Kirkland Lake Gold Announces New High-Grade, Visible-Gold Bearing Intersections Down-Plunge of Swan Zone, at Cygnet and at Robbin's Hill - Fosterville Mine

  • Drilling from recently completed P3912 drill drive intersects high-grade, visible-gold   ("VG") mineralization down-plunge of Swan Zone, 500 metres ("m") from deepest Mineral Reserves
    • Key intercepts: 51.7 g/t over 2.6 m (ETW 2.2 m) and 9.6 g/t over 6.4 m (ETW 4.9 m)
  • New high-grade, VG-bearing intercepts reported along Cygnet Fault system ~150 m footwall to Swan Zone; results support potential for growth in Mineral Reserves and include identification of multiple new splay structures and opportunities for further extension of the fault system to the north
    • Key intercepts: 258 g/t over 1.8 m (ETW 1.4 m), 142 g/t over 2.0 (ETW 1.5 m), 49.4 g/t over 4.1 m (ETW 3.4 m), 27.5 g/t over 6.0 m (ETW 4.3 m) and 67.1 g/t over 0.3 m (ETW 0.3 m)
  • New VG-bearing mineralization intersected up to 1,000 m down-plunge of existing Mineral Reserves along Curie Fault at Robbin's Hill
    • Key intercepts: 81.3 g/t over 2.6 m (ETW 2.5 m) and 23.1 g/t over 2.2 m (ETW 1.4 m).

Abbreviations include: VG Visible Gold; gt grams per tonne gold; ETW estimated true width.

TORONTO, Aug. 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. (" Kirkland Lake Gold " or the " Company ") (TSX:KL) (NYSE:KL) (ASX:KLA) today announced results from 197 underground and 58 surface holes of drilling as an update of exploration drilling carried out at Fosterville Gold Mine since the December 31, 2020 Mineral Resources and Reserve update released in February 2021. The release includes diamond drilling results from five key areas across the Fosterville property, including underground targets at Lower Phoenix, the Cygnet Fault System, with associated hangingwall splay structures, and the Curie and Herschel Fault structures at Robbins Hill (Figure 1). Of the 197 underground diamond drill holes, 109 tested the Lower Phoenix structure, with the remaining 88 holes related to drilling of the Cygnet Fault System and associated hangingwall structures. At Robbin's Hill, 58 new surface diamond drill holes targeted the Curie and Herschel Fault structures. All drilling results and collar information are presented in Tables 1 and 2.

Tony Makuch, President and CEO of Kirkland Lake Gold, commented: "The results being released today continue to support our view that substantial potential exists to discover new high-grade mineralized areas and extensions and to grow Mineral Reserves at Fosterville. Following completion of the new P3912 underground drill drift, we commenced an extensive underground drilling program down-plunge of the Swan Zone in Lower Phoenix and have already returned a number of high-grade intersections containing the same quartz with VG mineralization that accounts for the ultra-high grades found in Swan. While the down-plunge extension of Swan Zone is obviously a key target for future growth in Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources, we are also very encouraged by continued favorable results at Cygnet, a parallel structure near the Swan Zone. The results at Cygnet include new high-grade, VG-bearing intersections as well as the identification of new splay structures and opportunities for further growth of the Cygnet Fault System to the north.

"Turning to Robbin's Hill, drill results continue to confirm the size and scale of the target areas at what we expect to become our second mining operation feeding the Fosterville Mill. Along the Curie Fault, we have now intersected VG mineralization up to 1,000 m down-plunge from current Mineral Reserves and at elevations from surface similar to where we first detected VG in the Lower Phoenix and Harrier systems. With the progress achieved advancing the new Robbin's Hill Decline, we have now commenced underground drilling at Robbin's Hill to support future exploration of the Curie, Herschel and other Fault targets. Underground drilling from the new Decline will significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Robbin's Hill exploration programs. We currently have nine underground and eight surface diamond drills operating at Fosterville, with a total of 210,000 metres of drilling expected to be completed during 2021."

Lower Phoenix Infill and Extension Program

During 2021, underground diamond drilling targeting areas down-plunge of the Swan Mineral Reserves has returned encouraging results, demonstrating continuity of mineralization within, and extensions of Inferred Mineral Resources, in the Lower Phoenix System (Figure 2).

Drilling was undertaken from several underground drill platforms, including the Harrier link drive, P4040 drive, and the new P3912 drive following its completion in early June. A total of 109 Lower Phoenix diamond holes (31,106 m) has progressively tested the Swan/Lower Phoenix over 550m down-plunge length from the Swan Mineral Reserve. Significant recent results include two that are at the southern extremities of the Lower Phoenix Inferred Mineral Resources approximately 500 m down-plunge of current Mineral Reserves. Drill testing down-plunge of these intercepts is planned to assess the continuity and extents of these VG occurrences.

Recent significant intercepts from drilling in Lower Phoenix include:

  • 51.7 g/t (1) over 2.6 m (ETW 2.2 m), Including 215 g/t 1) over 0.6 m (ETW 0.5 m) in hole UDH4051
  • 9.6 g/t (1) over 6.4 m (ETW 4.9 m), Including 78.8 g/t (1) over 0.5 m (ETW 0.4 m) in hole UDH4048
  • 10.8 g/t (1) over 4.8 m (ETW 3.7 m), Including 31.2 g/t (1) over 1.1 m (ETW 0.8 m) in hole UDH3954
  • 10.0 g/t over 17.6 m (ETW 10.4 m) in hole UDH3980

(1) Visible-gold drill intercept

New drilling outside of the existing Indicated Mineral Resources reaffirmed the continuity of the largely sulfide-hosted mineralization with 30 intercepts greater than 15 gram-metre (gram-metre = gold grade x estimated true width), of which 11 are greater than 30 gram-metre, and two are greater than 100 gram-metre. One of the 100 gram-metre intercepts includes the presence of VG (UDH4051 as detailed above), while the other is a sulfide-gold hosted intercept (UDH3980).

Infill and extension drilling of the Lower Phoenix area is continuing from the Phoenix 3912 Drill Drive.

Cygnet and Hangingwall Splay Program

Continued infill and extension drilling of 88 underground diamond drill holes (15,545m) into the Cygnet Mineral Resource and adjacent area has identified several new hangingwall structures. With recent geological interpretation the broader structure has been resolved into several faults, now called Cygnet, Cygnet Hangingwall, Dove, Pen, and Ptarmigan Faults (Figure 3). Of significance, the Pen and Ptarmigan Faults have similar strike trends, approximately 325° Mine Grid, as the northern parts of the Swan Fault, and have returned significant VG in quartz intercepts (Figure 4).

Ongoing drilling in the area and to the north will test for additional hangingwall splay faults.

Key Intercepts include:

  • Pen Fault Splay
    49.4 g/t (1) over 4.1 m (ETW 3.4 m), including 589 g/t (1) over 0.3 m (ETW 0.2 m) in hole UDH3851
    153 g/t (1) over 0.5 m (ETW 0.5 m) in hole UDH4065
  • Ptarmigan Fault Splay
    258 g/t (1) over 1.8 m (ETW 1.4 m), including 4,460 g/t (1) over 0.1 m (ETW 0.1 m) in hole UDH4018
    142 g/t (1) over 2.0 m (ETW 1.5 m) including 1,590 g/t (1) over 0.2 m (ETW 0.1 m) in hole UDH3924

Infill drilling of the Cygnet Mineral Resource and Reserve area has encountered eight holes with VG in quartz mineralization, of which four have the potential to expand the adjacent Mineral Reserves (Figure 5). The other three intercepts have the potential to increase the Mineral Resources.

Key Cygnet intercepts include:

  • 24.1 g/t (1) over 7.3 m (ETW 5.6 m), including 328 g/t (1) over 0.4 m (ETW 0.3 m) in hole UDH3751
  • 18.7 g/t (1) over 2.6 m (ETW 2.5 m) in hole UDH3752
  • 27.5 g/t (1) over 6.0 m (ETW 4.3 m), including 166 g/t (1) over 0.4 m (ETW 0.3 m) in hole UDH3753

Robbin's Hill Drilling Programs

Since late 2020, up to five surface diamond drills have operated in the Robbin's Hill area, primarily targeting gold mineralization along the west-dipping Curie Fault, one of the controlling structures for mineralization at Robbins's Hill. The program of extension drilling comprised 58 surface diamond drill holes (58,125 m) testing the Curie Fault and adjacent structures. The drilling, down-plunge of the current Curie Mineral Reserve, has continued to encounter strong mineralization and VG at elevations similar to those where VG was first noted in the Lower Phoenix and Harrier Gold Systems.

VG drill intercepts were previously reported for the Curie structure at depths of approximately 500 m in the Company's news release dated December 10, 2019, with intercepts of 11.7 g/t (1) over 8.8 m (ETW 7.2 m) in hole RDH321, and 24.5 g/t (1) over 3.7 m (ETW 3.4 m) in hole RHD334A. The new drilling has intersected VG at greater depths, with occurrences recorded between 950 to 1,150 metres below surface on the Curie structure in four holes (RDH413, RDH439C, RDH441 and RDH441A) and are detailed below. These intercepts, as well as other sulfide-hosted gold results, increase the down-plunge extent of Curie mineralization to greater than 1,000 metres from current Mineral Reserves (Figure 6).

Key Curie intercepts include:

  • 23.1 g/t (1) over 2.2 m (ETW 1.4 m), including 103 g/t (1) over 0.4 m (ETW 0.2 m) in hole RHD413
  • 81.3 g/t (1) over 2.6 m (ETW 2.5 m), including 982 g/t (1) over 0.2 m (ETW 0.2 m) in hole RHD439C
  • 28.0 g/t (1) over 1.5 m (ETW 1.1 m), including 103 g/t (1) over 0.2 m (ETW 0.2 m) in hole RHD441
  • 19.7 g/t (1) over 3.8 m (ETW 3.4 m), including 158 g/t (1) over 0.4 m (ETW 0.4 m) in hole RHD441A
  • 6.8 g/t over 7.7 m (ETW 5.7 m) in hole RHD440A
  • 9.0 g/t over 2.9 m (ETW 2.7 m) in hole RHD409A

(1) Visible-gold drill intercept

Three surface drills continue to operate at Robbin's Hill and are focused on the down-plunge extension of the Curie Mineral Resource, and testing of other targets. Two underground diamond drills, located at approximately 10,500mN, have commenced operating from the new Robbin's Hill Exploration Decline. These drills are also targeting down-plunge extensions of the Curie mineralization.

