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February 04, 2025
Juggernaut Exploration Ltd (JUGR.V) (OTCQB: JUGRF) (FSE: 4JE) (the “Company” or “Juggernaut”) is pleased to announce that it has the option to earn 100 % interest in the Big One property (the “Property”) from the B-ALL Syndicate Ltd. The Big One Property is a new discovery with assays up to 79.01 g/t gold (2.54 oz/t gold) and 3157.89 g/t silver (101.5 oz/t silver) from >200 gold-silver-copper rich polymetallic veins up to 8 m wide and striking for up to 500 m that remain open. These veins were identified along the newly discovered 11 km Highway of Gold surrounding the Eldorado porphyry system on the Big One property. The discovery is located in an area of glacial and snowpack abatement adjacent to the world-class gold-rich porphyry systems at Galore Creek. The property covers 33,693 hectares in world-class geologic terrane with tremendous additional discovery potential in the heart of the Golden Triangle, British Columbia. The Big One property was generated, staked and the original discovery was made by the B-ALL Syndicate.
Dan Stuart, President and CEO of Juggernaut Exploration, states,“We are excited to have been selected as the vehicle to explore, drill, and develop this exciting discovery home to the 11 km Highway of Gold, where over 200 high-grade gold-silver polymetallic veins up to 8 m thick and exposed on surface for over 500 m have assayed up to 79.01 g/t gold (2.54 oz/t gold) and 3157.89 g/t silver (101.5 oz/t silver) and remain open. Even more exciting is the fact that the mineralization observed on the surface is indicative of a much larger precious and base metal porphyry system or systems at depth. To have 100 % control over a district-scale property of this caliber located in world-class geologic terrane in close proximity to a Tier 1 deposit the likes of Galore Creek is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. With ~95 % of the Big One property remaining unexplored and hosting vast areas of newly exposed outcrop due to glacial and snowpack retreat, it provides for excellent additional long-term discovery potential. The Big One discovery has already garnered serious interest from multiple miners and institutions alike. The company looks forward to the maiden drill program, which could very quickly evolve into a world-class gold discovery.”
- Whopper vein: grab samples from 5 m wide quartz-sulphide vein hosted in an 8 m wide mineralized shear zone returned 16.04 g/t AuEq (13.12 g/t Au, 169.88 g/t Ag, 0.51 % Cu, 1.65 % Pb, 0.42 % Zn) as well as 13.10 g/t AuEq (10.62 g/t Au, 206.32 g/t Ag, 0.01 % Cu, 0.77 % Zn, 0.01 % Pb) and 7.42 g/t AuEq (6.01 g/t Au, 121.97 g/t Ag, 0.01 % Cu, 0.06 % Pb, 0.09 % Zn). The Whopper vein is exposed on surface for 100 m and remains open along strike where it goes under snowpack and ice. The quartz vein consists of lenses and seams of massive pyrite and galena contained in the quartz vein and stockwork. The high-grade Whopper vein geochemical and geophysical signatures are indicative of a porphyry source at depth. This target is drill ready.Big One Whopper Image 1Big One Whopper Image 2, Big One Whopper Image 3,Big One Whopper Image 4, Big One Whopper Video
- Big Mac Vein: Grab sample from a quartz-sulphide vein hosted in a 4 m wide shear zone that contains stringers of semi-massive galena as well as clots of chalcopyrite and pyrite assayed 41.46 g/t AuEq (37.98 g/t Au, 70.37 g/t Ag, 0.24 % Cu, 5.72 % Pb, 3.93 % Zn), as well as 10.67 g/t AuEq (10.61 g/t Au, 3.55 g/t Ag, 0.01 % Cu, 0.01 % Pb, 0.01 % Zn). The Big Mac vein is exposed for 50 m where it goes under overburden/ice and remains open. The Big Mac vein’s geochemical signature is conducive for a porphyry source that is also indicated by geophysical anomalies at depth. This target is drill ready. Big One Big Mac ImageBig One Big Mac Video
- Giant Vein: Channel sample across 1.5 m quartz vein with lenses and stringers of semi-massive to massive chalcopyrite and pyrite returned 6.10 g/t AuEq (5.06 g/t Au, 91.41 g/t Ag, 0.01 % Cu, 0.05 % Pb, 0.03 % Zn). The vein extends vertically for 30 m and remains open within a large gossanous area 100 m wide. The Giant vein’s geochemical signature is conducive for a porphyry source that is also indicated by geophysical anomalies at depth. This target is drill ready. Big One Giant Image
