Benton and Sokoman Announce Updates on Newfoundland Joint Venture Projects Golden Hope and Grey River

Benton and Sokoman Announce Updates on Newfoundland Joint Venture Projects Golden Hope and Grey River

Additional High-Grade Cesium Assays from Hydra Dyke at Golden Hope: Gold Mineralization Expanded at Grey River

Benton Resources Inc. (TSXV: BEX) ("Benton") and Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV: SIC) (OTCQB: SICNF) ("Sokoman") together, (the "Alliance") are pleased to report final assay results from the recently discovered cesium-rich dyke ("Hydra Dyke" or "Hydra") on the Golden Hope Joint Venture Project, as well as final drill results from a successful Phase 2 drilling campaign at Grey River; both projects are located in southwestern Newfoundland.

Golden Hope Joint Venture Project

Initial grab sampling at Hydra, the cesium +/-lithium/tantalum/rubidium-rich dyke discovery 12 km northeast of the Kraken Pegmatite (lithium) Dyke Swarm, returned a high value of 1.56% Cs2O (cesium oxide), along with 0.4% Li2O (lithium oxide), 0.022% Ta2O5 (tantalum oxide), and 0.30% Rb2O (rubidium oxide) (see news release dated November 17, 2022). Follow-up channel sampling returned a 1.2 m channel sample averaging 8.76% Cs2O, 0.41% Li2O, 0.025% Ta2O5, and 0.33% Rb2O (see news release dated December 1, 2022). Results from the full suite of samples, which include additional high-grade cesium values, as well as significant values in lithium, rubidium, and tantalum, are summarized below.

Hydra Dyke - 2022 Channel Sampling Highlights

  1. – 2.00 m @ 0.457% Cs2O, 0.156% Li2O, 0.023% Ta2O5, and 0.17% Rb2O

  2. – 1.20 m @ 0.854% Cs2O, 0.157% Li2O, 0.021% Ta2O5, and 0.30% Rb2O
    incl. 0.40 m @ 1.94% Cs2O, 0.081% Li2O, 0.025% Ta2O5, and 0.08% Rb2

  3. – 4.00 m @ 0.834% Cs2O, 0.117% Li2O, 0.013% Ta2O5, and 0.12% Rb2O
    incl. 0.50 m @ 5.13% Cs2O, 0.258% Li2O, 0.007% Ta2O5, and 0.21% Rb2O

  4. – 1.70 m @ 0.264% Cs2O, 0.095% Li2O, 0.022% Ta2O5, and 0.073% Rb2O

  5. – 1.20 m @ 8.76% Cs2O, 0.405% Li2O, 0.025% Ta2O5, and 0.33% Rb2O
    *incl. 0.40 m @ 13.57% Cs2O, 0.316% Li2O, 0.012% Ta2O5, and 0.38% Rb2O
    *Previously released

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Golden Hope Project - Drill Collars

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The five channel samples gave values from 0.264% to 8.76% Cs2O (full-length averages), with significant lithium, rubidium, and tantalum, over lengths ranging from 1.2 m to 4.0 m. The 5 m - 6 m wide dyke is partially exposed on a hill slope which allowed a 15 m x 15 m area of the dyke to be sampled, has been traced 100 m along strike to where it disappears under overburden in both directions. Winter weather has prevented further work at the Hydra discovery, but regional soil geochemical surveys have been ongoing and will continue through the winter. In the meantime, assays are expected within three to four weeks from the recently completed 11 holes (1,606 m) in the Phase 3 drill program focused on the Kraken Discovery Dyke and East Dyke areas. The East Dyke prospect is located less than a kilometre east of the Kraken Pegmatite Dyke Swarm. Three holes, GH-22-25 to GH-22-27 were drilled on the new Killick discovery, believed to be an extension of the East Dyke, intersecting multiple, near surface, spodumene-bearing dykes with GH-22-25 intersecting eight pegmatite dykes ranging from 0.8 m to 11.2 m thick (drilled thickness; true thickness uncertain at this time) with spodumene noted over an 8.8 m interval. Hole GH-22-26, drilled 35 m behind GH-22-25, also cut multiple spodumene-bearing dykes with drilled thicknesses ranging from 0.8 m to 10.5 m, with spodumene noted over the entire 10.5 m section. Hole GH-22-27, drilled along strike 30 m to the north of holes 25 and 26, cut two pegmatite dyke zones of 14.2 m and 2.95 m thick with spodumene noted over 12.83 m of the 14.2 m interval, and the entire length of the 2.95 m interval.