The Herschel Fault, located hangingwall to the Curie Fault, was drill tested as part of the drilling that targeted Curie Fault mineralization at depth. Drill intercepts for the Herschel structure are mostly less than 500 m below surface. Currently, the most significant intercept contains VG in quartz and is 160 g/t over 4.4 m (ETW 3.8 m), including 1,160 g/t Au over 0.6 m (ETW 0.5 m), in hole RHD412.

Additional drilling into the Herschel Fault will be undertaken once the Robbin's Hill Decline has progressed further to the north (approximately 12,000mN).

Robbin's Hill Underground Decline Development

Underground development of the Robbin's Hill Exploration Decline commenced in January 2020 and has progressed well, advancing a total of 5,932 m as of July 30, 2021. The mid-2020 arrival of a smart jumbo has provided increased development capacity since commencement. The development, since the Q1-2021 has been used an underground drill platform for exploration diamond drilling activities as the ramp progressed northwards.

Qualified Persons

Troy Fuller, MAIG, Director of Exploration, Australia, is a "qualified person" as such term is defined in National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical information and data included in this press release.

For further information regarding the Company's 2020 Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources estimates for the Fosterville Gold Mine, please refer to the Company's News Release dated February 25, 2021 and the Technical Report entitled "Updated NI 43-101 Technical Report Fosterville Gold Mine In the State of Victoria, Australia" effective December 31, 2018, both available on the Company's website and on SEDAR.

Drilling and Underground Sampling Assay QAQC

Kirkland Lake Gold has in place quality-control systems to ensure best practice in drilling, sampling and analysis of drill core. All surface diamond drill hole collars are accurately surveyed using Leica TS16 Total Station Trimble R10 GPS and underground holes using a Leica TS16 Total Station (Table 2). Down-hole deviations are measured by either electronic gyro or single-shot instruments.

Sampling consisted of diamond drill core that was either half core or full core sampled. Half core samples were cut longitudinally in half with a diamond saw; one-half of the drill core was sent to an independent laboratory for analysis and the other drill core half retained for reference . Sample pulps are returned from the assay laboratory for reference and future geological or metallurgical studies. Drill core sample intervals vary between 0.1 and 1.3m in length and were determined from logging of sulfide and VG to geological boundaries.

For assay QAQC purposes Certified Reference Material (CRM) and Blank samples are inserted into the sample stream at rates of approximately 1 in 25.

Samples containing visible-gold or considered likely to contain visible-gold were separated from sulfide gold samples and dispatched separately for assaying. At the laboratory "visible-gold" jobs were processed through a single pulverizer and material barren of gold (‘quartz wash') was crushed before and after each sample to minimize the potential for gold to contaminate successive samples.

Assays are either based on 25-gram fire assay or screen fire assay with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) finish. Mean grades are calculated using a variable lower grade cut-off (generally 2 g/t Au) and maximum 2 m internal dilution. No upper gold grade cut-off is applied to the data. However, during future Mineral Resource studies the requirement for assay top cutting will be assessed.

The samples were assayed at On Site Laboratory Services, an independent laboratory in Bendigo, Victoria. The facility is registered under ISO 9001:2015 (CERT-40147) and operates in accordance with ISO/IEC17025 (accreditation no. 20456) under National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA).

About Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd.

Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. is a senior gold producer operating in Canada and Australia that is targeting 1,300,000 – 1,400,000 ounces of production in 2021. The production profile of the Company is anchored by three high-quality operations, including the Macassa Mine and Detour Lake Mine, both located in Northern Ontario, and the Fosterville Mine located in the state of Victoria, Australia. Kirkland Lake Gold's solid base of quality assets is complemented by district scale exploration potential, supported by a strong financial position with extensive management expertise.

For further information on Kirkland Lake Gold and to receive news releases by email, visit the website .

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This News Release includes certain "forward-looking statements". All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to planned exploration programs, costs and expenditures, the   potential for the discovery of additional high-grade mineralized zones   at the Fosterville Gold Mine, including statements made with respect to the future growth potential at Lower Phoenix, the Cygnet Fault and Robbin's Hill, changes in Mineral Resource estimates, potential growth in Mineral Resources, conversion of Mineral Resources to proven and probable Mineral Reserves, the ability to extend mine life and other information that is based on forecasts of future operational or financial results, estimates of amounts not yet determinable and assumptions of management. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to future exploration potential, project economics, timing and scope of future exploration, anticipated costs and expenditures, changes in mineral resources and conversion of mineral resources to proven and probable reserves, and other information that is based on forecasts of future operational or financial results, estimates of amounts not yet determinable and assumptions of management.

Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", "plans", "estimates" or "intends", or stating that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements. Exploration results that include geophysics, sampling, and drill results on wide spacings may not be indicative of the occurrence of a mineral deposit. Such results do not provide assurance that further work will establish sufficient grade, continuity, metallurgical characteristics and economic potential to be classed as a category of mineral resource. A mineral resource that is classified as "inferred" or "indicated" has a great amount of uncertainty as to its existence and economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that any or part of an "indicated mineral resource" or "inferred mineral resource" will ever be upgraded to a higher category of resource. Investors are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of mineral deposits in these categories will ever be converted into proven and probable reserves. Among the key factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward looking information are the following: the future impacts of COVID 19 and any government response to COVID 19, the ability of the Company to continue operations at its mine sites in lieu of the pandemic, its ability to reduce the spread of COVID 19 through the implementation of various COVID 19 screening and health and safety protocols at site, future planned exploration activities, risks relating to first nations and Aboriginal heritage, currency exchange rates (such as the Canadian dollar and the Australia dollar versus the United States dollar), risks associated with labour and employment matters, changes in the financial markets, future gold price, changes in applicable laws and compliance with extensive government regulation.

There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include, among others, risks related to international operations, risks related to obtaining the permits required to carry out planned exploration or development work, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations and changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined as well as future prices of gold, as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Information Form, financial statements and related MD&A for the periods ended December 31, 2020 and June 30, 2021 and other disclosures of "Risk Factors" by the Company and its predecessors, which are filed with the securities regulatory authorities in certain provinces in Canada and available on SEDAR. Although the Company has attempted to identify key factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause unanticipated and unintended results. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors - Mineral Reserve and Resource Estimates

This press release has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the securities laws in effect in Canada, which differ in certain material respects from the disclosure requirements of United States securities laws. The terms "mineral reserve", "proven mineral reserve" and "probable mineral reserve" are Canadian mining terms as defined in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (the "CIM") – CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, adopted by the CIM Council, as amended (the "CIM Standards"). These definitions differ significantly from the definitions in the disclosure requirements promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") applicable to domestic reporting companies. Investors are cautioned that information contained in this Annual Information Form may not be comparable to similar information made public by United States companies subject to the reporting and disclosure requirements under the United States federal securities laws and the rules and regulations of the SEC thereunder.


Anthony Makuch, President, Chief Executive Officer & Director
Phone: +1 416-840-7884

Mark Utting, Senior Vice President, Investor Relations
Phone: +1 416-840-7884

Table 1: Drill Assay intercepts for Underground and Surface (Robbin's Hill) Drilling at Fosterville Gold Mine

(The results are later than those used for the December 31, 2020 Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves update of The Fosterville Gold Mine)

