Auric Mining (ASX:AWJ)

Auric Buys Specific Mineral Rights and Related Assets from WIN Metals for $1.2M

Auric Mining Limited (ASX: AWJ) (Auric) together with WIN Metals Ltd (ASX: WIN) (WIN Metals or WIN) are pleased to announce that the two parties have successfully executed a Binding Term Sheet on 22 July 2024 for the partial purchase of WIN’s nickel and lithium rights within the Munda Gold Project area, water access rights and other related assets, to Auric.

  • Binding Term Sheet executed on 22 July 2024.
  • Milestone agreement improves pathway to mining a trial pit at Munda Gold Project, potentially in Q1 2025.
  • Auric now owns all mineral rights, down to 235m RL, (approximately 150m below surface) over planned mining area.
  • Purchase price totals $1.2 Million, including $1.00 Million, for the nickel rights.
  • Binding Term Sheet includes sole access to stored water in the 132 North pit by Auric for 3 years from settlement date and shared access for a further 5 years.
  • Acquisition includes 7 tenements or applications.
  • $100,000 deposit paid to WIN. Additional $600,000 payable at settlement. Further payments totalling $500,000 to be paid over next 12 months.


Auric Mining. Managing Director, Mark English, said: “We now have greater control over our destiny for open pit gold mining at the Munda Gold Project.

“Buying the nickel and lithium rights from WIN Metals down to the 235m RL (which is approximately 150m below surface) and having sole rights to an agreed area means we have now taken another major step forward to commencing a trial pit at Munda.

“There’s not much water around Widgiemooltha, so as part of this transaction we are acquiring access to stored water in the 132 North pit from WIN, removing a significant obstacle for us.

“WIN Metals has been pragmatic about the negotiation. We have reached a highly satisfactory agreement for Auric shareholders.

“We’ve moved Munda along rapidly this year and this hurdle has been removed. We are planning to mine a trial pit in Q1 2025,” said Mr English.

WIN Metals. Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Steve Norregaard, said:

“We wish Auric well in its ambition to mine at Munda Gold Project.

“We have no intention of standing in their way and have reached an equitable agreement to sell our nickel and lithium rights, within a specified area, at the Munda Gold Project and minor non-core assets.

It’s a great result for both companies,” said Mr Norregaard.

Click here for the full ASX Release

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Auric Mining (ASX:AWJ)

Auric Mining

Western Australian gold producer, explorer and developer with world-class deposits

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