At the Kraken Pegmatite Dyke Swarm, eight (8) more holes were drilled to test the main Kraken Discovery Dyke and westward along trend to test sub-crop and surface mineralization. Most holes encountered spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes ranging from 0.5 m - 5.25 m thick including Hole GH-22-28, which intersected three dyke zones with intersections of 2.12 m to 10.97 m core length and Hole GH-22-35, a 25 m undercut south of the discovery hole, GH-22-01, intersected several pegmatite dyke zones including a 5.25 m spodumene-bearing dyke. At Kraken West, drilling tested an area of sub-crop mineralization however the bedrock source remains unidentified and a high-priority target.

Results from a soil geochemistry program, 3.5 km to 5.2 km east of the Kraken Discovery Dyke, have outlined highly anomalous lithium and tantalum anomalies located along strike. These high-priority targets will be investigated as soon as the weather conditions allow.

Moving forward, a minimum 5,000 m program is being planned and will commence once all results are received and compiled and weather permits. The Alliance continues to be impressed with the rate of discovery in this new lithium district and looks forward to the future exploration success of this exciting lithium project located in the mining-friendly province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

QA/QC Protocols

Rock and core samples are submitted to SGS Canada Inc. in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland for preparation and then sent to the SGS Canada Inc. analytical laboratory in Burnaby, British Colombia. All samples submitted were taken or saw-cut by Sokoman personnel and delivered in sealed bags directly to the Grand Falls-Windsor prep lab by Sokoman personnel. SGS Canada Inc. (SGS) is an accredited assay lab that conforms to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. Samples are analyzed using SGS's GS_IMS91A50 method that delivers a 56-element package utilizing sodium peroxide fusion, ICP-AES, and ICP-MS analytical techniques. All reported assays are uncut. Soil samples were collected by Sokoman/Benton personnel utilizing a standard Dutch-auger collecting B Horizon soil where possible. Where B was not present, the material collected was noted. The soil samples were sent to Eastern Analytical Ltd., in Springdale, NL, for Li, Ta, Sn, and Nb assaying by a four-acid digestion and analyzed by ICP-OES. Eastern Analytical Ltd. in February 2014 achieved ISO 17025 accreditation (for more details on the scope of accreditation visit the CALA website).

Grey River Project

The Grey River project is located on the south coast of Newfoundland approximately 30 km east of the town of Burgeo. The project is host to widespread, and locally high-grade, gold mineralization associated with a >10 km long quartz/silica body, bounded by sedimentary units, dipping steeply to the north. Gold occurs in the quartz/silica body in zones of extensive veining and silica containing 2%-20% disseminated and stringer pyrite. Historic grab samples, and grab samples taken by Sokoman and Benton personnel (see press release dated September 2, 2021), have given gold values ranging from 5 ppb to 225 g/t Au and drilling has confirmed the gold mineralized zones as locally extensive and high-grade, including previously released assay values from GR-21-01 that include 50.13 g/t Au over 0.35 m. Previous workers have compared the gold mineralization at Grey River to the high-grade Pogo gold mine in the Tintina district of Alaska. The Pogo mine, to the end of 2019, produced 3.9M oz gold at 13.6 g/t Au (Northern Star Resources, November 22, 2021).

The 14-hole, 3,350 m, 2022 Phase 2 drilling, has returned multiple intersections of gold mineralization in drill holes covering 6.9 km of strike length with the mineralization remaining open in all directions. The results are highlighted in the table below:

DDH #Length mAz.DipTarget From (m)To (m)Length m* Au (g/t)
GR-22-06188180-45Down Dip of GR-21-01comp47.5749.271.701.140
GR-22-09209180-45Easterly extension of main silica zone 27.0028.001.001.190
GR-22-10107170-45Historical Au trend – 200-500 ppb grabs 10.8011.801.000.440
GR-22-11218360-45Historical Au trend – 200 -500 ppb grabs 149.00150.001.000.504
GR-22-13281190-45Widest part of main silica zone 63.0064.001.003.217
GR-22-14179190-45EM anomaly within main silica zone 107.00108.001.001.182
GR-22-15275180-45Historic Au trend and 2021 follow-up 57.9358.330.400.827
GR-22-16272180-45Historic Au trend and 2021 follow-up 76.6377.651.021.572
GR-22-17383180-45Historic Au trend and 2021 follow-up 153.70154.600.900.781
GR-22-19270175-45Historic grab 301 ppb Au 158.82160.031.210.61


* Core lengths - believed to be 70-90% of reported lengths.

