Brightstar Resources

Brightstar Gold Pours Ongoing at Gwalia

Brightstar Resources Limited (ASX: BTR) (Brightstar) is pleased to announce that following on from the maiden gold pour announced 07/03/20241, a second highly successful gold pour has occurred at Genesis Minerals’ Gwalia processing plant as shown in Figure 1 below.


  • Brightstar has successfully completed the second gold pour from the Selkirk joint venture at the Menzies Gold Project, with a total gold doré weight of 119kg recorded.
  • +150kg of doré has been produced to date with pours ongoing at current record high AUD gold price of ~$3,300/oz Au.
  • Processing of the Selkirk ore continues at Genesis Minerals’ (ASX:GMD) Gwalia processing
  • plant with gold pours ongoing and planned completion in the coming week.

Figure 1 - Gold doré bars (BTR005 – BTR016) poured on 9 March 2024

Processing of the remainder of the ore from the Selkirk mining joint venture continues and is expected to be completed mid-March, after which the net project income will be reconciled and split 50/50 between Brightstar and our joint venture partner BML Ventures Pty Ltd.

Brightstar’s Managing Director, Alex Rovira, commented“We are excited to update the market with our second successive gold pour from the Selkirk joint venture, which was poured over the weekend at the Gwalia gold plant.

As shown in Figure 1, twelve gold doré bars were poured for a total mass of 119kg. Processing of the Selkirk ore remains ongoing and we look forward to updating our shareholders and investors with finalised cashflow updates once all revenue has been received from the Perth Mint after refining of the doré bars and joint venture project costs have been finalised.”

Click here for the full ASX Release

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