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High Grade Copper Assays Continue at El Pilar Oxide Deposit, Cuba
Antilles Gold Limited (“Antilles Gold” or the “Company”) (ASX: AAU, OTCQB: ANTMF) is pleased to advise positive results from the 21 diamond drill holes into the El Pilar oxide deposit in central Cuba, which completed the 10,600m 2023 campaign.
Copper Domain – El Pilar
Gold Domain – El Pilar
Sampling Techniques and Data are set out in the JORC Code 2012 Edition Template attached.
- The results continue excellent grades for both gold and copper in the oxide deposit that have previously been advised to ASX (4, 17, 27 July 2023, 8 August 2023, 21 September 2023, 23 October 2023, and 2 November 2023).
- These results plus those from 1,800m undertaken in 2022 and selected results from 24,000m of historic drilling reinforce the prospect of near term development of the low CAPEX Nueva Sabana mine at El Pilar.
- The outstanding grades in the gold domain extend from surface to a depth of 40m to 50m, and robust grades in the underlying copper domain continue for a further 50m to 70m.
- The gold zone within the oxide deposit is well defined, and the copper domain has increased in volume both laterally and vertically with continuing exploration, and projects into the underlying sulphide zone.
- A Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”) for the proposed Nueva Sabana mine is expected to be established within 3 or 4 weeks, and will be followed by a Scoping Study for the project around April 2024.
- The El Pilar oxide deposit is metallurgically simple, and the Nueva Sabana mine is being planned as a copper project which would benefit from the high grade gold cap during initial operations.
- Preliminary metallurgical test work by Blue Coast Research Laboratories in Canada has indicated a gold recovery of 85% from a simple rougher flotation circuit with a concentrate of 53.1 g/t Au produced from an ore sample grading 2.11 g/t Au.
- Test work is continuing on copper recoveries and concentrate grades, and early indications are that the copper concentrate will contain around 25% Cu.
- Planning and permitting for the proposed mine is well advanced.
- The recently revised construction cost estimate of ~US$22 million for the proposed mine, was based on a mining rate of 650,000tpa of ore.
- Negotiations have commenced to arrange an advance on purchases of the gold concentrate for a similar amount by an international commodities trader, in order to fund the construction.
- The low capital cost reflects the availability of HT power, rail and highway links to a container port, water supply, and skilled labour being close to the unoccupied flat mine site, together with low pre-stripping costs, and the ability to dry-hire all necessary mining equipment rather than purchasing a new fleet.
- Antilles Gold’s 50:50 joint venture with the Cuban Government’s mining company, GeoMinera, intends to develop the Nueva Sabana mine as soon as possible, and commencement of the 10 month mine construction is planned for July 2024.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Antilles Gold, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
Antilles Gold Limited Investor Kit
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Antilles Gold Limited
Investor Insight
Antilles Gold’s gold and copper projects in Cuba are underpinned by a strong partnership with a Cuban Government-owned mining company that effectively fast-tracks and de-risks its promising projects, offering a strategic value proposition for investors.
Antilles Gold (ASX:AAU,OTCQB:ANTMF) is an Australian mining company focused on gold and copper projects in Cuba through a joint venture with the Cuban Government’s mining company, GeoMinera. This partnership has resulted in rapid project permitting and access to several new development opportunities for the Australian company.
Antilles Gold offers strong growth potential through two near‐term development projects, Nueva Sabana and La Demajagua, and two exploration projects, the El Pilar porphyry system and Sierra Maestra copper concessions.
Joint venture projects in Cuba
Nueva Sabana is a near‐term, gold‐copper mine development within the joint venture with GeoMinera, and is expected to initially produce around 70 grams per tonne (g/t) gold in a concentrate from a high‐grade gold cap followed by ~27 percent copper concentrate with gold credits. The project development strategy includes the completion of a feasibility study in September 2024, and the commencement of construction soon after.
The second proposed development is the La Demajagua open-pit mine, which is likely to produce ~50,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of gold arsenopyrite concentrate (32 g/t gold, 27 percent arsenic), and ~10,000 tpa of gold antimony concentrate (28.8 g/t gold, 48 percent antimony, 1,200 g/t silver) for nine years. According to the plans, construction will commence in late 2025, with commissioning in mid‐2027. La Demajagua will also include the construction of a concentrate processing facility to treat La Demajagua’s gold arsenopyrite concentrate, with the capacity to produce 50,000 oz gold per year in dore, which will further increase JV profit and cashflow.
The joint venture’s two exploration projects comprise the 720‐hectare El Pilar Concession in Central Cuba covering a cluster of three copper‐gold porphyry deposits (El Pilar, Gaspar and San Nicholas), the adjacent 17,000 hectare San Nicholas concession with porphyry style mineralisation, and two concessions totaling 52,600 hectares within the producing Sierra Maestra copper belt in southeast Cuba (La Cristina and Vega Grande), with both indicating of porphyry deposits highly prospective for copper, gold and molybdenum.
