Company Profiles

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Embark on your investment journey with small stocks armed with the power of knowledge. INN's exclusive company profiles will act as your compass, simplifying value propositions and investment narratives, while also providing the ability to explore our database and request information from companies of interest. All our profiles were crafted through interviews with the executive team and from publicly available information. We distill this information to facilitate investors in discerning which companies could be a fit for your risk tolerance and strategy.

Investing in the mining sector? Taking a look at our Global Mining Projects Map to get a bird's-eye view of where our partner's significant mining ventures are taking place.

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Innovation Mining

Innovation Mining

A clean-tech company transforming gold mining with RZOLV—the safe, cost-effective and high-performance alternative to toxic cyanide.

CoTec Holdings (TSXV:CTH)

CoTec Holdings

Innovating the Future of Resource Extraction

Westport Fuel Systems (NASDAQ:WPRT)

Westport Fuel Systems

Advanced, clean fuel systems and components that deliver both economic and environmental benefits

Hempalta (TSXV:HEMP)


Pioneering the next generation of carbon credits

Stardust Power

Stardust Power

Stardust Power is developing a strategically centrally located lithium refinery with the capacity to produce 50,000 tons per annum of battery grade lithium carbonate.

Energy Technologies

Energy Technologies

High-quality cable manufacturer and re-seller for the expanding energy and infrastructure markets

Provaris Energy

Provaris Energy

Enabling clean energy supply chains through innovative hydrogen and CO2 storage and transport solutions

Charbone Hydrogen (TSXV:CH)

Charbone Hydrogen

The only publicly listed green hydrogen player in Canada.

CEO Interviews

