Fabled Copper Outlines 8 km by 2 km Pegmatite Boulder Field With Pegmatite Outcropping in Central Portion of OHM Property, Quebec

Fabled Copper Outlines 8 km by 2 km Pegmatite Boulder Field With Pegmatite Outcropping in Central Portion of OHM Property, Quebec

Fabled Copper Corp. ("Fabled" or the "Company") (CSE:FABL)(FSE:XZ7) is pleased to announce the results of the first phase sampling program on the OHM Property (the "Property

The OHM Property consists of 51 contiguous cells comprising of 2,856 hectares located approximately 70 kms south of Val D'Or. The OHM Property can be easily accessed from the main highway, route 117 and forestry roads 43 and 44 with numerous secondary cutting roads. It is estimated that 80% of the Property has been logged thus outcrop visibility is excellent.

A minimum of at least 10 pegmatite outcrops have been documented by the previous operators of the Property. No documented work has been done in the search for lithium within the pegmatite swarms. See Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 - OHM Property


The late spring and summer of 2023 was challenging due to forest fires in northern Quebec and as a result work in the forest was prohibited. In late July 2023 the ban was lifted for the OHM Property area and a first phase exploration sampling program was conducted over a period of a week. The main objectives of the program were as follows:

  1. To determine accessibility, road conditions, field conditions.
  2. To determine if pegmatites exist on the Property and over what area.
  3. If pegmatites were found, to determine if they were boulders, glacial trains or insitu outcrops.
    • If boulders (not in place), what is the shape (rounded means transported a great distance, angular (meaning not traveled very far or heaved up from frost from outcrop below).
    • If coarse grained meaning slow cooling or outer envelope of an intrusive, if fine grained, fast cooling and closer to the heat source.
  4. To determine if the boulders and or outcrops contained lithium and or associated subsets of minerals and are the concentration of minerals associated with a particular type of texture, fine grained verses coarse grained.
  5. And finally do the results warrant a more comprehensive field program.

Discussion on the Findings.

During the week of July 17th, 2023 the Property was prospected and 19 samples numbered 28902 - 28920 were collected over an area of approximately 8 kilometers in length and 2 kilometers in width, being 1600 hectares of the 2,856 hectares in total on the property. See Map 1 below, Table 1 below.

The purpose of the sampling to was obtain typical pegmatite samples over as great an area as possible to determine if any one area is more favorable for further exploration. Hundreds of angular and lesser amount of rounded pegmatite boulders were seen. The center location of the property has pegmatite outcropping / sub cropping with the dimensions yet to be determined.

Geologic rock sequences observed were meta - seds traversing the Northwest sector, followed by bands of amphibolite kneiss followed by a 2 kilometer with of pegmatite boulders with outcrop terminated by Lac Rochester to the southeast. All observed trends are approximately N45E, including Lac Rochester.

Map 1 - Sample Locations

The northeast sector contains very course to knobby pegmatite while the southwest sector contains fine grained pegmatite. LTC pegmatites comprise a compositional defined subset of granitic pegmatites. The majority minerals are quartz, potassium feldspar, albite and muscovite all present in the pegmatites viewed except for 5mm garnets present in the knobby and coarse pegmatites. See Photo 1 below.

LTC pegmatites crystallize at remarkably low temperatures (about 350 - 550 C) in a short period of time thus the large crystal sizes of associated minerals.

Photo 1 - Knobby Pegmatite to left, Coarse grained Pegmatite to Right

Outcrop and sub crop in the central section as shown below. See Photo 2 below.

Photo 2 - Outcrop on left, sub crop on right

Early stage reconnaissance in the central part of the property has confirmed promising K / Rb (potassium to rubidium) ratio's in two samples, (28913, 28914) a proven indicator for lithium fertility according to the work of Stelway & al. (2004) for LTC (Lithium - Cesium - Tantalum type pegmatites. As supporting evidence elevated lithium and cesium are contained in the two samples. See Table 1 below.



