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Cote d’Ivoire Acquisition Completes
Many Peaks Minerals Limited (Many Peaks or the Company) (ASX: MPK) is pleased to advise that it has completed its acquisition of 100% ownership of CDI Holdings (Guernsey) Ltd from Turaco Gold Ltd (‘Turaco’) and Predictive Discovery Ltd (‘Predictive’), which holds the right to acquire an 85% interest in four mineral permits in Cote d’Ivoire, with recent gold discoveries and over US$4 million in prior exploration expenditure.
The four mineral permits encompass a vast 1,275km2 land package including advanced stage exploration projects (see Figure 1).
The consideration paid by the Company for a 100% interest in CDI Holdings (Guernsey) Ltd for the acquisition included:
- The issue a 5,617,978 fully paid ordinary shares in Many Peaks under the Company’s capacity under ASX listing rule 7.1 to:
- 5,000,000 shares issued to Turaco; and
- 617,978 shares issued to Predictive.
- Assumption of a 1.0% net smelter royalty (“NSR”) payable to Resolute (Treasury) Pty Ltd (ACN 120 794 603) (“Resolute”).
- The Company will also pay to Turaco and Predicative all future proceeds and consideration received for the sale of the Boundiali South Permit (Exploration Permit PR414) pursuant to a binding term sheet between Aurum Resources Limited (ASX:AUE), Turaco, CDI Holdings and Predictive Discovery Cote d’Ivoire SARL (refer to Turaco’s ASX announcement dated 19 March 2024).
Future Work Programs
Many Peaks plans to immediately commence initial diamond drill tests concurrent with auger drilling and surface geochemistry activity at the Odienne project in the current quarter. Concurrent with auger work, the company has already initiated field work complete mapping, regolith studies and modelling reviews with a focus on identifiying extensions to open gold mineralisation defined in the successful air core drilling tests completed last year at Odienne.
At the Ferke project auger drilling is anticipated to commence next quarter with a focus on defining additional targets to extend mineralisation. Follow-up drilling to expand on the intitial discovery success at Ferke generated from limited RC and diamond drilling coverage is planned to complete before year end within the 17km gold anomaly hosting the Ouarigue South discovery within the Ferke Project. (refer to ASX release dated 26 March 2024).
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Many Peaks Minerals, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
Many Peaks Minerals Investor Kit
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- Upcoming projects
Many Peaks Minerals
Investor Insight
Significant acquisitions of projects in some of the most prolific gold districts of Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa, position Many Peaks for significant discoveries, giving the stock a compelling investment case.
Many Peaks (ASX:MPK) is an Australia-based mineral exploration company with gold assets in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa, and exposure to key energy transition assets in Newfoundland, Canada. With drill-ready targets across its projects, Many Peaks aims to realise growth and value creation through exploration discovery and near-term mineral resource definition.
In West Africa, the company is focused on four recent acquisitions in Côte d’Ivoire totaling 1,919 square kilometres, including the more advanced-stage Odienné and Ferké gold projects with recent gold discoveries and more than US$4 million in previous exploration expenditures.
The company acquired a portfolio of three projects from Turaco Gold Ltd in May 2024, consolidating interests held in the projects by Turaco and Predictive Discovery Ltd. The Company’s establishment into one of the fastest growing gold regions in the world was quickly followed with a binding agreement securing an exclusive option to acquire a 100 percent interest in the Baga gold project, which comprises two permits totaling 644 square kilometres in eastern Côte d’Ivoire.
Many Peaks’ Canadian asset targets the lithium potential in Newfoundland, where an emerging lithium district is strategically positioned with access to both European and North American markets.
A management team with a range of experience throughout the natural resources industry leads the company towards achieving its goals of strengthening shareholder value through exploration.
Company Highlights
- Many Peaks is a mineral exploration company focused on advancing its gold projects in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa: Odienné, Ferké, Baga and Oumé.
- Land holding in West Africa comprises 1,919 sq km within the Birimian Gold Terrain, providing the company a strategic near-term gold resource potential
- Also holds a 100 percent interest in the Aska lithium project in Newfoundland, Canada.
- An expert management team with extensive experience throughout the natural resources industry leads the team toward fully exploring its assets.
Key Projects
Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa)
Many Peaks’ assets in Côte d’Ivoire comprise four projects – Odienné, Ferké, Baga and Oumé.
Odienné Gold Project
Located in northwest Côte d’Ivoire, Odienné comprises two granted exploration permits covering a total area of 758 square kilometres. It is situated on the flexure of a regional scale structure zone hosting mineralisation to the northwest in neighbouring Guinea and immediately south along the margin of the Archean-aged Man craton.
Odienné Project location in the context of Siguiri Basin geology compilation and gold project locations regionally
Auger drilling in early 2023 defined coherent gold in saprolite anomalism, which prompted a maiden air core drilling campaign in late 2023.
Many Peaks has followed up 2023 success with aggressive exploration, expanding the project’s auger drilling coverage within weeks of acquisition. Systematic coverage of auger has succesfully defined three prioritised targets extending across more than 16 kilometres of a 30-kilometre gold anomaly.
The company is now well positioned for follow-up air core and diamond drilling campaigns to further define confirmed gold mineralisation on the project over the coming 2024-25 field season.
Ferké Gold Project
Located in northern Côte d’Ivoire, the Ferké gold project covers 300 square kilometres within a single granted exploration licence. Ferké is situated on the eastern margin of the Daloa greenstone belt at the intersection of major regional scale shear zones.
Ferké Gold Project outline with drill collar locations, including the location of the Ouarigue discovery within the >16km Leraba Gold Trend
Initial exploration work conducted at Ferké defined a more than 16-kilometre-long gold-in-soils anomaly on the Leraba Gold Trend. Previous exploration included systematic surface geochemistry, trenching and reconnaissance reverse circulation (RC) drilling across the broader Ferké area. Early success in reconnaissance RC drilling included initial intercepts into the Ouarigue target area, including results of 25 metres @ 3.06 grams per ton (g/t) gold from 64 metres in hole FNRC016.
The success in RC drilling was followed up with trenching and an initial 18 diamond drill holes, which confirmed a significant outcropping mineralised body associated with a granite intrusion, including intercepts from surface of 91.1 metres @ 2.02 g/t gold in hole FNDC008 and 47 metres @ 3.72 g/t gold from surface in hole FNDC012.
Baga Gold Project
Baga and Oumé project locations on generalised regional scale geology interpretation
The Baga gold project is a 644 sq km landholding comprising two granted permits in Côte d’Ivoire. The project is located 150 km east of the city of Bouaké and covers an underexplored region of structural complexity located just 21 km east of a recent greenfields gold discovery by Endeavour Mining, which over the past three years rapidly defined the 4.5 Moz Assafou gold resource estimate within their Tanda-Iguela permit areas.
Within weeks of securing the option to acquire a 100 percent interest in Baga, Many Peaks has completed the first surface geochemical campaign covering the project area.
