Jazz Resources Reports Additional Drill Holes Intersecting Visible Gold in Multiple Vein System on the Vila Nova Project in Amapa State, Brazil


October 28 2021 TheNewswire - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - Jazz Resources Inc. (the " Company " or " JZR ") (TSXV:JZR) is pleased to report that drilling undertaken on the bedrock portion of the Vila Nova gold project, Amapa State, Brazil has intersected multiple veins with visible gold in all four drill holes, including the previously reported veins totaling 23.09 meters grading 31.58 gt (one ounce per tonne) at a vertical depth of 74.47 meters in Hole VN-3 (Cord. 44.416N, 418.157W).

The aforementioned intersection represents three quartz veins within a 37.78-meter interval that averages 19.3 g/t (0.62 oz) over the entire interval.  True width of the unit is estimated at 60% of down-hole length in steeply dipping units that sub-crop below the 20 meters of unconsolidated tailings and rubble from previous hand mining.

Additional drill results for holes VN-1 through VN-4 are tabulated below.

Hole Number

From (m)

To (m)

Assay int.(m)

Gold Grade (g/t)


Hole VN-1










Hole VN-2










Hole VN-3














Hole VN-4














UTM.Datum Sirgas

2000 Zona 22N

UTM.Datum Sirgas 2000Zona 22N

The fire assays were conducted by GEOSOL- SGS Laboratories in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

The illustration set out in the photo below demonstrates the parallel-banded iron formation quartz vein systems outcropping in surface pits and intersected by the drilling that was recently conducted.  The values quoted above are from a single drill hole that is located in close proximity to this location, cutting across three of the near-vertical vein systems on the Vila Nova property.  The multiple veins outcrop over a distance of at least 1.5km, within a total claim position of over 3 km in length.

The photo set out below has been derived from a report titled, "Diamond drilling in the Vila Nova Gold Project, Brazil: Updates September 2021" prepared by Hamilton Antonio Giampietro, Geological Engineer, on behalf of the Company.

Click Image To View Full Size

The reader is cautioned that the results set out above are selective and may not represent the values over the property in general.  This press release was prepared by and approved by Dr. S.A. Jackson, P Geo., a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, and an advisor to the Company.

For further information, please contact:

Rob ert Klenk

Chief Executive Officer


Tel: 604.329.9092

Forward-Looking Information

T h is p r e s s r ele a s e may c on t a i n f o rw a r d l oo ki n g s t a tem en t s .  All s t a tem en t s , o t h er t ha n s t a tem en ts o f h i s t o r ic a l f a ct, c on s titute "fo rw a r d l oo ki n g s t a tem en t s " an d i n cl ud e an y i n f o r m a ti o n t ha t add r e ss es a ctiv i tie s , e v e n ts o r d e v el op me n ts t ha t t h e C o m pan y b elie v es, e xp e c ts o r an tici pa tes w ill o r m a y o c cu r in t h e f u t u r e i n cl ud i n g t h e C o m pan y ' s s t r a te g y, p l an s o r f u t u r e fi nan ci a l o r op er a ti n g p erfo r m an ce a n d o t h e r s t a tem en ts t ha t e xp r ess m anag em en t's e xp e c t a ti on s o r est i m a tes o f f u t u r e p erfo r m an c e .

F o rw a r d l oo ki n g s t a tem en ts a r e g e n er a lly i d e n tif i a b le b y t h e u s e o f t h e w o r d s " m a y", " w i ll " , " s hou l d ", "c on ti nu e", "ex p e c t", " an tici pa te", "e s tim a te", " b elie v e ", "inte nd ", " p l an " o r " p r o jec t " o r t h e n e ga tive o f t h ese w o r d s o r o t h er v a r i a ti on s o n t h ese w o r d s o r c o m pa r ab le t ermi no l og y. T h ese s t a tem en t s , h o w e v er, a r e s ub ject t o k no w n an d u n k no w n r i s ks, un c e r t a i n ties an d o t h er f a ct o r s t ha t m a y c au s e t h e a ct ua l r es u lt s , lev e l o f a ctivity, p erfo r m an ce o r a c h iev e me n t s o f t h e C o m pan y t o b e m a ter i a lly d iffe r e n t f r o m t ho s e e xp r es s e d , im p lied b y o r p r o ject e d in t h e f o rw a r d‑ l oo ki n g i n f o r m a ti o n o r s t a tem en t s . I m po r t an t f a ct o r s t ha t c ou ld c au s e a ct ua l r es u lts to d iffer f r o m t h e s e f o rw a r d l o o ki n g s t a tem en ts i n cl ud e bu t ar e no t limited t o : r i s k s r e l a ted to t h e e xp l o r a ti o n a n d d e v el o p me n t o f t h e C o m pan y ' s p r o je c ts, t h e a ct u a l r es u lts o f c u rr e n t e xp l o r a ti o n a ctivities, c on cl u s i on s o f e cono mic e va l ua ti o n s , c hang e s in p r o ject pa r a met e r s a s p l an s c on ti nu e to b e r efi n e d , f u t u r e p r ices o f go l d and other precious metals , geopolitical and social uncertainties and regulatory risks.

T h ere c a n b e n o a ss u r an ce t ha t a n y f o rw a r d l oo ki n g s t a t em en ts w ill p r o ve to b e a c c ur a te, a s a ct ua l r es u lts an d f u t u r e e v e n ts c ou ld d iffer m a ter i a lly f r o m t ho s e an tici pa ted in s u ch s t a tem e n t s . Ac co r d i ng ly, t h e r e ad er s hou ld no t p l a ce an y un d u e r eli an ce o n f o rw a r d l oo ki n g i n f o r m a ti o n o r s t a tem en t s . Ex c e p t a s r e qu i r ed b y l a w , t h e C o m pan y do es no t i n te n d to r e v i s e o r upda te t h ese f o rw a r d l oo ki n g s t a tem en ts a fter t h e da te o f t h is do c u me n t o r to r e v i s e t h em to r efle c t t h e o c cu rr e n ce o f f u t u r e un a n tici pa ted e v e n t s .

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.

None of the securities of JZR have been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), or any state securities law, and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, persons in the United States or "U.S. persons" (as such term is defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act) absent registration or an exemption from such registration requirements. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy in the United States nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any State in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.


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