Rock TypeExposure Type











28902Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder4.70.2898.550.040.2
28903Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder8.60.77427.70.040.46
28904Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder6.90.64623.70.040.4
28905Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder20.0931.090.020.04
28906Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder10.81.03531.10.040.61
28907Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder11.62.4530.50.080.42
28908Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder2.60.2415.070.040.14
28909Fine pegmatiteOut crop29.41.17541.10.070.37
28910Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder7.31.07518.750.050.35
28911Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder0.80.2823.90.040.09
28912Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder0.
28913Knobby pegmatiteOut crop45.88.651500.123.24
28914Knobby pegmatiteAngular boulder15.72.0762.10.071.03
28915Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder3.20.62311.40.040.24
28916Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder0.90.2433.990.020.12
28917Fine pegmatiteRounded boulder4.20.29512.80.040.23
28918Fine pegmatiteRounded boulder4.60.28912.90.05o.24
28919Coarse pegmatiteAngular boulder2.70.5710.350.020.16
28920Fine pegmatiteRounded boulder2.80.55310.30.020.17

Next Steps

With only 19 samples taken over the entire property and given mineral assays of interest located in the central sector and hundreds of pegmatite boulders on the Property yet to be sampled, plus out cropping and sub cropping pegmatites that have not yet been systematically sampled the Company proposes to undertake a Second Phase Exploration Program that it currently believes will consist of following:

  1. An in-depth review of Quebec Ministere des Ressources naturelles et des Forets SIGEOM data base with particular attention to gradient and residual magnetics; magnetic tilt angle, magnetic analytic and magnetic analytic signal and the shadow relief LIDAR over the property.
  2. A Property wide detailed sampling program using diamond blade rock saws to obtain both insitu and channel samples due to the hardness of the pegmatites.
  3. Detailed structural and pegmatite composition and size mapping of outcrops in the central area.

About Fabled Copper Corp.

Fabled is a junior mining exploration company. Its current focus is to creating value for stakeholders through the exploration and development of its existing drill ready copper properties located in northern British Columbia. The Company's current property package consists of the Muskwa Project and the Bronson Property and comprises approximately 16,219 hectares in three non-contiguous blocks and located in the Liard Mining Division in northern British Columbia.

The Company is also seeking to broaden and diversify its portfolio. The Company has acquired the VOLT 2 lithium Property, located in Miquelton, Quebec and has options to acquire the OHM Property, located in Val D'Or, Quebec and the VOLT 1 Property located in the Miquelton, Quebec.

Mr. Peter J. Hawley, President and C.E.O.
Fabled Copper Corp.
Phone: (819) 316-0919

For further information please contact:


The technical information contained in this news release has been approved by Peter J. Hawley, P.Geo. President and C.E.O. of Fabled, who is a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

The Canadian Securities Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Certain statements contained in this news release constitute "forward-looking information" as such term is used in applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking information is based on plans, expectations and estimates of management at the date the information is provided and is subject to certain factors and assumptions, including, that the Company's financial condition, development plans and business plans do not change as a result of unforeseen events and that the Company obtains any required regulatory approvals.

Forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause plans, estimates and actual results to vary materially from those projected in such forward-looking information. Some of the risks and other factors that could cause results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: the failure of the shareholders of the Company to approve the Consolidation Proposal, impacts from the coronavirus or other epidemics, general economic conditions in Canada, the United States and globally; industry conditions, including fluctuations in commodity prices; governmental regulation of the mining industry, including environmental regulation; geological, technical and drilling problems; unanticipated operating events; competition for and/or inability to retain drilling rigs and other services; inability to obtain drilling permits; the availability of capital on acceptable terms; the need to obtain required approvals from regulatory authorities; stock market volatility; volatility in market prices for commodities; liabilities inherent in mining operations; changes in tax laws and incentive programs relating to the mining industry; as well as the other risks and uncertainties applicable to the Company as set forth in the Company's continuous disclosure filings filed under the Company's profile at www.sedar.com. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, other than as required by applicable law.

SOURCE:Fabled Copper Corp.

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