Hole ID From
Downhole Interval
Estimated True Width (m) Gold Grade
(g/t Au)
Geological Structure
Swan/ Lower Phoenix Fault Mineralization
UDE371 270.74 271.68 0.94 0.8 6.1 Lower Phoenix
UDE378 354.50 358.18 3.68 1.3 2.2 Lower Phoenix
UDE385A 1,190.63 1,191.28 0.65 0.5 3.7 Lower Phoenix
UDE389A 805.50 807.10 1.60 1.2 1.2 Lower Phoenix
UDE391A 966.40 972.15 5.75 5.7 1.0 Lower Phoenix
UDE391C 982.80 989.33 6.53 6.3 0.6 Lower Phoenix
UDH3541 289.00 289.47 0.47 0.4 1.6 Swan
UDH3542 303.15 304.30 1.15 0.9 4.7 Swan
UDH3543 286.55 287.75 1.20 0.9 0.6 Swan
UDH3544 277.46 278.75 1.29 1.3 5.5 Swan
UDH3545 211.25 211.46 0.21 0.2 1.7 Lower Phoenix
UDH3554 243.06 247.28 4.22 4.2 7.8 Lower Phoenix
Including 244.73 245.28 0.55 0.6 26.4 Lower Phoenix
UDH3556 266.40 271.47 5.07 4.0 4.7 Lower Phoenix
UDH3557 266.72 269.48 2.76 2.1 0.8 Lower Phoenix
UDH3558 247.08 256.18 9.10 8.2 9.4 Lower Phoenix
UDH3559 276.60 277.70 1.10 0.8 0.5 Lower Phoenix
UDH3562 278.75 281.42 2.67 2.3 8.6 Lower Phoenix
UDH3564 270.60 276.96 6.36 5.2 8.4 Lower Phoenix
Including 272.91 275.65 2.74 2.2 15.4 Lower Phoenix
UDH3565 276.41 283.05 6.64 6.2 4.2 Lower Phoenix
UDH3566 277.87 281.23 3.36 1.2 4.2 Lower Phoenix
UDH3567 284.21 289.13 4.92 3.8 3.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH3587 254.20 257.60 3.40 2.8 8.5 Lower Phoenix
UDH3588 303.05 305.87 2.82 2.8 3.5 Lower Phoenix
UDH3588A 303.25 304.95 1.70 1.5 4.5 Lower Phoenix
UDH3589 (1) 296.04 300.00 3.96 3.4 4.4 Lower Phoenix
UDH3591 255.30 259.42 4.12 3.9 3.8 Lower Phoenix
UDH3591B 255.36 260.00 4.64 4.6 5.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH3592A 250.15 252.10 1.95 1.8 5.6 Lower Phoenix
UDH3593A 257.50 262.60 5.10 5.0 5.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH3594 262.90 269.30 6.40 5.5 3.8 Lower Phoenix
UDH3596 269.20 273.35 4.15 2.9 7.5 Lower Phoenix
UDH3597 280.00 286.30 6.30 4.8 4.5 Lower Phoenix
UDH3598 286.03 287.70 1.67 1.2 5.2 Lower Phoenix
UDH3599 301.04 304.25 3.21 2.6 6.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH3624 277.75 278.81 1.06 1.0 3.7 Lower Phoenix
UDH3625 279.72 284.28 4.56 4.4 2.6 Lower Phoenix
UDH3626 279.29 279.67 0.38 0.3 0.5 Lower Phoenix
UDH3627 249.00 255.80 6.80 6.3 4.8 Lower Phoenix
UDH3630 278.65 278.90 0.25 0.3 0.0 Lower Phoenix
UDH3631 263.12 264.43 1.31 1.2 0.9 Lower Phoenix
UDH3632 254.50 257.40 2.90 2.8 14.8 Lower Phoenix
UDH3638 329.20 330.00 0.80 0.7 0.0 Lower Phoenix
UDH3639 309.58 310.35 0.77 0.5 2.4 Lower Phoenix
UDH3662 119.70 121.95 2.25 1.8 2.2 Swan
UDH3688 108.10 117.00 8.90 7.6 8.3 Swan
UDH3725 247.55 252.80 5.25 5.1 16.8 Lower Phoenix
UDH3727 235.20 241.45 6.25 6.0 11.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH3728 248.38 253.38 5.00 4.3 5.6 Lower Phoenix
UDH3729 246.25 246.90 0.65 0.4 6.2 Lower Phoenix
UDH3733A 304.71 306.08 1.37 1.3 1.2 Lower Phoenix
UDH3735 247.30 247.60 0.30 0.3 6.7 Lower Phoenix
UDH3737 238.75 239.57 0.82 0.8 6.3 Lower Phoenix
UDH3738 105.20 108.04 2.84 2.0 6.2 Swan
UDH3739 98.46 99.46 1.00 1.0 4.7 Swan
UDH3740 99.95 101.90 1.95 1.6 6.1 Swan
UDH3741 112.95 113.36 0.41 0.4 1.7 Swan
UDH3743 115.17 118.65 3.48 2.2 10.7 Swan
UDH3744 113.88 114.70 0.82 0.6 1.8 Swan
UDH3789 263.00 265.60 2.60 2.4 3.7 Lower Phoenix
UDH3790 268.85 272.74 3.89 3.7 7.3 Lower Phoenix
UDH3791 285.09 288.04 2.95 2.9 9.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH3792A 321.85 326.00 4.15 3.2 13.2 Lower Phoenix
UDH3793 333.38 334.17 0.79 0.5 1.8 Lower Phoenix
UDH3800 112.40 112.99 0.59 0.5 3.4 Swan
UDH3802 105.88 106.23 0.35 0.3 10.5 Lower Phoenix
UDH3803 97.95 98.09 0.14 0.1 15.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH3804 98.31 98.64 0.33 0.3 3.9 Lower Phoenix
UDH3811 60.55 62.54 1.99 2.0 12.3 Lower Phoenix
UDH3838 86.39 87.03 0.64 0.6 3.2 Lower Phoenix
UDH3902 (1) 272.50 275.90 3.40 2.9 365 Lower Phoenix
Including (1) 274.27 275.10 0.83 0.7 1,408 Lower Phoenix
UDH3905 254.15 260.00 5.85 5.5 2.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH3906 261.57 262.80 1.23 0.9 1.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH3907 260.08 261.45 1.37 1.3 3.3 Lower Phoenix
UDH3908 258.40 262.70 4.30 4.2 2.7 Lower Phoenix
UDH3952 303.23 306.65 3.42 2.6 8.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH3953 293.94 295.54 1.60 1.5 1.7 Lower Phoenix
UDH3954 (1) 321.18 326.00 4.82 3.7 10.8 Lower Phoenix
Including (1) 323.32 324.40 1.08 0.8 31.2 Lower Phoenix
UDH3955 283.49 287.25 3.76 3.3 1.5 Lower Phoenix
UDH3956 261.32 262.35 1.03 1.0 3.0 Lower Phoenix
UDH3976 339.86 341.00 1.14 0.2 0.0 Lower Phoenix
UDH3977 309.36 309.91 0.55 0.5 0.0 Lower Phoenix
UDH3980 268.26 285.86 17.60 10.4 10.0 Lower Phoenix
UDH3983 240.67 243.65 2.98 2.6 6.7 Lower Phoenix
UDH3983A 240.63 243.70 3.07 2.7 10.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH3985 358.70 374.00 15.30 13.3 6.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH3986 329.07 329.27 0.20 0.2 103 Lower Phoenix
UDH3987A 307.00 312.00 5.00 3.8 5.6 Lower Phoenix
UDH3988 292.95 296.99 4.04 3.3 4.0 Lower Phoenix
UDH3998 232.00 232.61 0.61 0.5 1.0 Lower Phoenix
UDH3999 213.24 217.83 4.59 3.9 4.6 Lower Phoenix
UDH4000 217.50 221.70 4.20 3.2 6.6 Lower Phoenix
UDH4001 238.99 247.00 8.01 6.9 5.3 Lower Phoenix
UDH4002 229.60 235.90 6.30 6.1 6.9 Lower Phoenix
UDH4003 278.09 280.85 2.76 2.4 5.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH4026 339.79 340.82 1.03 0.9 2.0 Lower Phoenix
UDH4027 213.12 217.05 3.93 3.4 3.4 Lower Phoenix
UDH4028 298.00 303.07 5.07 3.6 5.1 Lower Phoenix
UDH4029 252.25 255.15 2.90 2.4 7.3 Lower Phoenix
UDH4030 378.00 381.35 3.35 2.9 4.4 Lower Phoenix
UDH4031 405.48 409.00 3.52 2.5 1.4 Lower Phoenix
UDH4032 322.75 323.24 0.49 0.4 9.8 Lower Phoenix
UDH4034 272.94 275.55 2.61 2.3 10.9 Lower Phoenix
UDH4041 436.92 437.23 0.31 0.2 2.4 Lower Phoenix
UDH4045 352.94 360.46 7.52 5.3 5.5 Lower Phoenix
UDH4046 350.75 360.00 9.25 7.6 7.8 Lower Phoenix
UDH4048(1) 308.95 315.34 6.39 4.9 9.6 Lower Phoenix
Including (1) 311.27 311.75 0.48 0.4 78.8 Lower Phoenix
UDH4048A 311.87 318.19 6.32 4.6 12.8 Lower Phoenix
UDH4049A 284.72 295.29 10.57 9.2 4.9 Lower Phoenix
UDH4051 (1) 263.45 266.04 2.59 2.2 51.7 Lower Phoenix
