Reach Resources Limited

High Priority REE Targets Identified At The Company’s Critical Elements Project

Reach Resources Limited (ASX: RR1) (“Reach” or “the Company”) is pleased to update the market on the identification of several high priority targets prospective for REE mineralisation. Targets were identified by expert geophysical consultant, Southern Geoscience. The Company’s aim is to identify pegmatite bodies or carbonatite-associated intrusions within these targets that have the potential to host REE mineralisation.


  • High priority REE (rare earth element) targets identified by expert geophysical consultants, Southern Geoscience
  • Multiple radiometric anomalies and structural zones prospective for pegmatite intrusions identified
  • REE targets are located on the Company’s exploration licences E09/2354 and E09/2377 in the highly prospective Gascoyne Province, Western Australia
  • Initial exploration program to commence later this month, comprising ground reconnaissance, rock chip sampling and geochemical analysis
The high priority targets sit within tenements held by Reach Resources wholly owned subsidiary, Critical Elements Pty Ltd (Critical Elements), that were acquired in November 2021. The Critical Elements Project lies in close proximity to successful explorer Kingfisher Mining (ASX:KFM) and are also only ~80km south of the Company’s Skyline tenure, which is immediately adjacent to Hastings Technology Metals Limited (ASX: HAS “Hastings”), Yangibana REE development which has a current Ore reserve of 16.7Mt at 0.95% TREO for 158Kt (Refer HAS ASX Announcement 27 July 2021). (Refer to Figure 1).

Figure 1: Reach Resources regional locations

Southern Geoscience focussed on structural interpretation and target generation based on airborne magnetic data, with additional detail derived from interpretation of radiometric data and satellite imagery. Resulting from the interpretation was the identification of six REE targets within Reach tenure. A full list of identified targets within Reach tenure is included in Table 1 and depicted in Figure 2.

All targets display geological and structural complexity combined with previously identified prospective critical metal and/or REE mineral association.

Figure 2: Targets and Magnetics

Costeaning has been undertaken previously within the project areas and returned significant results including 12.4% Ta2O5, 32.0% Nb2O5, 0.95% WO3 and 0.25% Sn, from selective rock chip samples (Refer ASX Announcement 29 November 2021). REEs were not analysed at that time however thorium anomalism, which has been shown by Kingfisher Mining and others to be associated with REE mineralisation in the region, has also been identified on Reach tenure from the radiometric data for the area interpreted by Southern Geoscience.

Click here for the full ASX Release

This article includes content from Reach Resources Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.

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