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June 16, 2024
Sarama Resources Ltd. (“Sarama” or the “Company”) (ASX:SRR, TSX- V:SWA) is pleased to announce that it has signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with Cosmo Gold Limited (“Cosmo”) and Adelong Gold Limited (“Adelong”) to acquire rights to the Cosmo Newbery Project (the “Project”), located in Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, which have historically been highly prospective.
The acquisition will be subject to completion of due diligence, execution of a definitive agreement and satisfaction of certain Conditions Precedent including but not limited to, shareholder and stock exchange approvals and assignment of land access agreements. The MOU contemplates that Sarama will acquire this interest through a combination of share and cash payments and tenement expenditure. The Key Commercial Terms and Conditions Precedent are set out in Schedule 1 to this news release.
- Located between Laverton and Gold Road Resources’ Gruyere gold mine
- One of the last effectively unexplored greenstone belts in Western Australia
- Land access impediments restricted modern exploration
- Land access obtained with Agreements in place with Traditional Owners and Ministerial Consent
About the Cosmo Newbery Project
The Project is comprised of 7 early-stage gold exploration properties located in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. The Project is located approximately 85km northeast of Laverton and is readily accessible via the Great Central Road which services the Cosmo Newbery Community and the >7Moz Gruyere Gold Mine, 95km to the east.
Cosmo Newbery Project location
The Project is situated on one of the last unexplored greenstone belts in Western Australia and it has seen virtually no modern exploration or drilling of merit, with only soil sampling and limited RAB drilling being undertaken and no holes deeper than 32m vertically below surface. The Project tenure is contiguous and covers approximately 583km2 and the entire +50km extent of the greenstone belt (the “Cosmo Newbery Belt”).
The Cosmo Newbery Belt represents a large and prospective system with gold first being discovered in the area in the 1890’s. Multiple historical gold workings are documented within the Project area and work undertaken to date, has identified multiple exploration targets for follow up.
Click here for the full ASX Release
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06 February
Sarama Resources
Investor Insight
Sarama Resources offers a compelling investment opportunity fueled by a multi-million dollar, fully-funded arbitration claim and two new gold projects encompassing 1,000 sq km of the Cosmo Newbery and Mt Venn Greenstone Belts in Western Australia’s Eastern Goldfields.
Sarama Resources (TSXV:SWA,ASX:SRR) is a gold-focused Australian mineral exploration and development company. Sarama has two core components to its business, one being a significant and fully funded arbitration claim, and the other being two highly prospective gold projects totaling 1,000 sq km in area in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Individually, each component significantly derisks the company and together they present significant value and upside optionality for investors.
Sarama recently acquired the Cosmo and the Mt Venn gold projects which cover 580 sq km and 420 sq km, respectively, and encompass most of the greenstone belts in which they are situated. These greenstone belts are located in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, and both have historical gold workings and strong geological and structural similarities to the adjacent Dorothy Hills greenstone belt which hosts the +8 Moz Gruyere gold deposit.
The Cosmo and Mt Venn gold projects offer a unique and promising opportunity for exploration in a region known for its prolific gold endowment.
The company is also pursuing a significant arbitration claim which is fully funded through a non-recourse loan facility. Boies Schiller Flexner who have an excellent track record of securing large settlements has been appointed to assist with the claim. The damages being sought are not less than cAU$200 million plus interest, and have the potential to be significantly more.
Sarama is led by an experienced board and management team with more than 30 years of individual experience and a proven track record of discovery and development of large-scale gold deposits including the +25 Moz world-class Kibali Gold Mine (formerly Moto Gold), and the +3 million ounce Sanutura gold project.
Company Highlights
- Sarama has two core components to its business - a fully funded arbitration claim and a new and highly prospective gold project in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.
- Sarama’s Cosmo Gold project covers 580 sq km and encompasses most of the highly prospective Cosmo Newbery Greenstone Belt in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.
- Sarama has acquired 80 percent interest in the Mt Venn gold project, which is 40 km east of the Cosmo Newbery Project, less than 40 km from the +8 Moz Gruyere gold mine and covers 420 sq km of the highly prospective Mt Venn Greenstone Belt.
- The company’s significant arbitration claim in Burkina Faso is fully funded through a non-recourse loan facility, seeking no less than AU$180 million in damages.
- The company is led by an experienced management team and board with more than 30 years of individual experience and a proven track record of discovery and development.
