September 12, 2022
Heavy Rare Earths Limited (“HRE” or “the Company”) is pleased to advise that drilling has commenced at its Cowalinya rare earth project in the Norseman-Esperance region of Western Australia.
- 10,000 metres of drilling targeting expansion of existing Cowalinya resource
- 4,500 metres of drilling to generate new rare earth target zones for subsequent work
- Progressive reporting of assays 6 weeks from laboratory receipt of drilling samples
HRE’s 100%-owned E 63/1972 tenement is located on unallocated crown land and hosts extensive rare earth mineralization in clay-rich saprolite. In 2021 the company completed a program of 3,098 metres of air core drilling in 109 vertical holes in the south-eastern part of the tenement. The mineralized horizon (≥300ppm TREO (total rare earth oxides)) is at depths of between 8 and 43 metres, averages 8-9 metres thick, and remains open in all lateral directions. Rare earth grades exceeding 1000ppm TREO were encountered over significant widths in 17 of the 82 mineralized holes drilled1 including:
Cowalinya South
- 4 metres @ 2249ppm TREO from 16 metres in hole AC33
- 10 metres @ 1511ppm TREO from 15 metres in hole AC28
- 19 metres @ 1445ppm TREO from 20 metres in hole AC29
- 16 metres @ 1155ppm TREO from 16 metres in hole AC2
Cowalinya North
- 4 metres @ 1864ppm TREO from 32 metres in hole AC90
- 12 metres @ 1580ppm TREO from 24 metres in hole AC81
- including 4 metres @ 3428ppm TREO from 24 metres
- 17 metres @ 1205ppm TREO from 26 metres in hole AC89.
Inferred Resources at Cowalinya have been estimated at 28 million tonnes at 625ppm TREO using a cut-off grade of 300ppm TREO-CeO2 2. This has been achieved by drilling just over 1% of the area of HRE’s tenement. All mineralized samples that support the resource’s grade estimate have been submitted for re-assay by Lithium Borate Fusion/ICP-MS and reporting of initial results from the re-assay program are expected in late-September 2022 (refer to ASX announcement 30 August 2022).
Current Drilling Program
HRE has now commenced a resource exploration and expansion drilling program at Cowalinya. The main part of the program comprises up to 10,000 metres of air core drilling in 330 holes targeting extensions to known rare earth mineralization, particularly to the immediate west and south-east of the Cowalinya South resource which contains 75% of the project’s resource inventory (Figure 1). Holes are planned to be drilled 200 metres apart on 400 metre-spaced lines. Subject to delineating the necessary continuity to rare earth mineralization in saprolite, this drilling density is designed to deliver Inferred Resources on an additional 11.5% of the area of the tenement.
A second phase of the program involves drilling of up to 4,500 metres along existing access tracks to explore the central and western parts of the tenement for rare earth mineralization (Figure 1). These holes will be drilled on 400 metre centres immediately after cultural heritage surveys are completed along these drill traverses in the latter part of October.
Drilling is being undertaken using a single air core rig by Perth-based Terrain Drilling (Figure 2). Based on drilling rates achieved during the 2021 campaign, the current program is expected to be completed during December 2022. Drilling samples from the program are planned to be dispatched on a fortnightly basis from Esperance to LabWest Minerals Analysis (“LabWest”) in Perth for sample preparation and assay by Lithium Borate Fusion/ICP-MS. LabWest has indicated that current assay turnaround from sample receipt is approximately 6 weeks.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Heavy Rare Earths Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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26 March
High-Grade Discoveries Enhance Scale of Pelé Project
Brazilian Rare Earths Limited (ASX: BRE) (OTCQX: BRELY / OTCQX: BRETF) is pleased to report the results of exploration drilling at the Pelé Target 1 Project, located in Bahia, Brazil.
