources and Infinity Lithium.
Michael Bohm - Non-executive Director
Michael Bohm is a seasoned director and mining engineer in the resources industry. His career spans roles as a mining engineer, mine manager, study manager, project manager, project director, and managing director.
He has been directly involved in the development of multiple mines in the gold, nickel, and diamond industries, and made significant contributions to Ramelius Resources during its formative years. This experience is particularly important as Sarama is currently in the process of rebuilding its operations in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia.
He is a current director of ASX-listed Riedel Resources and has previously been a director of ASX listed Perseus Mining, Ramelius Resources, Mincor Resources NL and Cygnus Metals.
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11 February
Sarama Completes Tranche 2 Options Placement
Top 5 Canadian Mining Stocks This Week: San Lorenzo Gold Shines with 329 Percent Gain
Welcome to the Investing News Network's weekly look at the best-performing Canadian mining stocks on the TSX, TSXV and CSE, starting with a round-up of Canadian and US news impacting the resource sector.
The effects of US tariff threats on the US and Canadian economies were reflected in economic data this week.
On Monday (March 3), the Atlanta Fed updated its GDPNow model, forecasting a 2.8 percent decline in Q1 GDP. While the number has since been revised to a drop of 2.4 percent, it still represents a near 5 percent decrease from Q4 2024, when the US economy grew by 2.3 percent. If the numbers hold it would mark the largest drop in GDP since the pandemic.
While this is only a forecast based on available data, it could signal the potential for a recession in the US starting in the first half of 2025. The overall state of the US economy may come into better focus when the US Bureau of Labor Statistics releases its February consumer price index data on Wednesday (March 12) and the Federal Reserve hosts its Federal Open Markets Committee meeting the following week on March 18 and 19.
In Canada, Statistics Canada reported on Thursday (March 6) that the trade surplus with the US had reached a record C$14.4 billion in January, up 6.3 percent from the C$12.3 billion recorded in December. The agency said the rise coincided with the increasing tariff threat from the US as more manufacturers south of the border began to stockpile Canadian imports.
StatsCan also released its February labor force survey on Friday (March 7). The data showed that job growth had stalled during the month, with the national labor force adding a net total of 1,100 new positions.
The figures were well below estimates, as economists had expected 15,000 new jobs to be added to the Canadian economy. The country added 76,000 jobs the prior month.
The biggest gains in February came from wholesale and retail trade, which added 51,000 new workers, while the biggest contraction came from 33,000 fewer jobs in professional, scientific and technical services.
Markets and commodities react
US equity markets were broadly down again this week.
The S&P 500 (INDEXSP:INX) lost 3.32 percent to close the week at 5,770.16, and the Nasdaq-100 (INDEXNASDAQ:NDX) fell 4.09 percent to 20,158.31. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDEXDJX:.DJI) lost 2.5 percent to 42,801.73.
In Canada, markets were also in decline. The S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index (INDEXTSI:JX) fell 0.63 percent to close at 614.30 on Friday, the S&P/TSX Composite Index (INDEXTSI:OSPTX) posted a 2.57 percent loss to 24,758.76 and the CSE Composite Index (CSE:CSECOMP) dropped 2.77 percent to 126.72.
Gold continued to trade in all-time high territory this week, gaining 1.8 percent over the week to US$2,908.07 per ounce at 4:00 p.m. EST Friday. The silver price saw a more significant rise, adding 4.32 percent during the period to US$32.48.
In base metals, the copper price was up 2.61 percent on the week, closing out Friday at US$4.72 per pound on the COMEX. Meanwhile, the S&P GSCI (INDEXSP:SPGSCI) shed 0.44 percent to close at 551.16.
Top Canadian mining stocks this week
So how did mining stocks perform against this backdrop?
We break down this week’s five best-performing Canadian mining stocks below.
Data for this article was retrieved at 4:00 p.m. EST on Friday using TradingView's stock screener. Only companies trading on the TSX, TSXV and CSE with market capitalizations greater than C$10 million are included. Companies within the non-energy minerals and energy minerals sectors were considered.
1. San Lorenzo Gold (TSXV:SLG)
Weekly gain: 328.57 percent
Market cap: C$19.44 million
Share price: C$0.30
San Lorenzo Gold is an exploration company working to advance its Salvadora project in the Chañaral province of Chile.
The property consists of 25 exploration and nine exploitation concessions covering an area of 8,796 hectares. It hosts a large copper and gold porphyry system with several significant targets. According to the project page, the site geology resembles that of the nearby Codelco-owned Salvador copper mine, which has operated since the early 1950s and is expected to continue until the mid-2060s following an expansion.
