March 18, 2025
Follow-up drilling aimed at establishing a maiden resource, enabling Nimy to capitalise on western demand for this critical metal, which is now subject to Chinese export controls
Nimy Resources (ASX: NIM) is pleased to announce that it is preparing to start the Phase 2 drilling program at its Block 3 gallium discovery in WA after securing Raglan Drilling to conduct the program.
The drilling is aimed at growing the extent of the known mineralisation over a further 400m strike length while also infilling the established mineralised area.
Nimy aims to complete a maiden JORC resource on Block 3 as soon as possible following completion of this program.
The resource will in turn assist the Company with its strategy to advance its collaboration agreement with US minerals specialist M2i Global.
The drilling will be funded by the proceeds of Nimy’s recently-completed share placement (see ASX release dated February 26, 2025).
M2i specialises in the development and execution of a complete global value supply chain for critical minerals for the US Government and US free trade partners.
Samples from the upcoming drilling will be used for metallurgical test work, including technical studies to test gallium extraction methods.
Nimy Managing Director Luke Hampson said:
"Block 3 is clearly a significant high-grade discovery with mineralisation already outlined over a substantial area.
“We have tested only a small portion of the highly prospective strike length, which gives us every reason to believe we stand to grow the size of the discovery.
“Gallium is a critical metal used in many cutting-edge technologies, including top- level military applications.
“Given that China supplies virtually all the world’s gallium and recently imposed restrictions on it, there is a huge opportunity for Nimy to play a role as a provider to the western world”.
Why the focus on Gallium?:
- Nimy Resources has, to our knowledge the highest grade non-aligned gallium project in the Western World;
- China has for the foreseeable future stopped the export of gallium to the US;
- Nimy is working with US minerals specialist M2i Global with the objective of providing a sustainable supply of gallium to the US government and Defense Industrial Base in support of the Department of Defense;
- Gallium has a rapidly evolving focus on the world stage, with exponential growth in the usage of: Semiconductors; 5G Technology; Power Charging; Green Technologies; Telecommunications; Medical Uses; Radar and Military Applications
- US and European Defence company stock prices have risen sharply amid growing calls for Europe to re-build its military capability;
- The US governments strategy to slash spending on Ukraine's defence has led European Governments to prepare for big increases in military spending;
- Estimates of the coming military spending boom extend into hundreds of billions of dollars;
- Europe will need to secure substantial supplies of critical metals in markets currently controlled by China;
- Australian gallium could be expected to be in strong demand as European military expenditure grows;
- Gallium prices are expected to follow demand with some projections for compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.3% (*Source: researchandmarkets.com - Gallium Global Market Report 2024 – January 2024).
Figure 1: Total Projected Gallium market size (in USD Billion)*source: researchandmarkets.com (Gallium Global Market Report 2024 - January 2024)
Table 1: Total World Production 2024source: https://pubs.usgs.gov/periodicals/mcs2025/mcs2025-...
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Nimy Resources, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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Karonga Prospecting Licence Granted
DY6 Metals Ltd (ASX: DY6, “DY6” or the “Company”) is pleased to advise that it has received confirmation from Malawi’s Mining & Minerals Regulatory Authority (MMRA) that the licence area for its Karonga project (previously under application) has now been formally granted as Prospecting Licence No. EL0782/24.
Located in northern Malawi, the licence covers an area of approximately 36km2 and has the potential for copper mineralisation, as confirmed from preliminary reconnaissance/surveillance work undertaken by DY6’s in country technical team.
- Karonga Prospecting Licence has been granted over a recently identified high potential Copper (Cu) mineralisation anomalous area in the Karonga district.
- The licence grants to DY6 the exclusive right to prospect for copper, rare earth elements, lithium and other minerals for a term of 3 years with an option to renew the licence for a period not exceeding 2 years.
- Preliminary reconnaissance/ surveillance sampling work on the licence area revealed occurrence of elevated Cu grades, with initial portable XRF results ranging from 1.4 to 7.8% Cu in rock (refer Table 1). Results are to be verified using standard laboratory-based XRF analytical assaying methods*.