New discovery of high-grade REE-Nb-Sc-Ta-U mineralisation
- High-grade diamond drill results at Pelé Target 1 returned assays of up to 13.5% TREO:
- NdPr: 23,217 ppm | DyTb: 938 ppm | Nb2O5: 5,011 ppm | Sc2O3: 381 ppm | Ta₂O₅: 248 ppm | U3O8: 1,100 ppm
- High-grade REE-Nb-Sc-Ta-U from shallow depths (~20 m) extending to vertical depths of ~70 m
- Drillhole TG1DD0004 returned 29.8 m of a cumulative downhole mineralisation, including 15.3 m at 9.1% TREO from 25.6 m depth, with grades of:
- NdPr: 15,617 ppm | DyTb: 692 ppm | Nb₂O₅: 1,861 ppm | Sc₂O₃: 231 ppm | Ta₂O₅: 94 ppm | U₃O₈: 754 ppm
- Auger drilling continues to discover extensive, near-surface horizons of high-grade monazite sands, with grades of up to 7.9% TREO and assays of up to 11,681ppm NdPr and 580 ppm DyTb
Pelé Target 1 discoveries extend high-grade mineralised trendline to 10 km
- Pelé is confirmed as a major district-scale rare earth exploration project located ~60 km southwest of BRE's Monte Alto project in Bahia, Brazil, and covers an exploration area over 60 times larger than Monte Alto
- Recent exploration has focussed primarily on Pelé Target 1 – one of five large exploration target areas within the larger Pelé Project area – delivering new discoveries of high-grade rare earth outcrops with grades of up to 17.7% TREO and high-grade monazite sands with grades of up to 8.5% TREO
- New outcrop discoveries of high-grade REE-Nb-Sc-Ta-U mineralisation significantly extend the mineralised strike at Pelé Target 1 to over 10 km
- Brazilian Rare Earths now controls three major confirmed projects - Monte Alto, Sulista and Pelé – each demonstrating significant diamond drill intersections of high-grade REE-Nb-Sc-Ta-U mineralisation
Figure 1: Pelé project location and relative size 1
The Pelé Project is hosted within the Volta do Rio Plutonic Suite, a large-scale magmatic system that extends over 180 km in Bahia, Brazil. Brazilian Rare Earths has confirmed the exploration potential of the province with multiple discoveries of ultra-high-grade mineralisation, including rare earth elements (REE), niobium (Nb), scandium (Sc), tantalum (Ta), and uranium (U).
Pelé Target 1 has the largest expanse of weathered REE-Nb-Sc-U outcrops discovered since exploration commenced at the Rocha da Rocha rare earth province. New geological mapping, 75 line-km of ground gamma stations and 162 new outcrop samples highlights that REE-Nb-Sc-Ta-U mineralisation repeats along eastern and western limbs of a regional structural fold that now extends over 10 km at the project.
Successful diamond drilling at Pelé Target 1
The new drilling results are from 10 diamond core holes totalling 901 metres and 100 auger drill holes totalling 1,095 metres. Assays are pending for a further 19 auger holes totalling 243 metres.
High-grade, hard rock REE-Nb-Sc-Ta-U mineralisation was intersected from shallow depths with assay grades of up to 13.5% TREO. High grades of neodymium and praseodymium were recorded, with grades up to 23,217 ppm NdPr, as well as high grades of dysprosium and terbium of up to 938 ppm DyTb.
Figure 2: Pelé Target 1 significant intercepts in auger and diamond drill holes. Results from recent outcrop samples shown right (yellow)
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Brazilian Rare Earths, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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26 February
Ema Rare Earths Scoping Study Confirms Potential for Ultra Low CAPEX and OPEX Project, Showing Strong Financial Returns at Current Commodity Prices
Brazilian Critical Minerals Ltd (BCM or the Company) (ASX: BCM) advises of completion of a Scoping Study on its 100%-owned EMA Rare Earths Project (Ema Project) in southeastern Amazonas, Brazil.
The Scoping Study was completed utilising industry recognised experts in the Australian engineering group, Ausenco Pty Ltd (Ausenco), to assist with engineering and process flowsheet development, capital and operating costs as well as pre-tax financial modelling.
Brazilian GE21 completed the mineral resource estimation (MRE) and supervised the large drill program during 2024. The Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation, ANSTO, was engaged for metallurgical work development from leaching recoveries, impurity removal, precipitation and final product MREC production, whilst international engineering group, WSP, were contracted for hydrogeological development, modelling and well field design.
- Sustained, operating scale: 4,800t pa of TREO production (average LOM) within a high-grade (55.3%) final MREC
- Unit cash operating costs of US$6.15/kg LOM TREO: Industry low TREO Opex
- Unit cash operating costs of US$16.95/kg LOM NdPr: Industry low NdPr Opex
- Pre-production capital cost of US$55M (inclusive of 35% contingency): Industry low capital requirement to produce MREC in Western world
- Post-tax NPV8% of US$498M: at LOM prices of US$74/kg NdPr
- Post-tax IRR of 55%: payback period calculated to 28 months
The Scoping Study incorporates the recent Ema Project mineral resource upgrade1 into the mine schedule to drive project simplification, permitting efficiency and development fast-tracking. It also incorporates capital and operating cost estimates. All other key input parameters were developed from first principal calculations and assumptions from existing referenced operations and were applied to the Scoping Study.
