Puma Exploration Discovers Several New High-grade Gold ZonesĀ at Williams Brook, Including 51.73 G/t Gold Over 1.85 M

Puma Exploration Discovers Several New High-grade Gold ZonesĀ at Williams Brook, Including 51.73 G/t Gold Over 1.85 M

Puma Exploration Inc. (TSXV: PUMA, OTC: PUXPF) (the "Company" or "Puma") is pleased to report results from another 24 holes for 2,814 metres of its ongoing 10,000 metres 2022 drilling campaign at its 100%-owned Williams Brook Gold Project in Northern New Brunswick. Several new high-grade veins were intersected at shallow depth (from 0-50 metres), including 51.73 gt Au over 1.85 metres and 10.70 Au over 2.00 metres in hole WB22-66 and 35.09 gt Au over 1.45 metres in hole WB22-39. These two (2) new mineralized intersections are located 500 metres apart along the O'Neil Gold Trend ("OGT") that remains open in all directions (see Figure 1).

ā–  WB22-39: 11.71 g/t Au over 2.50 m (1.23 g/t Au over 24.70 m)
ā–  WB22-57: 35.09 g/t Au over 1.45 m (4.30 g/t Au over 12.30 m)
ā–  WB22-58: 16.85 g/t Au over 1.20 m (1.15 g/t Au over 23.00 m)
ā–  WB22-60: 21.00 g/t Au over 0.60 m (2.38 g/t Au over 6.20 m)
ā–  WB22-66: 51.73 g/t Au over 1.85 m (13.49 g/t Au over 7.15 m)
ā–  WB22-66: 10.70 g/t Au over 2.00 m (5.01 g/t Au over 4.40 m)
*Stated lengths in metres are downhole core lengths and not true widths.
True widths will be calculated once more drilling confirms the geometry of the quartz-sulphide system.

The high-grade gold discovery in hole WB22-66 is of particular interest. It was drilled in an area (gap) between the Lynx and the Pepitos Gold zones where the thickness of the overburden prevented stripping and trenching before drilling. More than 30 specks of visible gold ("VG'') were identified in hole WB-22-66 (see Image 1) in an area that had not been sampled, indicating that the potential of the OGT, especially in this area, may be even higher than initially anticipated.

A total of 43 holes for 5,203 metres in the current 10,000 metres drilling program have been reported to date (including today results). An additional 31 holes are now being logged with 2,127 core samples in prep for analysis. Visible gold was identified in four (4) holes awaiting assaying (see Figure 1). Drilling is ongoing, with a total of 8,800 metres completed to date. The Company expects to complete its 10,000 m program as planned this month. Pending assay results will be announced when received, and news flow is expected to be continuous over the summer.

Figure 1: Location of reported drill holes (current release in pink)


"The results from our 10,000 metres 2022 drilling program provide us with phenomenal new information to build our understanding of this exciting and prolific new Maritimes' Gold District on the western edge of the Bathurst Mining Camp. " said Marcel Robillard, President and CEO of Puma Exploration.

" We've already launched our fully financed summer field exploration program to identify drilling targets for the fall program. Thanks to our loyal and supportive shareholders, we are fully funded, and we will continue to aggressively develop Williams Brook." added Marcel Robillard.

Image 1: More than 30 specks of VG in hole WB22-66 (51.73 g/t Au over 1.85 m)


"The ongoing 2022 drilling campaign, designed to confirm at shallow depth the alteration and mineralization found at surface by the aggressive grab sampling program initiated in 2019, has proven to be extremely successful. The OGT is now recognized and partly tested over 750 metres of strike length, and it is still open!" added RĆ©jean Gosselin, Executive Chairman of the Board.

Since exploration work began at the Williams Brook Gold Project in 2019, more than 95 holes for 11,100 metres have been completed on 750 metres of the OGT. Several holes have returned significant gold intersections (see Table 1 and 2). These high-grade gold intercepts appear to be the surface expression of a large and pervasive supergene gold enrichment from a low sulphidation epithermal quartz sulphide system. The O'Neil Gold Trend is one of these multi-kilometric systems that are highly prospective for gold discoveries.

