Company Profiles

Find Your Next 10 Bagger Here: INN's Company Profiles for Distilled Economic Insights!

Embark on your investment journey with small stocks armed with the power of knowledge. INN's exclusive company profiles will act as your compass, simplifying value propositions and investment narratives, while also providing the ability to explore our database and request information from companies of interest. All our profiles were crafted through interviews with the executive team and from publicly available information. We distill this information to facilitate investors in discerning which companies could be a fit for your risk tolerance and strategy.

Investing in the mining sector? Taking a look at our Global Mining Projects Map to get a bird's-eye view of where our partner's significant mining ventures are taking place.

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Manuka Resources Limited

Manuka Resources

Near-term production from both its silver and gold projects located in the Cobar Basin, Central West, New South Wales

LaFleur Minerals (CSE:LFLR)

LaFleur Minerals

Advancing a district-scale gold asset and near-producing mill in Quebec’s Abitibi Gold Belt

Saga Metals (TSXV:SAGA)

Saga Metals

Diversified portfolio of critical mineral assets in Canada’s top-tier jurisdictions

West High Yield

West High Yield

Focused on critical minerals with near-term strategic high-grade magnesium/silica/nickel/iron project

CuFe Limited (ASX:CUF)

CuFe Limited

Multi-commodity exploration and development assets in Western Australia and Northern Territory with a focus on copper, gold, iron ore and niobium.

Metro Mining

Metro Mining

Pure-play low-cost producer of high-grade Australian bauxite

Inca Minerals (ASX:ICG)

Inca Minerals

Advancing high-grade gold-antimony project in Northern Queensland

Lode Gold Resources (TSXV:LOD)

Lode Gold Resources

Discovering the next orogenic/reduced intrusive deposit in Yukon and New Brunswick

Cyprium Metals

Cyprium Metals

Advancing Western Australia’s historic Nifty copper mine for near-term production and long-term growth

Lithium Universe

Lithium Universe

Closing the Lithium Conversion Gap in North America



Superpowers for in-person service businesses using AI

Cardiol Therapeutics (TSX:CRDL)

Cardiol Therapeutics

Heal the heart with innovative science.

Grande Portage Resources (TSXV:GPG)

Grande Portage Resources

Advancing the high-grade New Amalga Gold project in the prolific Juneau Gold Belt in SE Alaska

Piche Resources

Piche Resources

Targeting globally significant uranium and gold discoveries in Australia and Argentina

Anax Metals Limited

Anax Metals Limited

Near-term copper producer targeting resource growth and a regional consolidation strategy

Lahontan Gold Corp. (TSXV:LG)

Lahontan Gold Corp.

Near-term gold production pathway in the highly prolific Walker Lane district in Nevada

Electric Royalties (TSXV:ELEC)

Electric Royalties

Royalty company exclusively focused on clean energy metals, offering investors diversified exposure to the sector

Castle Minerals (ASX:CDT)

Castle Minerals

Advancing strategic gold exploration assets in Ghana’s prolific Upper West region

Rua Gold

Rua Gold

An emerging gold explorer in New Zealand’s historical goldfields

Innovation Mining

Innovation Mining

A clean-tech company transforming gold mining with RZOLV—the safe, cost-effective and high-performance alternative to toxic cyanide.

CEO Interviews