The Scoping Study delivers a post-tax NPV8% (US$498M), driven by producing a high-value mixed rare earth carbonate (MREC) product, low capital costs, minimal product extraction costs, simple low-cost processing infrastructure through a long-life Mineral Resource. This Scoping Study places the Ema Project as the western world’s lowest cost Rare Earth Project producing an MREC amenable for downstream processing.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Brazilian Critical Minerals Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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19 February
Dalaroo Secures Option on Blue Lagoon Zirconium, Niobium and Rare Earth Project in Greenland
Dalaroo Metals Ltd (ASX: DAL, “Dalaroo” or “Company”) is pleased to advise that it has entered into a binding heads of agreement (“Agreement”) with Ox Resources Pty Ltd (“Vendor”) to potentially acquire the Zr-Nb-REE Blue Lagoon Project (tenement MEL 2022-07) (“Project”) located in the Gadar Province of South Greenland (refer Figure 1 and 3). The Project has been historically sampled as part of a regional stream sediment program undertaken by the Greenland and Denmark Geological Society (‘GEUS”) for uranium exploration in 1979.
- Binding Heads of Agreement executed for an Option to acquire 100% of Blue Lagoon Zirconium-Niobium-Rare Earth Element (REE) Project, (MEL 2022-07), located in the Gadar Province of Greenland.
- The USGS reports Greenland has the third highest reserves of REE in the western world, following US and Australia respectively, which has significance given current geopolitical dynamics and security of supply chain concerns.
- President Trump’s recent interest in Greenland as a source of critical resources and its strategic location highlights the growing importance Greenland has for critical metals and their ownership.
- The Project has been historically sampled as part of a regional stream sediment exploration undertaken by the Greenland and Denmark Geological Society (‘GEUS”) for uranium in 1979. Dalaroo is planning a program of systematic exploration to seek to report the historical results on the Project in accordance with the JORC Code 2012.
- Project has similar geochemical anomaly footprint to the Kvanefjeld (ASX: ETM Energy Transition Metals) and Kringlerne/Tanbreez (NASDAQ: CRML Critical Metals Corp) multi- element deposits in South Greenland, showing enrichment in critical minerals and high value LREE elements from regional stream sediment sampling:
- Up to 0.93% Zirconium (Zr)
- Up to 320 ppm in Niobium (Nb)
- Up to 520 ppm in Neodymium (Nd)
- Sampling has not returned any elevated radioactive elements, which is significant given the current Greenland Government ban on any activities related to mining if uranium concentrations are over 100ppm.
- Project sits on the westernmost part of the highly prospective Gadar Block alkaline intrusives belt in SW Greenland. This belt hosts significant advanced critical metals-REE deposits.
- Project area contains potential bulk tonnage options from beach-like deposits of weathered granitic rock, providing potential low-cost options for separation and the planned focus for preliminary work.
Dalaroo MD & CEO, Mike Brown commented “We are very excited to have secured this Option on the Blue Lagoon REE-Nb-Zr Project in Southwest Greenland. Regional stream sampling has indicated significant LREE anomalies and other critical metals that have both similar tenor to the geochemical footprint and geological setting of three other REE deposits in South Greenland. We see this as a strategic play on two levels; firstly, exposure to high demand commodities such as REE, niobium and zirconium and secondly, exposure to a highly prospective and unexplored jurisdiction that is getting significant attention with respect to the vital role Greenland could play in providing critical metals in the future. With the Project being located on the coast with ice free water we are looking forward to getting onto the ground to commence exploration activities.”
Figure 1: Project location, GEUS regional stream sediment location and neodymium assay results.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Dalaroo Metals Ltd, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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05 February
High Grade discoveries with enriched MREOs at Agostinho highlight Caldeira’s scale
Meteoric Resources NL (ASX: MEI) (Meteoric or the Company) is pleased to provide an update on recent drilling completed at the Agostinho Prospect (Figure 1), located in the north of its 100%-owned Caldeira Rare Earth Ionic Clay Project (Caldeira Project or Project), in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
- Exceptional ionic clay intercepts up to 19,183ppm Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO)
- Enriched Magnetic Rare Earth Oxide (MREO) up to 6,691ppm
- MREO peak zones up to 38% with an average of 30.4%, an increase of 7.4% compared to the Global Resource average.
