Company Profiles

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Jupiter Energy (ASX:JPR)

Jupiter Energy

Sustainable, long-term and profitable oil exploration and production in Kazakhstan

Coelacanth Energy (TSXV:CEI)

Coelacanth Energy

Natural gas exploration and production in the prolific Montney region in British Columbia

First Helium (TSXV:HELI)

First Helium

Advanced stage, high-value oil, and helium-enriched natural gas project in Alberta, Canada

Westport Fuel Systems (NASDAQ:WPRT)

Westport Fuel Systems

Advanced, clean fuel systems and components that deliver both economic and environmental benefits

Alvopetro Energy (TSXV:ALV)

Alvopetro Energy

Leading independent upstream and midstream gas developer in Brazil

VVC Resources (TSXV:VVC)

VVC Resources

Engaging in the exploration, development, and management of natural resources

Source Rock Royalties

Source Rock Royalties

Pure-play on oil & gas royalties in Western Canada

Provaris Energy

Provaris Energy

Enabling clean energy supply chains through innovative hydrogen and CO2 storage and transport solutions

Charbone Hydrogen (TSXV:CH)

Charbone Hydrogen

The only publicly listed green hydrogen player in Canada.

BPH Energy (ASX:BPH)

BPH Energy

Investing in a Solution to Australia's Fossil Fuel Crisis

Trillion Energy International

Trillion Energy International

Focused on exploration, production, and distribution of oil and natural gas in Turkey and Europe.

CEO Interviews