Key Projects
Cosmo Newbery Gold Project
The Cosmo Gold project is an underexplored, belt-scale gold asset in Western Australia's Eastern Goldfields. The project spans 580 sq km covering the entirety of the Cosmo-Newbery Greenstone Belt, a large and prospective system with gold first being discovered in the area in the 1890s and where rock chip sampling has returned grades up to 52 g/t gold. Cosmo Gold comprises seven contiguous exploration tenements and is located approximately 85 km northeast of Laverton in a region known for its prolific gold endowment.
Project Highlights
- Promising Geology: Whole greenstone belt with good structural setting in a prolific gold-producing region
- Scale: Tenure is contiguous over 583 sq km and covers the entire +50 km of greenstone belt
- Old workings: Gold was discovered in the 1890s highlighting its potential, but the area has remained unexplored for decades
- Limited exploration: The belt has seen virtually no modern exploration and no drilling of merit
- Location: Situated 95 km west of +8 Moz Gruyere gold mine (Gold Road) and 85 km from Laverton which sits in a greenstone belt hosting over 35 Moz of gold
Mt Venn Project
The Mt Venn Gold project has many similarities to the nearby Cosmo gold project and the company views it as an underexplored, belt-scale gold asset. The project spans 420 sq km and covers a large portion of the Mt Venn Greenstone Belt, a large and prospective system with gold first being discovered in the area in the 1890s. Limited drilling has returned multiple intersections of merit, and the project has a 35km long gold corridor marked by semi-contiguous gold-in-soil anomalism, old workings and drill intercepts. Mt Venn comprises three contiguous exploration tenements and is located approximately 35 km west of Gold Road’s 8 Moz, +300,000 oz/yr Gruyere gold mine and 40 km east of the company’s Cosmo gold project.
Project Highlights
- Promising Geology: Project covers a significant part of the Mt Venn greenstone belt, it has a good lithological and structural setting, including a regional shear zone approximately 50 km long and 1 to 3 km wide, extending full length of the greenstone belt.
- Scale: Tenure is contiguous over 420 sq km and covers a large portion of greenstone belt
- Old workings: Gold was discovered in the 1890s highlighting its potential, but the area has remained unexplored for decades
- Limited exploration: A lot of exploration potential remains in the belt with historical exploration work delineating a 35km anomalous gold trend coincident with a major regional structure and favorable lithologies
- Gold intercepts in drilling at Three Bears Prospect on Mt Venn project extend over 4 km trend to maximum 8.5 g/t gold
- Location: Situated 40 km west of Gold Road’s 8 Moz, +300,000 oz/yr Gruyere gold mine, 20 km west of Gold Road’s 1 Moz Golden Highway deposit and 40 km east of the company’s Cosmo gold project
Management Team
Andrew Dinning – Executive Chairman
Andrew Dinning is a founder, managing director and CEO of Sarama Resources. Dinning is committed to development in Africa and recently retired as a board member of The Australia-Africa Minerals and Energy Group (AAMEG) after eight years of service. AAMEG is a peak body representing Australian companies engaged in the development of Africa's resource industry.
Dinning has over 35 years of experience in the international mining arena and has worked in the Democratic Republic of Congo, West Africa, the UK, Russia and Australia. He has extensive mine management, operations and capital markets experience and has spent most of his career in the gold sector. Dinning was a director and president of the Democratic Republic of Congo-based Moto Goldmines Ltd from 2005 to 2009. He oversaw the development of the company's Moto Gold Project (Kibali Gold) from two million to more than 22 million ounces of gold. Dinning took the project from exploration to pre-development. The Moto Gold project was later taken over by Randgold Resources and AngloGold Ashanti for $600 million in October 2009. Dinning has an MBA, a first-class mine managers certificate in Western Australia and South Australia and a Bachelor of Engineering in Mining degree.
John (Jack) Hamilton - Vice-president of Exploration
Jack Hamilton is a founder and the vice president of exploration at Sarama Resources. Hamilton has 35 years of experience as a professional geologist. Hamilton has worked around the world for international resource companies. Before Sarama, he was the exploration manager for Moto Goldmines. in the Democratic Republic of Congo. At Moto Goldmines, he led the team that discovered the main deposits and resource at the world-class Moto Gold Project (now Kibali Gold) which has a resource of more than 22 million ounces.