Table1: Highlights of high-grade gold intersections at the OGT since 2021*

Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t)
WB21-01 4.00 6.10 2.10 12.71
WB21-02 7.20 10.20 3.00 8.33
WB21-02 13.70 15.80 2.10 28.52
WB21-02 45.60 49.45 3.85 46.94
WB21-03 55.90 58.10 2.20 7.81
WB21-05 26.00 28.00 2.00 12.64
WB21-06 46.80 49.70 2.90 16.92
WB21-09 16.30 18.00 1.70 15.52
WB21-12 28.60 32.40 3.80 6.93
WB21-16 80.00 88.35 8.35 5.11
WB21-17 107.00 111.65 4.65 4.85
WB22-25 2.00 5.00 3.00 34.93
WB22-26 25.50 27.10 1.60 14.06
WB22-35 14.90 17.50 2.60 5.83
WB22-36 3.80 7.00 3.20 22.28
WB22-39 26.50 29.00 2.50 11.71
WB22-57 12.40 13.85 1.45 35.09
WB22-58 11.70 12.90 1.20 16.85
WB22-60 40.00 40.60 0.60 21.00
WB22-66 32.00 34.00 2.00 10.70
WB22-66 66.50 68.35 1.85 51.73

*Stated lengths in metres are downhole core lengths and not true widths.
True widths will be calculated once more drilling confirms the geometry of the quartz-sulphide system.

Table 2. Significant assay results from reported holes*

Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t)
WB22-38 33.00 33.40 0.40 0.79
WB22-39 8.30 33.00 24.70 1.23
incl. 21.70 29.00 7.30 4.05
incl. 26.50 29.00 2.50 11.71
WB22-42 20.05 34.60 14.55 0.14
incl. 20.05 22.75 2.70 0.62
incl. 22.50 22.75 0.25 2.74
WB22-43 1.80 27.00 25.20 0.30
incl. 1.80 2.80 1.00 2.26
and 19.70 24.10 4.40 1.10
incl. 19.70 20.10 0.40 8.25
incl. 23.30 24.10 0.80 1.47
and 136.20 137.20 1.00 0.39

Table 2. Significant assay results from reported holes (continued)*

Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t)
WB22-44 24.60 28.85 4.25 0.47
incl. 24.60 26.15 1.55 0.98
WB22-45 28.10 35.65 7.55 0.27
incl. 28.10 28.75 0.65 1.91
incl. 35.00 35.65 0.65 0.88
WB22-46 11.10 29.60 18.50 0.16
incl. 23.20 24.00 0.80 3.43
WB22-48 assays pending
WB22-49 assays pending
WB22-50 10.00 29.05 19.05 0.11
incl. 20.45 20.70 0.25 2.45
incl. 27.85 28.25 0.40 2.00
WB22-51 4.05 17.50 13.45 0.18
incl. 4.05 4.60 0.55 3.73
WB22-52 8.00 15.30 7.30 2.13
incl. 9.90 11.90 2.00 3.08
incl. 13.80 15.30 1.50 5.17
WB22-54 17.95 25.50 7.55 1.05
incl. 17.95 18.65 0.70 2.72
incl. 21.40 25.50 4.10 1.46
incl. 24.80 25.50 0.70 5.81
WB22-55 30.35 40.95 10.60 0.31
incl. 30.35 31.00 0.65 4.89
WB22-56 48.35 49.00 0.65 0.56
WB22-57 2.70 15.00 12.30 4.30
incl. 2.70 3.50 0.80 1.97
and 9.55 13.85 4.30 11.91
incl. 12.40 13.85 1.45 35.09
and 66.40 67.40 1.00 0.45
and 71.50 72.30 0.80 0.56
WB22-58 8.00 31.00 23.00 1.15
incl. 8.00 16.00 8.00 3.28
incl. 10.10 12.90 2.80 8.57
incl. 11.70 12.90 1.20 16.85
WB22-59 23.90 28.25 4.35 0.59
incl. 27.00 28.25 1.25 1.26