- DY6 has recently acquired and completed reprocessing of historic hyperspectral survey data, which has been used to map areas with high probability for copper mineralisation. The results from this exercise correlate well to the mineralisation identified in the sampling work.
- Historic anomalies from regional airborne geophysical radiometric and magnetic data appear to correlate with both the hyperspectral probability copper mineralisation mapping and the preliminary sampling reconnaissance work conducted.
- Exploration for Cu and other minerals will continue on the licence area.
* Cautionary Statement on pXRF – pXRF (Portable X-Ray Fluorescence) results that are announced in this report are from uncrushed, rock-chip samples and are preliminary only. The use of pXRF is an indication only of the order of magnitude of expected final assay results.
Figure 1. Location map of newly granted Karonga licence
The Project is located about 440km north of the capital Lilongwe Figure 1. It can easily be accessed using Karonga-Chitipa M1 Road turning to the west at Kasikisi School signpost along the M1 Road (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Topographical map of the Karonga licence EL0782/24
Geology and Mineralisation
The Karonga area is associated with a series of NW-SE and N-S trending ridges with metamorphic Basement complex rocks commonly identified as windows within the Karroo System which overlies the basement. The Karroo System units are typically sandstones with carbonaceous shale formations.
The eastern part of the licence area is overlain by several patches of Karoo sediments and Cretaceous to recent lacustrine sediments, the interrelations of which are complex due to unconformities and faulting (Figure 3A). This area is part of the northern sub-province of the Malawi Province of the Mozambique belt, active between about 700-400 million years ago. The major lithological components are gneisses and intrusives of the Misuku Belt, representing the south-eastern extension of the Ubendian Mobile Belt of south-western Tanzania into Malawi.
On a more local scale, the licence area is comprised of a suite of quartzite rocks, pegmatitic rocks and amphibole gneisses that intrude into the basement gneissic rocks forming the wall rock of the project area. The lithologies have a general NW-SE trend and are dipping west / south-west at very steep angles ranging from 600 to 850.
The presence of base metals and other related metal mineralisation is evident in the pegmatitic rocks and quartz zone (quartzite) group. The quartzite unit have clear malachite and azurite coexisting with sulphides minerals indicating the presence of copper and other base metals.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from DY6 Metals, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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18 March
Tanbreez High Grade ~ 0.44% TREO from Deep Diamond Drill Results Including 103ppm Gallium Oxide
European Lithium Ltd (ASX: EUR, FRA:PF8, OTC: EULIF) (European Lithium or the Company) is pleased to publish for the first time, historical deep diamond drill holes DDH 7-14 drilled in 2007, and DX-01 drilled in 2010 from the Tanbreez Project in Greenland.
Highlights - Diamond Drill Hole Historical Results
Drill hole DX-01 was successfully drilled vertically to 338m from surface and intersected high - grade rare earths and oxides averaging:
- 4209.22ppm (0.42% TREO) (“including averaged heavy rare HREO of 24.45%”),
- 2.45% ZrO2 “zircon oxide” cut off at 0.5%,
- 73ppm Ta2O5 “tantalum pentoxide”,
- 1174.06ppm Nb2O5 “niobium pentoxide”,
- 266.45ppm HfO2 “hafnium oxide”,
- 103.03ppm Ga2O3 “gallium oxide”,
- Mineralisation average from surface to 338m downhole.
Diamond Drill hole Drilled DX-01 was drilled to 338m depth within the Hill Zone 22MT @ 0.38% REE Maiden Mineral Resource (13 March 2025 ASX Announcement 45MT @ 0.38% TREO).
Drill hole D7-14 was successfully angle drilled at 15⁰ east to 243m from surface and intersected high-grade rare earths mineralisation averaging:
- 4437.54ppm (0.44% TREO) (“including averaged heavy rare HREO of 28%”),
- 1.78% ZrO2 “zircon oxide” cut off at 0.5%,
- 83ppm Ta2O5 “tantalum pentoxide”,
- 1496ppm Nb2O5 “niobium pentoxide”,
- 351ppm HfO2 “hafnium oxide”,
- Ga2O3 “gallium oxide” was not assayed,
- Mineralisation average from surface to 243m downhole.