Hamilton specializes in precious metal exploration in Birimian, Archean and Proterozoic greenstone belts. He has worked and consulted in West, Central and East Africa for the past 20 years with various companies, including Barrick Gold Corporation, Echo Bay Mines, Etruscan Resources Inc, Anglo American, Geo Services International and Moto Goldmines. Whilst at Moto Goldmines, he led the exploration team that took the Moto gold deposit from discovery to bankable feasibility. The Moto gold deposit was later sold to Randgold Resources and AngloGold Ashanti in October 2009.
Paul Schmiede - Vice-president of Corporate Development
Paul Schmiede is a major shareholder and the vice president of corporate development at Sarama Resources. He is a mining engineer with over 25 years of experience in mining and exploration. Before joining Sarama Resources in 2010, Schmiede was vice president of operations and project development at Moto Goldmines. At Moto Goldmine, he managed the pre-feasibility, bankable and definitive feasibility study for the more than 22 million-ounce Democratic Republic of Congo-based Moto Gold Project (now Kibali Gold). Whilst at Moto Goldmines, he also managed the in-country environment, community studies and pre-construction activities. Before joining Moto Goldmines, he held senior operational and management positions with Gold Fields and WMC Resources. At these companies, Schmiede was responsible for underground and open-pit operations as well as project development and planning.
Schmiede holds a first-class mine managers certificate in Western Australia and a Bachelor of Engineering in Mining degree. He is also a fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Lui Evangelista - Chief Financial Officer
Lui Evangelista is Sarama's chief financial officer with 35 years of experience in accounting, finance and corporate governance with public companies. He has more than 20 years of experience in the mining industry –– 10 years of which have been at the operational and corporate level with companies operating in Francophone Africa.
Evangelista held the positions of group financial controller and acting CFO at Anvil Mining. which operated 3 mines in the DRC. He was an integral part of the senior management team that saw Anvil's market capitalization grow from C$100 million in 2005 to C$1.3 billion upon takeover by Minmetals in 2012.
Evangelista holds a Bachelor of Business in Accounting degree, a graduate diploma in business administration and a graduate diploma in applied corporate governance.
Simon Jackson - Non-executive Director
Simon Jackson is a founder, shareholder and non-executive chairman of Sarama Resources. Simon is a Chartered Accountant with over 25 years of experience in the mining sector. He is the chairman of Predictive Discovery and non-executive director of African gold producer Resolute Mining. He has previously held senior management positions at Red Back Mining, Orca Gold and Beadell Resources.
Jackson specializes in M&A, public equity markets management and corporate finance. His career has included corporate transactions in Canada, Australia, Africa and Indonesia. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Western Australia and is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.
Adrian Byass - Non-executive Director
Adrian Byass has more than 25 years of experience in the mining industry. He has focused his career on the economic development of mineral resources. He is skilled in economic and resource geology. Byass has experience ranging from production in gold and nickel mines to the evaluation and development of mining projects with listed and unlisted entities in several countries. He has also held several executive and non-executive board roles on both ASX and AIM-listed companies.
Byass presently operates in a corporate and market-focused capacity on a national and international basis. He has board-level experience in mine development, capital raising and M&A in Australia and on overseas stock exchanges. Byass has played key roles in a range of exploration and mining projects in Australia, Africa, North America and Europe. These projects were based on a suite of commodities including gold, base and specialty metals.
Byass holds a Bachelor of Science in Geology and a Bachelor of Economics. Byass is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, a fellow of the Society of Economic Geology and a competent person for the reporting of mineral resources (JORC 2012).
Byass is currently on the board of multiple ASX-listed companies, including Galena Mining, Kaiser Reef, Kingwest Resources and Infinity Lithium.
Michael Bohm - Non-executive Director
Michael Bohm is a seasoned director and mining engineer in the resources industry. His career spans roles as a mining engineer, mine manager, study manager, project manager, project director, and managing director.
He has been directly involved in the development of multiple mines in the gold, nickel, and diamond industries, and made significant contributions to Ramelius Resources during its formative years. This experience is particularly important as Sarama is currently in the process of rebuilding its operations in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia.
He is a current director of ASX-listed Riedel Resources and has previously been a director of ASX listed Perseus Mining, Ramelius Resources, Mincor Resources NL and Cygnus Metals.
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11 February
Sarama Completes Tranche 2 Options Placement
High Grade Gold Mineralisation Extended at Music Well
Augustus Minerals (AUG:AU) has announced High Grade Gold Mineralisation Extended at Music Well
Brien Lundin: Gold's Ultimate Move Still to Come, Get Positioned Now
In a conversation with the Investing News Network, Brien Lundin, editor of Gold Newsletter, gave his latest thoughts on gold and junior gold stocks, saying that with the yellow metal continuing to ride high it's only a matter of time before explorers follow.