- Elevated Heavy Magnetic Rare Earths (HREO) up to 2% of TREO
- Drilled 3,301m for 116 holes with outstanding intercepts:
- AGOAC0107 - 24m @ 6,918ppm TREO [0m] with 27% MREO
- including 6m @ 19,183ppm TREO [2m] with 34.9% MREO
- AGOAC0110 - 22m @ 4,422ppm TREO [0m] with 27.7% MREO
- including 10m @ 7,831ppm TREO [0m] with 35.6% MREO
- AGOAC0079 - 28m @ 3,183ppm TREO [0m] with 26.9% MREO
- including 8m @ 7,462ppm TREO [0m] with 37.6% MREO
- AGOAC0098 - 28m @ 5,315ppm TREO [0m] with 27.4% MREO
- AGOAC0070 - 22m @ 4,890ppm TREO [0m] with 27% MREO
- AGOAC0092 - 22m @ 4,323ppm TREO [0m] with 27.2% MREO
- including 6m @ 19,183ppm TREO [2m] with 34.9% MREO
- Mineralisation averages 28.4m thickness from surface over of the entire License
Meteoric’s Chairman, Andrew Tunks said:“The exploration and drilling teams continue to identify additional high-grade areas across the Caldeira Project. These remarkable results confirm the extensive nature of mineralisation outside the current resource base. Further it highlights that there is considerable opportunity for Meteoric to target enriched zones of magnetic rare earths and heavy rare earths using our extensive database of project wide sampling which is unmatched inside the Caldera.
It’s important to remember that we have still only infill drilled eight of the 69 licenses available at the Project and continued identification of high-grade mineralisation creates greater optionality for the potential expansion of the Project, at the right time, to support the sustainable supply of rare earth materials to the western world.”
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Meteoric Resources, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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05 July 2024
Seren Technologies Acquisition Update
Ionic Rare Earths Limited (Ionic RE or the Company) (ASX: IXR) is pleased to provide an update on the acquisition of 100% of Seren Technologies Limited (SerenTech), a UK private company with unique and leading-edge rare earth separation technology, as announced on 8 December 2021.
SerenTech is commercialising technology using ionic liquids for separation and refining of rare earth elements (REE), which includes the full cohort of the proposed basket from Makuutu, consisting of the lanthanides series, Lanthanum (La), to Lutetium (Lu), plus Scandium (Sc) and Yttrium (Y).
SerenTech has an exclusive “patent and know-how” licence from Queens University Belfast (QUB) allowing it to develop and commercialise the technology. Additionally, SerenTech has also developed know-how in this area and lodged a further four (4) global patents, providing a pipeline of opportunities in which to deploy the technology.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Ionic Rare Earths, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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09 May 2024
Reducing Reliance on China for Rare Earths Production and Processing
Experts have long warned that global overreliance on China for the production and processing of rare earth elements (REEs) was akin to a house of cards — and the Chinese government keeps proving them right.
In December 2023, China announced a ban on the export of multiple technologies related to REE extraction processing, including those used in the production of rare earth magnets. Rather than a new development, this announcement was simply the latest in a series of restrictions implemented over the previous year. Other banned exports include extraction technology, separation technology and rare earth alloys.
In response, governments around the world are ramping up their efforts to strengthen alternative sources for REE production and processing. There is considerable investment potential to be found in these efforts, provided one knows where to look.
By understanding the global REE market and what projects and technologies are gaining traction outside China, investors can identify and evaluate promising REE stocks.
An unsustainable market dynamic
At present, China is responsible for nearly 90 percent of all REE processing and 60 percent of global supply. Part of the problem, notes Reuters, is the solvent extraction process China uses to refine the critical minerals. Though highly effective, western companies have historically struggled to deploy it due to a combination of technical complexity and environmental concerns.
China, unfortunately, has no such concerns. Much has already been written about the dismal state of the Chinese mining sector. Kachin State in Myanmar, for instance, is dominated by rare earths mines that cover a surface area roughly the size of Singapore. Many of these mines are entirely unregulated and unsafe for both the people and the environment.
Although the Chinese government recently began flirting with sustainability as it pursues a transition to electric vehicles, it has actually been ramping up rare earths production over the past several years. This is in spite of the country's stated policy of shifting away from REE production to REE processing.
A report by Harvard International Review notes that producing a single ton of rare earths yields roughly 2,000 tons of toxic waste. The report further adds that Bayan-Obo, located in Inner Mongolia, China, and the largest rare earths production and processing facility in the world, has to date produced over 70,000 tons of radioactive thorium. This hazardous material is stored on site in a tailing pond, where it has contributed heavily to groundwater toxicity.
