July 15, 2024
Augustus Minerals Limited (ASX: AUG; Augustus or the Company) is pleased to announce that it has received commitments from institutional, professional and sophisticated investors to raise $1,667,500 (Placement).
- Augustus Minerals has received commitments to raise over $1.66m via a Placement.
- Proceeds from the capital raising will fund:
- Deep diamond drilling at the Minnie Springs Cu-Mo porphyry (supported by EIS drilling grant)
- VTEM (Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic) Helicopter program testing major Cu-Ni-PGE and Uranium targets
- Expanded soil and rock chip sampling program to progress new high-grade Gold and Copper targets to drill ready status
- Commence a program of extensive field work over the large 4-kilometer-long Supergene Carbonate hosted Munaballya Well Uranium Target.
- Exploration works are continuing over various targets along the highly prospective Ti- Tree Shear with drilling to commence this quarter.
Under the placement, AUG will issue up to 23,821,430 fully paid ordinary shares (Shares) at an issue price of $0.07 per Share. The Placement includes one (1) attaching unlisted option (Options) for every two (2) Placement Shares. The Options will be exercisable at $0.12 each expiring 2 years after the date of issue.
Funds raised through the Placement will be used for the following:
- Deep Diamond drilling at the very large Minnie Springs Cu-Mo Porphyry system to test the core of the system for high-grade Copper Sulphide mineralisation.
- The initial 2 x 700m deep holes planned for Q3, 2024 is with assistance from the co- funded Government EIS drilling grant of up to $110,000 as announced 2 May 2024.
- Success in the first two planned holes will justify additional diamond drilling to further expand the Minne Springs Porphyry system
- A VTEM airborne geophysics program testing the Cu-Ni-PGE potential at the Money Intrusion, the Coo Creek Broken Hill Style target and the Munaballya Well uranium U targets.
- An expanded soils/rock chip program to progress newly identified rock chip prospects to drill ready status and continue the exploration over as yet untested areas.
- Working capital and costs of the Placement.
GM Exploration Commented:
“The Augustus Board are very pleased with the overwhelming support for the placement and thank existing and new sophisticated investors for their support that positions the Company to advance exploration at the Ti-Tree project. The heavily oversubscribed placement demonstrates the strong interest in the EIS Supported drill program at the Minnie Springs Cu-Mo Porphyry system as well as continued exploration at the recently discovered Tiberius, Claudius, Justinian and South Snowy gold-copper-gold-silver prospects. The next six months will be an exciting period of exploration activity for the Company and the team are looking forward to the results”.
The Placement Shares will be issued utilising the Company’s existing Listing Rule 7.1 and 7.1A capacity. The Company will seek shareholder approval for the issue of Options.
Evolution Capital Pty Ltd (Evolution) and Morgans Corporate Limited (Morgans) acted as joint lead managers to the Placement.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Augustus Minerals, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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04 July 2023
Augustus Minerals
Diversification can be key to a profitable mining and exploration strategy. While there's no shortage of companies that have experienced great success by focusing on a single commodity, there's always an element of risk to that approach. There is always the risk that certain commodities will fall in price whilst others rise. Augustus Minerals, a newly listed exploration company on the ASX (AUG) is cognizant of this fact. An exploration company based in Western Australia, Augustus has acquired a 100-percent interest in a land package covering some 3,600 square kilometers in Western Australia's Upper Gascoyne region. Although traditionally known as a source of base metals, gold and uranium, the Gascoyne is rapidly emerging as a prime target for rare earths and lithium discoveries.
As an early mover to the region, Augustus’s vast landholding is highly prospective for lithium, rare earths, copper and gold. Its Ti-Tree project contains 85 kilometers of the Ti Tree and Mingabar shear zones, with extensive, untested, multi-element mineralization and surface anomalies.