Shares in San Lorenzo saw significant gains this week after it announced a significant discovery hole on Monday, the first of three holes drilled at Salvadora’s Cerro Blanco gold-copper target, as well as partial results from the three holes drilled at its Arco de Oro gold target.
The discovery hole at Cerro Blanco demonstrated grades of 1.04 grams per metric ton (g/t) gold, 1.0 g/t silver and 0.05 percent copper over 153 meters, including an intersection with 12.78 g/t gold, 6.5 g/t silver and 0.51 percent copper over 3.8 meters.
The partial results from Arco de Oro returned a highlighted result of 5.61 g/t gold over 6.6 meters, which included an intersection of 11.14 g/t gold over 2.3 meters. Copper results from Arco de Oro are still pending.
The company said it is gratified to announce a discovery hole from the first drill test at Cerro Blanco, as well as results from Arco de Oro that confirm the robustness of the gold system there.
2. Tidewater Renewables (TSX:LCFS)
Weekly gain: 74.23 percent
Market cap: C$84.06 million
Share price: C$2.84
Tidewater Resources is focused on the production of low-carbon fuels from facilities in BC, Canada.
Its sole operation is a renewable diesel and hydrogen complex located near Prince George. The project has a nameplate capacity of 3,000 barrels per day of renewable diesel and 23.7 metric tons per day of hydrogen. The plant began production during Q4 2023 using feedstock that included soybean and canola oil.
The company is expanding the site to produce sustainable aviation fuel, which it plans to start producing in 2028.
Tidewater shares gained this week after the company announced on Thursday that it had advised the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) to initiate an anti-subsidy and anti-dumping duty investigation into imports of renewable diesel from the US. The release indicated that the CBSA confirmed that Tidewater had provided sufficient evidence to support the allegations.
Tidewater expects that additional duties of between C$0.50 and C$0.80 will be applied to renewable diesel imports originating from the US, which would provide increased market stability for Tidewater products.
3. Galantas Gold (TSXV:GAL)
Weekly gain: 54.55 percent
Market cap: C$10.9 million
Share price: C$0.085
Galantas Gold is a gold exploration and development company working to advance its flagship Omagh project, which is located west of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
The project is located within a 189.2 square kilometer license area. The site is currently in the development stage and covers a total area of 220 acres. It hosts an open-pit mine, processing plant, tailings facility and water clarification pond. More than 3 kilometers of underground mining have been completed and 3,175 metric tons have been mined from six test stops.
A June 2023 resource estimate from the site demonstrated a measured resource of 25,287 ounces of contained gold from 119,360 metric tons of ore grading 6.59 g/t gold, with an additional indicated resource of 153,671 ounces of contained gold from 730,702 metric tons of ore at a grade of 6.56 g/t. The inferred resource at Omagh shows 172,873 ounces of gold with grades of 6.24 g/t gold from 859,802 metric tons.
Shares in Galantas Gold saw significant gains this week, but the company has yet to release news in 2025.
4. Eastern Platinum (TSXV:ELR)
Weekly gain: 42.86 percent
Market cap: C$34.42 million
Share price: C$0.20
Eastern Platinum, also known as Eastplats, is a platinum group metal (PGM) and chrome mining, development and exploration company working to advance assets in South Africa.
Its most advanced asset is the Crocodile River mine, located northwest of Johannesburg. The mine began operating in 1987, but production was suspended in the early 1990s due to falling PGM prices. Since then, the mine saw some limited production in the early 2000s before once again being suspended.
After significant rehabilitation, chrome and PGM production from site tailings was restarted at the site in 2018 and 2020 respectively, and underground operations at the Zandfontein mine restarted in October 2023. In October of last year, Eastplats began commissioning a PGM processing plant that will process ore from Zandfontein.
A technical report from May 2022 demonstrated a proven and probable resource of 1.72 million ounces of platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold, with an average grade of 3.68 g/t from 14.58 million metric tons of ore.
Shares in Eastplats gained this week, although the company has not released news in 2025.
5. Sage Potash (TSXV:SAGE)
Weekly gain: 34.04 percent
Market cap: C$14.02 million
Share price: C$0.315
Sage Potash is a potash exploration company currently working to advance its portfolio of mineral holdings in Utah’s Paradox Basin in the US.
Historic oil and gas exploration in the basin dating back a century discovered the potential for the potash beds, but they were too deep for mining methods at the time. Sage has since confirmed their presence through its own exploration.
In a revised technical report from February 2023, the company reported an inferred mineral resource estimate of up to 159.3 million metric tons of in-place sylvinite from the upper potash bed and up to 120.2 million metric tons of sylvinite from the lower potash bed.