The permits are situated where the southern extent of the Duango-Fitini shear zone in Côte d’Ivoire’s north forms a flexure or structural splay into the Oumé-Fetekro parallel shears within Birimian metasediments and metavolcanics. At this change of orientation in structures within the Birimian terrane the Baga project area also covers the intersection, or truncation of the Bui Belt structural trend which hosts Tarkwaiian sediments and conglomerate units extending east and northeast into central Ghana. Baga Gold represents a highly prospective area to advance exploration activity by Many Peaks.
Oumé Gold Project
The Oumé project is an early-stage exploration asset located in south-central Côte D’Ivoire. It comprises a single exploration permit (the Beriaboukro licence) and is situated on the Oumé-Fetekro belt, historically one of Côte d’Ivoire’s most productive greenstone belts. The area is host to Allied Gold’s 2.5 million-ounce (Moz) Bonikro, the 1.9 Moz Agbaou gold deposit and Endeavour’s 3 Moz Lafigué gold project.
Newfoundland (Canada)
Aska Lithium
Many Peaks’ 100-percent-owned Aska project is approximately 45 kilometres east of Cape Ray, Newfoundland. The project covers 193 square kilometres in proven lithium terrane and is situated in a growing lithium district known to host lithium-caesium-tantalum type pegmatites.
Management Team
Travis Schwertfeger - Executive Chairman
Travis Schwertfeger is a geologist with over 25 years of global industry experience primarily in gold and copper projects across Africa, Australia, Africa and the Americas. Schwertfeger has previously held several technical roles in exploration and production, including over seven years operating in West Africa with Newmont Mining and other ASX-listed explorers. He has prior experience as a director of ASX-listed mineral resource companies through previous roles, including a former role with Exore Resources (acquired by Perseus in September 2020 for ~A$80m).
Ben Phillips - Non-executive Director
Ben Phillips has more than 15 years of experience in commercial negotiations and has worked in several industries, including oil and gas, resource, technology and defence. He provides advice on a wide range of operational aspects, from R&D and exploration to production, commercialization and sales. Phillips is the executive chairman of Norfolk Metals (ASX:NFL), was previously a non-executive director at Bronson Group (ASX:BGR) and, subsequently, Mandrake Resources (ASX:MAN). He is currently a corporate executive at Ironside, focused on sourcing, structuring, funding, and management requirements for public and private small-cap companies.
Marcus Harden - Independent Non-executive Director
Marcus Harden is a geologist with extensive gold and base metals exploration and management experience throughout Australia, Africa, Asia and the Americas. Harden's more recent roles include chief geologist of AuTECO Minerals, head of regional exploration for Bellevue Gold, chief geologist of Alicanto Minerals Ltd, and other senior exploration roles with Gryphon Minerals and First Quantum Minerals. He has played key roles in the discovery and definition of several gold deposits globally with ASX-listed junior companies. Among previous projects with contributions to discovery, three are currently operating mines and one is in development. He is also a member of The Australian Institute of Geoscientists.
Aaron Bertolatti - Company Secretary
Aaron Bertolatti is a chartered accountant and company secretary with more than 10 years of experience in the mining industry and accounting profession. Bertolatti has significant experience in the administration of ASX-listed companies, corporate governance and corporate finance.
Quarterly Activities Report & Appendix 5B
Auger Results Define New Drill-Ready Targets at Ferke
Diamond Drilling Commences at Ferke Gold Project
Drilling Commences at Odienne Gold Project
First Gold Doré Following Successful Carbon Strip
Resources & Energy Group Limited (ASX: REZ) (REZ or the Company) is pleased to announce the successful completion of its first gold doré pour from the trial vat leach program at the East Menzies Gold Project, following the scheduled carbon strip on 1 February 2025 in Kalgoorlie.
- REZ successfully pours first gold doré from its maiden vat leach trial at the East Menzies Gold Project
- Gold doré from this first pour has now been transported to the Perth Mint for refining and sale
- The trial shows the effectiveness of vat leaching as a gold recovery method and provides confidence for further expansion
- Onsite operators anticipate a regular gold pour cycle, with gold pours expected to occur approximately every three weeks moving forward, reinforcing the continuity of production at East Menzies
- Demonstrating confidence in this process, REZ has already submitted a second mining application with DMIRS for an expanded vat leach operation, covering 8 new vats and up to 40,000 tonnes of material from the Maranoa deposit
- This gold doré pour coincides with record-high gold prices, strengthening REZ’s potential for strong cash flow generation in the coming months
REZ Group Managing Director J. Daniel Moore said:
"The first gold doré pour is a transformational moment for REZ, proving the effectiveness of our vat leach process and reinforcing our ability to generate near-term cash flow.
The trial has given us the confidence to move forward with an expanded mining and processing program at East Menzies, and we are already taking steps to scale up our operations. We are well-positioned for sustainable growth with strong gold prices and an optimised production model."
- With the successful output from the vat leach trial confirmed, REZ is now progressing with commissioning a structured mining and processing program at East Menzies.
- To accelerate growth, the Company has submitted an application to the Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) for an additional 8 vat leach dams, allowing for the processing of up to 40,000 tonnes of material from the Maranoa deposit.
- This expansion positions REZ to transition from a trial phase to a structured, scalable gold recovery operation and gold producer.
- Demonstrated Gold Recovery Success – The trial vat leach process has successfully recovered gold from the Maranoa deposit, validating this low-cost processing method.
- Gold Doré Transported to Perth Mint – Gold doré bars from this first pour have now been delivered to the Perth Mint for refining and sale.
- Scaling Up Operations – REZ’s new DMIRS application represents a significant step forward in unlocking the full production potential of the consolidated East Menzies Project.
- Sustained Production Strategy – The Company is implementing a stockpiling and batch processing model, ensuring consistent production while maintaining flexibility in refining and sales.
Figures 1-2: Dore bar in hand at Kalgoorlie Mill
Beyond near-term production, REZ’s Gigante Grande prospect presents a potential company-defining gold discovery. The Company continues to refine its exploration model and sees multi-million-ounce potential at this prospect.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Resources & Energy Group Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
ALR February 2025 Investor Presentation
Altair Minerals (ASX:ALR) has announced ALR February 2025 Investor Presentation.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Altair Minerals Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
Altair Minerals: High-quality, Growing Exploration Portfolio with Potential for Large Copper-Gold Deposits
Strategically positioned to unlock the value of its Venatica and Olympic Domain projects, Altair Minerals (ASX:ALR) is leveraging cutting-edge exploration techniques and its seasoned technical team’s expertise for significant copper and gold discoveries. Through a disciplined and systematic approach, Altair centers on building a portfolio of high-quality assets with the potential to become Tier-1 discoveries.
Altair Minerals' flagship Venatica Project is strategically situated in Peru’s Andahuaylas-Yauri Porphyry Belt, a globally significant copper-producing region. The project is neighboring and sitting along strike Tier-1 mines, including Las Bambas, Antapaccay and Haquira, collectively establishing the area as one of the world’s premier porphyry copper districts.