Surface mineralisation at El Pilar
Antilles Gold has completed a technical evaluation of the El Pilar porphyry system which was advised to ASX on 15 February 2024.
The joint venture intends to invest part of the surplus cash flow from the Nueva Sabana mine to fund the exploration of major copper targets, including the El Pilar copper‐gold porphyry system, and those in the Sierra Maestra copper belt.
Company Highlights
- Antilles Gold Limited is an Australian mining company listed on the ASX (AAU) and OTCQB (ANTMF).
- The company is focused on gold and copper projects in Cuba through a 50:50 joint venture with the Cuban Government’s mining company, GeoMinera, opening new development opportunities for Antilles and de-risking permitting processes.
- The joint venture is engaged in four development projects: 1) Nueva Sabana gold‐copper mine; 2) La Demajagua gold mine; 3) El Pilar porphyry copper project; and 4) Exploration of two concessions within the Sierra Maestra copper belt. Of these, Nueva Sabana and La Demajagua offer near‐term development opportunities.
- Nueva Sabana is a near‐term gold‐copper mine development that is expected to generate strong cash flow from concentrate sales from end‐2025.
- La Demajagua is an open-pit mine gold project commencing construction in Q4 2025 with commissioning in mid‐2027.
- El Pilar and Sierra Maestra concessions are exploration projects.
- Investment in Cuba offers several benefits, including richness in minerals, low operating costs and royalties, stable government and regulations, several investment incentives and the availability of a skilled workforce.
Key Projects
Nueva Sabana Project
Prominer Mining Technology will supply Nueva Sabana concentrator
Nueva Sabana is the company’s near‐term, gold‐copper mine development project. The project is held in the 50:50 joint venture with GeoMinera. It will be an open-pit mine developed on the oxide zone overlaying the El Pilar porphyry copper deposit in central Cuba.
Results from 24,000 metres of historical drilling, 1,800 metres drilled in 2022, and the 10,000 metres drilled in 2023 have established a mineral resource estimate (MRE). Results of a scoping study were advised to ASX on 7 May 2024, and a feasibility study is in progress for the proposed development which will be followed by a 12‐month construction phase.
Drilling has shown outstanding grades for gold and copper, and increasing lateral and vertical boundaries of the copper domain.
The proposed mining rate for the project will be 500,000 tpa of ore with a low waste‐to‐ore ratio. The anticipated initial production of 70 g/t gold concentrate will be followed by a ~27 percent copper concentrate with gold credits.
The estimated project cost is approximately US$33 million, of which approximately US$6 million is shareholders equity with the balance of $27 million expected to be funded through an advance on purchases of the concentrates by an international commodities trader.
Chinese engineering group, Prominer Mining Technology, which has extensive experience in designing and constructing gold and copper concentrators, is expected to supply the crushing and flotation circuits for the Nueva Sabana mine.
La Demajagua Project
La Demajagua involves the development of a gold‐antimony‐silver deposit as an open-pit mine by the joint venture company, Minera La Victoria.The project is located within a 900 hectare mining concession on the Isle of Youth, 60 nautical miles from mainland Cuba. The project site is 35 kilometres from the port city of Nueva Gerona and enjoys excellent infrastructure in terms of accessibility by highway, and availability of water, electricity and fiber optic cable.The project has an MRE of 905,000 oz gold equivalent for the open-pit operation. The MRE was calculated from 29,000 metres of drilling undertaken by the JV, and selective results from about 50,000 metres of historic drilling and revised after the receipt of additional antimony assays. The project expects mining of about 815,000 tpa of ore to produce two concentrates: 50,000 tpa of gold‐arsenopyrite and 10,000 tpa of gold‐antimony‐silver for nine years.
The project will also include a concentrate processing facility to produce gold doré from the gold-arsenopyrite concentrate. The facility will comprise a 50,000‐tpa two‐stage fluidized‐bed roaster, a carbon-in-leach (CIL) circuit, and an antimony recovery circuit. The overall production target is 75,000 oz gold equivalent per year. Chinese engineering firm BGRIMM Technology Group, which has extensive experience in designing and constructing roasters, is expected to supply the process plant on a turnkey basis.
The total development cost is estimated at US$165 million, expected to be funded by US$75 million of equity, which includes contributions by a third shareholder in the project, and the balance of US$90 million in debt. The life‐of‐mine cash surplus is estimated at ~US$600 million, with an NPV of ~US$330 million based on US$1,800/oz gold, and US$13,000/t antimony.
A revised scoping study including the concentrate processing facility is expected in December 2024, and construction is anticipated to commence in late 2025, with commissioning targeted for mid‐2027.
El Pilar Copper‐Gold Porphyry System Project
El Pilar is an exploration project of a cluster of three copper‐gold porphyry deposits: El Pilar, Gaspar and Camilo. The project comprises a 752 hectare exploration license and an adjacent 17,000 hectare reconnaissance permit covering the San Nicholas copper targets.
The project site benefits from established infrastructure with close access to a major highway, high‐tension power, and a 60 kilometre rail link to Palo Alto port.