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2021 Program highlights (previously reported)

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The 2022 drill program has demonstrated both lateral and vertical continuity of gold mineralization and has intersected anomalous gold values up to 1.7 km east of the 2021 drilling with holes GR-22-06, GR-22-09, and GR-22-19 all intersecting anomalous gold values.

Noteworthy of the Grey River project is:

  • Gold mineralization in 19 holes over a 6.9 km strike length
  • Host - silica zone remains open to the east, west, and to depth - broad zones remain untested
  • 2022 drilling shows lateral and vertical continuity of gold-bearing zones
  • Gold zones in multiple drill holes with grades up to 50.13 g/t Au

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Grey River Property. Gulch Cove area drill collar locations. 2021 (white) & 2022 (black)

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Grey River Property. East zone drill collar locations. 2021 (white) & 2022 (black)

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An intensive data review including historical exploration is ongoing and a 2023 program will be proposed in the coming weeks. A preliminary assessment of airborne magnetic data has already identified a series of northwest-trending structures that may have not been recognized previously, several of which appear spatially associated with gold mineralization, which has not been either drill tested or prospected.

Stephen Stares, President and CEO of Benton stated: "The Golden Hope Project continues to deliver exceptional new discoveries and results. I'm extremely excited and encouraged that we have located more high-grade LCT-type pegmatites and I'm confident we will make more new discoveries as we continue with our aggressive exploration plans. The Grey River Project continues to demonstrate that it is host to a large gold system and targeting the higher grades will be key to unlocking its true value. The Alliance will continue to evaluate all data in hopes of vectoring in on the higher-grade controls and this summer's work program will be aimed towards that goal."

Timothy Froude, P.Geo., President and CEO of Sokoman stated: "The results from the Hydra LCT (Li/Cs/Ta) dyke at Golden Hope confirm our initial results and we look forward to expanding the footprint of the mineralization at the nearest opportunity. The discovery of Hydra took place just as winter settled in so the earliest we expect to be back on site is early spring. While still very early stage there may be an opportunity to drill test the showing during the next phase of drilling at Kraken, the lithium dyke swarm 12 km southwest of Hydra. While we are waiting for the assays from the recently completed 1,606 m drill program at Kraken, we will continue with geochemical (soil) sampling once winter conditions allow for safe travel on snowmobile. Grey River remains a project of high potential. I have worked on very few projects where almost every hole has intersected gold mineralization over such a wide area. We know there are high grades to be found, we have proven that, however, the drilling to date has been largely reconnaissance in scope therefore there is plenty of room to hide zones of high grade on the property. The recent recognition of a series of northwest-trending structures may be the key we have been looking for and these structures will be the focus of work this spring. Drilling plans will be put forth after those targets have been assessed and modelled."

Analytical Techniques / QA/QC

Samples, including duplicates, blanks, and standards, were submitted to Eastern Analytical Ltd. in Springdale, Newfoundland for gold analysis. All core samples submitted for assay were saw cut by Sokoman personnel with one-half submitted for assay and one-half retained for reference. Samples were delivered in sealed bags directly to the lab by Sokoman personnel. Eastern Analytical Ltd. is an accredited assay lab that conforms to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. Samples with possible visible gold were submitted for total pulp metallics and gravimetric finish. All other samples were analyzed by standard fire assay methods. Total pulp metallic analysis includes: the whole sample is crushed to -10 mesh; then pulverized to 95% -150 mesh. The total sample is weighed and screened to 150 mesh; the +150 mesh fraction is fire assayed for Au, and a 30 g subsample of the -150 mesh fraction is fire assayed for Au; with a calculated weighted average of total Au in the sample reported as well. One blank and one industry-approved standard for every twenty samples submitted is included in the sample stream. Random duplicates of selected samples are analyzed in addition to the in-house standard and duplicate policies of Eastern Analytical Ltd. All reported assays are uncut.


This news release has been reviewed and approved by Stephen House, P.Geo., VP Exploration of Benton Resources Inc., and Timothy Froude, P.Geo., President and CEO of Sokoman Minerals Corp., both a "Qualified Person" under National Instrument 43-101.

