Prodigy Gold

Quarterly Report for the 3 Months ended 31 December 2024

Prodigy Gold NL (ASX: PRX) (“Prodigy Gold” or the “Company”) has announced the Quarterly Report for the 3 Months ended 31 December 2024.

Prodigy Gold 100% Projects

Tanami North Gold Project:

  • Final assays were returned during the reporting period for the 17 hole Reverse Circulation drilling campaign at the Hyperion Project that was completed during the September Quarter. The program generated a series of significant intercepts including highlights:
    • Hyperion Lode
      • 25m @ 2.2g/t Au from 66m in hole HYRC24001
      • 33m @ 2.6g/t Au from 49m in hole HYRC24017A
    • Tethys Lode
      • 10m @ 15.9g/t Au from 177m in hole HYRC24004
      • 30m @ 2.9g/t Au from 31m in Hole HYRC24006
      • 13m @ 4.1g/t Au from 26m in Hole HYRC24013
    • Suess Lode
      • 4m @ 7.7g/t Au from 87m in hole HYRC24004
    • Two holes drilled down dip for metallurgical samples, yielded intercepts:
      • 99m @ 2.7g/t Au from 33m in hole HYRC24005 from the Hyperion Lode
      • 53m @ 2.9g/t Au from 49m in hole HYRC24009 from the Tethys Lode
  • Samples from the Hyperion and Tethys Lodes at the Hyperion Gold Deposit were submitted to Independent Metallurgical Operations Pty Ltd (IMO) for metallurgical testwork.
  • Results for the 6 hole Reverse Circulation drilling campaign at the Tregony Project during the September Quarter were returned during the reporting period, generating several notable intercepts including:
    • 21m @ 4.4g/t Au from 24m (TGRC24006) inc.
      • 1m @ 24.7g/t Au from 42m
    • 20m @ 1.3g/t Au from 88m (TGRC24004)
    • 13m @ 2.7g/t Au from 45m (TGRC24002) inc.
      • 2m @ 9.7g/t Au from 48m
  • PhotonAssay results for selected samples from Hyperion and Tregony North were received, aligning well with the original fire assay results:
    • The high-grade intercept from the Tethys Lode in drill hole HYRC24004, originally reported as 10m @ 15.9g/t Au, matches well using both analytical techniques with the PhotonAssay intercept calculated at 10m @ 15.6g/t Au
  • A Mineral Lease application was lodged covering the Hyperion Gold Deposit located on Exploration Licence EL9250.

Prodigy Gold JV Projects

Lake Mackay Project (IGO and IGO/Castile):

  • No on-ground exploration works were completed on the Lake Mackay Project area during the quarter.

Tobruk & Monza Projects – Newmont JV

  • Field activities reported over the Tobruk Project area during the reporting period included completion of airborne magnetic and ground gravity geophysical surveys.
  • Work reported for the Monza Project area included field reconnaissance and the collection of five rock chip samples and the completion of a depth of cover analysis from the previously collected horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) passive seismic survey.

Divestment Projects

  • The sales agreement between Prodigy Gold and Stockton Mining expired during the reporting period . All tenements included in the agreement have now been returned to Prodigy Gold for management.

Management Commentary

Commenting on progress made during the December 2024 Quarter, Prodigy Gold Managing Director, Mark Edwards said:

“It has been a busy end to the year for Prodigy Gold, with all the results from the drilling completed in the September Quarter returned in the December Quarter, with outstanding results for the Hyperion Deposit key amongst those results reported. Two holes, which were drilled down dip for metallurgical sampling, have demonstrated the good continuity of the mineralisation at Hyperion. The results for both Hyperion and Tregony will be used to assist with the updating of the Mineral Resources for the deposits in early 2025. Drill planning is underway so the Company can be ready to commence work once the area is accessible after the Northern Australia wet season.

The drilling completed and reported was utilised to undertake further testwork with samples submitted for PhotonAssay and additional metallurgical testing. The PhotonAssay results have been returned highlighting the suitability of the more traditional Fire Assay technique. Work on the Hyperion metallurgy is now underway, with results expected in the first half of 2025.

Prodigy Gold was also excited to start the process of applying for a new Mineral Lease encompassing the Hyperion Deposit. The process will take some time to complete, requiring agreements with Traditional Owners via the Central Land Council as well as environmental approvals before the lease can be granted. This work will commence in early 2025 with the plan to simultaneously continue the development of the deposit and progress the approvals.

The Prodigy Gold team continues to develop the understanding of our key projects and looks forward to keeping all our shareholders informed about how this progresses during 2025.”

Click here for the full ASX Release

This article includes content from Prodigy Gold NL, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.

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