Previous mapping, soil sampling, ground magnetics, an aeromagnetic survey and 24,000 metres of shallow drilling confirmed the existence of copper‐gold mineralization and identified the exposures as a potentially large, leached porphyry system. The surface exposures at El Pilar are leached phyllic caps to a cluster of copper‐gold porphyry cores. The extent of surficial hydrothermal alteration indicates the porphyry intrusions have large dimensions, and potential depths greater than 1,000 metres.
Ground magnetics and induced polarization surveys in early 2023 have confirmed a cluster of three potentially large porphyry intrusives – El Pilar, Gaspar and Camilo. A 10‐hole initial program has demonstrated positive results with good copper intercepts in porphyry‐style veining and has indicated the proximity of drilling to the core of El Pilar porphyry intrusive. In particular, drill hole PDH‐004A assayed 1.23 percent copper over its length of 134 metres from 49 metres.
Sierra Maestra Copper Belt Project
The project is an exploration project covering two highly prospective concessions for copper, gold and molybdenum in the Sierra Maestra copper belt in southeast Cuba. It includes a 3,600-hectare geological investigation license in La Cristina, and the adjoining 49,000‐hectare Vega Grande reconnaissance license.
The copper belt spans more than 200 kilometres of Cretaceous‐age geology intruded by Eocene stocks, which are the source of widespread gold and base‐metals mineralization. The project is near the El Cobre mine which is the oldest operating copper mine in the Americas. The concessions incorporate a series of copper‐gold‐molybdenum zones that display significant footprints of hydrothermal alteration normally associated with potentially large porphyry systems.
An extensive, two‐year prospecting program will be carried out on the two concessions, commencing in Q4 2024, to identify drill targets.
Management Team
Brian Johnson – Executive Chairman
Brian Johnson is a graduate of civil engineering from the University of Western Australia and a member of the Institute of Engineers, Australia. He has rich experience in the construction and mining industries in Australia, Southeast Asia and North America. He was instrumental in establishing successful companies in the iron ore and coal sectors. Previously, he has served as a director of two listed gold producers, and of companies with stock exchange listings in London, New York, Vancouver and Australia.
James Tyers – Chief Executive Officer
James Tyers is a member of the AusIMM and has more than 30 years of experience in the mining industry, holding senior management roles in gold and iron ore operations. He has been associated with the Palm Springs Gold Mine in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, and the Cornishman Project, a JV between Troy Resources and Sons of Gwalia. He has experience developing and operating iron ore projects in the mid‐west of Western Australia. He was responsible for developing the Las Lagunas Project and is the project director for the La Demajagua gold mine in Cuba.
Ugo Carlo – Non‐executive Director
Ugo Carlo has more than 30 years of experience in the Australian mining industry. Throughout his career, he has served in several senior leadership roles at Rocklands Richfield, Austral Coal and Conzinc Rio Tinto Australia Group. He is also a former director of the Port Kembla Coal Terminal, the New South Wales Joint Coal Board, and interim chairman of the New South Wales Minerals Council.
Angela Pankhurst – Non‐executive Director
Angela Pankhurst has more than 20 years of experience as an executive and non‐executive director, primarily in the mining industry. She has been a senior executive for companies with projects in Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Vietnam, South Africa and Australia. She has held senior leadership positions at Antilles Gold and Central Asia Resources. She is currently a director of Consolidated Zinc and a director of Imritec.
Tracey Aitkin – Chief Financial Officer
Tracey Aitkin is a professional member of CPA Australia and has more than 30 years of rich experience in finance, administration and staff management across a range of industries, including mining, manufacturing, retail, transport and agriculture. She joined the company in 2009 and was named CFO in 2010.
Dr. Jinxing Ji – Technical Director
Dr. Jinxing Ji is a seasoned metallurgist with six years of research experience in universities and 26 years of practical experience in the mining industry related to gold, silver, copper, zinc and lead. His broad experience includes due diligence, metallurgical test work, pre‐feasibility study, feasibility study, detailed design, plant commissioning support, and operational support for projects in Turkey, Greece, Canada, China, Romania, Brazil and Papua New Guinea.
Steve Mertens – Mining Director
Steve Mertens is a mining engineer with more than 20 years of industry experience across a range of commodities, including nine years based in Latin America. He has been associated with the Goro Nickel Project in New Caledonia and the Mina de Cobre Project in Panama. Prior to his current role as general manager for the Minera La Victoria JV company, he was the mining manager for Antilles Gold’s Las Lagunas operation in the Dominican Republic.
Chris Grainger – Exploration Director
Chris Grainger holds a PhD in economic geology from the University of Western Australia. He is an Australian geologist with more than 25 years of international experience with involvement in grassroots and brownfield exploration, as well as resource definition and development, with a focus on precious and base metals in South and Central America and the Caribbean. He has been associated with Continental Gold’s Buritica gold‐silver project, and Cordoba Minerals’ Alacran copper‐gold project.
Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report
Summary of Pre-Feasibility Study for Nueva Sabana Mine
Revision to Updated Scoping Study Nueva Sabana Mine, Cuba
Results of Updated Scoping Study for Nueva Sabana Mine, Cuba
Antilles Gold Limited (“Antilles Gold” or the “Company”) (ASX: AAU, OTCQB: ANTMF) is pleased to advise the results of the Updated Scoping Study for the first stage of the proposed Nueva Sabana gold-copper mine in Cuba. The Study has been prepared by the 50% owned Cuban joint venture company, Minera La Victoria SA (“MLV”), which is undertaking the project.
- The Updated Scoping Study is based on a pit limited to 100m depth which, at a mining rate of 500,000tpa of ore, will result in an initial mine life of 4.8 years.
- With additional exploration, and a greater mining depth, the project life and NPV could be increased.
- Metallurgical testwork set out in ATTACHMENT C indicates the mine will initially produce a gold concentrate grading ~57.5g/t Au for around 18 months, followed by a blended copper-gold concentrate with an average grade of ~28.3% Cu, and ~29.8g/t Au.
- Payables for these concentrates have been received from a major international commodity trader that the joint venture is negotiating with to establish an offtake agreement.
- The off-take agreement is expected to include a provision for advanced payments for concentrates to assist in the funding of construction costs.
- The 752ha concession covering the Nueva Sabana oxide deposit also hosts the El Pilar, Gaspar, and Camilo porphyry copper intrusives, and numerous shallow gold targets identified by artisanal mining.
- The Nueva Sabana deposit has a small gold cap, an underlying copper-gold zone, and a deeper sulphide copper zone with mineralisation open at depth at 150m which could potentially transition into the El Pilar porphyry copper deposit offset to the south.
- Estimated Operating Profit of ~US$60M from the first 22 months of concentrate production will comfortably permit repayment of the ~US$28.5M project debt before the end of this period.
- MLV intends to drill the copper mineralisation that continues below the stage one mining depth of 100m with the aim of deepening the Nueva Sabana mine and extending its life.
- The Revised MRE for Nueva Sabana which is incorporated as ATTACHMENT A in the Study, established approximately 25M lb of 0.75% copper in Inferred Resources within the 50m below the initial mine depth, which is a positive indication of the potential to extend its life.
- MLV also intends to drill identified oxide gold-copper targets overlying the nearby Gaspar and Camilo porphyry copper deposits to potentially increase resources.
- Subject to the results of additional drilling, consideration will be given to doubling the mining rate in the copper domain to 1.0Mtpa of ore to increase annual profitability and cash flow.
- It is possible that the Nueva Sabana mine could be significantly expanded and extended in the future to mine the three porphyry copper deposits located within the mining concession.
Antilles Gold Chairman, Mr Brian Johnson, commented: “The first stage of Nueva Sabana, while relatively small, has an excellent IRR and will deliver significant free cash within a short timeframe.
MLV’s priority at this time is to finalise current negotiations on a concentrate off-take agreement for the project, and to arrange financing for the mine construction.
Antilles Gold’s share of the estimated NPV8 for the first stage of Nueva Sabana is ~A$70M at current metal prices of US$2,600 per oz Au, and US$9,300/t Cu, and an exchange rate of A$1.00 = US$0.66, which is significantly higher than the Company’s current market capitalisation of A$7.5M.
The opportunity to unlock further value for Antilles Gold will occur with the proposed development of the joint venture’s flagship project, the La Demajagua gold-silver-antimony mine, where the Company’s share of NPV8 reported to ASX on 30 March 2023 was ~A$150M, prior to the joint venture’s decision to expand the project to produce gold doré from the mine’s gold arsenopyrite concentrate, and to increase antimony production.
Before the end of 2024, Antilles Gold will contribute the final US$0.4M of the US$15.0M earn-in for its 50% shareholding in the joint venture company, Minera La Victoria (“MLV”), after which the Company’s cash burn will be substantially reduced.”
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Antilles Gold (ASX:AAU), licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
Top 5 Canadian Mining Stocks This Week: Orosur Jumps 92 Percent on Assays
Welcome to the Investing News Network's weekly look at the best-performing Canadian mining stocks on the TSX, TSXV and CSE, starting with a round-up of Canadian and US news impacting the resource sector.
On Monday (February 3), the United States reached agreements with Canada and Mexico that narrowly averted the start of a trade war as tariffs set to begin Tuesday (February 4) were paused for 30 days.
Both Canada and Mexico offered plans to increase security at their respective borders with the United States, some of which were already planned and underway. This aligned with US President Donald Trump's stated goal with the tariffs of increased border monitoring as he claimed there were increasing numbers of illegal migrants and high volumes of fentanyl entering into the United States.
Both Canada and the US released upbeat job reports on Friday (February 7) indicating strong employment gains in both countries.
Statistics Canada reported that 76,000 jobs were added to the Canadian economy in January, the majority of which were in the private sector. Manufacturing contributed 33,000 new workers, and professional, scientific and technical services added 22,000.