About Benton Resources Inc.

Benton Resources is a well-financed mineral exploration company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol BEX. Following a project generation business model, Benton has a diversified, highly prospective property portfolio of gold, silver, nickel, copper, platinum group elements, and most recently, lithium and cesium assets. In addition, it currently holds large equity positions in other mining companies that are advancing high-quality assets. Whenever possible, BEX retains net smelter return (NSR) royalties with potential long-term cash flow.

Benton also is a 50/50 partner in a strategic alliance with Sokoman Minerals Corp. through three large-scale joint venture properties, including Grey River Gold, Golden Hope, and Kepenkeck in Newfoundland.

About Sokoman Minerals Corp.

Sokoman Minerals Corp. is a discovery-oriented company with projects in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The company's primary focus is its portfolio of gold projects: flagship, 100%-owned Moosehead, Crippleback Lake, and East Alder (optioned to Canterra Minerals Corporation) along the Central Newfoundland Gold Belt, and the district-scale Fleur de Lys project in northwestern Newfoundland, which is targeting Dalradian-type orogenic gold mineralization similar to the Curraghinalt and Cavanacaw deposits in Northern Ireland, and Cononish in Scotland. The company is also a 50/50 partner in a strategic alliance with Benton Resources Inc. through three large-scale joint venture properties including Grey River Gold, Golden Hope and Kepenkeck in Newfoundland. Sokoman now controls independently and through the Benton alliance over 150,000 hectares (>6,000 claims - 1,500 sq. km), making it one of the largest landholders in Newfoundland, Canada's newest and rapidly-emerging gold districts. The company also retains an interest in an early-stage antimony/gold project (Startrek) in Newfoundland, optioned to White Metal Resources Inc., and in Labrador, the company has a 100% interest in the Iron Horse (Fe) project that has Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) potential.

Mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on Alliance properties.

For further information, please contact:

Benton Resources Inc.
Stephen Stares, President & CEO
Phone: 807-475-7474

Sokoman Minerals Corp.
Timothy Froude, P.Geo., President & CEO
Phone: 709-765-1726

CHF Capital Markets
Thomas Do, IR Manager
Phone: 416-868-1079 x 232

Twitter: @BentonResources, @SokomanMinerals
Facebook: @BentonResourcesBEX, @SokomanMinerals
LinkedIn: @BentonResources, @SokomanMinerals


The information contained herein contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking statements relate to information that is based on assumptions of management, forecasts of future results, and estimates of amounts not yet determinable. Any statements that express predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward-looking statements."

Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis and on acceptable terms; risks related to the outcome of legal proceedings; political and regulatory risks associated with mining and exploration; risks related to the maintenance of stock exchange listings; risks related to environmental regulation and liability; the potential for delays in exploration or development activities or the completion of feasibility studies; the uncertainty of profitability; risks and uncertainties relating to the interpretation of drill results, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits; risks related to the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses; results of prefeasibility and feasibility studies, and the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with the Alliance's expectations; risks related to gold price and other commodity price fluctuations; and other risks and uncertainties related to the Alliance's prospects, properties and business detailed elsewhere in the Alliance's disclosure record. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Alliance does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Alliance's expectations or projections.

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Benton Receives $100,000 Option Payment from Rio Tinto Exploration for Baril Lake West Project

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Sokoman and Benton Channel Samples up to 13.57% Cs2O and Confirm High-Grade Cesium Discovery at the Golden Hope Joint Venture, Southwestern Newfoundland

Sokoman and Benton Channel Samples up to 13.57% Cs2O and Confirm High-Grade Cesium Discovery at the Golden Hope Joint Venture, Southwestern Newfoundland

Channel sampling at the Hydra Zone returns up to 13.57% Cs2O

Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV:SIC)(OTCQB:SICNF) ("Sokoman") and Benton Resources Inc. (TSXV:BEX) ("Benton") together, (the "Alliance") are pleased to announce that recent channel sampling at the cesium dyke prospect has confirmed a potentially significant high-grade cesium discovery dubbed the Hydra Zone, on the Golden Hope Project in southwestern Newfoundland

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Benton Resources and Sokoman Minerals Report Kraken Lithium Prospect Phase 3 Drilling Program Underway; First Three Holes Cut Spodumene-Rich Dykes up to 14 m Thick