Table 2. Significant assay results from reported holes (continued)*

WB22-60 38.50 44.70 6.20 2.38
incl. 38.50 42.50 4.00 3.73
incl. 40.00 40.60 0.60 21.00
WB22-62 77.80 78.30 0.50 0.49
WB22-63 assays pending
WB22-64 assays pending
WB22-65 assays pending
WB22-66 30.60 35.00 4.40 5.01
incl. 32.00 34.00 2.00 10.70
and 66.25 73.40 7.15 13.49
incl. 66.50 68.35 1.85 51.73

*Stated lengths in metres are downhole core lengths and not true widths.
True widths will be calculated once more drilling confirms the geometry of the quartz-sulphide system.

Table 3: Coordinates of reported drill holes

DDH # Easting UTM Nad83 Northing UTM Nad83 Elevation (m) Az (Ā°) Dip (Ā°) Length (m)
WB22-38 660 351 5 259 553 387 160 65 137
WB22-39 660 346 5 259 540 387 155 65 128
WB22-40 660 341 5 259 527 388 155 65 152
WB22-41 660 332 5 259 522 387 155 65 137
WB22-42 660 332 5 259 501 388 155 65 146
WB22-43 660 322 5 259 497 388 155 65 140
WB22-44 660 332 5 259 479 386 155 45 118
WB22-45 660 332 5 259 479 386 155 65 92
WB22-46 660 327 5 259 466 388 155 45 79
WB22-47 660 327 5 259 466 388 155 65 97
WB22-50 660 321 5 259 452 388 155 65 65
WB22-51 660 323 5Ā 259 425 388 155 45 116.5
WB22-52 660 323 5Ā 259 425 388 155 65 89
WB22-53 660 323 5 259 425 388 65 45 86
WB22-54 660 323 5 259 425 388 65 65 65
WB22-55 660 303 5 259 405 390 155 45 104.5
WB22-56 660 294 5 259 423 390 155 65 163
WB22-57 660 294 5 259 386 390 155 45 86
WB22-58 660 294 5 259 386 390 155 65 100
WB22-59 660 285 5 259 404 390 155 65 117
WB22-60 660 213 5 259 317 389 115 65 230
WB22-61 660 190 5 259 328 388 115 65 138
WB22-62 660 192 5 259 327 388 155 45 100
24 Holes 2,814 Metres

Dominique GagnƩ, PGeo, a qualified person as defined by Canadian National Instrument 43-101 standards, has reviewed and approved the geological information reported in this news release.


Drill core samples are bagged, sealed and sent to the facility of ALS CHEMEX in Moncton, New Brunswick, where each sample is crushed and pulped before being fire assayed (Au-ICP21). The remaining coarse reject portions of the samples remain in storage for further work or verification as needed. As part of its QA/QC program, the Company inserts external gold standards (low to high grade) and blanks every 20 samples in addition to standards, blanks, and duplicates. All samples over 10 g/t gold or with abundant visible gold are analyzed with gravity finish (Au-GRA22). Check assays are routinely performed for samples with visible gold to ascertain the gold content of the mineralization zone.

ABOUT Puma Exploration
Puma Exploration is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company with precious metals projects located near the Famous Bathurst Mining Camp (BMC) in New Brunswick, Canada. The Company is committed to its DEAR strategy (Development, Exploration, Acquisition and Royalties) to generate maximum value for shareholders with low share dilution.

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Visit www.explorationpuma.com for more information or contact:

Marcel Robillard ,
President, (418) 750-8510;

Mia Boiridy ,
Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Development, (250) 575-3305; mboiridy@explorationpuma.com

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements: This press release may contain forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Puma to be materially different from actual future results and achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date the statements were made, except as required by law. Puma undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties are described in the quarterly and annual reports and in the documents submitted to the securities administration.

