Investment will contribute towards feasibility work for key infrastructure between the mines and the Chibougamau Processing Facility
Flynn Gold’s large, high-grade gold footprint in Tasmania provides a compelling investor proposition that leverages a continuing gold bull market.
Flynn Gold (ASX:FG1) is an Australian mineral exploration company with a portfolio of projects in Tasmania and Western Australia.
Tasmania is home to several world-renowned deposits and is rich in diverse mineral resources and operating mines. The region has established mining districts, excellent infrastructure such as rail and ports, and a skilled workforce, with a stable political and regulatory environment. These features are a big positive for the company’s projects in this region.
The company has nine 100 percent owned tenements in Northeast Tasmania which are highly prospective for gold and tin/tungsten with three major projects — Golden Ridge, Portland and Warrentinna. In Northwest Tasmania, it has the Henty zinc-lead-silver and the Firetower gold and critical minerals projects.
Flynn Gold’s exploration at its Golden Ridge project has focused on an 9-kilometre-long granodiorite-metasediment contact zone with diamond drilling programs completed at the Brilliant and Trafalgar prospects, with multiple high-grade gold vein intersections.
Apart from Tasmania, the company is building a strategic lithium and gold portfolio in Western Australia, targeting hard-rock lithium pegmatites and intrusive related gold deposits in the Pilbara region and Yilgarn Craton. Its five lithium-gold projects in Western Australia are strategically located in districts hosting large gold and lithium deposits or in regions that are relatively under-explored for lithium. Of these, three lithium-gold projects are in the Yilgarn region: Forrestania, Lake Johnston and Koolyanobbing. The remaining two are in the Pilbara region: Mt Dove and Yarrie.
The company is focused on three high-grade gold projects in Tasmania — Golden Ridge, Warrentinna and Firetower. The under-explored Northeast Tasmania region is interpreted to be part of the Western Lachlan Orogen, a geological extension of the rich Victorian Goldfields which boast of historical gold production of over 80 million ounces (Moz). The company’s landholding across nine 100 percent owned tenements in the region has provided it with significant potential for gold and tin discoveries.
Targeted for intrusive related gold system (IRGS) style mineralization, the Golden Ridge project is located 75 kilometres east of Launceston in Northeast Tasmania. Previous gold exploration at the Golden Ridge Project has been very limited with shallow historical workings located over an 9-kilometre-long granodiorite-metasediment contact zone. Flynn Gold’s exploration has focused on the Brilliant and Trafalgar prospects, with diamond drilling programs completed at both locations between June 2021 and August 2023. In addition, a limited reconnaissance RC drilling program in late 2022 to test for gold mineralisation at the Link Zone confirmed the presence of shallow gold mineralisation between the Brilliant and Trafalgar prospects, highlighting the significant gold potential of the granodiorite-metasediment contact zone.
Drilling at Trafalgar consisted of 14 holes for 5,218.3 metres with multiple vein intersections grading >100 grams per ton (g/t) gold reported. The best intersections recorded in drilling at Trafalgar were 16.8 g/t gold over 12.3 metres (from 108.7 to 121 metres), including 0.7m at 152.5 g/t gold and 23.7 g/t gold over 4 metres (from 23 to 27 metres), including a high-grade zone of 0.5 metre at 169.8 g/t gold.
Soil sampling at the Golden Ridge project has been progressively undertaken since an initial sampling trial using the UltraFine+ technique was initiated in May 2022. The results of this soil sampling have highlighted the known prospect areas, as well as several new target areas at Grenadier and Big Penny, with gold anomalism not associated with historical workings.
Phase 3 drilling has commenced at the Trafalgar high-grade gold prospect confirming the continuity of multiple sub-parallel high-grade gold veins.
New high-grade gold discoveries have also been made at the Link Zone and Trafalgar North prospects.
At the Link Zone, mapping and vein sampling within the historic Golden Ridge adit has identified a significant new zone of high-grade gold mineralisation with underground grab sampling of mineralised veins in the adit recorded high-grade gold assays including 64.4 g/t gold, 37.6 g/t gold and 15.9 g/t gold.