Including (1) 265.49 266.04 0.55 0.5 215 Lower Phoenix
Swan Hangingwall/ Lower Phoenix HW Fault Mineralization
UDE391A 948.93 949.53 0.60 0.6 7.7 Lower Phoenix HW
UDE399 600.21 602.46 2.25 2.0 2.7 Swan Hangingwall
Cygnet Fault System
Cygnet Fault Mineralization
UDE375 365.68 365.86 0.18 0.1 3.4 Cygnet
UDE376 378.70 378.89 0.19 0.1 13.2 Cygnet
UDE378 561.48 562.41 0.93 0.8 8.3 Cygnet
UDE389A 937.44 938.72 1.28 1.0 0.9 Cygnet
UDE399 716.48 719.51 3.03 2.9 5.1 Cygnet
UDH3746 40.70 40.85 0.15 0.1 4.0 Cygnet
UDH3747 33.10 34.05 0.95 0.9 24.7 Cygnet
UDH3748 47.15 53.08 5.93 4.7 6.1 Cygnet
UDH3749 30.98 32.70 1.72 1.7 6.0 Cygnet
UDH3750A (1) 46.05 48.11 2.06 1.9 1.8 Cygnet
UDH3751 (1) 49.09 56.35 7.26 5.6 24.1 Cygnet
Including (1) 50.80 51.20 0.40 0.3 328 Cygnet
UDH3752 (1) 42.50 45.10 2.60 2.5 18.7 Cygnet
UDH3753 (1) 56.82 62.83 6.01 4.3 27.5 Cygnet
Including (1) 61.24 61.63 0.39 0.3 166 Cygnet
UDH3754 47.67 53.80 6.13 5.7 7.4 Cygnet
UDH3755 59.05 70.35 11.30 9.8 6.1 Cygnet
UDH3756 60.53 64.57 4.04 3.9 5.8 Cygnet
UDH3758 58.61 61.11 2.50 2.5 11.3 Cygnet
UDH3759 73.14 73.38 0.24 0.2 5.0 Cygnet
UDH3821 74.78 76.10 1.32 1.2 10.4 Cygnet
UDH3823 55.60 62.45 6.85 5.7 4.1 Cygnet
UDH3824 73.68 77.16 3.48 2.7 3.0 Cygnet
UDH3825 82.54 84.06 1.52 1.0 1.6 Cygnet
UDH3826 66.75 68.67 1.92 1.8 3.5 Cygnet
UDH3827 50.65 52.80 2.15 1.9 17.0 Cygnet
UDH3828 57.16 58.30 1.14 1.1 5.3 Cygnet
UDH3845 79.00 80.95 1.95 1.8 3.1 Cygnet
UDH3851 100.44 105.56 5.12 4.8 6.6 Cygnet
UDH3862 275.88 276.45 0.57 0.6 6.8 Cygnet
UDH3863A 308.00 310.22 2.22 2.2 2.2 Cygnet
UDH3875 50.64 52.18 1.54 1.5 1.9 Cygnet
UDH3876 49.73 58.95 9.22 7.3 5.5 Cygnet
UDH3877 57.20 58.20 1.00 0.7 6.7 Cygnet
UDH3877B 58.08 59.86 1.78 1.5 5.9 Cygnet
UDH3878 63.33 65.33 2.00 1.5 3.6 Cygnet
UDH3879 163.00 164.63 1.63 1.6 3.9 Cygnet
UDH3880 162.92 165.53 2.61 2.6 4.8 Cygnet
UDH3881 160.79 162.89 2.10 2.0 10.2 Cygnet
UDH3883 165.16 165.62 0.46 0.4 11.4 Cygnet
UDH3884 163.00 165.40 2.40 2.4 5.8 Cygnet
UDH3888 301.50 304.00 2.50 2.3 17.1 Cygnet
UDH3889 372.40 373.19 0.79 0.7 4.7 Cygnet
UDH3891 166.97 168.05 1.08 1.0 4.8 Cygnet
UDH3893 165.02 165.45 0.43 0.4 1.5 Cygnet
UDH3894 165.30 167.25 1.95 1.9 6.8 Cygnet
UDH3895 (1) 159.61 159.93 0.32 0.3 67.1 Cygnet
Including (1) 159.76 159.93 0.17 0.1 109 Cygnet
UDH3896 166.45 167.27 0.82 0.8 2.4 Cygnet
UDH3897 172.60 173.80 1.20 1.0 3.9 Cygnet
UDH3898 170.87 172.41 1.54 1.5 0.7 Cygnet
UDH3899 (1) 170.33 172.74 2.41 2.4 9.2 Cygnet
UDH3900 171.04 171.77 0.73 0.6 2.9 Cygnet
UDH3901 174.39 177.80 3.41 2.8 5.4 Cygnet
UDH3917 (1) 192.25 192.69 0.44 0.4 27.3 Cygnet
UDH3919 182.25 183.85 1.60 1.5 4.9 Cygnet
UDH3920 172.38 173.27 0.89 0.9 9.5 Cygnet
UDH3923 214.94 216.75 1.81 0.7 5.0 Cygnet
UDH3926 182.70 183.00 0.30 0.3 3.4 Cygnet
UDH3927 198.15 199.20 1.05 1.0 7.2 Cygnet
UDH3928 209.55 209.90 0.35 0.3 1.8 Cygnet
UDH3930 215.20 216.00 0.80 0.7 3.0 Cygnet
UDH3932 167.31 167.71 0.40 0.4 1.8 Cygnet
UDH3934 (1) 147.67 150.14 2.47 2.3 9.0 Cygnet
Including (1) 148.36 148.50 0.14 0.1 72.3 Cygnet
UDH3935 155.40 156.74 1.34 1.3 1.0 Cygnet
UDH3936 161.17 162.27 1.10 1.0 3.9 Cygnet
UDH3960 164.46 165.62 1.16 1.0 5.0 Cygnet
UDH3961 163.60 164.06 0.46 0.4 3.3 Cygnet
UDH3962 159.60 165.00 5.40 4.1 6.2 Cygnet
UDH4010 127.08 128.42 1.34 1.0 3.9 Cygnet
UDH4011 95.98 96.29 0.31 0.3 0.2 Cygnet
UDH4012 399.45 399.66 0.21 0.2 5.4 Cygnet
UDH4014 71.15 73.45 2.30 1.8 6.1 Cygnet
UDH4015 47.30 50.89 3.59 3.1 14.4 Cygnet
UDH4016 70.90 71.76 0.86 0.6 0.6 Cygnet
UDH4018 163.98 165.07 1.09 0.8 7.8 Cygnet
Dove Fault Mineralization
UDH3883 146.15 147.29 1.14 1.0 6.4 Dove
UDH3890 110.43 116.3 5.87 4.2 3.1 Dove
UDH3896 105.56 105.91 0.35 0.3 20.9 Dove
UDH3899 98.72 99.63 0.91 0.7 55.2 Dove
UDH3918 123.42 124.23 0.81 0.5 6.4 Dove
UDH3919 121.9 122.4 0.5 0.5 1.4 Dove
UDH3920 109 109.58 0.58 0.6 8.2 Dove
UDH3924A 146.9 148.02 1.12 0.8 8.8 Dove
UDH3926 131.24 131.48 0.24 0.2 6.7 Dove
UDH3932 112.01 112.52 0.51 0.4 5.5 Dove
UDH3934 97.72 99.24 1.52 1.5 4.4 Dove
UDH3936 96.11 96.9 0.79 0.7 5.2 Dove
Cygnet HW Splays Mineralization
UDH3879 (1) 138 138.59 0.59 0.5 11.4 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3880 (1) 129.5 132.23 2.73 2.5 9.8 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3881 125.65 127.78 2.13 1.8 11.7 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3883 (1) 136.42 137.32 0.9 0.9 8.8 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3884 (1) 130.24 131.64 1.4 1.4 26.6 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3890 136.9 138 1.1 1.1 3.7 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3891 146 146.81 0.81 0.8 3.7 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3892 157.15 158.12 0.97 0.8 6.2 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3893 136.34 138.02 1.68 1.6 2.4 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3894 127.4 129.22 1.82 1.7 5.4 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3896 135.24 135.46 0.22 0.2 4.2 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3897 131.35 134.8 3.45 3.2 5.1 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3898 137.55 138.2 0.65 0.6 34.0 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3899 (1) 133.97 136.68 2.71 2.1 4.1 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3900 144.78 145.72 0.94 0.7 5.5 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3901 148.42 149.92 1.5 1.4 3.6 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3935 148.87 150.28 1.41 1.3 4.7 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3936 152.25 152.51 0.26 0.2 11.7 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3960 133.72 135.82 2.1 1.7 10.5 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3961 (1) 148.18 148.92 0.74 0.5 53.1 Cygnet HW Splays
Including (1) 148.42 148.57 0.15 0.1 230 Cygnet HW Splays
UDH3962 127.5 128.66 1.16 1.1 11.1 Cygnet HW Splays
Ptarmigan Fault Mineralization
UDH3795 354.70 355.10 0.40 0.4 9.9 Ptarmigan
UDH3797 369.05 370.81 1.76 1.7 4.9 Ptarmigan
UDH3863A 268.97 270.86 1.89 1.6 9.2 Ptarmigan
UDH3888 246.07 246.81 0.74 0.5 4.6 Ptarmigan
And 265.10 268.68 3.58 3.3 7.0 Ptarmigan
UDH3889 285.10 289.20 4.10 3.1 4.0 Ptarmigan
