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Pilbara Gold Exploration Update and Planned Activities – March Quarter
Artemis Resources Limited (‘Artemis’ or the ‘Company’) (ASX/AIM: ARV) is pleased to provide an outline of a substantial drilling program planned to test high priority gold exploration targets on the 100% owned Carlow Tenement within the Company’s extensive holdings in the North Pilbara gold province of Western Australia.
A diamond and Reverse Circulation (“RC”) drilling program is expected to commence in early February to test several compelling targets within a 4km long northwest trending zone centred around the Company’s 704Koz AuEq Carlow Mineral Resource1 which includes 374Koz gold, 64,000t copper and remains open. Despite proximity to Carlow, the targets planned to be drilled during the March Quarter are previously untested.
Summary of Planned Activities – March Quarter 2025
- The first hole will test the large Marillion Electro-magnetic (“EM”) conductor 500m east of the Carlow resource, near the base of the Andover Intrusion
- Diamond drilling will then test the potential for significant extensions to the Carlow resource, down plunge from previous high-grade gold intersections
- RC drilling is then planned across the Titan Prospect 2km northwest of Carlow, as an initial test of widespread high-grade gold occurrences at surface
- Recent assays from outcrops of chert and quartz/ironstone veins at Titan include 51.8g/t Au and 41.4g/t Au, in line with results announced during 2024
- Surface gold occurrences at Titan may be associated with a large gravity-low feature surrounded by chert outcrops, interpreted major faults and thrusts
- Conceptual mining study planned to review the 2022 Carlow Inferred Mineral Resource1 including 7.25Mt @ 1.3g/t gold for 296,000oz Au in an optimised pit
- Artemis is also evaluating other quality assets and recently applied for an EL to cover an interpreted intrusion with potential for IOCG Cu/Au mineralisation
- Following the recent $4M placement, the Company is now well funded to drill priority targets around Carlow and progress other promising gold targets
Recently appointed Managing Director Julian Hanna2 commented: ‘As a result of the excellent work completed by the Karratha exploration team during 2024 and following the announced capital raising in December, Artemis is now in a strong position to undertake drilling of some exciting targets at the Karratha Gold Project.
Exploration in the following months will be focussed on the Carlow Tenement which hosts a significant gold - copper resource at Carlow and covers a wide range of exploration targets within a wide, prospective corridor with minimal previous drilling.
I look forward to working closely with the very experienced and committed team at Artemis and updating shareholders with results from the drilling in due course.’
Figure 1. Artemis tenements in Pilbara region of Western Australia with Carlow Tenement hatched
Priority Drill Targets and other Activities – March Quarter 2025
Marillion Electro-Magnetic Anomaly3
Marillion is a large, highly conductive electro-magnetic (FLTEM) anomaly modelled by the Company’s consulting geophysicist as a 500m long, c.11,000 siemens conductor with the top at approximately 350m vertical depth (refer to Figure 2). Marillion is undrilled, and the source of the conductive anomaly is unknown.
Drilling is planned to start in early February with the first drill hole designed to test the centre of the Marillion EM anomaly for possible sulphide hosted mineralisation.
Marillion may potentially represent an extension of the Carlow gold/copper deposit offset >500m by a fault or represent a possible sulphide accumulation at the interpreted base of the Andover Intrusion which is mapped in outcrop near Marillion.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Artemis Resources, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
Sarama Resources
Investor Insight
Sarama Resources offers a compelling investment opportunity fueled by a multi-million dollar, fully-funded arbitration claim and two new gold projects encompassing 1,000 sq km of the Cosmo Newbery and Mt Venn Greenstone Belts in Western Australia’s Eastern Goldfields.
Sarama Resources (TSXV:SWA,ASX:SRR) is a gold-focused Australian mineral exploration and development company. Sarama has two core components to its business, one being a significant and fully funded arbitration claim, and the other being two highly prospective gold projects totaling 1,000 sq km in area in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Individually, each component significantly derisks the company and together they present significant value and upside optionality for investors.
Sarama recently acquired the Cosmo and the Mt Venn gold projects which cover 580 sq km and 420 sq km, respectively, and encompass most of the greenstone belts in which they are situated. These greenstone belts are located in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, and both have historical gold workings and strong geological and structural similarities to the adjacent Dorothy Hills greenstone belt which hosts the +8 Moz Gruyere gold deposit.
The Cosmo and Mt Venn gold projects offer a unique and promising opportunity for exploration in a region known for its prolific gold endowment.
The company is also pursuing a significant arbitration claim which is fully funded through a non-recourse loan facility. Boies Schiller Flexner who have an excellent track record of securing large settlements has been appointed to assist with the claim. The damages being sought are not less than cAU$200 million plus interest, and have the potential to be significantly more.
Sarama is led by an experienced board and management team with more than 30 years of individual experience and a proven track record of discovery and development of large-scale gold deposits including the +25 Moz world-class Kibali Gold Mine (formerly Moto Gold), and the +3 million ounce Sanutura gold project.
Company Highlights
- Sarama has two core components to its business - a fully funded arbitration claim and a new and highly prospective gold project in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.
- Sarama’s Cosmo Gold project covers 580 sq km and encompasses most of the highly prospective Cosmo Newbery Greenstone Belt in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.
- Sarama has acquired 80 percent interest in the Mt Venn gold project, which is 40 km east of the Cosmo Newbery Project, less than 40 km from the +8 Moz Gruyere gold mine and covers 420 sq km of the highly prospective Mt Venn Greenstone Belt.