- Deluxe Vein: Channel sample across a 45 cm vein containing semi-massive galena and pyrite assayed 37.20 g/t AuEq (12.12 g/t Au, 2084.61 g/t Ag, 0.02 % Cu, 8.04 % Pb, 0.01 % Zn) as well as 7.68 g/t AuEq (3.39 g/t Au, 380.15 g/t Ag, 0.01 % Cu, 0.11 % Pb, 0.01 % Zn). The vein is up to 2 m wide and has been traced along strike for 150 m and remains open. The Deluxe vein has a geophysical anomaly at depth that is conducive for a porphyry source. This target is drill ready. Big One_Deluxe ImageBig One Deluxe Video
- Double Decker: Grab sample from a set of intersecting quartz-sulphide veins up to 50 cm wide and exposed for 60 m returned 22.04 g/t AuEq (19.82 g/t Au, 216.65 g/t Ag). The veins contain seams of semi-massive galena and pyrite and remain open. The Double Decker vein has a geophysical anomaly at depth that is conducive for a porphyry source. This target is drill ready. Big One DoubleDecker
- Eldorado consists of a high-grade polymetallic gold-silver zone named Highway of Gold that stretches 11 km and remains open on newly exposed bedrock along the fringes of the Geology Ridge icefield and Decker Creek glacier
- Eldorado demarks an area of 7.5 Km of recently exposed bedrock containing substantial propylitic alteration, hydrothermal veining, and epithermal veining with 200 quartz-sulphide veins up to 8 m wide containing semi-massive to massive chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena with grades up to 79.01 g/t Au (2.54 oz/t Au) and 3157 g/t Ag (101.5 oz/t Ag), that remains open
- The polymetallic veins, alteration signature, geochemical path finder element signature, and geophysical anomalies strongly indicate the presence of a common buried gold-silver-copper rich porphyry feeder source at depth responsible for the extensive high-grade veining confirmed on surface
- The newly exposed Eldorado system contains 200 veins over an area of 1.2 km by 800 m that remains open. Within this zone, veins up to 8 m wide and striking up to 500 m were observed (Whopper vein), containing semi-massive to massive chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena, indicated to be the source of historic high-grade gold-silver angular float samples reported in the 1960s in the valley below. Both the zone and the system remain open and are drill ready.
- At least two extensive areas with strong porphyry potential have been identified where the distribution of geochemical path finder elements overlaps with strong geophysical anomalies as well as multiple gold-rich polymetallic veins in outcrop and clearly corresponds to the typical signature observed within or in close proximity to a porphyry system.Big One Geochemistry Maps
The results from the August 2024 reconnaissance exploration program on the Big One property confirmed the excellent untapped exploration potential of the area with the discovery of the extensive high-grade Eldorado gold-silver-copper system found along the 11 km Highway of Gold in newly exposed outcrop around the fringes of the snowfields/glaciers. The Eldorado discovery is bordered by an extensive zone of propylitic alteration halo covering an area of 4 km by 1 km and porphyry textures in outcrop, which, coupled with buried geophysical anomalies and strong geochemical pathfinder element signatures, strongly indicates the presence of a large mineralizing (porphyry) system or systems at depth indicated to be the origin of the extensive high-grade gold, silver and copper mineralization confirmed in veins on surface that remains open.
The Big One property covers 33,693 hectares of world-class geologic terrain in the heart of the Golden Triangle of British Columbia, Canada. The property is largely unexplored, and only recently, due to ongoing rapid glacial and snowpack abatement, has an opportunity been provided to explore extensive areas of the newly exposed outcrop, which has strong potential for discovery today and into the future.
The Eldorado system is indicated to be the source of angular float samples with grades up to 16.9 g/t Au and 49 g/t Ag, discovered in the early 1960s. Eldorado corresponds to the location of the source that was suggested by renowned geologist and glaciation expert Dr. Richard E Kucera in 1990 to the west of the boulder field at an elevation of >4700 ft, which at the time was covered by permanent snow and ice. Big One Float Zone
We have only started to scratch the property's surface and have likely only seen the tip of the iceberg. A number of mineralized occurrences, including porphyry and extensive high-grade polymetallic veins, were discovered on the Big One property, clearly demonstrating the enormous untapped potential of this area, which could quickly evolve into a new world-class discovery.