At Trafalgar North, a high-grade gold vein zone has been discovered in trenching 250 m north of the historic Trafalgar mine with 17 out of 36 grab rock chip samples assayed over 10 g/t gold, including 99.4 g/t gold, 76.6 g/t gold and 67.1 g/t gold. Drilling at Trafalgar North commenced in July 2024.
The Warrentinna project was acquired in 2023 from Greatland Gold plc (LSE:GGP). The project is located in northeast Tasmania and covers an area of approximately 37 sq km immediately adjacent to Flynn’s existing Lyndhurst Project. The tenement encompasses two historic goldfields, Forester and Warrentinna. Both fields produced high-grade gold deposits in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The Warrentinna goldfield is defined by numerous historic workings and largely untested prospects over a strike length of 6 kilometres.
Initial drilling by Flynn in September/October 2023 at Warrentinna consisted of two diamond drill holes, designed to test the continuity and extension of orogenic style gold mineralisation identified in historical drilling. The holes are also designed to provide stratigraphic and structural information critical to advancing understanding of the project.
The Portland gold project comprises three adjacent tenements: Portland, Telegraph and Cameron Tin. The project falls within the region mined historically from 1870 to 1917 and has similarities to Victorian geology with high-grade “Fosterville-style” gold mineralization confirmed. Geochemical surveys and costean sampling programs at Portland confirmed the presence of anomalous gold zones. Drilling at the Grand Flaneur prospect in 2022 and the Popes prospect in 2023 have both confirmed the presence of gold mineralization.
The company has two projects in the Northwest Tasmania region: the Firetower project and the Henty zinc project.
The project was acquired in 2023 from Greatland Gold plc (LSE:GGP). The project spans more than 62 sq kms and represents an advanced gold plus battery metals project, which includes three notable prospects: Firetower, Firetower East and Firetower West. The Firetower project lies in the highly mineralized Mt Read volcanic sequence which hosts major polymetallic base metals and gold deposits such as Hellyer and Rosebery, copper-gold deposits such as Mt Lyell (3 million tons contained copper, 3.1 Moz contained gold), and the Henty gold mine (1.64 Moz gold @ 12.5 g/t gold).
Resampling of the historic core at Firetower has confirmed the significant potential for gold and critical minerals - cobalt, tungsten and copper. The results have made it clear this project represents an exciting polymetallic opportunity. The company completed a diamond drilling program in late 2023 to target both the gold and polymetallic minerals potential.
The drilling program was successful in testing for depth extensions of the main mineralised zone with the results demonstrating the continuity of polymetallic mineralisation and highlighting the significant potential for high-grade mineralisation to continue at depth and along strike.
The project is a 130 sq. km land holding under two 100 percent owned exploration licences and provides the company with a dominant position in a rich base metals field with proximity to an existing zinc/lead concentrate producer (MMG’s Rosebery mine).
The Henty Project has a significant pipeline of exploration targets with the Mariposa and Grieves Siding prospects ready for resource drilling
Flynn holds five gold-lithium projects in the resources-rich state of Western Australia, strategically located near large gold and lithium deposits or in regions that are relatively under-explored for lithium.
The five projects include: Mt. Dove and Yarrie in the Pilbara region; and Koolyanobbing, Forrestania and Lake Johnston in the Yilgarn.
Located 70 kilometres south of Port Hedland in the Pilbara region, Mt Dove comprises four granted licences and one tenement application covering 190 sq. kms. The project is located near the large Hemi gold deposit (De Grey Mining, ASX:DEG) and the large lithium mines at Pilgangoora and Wodgina. The company has completed two soil sampling programs at Mt Dove, which have identified lithium and gold anomalies. The follow-up exploration, which is likely to include aircore drilling, intends to test lithium and gold anomalies identified during the soil sampling program completed in 2022 and 2023.
The Yarrie Project comprises two tenements and one application covering 385 sq. kms. Very limited historical exploration has been undertaken for lithium, gold and copper on the project. The project is highly prospective for iron ore, being close to historic mining operations and existing rail infrastructure.