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The Conversation (0)
Puma Increases the High-Grade Gold Footprint of the Lynx Gold Zone and Extends it at Depth

Puma Increases the High-Grade Gold Footprint of the Lynx Gold Zone and Extends it at Depth

  • Hole WB23-139 intersected 63.05 m at 2.49 g/t gold, including two (2) high-grade gold intervals of 37.40 g/t gold over 2.50 m and 21.66 g/t gold over 2.55 m .
  • 2.06 g/t gold over 5.20 m was intercepted at 215 m downhole (WB23-139)- the deepest occurrence of gold to date.
  • Lower-grade gold envelopes of 0.49 g/t to 0.67 g/t gold over 22.80 to 30.95 m surround the higher-grade gold shoots.
  • The Moose area shows consistent gold mineralization at surface with hole WB23-136 grading 30.90 m of 1.10 g/t gold .
  • Drill core samples with visible gold ("VG") returned 137.0 g/t gold over 0.60 m (WB23-139), 96.0 g/t gold over 0.45 m (WB23-139), 63.6 g/t gold over 0.30 m (WB23-136), 16.85 g/t gold over 0.79 m (WB23-137).

Puma Exploration Inc. (TSX-V: PUMA, OTCQB: PUMXF) (the "Company" or "Puma") is pleased to announce the results of another seven (7) holes of its 2023 drilling program at its 100%-owned Williams Brook Gold Project with high grades intercepts and long gold mineralized sections.

Hole WB23-139 intersected two (2) high-grade gold intervals of 37.40 g/t gold over 2.50 m and 21.66 g/t gold over 2.55 m (Figure 1) within a 63.05 m intercept grading 2.49 g/t gold from 89.95 to 153.00 m. The same hole intersected another gold intersection of 2.06 g/t gold Ā  over 5.20 m at 215 m downhole depth. With these new gold intersections, the Lynx Gold Zone ("LGZ") has been extended to approximately 150 m vertical depth (Figure 2), further highlighting the potential for significant depth extension.

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  • Strategic gold property located along national road, only 10km from St-Quentin and 25km west of Williams Brook Flagship property.
  • High-grade gold structure, with initial surface sampling up to 362 g/t gold*.
  • Mineralization hosted in similar quartz veins within sedimentary package.
  • Similar depositional gold environment as Williams Brook Gold property.

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Figure 1: Puma's assets and landholdings in Northern New Brunswick

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  • Hole WB23-125 returned 50.85 m of 1.05 g/t gold.
  • Gold mineralization extends over 90 m from surface in a series of stacked high-grade Ā  quartz veins.
  • All 11 holes intersected the targeted quartz veins, with assay results returning from anomalous gold (0.10 g/t) to 42.60 g/t.
  • Gold was intercepted at depth in areas never drilled before.
  • Results confirm the continuity of gold mineralization at the Lynx Gold Zone.
  • Assay results for 13 additional holes (2,200 m), including 47 samples containing VG are still pending

Puma Exploration Inc. (TSX-V: PUMA, OTCQB: PUMXF) (the "Company" or "Puma") is pleased to announce the results for the first eleven (11) holes of its 2023 drilling program at its 100%-owned Williams Brook Gold Project in Northern New Brunswick. These holes were first reported on August 2, 2023, and are not part of the series that returned more than 100 specks of visible gold ("VG") on initial inspection. Notwithstanding, seven (7) of the 11 holes reported today returned significant gold, with four (4) holes intersecting multiple mineralized high-grade gold quartz veins (Table 1). Hole WB23-125 intersected fifteen (15) separate quartz veins and returned 90 m of 0.70 gt gold from surface (at 2.90 m) with an impressive 50.85 m of 1.05 gt gold starting at 42 m depth, including a 4.50 m interval of 6.46 gt gold at 75 m depth.

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" Jean-David will be a valuable asset to Puma's Advisory Board, bringing his extensive industry experience and knowledge. Ā  He has developed a strong relationship network with his significant holdings in several mineral exploration companies. As a major shareholder of Puma, he will be a trusted ally and champion as we continue to develop our Williams Brook Gold Project. This appointment reflects Puma's continued commitment to building a team focused on creating value for shareholders ", statedĀ Marcel Robillard, President and CEO of Puma.

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