See drill hole collars Figure 1 and assay reports Appendix 1, 2 and 3.
European Lithium currently holds a 7.5% direct interest in the Tanbreez Project. By way of background, European Lithium first acquired a 5% interest in Tanbreez Mining Greenland A/S (Tanbreez) on 3 October 2022 and acquired a further 2.5% interest in Tanbreez on 6 February 2023 from the privately owned Australian company Rimbal Pty Ltd (Rimbal). At this time, the investment of 7.5% in Tanbreez was not considered material to the Company and as such the historical drill hole data and results was not disclosed at the time of acquiring an interest in Tanbreez. In June 2024, Critical Metals Corp. (NASDAQ: CRML) entered into the Heads of Agreement with Rimbal to acquire up to 92.5% in Tanbreez and have completed the initial investment and stage 1 interest to hold a 42.0% interest in Tanbreez. As of the date of this announcement, European Lithium and CMC hold a combined interest of 49.5% in Tanbreez. European Lithium is CMC’s largest shareholder and as such now considers the Tanbreez Project to be material and as a result is announcing historical data and information in this announcement.The Company recently announced its Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for the Tanbreez Project of 45MT containing 0.38% TREO including 27% contained HREO plus rare metal oxides (see ASX Announcement 13 March 2025).
The Company is awaiting assay results from the September-November 2024 confirmation drilling program comprised of sixteen holes, with the first hole A1-24 reported January 2025, and will publish the remaining 15 diamond drill hole assay results when they become available.
The drilling results from A1-24 drilled 2024 (ASX Announcement 20 January 2025) confirmed a significant 40m deep intersection from outcropping surface mineralisation of high-grade rare-earth oxide averaging:
- 4,722.51ppm (0.47%TREO) (including 26.96% averaged heavy rare earth (” HREO”),
- 1.82% ZrO2 “zircon oxide”,
- 130.92ppm Ta2O “tantalum pentoxide”,
- 1852.22ppm Nb2O5 “niobium pentoxide”,
- 393.68ppm HfO2 “hafnium oxide”,
- 101.67ppm Ga2O3 “gallium oxide”.
The assay results from historical deep diamond drill holes DX-01 and D07-14 (that were drilled by Rimbal P/L in May 2007 and 2010) confirm similar average grades to drill hole A1-24
Commenting on the assay results, Tony Sage, Executive Chairman of the Company, said:
”It’s exciting to report on the outstanding assay results from historical deep drilling which may confirm high-grade, high tonnage potential that extends a lot deeper than was originally expected for the Tanbreez Project”
“After recently announcing the MRE of ~45MT of REE’S @ 0.38% and other rare earth metals, the highly experienced team we have recently assembled, is moving quickly to measure the true potential of the Tanbreez Project that is also gaining significant interest from Western Governments.
“The team is now working through more of the historical data (which contains over 400 holes and 3cc,000 samples) of which most have never been made public. Some of this data is over 22 years old, so by using modern technology to decipher the $45 million of expenditure spent by Greg Barnes, it will add significant value to Tanbreez Project’s long term success”
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from European Lithium, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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18 March
Firebird Granted Mining Lease for Oakover Manganese Project
Australian-owned Firebird Metals Limited (ASX: FRB, Firebird or the Company) is pleased to announce that it has been granted Mining Lease 52/1086 for the Company’s 100% owned Oakover Manganese Project, located 85km east of Newman.