The Forrestania project consists of one exploration licence and five exploration licence applications over a 320 sq km area. It is located near the Mt Holland lithium deposit (Wesfarmers (ASX:WES)/ SQM (NYSE:SQM) JV) and the high-grade nickel deposit at Flying Fox (IGO Limited (ASX:IGO)).
Results from the company’s auger soil sampling program, completed on E77/2915, outlined four high-priority lithium anomalies of up to 4,200 metres in length and 500 metres in width.Koolyanobbing comprises one exploration licence and two applications targeting gold and lithium mineralization over an 82 sq. km. area in the Marda-Diemals greenstone belt.
In addition to the above-mentioned projects, Flynn has secured an option agreement to purchase two exploration licences at the Parker Dome project in Western Australia, which is considered highly prospective for lithium. The Parker Dome project covers 42 sq. kms. and is situated 50 kilometres north of the world-class Mount Holland lithium project in Western Australia.
Results from soil sampling have identified multiple, large-scale, high-priority lithium anomalies. The licences are fully permitted allowing for an immediate commencement of drilling.
Clive Duncan has over four decades of experience at big box hardware chain Bunnings, including as chief operating officer and company director. He has rich experience in corporate and business development, including mergers and acquisitions, business integrations, corporate government, strategy development and marketing. He has completed post-graduate studies at Harvard University and London Business School and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is a long-term significant shareholder of Flynn Gold’s predecessor companies.
Neil Marston was appointed managing director in May 2023 and has been the company CEO since August 2022. He has more than 30 years of experience in the mining and minerals exploration sector and is a proven ASX-listed company leader, with a strong governance and corporate finance background. Previously, he held several senior roles including managing director at Bryah Resources (ASX:BYH) and Horseshoe Metals (ASX:HOR).
Sam Garrett has more than 30 years of exploration management, project assessment and operational experience with multinational and junior mining and exploration companies, including Phelps Dodge and Cyprus Gold. He has a background in copper and gold exploration with strong exposure to iron ore, base metals and specialist commodities. He is associated with discoveries at Mt Elliott (copper), Havieron (copper-gold), and Tujuh Bukit (gold). Moreover, he co-founded Flynn Gold and its predecessor Pacific Trends Resources.
John Forwood is a director and chief investment officer of Lowell Resources Funds Management (LRFM). He is qualified as a lawyer and geologist and has more than 20 years of resources financing experience, including with ASX-listed Lowell Resources Trust (ASX:LRT), as a director of RMB Resources, and as manager of Telluride Investment Trust.
Flynn Gold Limited (ASX: FG1, “Flynn” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce a maiden JORC compliant Exploration Target for the Trafalgar, Brilliant and Link Zone prospects at its 100%-owned Golden Ridge Project in North-east Tasmania.
The combined Exploration Target range is listed in Table 1:
Table 1 – Combined Exploration Target for Trafalgar, Brilliant and Link Zone
Flynn Gold’s Managing Director and CEO, Neil Marston states: “Following several successful drill campaigns testing the gold mineralisation at Golden Ridge, we are pleased to report an initial JORC-compliant Exploration Target for the Trafalgar, Brilliant and Link Zone prospects.
“The Exploration Target is open in all directions and encompasses less than 30% of the known gold anomalism at Golden Ridge which highlights the substantial future growth potential of this exciting project.
“This is a significant step toward our next goal of defining a maiden JORC Mineral Resource for the project. There is potential to significantly increase the tonnage and grade at Golden Ridge with in-fill and expansion drilling, which will be a major focus for the Company during 2025.”
Exploration Target
The Golden Ridge Project is located within EL17/2018 in North-east Tasmania (see Figure 7).
Flynn has calculated JORC compliant Exploration Targets for the Trafalgar, Brilliant and Link Zone prospects at Golden Ridge dated 8th November 2024. Table 2 below provides a summary of the Exploration Targets for each prospect:
Table 2 - Exploration Targets for Trafalgar, Brilliant and Link Zone prospects at the Golden Ridge project.