"The first part of the equation is already solved for us — now we just need the mining stocks to react," he explained. "The hard part is done, in other words — we got the metals to where they needed to be ... the juniors will follow eventually. They virtually have to."
Watch the video above for more from Lundin on gold and gold stocks.
You can also click here to view the Investing News Network's Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada convention playlist on YouTube.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Charlotte McLeod, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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1911 Gold's Strategic Path to Advancing its True North Project in Canada
1911 Gold (TSXV:AUMB,OTCBB:AUMBF,FWB:2KY) President and CEO Shaun Heinrichs shared the company's strategic 2025 growth plan for the True North project, located in Manitoba about 150 kilometers northeast of Winnipeg, Canada.
Heinrichs underlined ways to leverage existing infrastructure and resources, and how the company aims to generate substantial shareholder value.
05 March
Piche Resources
Investor Insight
With high-quality, drill-ready assets, with world-class discovery potential, Piche Resources is a compelling business case for investors looking to leverage a bull market for uranium and gold.
Piche Resources (ASX:PR2) is focused on discovering significant uranium and gold deposits in Australia and Argentina. The company boasts a portfolio of high-quality, drill-ready assets with world-class discovery potential, presenting a compelling opportunity for investors aiming to capitalize on the bullish markets for uranium and gold.
Piche Resources’ portfolio includes the Ashburton uranium project in Western Australia’s prolific Pilbara region; the Sierra Cuadrada uranium project in the San Jorge Basin in Argentina; and the Cerro Chacon gold project which shares geological similarities with the Cerro Negro mine in Argentina. Exploration work at these assets indicate their potential to become world-class projects.
Piche has an internationally recognized board focused on creating long-term shareholder value, and an in-country technical team in Argentina with a proven track record of taking projects from discovery through to development.
Company Highlights
- The company’s Australian asset is the Ashburton uranium project, which has been drilled previously and recorded high-grade uranium intersections over significant widths.
- In Argentina, the company’s Sierra Cuadrada uranium project in the San Jorge Basin has a significant history of high-grade, near-surface uranium mining operations.
- Drilling at one of the prospects at Sierra Cuadrada has shown visible uranium in numerous holes. Multiple other prospects are drill-ready and have the potential to host tier 1 uranium deposits.
- Exposure to gold with high-quality precious metal projects in Argentina that boast surface outcrop samples with gold grade up to 13 g/t gold.
- Internationally renowned board and management team with extensive uranium and gold exploration and development experience.
Key Projects
Uranium: Ashburton Project, Australia
Project Highlights
- Location: Pilbara region, Western Australia, approximately 1,150 km north of Perth.
- Project Area: Comprises three exploration licenses covering a 122 sq km land package.
- Historical Exploration: Previous drilling by Pancontinental (62 holes) identified 71 intercepts with grades exceeding 500 ppm U₃O₈, averaging approximately 1.1 lbs of U₃O₈ per tonne. Notable high-grade drilling results include:
- 10.5 m at 4,380 ppm U₃O₈ (Hole AR1004)
- 9 m at 3,490 ppm U₃O₈ (Hole AR1009)
- Recent Development: In 2024, Piche completed a combined reverse circulation and diamond drilling program totaling 3,082.8 meters. The results exceeded expectations, validating previous findings. A follow-up drilling program is planned for mid-2025, targeting both Angelo A & B prospects and other areas within the tenement portfolio.
Uranium: Sierra Cuadrada, Argentina
The Sierra Cuadrada project is located in the San Jorge Basin and spans 1,300 sq km, 200 km north of Comodoro Rivadavia. The project is flat-lying, with visible uranium assays of >3,000 U3O8 or 6.6 lbs per tonne. The mineralization occurs at varying stratigraphic layers and remains open at depth. There is potential for numerous continuous zones up to 30 km wide and 40 km long. Mineralization is open along strike NW and SW and downdip. Further work will include delineating the deposit with shallow drilling and trenching that Pinche boasts can be done at very low cost.
Project Highlights:
- Location: San Jorge Basin, approximately 200 km north of Comodoro Rivadavia.
- Project Area: Spans 1,300 sq km of flat-lying terrain.
- Mineralization: Visible uranium assays exceeding 3,000 ppm U₃O₈ (6.6 lbs per tonne) have been observed. Mineralization occurs at various stratigraphic layers and remains open at depth, with potential for continuous zones up to 30 km wide and 40 km long.