This marks the third consecutive month of net gains following the addition of 91,000 jobs in December and 44,000 in November. The agency indicated that over the past three months, 147,000 full-time jobs were added, while part-time labor increased by 64,000.
The additional workers entering the labor force pushed the unemployment rate down by 0.1 percent from the previous month to 6.6 percent.
Meanwhile, south of the border, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics released its employment situation summary, which indicated that 143,000 new jobs were added in January. Large gains were seen in healthcare with 44,000 new jobs during the month. Retail trade increased by 34,000 and social assistance jobs saw gains of 22,000 new workers.
Overall, the employment rate edged down to 4 percent from the 4.1 percent recorded in December, marking the lowest level since May 2024.
Markets and commodities react
While markets saw small losses on Friday, they were broadly positive over the past five days, with the S&P 500 (INDEXSP:INX) gaining 0.94 percent to end Friday at 6,025.98 while the Nasdaq 100 (INDEXNASDAQ:NDX) gained 1.93 percent to 21,491.31. Meanwhile, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDEXDJX:.DJI) was flat, gaining just 0.08 percent to 44,303.41.
In Canada, the S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index (INDEXTSI:JX) saw a 4.95 percent gain on the week to close at 639.28 on Friday (February 7). Meanwhile, the S&P/TSX Composite Index (INDEXTSI:OSPTX) posted a 1.21 percent increase to hit 25,442.91 and the CSE Composite Index (CSE:CSECOMP) jumped 3.47 percent to reach 135.64.
Gold saw further gains this week as it continued to set new all time highs. Overall, the gold price increased 2.26 percent during the week to close at US$2,861.49 per ounce on Friday at 5 p.m. EST. Silver performed strongly as well, closing the week up 1.61 percent at US$31.80.
In base metals, the copper price surged 7.67 percent for the week to close at US$4.63 per pound on the COMEX, and the S&P GSCI (INDEXSP:SPGSCI) was largely flat, posting a 0.24 percent gain to close at 563.24.
Top Canadian mining stocks this week
So how did mining stocks perform against this backdrop? We break down this week’s five best-performing Canadian mining stocks below.
Data for this article was retrieved at 4:00 p.m. EST on February 7, 2024, using TradingView's stock screener. Only companies trading on the TSX, TSXV and CSE with market capitalizations greater than C$10 million are included. Companies within the non-energy minerals and energy minerals sectors were considered.
1. Orosur Mining (TSXV:OMI)
Weekly gain: 91.67 percent
Market cap: C$45.19 million
Share price: C$0.23
Orosur Mining is an exploration company focused on the development of early to advanced-stage assets in South America.
Exploration has revealed multiple gold deposits at its flagship Anzá gold project in Colombia, which is located 50 kilometers west of Medellin and sits along Colombia’s primary gold belt.
Orosur also owns several early-stage projects, the El Pantano gold-silver project in Argentina, the Lithium West project in Nigeria and the Ariquemes project in Brazil, which is prospective for tin, niobium and rare earths.
The Anzá gold project was previously a 49/51 joint venture with Minera Monte Aguila (MMA), a corporation owned equally by Newmont (TSX:NGT,NYSE:NEM) and Agnico Eagle Mines (TSX:AEM,NYSE:AEM).
Orosur shares have seen significant gains since the end of November 2024 when the company announced that it had completed its acquisition of MMA, giving Orosur 100 percent indirect ownership of the Anzá gold project.
Following the transaction's completion, exploration resumed at the project’s Pepas prospect in mid-November to test high-grade results from a 2022 drill program. The company announced its most recent drill results on Tuesday, saying it had encountered high-grade gold over long intervals beginning at surface. One highlighted intercept assayed up to 7.24 grams per metric ton (g/t) gold over 76.3 meters.
2. Almonty Industries (TSX:AII)
Weekly gain: 64.1 percent
Market cap: C$480.52 million
Share price: C$1.92
Almonty Industries is a tungsten and molybdenum mining and development company focused with operations in Spain, Portugal and South Korea.
It is currently working on developing the Sangdong tungsten-molybdenum mine in South Korea, which hosts the largest tungsten deposit in the world. The mine is expected to begin production at the end of 2026 and has an anticipated mine life of 60 years. When fully ramped up the mine is projected to have an annual throughput of 640,000 metric tons, and will deliver 5,600 metric tons of molybdenum.
On January 29, Almonty announced it had entered into an offtake agreement with SeAH Group (KRX:058650) subsidiary SeAH M&S, a Korean metals company supplying the steel industry. SeAH M&S will purchase the entire production of molybdenum for the life of the Sangdong mine with a hard floor price of US$19 per pound.
Almonty also operates the Los Santos mine in Spain and the Panasqueira mine in Portugal, both producing high-grade tungsten concentrate.
In addition to the offtake agreement Almonty also announced on January 19 its intention to relocate its jurisdiction of incorporation from Canada to the US state of Delaware. It said it would maintain its listings on both the TSX and ASX.