The combined Exploration Target only encompasses areas where Flynn has drill-tested vein mineralisation at locations shown in Figure 1 and does not include areas of anomalous soil geochemistry, which the Company considers to be highly prospective for gold mineralisation and intends to drill-test in the future.
The drill-tested Trafalgar, Brilliant and Link Zone prospects define a significant zone of gold mineralisation extending over a strike length of approximately 3km, which is contained within a broader 9km zone of gold anomalism that trends along the contact between the Golden Ridge granodiorite and the Mathinna supergroup metasediments (Figures 1 - 3).
Potential gold vein extensions at Trafalgar and Brilliant ,defined by anomalous gold-in-soil geochemistry along strike of and surrounding the Exploration Target veins, were not included in the Exploration Target calculation.
Work is currently in progress to in-fill these areas with soil sampling and trenching prior to exploration drill-testing.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Flynn Gold, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
Flynn Gold Limited (ASX: FG1, “Flynn” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the recommencement of drilling activities at the Company’s 100%-owned Golden Ridge Project located in North-east Tasmania.
This new drilling program will test beneath the historical Golden Ridge Adit, where recent underground sampling of veins recorded results of up to 64.4g/t gold1. The adit is located in the Link Zone prospect area, situated between the Brilliant and Trafalgar prospects at Golden Ridge.
Flynn Gold Managing Director and CEO, Neil Marston commented:
“We are delighted to have commenced our latest drilling program at the Golden Ridge Project in north-east Tasmania.
“This drilling program, which is co-funded under the State Government’s Exploration Drilling Grant Initiative, will see Flynn Gold drilling at the Link Zone beneath the historic Golden Ridge adit, where sampling of mineralised veins earlier this year yielded grades of up to 64 g/t gold.
“This diamond drill program is the first to test this adit, which lies between the historic Brilliant and Trafalgar mines – where we have successfully focused our drilling to date.”
Golden Ridge – Project Background
The Company’s flagship Golden Ridge Project is situated within EL17/2018 in North-east Tasmania (see Figure 1).
Figure 1 – Location of Flynn Gold tenements in NE Tasmania.
Exploration by the Company at Golden Ridge has identified extensive intrusive-related type gold mineralisation (IRGS) extending over a 9km-long zone along the southern contact margin of the Golden Ridge Granodiorite and enclosing meta-sediments (see Figure 2).
The Company’s ongoing work at Golden Ridge is continuing to identify and test multiple exploration targets, confirming the potential for a large-scale gold discovery.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Flynn Gold, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
Flynn Gold Limited (ASX: FG1, “Flynn” or “the Company”) is pleased to report on its activities for the quarter ending 30 September 2024.
Exploration – Golden Ridge Project, NE Tasmania
Exploration – Other Projects, NE Tasmania
to receive announcements and updates and to interact with the Company by asking questions or making comments which our team will respond to where possible
Flynn is an Australian mineral exploration company with a portfolio of 100% owned exploration projects in Tasmania and Western Australia (see Figure 1).
The Company has eight 100% owned tenements in north-east Tasmania which are highly prospective for gold as well as tin/tungsten. The Company also holds the Henty zinc-lead-silver project on Tasmania’s mineral-rich west coast and the Firetower gold and battery metals project located in north-western Tasmania.
Flynn has also established a portfolio of gold-lithium exploration assets in the Pilbara and Yilgarn regions of Western Australia. In addition, Flynn holds a binding Option Agreement to acquire two exploration licences at Parker Dome (Forrestania), Western Australia.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Flynn Gold, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
Investment will contribute towards feasibility work for key infrastructure between the mines and the Chibougamau Processing Facility
Cygnus President & Managing Director, Ernest Mast said : "This funding approval recognises that our Chibougamau Copper-Gold project is one of the more advanced critical minerals projects in Quebec, Canada. Our projects are near to the town of Chibougamau, however there are ancillary infrastructure requirements, and this additional funding is very helpful for us as we progress towards the feasibility study. Separately, Cygnus is very focussed on growing the resources of our project and pleasingly our exploration program is in full swing" | ||
Cygnus Metals Limited (ASX: CY5; TSXV: CYG) ("Cygnus" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that that its subsidiary, CBay Minerals Inc., has received conditional approval from the Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund ("CMIF") for up to a C$1.3 million investment for pre-construction milestones of its proposed hub-and-spoke operation in the Chibougamau mining camp in northern Quebec.