The Gascoyne region is a large emerging critical mineral province with several deposits having been discovered in the last few years. These include multiple Ironstone REE discoveries by Dreadnought Resources (ASX:DRE), Hastings Technology's (ASX:HAS) Yangibana Ironstone REE project and Lanthanein Resources' (ASX:LNR) Lyons Ironstone REE project, as well as a large lithium discovery at Delta Lithium's (ASX:DLT) Yinnetharra location.
Directed by a highly experienced management team with extensive knowledge about mining and exploration in the Gascoyne, Augustus's exploration program will focus on more than 50 priority targets already identified by the company. These include potential lithium bearing pegmatites, REE-rich ironstones and shear/porphyry-hosted copper systems. Thus far, the company has completed multiple geophysical surveys and collected more than 15,000 soil samples.
Company Highlights
- Augustus Minerals is an Australian exploration company focused on the highly-prospective Gascoyne region of Western Australia.
- The company has 100 percent ownership of a land package covering 3,600 square kilometers.
- Augustus has identified multiple high-priority lithium, rare earth and copper targets throughout its project, with strong mineralization intersected at multiple locations across multiple commodities.
- Augustus's leadership team has the benefit of significant local knowledge regarding exploration of the Gascoyne province.
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Vast Land Package for Critical and Precious Metals Exploration in Australia
05 March
High Grade Gold Mineralisation Extended at Music Well
Augustus Minerals (AUG:AU) has announced High Grade Gold Mineralisation Extended at Music Well
Ignite Investment Summit Hong Kong Presentation
Battery Age Minerals Ltd (ASX: BM8; “Battery Age” or “the Company”) is pleased to advise of its participation at the Ignite Investment Summit being held this week in Hong Kong.
BM8’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr Nigel Broomham, will be presenting the Company’s strategy for progressing its diversified & strategic portfolio of projects in Austria, Argentina and Canada today at 11.00am AWST. Attached is the presentation that Mr Broomham will be speaking to at the conference.
Investors can register to attend the conference at: weareignite.com/contact/#investor
Battery Age CEO Nigel Broomham commented:
"Fresh from recent field visits to Austria and Argentina, and following positive advancements across our Bleiberg, El Aguila, and Falcon Lake projects, we look forward to presenting a number of updates and meaningful insights to a fantastic group of investors and stakeholders.”
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Battery Age Minerals Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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26 March
Terms of Reference for Enviromental Study Provided for Mannar Heavy Mineral Project
Titanium Sands Limited (“TSL”) is pleased to announce the progression of the approval processes for its Mannar Heavy Mineral Project in Sri Lanka, following the release by the CEA of the Terms of Reference for the Mannar Island Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
- Central Environment Authority (CEA) has provided the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the environmental assessment of the Mannar Heavy Mineral Project following site visits and input from 35 regulatory bodies and government departments
- The ToR contains the requirements for the environmental studies for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- On completion of the EIA, the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau (GSMB) will then be in a position to issue an Industrial Mining License (IML) for the Project
- The ToR outlines environmental, heritage, social and economic requirements necessary for GSMB approval of the IML
- TSL is focused on delivering economic benefits to the people of Mannar, through job creation and generational wealth, while preserving cultural heritage and protecting the environment
The release of the ToR on 20 March 2025 followed a series of CEA meetings and presentations, culminating in the Scoping Presentation on 22 August 2024 and the Scoping Site Visit on 19 February 2025 by stakeholders in the Project. Submissions made by stakeholders at both the scoping meetings have been included in the ToR which forms the basis of the requirements of the EIA.
TSL’s Managing Director, Dr James Searle said“the release of the ToR is a significant step forward in the regulatory approvals process for this Project. The Project will deliver a high-grade mineral sands operation that will create significant employment opportunities and become a source of wealth for local communities, as well as a significant boost in revenues to the Government of Sri Lanka.
TSL is focused on delivering a low impact environmentally friendly project, with the highest levels of social awareness and inclusion. As heavy minerals have been mined for decades on the Sri Lankan mainland, TSL looks forward to building on the size and quality of the industry making a significant impact to the economic benefits of Sri Lanka”.