UDH3917 139.36 139.98 0.62 0.6 2.2 Ptarmigan
UDH3918 131.34 136.12 4.78 4.7 7.1 Ptarmigan
UDH3918A 130.95 137.70 6.75 6.7 6.3 Ptarmigan
UDH3919 130.04 132.33 2.29 2.0 3.9 Ptarmigan
UDH3920 128.26 131.46 3.20 3.1 7.2 Ptarmigan
UDH3921 158.57 159.80 1.23 1.0 4.2 Ptarmigan
UDH3922 146.62 151.87 5.25 4.9 13.5 Ptarmigan
UDH3923 173.20 174.68 1.48 1.3 4.3 Ptarmigan
UDH3924 (1) 145.00 146.97 1.97 1.5 142 Ptarmigan
Including (1) 145.86 146.03 0.17 0.1 1,590 Ptarmigan
UDH3924A (1) 154.96 158.60 3.64 2.6 7.7 Ptarmigan
UDH3925 135.92 138.08 2.16 2.0 6.1 Ptarmigan
UDH3926 135.34 139.00 3.66 3.6 3.3 Ptarmigan
UDH3927 125.55 125.70 0.15 0.1 5.5 Ptarmigan
UDH3928 196.38 196.68 0.30 0.1 2.8 Ptarmigan
UDH3929 151.84 165.25 13.41 12.6 8.5 Ptarmigan
UDH3930 188.78 190.88 2.10 1.7 2.7 Ptarmigan
UDH3931 194.30 195.33 1.03 0.7 1.1 Ptarmigan
UDH3934 142.44 145.21 2.77 2.4 3.8 Ptarmigan
UDH4017 150.00 150.81 0.81 0.7 39.3 Ptarmigan
Including 150.49 150.65 0.16 0.1 146 Ptarmigan
UDH4018 (1) 144.24 146.00 1.76 1.4 258 Ptarmigan
Including (1) 144.72 144.82 0.10 0.1 4,460 Ptarmigan
UDH4021 167.28 170.45 3.17 2.4 6.4 Ptarmigan
Pen Fault Mineralization
UDE378 437.67 438.52 0.85 0.6 3.9 Pen
UDH3828 46.30 47.46 1.16 1.1 3.3 Pen
UDH3851 (1) 57.41 61.48 4.07 3.4 49.4 Pen
Including (1) 57.41 57.67 0.26 0.2 589 Pen
UDH3881 (1) 110.36 111.40 1.04 0.9 23.0 Pen
UDH3884 113.52 114.73 1.21 1.2 4.7 Pen
UDH3894 101.39 102.42 1.03 1.0 7.4 Pen
UDH3960 108.54 110.10 1.56 1.3 22.4 Pen
UDH3962 101.95 103.91 1.96 1.8 17.6 Pen
Including 102.77 102.91 0.14 0.1 191 Pen
UDH4065 (1) 99.05 99.56 0.51 0.5 153 Pen
UDH4067 96.00 99.00 3.00 2.6 11.8 Pen
Robbin's Hill Area
Curie Fault Mineralization
RHD409 940.60 942.10 1.5 1.4 4.3 Curie
RHD409A 1,014.30 1,017.20 2.9 2.7 9.0 Curie
RHD410 1,133.60 1,144.10 10.5 7.4 4.3 Curie
RHD412 1,026.97 1,028.40 1.43 1.3 4.9 Curie
RHD413 (1) 1,112.85 1,115.07 2.20 1.4 23.1 Curie
including (1) 1,114.71 1,115.07 0.40 0.2 103 Curie
RHD413A 1,021.50 1,023.00 1.5 1.1 1.8 Curie
RHD415 865.60 866.35 0.75 0.6 2.3 Curie
RHD415A 894.90 896.40 1.5 1.2 2.75 Curie
RHD416A 1,201.50 1,203.85 2.35 1.9 4.5 Curie
RHD417A 804.22 806.60 2.38 2.2 2.6 Curie
RHD417B 803.15 810.00 6.85 6.4 2.8 Curie
RHD418 991.90 992.20 0.3 0.3 1.6 Curie
RHD418A 1,010.77 1,016.08 5.31 4.8 5.0 Curie
RHD418B 1,056.83 1,057.35 0.52 0.5 6.3 Curie
RHD419 923.35 929.27 5.92 4.1 5.5 Curie
RHD419B 966.40 969.50 3.1 2.8 1.4 Curie
RHD420 970.70 973.90 3.2 2.5 2.7 Curie
RHD420A 948.80 950.74 1.94 1.7 2.4 Curie
RHD421 940.70 941.00 0.3 0.3 0.9 Curie
RHD421A 1,065.35 1,073.85 8.5 5.4 6.4 Curie
RHD421B 1,018.70 1,019.50 0.8 0.7 2.8 Curie
RHD422A 847.40 847.70 0.3 0.3 1.9 Curie
RHD423 546.75 547.66 0.91 0.7 0.0 Curie
RHD423A 497.10 503.40 6.3 2.7 0.1 Curie
RHD424 998.15 1,008.45 10.3 9.2 2.9 Curie
RHD426 1,067.90 1,071.40 3.5 2.4 3.2 Curie
RHD427 1,009.59 1,014.85 5.26 5.1 4.6 Curie
RHD428 1,018.92 1,021.00 2.08 1.7 2.0 Curie
RHD430A 1,069.37 1,069.92 0.55 0.5 2.8 Curie
RHD430B 1,069.61 1,071.44 1.83 1.5 1.7 Curie
RHD438 1,140.03 1,144.50 4.47 3.9 3.3 Curie
RHD439B 1,010.70 1,013.85 3.15 3.0 6.2 Curie
RHD439C (1) 1,058.30 1,060.91 2.61 2.5 81.3 Curie
including (1) 1,060.70 1,060.91 0.21 0.2 982 Curie
RHD440A 1,109.40 1,117.14 7.74 5.7 6.8 Curie
RHD441 (1) 1,077.51 1,079.00 1.49 1.1 28.0 Curie
including (1) 1,077.51 1,077.70 0.19 0.2 103 Curie
RHD441A (1) 1,167.50 1,171.29 3.79 3.4 19.7 Curie
including (1) 1,170.36 1,170.75 0.39 0.4 158 Curie
Curie Hangingwall Fault Mineralization
RHD411A (1) 827.30 829.10 1.8 1.5 2.8 Curie Hangingwall
including (1) 828.80 828.95 0.15 0.1 5.8 Curie Hangingwall
Herschel Fault Mineralization - New Intercepts  
RHD351 302.35 302.90 0.55 0.3 0.2 Herschel
RHD357 947.30 947.70 0.40 0.4 0.0 Herschel
RHD369 266.10 266.50 0.40 0.3 3.2 Herschel
RHD370 559.90 562.15 2.25 2.2 1.7 Herschel
RHD374 822.60 823.50 0.90 0.8 0.0 Herschel
RHD387A 408.95 411.10 2.15 2.0 2.5 Herschel
RHD387B 402.05 402.50 0.45 0.3 0.3 Herschel
RHD395 450.05 450.65 0.60 0.5 2.3 Herschel
RHD397 334.25 335.00 0.75 0.6 4.5 Herschel
RHD398 413.65 414.25 0.60 0.5 0.7 Herschel
RHD403A 472.55 473.85 1.30 1.2 5.1 Herschel
RHD403B 407.05 408.55 1.50 1.1 0.4 Herschel
RHD404 437.50 440.80 3.30 3.3 0.7 Herschel
RHD404A 437.20 438.90 1.70 1.5 2.0 Herschel
RHD405A 357.50 357.90 0.40 0.4 0.4 Herschel
RHD409 476.50 477.40 0.90 0.7 0.9 Herschel
RHD410 420.45 420.80 0.35 0.3 4.1 Herschel
RHD411 352.35 354.15 1.80 0.7 4.6 Herschel
RHD411A 327.40 328.10 0.70 0.6 3.2 Herschel
RHD411B 344.60 345.99 1.39 1.2 5.8 Herschel
RHD412 (1) 498.98 503.38 4.40
160 Herschel
Including (1) 500.86 501.45 0.59
1,160 Herschel
RHD413 400.22 400.83 0.61 0.4 2.4 Herschel
RHD413A 388.50 390.75 2.25 1.1 2.0 Herschel
RHD414 417.70 419.00 1.30 0.9 0.9 Herschel
RHD415 393.15 396.10 2.95 2.2 1.9 Herschel
RHD417 334.10 335.10 1.00 0.7 11.9 Herschel
RHD417A 329.75 330.33 0.58 0.4 3.6 Herschel
RHD419 449.25 450.17 0.92 0.8 0.4 Herschel
RHD419A 446.55 448.25 1.70 0.7 1.1 Herschel
RHD420 371.50 373.70 2.20 1.7 3.6 Herschel
RHD422 389.85 390.80 1.45 1.3 2.4 Herschel
RHD415A 445.00 446.80 1.80 1.7 3.7 Herschel
RHD416 429.75 431.50 1.75 1.5 3.5 Herschel
RHD418 466.46 466.96 0.50 0.5 1.0 Herschel
RHD420A 369.20 370.35 1.15 0.7 6.2 Herschel
RHD420B 368.45 368.85 0.40 0.4 6.7 Herschel
RHD421 386.72 386.84 0.12 0.1 4.2 Herschel
RHD421A 391.25 391.65 0.40 0.2 3.5 Herschel
RHD421B 390.10 390.40 0.30 0.2 2.5 Herschel
RHD422A 393.00 394.20 1.20 1.1 2.2 Herschel
RHD424 441.10 441.45 0.35 0.3 1.6 Herschel
RHD426 489.95 490.60 0.65 0.6 2.1 Herschel
RHD427 664.20 664.80 0.60 0.6 0.2 Herschel
RHD430A 486.70 487.56 0.86 0.8 3.2 Herschel
RHD430B 498.15 498.45 0.30 0.2 8.2 Herschel
RHD433 557.05 557.27 0.22 0.2 0.7 Herschel
RHD434 525.46 525.97 0.51 0.5 1.6 Herschel
RHD435 522.25 524.60 2.35 2.1 3.4 Herschel
RHD436A 487.61 488.80 1.19 1.1 3.6 Herschel
RHD438 476.30 479.00 2.70 2.7  
8.8 Herschel
Including 476.30 477.30 1.00
21.4 Herschel
RHD439 551.94 552.30 0.36 0.4 4.0 Herschel
RHD439A 611.00 611.68 0.68 0.5 12.6 Herschel
RHD440 416.55 416.90 0.35 0.3 3.4 Herschel
RHD440A 417.00 417.20 0.20 0.2 7.3 Herschel
RHD443 337.80 338.15 0.35 0.3 1.7 Herschel
RHD423 41.20 41.50 0.30 0.3 1.1 Herschel