Venatica’s land package is strategically positioned along the northern extension of the batholith intrusion contact zone, a geological anomaly known for hosting large-scale copper deposits with no modern exploration. Altair holds a first-mover advantage, being the first company to test the extension of this trend which has without failure made Tier-1 discoveries every ~60 km. The project’s geology is characterized by a combination of porphyry and skarn mineralization, which underpins its exceptional exploration potential.
Company Highlights
- Altair Minerals’ two world-class projects - Venatica in Peru and Olympic Domain in Australia - are located in globally significant mining districts, targeting Tier-1 copper and gold deposits.
- Venatica Project is a 337 sq km exploration project in the world-famous Andahuaylas-Yauri Porphyry Belt, featuring extensive copper-gold porphyry and skarn mineralization with proven high-grade historical production.
- The Olympic Domain project, located in South Australia’s Gawler Craton, is an 831 sq km IOCG project adjacent to BHP’s Oak Dam deposit (1.34 Bt @ 0.66 percent copper and 0.33 g/t gold) and boasts major analogous geophysical anomalies just 5 km from the Oak Dam deposit, indicative of significant mineralization.
- Historic sampling and exploration work was conducted at Venatica by INMET prior to its subsequent take over First Quantum for C$5.1 billion. The historic work has shown two major porphyry targets of 6 sq kmand 4 sq km, respectively, which have demonstrated abundant copper mineralisation at surface.
- Historic sampling at Venatica covers a small portion of the overall target, leaving substantial scope to expand its target size which remains open in all directions, these samples include:
- 7.0 percent copper and 33 g/t silver (sample 2254)
- 5.7 percent copper and 43 g/t silver (sample 4807)
- 4.8 percent copper and 32 g/t silver (sample 15245)
- 6.5 percent copper and 0.52 g/t gold (sample 4803)
- 4.8 percent copper and 0.40 g/t gold (sample 4801)
- Advanced geophysical techniques, modernized modelling has refined drill at Olympic Domain which shows previous impressive holes have narrowly missed the true core of the IOCG body, which shows a target size larger than the adjacent Oak Dam deposit owned by BHP.
- Altair’s boasts a first class and leading technical exploration team, who have cumulatively contributed to 11.4 Mt of copper and 26 Moz of gold discoveries in the past two decades.
This Altair Minerals profile is part of a paid investor education campaign.*
Click here to connect with Altair Minerals (ASX:ALR) to receive an Investor Presentation
Juggernaut Secures 100 % Option on Big One Gold Discovery - Drill Ready - Golden Triangle, B.C.
Juggernaut Exploration Ltd (JUGR.V) (OTCQB: JUGRF) (FSE: 4JE) (the “Company” or “Juggernaut”) is pleased to announce that it has the option to earn 100 % interest in the Big One property (the “Property”) from the B-ALL Syndicate Ltd. The Big One Property is a new discovery with assays up to 79.01 g/t gold (2.54 oz/t gold) and 3157.89 g/t silver (101.5 oz/t silver) from >200 gold-silver-copper rich polymetallic veins up to 8 m wide and striking for up to 500 m that remain open. These veins were identified along the newly discovered 11 km Highway of Gold surrounding the Eldorado porphyry system on the Big One property. The discovery is located in an area of glacial and snowpack abatement adjacent to the world-class gold-rich porphyry systems at Galore Creek. The property covers 33,693 hectares in world-class geologic terrane with tremendous additional discovery potential in the heart of the Golden Triangle, British Columbia. The Big One property was generated, staked and the original discovery was made by the B-ALL Syndicate.
Dan Stuart, President and CEO of Juggernaut Exploration, states,“We are excited to have been selected as the vehicle to explore, drill, and develop this exciting discovery home to the 11 km Highway of Gold, where over 200 high-grade gold-silver polymetallic veins up to 8 m thick and exposed on surface for over 500 m have assayed up to 79.01 g/t gold (2.54 oz/t gold) and 3157.89 g/t silver (101.5 oz/t silver) and remain open. Even more exciting is the fact that the mineralization observed on the surface is indicative of a much larger precious and base metal porphyry system or systems at depth. To have 100 % control over a district-scale property of this caliber located in world-class geologic terrane in close proximity to a Tier 1 deposit the likes of Galore Creek is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. With ~95 % of the Big One property remaining unexplored and hosting vast areas of newly exposed outcrop due to glacial and snowpack retreat, it provides for excellent additional long-term discovery potential. The Big One discovery has already garnered serious interest from multiple miners and institutions alike. The company looks forward to the maiden drill program, which could very quickly evolve into a world-class gold discovery.”
- Whopper vein: grab samples from 5 m wide quartz-sulphide vein hosted in an 8 m wide mineralized shear zone returned 16.04 g/t AuEq (13.12 g/t Au, 169.88 g/t Ag, 0.51 % Cu, 1.65 % Pb, 0.42 % Zn) as well as 13.10 g/t AuEq (10.62 g/t Au, 206.32 g/t Ag, 0.01 % Cu, 0.77 % Zn, 0.01 % Pb) and 7.42 g/t AuEq (6.01 g/t Au, 121.97 g/t Ag, 0.01 % Cu, 0.06 % Pb, 0.09 % Zn). The Whopper vein is exposed on surface for 100 m and remains open along strike where it goes under snowpack and ice. The quartz vein consists of lenses and seams of massive pyrite and galena contained in the quartz vein and stockwork. The high-grade Whopper vein geochemical and geophysical signatures are indicative of a porphyry source at depth. This target is drill ready.Big One Whopper Image 1Big One Whopper Image 2, Big One Whopper Image 3,Big One Whopper Image 4, Big One Whopper Video
- Big Mac Vein: Grab sample from a quartz-sulphide vein hosted in a 4 m wide shear zone that contains stringers of semi-massive galena as well as clots of chalcopyrite and pyrite assayed 41.46 g/t AuEq (37.98 g/t Au, 70.37 g/t Ag, 0.24 % Cu, 5.72 % Pb, 3.93 % Zn), as well as 10.67 g/t AuEq (10.61 g/t Au, 3.55 g/t Ag, 0.01 % Cu, 0.01 % Pb, 0.01 % Zn). The Big Mac vein is exposed for 50 m where it goes under overburden/ice and remains open. The Big Mac vein’s geochemical signature is conducive for a porphyry source that is also indicated by geophysical anomalies at depth. This target is drill ready. Big One Big Mac ImageBig One Big Mac Video