The funding, pending final due diligence by Natural Resources Canada ("NRCan") and the execution of a definitive contribution agreement, will support eligible expenses related to the completion of pre-construction milestones, including a feasibility study and environmental and social impact assessment ("ESIA") to support two-lane gravel roads and 25-kV electrical powerlines required for the future underground mines to operate between the Devlin and Corner Bay deposits and the Chibougamau Processing Facility.
Today, in Montreal, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada's Minister of Energy and Natural Resources announced up to C$43.5 million in investments from the CMIF and the Critical Minerals Research, Development and Demonstration program for seven projects that will help to advance critical minerals research and infrastructure developments in Quebec. Mr. Ernest Mast, Cygnus' President and Managing Director spoke at the event and thanked the government for their support.
Prior, on November 25, 2024, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, along with Maïté Blanchette Vézina, Quebec's Minister of Natural Resources and Forests, announced up to C$545 million in funding for several programs and projects that will help to advance shared climate priorities and infrastructure developments in Quebec. In addition, the Ministers also announced the beginning of formal collaboration under the Quebec–Canada Collaboration Table on Resources and Energy to help ensure the province realises its full potential in a net-zero emissions world.
Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund ( " CMIF " )
The CMIF is Natural Resources Canada's flagship program under the Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy to support enabling clean energy and transportation infrastructure projects necessary to increase Canada's supply of responsibly sourced critical minerals, and the development of domestic and global value chains for the green and digital economy.
About the Chibougamau Copper-Gold Project
The Project is located in central Quebec, Canada approximately 480km due north of Montreal. The province of Quebec has been recognised as a top ten global mining investment jurisdiction in the 2023 Fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies. The Project has excellent infrastructure with a local mining town, sealed highway, airport, regional rail infrastructure and access to hydro power via installed powerlines.
The Project has high-grade resources including Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources of 3.6Mt at 3.0% CuEq and Inferred Mineral Resources of 7.2Mt at 3.8% CuEq with significant potential to grow (refer to Table 1). 1
The Company sees substantial opportunity to create shareholder value by an established high-grade resource with opportunity for growth, excellent infrastructure, 900ktpa processing facility and clear pathway to production, all within a quality endowed mineral terrane that has seen minimal modern exploration.
This announcement has been authorised for release by the Board of Directors of Cygnus.
David Southam Executive Chair T: +61 8 6118 1627 E: | Ernest Mast President & Managing Director T: +1 647 921 0501 E: | Media: Paul Armstrong Read Corporate T: +61 8 9388 1474 |
About Cygnus Metals
Cygnus Metals Limited (ASX: CY5, TSXV: CYG) is a diversified critical minerals exploration and development company with projects in Quebec, Canada and Western Australia. The Company is dedicated to advancing its Chibougamau Copper-Gold Project in Quebec with an aggressive exploration program to drive resource growth and develop a hub-and-spoke operation model with its centralised processing facility. In addition, Cygnus has quality lithium assets with significant exploration upside in the world-class James Bay district in Quebec, and REE and base metal projects in Western Australia. The Cygnus team has a proven track record of turning exploration success into production enterprises and creating shareholder value.
1 The Mineral Resource estimate at the Chibougamau Project is a foreign estimate prepared in accordance with CIM Standards. A competent person has not done sufficient work to classify the foreign estimate as a mineral resource in accordance with the JORC Code, and it is uncertain whether further evaluation and exploration will result in an estimate reportable under the JORC Code.