Next Steps
The ToR has been prepared on input from 35 departments and regulatory bodies within Sri Lanka’s Government. TSL’s EIA consultants will be required to address the following as outlined in the ToR:
- Overview of the proposed project and reasonable alternatives
- Report on existing environment and surrounds
- Report on anticipated environmental impacts
- Prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and monitoring program
- Assess all aspects of nature and wildlife restrictions
- Host community consultation and engagement.
The ToR also requires a report on any areas beyond the project site where there is potential for environmental impacts.
Environmental Impact Assessment
The EIA process will commence immediately. The EIA consultants will now be in a position to prepare a draft EIA to address the requirements of the ToR. The EIA will address baseline and impact assessments, mitigation measures and proposed strategies and management plans culminating in an efficient and environmentally successful project. The final EIA submission for GSMB review and approval is expected mid 2025, with support from government agencies and community groups.
As part of the EIA process, community consultation and comment will be undertaken with Mannar communities ensuring any other issues or concerns are addressed in the EIA.
Recent meetings with all of CEA, GSMB and Board of Investment (BoI) in Sri Lanka have led to the understanding that on completion of the EIA, formal IML approval would be granted in a timely manner.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Titanium Sands Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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26 March
Talga’s Natural Graphite Mine Awarded EU Strategic Project Status
Battery materials and technology company Talga Group Ltd (“Talga” or “the Company”) (ASX:TLG) is pleased to announce that its natural graphite mine in northern Sweden has been awarded Strategic Project status under the European Commission’s Critical Raw Materials (CRM) Act.
This landmark recognition underscores the project’s strategic value for Europe to secure its battery materials supply chain and significantly enhances Talga’s pathway to finalising project financing and development.
The CRM Act, enacted to bolster the EU’s autonomy in critical raw materials essential for clean energy technologies, grants Strategic Projects a range of benefits. For Talga, this designation will see a high level of project facilitation being provided to the Company’s mine development plans including:
- Improved access to financing; through a subgroup of the CRM Board coordinating EU and national, private and public financial institutions to support the completion of project financing.
- Enhanced appeal to partners, institutions and customers; strengthening ongoing discussions with debt providers, strategic investors, customers and government backed funding programs.
- Expedited permitting; streamlining approvals and derisking timelines.
Talga Group CEO, Martin Phillips, commented:“The Strategic Project status validates Talga’s natural graphite mine and our vital role in sustainable battery materials. Graphite is critical to the lithium-ion battery industry and an increased EU capacity to extract and produce battery grade graphite is essential for Europe's resilience and competitiveness. We look forward to engaging with new opportunities under the CRMA to deliver Europe’s first fully integrated active anode supply.”
The Vittangi Anode Project aims to produce 19,500 tonnes per annum of Talnode®-C, a natural graphite battery anode material derived from Talga’s 100% owned natural graphite resources in Sweden (ASX:TLG 1 July 2021). Key advantages of the project include a low emission footprint, vertical integration of the mine-to-anode supply chain and a resource base that supports expansion to >100,000tpa (ASX:TLG 7 December 2020). Talga is currently advancing customer offtake agreements and project financing structures towards a Final Investment Decision for the project.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Talga Group, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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25 March
Navigating Uncertainty: 3 Investment Strategies for Volatile Times
Canadian investors are facing increasing uncertainty, and as theylook to mitigate risk and hedge against inflationary pressures, it's becoming tricky to find the right strategies.
Speaking with the Investing News Network (INN), Stephen Johnston, director at asset management firm Omnigence, explained how Canadians have gotten into this especially precarious position.
“Canada has very stagflationary macro conditions, which historically haven't been good for inflation-adjusted returns for public equities,” he said. Stagflation refers to slow economic growth and high inflation, and Johnston noted that in real, inflation-adjusted terms, GDP per capita is stagnant or even declining right now.
In Canada, these conditions began post-pandemic and have been heightening since.