- Giant Vein: Channel sample across 1.5 m quartz vein with lenses and stringers of semi-massive to massive chalcopyrite and pyrite returned 6.10 g/t AuEq (5.06 g/t Au, 91.41 g/t Ag, 0.01 % Cu, 0.05 % Pb, 0.03 % Zn). The vein extends vertically for 30 m and remains open within a large gossanous area 100 m wide. The Giant vein’s geochemical signature is conducive for a porphyry source that is also indicated by geophysical anomalies at depth. This target is drill ready. Big One Giant Image
- Deluxe Vein: Channel sample across a 45 cm vein containing semi-massive galena and pyrite assayed 37.20 g/t AuEq (12.12 g/t Au, 2084.61 g/t Ag, 0.02 % Cu, 8.04 % Pb, 0.01 % Zn) as well as 7.68 g/t AuEq (3.39 g/t Au, 380.15 g/t Ag, 0.01 % Cu, 0.11 % Pb, 0.01 % Zn). The vein is up to 2 m wide and has been traced along strike for 150 m and remains open. The Deluxe vein has a geophysical anomaly at depth that is conducive for a porphyry source. This target is drill ready. Big One_Deluxe ImageBig One Deluxe Video
- Double Decker: Grab sample from a set of intersecting quartz-sulphide veins up to 50 cm wide and exposed for 60 m returned 22.04 g/t AuEq (19.82 g/t Au, 216.65 g/t Ag). The veins contain seams of semi-massive galena and pyrite and remain open. The Double Decker vein has a geophysical anomaly at depth that is conducive for a porphyry source. This target is drill ready. Big One DoubleDecker
- Eldorado consists of a high-grade polymetallic gold-silver zone named Highway of Gold that stretches 11 km and remains open on newly exposed bedrock along the fringes of the Geology Ridge icefield and Decker Creek glacier
- Eldorado demarks an area of 7.5 Km of recently exposed bedrock containing substantial propylitic alteration, hydrothermal veining, and epithermal veining with 200 quartz-sulphide veins up to 8 m wide containing semi-massive to massive chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena with grades up to 79.01 g/t Au (2.54 oz/t Au) and 3157 g/t Ag (101.5 oz/t Ag), that remains open
- The polymetallic veins, alteration signature, geochemical path finder element signature, and geophysical anomalies strongly indicate the presence of a common buried gold-silver-copper rich porphyry feeder source at depth responsible for the extensive high-grade veining confirmed on surface
- The newly exposed Eldorado system contains 200 veins over an area of 1.2 km by 800 m that remains open. Within this zone, veins up to 8 m wide and striking up to 500 m were observed (Whopper vein), containing semi-massive to massive chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena, indicated to be the source of historic high-grade gold-silver angular float samples reported in the 1960s in the valley below. Both the zone and the system remain open and are drill ready.
- At least two extensive areas with strong porphyry potential have been identified where the distribution of geochemical path finder elements overlaps with strong geophysical anomalies as well as multiple gold-rich polymetallic veins in outcrop and clearly corresponds to the typical signature observed within or in close proximity to a porphyry system.Big One Geochemistry Maps
The results from the August 2024 reconnaissance exploration program on the Big One property confirmed the excellent untapped exploration potential of the area with the discovery of the extensive high-grade Eldorado gold-silver-copper system found along the 11 km Highway of Gold in newly exposed outcrop around the fringes of the snowfields/glaciers. The Eldorado discovery is bordered by an extensive zone of propylitic alteration halo covering an area of 4 km by 1 km and porphyry textures in outcrop, which, coupled with buried geophysical anomalies and strong geochemical pathfinder element signatures, strongly indicates the presence of a large mineralizing (porphyry) system or systems at depth indicated to be the origin of the extensive high-grade gold, silver and copper mineralization confirmed in veins on surface that remains open.
The Big One property covers 33,693 hectares of world-class geologic terrain in the heart of the Golden Triangle of British Columbia, Canada. The property is largely unexplored, and only recently, due to ongoing rapid glacial and snowpack abatement, has an opportunity been provided to explore extensive areas of the newly exposed outcrop, which has strong potential for discovery today and into the future.
The Eldorado system is indicated to be the source of angular float samples with grades up to 16.9 g/t Au and 49 g/t Ag, discovered in the early 1960s. Eldorado corresponds to the location of the source that was suggested by renowned geologist and glaciation expert Dr. Richard E Kucera in 1990 to the west of the boulder field at an elevation of >4700 ft, which at the time was covered by permanent snow and ice. Big One Float Zone
We have only started to scratch the property's surface and have likely only seen the tip of the iceberg. A number of mineralized occurrences, including porphyry and extensive high-grade polymetallic veins, were discovered on the Big One property, clearly demonstrating the enormous untapped potential of this area, which could quickly evolve into a new world-class discovery.
Table 1: Assay highlights from the Big One property
Sample ID | Sample Type | Au (g/t) | Ag (g/t) | Cu (%) | Pb (%) | Zn (%) | AuEq (g/t) |
D751282 | Grab | 79.01 | 53.49 | 0.13 | 0.43 | 0.80 | 80.08 |
D751966 | Grab | 56.54 | 23.40 | 0.03 | 0.02 | 0.03 | 56.84 |
D751216 | Grab | 37.98 | 70.37 | 0.24 | 5.72 | 3.93 | 41.46 |
D751164 | Grab | 2.03 | 3157.89 | 0.38 | 2.04 | 0.31 | 38.28 |
D751191 | Channel | 12.12 | 2084.61 | 0.02 | 8.04 | 0.00 | 37.20 |
D751156 | Grab | 33.72 | 128.83 | 0.27 | 2.71 | 0.27 | 36.11 |
D751964 | Talus | 23.47 | 105.31 | 1.37 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 26.07 |
D750389 | Grab | 8.10 | 1421.50 | 1.11 | 0.15 | 2.70 | 26.01 |
D751163 | Float | 23.97 | 2.75 | 0.02 | 2.16 | 0.13 | 24.53 |
D751209 | Grab | 19.82 | 216.65 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 22.24 |