- Firebird has been granted Mining Lease ML 52/1086 for the Oakover Manganese Project
- Receipt of the Mining Lease is conditional on the Company’s development of a mining proposal, requiring approval from the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS)
- Environmental surveys and mining studies supporting the mining proposal are progressing
- The Mining Lease covers a large area of 3,429.8 ha, including the Sixty Sixer, Jay Eye and Karen Pits, as well as proposed processing plant, tailings storage and waste dump
- Oakover is a large, near surface, gently dipping manganese project, with a Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of 176.7 Mt at 9.9% Mn including an Indicated Resource of 105.8 Mt at 10.1% Mn1
- Oakover forms part of Firebird’s long-term vertical integration strategy to grow into a low-cost manganese-based cathode material business, leveraging its world-class team, unique processes and technology and its own mineral resources
- The successful development of Oakover will ultimately provide Firebird with a 100% owned and secure feedstock supply for its manganese sulphate processing reinforcing its strong and competitive position in the battery materials market.
Firebird Managing Director, Mr Peter Allen, commented:“The granting of Mining Lease 52/1086 is a significant milestone for Firebird and the Oakover Project, marking an important step in our long- term downstream processing and vertical integration strategy.
“Oakover is a large and near-surface manganese project with robust economics and an 18-year Life-of- Mine. Our vision is to become a global leader in the manganese industry by seamlessly integrating our mining operations and innovative downstream processing solutions, to support the advancement of the Li-ion and Na-ion battery sectors. The location of our proposed manganese sulphate plant in China, places us at the forefront of this market and with the integration of Oakover will allow us to maintain a competitive advantage by ensuring a 100% owned and secure supply of high-quality manganese feedstock.
“Securing this lease brings us closer to that goal, providing a foundation for out stage two, low-cost manganese-based cathode material operations which is underpinned by the successful development of Oakover.”
Figure 1: Oakover Project location
The granted Mining Lease is conditional on receiving approval from the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS) for a mining proposal.
The Company’s long-term strategy is to grow into low-cost manganese-based cathode material business, leveraging its world-class team, unique processes and technology and its own mineral resources. The Oakover Project boasts a Mineral Resource Estimate1 of 176.7 Mt at 9.9% Mn, with 105.8 Mt at 10.1% Mn in an Indicated category.
Through the execution of this strategy, Firebird aims to secure a natural cost advantage in LMFP cathode production, particularly by integrating manganese sulphate (MnSO₄) from its proposed production plant in China.
Oakover development programs will remain focussed on completing environmental surveys and reports as well as mining studies to feed into the mining proposal.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Firebird Metals Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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14 March
Renergen Begins Commercial Liquid Helium Sales
Renergen Limited (ASX:RLT) has announced Renergen Begins Commercial Liquid Helium Sales. The long-awaited event of filling a helium container with liquid has now taken place, an achievement the Company is pleased to announce. It is being collected by the customer today.
After facing challenges cooling large iso-containers to the extreme temperatures needed for liquid helium storage (-269 degrees Celsius), we've implemented an effective alternate solution. We will now regularly fill smaller Dewars (250-500 litres) with liquid helium. This practical approach will continue until our plant reaches closer to nameplate capacity.
Our team began cooling the vessel on the 13th of March at 9:00 AM and completed the fill in the mid-afternoon.
The quality of both our LNG and liquid helium now exceeds minimum design specifications. We remain committed to increasing production and developing the Virginia Gas Project to its full potential.
"This achievement represents a concrete step toward rebuilding the trust placed in us — a commitment we take seriously. Our operations team has poured their hearts and souls into overcoming these technical challenges," said CEO Stefano Marani. "Successfully managing cryogenic liquid at -269 degrees Celsius is a remarkable accomplishment achieved by very few companies worldwide. We remain committed to restoring confidence through consistent delivery and performance as we continue to advance the Virginia Gas Project."
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Renergen Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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13 March
Seequent Unveils Evo: Using Open-source Tech to Reshape Mining Exploration
Geoscience software company Seequent has grown from a small startup to a 750 employee operation over the past two decades. With the launch of its latest platform, Evo, at the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) convention, it is introducing new technology that could significantly impact the mining sector.
Seequent is aiming to expedite exploration and enhance accuracy in mining by centralizing geoscience data, streamlining workflows and improving collaboration between industries.