Table 1: Assay highlights from the Big One property
Sample ID | Sample Type | Au (g/t) | Ag (g/t) | Cu (%) | Pb (%) | Zn (%) | AuEq (g/t) |
D751282 | Grab | 79.01 | 53.49 | 0.13 | 0.43 | 0.80 | 80.08 |
D751966 | Grab | 56.54 | 23.40 | 0.03 | 0.02 | 0.03 | 56.84 |
D751216 | Grab | 37.98 | 70.37 | 0.24 | 5.72 | 3.93 | 41.46 |
D751164 | Grab | 2.03 | 3157.89 | 0.38 | 2.04 | 0.31 | 38.28 |
D751191 | Channel | 12.12 | 2084.61 | 0.02 | 8.04 | 0.00 | 37.20 |
D751156 | Grab | 33.72 | 128.83 | 0.27 | 2.71 | 0.27 | 36.11 |
D751964 | Talus | 23.47 | 105.31 | 1.37 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 26.07 |
D750389 | Grab | 8.10 | 1421.50 | 1.11 | 0.15 | 2.70 | 26.01 |
D751163 | Float | 23.97 | 2.75 | 0.02 | 2.16 | 0.13 | 24.53 |
D751209 | Grab | 19.82 | 216.65 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 22.24 |
D750394 | Grab | 13.12 | 169.88 | 0.51 | 1.65 | 0.42 | 16.04 |
D751285 | Grab | 3.74 | 101.58 | 7.96 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 13.18 |
D751975 | Grab | 10.62 | 206.32 | 0.00 | 0.77 | 0.01 | 13.10 |
D750192 | Grab | 3.44 | 230.39 | 6.61 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 12.91 |
D751943 | Grab | 4.00 | 99.85 | 0.30 | 15.35 | 8.35 | 11.32 |
D750198 | Float | 6.01 | 32.31 | 0.14 | 0.04 | 15.30 | 11.21 |
D750608 | Grab | 10.62 | 3.55 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 10.67 |
D751154 | Grab | 5.72 | 219.32 | 0.22 | 1.81 | 1.34 | 9.20 |
D751969 | Float | 5.59 | 187.89 | 0.40 | 1.91 | 0.98 | 8.82 |
D751284 | Float | 6.34 | 56.05 | 0.03 | 6.78 | 0.59 | 8.66 |
D751151 | Float | 2.79 | 95.04 | 0.01 | 20.00 | 1.22 | 8.59 |
D751192 | Channel | 3.39 | 380.15 | 0.01 | 0.11 | 0.00 | 7.68 |
D751104 | Float | 3.79 | 187.22 | 0.30 | 4.60 | 1.12 | 7.54 |
D750395 | Grab | 6.01 | 121.97 | 0.01 | 0.06 | 0.09 | 7.42 |
D751939 | Channel | 5.06 | 91.41 | 0.00 | 0.05 | 0.03 | 6.10 |
D751107 | Float | 4.09 | 74.75 | 0.22 | 1.20 | 0.95 | 5.71 |
D751112 | Float | 4.94 | 60.63 | 0.00 | 0.31 | 0.02 | 5.70 |
D751158 | Grab | 4.60 | 33.15 | 0.04 | 1.36 | 0.02 | 5.31 |
D750657 | Grab | 3.71 | 41.29 | 0.76 | 0.01 | 0.02 | 4.98 |
D751215 | Grab | 2.96 | 105.47 | 0.04 | 0.04 | 2.15 | 4.84 |
D750094 | Grab | 0.02 | 100.05 | 1.01 | 0.06 | 8.60 | 4.83 |
D750656 | Grab | 1.56 | 100.27 | 0.06 | 7.88 | 0.25 | 4.53 |
D750088 | Grab | 0.16 | 166.59 | 0.04 | 7.63 | 1.50 | 4.18 |
D750664 | Float | 0.46 | 224.12 | 0.02 | 4.51 | 0.08 | 3.99 |
D751697 | Grab | 0.09 | 97.20 | 2.35 | 0.01 | 0.07 | 3.65 |
D751283 | Float | 0.26 | 14.00 | 3.02 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.57 |
D751946 | Grab | 0.02 | 125.23 | 0.72 | 0.18 | 4.35 | 3.54 |
D751699 | Grab | 2.15 | 67.96 | 0.01 | 2.63 | 0.06 | 3.51 |
D751195 | Channel | 1.61 | 36.67 | 0.82 | 1.27 | 0.71 | 3.37 |
D750554 | Channel | 0.05 | 80.48 | 0.35 | 1.05 | 5.34 | 3.17 |
D750199 | Grab | 0.15 | 113.29 | 0.01 | 7.73 | 0.05 | 3.13 |
D751836 | Chip | 0.22 | 98.74 | 0.00 | 5.21 | 1.59 | 2.95 |
D751845 | Chip | 2.63 | 27.78 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 2.95 |
D751972 | Channel | 1.42 | 44.82 | 0.03 | 3.43 | 0.68 | 2.90 |
D751846 | Grab | 2.59 | 24.90 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2.87 |
D751207 | Grab | 0.04 | 3.30 | 0.01 | 12.65 | 0.01 | 2.85 |
D751109 | Grab | 1.65 | 86.36 | 0.10 | 0.01 | 0.03 | 2.73 |
D751962 | Grab | 0.55 | 86.59 | 0.26 | 1.17 | 1.98 | 2.65 |
D751968 | Grab | 1.49 | 58.18 | 0.01 | 1.68 | 0.13 | 2.55 |
D751153 | Grab | 0.83 | 82.95 | 0.38 | 0.08 | 1.16 | 2.52 |
D751213 | Float | 1.65 | 59.19 | 0.02 | 0.31 | 0.02 | 2.41 |
D751992 | Grab | 0.33 | 100.07 | 0.03 | 3.27 | 0.06 | 2.21 |