D750394 | Grab | 13.12 | 169.88 | 0.51 | 1.65 | 0.42 | 16.04 |
D751285 | Grab | 3.74 | 101.58 | 7.96 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 13.18 |
D751975 | Grab | 10.62 | 206.32 | 0.00 | 0.77 | 0.01 | 13.10 |
D750192 | Grab | 3.44 | 230.39 | 6.61 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 12.91 |
D751943 | Grab | 4.00 | 99.85 | 0.30 | 15.35 | 8.35 | 11.32 |
D750198 | Float | 6.01 | 32.31 | 0.14 | 0.04 | 15.30 | 11.21 |
D750608 | Grab | 10.62 | 3.55 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 10.67 |
D751154 | Grab | 5.72 | 219.32 | 0.22 | 1.81 | 1.34 | 9.20 |
D751969 | Float | 5.59 | 187.89 | 0.40 | 1.91 | 0.98 | 8.82 |
D751284 | Float | 6.34 | 56.05 | 0.03 | 6.78 | 0.59 | 8.66 |
D751151 | Float | 2.79 | 95.04 | 0.01 | 20.00 | 1.22 | 8.59 |
D751192 | Channel | 3.39 | 380.15 | 0.01 | 0.11 | 0.00 | 7.68 |
D751104 | Float | 3.79 | 187.22 | 0.30 | 4.60 | 1.12 | 7.54 |
D750395 | Grab | 6.01 | 121.97 | 0.01 | 0.06 | 0.09 | 7.42 |
D751939 | Channel | 5.06 | 91.41 | 0.00 | 0.05 | 0.03 | 6.10 |
D751107 | Float | 4.09 | 74.75 | 0.22 | 1.20 | 0.95 | 5.71 |
D751112 | Float | 4.94 | 60.63 | 0.00 | 0.31 | 0.02 | 5.70 |
D751158 | Grab | 4.60 | 33.15 | 0.04 | 1.36 | 0.02 | 5.31 |
D750657 | Grab | 3.71 | 41.29 | 0.76 | 0.01 | 0.02 | 4.98 |
D751215 | Grab | 2.96 | 105.47 | 0.04 | 0.04 | 2.15 | 4.84 |
D750094 | Grab | 0.02 | 100.05 | 1.01 | 0.06 | 8.60 | 4.83 |
D750656 | Grab | 1.56 | 100.27 | 0.06 | 7.88 | 0.25 | 4.53 |
D750088 | Grab | 0.16 | 166.59 | 0.04 | 7.63 | 1.50 | 4.18 |
D750664 | Float | 0.46 | 224.12 | 0.02 | 4.51 | 0.08 | 3.99 |
D751697 | Grab | 0.09 | 97.20 | 2.35 | 0.01 | 0.07 | 3.65 |
D751283 | Float | 0.26 | 14.00 | 3.02 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.57 |
D751946 | Grab | 0.02 | 125.23 | 0.72 | 0.18 | 4.35 | 3.54 |
D751699 | Grab | 2.15 | 67.96 | 0.01 | 2.63 | 0.06 | 3.51 |
D751195 | Channel | 1.61 | 36.67 | 0.82 | 1.27 | 0.71 | 3.37 |
D750554 | Channel | 0.05 | 80.48 | 0.35 | 1.05 | 5.34 | 3.17 |
D750199 | Grab | 0.15 | 113.29 | 0.01 | 7.73 | 0.05 | 3.13 |
D751836 | Chip | 0.22 | 98.74 | 0.00 | 5.21 | 1.59 | 2.95 |
D751845 | Chip | 2.63 | 27.78 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 2.95 |
D751972 | Channel | 1.42 | 44.82 | 0.03 | 3.43 | 0.68 | 2.90 |
D751846 | Grab | 2.59 | 24.90 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2.87 |
D751207 | Grab | 0.04 | 3.30 | 0.01 | 12.65 | 0.01 | 2.85 |
D751109 | Grab | 1.65 | 86.36 | 0.10 | 0.01 | 0.03 | 2.73 |
D751962 | Grab | 0.55 | 86.59 | 0.26 | 1.17 | 1.98 | 2.65 |
D751968 | Grab | 1.49 | 58.18 | 0.01 | 1.68 | 0.13 | 2.55 |
D751153 | Grab | 0.83 | 82.95 | 0.38 | 0.08 | 1.16 | 2.52 |
D751213 | Float | 1.65 | 59.19 | 0.02 | 0.31 | 0.02 | 2.41 |
D751992 | Grab | 0.33 | 100.07 | 0.03 | 3.27 | 0.06 | 2.21 |
D750448 | Grab | 0.42 | 65.04 | 0.03 | 4.57 | 0.09 | 2.20 |
D750086 | Channel | 0.17 | 16.43 | 0.12 | 1.11 | 4.70 | 2.16 |
D751947 | Grab | 0.01 | 68.75 | 0.48 | 0.09 | 2.81 | 2.16 |
D750555 | Channel | 0.05 | 68.88 | 0.17 | 1.03 | 2.65 | 2.03 |
D751165 | Grab | 1.95 | 2.75 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 1.99 |
D750393 | Grab | 1.01 | 38.49 | 0.02 | 1.79 | 0.37 | 1.97 |
D750449 | Grab | 0.24 | 27.68 | 0.01 | 6.38 | 0.02 | 1.96 |
D751194 | Grab | 0.44 | 110.84 | 0.01 | 0.08 | 0.09 | 1.74 |
D750197 | Grab | 0.10 | 95.55 | 0.02 | 1.43 | 0.53 | 1.66 |
D750195 | Grab | 0.33 | 15.65 | 0.07 | 2.21 | 1.77 | 1.60 |
D750083 | Channel | 0.81 | 32.15 | 0.01 | 1.63 | 0.12 | 1.57 |
D751251 | Grab | 1.27 | 12.39 | 0.11 | 0.02 | 0.02 | 1.53 |
D750552 | Channel | 0.02 | 32.45 | 0.24 | 0.04 | 2.82 | 1.51 |
D751948 | Grab | 0.11 | 53.19 | 0.01 | 3.48 | 0.07 | 1.49 |
D751993 | Grab | 1.20 | 10.66 | 0.03 | 0.35 | 0.17 | 1.48 |
D751116 | Grab | 1.27 | 14.42 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 1.44 |
D750553 | Channel | 0.02 | 25.81 | 0.22 | 0.06 | 2.82 | 1.42 |
D751115 | Grab | 0.05 | 44.66 | 0.02 | 0.95 | 2.03 | 1.40 |
D750607 | Grab | 0.68 | 44.82 | 0.00 | 0.75 | 0.03 | 1.36 |
D751941 | Grab | 0.35 | 28.01 | 0.06 | 0.64 | 1.54 | 1.34 |
D750095 | Channel | 0.06 | 50.63 | 0.07 | 1.56 | 0.93 | 1.32 |
D750093 | Channel | 0.02 | 43.65 | 0.15 | 0.65 | 1.65 | 1.31 |
D751159 | Grab | 0.54 | 28.12 | 0.03 | 1.93 | 0.03 | 1.31 |
D751599 | Float | 0.05 | 71.52 | 0.02 | 1.54 | 0.23 | 1.27 |
D750091 | Channel | 0.02 | 52.72 | 0.13 | 0.07 | 1.40 | 1.18 |
D751193 | Grab | 0.44 | 20.10 | 0.48 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 1.17 |
D750087 | Channel | 0.14 | 36.37 | 0.00 | 1.49 | 0.91 | 1.15 |
D751945 | Grab | 0.02 | 29.84 | 0.08 | 1.53 | 1.17 | 1.13 |
D751835 | Chip | 0.12 | 24.61 | 0.05 | 1.76 | 0.75 | 1.05 |
The Big One property is situated in a region that is well known for hosting world-class precious metal and porphyry deposits, several of which occur near the property including the multiple porphyry systems at Galore Creek (12,159 million pounds of copper, 9.438 million ounces of gold, 174.086 million ounces of silver), the world’s largest known gold reserve at KSM (47.3 million ounces of gold, 160 million ounces of silver, 7.32 billion pounds of copper) and the polymetallic copper project at Shaft Creek (5 billion pounds of copper, 3.7 million ounces of gold, 16.4 million ounces of silver), as well as the Brucejack high-grade epithermal gold deposit (14 million ounces of gold, 91.8 million ounces of silver), and the structurally controlled high-grade hydrothermal gold-silver zones at Trophy and Sphal Creek. The property geology is favorable to host these types of deposits as confirmed by the presence of extensive areas of propylitic alteration, untested geophysical anomalies, strong silt, soil and rock geochemistry, including path finder elements directly related to porphyry systems, key structures and textures, porphyry-style mineralization, and high-grade polymetallic veins, that have been discovered within the Big One claims. Big One Property Map
The Big One property can be accessed year-round via helicopter from the Glenora/Telegraph Creek Road at the Barrington Mine (33 km to the north-northeast) and the Galore Creek Road (15 km to the southeast). The Canadian government committed $20 M to extend/improve the Galore Creek Road within 15 km of the Big One property. The property is only 2 km west of the Scud River airstrip used in the early days of Galore Creek.