Designed to integrate data from multiple sources, Evo enhances decision making, optimizes resource extraction and supports environmental management. With open APIs and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, it extends the functionality of existing tools like Leapfrog, while leveraging cloud computing for faster processing of large datasets.
The Investing News Network (INN) sat down with Seequent CEO Graham Grant at PDAC to find out more about Evo and how the mining sector is leveraging the company's new technology.
“What this industry needs more than anything is innovation,” said Graham, noting that the Seequent team comes from an array of backgrounds, including medical science. “(The mining sector) has to change the way it works, and usually, when you look at the pattern of technology, the most dramatic innovations come from outside your industry, not inside.”
The data fragmentation challenge
One of the issues Evo seeks to address is data fragmentation.
While today’s geologists and miners are privy to more data than ever, much of this data is distributed across different systems and locations, preventing companies from achieving full visibility and control.
To streamline the process for mining sector workers, Evo centralizes geoscience data from various sources, improving accessibility, collaboration and analysis. By integrating data that is spread across platforms, Evo helps users work with up-to-date information and draw insights from past projects.
Its geospatial search incorporates Cesium technology, and Seequent has introduced two related applications, Driver and BlockSync, to enhance functionality. Graham explained that to achieve this, Evo was designed to be open instead of siloing data and forcing mining companies to also be technology companies.
“The modern way is open source, it's platforms," he explained to INN.
"It's enabling things to move quickly and easily across whatever the device,” he continued. “We saw this problem years ago, but we knew it would take cloud and cloud architecture to break this paradigm, and so what Evo is doing is it's breaking that paradigm, and it's approaching the world from the perspective of being open.”
The open platform design enables seamless connectivity and automation, even with competing software, according to Graham. This approach is key as even though mining companies are not tech firms, they often employ skilled professionals who can leverage automation and coding tools.
Additionally, the system allows users to develop custom solutions without relying solely on third-party vendors, marking a significant shift in how technology can be used in the industry.
Critical minerals discovery and jurisdictional risk
With the search for critical minerals deposits intensifying on a global scale, Graham said that technologies like Evo can can be leveraged to analyze data and better pinpoint deposits.
“We know the discovery process and the development process now is just a whole lot more complex," he said during the interview. "(Deposits are) harder to find, they’re deeper, the grades are lower, the easy stuff is gone. So the way to deal with that is to use the best science you can find.
The Seequent CEO also acknowledged the geopolitical challenges facing mining executives.
“Being a mining CEO and a mining executive right now has got to be one of the most complex tasks in the world,” said Graham, pointing to trade restrictions, tariffs, inflation, permitting challenges, community expectations and unpredictable geopolitical shifts as some of the reasons why the job is difficult.
“As an executive, the one thing you have to do is build a resilient and adaptable organization that can see its way through these kinds of changes,” he said. “Adaptability is the key, and this is what we can bring to a mining company — a flexible, adaptable technology framework that enables you to flex your organization fast, revisit scenarios and recalculate.”
Click here to view the Investing News Network's PDAC playlist on YouTube.
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Securities Disclosure: I, Georgia Williams, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Editorial Disclosure: The Investing News Network does not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the information reported in the interviews it conducts. The opinions expressed in these interviews do not reflect the opinions of the Investing News Network and do not constitute investment advice. All readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence.
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12 March
Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate 45MT Tanbreez Rare Earth Project Greenland
European Lithium Ltd (ASX: EUR, FRA:PF8, OTC: EULIF) (European Lithium or the Company) is pleased to announce the Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of 45MT at 0.4% REO from the Tanbreez Project in Greenland, (see Table 1).
The MRE was prepared in 2016 for Rimbal Proprietary Limited and since acquiring the Tanbreez Project in 2022 is reporting the 2016 MRE.
The Tanbreez Fjord and the Tanbreez Hill rare-earth mineral sites are contained within a mineralised Kakortokite host unit covering an area of approximately 5km x 2.5km and 270 meters thick, estimated at 4.7 billion tonnes of Kakortokite. The host does not indicate any certainty of hosting mineralisation.
