Two New Mineralised Zones Highlight Further Growth Potential at Gogbala

Two New Mineralised Zones Highlight Further Growth Potential at Gogbala

Mako Gold Limited (“Mako” or “the Company”; ASX:MKG) advises that it has received assay results from 43 reverse circulation (RC) holes from the ongoing drill program at the Gogbala Prospect, within the Company’s flagship Napié Project in Côte d’Ivoire. Gogbala is located on a +23km soil anomaly and coincident 30km-long Napié Fault (Figure 6).

  • Gogbala drilling identifies two new mineralised zones outside of the current resource drill area returning 6m at 5.05g/t Au and 4m at 4.82g/t Au
  • The two new mineralised zones include more than 1km of undrilled Napié Fault which provides pathways for resource growth following the maiden MRE scheduled for Q2-CY22
  • Significant wide and high-grade mineralisation was intersected in 36 of the 43 holes, including:
    • NARC668: 7m at 1.26g/t Au from 22m; and
        • 4m at 14.78g/t Au from 93m; including 2m at 27.83g/t Au from 93m
    • NARC697: 6m at 5.05g/t Au from 79m; including 1m at 12.18g/t Au from 80m and 1m at 10.71g/t Au from 82m
    • NARC703DD: 6m at 4.28g/t Au from 63m; including 1m at 14.65g/t Au from 68m
    • NARC686: 4m at 4.82g/t Au from 113m
    • NARC626DD: 7m at 2.58g/t Au from 155m
    • NARC672: 5m at 2.80g/t Au from 32m; including 1m at 10.61g/t Au from 35m; and
      • 2m at 3.85g/t Au from 83m; including 1m at 7.11g/t Au from 83m
    • NARC676: 6m at 2.12g/t Au from 62m; including 1m at 6.76g/t Au from 65m
    • NARC671: 3m at 3.27g/t Au from 114m; including 1m at 9.26g/t Au from 116m
    • NARC673: 6m at 1.41g/t Au from 37m; including 1m at 3.84g/t Au from 42m
    • NARC677: 1m at 8.77g/t Au from 36m; and
      • 2m at 1.76g/t Au from 53m; and
      • 3m at 1.46g/t Au from 59m
    • NARC351: 3m at 2.36g/t Au from 42m; and
      • 1m at 5.50g/t Au from 148m
  • RC drilling is ongoing at Gogbala with an RC and a DD rig operating around the clock
  • Results from AC drilling at Tchaga North and Komboro expected imminently with RC drilling to commence shortly
  • Results from auger drilling at Korhogo expected shortly, with maiden RC drilling program to follow
  • Mako management was recently on-site to evaluate operations

Mako’s Managing Director, Peter Ledwidge commented:

“We are once again very pleased to be reporting on more good results from our extensional drilling program at the Gogbala Prospect. We are excited by our discovery of two new emerging mineralised zones at Gogbala as these present high-priority targets which have the potential to expand the resource when we resume drilling at Gogbala following the maiden MRE.

It is highly encouraging that 36 of the 43 holes drilled returned significant gold results and we are consistently achieving a high success rate in our drilling.

Mako management recently travelled to the projects in Côte d’Ivoire, and we are extremely pleased with the high calibre and performance of our exploration team. Our inspection of the drill core and RC chips as well as our field visits to the Napié and Korhogo projects continue to underline the potential to further expand inventory at Mako’s projects.

Click here for the full ASX Release

This article includes content from Mako Gold Limited , licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.

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