“They've sort of surfaced in the last three years, and I think they're going to be very sticky, they're going to be hard to fix,” Johnston told INN. Added to those conditions is ongoing geopolitical strife with the US as well as China, with both countries levying a wide variety of tariffs on imports of Canadian products, from soy to steel.
“Tariffs are just going to exacerbate Canada's stagflation problem. They're going to weaken the Canadian dollar, drive up inflation and they're of course going to negatively impact the Canadian economy,” Johnston said.
“Those are classic inflationary effects," he added. “And when you layer those on top of what are already stagflationary conditions in the Canadian market, that's not a very promising set of conditions for public equity returns.”
How to invest during stagflation
Canada's GDP contracted by 1.4 percent in 2024, marking the second year in a row where it shrunk by over 1.2 percent. Contributing factors were declining labor productivity, a struggling housing market and trade disruptions.
In 2022 and 2023, nationwide productivity saw six consecutive quarters of decline, which hindered economic growth, while housing affordability challenges persisted, with prices surging far beyond income growth.
Meanwhile, US tariffs implemented this month have further strained exports, contributing to an estimated 2.5 to 3 percent GDP decline. Combined, these factors have weakened the country’s economic momentum.
“In effect, the tariffs are like the straw that broke the camel's back,” Johnston explained.
“Investors were probably willfully ignoring the stagflation risk, with hope it would go away, or dissipate or gradually improve. But I think now the tariffs have just made it unambiguous.”
Amid the widespread volatility, Johnston recommends investors “arm” themselves through a series of questions.
“The average investor in the last 20 years has effectively been long middle-class demand, long growth and short inflation,” he said. This strategy aids portfolio growth if there is no inflation and middle-class demand remains robust; however, that is not the current market landscape.
“They need to start now looking at their portfolio and saying, 'I need to have things in there that generate returns, (that) are effectively short growth and long inflation.' They will flourish in this stagflationary world,” said Johnston.
In a stagflationary environment, Johnston suggests investors ask themselves if their investments are long growth and short inflation, and if the investments rely on robust middle-class demand.
“Because in a stagflation world, the middle class comes under a lot of pressure,” he said.
“During stagflation, you see a big contraction in people who are in the middle cohort of incomes, and you tend to see the very wealthy and very poor grow in size.”
So which investments are short growth, long inflation? Johnston shared three investments that fit within that strategy.
1. Farmland provides greener pastures
“An example of something that is short growth, long inflation is farmland. Farmland is short growth because people don't change their dietary behavior," Johnston said.
"They don't change their (food) consumption during a recession.”
Farmland is also a real, non-depreciating asset that can hedge inflation, as shown by past performance.
“In the 1970s, farmland went up 400 percent during the stagflation," the expert continued.
"It beat inflation by 275 percent in real terms — it outperformed by a long shot, by an order of six or seven times public equities, bonds and commercial real estate."
Canada houses nearly 65 million hectares of farmland and is the fifth largest agricultural exporter globally. The nation is also the top producer of potash, a key ingredient for soil health and crop growth.
2. The long automotive value chain
The electric vehicle (EV) market has been a top investment segment for the last five years as investors look to secure profits up and down the EV supply chain. As outlined by the International Energy Association, one in five cars sold in 2023 was an EV, and the market share for EVs is forecast to grow over the next decade.
In fact, since 2019, EV-related stocks — including automakers, battery manufacturers and battery metals companies — have outpaced broader markets and traditional carmakers. Between 2019 and 2023, these companies saw higher relative returns on investment, with the market capitalization of pure-play EV makers surging from US$100 billion in 2020 to US$1 trillion by the end of 2023, peaking at US$1.6 trillion in 2021.
Battery manufacturers and battery metal companies also experienced significant growth over the same period.
Now, with 100 percent tariffs on Chinese-made EVs and the North American economy in disarray, Johnston suggests looking elsewhere in the automotive value chain for investment opportunities
“The automotive sector is a big area for investment, (it) attracts a lot of capital," he told INN.
"But during stagflation, you don't want to be invested in the auto sector, because you tend to find the demand for cars is stagnant, or even contracts. So you're better off investing in automotive maintenance."