- Historical Context: The Argentine National Atomic Energy Commission conducted extensive uranium exploration from the mid-1950s, identifying thousands of anomalies and developing eight mining operations. In the Chubut province, radiometric and EM surveys have highlighted two large Cretaceous paleochannels in the San Jorge Basin, extending over 200 km N-S and 30 to 60 km E-W. Notable high-grade deposits in the area include Cerro Condor and Los Adobes, both past-producing operations with grades of 6,000 ppm U₃O₈ and 1,400 ppm U₃O₈ found in outcrop, respectively.
- Recent Developments: Auger drilling in 2024 conducted at Sierra Cuadrada highlights extensive areas of near surface uranium mineralization. Assay results have been received for the shallow reconnaissance holes including 6 samples >1000ppm U₃O₈ (to maximum 2,650 ppm U₃O₈) and 2 samples >500ppm U₃O₈ (to maximum 900 ppm U₃O₈)
Gold: Cerro Chacon, Argentina
The Cerro Chacon gold project is located 10 km south of Paso de Indios, in the Chubut Province of Argentina. The land tenement spans 365 sq km of prospective precious metals occurrences. Structural mapping and geochemical sampling at the Chacon Grid identified mineralized systems consistent with surface signatures at the Cerro Negro Mine that boasts a contained metal inventory of 5.8 Moz of gold and 50 Moz of silver.
Project Highlights
- Location: Approximately 10 km south of Paso de Indios, Chubut Province.
- Project Area: Encompasses 365 sq km of prospective precious metals occurrences.
- Geological Potential: Structural mapping and geochemical sampling have identified mineralized systems consistent with surface signatures at the Cerro Negro Mine, which has a contained metal inventory of 5.8 Moz of gold and 50 Moz of silver.
- Recent Developments: Exploration activities at the Cerro Chacon gold project have delineated a substantial mineralized corridor extending over 10 kilometers. Surface sampling and geological mapping have identified multiple high-grade gold occurrences, with assays returning values up to 13 g/t gold. These findings underscore the project’s potential to host significant gold resources. Piche Resources is preparing for a comprehensive drilling program to further evaluate these targets and define the extent of the mineralization.
Management Team
John (Gus) Simpson – Executive Chairman
John Simpson has over 37 years of experience in mineral exploration, development, and mining. Previously the executive chairman and founder of Peninsula Energy Limited (ASX:PEN), a USA uranium producer.
Stephen Mann – Managing Director
Stephen Mann is a geologist with over 40 years of experience in exploration, discovery, and development of mining projects, including 20 years in the uranium sector. Formerly the Australian managing director of Orano, the world’s third-largest uranium producer.
Pablo Marcet –Executive Director
Pablo Marcet is a senior geoscientist with 38 years of experience in exploration, discovery, and development of mineral deposits. Currently an independent director of lithium producer Arcadium Lithium (NYSE:ALTM) and previously a director of Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD) and U3O8 (TSX:UWE).
Clark Beyer – Non-executive Director
Clark Beyer is an internationally recognized nuclear industry executive with over 35 years of experience. Formerly the managing director of Rio Tinto Uranium Limited and currently principal of Global Fuel Solutions LLC, providing strategic consulting to the international uranium and nuclear fuels market.
Stanley Macdonald – Non-executive Director
Stanley Macdonald is a nationally recognized mining entrepreneur, founding director, and instrumental in the success of numerous ASX-listed companies, such as Giralia Resources, Northern Star, and Redhill Iron. Currently a director of Zenith Minerals.
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04 March
Further Outstanding Metallurgical Recoveries from Theia
04 March
Joe Mazumdar: Gold Stocks Facing Pent-Up M&A as Price Disconnect Continues
Joe Mazumdar, editor of Exploration Insights, shared his latest thoughts on the resource sector, touching on his current areas of interest, as well as gold M&A activity.
He also discussed the disconnect between the gold price and gold stocks.
"Until we see gold buying by exchange-traded funds (ETFs) — mostly in the US, Europe and in the states — we won't see that translate into people buying gold equity ETFs, that trickle down into buying the companies like the big seniors, down to the juniors," Mazumdar said.
"If it's just central bank buying that's not going to translate, and that's been one of the big disconnects."
Watch the interview above for more from Mazumdar on those and other topics.
You can also click here to view the Investing News Network's Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada convention playlist on YouTube.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Charlotte McLeod, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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