The Big One property exploration qualifies for the Critical Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (CMETC).
About the B-ALL Syndicate
The B-ALL Syndicate is a highly specialized geologic team of project generators with a proven track record of success. The Syndicate is focused on unexplored areas of glacial and snowpack retreat, providing new opportunities for material discovery in world-class geologic terrain. The B-ALL Syndicate is on track with discovery as demonstrated with Big One and other properties generated by the J2 Syndicate that were subsequently optioned out resulting in the material Surebet discovery with Goliath Resources. The B-ALL Syndicate team consists of many of the same J2 Syndicate members who have played key roles from inception in the exploration teams for both Goliath Resources and Juggernaut Exploration and are responsible for multiple discoveries. Juggernaut Exploration has a significant interest in the B-ALL Syndicate.
Big One option
All payments are optional. Subject to receipt of all regulatory approvals, Juggernaut will commit to issuing 18,000,000 units on or before April 2nd, 2027; the units will have a 5-year warrant issued at market price on April 2nd, 2027, to earn 49%. Juggernaut can elect to pay an additional 18,000,000 units on or before April 2nd, 2033; the units will have a 5-year warrant issued at market price to earn 80% of the Bigone property. Juggernaut can earn an additional 20% interest in the Property (for a 100% interest ) by delivering to the B-All Syndicate, by April 2, 2034, a NI 43-101 technical report which includes an inferred resource calculation of gold equivalent mineral ounces of all minerals on the Property in the aggregate; within six months of the delivery of the NI 43-101 report pay to the B-All Syndicate USD $1 million plus USD $1 for every gold equivalent ounce outlined in the NI 43-101 technical report. Juggernaut will be required to produce an updated NI 43-101 technical report on the Property every thirty-six (36) months commencing April 2, 2034. Juggernaut will pay the B-All Syndicate a cash bonus of USD $1 for every additional gold equivalent ounce of gold in the inferred mineral resource category outlined by each NI 43-101 technical report produced on the Bigone Property. A royalty (“Royalty”) of 3% of net smelter returns (“NSR”) and other returns from all production from the Property will be payable to the B-All Syndicate, in cash or in-kind (i.e., gold and other Minerals produced from the Property) at the option of the B-All Syndicate. Juggernaut will have the right and option to reduce the Royalty on Juggernaut’s interest in the Property from 3% to 2.5% by paying US$1,500,000 to the B-All Syndicate not later than April 2, 2032.
About CASERM (Center To Advance The Science Of Exploration To Reclamation In Mining)
Juggernaut is a paying member and active supporter of CASERM, an organization that represents a collaborative venture between the Colorado School of Mines and Virginia Tech aimed at transforming the way that geoscience data is used in the mineral resource industry. Research focuses on the integration of diverse geoscience data to improve decision-making across the mine life cycle, beginning with the exploration for subsurface resources and continuing through mine operation as well as closure and environmental remediation.
Qualified Person
Tyler Punk, P. Geo is the qualified person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101, for Juggernaut Exploration projects, and supervised the preparation of, and has reviewed and approved, the technical information in this release.
About Juggernaut Exploration Ltd.
Juggernaut Exploration Ltd. is an explorer and generator of precious metals projects in the prolific Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia. Its projects are in world-class geological settings and geopolitical safe jurisdictions amenable to mining in Canada. Juggernaut is a member and active supporter of CASERM, an organization representing a collaborative venture between the Colorado School of Mines and Virginia Tech. Juggernaut’s key strategic cornerstone shareholder is Crescat Capital.
For more information, please contact:
Dan Stuart
President, Director, and Chief Executive Officer
Grab, channels, chip and talus samples were collected by foot with helicopter assistance. Prospective areas included, but were not limited to, proximity to MINFile locations, placer creek occurrences, regional soil anomalies, and potential gossans based on high-resolution satellite imagery. The rock grab and chip samples were extracted using a rock hammer, or hammer and chisel to expose fresh surfaces and to liberate a sample of anywhere between 0.5 to 5.0 kilograms. All sample sites were flagged with biodegradable flagging tape and marked with the sample number. All sample sites were recorded using hand-held GPS units (accuracy 3-10 meters) and sample ID, easting, northing, elevation, type of sample (outcrop, subcrop, float, talus, chip, grab, etc.) and a description of the rock were recorded on all-weather paper. Samples were then inserted in a clean plastic bag with a sample tag for transport and shipping to the geochemistry lab. QA/QC samples including blanks, standards, and duplicate samples were inserted regularly into the sample sequence at a rate of 10%.
All samples are transported in rice bags sealed with numbered security tags. A transport company takes them from the core shack to the Paragon Geochemical labs facilities in Surrey, BC or ALS labs facilities in North Vancouver, BC. Paragon Geochemical is certified with both AC89-IAS and ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2017. ALS is either certified to ISO 9001:2008 or accredited to ISO 17025:2005 in all of its locations. Samples submitted to Paragon received gold and silver analysis by photon assay whereby the entire sample is crushed to approximately 70% passing 2 mm mesh. The entire crushed sample is riffle split and weighed into multiple (300-500g) jars that are submitted for photon assay. Photon assay uses high-energy X-rays (photons) to excite atomic nuclei within the jarred samples, causing them to emit secondary gamma rays, which are measured to identify and quantify the metals present. The assays from all jars are combined on a weight-averaged basis. At ALS samples were processed, dried, crushed, and pulverized before analysis using the ME-MS61 and Au-SCR21 methods. For the ME-MS61 method, a prepared sample is digested with perchloric, nitric, hydrofluoric, and hydrochloric acids. The residue is topped up with dilute hydrochloric acid and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Overlimits were re-analyzed using the ME-OG62 and Ag-GRA21 methods (gravimetric finish). For Au-SCR21 a large volume of sample is needed (typically 1-3kg). The sample is crushed and screened (usually to -106 micron) to separate coarse gold particles from fine material. After screening, two aliquots of the fine fraction are analysed using the traditional fire assay method. The fine fraction is expected to be reasonably homogenous and well represented by the duplicate analyses. The entire coarse fraction is assayed to determine the contribution of the coarse gold.
Certain disclosure in this release may constitute forward-looking statements that are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties relating to Juggernaut’s operations that may cause future results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements, including its ability to complete the contemplated private placement. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these statements.