(1) - Visible gold observed in drill intercept.

Underground drill intercepts greater than 30 Gram-Metre (gold grade x estimated true width) are shown in bold text.

Robbin's Hill drill intercepts greater than 15 Gram-Metre are shown in bold text.

Intercepts shaded grey are from drill holes that have been previously reported for Curie mineralization.

Table 2:   Underground and Surface Diamond   Drill Hole Collar Locations, Fosterville Gold Mine

Notes: Collar locations are in Fosterville Mine Grid coordinate system.

Hole ID Northing
Azimuth (°)
Plunge (°)
Total Depth
Lower Phoenix and Cygnet Faults Underground Diamond Drill Holes
UDE371 5,823 1,459 3,913 84.7 -15.1 417.0 417.0
UDE375 6,948 1,496 4,212 17.6 -51.1 698.7 698.7
UDE376 6,948 1,496 4,212 9.3 -57.7 501.0 501.0
UDE378 5,823 1,459 3,912 107.5 -79.1 693.0 693.0
UDE385A 5,456 1,274 4,466 103.6 -79.3 1,368.0 776.0
UDE389A 5,552 1,451 4,448 83.6 -77.4 1,008.1 648.1
UDE391A 5,394 1,351 4,485 84.2 -73.8 1,199.2 447.0
UDE391C 5,394 1,351 4,485 84.2 -73.8 1,178.6 551.0
UDE399 5,831 1,355 4,404 71.4 -56.5 860.8 860.8
UDH3541 6,083 1,391 3,956 79.4 -1.0 306.0 306.0
UDH3542 6,082 1,391 3,956 86.0 -2.5 315.0 315.0
UDH3543 6,082 1,391 3,956 87.5 -7.0 300.0 300.0
UDH3544 6,082 1,391 3,956 86.6 -11.5 292.0 292.0
UDH3545 6,083 1,391 3,954 42.5 -42.9 239.5 239.5
UDH3554 5,911 1,418 3,926 51.1 -56.3 262.2 262.2
UDH3556 5,910 1,418 3,926 58.0 -65.2 295.6 295.6
UDH3557 5,911 1,417 3,926 42.7 -64.4 284.8 284.8
UDH3558 5,910 1,418 3,926 59.4 -62.6 278.7 278.7
UDH3559 5,910 1,418 3,926 49.5 -68.5 284.9 284.9
UDH3562 5,870 1,442 3,919 55.1 -69.0 289.9 289.9
UDH3564 5,870 1,442 3,919 66.5 -65.4 284.8 284.8
UDH3565 5,869 1,442 3,919 67.6 -70.2 309.0 309.0
UDH3566 5,870 1,442 3,919 57.0 -71.5 320.8 320.8
UDH3567 5,869 1,442 3,919 73.1 -73.5 326.8 326.8
UDH3587 5,824 1,459 3,911 62.2 -60.5 299.4 299.4
UDH3588 5,823 1,458 3,911 75.2 -73.2 322.1 322.1
UDH3588A 5,823 1,458 3,911 75.2 -73.2 319.9 31.9
UDH3589 5,823 1,458 3,911 63.9 -71.8 323.9 323.9
UDH3591 5,824 1,459 3,912 70.0 -37.7 266.0 266.0
UDH3591B 5,824 1,459 3,912 70.0 -37.7 260.6 17.6
UDH3592A 5,824 1,459 3,912 68.7 -50.2 254.5 16.5
UDH3593A 5,824 1,459 3,912 74.6 -46.0 276.0 276.0
UDH3594 5,824 1,459 3,912 78.4 -53.6 275.9 275.9
UDH3596 5,824 1,459 3,912 81.1 -60.8 292.8 292.8
UDH3597 5,824 1,459 3,912 75.9 -64.4 290.8 290.8
UDH3598 5,823 1,459 3,911 90.9 -63.0 310.3 310.3
UDH3599 5,823 1,459 3,911 79.5 -69.6 330.2 330.2
UDH3624 5,910 1,419 3,927 76.1 -22.1 300.0 300.0
UDH3625 5,910 1,418 3,927 65.0 -17.7 302.4 302.4
UDH3626 5,910 1,419 3,927 71.3 -15.8 432.0 432.0
UDH3627 5,910 1,418 3,926 67.7 -37.5 335.8 335.8
UDH3630 5,911 1,417 3,926 31.7 -69.2 302.7 302.7
UDH3631 5,910 1,417 3,926 43.9 -62.5 311.9 311.9
UDH3632 5,910 1,418 3,926 64.0 -64.3 296.9 296.9
UDH3638 5,870 1,442 3,919 58.5 -76.0 373.6 373.6
UDH3639 5,870 1,442 3,919 26.0 -69.5 316.2 316.2
UDH3662 6,153 1,578 4,040 69.4 -59.5 126.3 126.3
UDH3688 6,199 1,566 4,041 66.3 -1.6 126.0 126.0
UDH3725 5,910 1,418 3,926 57.8 -57.5 290.0 290.0
UDH3727 5,870 1,443 3,919 63.1 -43.6 248.5 248.5
UDH3728 5,870 1,443 3,919 61.0 -56.9 263.7 263.7
UDH3729 5,870 1,443 3,919 69.0 -54.5 266.6 266.6
UDH3733A 6,013 1,373 3,944 82.5 -15.0 320.8 320.8
UDH3735 6,013 1,373 3,943 65.0 -53.4 264.2 264.2
UDH3737 6,013 1,373 3,943 50.0 -52.5 254.7 254.7
UDH3738 6,153 1,578 4,041 50.9 -12.0 119.6 119.6
UDH3739 6,153 1,578 4,041 69.6 -30.6 108.0 108.0
UDH3740 6,152 1,578 4,040 78.9 -41.4 115.7 115.7
UDH3741 6,152 1,578 4,040 91.6 -47.8 128.0 128.0
UDH3743 6,152 1,578 4,041 84.2 -25.7 169.0 169.0
UDH3744 6,152 1,578 4,040 95.0 -35.7 126.0 126.0
UDH3746 6,391 1,677 3,989 66.9 4.6 75.1 75.1
UDH3747 6,391 1,676 3,988 51.8 -46.9 46.0 46.0
UDH3748 6,390 1,677 3,990 95.7 9.9 78.2 78.2
UDH3749 6,390 1,677 3,988 80.0 -22.0 52.0 52.0
UDH3750A 6,331 1,675 3,986 52.4 -34.3 60.1 60.1
UDH3751 6,331 1,675 3,987 62.8 -5.5 63.1 63.1
UDH3752 6,330 1,675 3,986 82.3 -24.8 63.2 63.2
UDH3753 6,330 1,675 3,987 84.2 3.6 81.1 81.1
UDH3754 6,329 1,676 3,985 108.6 -33.7 71.6 71.6
UDH3755 6,329 1,676 3,987 107.6 -2.6 89.9 89.9
UDH3756 6,402 1,641 3,988 56.5 -28.0 75.0 75.0
UDH3758 6,470 1,688 4,085 69.1 -50.4 75.1 75.1
UDH3759 6,471 1,688 4,085 85.2 -70.4 99.0 99.0
UDH3789 5,823 1,459 3,912 84.5 -37.1 287.2 287.2
UDH3790 5,823 1,459 3,912 87.3 -46.7 294.0 294.0
UDH3791 5,823 1,459 3,912 93.4 -55.4 306.1 306.1
UDH3792A 5,823 1,459 3,911 94.8 -68.0 377.2 377.2
UDH3793 5,823 1,459 3,911 78.0 -78.5 412.5 412.5
UDH3795 6,533 1,296 3,982 46.2 -37.7 371.6 371.6
UDH3797 6,534 1,296 3,982 38.1 -25.8 404.8 404.8
UDH3800 6,361 1,391 3,877 73.6 20.5 124.0 124.0
UDH3802 6,360 1,392 3,876 95.4 0.5 113.9 113.9
UDH3803 6,361 1,392 3,876 82.9 -0.5 103.0 103.0
UDH3804 6,361 1,391 3,876 67.6 1.7 108.0 108.0
UDH3811 6,264 1,467 3,902 79.2 -33.9 68.8 68.8
UDH3821 6,377 1,633 3,927 98.4 23.5 93.0 93.0
UDH3823 6,376 1,633 3,925 105.6 -15.8 69.0 69.0
UDH3824 6,376 1,633 3,926 120.0 3.1 83.2 83.2
UDH3825 6,375 1,633 3,925 127.5 -15.9 93.0 93.0
UDH3826 6,376 1,633 3,924 119.9 -35.8 80.8 80.8
UDH3827 6,377 1,633 3,925 79.0 -27.9 71.0 71.0
UDH3828 6,378 1,633 3,924 58.6 -46.9 77.6 77.6
UDH3838 6,224 1,458 3,902 66.8 -45.0 95.5 95.5
UDH3845 6,442 1,605 3,934 67.8 5.0 90.6 90.6
UDH3851 6,443 1,605 3,933 37.0 -32.0 112.9 112.9
UDH3862 6,947 1,497 4,212 47.7 -61.4 314.3 314.3
UDH3863A 6,947 1,498 4,212 60.6 -69.9 320.9 320.9
UDH3875 6,280 1,709 4,024 83.4 -24.7 60.0 60.0
UDH3876 6,280 1,709 4,024 82.2 -52.5 62.9 62.9
UDH3877 6,279 1,709 4,024 113.1 -24.1 68.7 68.7
UDH3877B 6,280 1,709 4,024 113.0 -24.0 67.0 67.0
UDH3878 6,279 1,709 4,023 117.6 -45.7 77.6 77.6
UDH3879 6,496 1,512 3,949 80.0 -18.0 177.0 177.0
UDH3880 6,497 1,512 3,948 74.5 -25.6 176.7 176.7
UDH3881 6,497 1,513 3,948 72.1 -33.2 179.5 179.5
UDH3883 6,497 1,512 3,948 72.9 -17.5 176.5 176.5
UDH3884 6,498 1,512 3,948 65.6 -26.0 179.7 179.7
UDH3888 6,946 1,498 4,212 97.7 -70.0 314.9 314.9
UDH3889 6,945 1,497 4,212 115.0 -76.9 382.0 382.0
UDH3890 6,569 1,501 3,949 64.5 -20.5 180.1 180.1
UDH3891 6,568 1,501 3,950 68.0 -10.3 183.2 183.2
UDH3892 6,568 1,501 3,950 73.5 -3.5 177.0 177.0
UDH3893 6,568 1,502 3,950 74.0 -18.5 183.1 183.1
UDH3894 6,568 1,502 3,949 76.2 -27.9 182.7 182.7
UDH3895 6,568 1,502 3,950 82.1 -4.0 174.0 174.0
UDH3896 6,614 1,492 3,950 74.8 -13.4 189.1 189.1
UDH3897 6,614 1,492 3,950 77.2 -36.3 182.3 182.3
UDH3898 6,614 1,492 3,949 71.2 -19.5 182.7 182.7
UDH3899 6,614 1,492 3,950 70.8 -27.8 178.1 178.1
UDH3900 6,614 1,492 3,950 66.5 -12.5 183.0 183.0
UDH3901 6,615 1,492 3,950 60.0 -19.6 188.9 188.9
UDH3902 5,911 1,418 3,927 54.7 -21.1 284.8 284.8
UDH3905 5,870 1,443 3,920 64.0 -25.1 273.0 273.0
UDH3906 5,869 1,443 3,920 74.1 -20.0 273.1 273.1
UDH3907 5,869 1,443 3,920 72.9 -27.0 273.2 273.2
UDH3908 5,869 1,443 3,919 79.3 -31.9 276.1 276.1
UDH3917 6,755 1,463 3,953 62.6 -16.4 197.3 197.3
UDH3918 6,755 1,463 3,953 60.9 -23.8 191.3 191.3