Shares in Almonty began trading higherthis week after China announced on Tuesday it would be restricting metals exports, including tungsten and molybdenum, in response to US trade tariffs.
3. Blue Lagoon Resources (CSE:BLLG)
Weekly gain: 89.29 percent
Market cap: C$20.58 million
Share price: C$0.265
Blue Lagoon Resources is an exploration and development company focused on advancing its gold and silver projects in British Columbia, Canada.
Its flagship Dome Mountain gold project, located near Smithers, BC, is a past-producing asset composed of 26 claims covering 21,000 hectares and hosts 15 known high-grade gold veins.
A February 2022 updated mineral resource estimate (MRE) from the site demonstrated measured resources of 45,000 ounces of gold and 250,000 ounces of silver from 136,000 metric tons with average grades of 10.32 g/t gold and 57.31 g/t silver. Additionally, the MRE reported indicated resources of 173,000 ounces of gold and 876,000 ounces of silver from 662,000 metric tons of ore grading 8.15 g/t gold and 41.19 g/t silver.
Blue Lagoon's shares saw significant gains this week after the company announced on Thursday (February 6) that it had received the final mine permits and is preparing to begin mining operations as soon as July 2025.
“We are delivering to our shareholders one of only a handful of mining permits granted in British Columbia over the last decade,” Chief Geologist Bill Cronk said.
Once in operation, annual production will be limited to 55,000 metric tons of ore, from which the company expects to recover 15,000 ounces of gold.
4. Electric Metals USA (TSXV:EML)
Weekly gain: 58.33 percent
Market cap: C$13.75 million
Share price: C$0.095
Electric Metals is a mineral development company focused on advancing its flagship Emily manganese project in Minnesota, US.
According to the company, the asset is North America’s highest-grade manganese resource. A May 2024 MRE shows Emily hosts an indicated resource of 6.23 million metric tons with grades of 19.27 percent manganese and 22.41 percent iron with an additional inferred resource of 4.91 million metric tons with grades of 17.5 percent manganese and 20.44 percent iron with a cut off of 10 percent manganese.
Shares in Electric Metals have seen recent gains after a January 28 news release when the company announced it was starting work on a preliminary economic assessment for the Emily manganese project. It expects the report to be completed during the second quarter of 2025.
5. Goldgroup Mining (TSX:GGA)
Weekly gain: 51.22 percent
Market cap: C$34.79 million
Share price: C$0.31
Goldgroup Mining is a gold production, development and exploration company working to advance its Cerro Prieto heap-leach gold mine.
The 4,335-hectare property, located in Sonora, Mexico, produces an annual average of 11,500 ounces of gold and has produced more than 120,000 ounces since its beginning in March 2013.
Goldgroup is currently working to double the capacity of the mine to more than 25,000 ounces per year. The last update on the progress came in October 2024, when it announced that it had installed the primary crusher with a 2,200 metric ton per day throughput. It also said it had expanded pumping and irrigation capacity.
Goldgroup's most recent news came on February 6, when it announced that all shareholders holding share purchase warrants from financing rounds completed in September and November 2024 had informed the company they would exercise all outstanding warrants. The company had previously informed shareholders it was accelerating the warrants, changing the expiry date to February 9. Goldgroup will receive gross proceeds of C$1.87 million.
FAQs for Canadian mining stocks
What is the difference between the TSX and TSXV?
The TSX, or Toronto Stock Exchange, is used by senior companies with larger market caps, and the TSXV, or TSX Venture Exchange, is used by smaller-cap companies. Companies listed on the TSXV can graduate to the senior exchange.
How many companies are listed on the TSXV?
As of June 2024, there were 1,630 companies listed on the TSXV, 925 of which were mining companies. Comparatively, the TSX was home to 1,806 companies, with 188 of those being mining companies.
Together the TSX and TSXV host around 40 percent of the world’s public mining companies.
How much does it cost to list on the TSXV?
There are a variety of different fees that companies must pay to list on the TSXV, and according to the exchange, they can vary based on the transaction’s nature and complexity. The listing fee alone will most likely cost between C$10,000 to C$70,000. Accounting and auditing fees could rack up between C$25,000 and C$100,000, while legal fees are expected to be over C$75,000 and an underwriters’ commission may hit up to 12 percent.
The exchange lists a handful of other fees and expenses companies can expect, including but not limited to security commission and transfer agency fees, investor relations costs and director and officer liability insurance.
These are all just for the initial listing, of course. There are ongoing expenses once companies are trading, such as sustaining fees and additional listing fees, plus the costs associated with filing regular reports.
How do you trade on the TSXV?
Investors can trade on the TSXV the way they would trade stocks on any exchange. This means they can use a stock broker or an individual investment account to buy and sell shares of TSXV-listed companies during the exchange's trading hours.
Article by Dean Belder; FAQs by Lauren Kelly.