D750448 | Grab | 0.42 | 65.04 | 0.03 | 4.57 | 0.09 | 2.20 |
D750086 | Channel | 0.17 | 16.43 | 0.12 | 1.11 | 4.70 | 2.16 |
D751947 | Grab | 0.01 | 68.75 | 0.48 | 0.09 | 2.81 | 2.16 |
D750555 | Channel | 0.05 | 68.88 | 0.17 | 1.03 | 2.65 | 2.03 |
D751165 | Grab | 1.95 | 2.75 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 1.99 |
D750393 | Grab | 1.01 | 38.49 | 0.02 | 1.79 | 0.37 | 1.97 |
D750449 | Grab | 0.24 | 27.68 | 0.01 | 6.38 | 0.02 | 1.96 |
D751194 | Grab | 0.44 | 110.84 | 0.01 | 0.08 | 0.09 | 1.74 |
D750197 | Grab | 0.10 | 95.55 | 0.02 | 1.43 | 0.53 | 1.66 |
D750195 | Grab | 0.33 | 15.65 | 0.07 | 2.21 | 1.77 | 1.60 |
D750083 | Channel | 0.81 | 32.15 | 0.01 | 1.63 | 0.12 | 1.57 |
D751251 | Grab | 1.27 | 12.39 | 0.11 | 0.02 | 0.02 | 1.53 |
D750552 | Channel | 0.02 | 32.45 | 0.24 | 0.04 | 2.82 | 1.51 |
D751948 | Grab | 0.11 | 53.19 | 0.01 | 3.48 | 0.07 | 1.49 |
D751993 | Grab | 1.20 | 10.66 | 0.03 | 0.35 | 0.17 | 1.48 |
D751116 | Grab | 1.27 | 14.42 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 1.44 |
D750553 | Channel | 0.02 | 25.81 | 0.22 | 0.06 | 2.82 | 1.42 |
D751115 | Grab | 0.05 | 44.66 | 0.02 | 0.95 | 2.03 | 1.40 |
D750607 | Grab | 0.68 | 44.82 | 0.00 | 0.75 | 0.03 | 1.36 |
D751941 | Grab | 0.35 | 28.01 | 0.06 | 0.64 | 1.54 | 1.34 |
D750095 | Channel | 0.06 | 50.63 | 0.07 | 1.56 | 0.93 | 1.32 |
D750093 | Channel | 0.02 | 43.65 | 0.15 | 0.65 | 1.65 | 1.31 |
D751159 | Grab | 0.54 | 28.12 | 0.03 | 1.93 | 0.03 | 1.31 |
D751599 | Float | 0.05 | 71.52 | 0.02 | 1.54 | 0.23 | 1.27 |
D750091 | Channel | 0.02 | 52.72 | 0.13 | 0.07 | 1.40 | 1.18 |
D751193 | Grab | 0.44 | 20.10 | 0.48 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 1.17 |
D750087 | Channel | 0.14 | 36.37 | 0.00 | 1.49 | 0.91 | 1.15 |
D751945 | Grab | 0.02 | 29.84 | 0.08 | 1.53 | 1.17 | 1.13 |
D751835 | Chip | 0.12 | 24.61 | 0.05 | 1.76 | 0.75 | 1.05 |
The Big One property is situated in a region that is well known for hosting world-class precious metal and porphyry deposits, several of which occur near the property including the multiple porphyry systems at Galore Creek (12,159 million pounds of copper, 9.438 million ounces of gold, 174.086 million ounces of silver), the world’s largest known gold reserve at KSM (47.3 million ounces of gold, 160 million ounces of silver, 7.32 billion pounds of copper) and the polymetallic copper project at Shaft Creek (5 billion pounds of copper, 3.7 million ounces of gold, 16.4 million ounces of silver), as well as the Brucejack high-grade epithermal gold deposit (14 million ounces of gold, 91.8 million ounces of silver), and the structurally controlled high-grade hydrothermal gold-silver zones at Trophy and Sphal Creek. The property geology is favorable to host these types of deposits as confirmed by the presence of extensive areas of propylitic alteration, untested geophysical anomalies, strong silt, soil and rock geochemistry, including path finder elements directly related to porphyry systems, key structures and textures, porphyry-style mineralization, and high-grade polymetallic veins, that have been discovered within the Big One claims. Big One Property Map
The Big One property can be accessed year-round via helicopter from the Glenora/Telegraph Creek Road at the Barrington Mine (33 km to the north-northeast) and the Galore Creek Road (15 km to the southeast). The Canadian government committed $20 M to extend/improve the Galore Creek Road within 15 km of the Big One property. The property is only 2 km west of the Scud River airstrip used in the early days of Galore Creek.