This document contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" which are based on the assumptions, estimates, analysis and opinions of management made in light of its experience and its perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, as well as other factors that management of Cygnus believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances at the date that such statements are made, but which may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking statements include statements that are predictive in nature, depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, or include words such as ‘expects', ‘anticipates', ‘plans', ‘believes', ‘estimates', ‘seeks', ‘intends', ‘targets', ‘projects', ‘forecasts', or negative versions thereof and other similar expressions, or future or conditional verbs such as ‘may', ‘will', ‘should', ‘would' and ‘could'. Although Cygnus and its management believe that the assumptions and expectations represented by such information are reasonable, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking information will prove to be accurate. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Cygnus to be materially different from any anticipated future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such factors include, among others, the actual results of current or future exploration, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be evaluated, changes in laws, regulations and practices, the geopolitical, economic, permitting and legal climate that Cygnus operates in, as well as those factors disclosed in Cygnus' publicly filed documents. No representation or warranty is made as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information, and readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information or rely on this document as a recommendation or forecast by Cygnus. Cygnus does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.
The Company first announced the foreign estimate of mineralisation for the Chibougamau Project on 15 October 2024, which was prepared by Qualified Person ("QP") Luke Evans, M.Sc., P.Eng, ing., of Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. (now SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd.). The Company confirms that the supporting information included in the announcement of 15 October 2024 continues to apply and has not materially changed, notwithstanding the clarification announcement released by Cygnus on 28 January 2025 ("Clarification"). Cygnus confirms that (notwithstanding the Clarification) it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original announcement and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the original announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed. Cygnus confirms that it is not in possession of any new information or data relating to the foreign estimate that materially impacts on the reliability of the estimates or Cygnus' ability to verify the foreign estimates as mineral resources in accordance with the JORC Code. The Company confirms that the supporting information provided in the original market announcement continues to apply and has not materially changed. The Company confirms that the form and context in which the Competent Persons' findings are presented have not been materially modified from the original market announcement.
Metal equivalents for the foreign estimate have been calculated at a copper price of US$8,750/t, gold price of US$2,350/oz, copper equivalents calculated based on the formula CuEq (%) = Cu(%) + (Au (g/t) x 0.77258). Metallurgical recovery factors have been applied to the copper equivalents calculations, with copper metallurgical recovery assumed at 95% and gold metallurgical recovery assumed at 85% based upon historical production at the Chibougamau Processing Facility, and the metallurgical results contained in Cygnus' announcement dated 28 January 2025. It is the Company's view that all elements in the copper equivalent calculations have a reasonable potential to be recovered and sold.
Table 1: Chibougamau Copper-Gold Project – Foreign Mineral Resource Estimate Disclosures as at 30 March 2022
Category | Tonnes (k) | Cu Grade (%) | Au Grade (g/t) | Cu Metal (kt) | Au Metal (koz) | CuEq Grade (%) |
Measured | 120 | 2.7 | 0.3 | 3 | 1 | 2.9 |
Indicated | 3,500 | 2.5 | 0.6 | 87 | 65 | 3.0 |
M+I | 3,600 | 2.5 | 0.6 | 90 | 66 | 3.0 |
Inferred | 7,200 | 3.0 | 1.1 | 216 | 248 | 3.8 |
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia
Group Eleven Resources Corp. (TSXV: ZNG) (OTC Pink: GRLVF) (FSE: 3GE) ("Group Eleven" or the "Company") is pleased to announce results from the latest two holes of the ongoing drill program at the Company's 100%-owned Ballywire zinc-lead-silver discovery ("Ballywire"), PG West Project ("PG West"), Republic of Ireland.
"It is great to see the NE massive sulphide zone now consistently intersected by eight high-grade holes over a strike length of 360m and open to the NE," stated Bart Jaworski, CEO. "Excellent silver and significant copper values are also noteworthy because they increasingly point to a stratigraphically deeper horizon known to be highly prospective for copper and silver in this part of Ireland. Namely, the Gortdrum Cu-Ag mine, active in the 1960s and 70s, is located 10km NE of Ballywire, whereas, the Denison and Tullacondra Cu-Ag historic occurrences are 5km SE and 45km SW of Ballywire, respectively. A deeper Cu-Ag horizon at Ballywire is one of our key targets for 2025.