Tanbreez Project Acquisition
European Lithium first acquire a 5% interest in Tanbreez Mining Greenland A/S (Tanbreez) on 3 October 2022 and acquired a further 2.5% interest in Tanbreez on 6 February 2023. At this time, the investment of 7.5% in Tanbreez was not considered material to the Company and as such the MRE was not disclosed at the time of acquiring an interest in Tanbreez. In June 2024, Critical Metals Corp. (NASDAQ: CMC) entered into the Heads of Agreement with Rimbal Pty Ltd to acquire up to 92.5% in Tanbreez and have completed the initial investment and stage 1 interest to hold a 42.0% interest in Tanbreez. As of the date of this announcement, European Lithium and CMC hold a combined interest of 49.5% in Tanbreez. European Lithium is CMC's largest shareholder and as such now considers the Tanbreez Project to be material and as a result is announcing the Maiden MRE in this announcement following consultation with the ASX.
CMC has completed due diligence and is preparing a S-K 1300 Report for lodgement with the SEC in the United States of America. It has undertaken a recent drilling program for confirmation, extension and infill drilling to prepare the project for Mine Development Studies and anticipates assay results will be available in the near future.
The Company wishes to report The Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate for the Tanbreez Project located in Greenland. This estimate was prepared by Al Maynard and Associates Pty Ltd on 30 August 2016 in accordance with the JORC Code 2012. The authors of the report are independent consultants with a long experience with the project. They are qualified as `Competent Persons' under the JORC Code 2012 and the VALMIN Code 2015. The authors are P.A. Jones, BAppSc (App.Geol), MAusIMM, MAIG., and A.J. Maynard, BAppSc (Geol), MAIG MAusIMM.
The MRE report was commissioned by Rimbal Pty Ltd in 2016, a private company registered in Australia and not required to provide any disclosure. EUR subsequently acquired part of the Project in June 2024 and has now reported the MRE. The Mineral Resource Estimate provided by European Lithium for reference in accordance with ASX Listing Rules as a basis for further public disclosures relating to the Tanbreez Project.
The Mineral Resource Estimate has not been updated and no more recent estimates or data relevant to the reported mineralisation is available.
The estimate is conceptual in nature. It is based on extensive historic and Tanbreez exploration drilling (414 holes) coupled with the exposures in multiple creek sections. Investors should not place undue reliance on this information.
Overview of the Tanbreez Project
The Tanbreez Project is a significant critical minerals asset positioned to provide a sustainable, reliable and long-term rare earth supply for North America and Europe. Once operational, Tanbreez is expected to supply REEs to customers in the western hemisphere to support the production of a wide range of next-generation commercial products, as well as demand from the defence industry. The Tanbreez Project is expected to possess greater than 27% Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREEs), which carry a much higher value than Light Rare Earth (LREEs). In an industry where competitors primarily target LREE, the Tanbreez Project is believed to be unique, not only due to its significant size, but also because of its HREE asset mix.
2016 Mineral Resource Estimate Summary
Table 1 2016 MRE for Inferred and Indicated Resource Estimate
The Tanbreez Project is favourably located in Southern Greenland and is expected to have access to key transportation outlets as the project's area features year-round direct shipping access via deep water fjords that lead directly to the North Atlantic Ocean.
Commenting on the 45MT MRE, Tony Sage, Executive Chairman of the Company, said:
" /am pleased to report Tanbreez has reached a significant milestone by declaring the MRE that now will allow our next results and drilling develop the initial resource to more tonnes and grade in the coming months"
"The deposit drilling only covers approximately 5% of the total project area and deeper and extension drilling will commence shortly to deliver an even higher resource"
"We are measuring the real potential for Tanbreez on the significant investment over the past 2 decades by Rimbal and this major discovery as my team take this amazing deposit into a world class REE development project".
`lam excited with more good news in the coming the months will be rewarding for all stakeholders as we achieve greater milestones on this important REE project for the western world"
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from European Lithium, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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