The Big One property exploration qualifies for the Critical Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (CMETC).
About the B-ALL Syndicate
The B-ALL Syndicate is a highly specialized geologic team of project generators with a proven track record of success. The Syndicate is focused on unexplored areas of glacial and snowpack retreat, providing new opportunities for material discovery in world-class geologic terrain. The B-ALL Syndicate is on track with discovery as demonstrated with Big One and other properties generated by the J2 Syndicate that were subsequently optioned out resulting in the material Surebet discovery with Goliath Resources. The B-ALL Syndicate team consists of many of the same J2 Syndicate members who have played key roles from inception in the exploration teams for both Goliath Resources and Juggernaut Exploration and are responsible for multiple discoveries. Juggernaut Exploration has a significant interest in the B-ALL Syndicate.
Big One option
All payments are optional. Subject to receipt of all regulatory approvals, Juggernaut will commit to issuing 18,000,000 units on or before April 2nd, 2027; the units will have a 5-year warrant issued at market price on April 2nd, 2027, to earn 49%. Juggernaut can elect to pay an additional 18,000,000 units on or before April 2nd, 2033; the units will have a 5-year warrant issued at market price to earn 80% of the Bigone property. Juggernaut can earn an additional 20% interest in the Property (for a 100% interest ) by delivering to the B-All Syndicate, by April 2, 2034, a NI 43-101 technical report which includes an inferred resource calculation of gold equivalent mineral ounces of all minerals on the Property in the aggregate; within six months of the delivery of the NI 43-101 report pay to the B-All Syndicate USD $1 million plus USD $1 for every gold equivalent ounce outlined in the NI 43-101 technical report. Juggernaut will be required to produce an updated NI 43-101 technical report on the Property every thirty-six (36) months commencing April 2, 2034. Juggernaut will pay the B-All Syndicate a cash bonus of USD $1 for every additional gold equivalent ounce of gold in the inferred mineral resource category outlined by each NI 43-101 technical report produced on the Bigone Property. A royalty (“Royalty”) of 3% of net smelter returns (“NSR”) and other returns from all production from the Property will be payable to the B-All Syndicate, in cash or in-kind (i.e., gold and other Minerals produced from the Property) at the option of the B-All Syndicate. Juggernaut will have the right and option to reduce the Royalty on Juggernaut’s interest in the Property from 3% to 2.5% by paying US$1,500,000 to the B-All Syndicate not later than April 2, 2032.
About CASERM (Center To Advance The Science Of Exploration To Reclamation In Mining)
Juggernaut is a paying member and active supporter of CASERM, an organization that represents a collaborative venture between the Colorado School of Mines and Virginia Tech aimed at transforming the way that geoscience data is used in the mineral resource industry. Research focuses on the integration of diverse geoscience data to improve decision-making across the mine life cycle, beginning with the exploration for subsurface resources and continuing through mine operation as well as closure and environmental remediation.
Qualified Person
Tyler Punk, P. Geo is the qualified person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101, for Juggernaut Exploration projects, and supervised the preparation of, and has reviewed and approved, the technical information in this release.
About Juggernaut Exploration Ltd.
Juggernaut Exploration Ltd. is an explorer and generator of precious metals projects in the prolific Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia. Its projects are in world-class geological settings and geopolitical safe jurisdictions amenable to mining in Canada. Juggernaut is a member and active supporter of CASERM, an organization representing a collaborative venture between the Colorado School of Mines and Virginia Tech. Juggernaut’s key strategic cornerstone shareholder is Crescat Capital.
For more information, please contact:
Dan Stuart
President, Director, and Chief Executive Officer
Grab, channels, chip and talus samples were collected by foot with helicopter assistance. Prospective areas included, but were not limited to, proximity to MINFile locations, placer creek occurrences, regional soil anomalies, and potential gossans based on high-resolution satellite imagery. The rock grab and chip samples were extracted using a rock hammer, or hammer and chisel to expose fresh surfaces and to liberate a sample of anywhere between 0.5 to 5.0 kilograms. All sample sites were flagged with biodegradable flagging tape and marked with the sample number. All sample sites were recorded using hand-held GPS units (accuracy 3-10 meters) and sample ID, easting, northing, elevation, type of sample (outcrop, subcrop, float, talus, chip, grab, etc.) and a description of the rock were recorded on all-weather paper. Samples were then inserted in a clean plastic bag with a sample tag for transport and shipping to the geochemistry lab. QA/QC samples including blanks, standards, and duplicate samples were inserted regularly into the sample sequence at a rate of 10%.