Benton Resources and Sokoman Minerals Report Kraken Lithium Prospect Phase 3 Drilling Program Underway; First Three Holes Cut Spodumene-Rich Dykes up to 14 m Thick

Benton Resources Inc. (TSXV: BEX) ("Benton") and Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV: SIC) (OTCQB: SICNF) ("Sokoman"), together, (the "Alliance") are happy to report the commencement of the third phase of drilling at the Kraken Lithium Prospect. The Alliance is also extremely pleased to announce a new discovery, the Killick Zone, where surface grab samples graded up to 1.12% Li2O, located 200 m south of the East Dyke Zone (see press release October 18, 2022).

Currently, the Alliance has completed three holes GH-22-25, GH-22-26, and GH-22-27 on the new discovery, intersecting multiple, near-surface, spodumene-bearing dykes. Hole GH-22-25 cut eight pegmatite dykes ranging from 0.8 m to 11.2 m thick (drilled thickness, true thickness uncertain at this time), including an 8.8 m interval with visible spodumene in the 11.2 m dyke. Hole GH-22-26, drilled 35 m behind GH-22-25, also cut multiple spodumene-bearing dykes with drilled thicknesses ranging from 0.8 m to 10.5 m. The 10.5 m-thick dyke carried visible spodumene over its entire width. Hole GH-22-27 was drilled 30 m north of holes 25 and 26 along strike and cut two pegmatite dyke zones of 14.2 m and 2.95 m thick. Visual spodumene is present over 12.83 m of the 14.2 m interval and the entire length of the 2.95 m interval.

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Sokoman and Benton Discover High-grade Cesium Mineralization in Outcrop 12 km NE of the Kraken Lithium Pegmatite Swarm in Southwestern Newfoundland Drilling to Re-start at Kraken Immediately

Sokoman and Benton Discover High-grade Cesium Mineralization in Outcrop 12 km NE of the Kraken Lithium Pegmatite Swarm in Southwestern Newfoundland Drilling to Re-start at Kraken Immediately

Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV:SIC) (OTCQB:SICNF) ("Sokoman") and Benton Resources Inc. (TSXV:BEX) ("Benton") together, (the "Alliance") are pleased to announce the discovery of a high-grade cesium-rich dyke with grab samples assaying up to 1.56% Cs2O (cesium oxide), 0.4% Li2O (lithium oxide), 0.022% Ta2O5 (tantalum oxide), and 0.30% Rb2O (rubidium oxide). This is the first high-grade cesium mineralization recorded on the Island of Newfoundland

Sokoman Minerals Corp., Thursday, July 28, 2022, Press release picture

The cesium-rich dyke is approximately 5 m - 6 m wide and has been traced for approximately 100 m along strike to where it disappears under overburden in both directions. The dyke is located approximately 12 km northeast of the Kraken lithium discovery. The Alliance has completed first-pass channel sampling across the dyke with results pending.

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Vertex Minerals Limited  Underground Development and Production Drill Rig Purchased

Vertex Minerals Limited Underground Development and Production Drill Rig Purchased

Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Vertex Minerals Limited (ASX:VTX) (OTCMKTS:VTXXF) is pleased to announce the purchase of an Epiroc Boomer TD1 development and production rig to be incorporated into the underground fleet at the Reward Gold Mine. The drill rig is specifically designed for high-speed drilling in narrow vein mining in cross sections up to 23m2.

Vertex has purchased the TD1 Jumbo so it can be used in development work and undertake production drilling.

This machine comes with a conversion kit, so that it can be rapidly converted from a face drilling machine to a long hole production rig, called a "combi".

The new base model TD1 machine is sitting in Kalgoorlie and will undergo some refitting to meet Vertex's specification. Additional production and development drill rigs are currently under review but will have longer lead times than the TD1.

Vertex Director and Mining Engineer commented.

"The TD1 Boomer is the perfect machine for the size development that we have planned for the Reward Gold Mine. Buying a new Boomer with a split feed is ideal for achieving high rates of development advance while ensuring we can install the highest quality ground support efficiently. We look forward to working closely with Epiroc and their team. Their workshop facilities are conveniently located a short 124km from Hill End in Orange and will help Vertex achieve high levels of availability."