Our two other key targets include: (i) exploration drilling along strike from the drilled 2.6km-long discovery area towards the encompassing 6km long prospective trend and (ii) up and down dip from the discovery trend in search of parallel zones of mineralization. We eagerly await results from drilling down dip of today's results and along the NE extension."
Exhibit 1. Cross-Section A-A' of G11-3552-25, -27 (Filling In 270m Gap Between Fences) at Ballywire
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Exhibit 2. Plan Map Showing Key New Drilling (G11-3552-25, -27) at Ballywire
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Exhibit 3. Emerging Massive Sulphide Zone and Upcoming Drill Results at Ballywire
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Recent Holes from Ballywire Discovery
The Ballywire prospect at the Company's 100%-owned PG West Project in Republic of Ireland, is a relatively new zinc-lead-silver discovery (first announced Sept-2022). In addition to 42 holes drilled and reported by Group Eleven to date, the most recent two holes (G11-3552-25 to -27) are reported today (see Exhibits 1 to 6). Note, a second batch of assays totalling over 50m within G11-3552-27 is still pending.
High-grade mineralization from G11-3552-25 and -27 consists predominantly of massive and semi-massive sulphide (sphalerite, galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite and suspected tennantite-tetrahedrite), as well as, disseminated and vein hosted sulphide mineralization. Mineralization occurs along and/or close to the base of the Waulsortian Limestone (see Exhibit 1).
Exhibit 4. Summary of Assays from G11-3552-25 and -27 at Ballywire
Item | From (m) | To (m) | Int (m) | Zn (%) | Pb (%) | Zn+Pb (%) | Ag (g/t) | Cu (%) |
G11-3552-25 | 187.15 | 203.35 | 16.20 | 2.14 | 0.69 | 2.83 | 8.00 | - |
Incl. | 187.15 | 195.51 | 8.36 | 3.59 | 1.11 | 4.70 | 14.49 | - |
Incl. | 190.87 | 195.51 | 4.64 | 5.59 | 1.82 | 7.41 | 20.97 | - |
Incl. | 192.69 | 194.60 | 1.91 | 9.59 | 3.32 | 12.92 | 39.19 | - |
G11-3552-27 | 213.00 | 237.81 | 24.81 | 5.84 | 2.28 | 8.11 | 80.4 | 0.12 |
Incl. | 219.42 | 235.06 | 15.64 | 8.30 | 3.28 | 11.59 | 122.1 | 0.19 |
Incl. | 219.42 | 222.21 | 2.79 | 15.57 | 3.77 | 19.35 | 92.79 | 0.03 |
And | 228.51 | 235.06 | 6.55 | 11.06 | 5.65 | 16.71 | 240.0 | 0.42 |
Incl. | 230.36 | 233.90 | 3.54 | 13.26 | 8.01 | 21.27 | 395.1 | 0.73 |
Note: True width of the overall mineralized package in all holes above is estimated at approx. 90-100% of the intersected interval
Overall, recent drilling suggests the emergence of two distinct styles of mineralization. First, relatively flat-lying zinc-rich massive sulphide lenses and second, 'other high-grade mineralization', dominated by variably dipping massive sulphides, as well as, vein-hosted and disseminated mineralization (see Exhibits 1-3). Both styles occur at or near the base of the Waulsortian Limestone and offer great exploration opportunities as drilling progresses.
Looking forward, seven (7) drill holes (G11-3552-24, -26, -28 and 29 to -32; see Exhibit 3) are in progress with results expected in due course. Exhibit 3 shows drilling to date across 1.25km of the overall 2.6km long trend (see Exhibit 2) of significantly mineralized drill intercepts (open in all directions). This in turn is hosted within a 6km long prospective trend defined by four gravity high anomalies, only one of which (anomaly 'C') is systematically drilled to date (see Exhibit 5).