All samples are transported in rice bags sealed with numbered security tags. A transport company takes them from the core shack to the Paragon Geochemical labs facilities in Surrey, BC or ALS labs facilities in North Vancouver, BC. Paragon Geochemical is certified with both AC89-IAS and ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2017. ALS is either certified to ISO 9001:2008 or accredited to ISO 17025:2005 in all of its locations. Samples submitted to Paragon received gold and silver analysis by photon assay whereby the entire sample is crushed to approximately 70% passing 2 mm mesh. The entire crushed sample is riffle split and weighed into multiple (300-500g) jars that are submitted for photon assay. Photon assay uses high-energy X-rays (photons) to excite atomic nuclei within the jarred samples, causing them to emit secondary gamma rays, which are measured to identify and quantify the metals present. The assays from all jars are combined on a weight-averaged basis. At ALS samples were processed, dried, crushed, and pulverized before analysis using the ME-MS61 and Au-SCR21 methods. For the ME-MS61 method, a prepared sample is digested with perchloric, nitric, hydrofluoric, and hydrochloric acids. The residue is topped up with dilute hydrochloric acid and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Overlimits were re-analyzed using the ME-OG62 and Ag-GRA21 methods (gravimetric finish). For Au-SCR21 a large volume of sample is needed (typically 1-3kg). The sample is crushed and screened (usually to -106 micron) to separate coarse gold particles from fine material. After screening, two aliquots of the fine fraction are analysed using the traditional fire assay method. The fine fraction is expected to be reasonably homogenous and well represented by the duplicate analyses. The entire coarse fraction is assayed to determine the contribution of the coarse gold.
Certain disclosure in this release may constitute forward-looking statements that are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties relating to Juggernaut’s operations that may cause future results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements, including its ability to complete the contemplated private placement. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these statements.
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07 March
Top 5 Canadian Mining Stocks This Week: San Lorenzo Gold Shines with 329 Percent Gain
Welcome to the Investing News Network's weekly look at the best-performing Canadian mining stocks on the TSX, TSXV and CSE, starting with a round-up of Canadian and US news impacting the resource sector.
The effects of US tariff threats on the US and Canadian economies were reflected in economic data this week.
On Monday (March 3), the Atlanta Fed updated its GDPNow model, forecasting a 2.8 percent decline in Q1 GDP. While the number has since been revised to a drop of 2.4 percent, it still represents a near 5 percent decrease from Q4 2024, when the US economy grew by 2.3 percent. If the numbers hold it would mark the largest drop in GDP since the pandemic.
While this is only a forecast based on available data, it could signal the potential for a recession in the US starting in the first half of 2025. The overall state of the US economy may come into better focus when the US Bureau of Labor Statistics releases its February consumer price index data on Wednesday (March 12) and the Federal Reserve hosts its Federal Open Markets Committee meeting the following week on March 18 and 19.
In Canada, Statistics Canada reported on Thursday (March 6) that the trade surplus with the US had reached a record C$14.4 billion in January, up 6.3 percent from the C$12.3 billion recorded in December. The agency said the rise coincided with the increasing tariff threat from the US as more manufacturers south of the border began to stockpile Canadian imports.
StatsCan also released its February labor force survey on Friday (March 7). The data showed that job growth had stalled during the month, with the national labor force adding a net total of 1,100 new positions.
The figures were well below estimates, as economists had expected 15,000 new jobs to be added to the Canadian economy. The country added 76,000 jobs the prior month.
The biggest gains in February came from wholesale and retail trade, which added 51,000 new workers, while the biggest contraction came from 33,000 fewer jobs in professional, scientific and technical services.
Markets and commodities react
US equity markets were broadly down again this week.
The S&P 500 (INDEXSP:INX) lost 3.32 percent to close the week at 5,770.16, and the Nasdaq-100 (INDEXNASDAQ:NDX) fell 4.09 percent to 20,158.31. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDEXDJX:.DJI) lost 2.5 percent to 42,801.73.
In Canada, markets were also in decline. The S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index (INDEXTSI:JX) fell 0.63 percent to close at 614.30 on Friday, the S&P/TSX Composite Index (INDEXTSI:OSPTX) posted a 2.57 percent loss to 24,758.76 and the CSE Composite Index (CSE:CSECOMP) dropped 2.77 percent to 126.72.
Gold continued to trade in all-time high territory this week, gaining 1.8 percent over the week to US$2,908.07 per ounce at 4:00 p.m. EST Friday. The silver price saw a more significant rise, adding 4.32 percent during the period to US$32.48.
In base metals, the copper price was up 2.61 percent on the week, closing out Friday at US$4.72 per pound on the COMEX. Meanwhile, the S&P GSCI (INDEXSP:SPGSCI) shed 0.44 percent to close at 551.16.