Sage did not release news this week. However, gains could be tied to tariff threats that would see a 25 percent tariff applied to Canadian imports, including potash. Canada is the largest supplier of potash to the US.
FAQs for Canadian mining stocks
What is the difference between the TSX and TSXV?
The TSX, or Toronto Stock Exchange, is used by senior companies with larger market caps, and the TSXV, or TSX Venture Exchange, is used by smaller-cap companies. Companies listed on the TSXV can graduate to the senior exchange.
How many companies are listed on the TSXV?
As of June 2024, there were 1,630 companies listed on the TSXV, 925 of which were mining companies. Comparatively, the TSX was home to 1,806 companies, with 188 of those being mining companies.
Together the TSX and TSXV host around 40 percent of the world’s public mining companies.
How much does it cost to list on the TSXV?
There are a variety of different fees that companies must pay to list on the TSXV, and according to the exchange, they can vary based on the transaction’s nature and complexity. The listing fee alone will most likely cost between C$10,000 to C$70,000. Accounting and auditing fees could rack up between C$25,000 and C$100,000, while legal fees are expected to be over C$75,000 and an underwriters’ commission may hit up to 12 percent.
The exchange lists a handful of other fees and expenses companies can expect, including but not limited to security commission and transfer agency fees, investor relations costs and director and officer liability insurance.
These are all just for the initial listing, of course. There are ongoing expenses once companies are trading, such as sustaining fees and additional listing fees, plus the costs associated with filing regular reports.
How do you trade on the TSXV?
Investors can trade on the TSXV the way they would trade stocks on any exchange. This means they can use a stock broker or an individual investment account to buy and sell shares of TSXV-listed companies during the exchange's trading hours.
Article by Dean Belder; FAQs by Lauren Kelly.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Dean Belder, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Securities Disclosure: I, Lauren Kelly, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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07 March
Rick Rule: Where I See 10+ Bagger Potential, Plus Gold Price, Stocks and M&A
Rick Rule sees people making mistakes, and he's preparing to reap the benefits.
"I'm looking to deploy reasonable amounts of money into something that I feel as a speculator over five years could be a 10 bagger or a 20 bagger. And there's five or six of those out there right now, so I'm pretty excited," said the proprietor of Rule Investment Media.
Watch the interview above for more from Rule on those topics and others.
You can also click here to sign up for the Rule Symposium, set to run from July 7 to 11, 2025, in Boca Raton, Florida. Our full Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada convention playlist is here.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Charlotte McLeod, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Affiliate Disclosure: The Investing News Network may earn commission from qualifying purchases or actions made through the links or advertisements on this page.
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07 March
Adrian Day: Gold Stock Valuations at 40 Year Lows, Don't Need Much to Fly
Speaking to the Investing News Network, Adrian Day, president of Adrian Day Asset Management, discussed gold's key underlying price drivers, also sharing his thoughts on emerging factors that could impact the metal, including the Mar-a-Lago Accord.
In terms of gold stocks, Day believes their potential continues to strengthen.
Watch the interview above for more of Day's thoughts on gold, as well as gold stocks.
You can also click here to view the Investing News Network's Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada convention playlist on YouTube.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Charlotte McLeod, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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07 March
MXR: Extension of Takeover Offer Period
06 March
Horizon Minerals Pours First Gold at Phillips Find, Strengthening WA Production Pipeline
Horizon Minerals (ASX:HRZ) has successfully poured its first gold from the Phillips Find project in Western Australia, marking a key milestone for the company, The West Australian has reported.
The ore, mined from Phillips Find, located near Kalgoorlie, was processed at FMR Investments' Greenfields mill under a toll milling agreement. The company plans to process 200,000 tonnes of ore over four months, expecting to yield nearly 15,000 ounces of gold.
The Phillips Find project, approved in August 2024, is being developed in partnership with BML Ventures, with mining at the Newhaven and Newminster pits progressing on schedule, according to the news report. This achievement follows Horizon’s recent gold pour at its Boorara project, positioning it as Australia’s newest gold producer in 2025. The company aims to establish a sustainable gold production pipeline, with projects like Penny’s Find and Cannon nearing final investment decisions.
Horizon’s progress comes amid strong gold prices, which have risen over 11 percent this year to around US$2,925 (AU$4,605) per ounce. With a mineral resource of 1.8 million ounces across its projects, the company is focused on expansion and increasing shareholder value. The West Australian reported these developments reinforce Horizon’s strategy to enhance cash flow and build long-term production capacity.Click here for the full Report
This article includes content from Horizon Minerals, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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