Moreover, conventional solvent extraction also requires significant volumes of energy and water. One report noted that the process is responsible for roughly 30 percent of REE production's environmental impact, adding that it could also contribute heavily to global warming, eutrophication of aquatic environments, and toxicity in humans.
As demand for REEs continues to increase, so too will production and processing, resulting in potentially more damaging environmental consequences. This paradigm arguably makes it functionally impossible to truly achieve carbon neutrality.
Finding a way forward through innovation
In recent years, western companies have made enormous strides in developing cleaner, more efficient solvent extraction techniques. Emerging production and processing strategies are considerably more sustainable, eschewing harmful chemicals and producing considerably less waste. Examples of technologies and techniques include:
Circular processing
In 2020, the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) and the Saskatchewan government announced plans to create Canada's first rare earths processing facility. The first-of-its-kind facility combines proprietary extraction cells, metal smelting and hydrometallurgy into a fully integrated process supported by artificial intelligence. More importantly, the facility will emit neither water nor waste. Instead, everything it produces will be recycled and reused.
MP Materials (NYSE:MP) has taken a similar approach with its Mountain Pass rare earths mine and processing facility, developing it into a completely self-contained operation with a dry tailings facility and state-of-the-art water recycling systems.
Aclara Resources’ (TSX:ARA) Circular Mineral Harvesting process to extract clean rare earth minerals follows the principles of circular processing, by recirculating up to 95 percent of the water used and 99 percent of a common fertilizer main reagent. Aclara also recently joined the United Nations Global Compact, a global corporate sustainability initiative aligning strategies and operations with the universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Sustainable vertical integration
The idea behind vertical integration is quite simple — by controlling the full supply chain, a company has far more control over the sustainability of its production. Aclara Resources is also pursuing this strategy, driven by its Chilean assets containing ionic clay deposits rich in heavy rare earths. In April 2024, Aclara completed a deal with plans to work with the Saskatchewan Research Council and Hatch to develop rare earths processing capabilities in the United States. Aclara also secured an equity investment deal with CAP, in which the latter will invest in a 50/50 joint venture with Aclara to develop metals and alloys for the permanent magnet industry.
Aclara was already notable for being one of the cleanest future suppliers of heavy rare earths in the world, using a unique extraction process that does not require crushing, blasting or milling, minimizes water consumption and facilitates leaching through the use of common fertilizer. With this announcement, it is positioned to become the first vertically integrated heavy rare earths company outside of Asia.
The company plans to source high-purity mixed rare earth carbonates from its sustainable extraction facilities in Chile and Brazil. It will process these materials via a conceptual solvent extraction process within a separation facility engineered by Hatch. Aclara has also contracted SRC to develop a production flowsheet for its carbonates. All these efforts will establish Aclara as a vertically integrated rare earths supplier in North America.
Biomining feeds ores or electronic waste into large, microbe-filled tanks. The microorganisms within these tanks are specialized to consume a specific type of material as they multiply. Processing and separation happen naturally as the microbes 'eat' their way through the unwanted materials.
This process produces virtually no waste, has minimal energy requirements and does not require high temperatures. The company responsible for its development, BiotaTec, notes that in addition to processing rare earths, biomining could be used to treat waste products and pollutants from other industrial processes.
The microbes used in biomining also pose minimal risk to the environment should a tank be breached. BiotaTec is currently in the process of developing the technology for licensing purposes.
Column-based extraction
Developed by Ucore Rare Metals (TSXV:UCU,OTCQX:UURAF), column-based extraction is a new spin on existing solvent extraction. While it relies on the same basic reactions as a conventional plant, Ucore's proprietary RapidSX platform is able to process REEs up to three times faster. The technology can also process light and heavy rare earths simultaneously, eliminating the need for a powered mixing tank.
Additionally, the RapidSX system allows for far more efficient and effective waste management with minimal risk of generating toxic pollution.
Investor takeaway
The world cannot continue to rely exclusively on China for REE production and processing. Governments and mining companies alike understand this. As the two sectors work together to establish a stable domestic supply chain, the innovations and new projects that emerge will offer considerable investment opportunities.
This INNSpired article was written as part of an advertising campaign for a company that is no longer a client of INN. This INNSpired article provides information which was sourced by INN, written according to INN's editorial standards, in order to help investors learn more about the company. The company’s campaign fees paid for INN to create and update this INNSpired article. INN does not provide investment advice and the information on this profile should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. INN does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company profiled. If your company would benefit from being associated with INN's trusted news and education for investors, please contact us.
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