Top Canadian mining stocks this week
So how did mining stocks perform against this backdrop?
We break down this week’s five best-performing Canadian mining stocks below.
Data for this article was retrieved at 4:00 p.m. EST on Friday using TradingView's stock screener. Only companies trading on the TSX, TSXV and CSE with market capitalizations greater than C$10 million are included. Companies within the non-energy minerals and energy minerals sectors were considered.
1. San Lorenzo Gold (TSXV:SLG)
Weekly gain: 328.57 percent
Market cap: C$19.44 million
Share price: C$0.30
San Lorenzo Gold is an exploration company working to advance its Salvadora project in the Chañaral province of Chile.
The property consists of 25 exploration and nine exploitation concessions covering an area of 8,796 hectares. It hosts a large copper and gold porphyry system with several significant targets. According to the project page, the site geology resembles that of the nearby Codelco-owned Salvador copper mine, which has operated since the early 1950s and is expected to continue until the mid-2060s following an expansion.
Shares in San Lorenzo saw significant gains this week after it announced a significant discovery hole on Monday, the first of three holes drilled at Salvadora’s Cerro Blanco gold-copper target, as well as partial results from the three holes drilled at its Arco de Oro gold target.
The discovery hole at Cerro Blanco demonstrated grades of 1.04 grams per metric ton (g/t) gold, 1.0 g/t silver and 0.05 percent copper over 153 meters, including an intersection with 12.78 g/t gold, 6.5 g/t silver and 0.51 percent copper over 3.8 meters.
The partial results from Arco de Oro returned a highlighted result of 5.61 g/t gold over 6.6 meters, which included an intersection of 11.14 g/t gold over 2.3 meters. Copper results from Arco de Oro are still pending.
The company said it is gratified to announce a discovery hole from the first drill test at Cerro Blanco, as well as results from Arco de Oro that confirm the robustness of the gold system there.
2. Tidewater Renewables (TSX:LCFS)
Weekly gain: 74.23 percent
Market cap: C$84.06 million
Share price: C$2.84
Tidewater Resources is focused on the production of low-carbon fuels from facilities in BC, Canada.
Its sole operation is a renewable diesel and hydrogen complex located near Prince George. The project has a nameplate capacity of 3,000 barrels per day of renewable diesel and 23.7 metric tons per day of hydrogen. The plant began production during Q4 2023 using feedstock that included soybean and canola oil.
The company is expanding the site to produce sustainable aviation fuel, which it plans to start producing in 2028.
Tidewater shares gained this week after the company announced on Thursday that it had advised the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) to initiate an anti-subsidy and anti-dumping duty investigation into imports of renewable diesel from the US. The release indicated that the CBSA confirmed that Tidewater had provided sufficient evidence to support the allegations.
Tidewater expects that additional duties of between C$0.50 and C$0.80 will be applied to renewable diesel imports originating from the US, which would provide increased market stability for Tidewater products.
3. Galantas Gold (TSXV:GAL)
Weekly gain: 54.55 percent
Market cap: C$10.9 million
Share price: C$0.085
Galantas Gold is a gold exploration and development company working to advance its flagship Omagh project, which is located west of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
The project is located within a 189.2 square kilometer license area. The site is currently in the development stage and covers a total area of 220 acres. It hosts an open-pit mine, processing plant, tailings facility and water clarification pond. More than 3 kilometers of underground mining have been completed and 3,175 metric tons have been mined from six test stops.
A June 2023 resource estimate from the site demonstrated a measured resource of 25,287 ounces of contained gold from 119,360 metric tons of ore grading 6.59 g/t gold, with an additional indicated resource of 153,671 ounces of contained gold from 730,702 metric tons of ore at a grade of 6.56 g/t. The inferred resource at Omagh shows 172,873 ounces of gold with grades of 6.24 g/t gold from 859,802 metric tons.
Shares in Galantas Gold saw significant gains this week, but the company has yet to release news in 2025.
4. Eastern Platinum (TSXV:ELR)
Weekly gain: 42.86 percent
Market cap: C$34.42 million
Share price: C$0.20
Eastern Platinum, also known as Eastplats, is a platinum group metal (PGM) and chrome mining, development and exploration company working to advance assets in South Africa.
Its most advanced asset is the Crocodile River mine, located northwest of Johannesburg. The mine began operating in 1987, but production was suspended in the early 1990s due to falling PGM prices. Since then, the mine saw some limited production in the early 2000s before once again being suspended.
After significant rehabilitation, chrome and PGM production from site tailings was restarted at the site in 2018 and 2020 respectively, and underground operations at the Zandfontein mine restarted in October 2023. In October of last year, Eastplats began commissioning a PGM processing plant that will process ore from Zandfontein.
A technical report from May 2022 demonstrated a proven and probable resource of 1.72 million ounces of platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold, with an average grade of 3.68 g/t from 14.58 million metric tons of ore.