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Securities Disclosure: I, Dean Belder, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Securities Disclosure: I, Lauren Kelly, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
New Murchison Gold Limited
Investor Insight
For investors with an eye on mining stocks, New Murchison Gold (ASX:NMG) presents a unique opportunity. The company's shallow, high-grade Crown Prince gold deposit, significant land package in the prolific Murchison goldfields, and strategic alliance with established Australian gold producer Westgold Resources position it as a noteworthy contender in the Western Australian gold exploration space. As NMG continues to navigate the path to production, its journey is one that astute investors will watch with keen interest.
Within the heart of Australia's Murchison gold district, a region host to more than 35 Moz gold endowment (historic production and current resources), stands New Murchison Gold, a forward-thinking gold explorer with a clear strategy to maximise shareholder value driven by a highly experienced management team. The company’s value proposition centres on growing and de-risking its shallow, high-grade Crown Prince gold deposit (part of the company’s Garden Gully gold project) and a strategic alliance with established Australian gold producer Westgold Resources (ASX:WGX), offering a clear pathway to production and cash flow generation.
The Westgold alliance has resulted in a binding ore purchase agreement with Big Bell Gold Operations, a wholly owned operating subsidiary of Westgold Resources. The agreement will underpin production from NMG’s Crown Prince deposit in 2025, and will see the company delivering 30 kt to 50 kt of ore to Westgold per month.Key Project
Garden Gully
New Murchison Gold's flagship Garden Gully gold project is located 20 km northwest of Meekatharra, Western Australia. The project boasts a 677 sq km tenement package that covers the Abbotts Greenstone Belt. The project includes granted mining leases and Native Title agreements in place over the Crown Prince, Abbotts and Lydia prospects. Garden Gully is in close proximity to a number of operating gold mines and existing gold processing facilities.
New Murchison Gold has a strong pipeline of exploration and development prospects at Garden Gully, with the most advanced being Crown Prince.
Crown Prince deposit
The Crown Prince deposit has an updated mineral resource estimate of 2.2 Mt at 3.9 g/t gold for 279 koz, which includes an indicated resource estimate of 226 koz at 4.6 g/t Au. (81 percent of the total MRE). The total also includes the maiden resource for the Southeastern Zone (SEZ) of 1 Mt at 5.2 g/t gold for 164 koz (discovered in late 2022).
The resource is shallow, delineated from surface, remains open at depth and along strike, and located within a 300 m x 200 m area demonstrating strong open pit mining potential. There is significant resource growth potential at new mineralised zones at the northeastern end of SEZ and Crown Prince East (350 m from SEZ).
New Murchison Gold also published strong metallurgical performance from advanced test work at Crown Prince with high recovery of gold through gravity and cyanide leach test work, reporting overall gold recovery rates ranging from 98.2 to 99.8 percent.
Recent high-grade gold intersections at SEZ
Westgold Strategic Alliance
New Murchison Gold announced a strategic alliance and $6 million placement with Australian gold producer Westgold Resources.
The Westgold transaction provides a clear pathway to commercialising Crown Prince in a strong gold price environment, validates the quality of the deposit and enables New Murchison Gold to leverage Westgold’s internal resources, intellectual property and infrastructure to accelerate development.
The primary aim of the strategic alliance is to fast track the development of New Murchison Gold’s Crown Prince deposit into production. As part of the strategic alliance, New Murchison Gold and Westgold has entered into a binding ore purchase agreement (OPA) with Westgold subsidiary Big Bell Gold Operations, for gold produced at Crown Prince. Under the agreement, NMG will deliver 30 kt to 50 kt of ore to Westgold per month with no fixed term. Crown Prince is located only 33 km from Westgold’s 1.6 – 1.8 Mtpa Bluebird Mill.
In addition to the OPA, the strategic alliance may also encompass other strategic collaboration initiatives such as access to Westgold’s expertise and infrastructure. Upon completion of the strategic placement, Westgold will be an 18.7-percent shareholder (undiluted basis) and have the right, but not the obligation to a New Murchison Gold board seat and an equity participation right.
Proceeds from the strategic placement and current cash will allow New Murchison Gold to fast track further resource development, project development and mining proposal workstreams at Crown Prince and continue systematic regional exploration across Ora’s commanding 677 sq km tenure.
Major players are increasingly partnering with junior explorers to secure access to high-grade, quality gold resources. New Murchison Gold's collaboration with Westgold epitomises this movement, setting a blueprint for mutual success in the industry.
Key Focus
The near-term focus for New Murchison Gold will be further resource growth and rapidly advancing project development and mining proposal workstreams at Crown Prince:
- Crown Prince Drilling: Further delineating new high-grade mineralised zones at the north-eastern end of SEZ and Crown Prince East (350 metres from SEZ) and resource definition drilling along strike and below 100 metre vertical depth
- Crown Prince Resource: Updated Mineral Resource Estimate expected in September of 2024.