UDH3918A 6,755 1,463 3,953 59.7 -24.8 144.0 144.0
UDH3919 6,755 1,463 3,952 59.5 -36.5 192.0 192.0
UDH3920 6,755 1,463 3,952 71.1 -43.6 187.0 187.0
UDH3921 6,755 1,462 3,953 67.2 -2.0 186.0 186.0
UDH3922 6,755 1,463 3,953 60.9 -9.9 168.0 168.0
UDH3923 6,756 1,462 3,953 52.2 -5.0 227.9 227.9
UDH3924 6,756 1,462 3,953 51.1 -11.6 167.7 167.7
UDH3924A 6,755 1,462 3,953 52.2 -9.4 164.5 164.5
UDH3925 6,756 1,463 3,953 51.5 -20.7 200.1 200.1
UDH3926 6,756 1,462 3,952 51.3 -30.0 207.0 207.0
UDH3927 6,756 1,463 3,953 47.0 -43.0 206.9 206.9
UDH3928 6,755 1,462 3,954 59.7 5.1 220.0 220.0
UDH3929 6,756 1,463 3,953 56.0 -6.4 177.1 177.1
UDH3930 6,756 1,462 3,954 48.5 1.8 233.1 233.1
UDH3931 6,755 1,462 3,954 44.6 4.2 227.8 227.8
UDH3932 6,665 1,481 3,951 77.2 -12.9 180.1 180.1
UDH3934 6,666 1,481 3,950 62.7 -35.4 173.3 173.3
UDH3935 6,665 1,481 3,950 74.1 -37.2 176.2 176.2
UDH3936 6,665 1,482 3,950 81.6 -46.1 182.5 182.5
UDH3952 5,823 1,457 3,911 90.9 -65.9 324.0 324.0
UDH3953 5,823 1,457 3,911 97.1 -59.9 320.8 320.8
UDH3954 5,822 1,457 3,911 109.5 -50.5 332.7 332.7
UDH3955 5,823 1,458 3,911 93.7 -45.3 307.0 307.0
UDH3956 5,823 1,459 3,912 86.2 -31.2 270.0 270.0
UDH3960 6,568 1,502 3,949 81.5 -20.0 174.1 174.1
UDH3961 6,568 1,502 3,949 85.0 -10.0 180.0 180.0
UDH3962 6,568 1,502 3,950 84.9 -28.0 178.9 178.9
UDH3976 5,682 1,507 3,806 2.6 -72.4 355.8 355.8
UDH3977 5,682 1,507 3,806 20.2 -80.3 414.1 414.1
UDH3980 5,681 1,508 3,806 56.4 -72.7 306.0 306.0
UDH3983 5,681 1,509 3,806 67.9 -64.3 281.8 281.8
UDH3983A 5,681 1,509 3,806 67.9 -64.3 246.0 26.0
UDH3985 5,822 1,457 3,911 114.1 -69.3 422.8 422.8
UDH3986 5,822 1,457 3,911 116.3 -57.7 374.8 374.8
UDH3987A 5,822 1,457 3,911 103.3 -53.7 338.8 338.8
UDH3988 5,822 1,459 3,912 106.9 -33.2 309.7 309.7
UDH3998 5,630 1,510 3,799 80.3 -23.2 239.8 239.8
UDH3999 5,631 1,509 3,798 69.2 -35.5 231.0 231.0
UDH4000 5,630 1,509 3,798 78.2 -39.6 233.9 233.9
UDH4001 5,630 1,508 3,798 84.0 -52.6 254.8 254.8
UDH4002 5,630 1,508 3,798 68.0 -55.7 250.0 250.0
UDH4003 5,630 1,508 3,798 59.4 -69.4 311.5 311.5
UDH4010 6,633 1,652 4,118 49.1 -20.0 150.1 150.1
UDH4011 6,632 1,654 4,118 77.5 -28.5 130.0 130.0
UDH4012 6,083 1,390 3,955 63.0 -64.1 443.8 443.8
UDH4014 6,264 1,672 3,944 124.3 -15.0 104.1 104.1
UDH4015 6,265 1,671 3,945 89.5 -13.1 75.1 75.1
UDH4016 6,266 1,671 3,943 64.1 -57.5 89.9 89.9
UDH4017 6,762 1,461 3,953 47.4 -7.6 174.0 174.0
UDH4018 6,762 1,461 3,953 44.8 -18.4 212.7 212.7
UDH4021 6,763 1,461 3,953 37.5 -4.6 201.0 201.0
UDH4026 5,583 1,523 3,790 61.4 -83.8 380.9 380.9
UDH4027 5,583 1,524 3,790 74.3 -40.8 242.4 242.4
UDH4028 5,582 1,523 3,790 83.0 -71.3 325.0 325.0
UDH4029 5,583 1,523 3,790 81.1 -59.3 267.8 267.8
UDH4030 5,533 1,529 3,782 59.5 -84.3 449.7 449.7
UDH4031 5,532 1,529 3,782 111.5 -80.8 429.0 429.0
UDH4032 5,532 1,529 3,782 96.8 -72.1 344.9 344.9
UDH4034 5,533 1,529 3,782 77.2 -63.6 299.9 299.9
UDH4041 5,485 1,540 3,775 76.6 -88.0 470.6 470.6
UDH4045 5,483 1,540 3,776 120.1 -67.8 364.4 364.4
UDH4046 5,483 1,540 3,776 102.7 -74.2 365.5 365.5
UDH4048 5,483 1,541 3,775 112.8 -60.0 339.7 339.7
UDH4048A 5,483 1,541 3,775 112.8 -60.0 326.3 29.3
UDH4051 5,484 1,541 3,776 93.4 -56.5 296.8 296.8
UDH4065 6,417 1,572 3,945 26.8 -55.5 119.6 119.6
UDH4067 6,415 1,574 3,945 94.4 -49.0 107.3 107.3
UDH4049A 5,483 1,541 3,776 104.4 -59.6 308.4 65.6
Robbin's Hill Surface Diamond Drill Holes
RHD387A 11,841 2,930 5,154 77.0 -77.2 1,100.5 995.3
RHD403A 11,843 2,930 5,154 65.3 -81.9 1,034.7 606.0
RHD403B 11,843 2,930 5,154 65.3 -81.9 612.2 210.3
RHD404 11,992 2,903 5,159 77.6 -78.9 1,025.6 1,025.6
RHD404A 11,992 2,903 5,159 77.6 -78.9 1,499.8 1,383.2
RHD405A 11,741 2,911 5,155 75.8 -70.7 1,007.6 804.2
RHD409 11,992 2,903 5,159 79.0 -84.0 979.5 979.5
RHD409A 11,992 2,903 5,159 79.0 -84.0 1,034.4 548.8
RHD410 11,580 2,949 5,157 85.1 -87.7 1,472.5 1,472.5
RHD411 11,657 2,942 5,156 71.8 -78.1 1,110.1 1,110.1
RHD411B 11,657 2,942 5,156 71.8 -78.1 955.5 810.0
RHD412 11,992 2,903 5,159 67.2 -87.5 1,142.6 1,142.6
RHD413 11,580 2,949 5,157 83.5 -86.4 1,189.8 1,189.8
RHD413A 11,580 2,949 5,157 83.5 -86.4 1,130.7 936.0
RHD414 11,741 2,911 5,155 62.6 -80.1 1,266.0 1,266.0
RHD415 11,741 2,911 5,155 62.6 -77.6 1,158.0 1,158.0
RHD415A 11,741 2,911 5,155 62.6 -77.6 1,095.0 690.5
RHD416 11,580 2,950 5,157 61.5 -89.5 615.5 615.5
RHD416A 11,580 2,950 5,157 61.5 -89.5 1,328.4 720.0
RHD417 11,657 2,943 5,156 72.6 -75.2 1,110.0 1,110.0
RHD417A 11,657 2,942 5,156 72.6 -75.2 942.1 742.5
RHD417B 11,657 2,942 5,156 72.6 -75.2 861.0 423.0
RHD418 11,477 2,910 5,156 59.8 -89.3 1,202.8 1,202.8
RHD418A 11,477 2,910 5,156 59.8 -89.3 1,103.4 524.7
RHD418B 11,477 2,910 5,156 59.8 -89.3 1,142.8 663.0
RHD419 11,992 2,904 5,159 73.4 -81.6 1,022.6 1,022.6
RHD419A 11,992 2,904 5,159 73.4 -81.6 873.6 556.0
RHD419B 11,992 2,904 5,159 73.4 -81.6 1,034.2 176.2
RHD420 11,580 2,949 5,157 78.6 -85.1 1,262.2 1,262.2
RHD420A 11,580 2,949 5,157 78.6 -85.1 1,040.2 845.6
RHD420B 11,580 2,949 5,157 78.6 -85.1 611.9 437.5
RHD421 11,658 2,943 5,156 71.0 -84.0 1,226.8 1,226.8
RHD421A 11,658 2,943 5,156 71.0 -84.0 1,154.7 950.7
RHD421B 11,658 2,943 5,156 71.0 -84.0 1,085.9 801.3
RHD422 11,741 2,911 5,155 70.7 -78.4 439.1 439.1
RHD422A 11,741 2,911 5,155 70.7 -78.4 1,101.3 717.0
RHD423 11,432 3,241 5,152 132.7 -53.7 740.3 740.3
RHD423A 11,432 3,241 5,152 132.7 -53.7 511.8 26.5
RHD424 11,740 2,911 5,155 64.2 -81.9 1,177.2 1,177.2
RHD426 11,740 2,910 5,155 65.7 -84.5 1,109.2 1,109.2
RHD427 12,121 2,635 5,157 69.2 -77.0 1,085.7 1,085.7
RHD428 12,121 2,635 5,157 78.1 -77.9 1,151.5 1,151.5
RHD430A 11,404 2,891 5,157 310.9 -89.3 1,140.3 987.8
RHD430B 11,404 2,891 5,157 310.9 -89.3 1,187.8 741.0
RHD433 12,011 2,778 5,158 89.3 -82.5 711.2 711.2
RHD434 12,010 2,778 5,158 101.6 -78.5 650.8 650.8
RHD435 12,011 2,777 5,158 68.9 -76.8 649.2 649.2
RHD436A 12,011 2,778 5,158 77.0 -79.5 668.9 252.6
RHD438 11,740 2,911 5,154 64.7 -88.3 1,200.2 1,200.2
RHD439 12,121 2,635 5,157 99.1 -69.5 629.5 629.5
RHD439A 12,121 2,635 5,157 99.1 -69.5 711.3 492.8
RHD439B 12,121 2,635 5,157 99.1 -69.5 1,079.5 396.0
RHD439C 12,121 2,635 5,157 99.1 -69.5 1,163.4 953.9
RHD440 11,657 2,942 5,156 93.3 -86.9 507.8 507.8
RHD440A 11,657 2,942 5,156 93.3 -86.9 1,206.2 976.0
RHD441 11,580 2,949 5,157 222.7 -88.9 1,172.7 1,172.7
RHD441A 11,580 2,949 5,157 222.7 -88.9 1,298.7 972.0
RHD443 11,740 2,910 5,155 82.5 -68.3 399.1 399.1
Robbin's Hill Surface Diamond Drill Holes - Previously Reported for Curie Mineralization
RHD351 11,842 2,929 5,154 76.0 -65.0 1,000.0 1,000.0
RHD357 11,202 2,139 5,162 78.7 -62.1 1,556.6 1,556.6
RHD369 11,211 2,953 5,159 77.7 -65.9 1,017.0 1,017.0
RHD370 12,116 2,630 5,157 79.0 -65.0 1,101.0 1,101.0
RHD374 11,723 2,363 5,156 77.1 -65.0 1,367.4 1,367.4
RHD387B 11,841 2,930 5,154 86.5 -75.5 1,013.3 713.6
RHD395 10,143 2,602 5,155 77.4 -67.1 1,359.8 1,359.8
RHD397 11,841 2,929 5,154 79.0 -69.1 1,004.6 1,004.6
RHD398 11,991 2,904 5,160 76.5 -71.2 1,037.6 1,037.6

