Brightstar Resources

Shallow Gold up to 54g/t Au Returned in Menzies RC Drilling

Brightstar Resources Limited (ASX: BTR) (Brightstar or the Company) is pleased to announce that it has begun to receive assays from the recently completed ~5,000m RC drilling program at the Link Zone and Aspacia deposits at the Menzies Gold Project.


  • Partial results from the 42 hole, +2,800m reverse circulation drilling program at the Link Zone have been received, with best intercepts including:
    • 1m @ 54.77g/t Au from 10m (MGPRC049)
    • 7m @ 3.09g/t Au from 84m (MGPRC050)
    • 2m @ 4.46g/t Au from 6m (MGPRC059)
    • 3m @ 2.96g/t Au from 31m (MGPRC053)
    • 3m @ 2.32g/t Au from 0m (MGPRC040)
  • The Q4 2023 RC drilling program was designed to both infill and extend known boundaries of mineralisation with the intent of advancing it towards potential near-term mining opportunities similar to the Selkirk Mining JV
  • The shallow gold results at the Link Zone continue to illustrate the potential for a modest scale mining operation to generate working capital to organically fund exploration and development activities ahead of the envisaged larger scale development of Brightstar’s Menzies and Laverton Gold Projects
  • Assays for a further 15 holes completed at the Link Zone and 29 holes completed at the Aspacia deposit remain outstanding and will be reported once received and analysed
  • Brightstar has commenced early-stage discussions with potential mining JV partners, and is independently advancing permitting and approvals to support production activities.

Brightstar’s Managing Director, Alex Rovira, commented: “It is pleasing to see the results from the December RC drilling campaign, with 21 out of 27 holes received to date returning significant intersections (> 0.5g/t Au), including shallow mineralisation up to 54g/t Au across the Merriyulah and Golden Dicks deposits.

This program was designed as extensional and infill drilling to both grow the existing resource at the Link Zone along strike and down dip, and also infill areas to increase geological understanding and certainty for assessing potential mining operations.

The Link Zone area continues to show potential for a shallow modest open pit mining operation that could be accelerated prior to the bigger-scale development of the Menzies and Laverton Gold Projects. Brightstar is continuing to rapidly advance our suite of projects in 2024, with the diamond drilling underway at Cork Tree Well in Laverton, pre-feasibility study activities continuing and exploration accelerating at Menzies.”

Brightstar has recently completed a 42 hole, +2,800m RC drilling program at the Link Zone in Menzies, which is located ~1km south of the 287koz Lady Shenton System and ~1km north of the 43koz Lady Harriet System (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Regional Geology of Menzies Gold Project area with resource outlines

In November 2023, the Company released a maiden MRE for the Link Zone1, which saw a combined 615,000t @ 1.07g/t Au for 21koz Au across the three deposits (Westralian Menzies, Merriyulah and Golden Dicks) as summarised in Table 1.

This drilling program utilised the resource wireframes from the November 2023 MRE and the successful drilling in July 20232 as a basis for the predominantly shallow extensional and infill drill holes to continue to grow the size of the MRE and improve the confidence classification of the deposits to advance them towards production (Figures 2 & 3). Significant intercepts above 0.5 g/t Au are presented in Table 2.

Click here for the full ASX Release

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