+100g/t gold assays at Victory
United Reef at Lyell

+100g/t gold assays at Victory United Reef at Lyell

Siren Gold Limited (ASX: SNG) (Siren or the Company) is pleased to provide an update on the Lyell tenement, located within the Reefton Project.


  • New rock chip samples from the Victory United Reef at Lyell include: 127g/t Au, 123g/t Au, 114 g/t Au, 47g/t Au. 13.4 g/t Au. 10.7g/t Au and 8.3g/t Au, averaging 63g/t Au.
  • The reef contains significant visible gold with coarse (+75 micron) gold ranging from 43% to 13%, with an average of 28% in the screen fired samples
  • Previous results at Lyell from trenching and surface sampling include:
    • 7m @ 13.8g/t Au (LYTR001) (ASX release 14 October 2022)
    • 8m @ 6.3g/t Au (LYTR002) (ASX release 14 October 2022)
    • 3.0m @ 19.1g/t Au (LYTR009) (ASX release 8 March 2023)
    • 1.1m @ 36g/t Au (LYTR008) (ASX release 8 March 2023)
Siren Managing Director and CEO, Victor Rajasooriar commented:
“Lyell has the potential to be the jewel in the Reefton Project crown with the recent rock chips samples from the Victory United Reef showing immense potential and warranting a drilling program to unlock the value. Our geological team are looking forward to drilling once all approvals are in place and replicating the surface rock chips and trenching data gathered to date. The recently received unsolicited, non-binding, indicative offer from Federation Mining Pty Ltd certainly highlights the significance of the Siren tenement package within the Reefton Goldfields.”
Victory United Reef
The Victory United Reef is located at the northern end of the 5km long mineralised system that includes the historic Alpine United mine that produced 80koz @ 17 g/t Au. An outcrop of the Victory United Reef was discovered in October 2022 when a flood removed gravel and exposed the bedrock (refer announcement dated 8 March 2023). The mineralised zone comprised a 0.5m quartz reef surrounded by approximately 2m of disseminated arsenopyrite rich mineralisation. The quartz reef contained significant visible gold with a float sample several metres from the outcrop assay 205g/t Au (Figure 1). Channel samples of the reef (Figure 2) ranged from 15g/t Au to 70g/t Au and disseminated arsenopyrite mineralisation ranged from 1.4g/t Au to 42g/t Au (see announcement dated 8 March 2023).

Figure 1. Victory United Reef float sample.

Figure 2. Victory United Reef -Trench LYTR005.

Resampling of the quartz reef outcrop was completed in August 2024 with seven samples collected (Figure 3). The samples assayed 127g/t Au, 123g/t Au, 114 g/t Au, 47g/t Au. 13.4 g/t Au. 10.7g/t Au and 8.3g/t Au, averaging 63g/t

Click here for the full ASX Release

This article includes content from Siren Gold, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.

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