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About Vertex Minerals Limited:  

Vertex Minerals Limited (ASX:VTX) is an Australian based gold exploration company developing its advanced Hargraves and Hill End gold projects located in the highly prospective Eastern Lachlan Fold Belt of Central West NSW. Other Company assets include the Pride of Elvire gold project and Taylors Rock gold/nickel/lithium project both located in the Eastern Goldfields of WA. The focus of Vertex Minerals is to advance the commercial production of gold from its NSW projects embracing an ethical and environmentally sustainable approach.

Vertex Minerals Limited

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Red Metal Resources Ltd. (CSE: RMES) (OTC Pink: RMESF) (FSE: I660) ("Red Metal" or the "Company")  is pleased to announce it has now commenced an extensive sampling and mapping work program to follow-up on and extend previously identified veins that make up approximately 15km of veining extending along strike from the historic Carrizal Alto mine.

This active 2025 work program will continue work delineating the vast vein system on Carrizal property and aid in refining future drill targets. All samples will be sent for assay and the Company expects a steady stream of assay results shortly.

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Vertex Minerals Limited  Key Operational Personnel added to Execute Reward High Grade

Vertex Minerals Limited Key Operational Personnel added to Execute Reward High Grade

Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Vertex Minerals Limited (ASX:VTX) (OTCMKTS:VTXXF) is pleased to announce seven key operational appointments to progress the Company's operational plans for the high grade Reward Underground Gold Mine.

Alan Mills, Commercial Manager - Alan is a qualified chartered accountant with over 15 years' experience. He has worked for multinational and ASX listed mining organisations such as Glencore, Aeris Resources, Newmont Corporation and Mitsui in site and corporate senior commercial, financial and management accounting roles.

Alan holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) from Griffith University and is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

Thomas Cowan, Senior Mining Engineer - Thomas holds a B. Eng (Mining) from University of Wollongong, a Grad. Dip of Mine Ventilation and a NSW Underground Supervisors certificate. He is experienced in mine planning, drill and blast, and ventilation in both underground coal and base metals. Tom recently worked at Aeris Resources Tritton mine.

Carl Clark, Senior Mining Geologist - "Vertex holds one of the premier gold resources of NSW at Hill End. I'm excited to be part of the team to re-awaken this Australian gold mining icon". Carl has 30+ years' experience as a geologist internationally and in Australia where he cut teeth in the WA goldfields.

Julian Geldard, Senior Mining Geologist - With nearly a decade of experience in mining and exploration in various commodities, Julian has a high focus on narrow vein gold within the Lachlan fold belt. He recently worked as a Project Geologist at Ballarat Goldfields and Woods Point Gold Mine.

Dennis Fernandez, Underground Shift Boss - An underground mining veteran of 34 years, including 14 years of airleg experience, Dennis bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in narrow vein underground gold mining.

Dennis holds underground supervisor tickets for both NSW and Western Australia and was most recently employed at Tritton Operations.

Mick Irwin, Safety and Training Superintendent - Mick started with Vertex Minerals in early January 2025 after more than 20 years in the underground coal mining industry. The Reward Gold Mine project has been a massive shift in his professional and personal life, which he and his family see as move to greater things. Mick is looking forward to the opportunity of working with Vertex to develop the Reward Underground Mine.

Casey Robinson Environmental Advisor - Casey graduated from the University of Wollongong in November 2024 with a Degree in Environmental Engineering, before Starting at Vertex as Environmental Advisor in December. He is looking forward to beginning his career in the mining industry with Vertex.

Executive Chairman, Roger Jackson, said:

"We have secured a further seven outstanding senior personnel to direct our mining operations. With decades of experience, they add to the growing, dynamic Vertex team. We are rapidly advancing our operational readiness to meet the challenges of commencing mining at the Reward Gold Mine.. We are delighted to welcome Alan, Tom, Casey, Dennis, Julian, Mick and Carl to the Vertex team, leveraging their strong skills and experience".

About Vertex Minerals Limited:  

Vertex Minerals Limited (ASX:VTX) is an Australian based gold exploration company developing its advanced Hargraves and Hill End gold projects located in the highly prospective Eastern Lachlan Fold Belt of Central West NSW. Other Company assets include the Pride of Elvire gold project and Taylors Rock gold/nickel/lithium project both located in the Eastern Goldfields of WA. The focus of Vertex Minerals is to advance the commercial production of gold from its NSW projects embracing an ethical and environmentally sustainable approach.

Vertex Minerals Limited

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