Sitka Prepares for Winter Diamond Drilling Program at Its RC Gold Project, Yukon
Sitka Gold Corp. (TSXV: SIG) (FSE: 1RF) (OTCQB: SITKF) ("Sitka" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that preparations are currently underway for a winter diamond drilling program scheduled to begin this month at its flagship RC Gold Project ("RC Gold" or the "Project"), located in the prolific Tombstone Gold Belt in Yukon. The winter drilling campaign will mark the start of a fully funded 30,000 metre diamond drilling program planned for RC Gold this year.
The Company recently announced an updated mineral resource estimate ("MRE") at RC Gold of 1.3 million ounces of gold indicated and 1.5 million ounces of gold inferred (see news release dated January 21, 2025 and Table 1). The MRE includes updated gold resource estimates at its 100% owned Blackjack deposit comprised of an indicated resource of 1.29 million ounces at a grade of 1.01 g/t gold and an inferred resource of 1.04 million ounces at a grade of 0.94 g/t gold using a 0.30 g/t gold cut-off grade. The primary focus of drilling this year will be to continue upgrading and expanding the Blackjack deposit, which remains open in all directions, and further test gold mineralization within the Clear Creek Intrusive Complex (CCIC), including at the Eiger Deposit, which also remains open in all directions, and at the Saddle, Rhosgobel, Contact and Pukelman targets (see Figures 1 and 2). In late 2024, the Company completed the first ever diamond drill holes at Rhosgobel which significantly increased the depth of known gold mineralization at the target area with gold mineralization now extending from surface to a depth of at least 300 metres. Two holes were completed and returned multiple observations of visible gold and impressive intervals of strong gold mineralization with assays of up to 119.0 m of 1.05 g/t gold including 37.9 m of 2.05 g/t gold and 11.5 m of 4.32 g/t gold (see news release dated November 25, 2024).
"We are very excited to begin preparations for our 2025 diamond drilling program at RC Gold where we plan to get a significant jump on this year's drilling season with a winter drilling program", stated Cor Coe, Director and CEO of Sitka. "Since 2022, and with limited drilling, we have taken RC Gold from an initial discovery hole to a very impressive gold resource that has the potential to grow considerably. With 30,000 metres of drilling planned for 2025, which is more than double the total amount of drilling that we have completed to date at the Project, we are on track to rapidly advance RC Gold this year with significant expansion drilling at the Blackjack and Eiger deposits as well as follow up drilling at the other intrusion-related gold targets within the Clear Creek Intrusive Complex, including the Rhosgobel and Pukelman intrusions where drilling last year confirmed robust gold mineralization is present similar to that observed at the Blackjack deposit."
Figure 1 - Plan map showing the multiple high-priority target areas within the Clear Creek Intrusive Complex. 30,000 metres of drilling is planned in this area for 2025 with a proposed allocation of approximately 15,000 metres across the Blackjack - Eiger target area, 10,000 metres at Rhosgobel - Bear Paw and 5,000 metres at Pukelman.
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Figure 2 - Long Section showing target areas from the Blackjack deposit to the Rhosgobel target and the proposed drilling allocated as part of the 30,000 metre diamond drilling program planned for 2025.
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
About the flagship RC Gold Project
The RC Gold Project consists of a 431 square kilometre contiguous district-scale land package located in the heart of Yukon's Tombstone Gold Belt. The project is located approximately 100 kilometres east of Dawson City, which has a 5,000 foot paved runway, and is accessed via a secondary gravel road from the Klondike Highway which is usable year-round and is an approximate 2 hour drive from Dawson City. It is the largest consolidated land package strategically positioned mid-way between the Eagle Gold Mine and the past producing Brewery Creek Gold Mine.
The RC Gold Project now has pit-constrained mineral resources prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") guidelines that are contained in two zones: the Blackjack and Eiger deposits with 1,291,000 ounces of gold grading 1.01 g/t gold in an indicated category and 1,044,000 grading 0.94 g/t in an inferred category at Blackjack and 440,000 ounces grading 0.50 g/t gold in an inferred category at Eiger. Both of these deposits are at/near surface, are potentially open pit minable and amenable to heap leaching, with initial bottle roll tests indicating that the gold is not refractory and has high gold recoveries of up to 94% with minimal NaCN consumption (see News Release July 13, 2022). The Mineral Resource Estimate is presented in the following table:
Table 1: Current pit-constrained gold resources at the RC Gold Project*
Deposit | Gold Cut-off (g/t Au) | Mineral Resource Category | Tonnes (000's) | Gold Grade (Au g/t) | Oz Au (000's) |
Blackjack | 0.30 | Indicated | 39,962 | 1.01 | 1,291 |
Blackjack | 0.30 | Inferred | 34,603 | 0.94 | 1,044 |
Eiger | 0.25 | Inferred | 27,362 | 0.50 | 440 |
* For details of the resource estimate please see Company news release dated January 21, 2025.
To date, 72 diamond drill holes have been drilled into this system by the Company for a total of approximately 25,136 metres. Other targets drilled to date include the Saddle, Josephine, Rhosgobel and Pukelman zones. The resource expansion drilling in 2023 at Blackjack produced results of up to 219.0 m of 1.34 g/t gold Including 124.8 m of 2.01 g/t gold and 55.0 m of 3.11 g/t gold in drill hole DDRCCC-23-047 (see news release dated September 26, 2023) and in 2024 results of up to 678.1 metres of 1.04 g/t gold starting from surface in DDRCCC-24-068, Including 409.5 metres of 1.36 g/t gold, 93.0 metres of 2.57 g/t gold and 5.5 metres of 17.59 g/t gold (see news release dated October 21, 2024).
RC Gold Deposit Model
Exploration on the Property has mainly focused on identifying an intrusion-related gold system ("IRGS"). The property is within the Tombstone Gold Belt which is the prominent host to IRGS deposits within the Tintina Gold Province in Yukon and Alaska. Notable deposits from the belt include: Fort Knox Mine in Alaska with current Proven and Probable Reserves of 230 million tonnes at 0.3 g/t Au (2.471 million ounces; Sims 2018)(1); Eagle Gold Mine with current Measured and Indicated Resources of 233 million tonnes at a grade of 0.57 g/t Au at the Eagle Main Zone (4.303 million ounces; Harvey et al, 2022)(2); the Brewery Creek deposit with current Indicated Mineral Resource of 22.2 million tonnes at a gold grade of 1.11 g/t (0.789 million ounces; Hulse et al. 2020)(3); the Florin Gold deposit with a current Inferred Mineral Resource of 170.99 million tonnes grading 0.45 g/t (2.47 million ounces; Simpson 2021)(4); the AurMac Project with an Inferred Mineral Resource of 347.49 million tonnes grading 0.63 gram per tonne gold (7.00 million ounces)(5) and the Valley Deposit, with a current Indicated Mineral Resource of 4.05 million oz gold at 1.66 g/t and an additional Inferred Mineral Resource of 3.26 million oz at 1.25 g/t gold(6).