Figure 1. Longitudinal Projection – Fosterville Gold Mine is available at

Figure 2. Longitudinal Projection – Swan/Lower Phoenix South Mineralization is available at

Figure 3. Plan View – Cygnet Fault System is available at

Figure 4. Longitudinal Projection – Cygnet HW Splay, Pen & Ptarmigan Faults Mineralization is available at

Figure 5. Longitudinal Projection – Cygnet Fault Mineralization is available at

Figure 6. Longitudinal Projection – Curie Mineralization is available at

Figure 7. Location Map is available at

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Horizon and Poseidon Merging to Fast-Track the Creation of a New WA Mid-Cap Gold Producer

Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX: HRZ) (Horizon) and Poseidon Nickel Limited (ASX: POS) (Poseidon) have entered into a scheme implementation deed (Scheme Implementation Deed) pursuant to which they have agreed to a merger to be conducted by way of Schemes of Arrangement under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act), whereby Horizon will acquire 100% of the fully paid ordinary shares in Poseidon (Poseidon Shares) and 100% of the unlisted Poseidon options under the code POSAAB, subject to the satisfaction of various conditions.

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Horizon Minerals Limited  and Poseidon Merging to Create Mid Cap Producer

Horizon Minerals Limited and Poseidon Merging to Create Mid Cap Producer

Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) and Poseidon Nickel Limited (ASX:POS) have entered into a scheme implementation deed pursuant to which they have agreed to a merger to be conducted by way of Schemes of Arrangement under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act), whereby Horizon will acquire 100% of the fully paid ordinary shares in Poseidon (Poseidon Shares) and 100% of the unlisted Poseidon options under the code POSAAB, subject to the satisfaction of various conditions.

In addition, Horizon has received firm commitments for a placement to raise $14 million to support the expanded business.


Logical consolidation of complementary assets in the Western Australian Goldfields

- The proposed transaction will consolidate Horizon's large gold resource and Poseidon's Black Swan processing infrastructure in the Kalgoorlie-Coolgardie districts.

- The combination provides a pathway for sustainable, long-term gold production and cashflow as an independent mid-cap producer.

Substantial resource base and regional tenure

- Combined JORC Mineral Resources of ~1.8Moz gold at an average grade of 1.84g/t Au and 422,700t nickel at an average grade of 1% Ni.

- Combined tenure of 1,309km2 in an attractive geological position in the WA Goldfields.

- A strong pipeline of production sources, Mineral Resource growth opportunities, advanced brownfield exploration targets and greenfield exploration opportunities.

Aligned strategy of using Poseidon's Black Swan infrastructure to fast-track gold production

- Refurbishment of the front end of the Black Swan processing plant and conversion of the back end to facilitate gold production presents a significantly faster, lower capital pathway to gold production compared to building a new gold processing plant in the region.

- Horizon's 465koz Burbanks and 428koz Boorara gold deposits form the cornerstone assets in a project pipeline aiming to deliver a 5-year mine plan to fill the Black Swan processing plant.

To view the Merger Presentation, please visit:

- Conversion of the Black Swan processing plant to a gold plant with throughput optionality will unlock latent value in Horizon's portfolio and open up the region for toll milling and further consolidation.

Shared focus and ambition to become the next mid-tier gold producer

- Horizon aims to become a sustainable, 100kozpa standalone producer following the merger and conversion & recommissioning of the Black Swan processing plant.

Strategically positioned and permitted infrastructure

- In addition to the combined entity's Kalgoorlie-Coolgardie gold assets, Lake Johnston and Windarra present highly strategic assets that have the ability to deliver further shareholder value.

- Situated in the southern Goldfields, the permitted Lake Johnston 1.5Mtpa processing plant and associated infrastructure presents an opportunity to develop a lithium processing hub in this emerging lithium province.

- Located in Laverton, Windarra's water resource and gold tailings present highly strategic assets

Potential for re-rating based on enhanced scale and market relevance

- Enhanced trading liquidity and scale to drive increased market relevance, grow investor appeal and improved access to capital.

- Lower combined corporate overheads to enable greater focus on asset investment.


Pursuant to the terms of the Scheme Implementation Deed:

- each Poseidon shareholder will receive 0.1156 Horizon shares for every 1 Poseidon Share held (the Share Scheme);

- each holder of Poseidon options (other than a POS Incentive Option - see below) (Poseidon Options) will receive 0.1156 new Horizon options for every 1 Poseidon Option held (the Option Scheme and, together with the Share Scheme, the Schemes); and

- Poseidon, Horizon and each holder of POS Incentive Options will enter into a deed under which all of the relevant POS Incentive Options will be cancelled (or transferred to Horizon or its nominee) for cash consideration, with effect from the Implementation Date and conditional on the Scheme becoming effective (POS Incentive Option Deed). The POS Incentive Options are not subject to the Option Scheme.

The exchange ratio under the Share Scheme was based on a 40% premium to the 30-day volume weighted average price (VWAP) of $0.0042 per Poseidon share for the period up to 22 October 2024 that is $0.006. Based on the last trading price of Poseidon shares as at 22 October 2024, which was $0.006 and represents a 0% premium to the last traded price.

Following implementation of the Schemes, Horizon shareholders will own 69.8% of the Combined Group (defined below) while Poseidon shareholders will own the remaining 30.2%.

The Schemes are unanimously recommended by the POS Independent Board. Each member of the POS Independent Board intends to vote all Poseidon Shares they control in favour of the Share Scheme and all Poseidon Options they control in favour of the Option Scheme, subject to no Superior Proposal emerging and the Independent Expert concluding (and continuing to conclude) that the Schemes are in the best interests of Poseidon shareholders and holders of Poseidon Options, respectively.

Under the proposed transaction the combined group will have a global JORC Mineral Resource of ~1.8Moz of gold and ~422.7kt of nickel, as well as 1,309km2 of attractive exploration tenure and two strategically located processing facilities in Black Swan and Lake Johnston.

The Black Swan processing plant has a 2.2Mtpa nickel sulphide concentrator and associated infrastructure and is ideally located as a central processing hub for Horizon's gold projects as well as for regional toll treatment opportunities. The Black Swan concentrator will also unlock value for Horizon's high-grade Nimbus silver, zinc and gold project which contains 20.2Moz of silver, 78koz gold and 104kt of zinc.

The proposed transaction brings together complementary assets. A Feasibility Study on the refurbishment and conversion of the Black Swan processing plant to gold production from Horizon's large baseload and satellite gold deposits will be undertaken. The Feasibility Study is expected to be completed in the second half of 2025 with first gold production from Black Swan currently targeted for mid-2026.

The conversion of the Black Swan processing plant for gold processing would utilise the existing crushing and grinding circuit and likely involve the addition of a carbon in leach (CIL) circuit, elution plant and gold room. The Black Swan plant is currently on care and maintenance and will require some refurbishment. Horizon's Feasibility Study will provide an up-to-date estimate of the cost of completing this work.

The combined group of Horizon and Poseidon (the Combined Group) will be pursuing its growth strategy from a position of greater market scale, underpinned by an estimated pro-forma cash and listed investments balance of ~$19 million (inclusive of the Placement) and lower consolidated cost base. Following implementation of the Schemes, Poseidon will be delisted from the ASX and become a subsidiary of Horizon, and the Combined Group will continue to trade as Horizon Minerals Ltd under the ticker (ASX:HRZ).

Completion of the Schemes is targeted for late January / early February 2025. The Schemes remain subject to various customary closing conditions, including the approval of Poseidon shareholders, holders of Poseidon Options, and the Court, which are summarised below.

Commenting on the proposed merger, Horizon Managing Director Mr Grant Haywood said:

"We believe this proposed merger represents a unique opportunity to unlock the value of our significant gold resource in the WA Goldfields and leverage strategically located processing infrastructure.

This really is a logical consolidation of complementary assets, delivering a near term and cost-effective processing pathway and creates greater potential for both sets of shareholders to create value from the cashflow generation potential of a long project pipeline and wholly owned processing infrastructure.

Outside gold, the merged nickel and silver assets enhances the respective asset values of both parties and retains full exposure for the combined shareholder group to crystalise value in any future sustained price upturn for these commodities."

Poseidon Nickel CEO Mr Brendan Shalders commented:

"The Schemes announced today are a pivotal step towards establishing a significant gold business and provides Poseidon shareholders and holders of Poseidon Options with an exciting opportunity to become part of an emerging gold producer at a time when the gold price is at all-time highs.

"There is strong alignment between Poseidon's strategy and that of Horizon, which is one of the core pillars underpinning this regional consolidation. Together we have greater capability to deliver on longer term cashflow generation from cornerstone operations fitting for an emerging mid-tier gold producer."

To view the Merger Presentation, please visit:

About Horizon Minerals Limited:  

Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) is a gold exploration and mining company focussed on the Kalgoorlie and Menzies areas of Western Australia which are host to some of Australia's richest gold deposits. The Company is developing a mining pipeline of projects to generate cash and self-fund aggressive exploration, mine developments and further acquisitions. The Teal gold mine has been recently completed.

Horizon is aiming to significantly grow its JORC-Compliant Mineral Resources, complete definitive feasibility studies on core high grade open cut and underground projects and build a sustainable development pipeline.

Horizon has a number of joint ventures in place across multiple commodities and regions of Australia providing exposure to Vanadium, Copper, PGE's, Gold and Nickel/Cobalt. Our quality joint venture partners are earning in to our project areas by spending over $20 million over 5 years enabling focus on the gold business while maintaining upside leverage.

News Provided by ABN Newswire via QuoteMedia

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