He explained that investing in automotive maintenance can be a strong strategy during stagflationary times, as demand for repairs rises when people keep their cars longer. While maintenance growth aligns with the economy in normal economic conditions, during stagflation it outpaces GDP growth. As vehicle lifespans extend, the need for repairs increases, making the sector resilient even in periods of weak growth and high inflation.
Today, the automotive services and maintenance service sector could benefit from US President Donald Trump’s plans to re-industralize America’s economy, amid threats to shut down Canada’s auto sector. This move could prove disastrous for Ontario and Québec, two provinces that serve as North American manufacturing hubs.
“(The US) is going to pull the automotive sector out of Canada — to the extent that they can — and of course we'll be buying cars from US producers with a weak currency. So the price of cars in Canadian dollar terms will go up. That'll also force out the period of time that people own their existing cars,” he said.
"That's terrible for Canada, but it's good for that particular (maintenance) industry.”
3. Opportunity in mandatory services
The last investment area Johnston suggested is environmental services.
As he explained in conversation with INN, the environmental services sector has shown strong, consistent growth, often outpacing GDP by two to three times over the past 10 to 15 years.
Unlike other industries, the environmental services sector's expansion is being driven by regulatory changes rather than economic conditions, making it highly resilient to recessions and inflation.
“The pricing of these services tends to increase rapidly in inflationary times, because these are non-discretionary services,” he said. “If the regulation is there, you have to comply. You have to buy the services.”
Demand remains steady since businesses must comply with environmental regulations, giving companies in the sector strong pricing power.
Ultimately, as inflation persists, investors may benefit from shifting focus toward industries like farmland, automotive maintenance and environmental services, which thrive in different economic conditions.
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Securities Disclosure: I, Georgia Williams, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Editorial Disclosure: The Investing News Network does not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the information reported in the interviews it conducts. The opinions expressed in these interviews do not reflect the opinions of the Investing News Network and do not constitute investment advice. All readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence.
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25 March
Agreement Executed with Mark Creasy Over Peninsula Propsect
Peregrine Gold Limited (“Peregrine” or the “Company”) (ASX: PGD) is pleased to announce it has executed an agreement, via its wholly owned subsidiary Pilbara Gold Exploration Pty Ltd, with prominent prospector and major shareholder Mark Creasy. The agreement permits the exploitation of precious metals within three Prospecting Licenses (“SPL”) applied for over the Peninsula prospect E52/3850 (Figure 1) (“Agreement”), located within the Company’s Newman Gold Project (Figure 2).
- Prominent prospector and major shareholder Mark Creasy applies for several Special Prospecting Licences over Peregrine’s high grade Peninsula Prospect
- Binding agreement executed permitting access to enable the potential extraction of gold material down to 50m vertical depth
- Net proceeds recovered to be split in favour of Peregrine on a 60/40 basis
Figure 1: Map of SPL locations over the Peninsula prospect (E52/3850)
Figure 2: Location of Peninsula prospect within Newman Gold Project
Subject to the grant of the SPL, the Agreement stipulates the exploitation of precious metals can proceed under the following conditions:
- Any expenditures incurred in the process of exploitation are to funded by Mark Creasy and will be deducted from the value of any gold recovered (Net Value);
- The Net Value of any gold recovered (cash or physical form) to be divided 60/40 in favour of Peregrine;
- The SPL cannot be converted to a mining license and may not be advanced beyond 50m vertical depth from surface;
- Commencing from execution, the Agreement has a maximum term of three years and nine months;
- While Mr Creasy is responsible for and managing the SPL, as part of the Agreement, all activities are to be coordinated with Peregrine so that any significant mineralisation identified will be reported to the market in accordance with the Company’s continuous disclosure policy.
Having had a history of demonstrating spectacular shallow gold intercepts (Figures 3-6) (ASX Announcement: 5 August 2022), the Agreement recognises the significant potential of the Peninsula prospect and due to the Agreement being free carried through to gold monetisation, potentially provides the Company a pathway to generating cashflow at a time when the Australian gold price continues to reach all-time highs.