- Sims J. Fort Knox Mine Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska, USA National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report. June 11, 2018. https://s2.q4cdn.com/496390694/files/doc_downloads...
- Harvey N., Gray P., Winterton J., Jutras M., Levy M.,Technical Report for the Eagle Gold Mine, Yukon Territory, Canada. Victoria Gold Corp. December 31, 2022. https://vgcx.com/site/assets/files/6534/vgcx_-_202...
- Hulse D, Emanuel C, Cook C. NI 43-101 Technical Report on Mineral Resources. Gustavson Associates. May 31, 2020. https://minedocs.com/22/Brewery-Creek-PEA-01182022...
- Simpson R. Florin Gold Project NI 43-101 Technical Report. Geosim Services Inc. April 21, 2021. https://sedar.com/GetFile.do?lang=EN&docClass=24&i... d=4984158
- Thornton T., Jutras M., Malhotra D. Technical Report Aurmac Property Mayo Mining District, Yukon Territory, Canada. JDS Energy and Mining Inc. February 6, 2024. https://banyangold.com/site/assets/files/5251/bany...
- Burrell H., Redmond D.J., Haggarty P., Rogue Gold Project: NI 43-101 Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimate, Yukon Territory, Canada. Snowline Gold Corp. May 15, 2024. https://snowlinegold.com
Upcoming Events
Sitka Gold will be attending and/or presenting at the following events*:
- PDAC - Toronto, ON: March 2 - 5, 2025
- Swiss Mining Institute - Zurich, Switzerland: March 18 - 19, 2025
- 121 Mining Investment - London, England: May 12 - 13, 2025
- Canaccord Global Metals and Mining Conference - Henderson, NV: May 20 - 22, 2025
- Yukon Mining Alliance - Dawson City, Yukon: July 9 - 14, 2025
*All events are subject to change.
About Sitka Gold Corp.
Sitka Gold Corp. is a well-funded mineral exploration company headquartered in Canada with approximately $15 million in its treasury and no debt. The Company is managed by a team of experienced industry professionals and is focused on exploring for economically viable mineral deposits with its primary emphasis on gold, silver and copper mineral properties of merit. Sitka is currently advancing its 100% owned, 431 square kilometre flagship RC Gold Project located within the Tombstone Gold Belt in the Yukon Territory. The Company is also advancing the Alpha Gold Project in Nevada and currently has drill permits for its Burro Creek Gold and Silver Project in Arizona and the Coppermine River Project in Nunavut.
*For more detailed information on the Company's properties please visit our website at www.sitkagoldcorp.com
The scientific and technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Cor Coe, P.Geo., Director and CEO of the Company, and a Qualified Person (QP) as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
"Donald Penner"
President and Director
For more information contact:
Donald Penner
President & Director
Cor Coe
CEO & Director
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements
This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". This information and these statements, referred to herein as "forward‐looking statements", are not historical facts, are made as of the date of this news release and include without limitation, statements regarding discussions of future plans, estimates and forecasts and statements as to management's expectations and intentions and the Company's anticipated work programs.
These forward‐looking statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, market uncertainty and the results of the Company's anticipated work programs.
Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. We seek safe harbor.
Trump's Trade Tactics Shake Up Global Commodities Markets
US President Donald Trump’s tariff policies are reshaping global commodities markets, with a variety of resource industries experiencing volatility since Trump reassumed power in the country.
The implementation of 25 percent tariffs on imports from Canada and Mexico — albeit currently paused — and a 10 percent increase on Chinese tariffs has created supply and currency fluctuations across the commodities board.
Gold hits new record on safe-haven demand
The gold price reached record levels as investors reacted to Trump’s tariffs.
Spot gold rose as high as US$2,843.71 per ounce on Tuesday (February 4) morning, settling around the US$2,840 level as of 11:30 a.m. EDT. Gold futures were sitting at about US$2,870 at that time.
Although gold and the US dollar typically have an inverse relationship, safe-haven demand has offset the impact of a stronger currency as investors seek protection agains inflation and economic uncertainty.
Canada, Mexico and China have announced retaliatory trade measures against the US, with China confirming it will challenge the tariffs at the World Trade Organization. Market participants anticipate further geopolitical instability, which could sustain high gold prices despite interest rate expectations.
Supply risks and price pressures loom over PGMs market
Platinum-group metals (PGMs) are facing uncertainty as tariffs threaten to disrupt established trade routes.
The US is a net importer of 560,000 ounces of platinum annually, representing 7 percent of global demand, and 400,000 ounces of palladium, accounting for 4 percent of global consumption.
With PGMs included in the tariff framework and limited ability to expand US domestic production, supply shortages could emerge, according to a recent World Platinum Investment Council release.
For instance, the Stillwater mine in Montana, the largest domestic producer, reduced its capacity by 40 percent in 2024, and a reversal would require substantially higher platinum prices. Meanwhile, Canada’s Lac des Iles mine risks losing the US as an export market, though South African PGMs miners remain untariffed for now.
Macroeconomic factors also contribute to downside risks for platinum pricing.
Tariffs contribute to inflation, which could slow the US Federal Reserve’s rate-cutting trajectory and support a stronger US dollar, both of which historically correlate with lower platinum prices.
Crude oil prices decline amid trade uncertainty
Crude oil prices fell on Tuesday as US tariffs on China took effect.
According to Reuters, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude dropped 1.8 percent to reach US$71.84 per barrel, while Brent crude fell 1.2 percent to US$75.09 per barrel.
The impact of tariffs on global energy markets is unfolding in stages, with China imposing a retaliatory 10 percent tariff on US crude oil imports effective February 10.
China's 2024 crude oil imports from the US account for 1.7 percent of its total crude purchases. This supply reduction, combined with retaliatory tariffs on US coal and liquefied natural gas, could shift trade flows.
Recently, the US had been expanding its crude exports to China following a Phase 1 trade agreement signed under Trump’s first term; however, these new tariffs could reverse those gains.
If enacted, Canada would face 10 percent tariffs on energy products, lower than the 25 percent proposed on all other Canadian goods. The restrictions were paused by Trump on Monday (February 3) following commitments from both the Canadian and Mexican governments to increase border enforcement.
Copper and zinc rise as Canada, Mexico tariffs paused
The delay on tariffs sent copper and zinc prices higher.
Copper, which serves as a key industrial indicator, extended gains as sentiment reversed.
The US delay in imposing 25 percent tariffs on Canadian and Mexican imports eased immediate concerns of a continental trade war, which had previously weighed on base metals, Bloomberg reported.
On Tuesday, copper traded 0.3 percent higher at US$9,124 per metric ton on the London Metal Exchange, following a US$200 price swing in the prior session.
Zinc also climbed 0.3 percent, while aluminum prices stabilized.
Even so, market participants remain cautious about Trump's ongoing tariff threats against China.
Base metal prices had been pressured by concerns over declining Chinese demand, particularly as China remains closed for the Lunar New Year holiday.
Don’t forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time news updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Giann Liguid, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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