Exhibit 5. Regional Gravity at Ballywire Showing 6km Long Prospective Trend
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Notes to Exhibit 6: (a) Pallas Green MRE is owned by Glencore (see Glencore's Resources and Reserves Report dated December 31, 2023); (b) Stonepark MRE: see the 'NI 43-101 Independent Report on the Zinc-Lead Exploration Project at Stonepark, County Limerick, Ireland', by Gordon, Kelly and van Lente, with an effective date of April 26, 2018, as found on SEDAR; and (c) the historic estimate at Denison was reported by Westland Exploration Limited in 'Report on Prospecting Licence 464' by Dermot Hughes dated May, 1988; the historic estimate at Gortdrum was reported in 'The Geology and Genesis of the Gortdrum Cu-Ag-Hg Orebody' by G.M. Steed dated 1986; and the historic estimate at Tullacondra was first reported by Munster Base Metals Ltd in 'Report on Mallow Property' by David Wilbur, dated December 1973; and later summarized in 'Cu-Ag Mineralization at Tullacondra, Mallow, Co. Cork' by Wilbur and Carter in 1986; the above three historic estimates have not been verified as current mineral resources; none of the key assumptions, parameters and methods used to prepare the historic estimates were reported and no resource categories were used; significant data compilation, re-drilling and data verification may be required by a Qualified Person before the historic estimates can be verified and upgraded to be compliant with current NI 43-101 standards; a Qualified Person has not done sufficient work to classify them as a current mineral resource and the Company is not treating the historic estimates as current mineral resources. 'Rathdowney Trend' is the south-westerly projection of the Rathdowney Trend, hosting the historic Lisheen and Galmoy mines.
Exhibit 6. Regional Map of PG West (100% Interest) and Stonepark (77.64% Interest)
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Note: Two westernmost prospecting licenses were surrendered in December 2024 from the Stonepark Project, reflecting decreasing prospectivity and the Company's preference to focus on core prospects (Ballywire and Carrickittle West)
The Company has engaged ProConsul Capital Ltd. ("ProConsul") to provide investment marketing consulting services (the "Services") commencing February 6th, 2025. In consideration for the Services, the Company will pay a fee of C$6,000/month and has agreed to grant stock options to ProConsul, the number and terms of which stock options will be determined at a later date. The agreement is subject to TSX Venture Exchange acceptance and renewable on a month-to-month basis unless terminated by either party on 30 days written notice.
Qualified Person
Technical information in this news release has been approved by Professor Garth Earls, Eur Geol, P.Geo, FSEG, geological consultant at IGS (International Geoscience Services) Limited, and independent 'Qualified Person' as defined under Canadian National Instrument 43-101.
Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Information
Group Eleven inserts certified reference materials ("CRMs" or "Standards") as well as blank material, to its sample stream as part of its industry-standard QA/QC programme. The QC results have been reviewed by the Qualified Person, who is satisfied that all the results are within acceptable parameters. The Qualified Person has validated the sampling and chain of custody protocols used by Group Eleven.
About Group Eleven Resources
Group Eleven Resources Corp. (TSXV: ZNG) (OTC Pink: GRLVF) and (FSE: 3GE) is a mineral exploration company focused on advanced stage zinc exploration in the Republic of Ireland. Group Eleven announced the Ballywire discovery in September 2022. Key intercepts to date include:
Ballywire is located 20km from Company's 77.64%-owned Stonepark zinc-lead deposit1, which itself is located adjacent to Glencore's Pallas Green zinc-lead deposit2. The Company's two largest shareholders are Glencore Canada Corp. (17.1% interest) and Michael Gentile (16.5%). Additional information about the Company is available at
Bart Jaworski, P.Geo.
Chief Executive Officer
E: | T: +353-85-833-2463
E: | T: 604-644-9514
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Such statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the future results of operations, performance and achievements of the Company, including the timing, content, cost and results of proposed work programs, the discovery and delineation of mineral deposits/resources/ reserves and geological interpretations. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located. All of the Company's public disclosure filings may be accessed via and readers are urged to review these materials, including the technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.
1 Stonepark MRE is 5.1 million tonnes of 11.3% Zn+Pb (8.7% Zn and 2.6% Pb), Inferred (Apr-17-2018)
2 Pallas Green MRE is 45.4 million tonnes of 8.4% Zn+Pb (7.2% Zn + 1.2% Pb), Inferred (Glencore, Dec-31-2023)
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