Technical Director of Peregrine Mr. George Merhi commented:
“It’s a pleasure to partner with a supportive shareholder with arguably the best track record for discovery and value creation in Australia on an initiative that will greatly advance our understanding of the geological potential of the Peninsula prospect. We look forward to updating shareholders once the SPL is granted.”
Figure 3: Peninsula Prospect - At surface drill core photo of ‘Hole A’ (ASX Announcement 5 August 2022). To assist with mineralogical and textural studies at the Newman Project, Hole A was not split and assayed for gold (ASX Announcement 12 January 2023)1.
Figure 6: Peninsula Prospect gold vein looking south-east1
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Peregrine Gold Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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25 March
Mahalo JV Participants appoint Jemena to undertake Pipeline FEED
Comet Ridge Limited (ASX:COI) is pleased to advise that the Mahalo JV participants (Comet Ridge 57.14% and Santos 42.86%) have executed an agreement with Jemena Queensland Gas Pipeline (1) Pty Ltd and Jemena Queensland Gas Pipeline (2) Pty Ltd (collectively, Jemena) to undertake Front End Engineering Design (FEED) on a new Mahalo Gas Hub Pipeline (MGHP).
Key points:
- The Mahalo Joint Venture has engaged Jemena to undertake Front End Engineering Design (FEED) on the planned Mahalo Gas Hub Pipeline (MGHP) to connect the Mahalo JV Project to the Queensland Gas Pipeline (QGP) and GLNG Pipeline.
- Jemena is currently funding the Pipeline FEED cost.
- The Pipeline FEED will run in parallel to the Mahalo JV Project Upstream FEED (announced 6 Dec 2024).
- Jemena operates a diverse portfolio of energy assets in northern Australia and Australia’s east coast, including the QGP which runs between Wallumbilla and Gladstone in Queensland.
- Jemena may construct the MGHP on a build own and operate basis following completion of FEED and subject to achieving a final investment decision (FID).
- This is a significant step in Comet Ridge’s plans to develop meaningful gas supply to fill the looming supply gap for gas in Australia’s east coast energy market.
The proposed MGHP will be a DN250 (10 inch) Class 900 pipeline, connecting the planned Mahalo JV compression facilities to the Queensland Gas Pipeline (owned and operated by Jemena) and the GLNG Pipeline. It is proposed, subject to FID, the MGHP will connect the Mahalo JV’s gas fields and processing facilities to the gas market hubs of Gladstone and Wallumbilla in Queensland (see Figure 1).
Jemena may construct the MGHP on a build, own and operate basis once Pipeline FEED is completed and subject to the Mahalo JV Project FID. Jemena is currently funding the cost of the Pipeline FEED which is intended to be rolled into the total pipeline construction cost assuming Jemena proceeds with construction of the MGHP.
Comet Ridge Managing Director, Tor McCaul, said:“Commencing Pipeline FEED is an important milestone for the Mahalo JV Project. All workstreams are now being progressed to enable a final investment decision to be reached at Mahalo, which is well positioned to contribute as a near-term solution to the growing strain on east coast gas markets.
“We are especially pleased to commence this relationship with Jemena, a high-quality pipeline operator in Australia that provides regional synergy to Comet Ridge for the transport of gas to key gas market hubs on the east coast.”
Figure 1: Mahalo Gas Hub assets and proposed path of pipeline corridor connection to existing pipelines and domestic and LNG markets in Queensland
About Jemena and the Pipeline FEED
Jemena owns and operates a diverse portfolio of energy assets across northern Australia and Australia's east coast. With more than $12.4 billion worth of major utility infrastructure, Jemena supplies millions of households and businesses with essential services every day. Jemena has more than a century’s experience and expertise in the utilities sector and a strong portfolio of high-quality distribution and transmission assets, with a focus on opportunities for growth and innovation in its operations.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Comet Ridge Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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