- Crown Prince Development: progress detailed technical programs, preliminary project development and mining proposal workstreams and agree on an ore purchase agreement and other strategic collaboration initiatives with Westgold
- Regional: Continue systematic regional exploration programs across Ora’s commanding 677 sq km tenure package
Management Team
New Murchison Gold is led by a team of experienced professionals with a diverse set of skills and expertise. At the helm of the company's operations is CEO Alex Passmore, a qualified geologist with extensive corporate finance experience to guide New Murchison Gold's strategic plan. The board is chaired by Rick Crabb, with extensive experience in the legal and mining sectors providing invaluable governance and oversight.
Supporting the company's governance structure, Malcolm Randall serves as a non-executive director, bringing a wealth of knowledge from his tenure in the resource sector, including 25 years at Rio Tinto. Frank DeMarte, director and company secretary, contributes over 39 years of mining industry experience in areas of financial management governance and secretarial practice.
The collective experience of New Murchison Gold's board and management is a cornerstone of the company's success, positioning it to capitalise on the opportunities within the Garden Gully project and beyond.
For further information on New Murchison Gold's strategic initiatives and investment opportunities, sign up for a free investor kit.
‘Lighthorse’ Gold Discovery at Pinjin: Thick, High-grade Gold Intercepted at New Greenfields Find
- Thick, high-grade gold intercepts at Lighthorse include:
- KGAC24152: 17 m at 4.81 g/t Au from 48 m, including 8 m at 9.21 g/t Au from 52 m (hole ends in mineralisation)
- KGAC24153: 4 m at 4.72 g/t Au from 52 m (hole ends in mineralisation)
- These intercepts form a high-grade centre to previous results (ASX: KAL 18/12/24), including:
- KGAC24045: 8 m at 2.29 g/t Au from 60 m, including 4 m at 3.66 g/t Au from 64 m
- KGAC24036: 4 m at 1.05 g/t Au from 52 m
- Lighthorse is a KalGold-generated, greenfields gold discovery, characterised by:
- A 200 m wide primary gold target on the discovery section, open down dip.
- A 600 m strike, parallel to the Laverton Tectonic Zone, open to the northwest and southeast.
- Crosscutting mineralised structures extending over 800 m, open to the northeast.
- o A footprint larger than either KalGold’s Kirgella Gift or Providence gold deposits
- No outcrop, and no effective historic drilling.
- Extensive, contiguous, widely-spaced intercepts suggest a large primary gold system obscured by transported cover. Further drilling is required to define the system’s full extent.
- Lighthorse is located in the southeast of the Eastern Goldfields, an area which is becoming a focus for gold discovery and development. It is located:
- 1 km west of KalGold’s Kirgella Gift and Providence gold deposits,
- 12 km south of Hawthorn Resources’ (ASX:HAW) Anglo Saxon Gold Mine,
- 22 km northwest of Ramelius Resources’ (ASX:RMS) Rebecca Gold Project
- 30 km east of OzAurum Resources’ (ASX:OZM) high-grade gold discovery at Mulgabbie North
- A priority follow-up RC drill program is being fast-tracked for March 2025, pending rig availability.
For MD and CEO Matt Painter’s thoughts on the Lighthorse gold discovery, please see our video on the KalGold Investor Hub at https://investorhub.kalgoldmining.com.au/link/mepb1P
Commenting on the discovery, KalGold Managing Director Matt Painter said:
“This is what we’ve been chasing at Pinjin. Our systematic approach to exploration has paid off. Thick, high-grade gold mineralisation at Lighthorse is located just 1 km west of our Kirgella Gift deposit, beneath transported cover in an area of zero outcrop. This is a 100% KalGold generated discovery that reinforces the exceptional growth potential at Pinjin. The full extent of the emerging Lighthorse target is unconstrained at this stage, but we have already identified mineralisation over a 600 m northwest-southeast strike length, parallel to the local grain of the Laverton Tectonic Zone, and open along strike and at depth. Additional gold mineralised trends associated with cross-cutting structures are also evident, extending over 800 m and open to the northeast.
Follow up RC drilling is scheduled for March 2025. We also expect to follow up previously reported thick, shallow gold intercepts at Wessex (ASX: KAL 09/10/24), next door to the Anglo Saxon Gold Mine (HAW), in this upcoming RC drill program.
This is an incredibly exciting time at KalGold. Recently announced discoveries by some of our neighbours, together with this new Lighthorse discovery, are cementing this south-eastern part of the Eastern Goldfields as a hot spot for exploration, discovery, and development. KalGold holds an extensive and strategic footprint within this incredible, historically overlooked area.”
High-grade gold intercepts define the Lighthorse discovery at Pinjin
Drilling in December 2024 successfully expanded upon an extensive earlier aircore program at Kirgella West (Figure 1). The new drilling intersected thick, high-grade gold mineralisation beneath transported sediments (Table 1). Four of these five new holes returned significant gold intercepts, with two of the drill holes ending in mineralisation with the rig unable to penetrate the fresh, mineralised rock. Gold mineralisation is open along strike and down dip.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Kalgoorlie Gold Mining, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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