Shares in Eastplats gained this week, although the company has not released news in 2025.
5. Sage Potash (TSXV:SAGE)
Weekly gain: 34.04 percent
Market cap: C$14.02 million
Share price: C$0.315
Sage Potash is a potash exploration company currently working to advance its portfolio of mineral holdings in Utah’s Paradox Basin in the US.
Historic oil and gas exploration in the basin dating back a century discovered the potential for the potash beds, but they were too deep for mining methods at the time. Sage has since confirmed their presence through its own exploration.
In a revised technical report from February 2023, the company reported an inferred mineral resource estimate of up to 159.3 million metric tons of in-place sylvinite from the upper potash bed and up to 120.2 million metric tons of sylvinite from the lower potash bed.
Sage did not release news this week. However, gains could be tied to tariff threats that would see a 25 percent tariff applied to Canadian imports, including potash. Canada is the largest supplier of potash to the US.
FAQs for Canadian mining stocks
What is the difference between the TSX and TSXV?
The TSX, or Toronto Stock Exchange, is used by senior companies with larger market caps, and the TSXV, or TSX Venture Exchange, is used by smaller-cap companies. Companies listed on the TSXV can graduate to the senior exchange.
How many companies are listed on the TSXV?
As of June 2024, there were 1,630 companies listed on the TSXV, 925 of which were mining companies. Comparatively, the TSX was home to 1,806 companies, with 188 of those being mining companies.
Together the TSX and TSXV host around 40 percent of the world’s public mining companies.
How much does it cost to list on the TSXV?
There are a variety of different fees that companies must pay to list on the TSXV, and according to the exchange, they can vary based on the transaction’s nature and complexity. The listing fee alone will most likely cost between C$10,000 to C$70,000. Accounting and auditing fees could rack up between C$25,000 and C$100,000, while legal fees are expected to be over C$75,000 and an underwriters’ commission may hit up to 12 percent.
The exchange lists a handful of other fees and expenses companies can expect, including but not limited to security commission and transfer agency fees, investor relations costs and director and officer liability insurance.
These are all just for the initial listing, of course. There are ongoing expenses once companies are trading, such as sustaining fees and additional listing fees, plus the costs associated with filing regular reports.
How do you trade on the TSXV?
Investors can trade on the TSXV the way they would trade stocks on any exchange. This means they can use a stock broker or an individual investment account to buy and sell shares of TSXV-listed companies during the exchange's trading hours.
Article by Dean Belder; FAQs by Lauren Kelly.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Dean Belder, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Securities Disclosure: I, Lauren Kelly, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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"I'm looking to deploy reasonable amounts of money into something that I feel as a speculator over five years could be a 10 bagger or a 20 bagger. And there's five or six of those out there right now, so I'm pretty excited," said the proprietor of Rule Investment Media.
Watch the interview above for more from Rule on those topics and others.
You can also click here to sign up for the Rule Symposium, set to run from July 7 to 11, 2025, in Boca Raton, Florida. Our full Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada convention playlist is here.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Charlotte McLeod, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Affiliate Disclosure: The Investing News Network may earn commission from qualifying purchases or actions made through the links or advertisements on this page.
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In terms of gold stocks, Day believes their potential continues to strengthen.
Watch the interview above for more of Day's thoughts on gold, as well as gold stocks.
You can also click here to view the Investing News Network's Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada convention playlist on YouTube.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Charlotte McLeod, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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06 March
Horizon Minerals Pours First Gold at Phillips Find, Strengthening WA Production Pipeline
Horizon Minerals (ASX:HRZ) has successfully poured its first gold from the Phillips Find project in Western Australia, marking a key milestone for the company, The West Australian has reported.
The ore, mined from Phillips Find, located near Kalgoorlie, was processed at FMR Investments' Greenfields mill under a toll milling agreement. The company plans to process 200,000 tonnes of ore over four months, expecting to yield nearly 15,000 ounces of gold.
The Phillips Find project, approved in August 2024, is being developed in partnership with BML Ventures, with mining at the Newhaven and Newminster pits progressing on schedule, according to the news report. This achievement follows Horizon’s recent gold pour at its Boorara project, positioning it as Australia’s newest gold producer in 2025. The company aims to establish a sustainable gold production pipeline, with projects like Penny’s Find and Cannon nearing final investment decisions.
Horizon’s progress comes amid strong gold prices, which have risen over 11 percent this year to around US$2,925 (AU$4,605) per ounce. With a mineral resource of 1.8 million ounces across its projects, the company is focused on expansion and increasing shareholder value. The West Australian reported these developments reinforce Horizon’s strategy to enhance cash flow and build long-term production capacity.Click here for the full Report
This article includes content from Horizon Minerals, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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