- The company’s significant arbitration claim in Burkina Faso is fully funded through a non-recourse loan facility, seeking no less than AU$180 million in damages.
- The company is led by an experienced management team and board with more than 30 years of individual experience and a proven track record of discovery and development.
Key Projects
Cosmo Newbery Gold Project
The Cosmo Gold project is an underexplored, belt-scale gold asset in Western Australia's Eastern Goldfields. The project spans 580 sq km covering the entirety of the Cosmo-Newbery Greenstone Belt, a large and prospective system with gold first being discovered in the area in the 1890s and where rock chip sampling has returned grades up to 52 g/t gold. Cosmo Gold comprises seven contiguous exploration tenements and is located approximately 85 km northeast of Laverton in a region known for its prolific gold endowment.
Project Highlights
- Promising Geology: Whole greenstone belt with good structural setting in a prolific gold-producing region
- Scale: Tenure is contiguous over 583 sq km and covers the entire +50 km of greenstone belt
- Old workings: Gold was discovered in the 1890s highlighting its potential, but the area has remained unexplored for decades
- Limited exploration: The belt has seen virtually no modern exploration and no drilling of merit
- Location: Situated 95 km west of +8 Moz Gruyere gold mine (Gold Road) and 85 km from Laverton which sits in a greenstone belt hosting over 35 Moz of gold
Mt Venn Project
The Mt Venn Gold project has many similarities to the nearby Cosmo gold project and the company views it as an underexplored, belt-scale gold asset. The project spans 420 sq km and covers a large portion of the Mt Venn Greenstone Belt, a large and prospective system with gold first being discovered in the area in the 1890s. Limited drilling has returned multiple intersections of merit, and the project has a 35km long gold corridor marked by semi-contiguous gold-in-soil anomalism, old workings and drill intercepts. Mt Venn comprises three contiguous exploration tenements and is located approximately 35 km west of Gold Road’s 8 Moz, +300,000 oz/yr Gruyere gold mine and 40 km east of the company’s Cosmo gold project.
Project Highlights
- Promising Geology: Project covers a significant part of the Mt Venn greenstone belt, it has a good lithological and structural setting, including a regional shear zone approximately 50 km long and 1 to 3 km wide, extending full length of the greenstone belt.
- Scale: Tenure is contiguous over 420 sq km and covers a large portion of greenstone belt
- Old workings: Gold was discovered in the 1890s highlighting its potential, but the area has remained unexplored for decades
- Limited exploration: A lot of exploration potential remains in the belt with historical exploration work delineating a 35km anomalous gold trend coincident with a major regional structure and favorable lithologies
- Gold intercepts in drilling at Three Bears Prospect on Mt Venn project extend over 4 km trend to maximum 8.5 g/t gold
- Location: Situated 40 km west of Gold Road’s 8 Moz, +300,000 oz/yr Gruyere gold mine, 20 km west of Gold Road’s 1 Moz Golden Highway deposit and 40 km east of the company’s Cosmo gold project
Management Team
Andrew Dinning – Executive Chairman
Andrew Dinning is a founder, managing director and CEO of Sarama Resources. Dinning is committed to development in Africa and recently retired as a board member of The Australia-Africa Minerals and Energy Group (AAMEG) after eight years of service. AAMEG is a peak body representing Australian companies engaged in the development of Africa's resource industry.
Dinning has over 35 years of experience in the international mining arena and has worked in the Democratic Republic of Congo, West Africa, the UK, Russia and Australia. He has extensive mine management, operations and capital markets experience and has spent most of his career in the gold sector. Dinning was a director and president of the Democratic Republic of Congo-based Moto Goldmines Ltd from 2005 to 2009. He oversaw the development of the company's Moto Gold Project (Kibali Gold) from two million to more than 22 million ounces of gold. Dinning took the project from exploration to pre-development. The Moto Gold project was later taken over by Randgold Resources and AngloGold Ashanti for $600 million in October 2009. Dinning has an MBA, a first-class mine managers certificate in Western Australia and South Australia and a Bachelor of Engineering in Mining degree.
John (Jack) Hamilton - Vice-president of Exploration
Jack Hamilton is a founder and the vice president of exploration at Sarama Resources. Hamilton has 35 years of experience as a professional geologist. Hamilton has worked around the world for international resource companies. Before Sarama, he was the exploration manager for Moto Goldmines. in the Democratic Republic of Congo. At Moto Goldmines, he led the team that discovered the main deposits and resource at the world-class Moto Gold Project (now Kibali Gold) which has a resource of more than 22 million ounces.
Hamilton specializes in precious metal exploration in Birimian, Archean and Proterozoic greenstone belts. He has worked and consulted in West, Central and East Africa for the past 20 years with various companies, including Barrick Gold Corporation, Echo Bay Mines, Etruscan Resources Inc, Anglo American, Geo Services International and Moto Goldmines. Whilst at Moto Goldmines, he led the exploration team that took the Moto gold deposit from discovery to bankable feasibility. The Moto gold deposit was later sold to Randgold Resources and AngloGold Ashanti in October 2009.
Paul Schmiede - Vice-president of Corporate Development
Paul Schmiede is a major shareholder and the vice president of corporate development at Sarama Resources. He is a mining engineer with over 25 years of experience in mining and exploration. Before joining Sarama Resources in 2010, Schmiede was vice president of operations and project development at Moto Goldmines. At Moto Goldmine, he managed the pre-feasibility, bankable and definitive feasibility study for the more than 22 million-ounce Democratic Republic of Congo-based Moto Gold Project (now Kibali Gold). Whilst at Moto Goldmines, he also managed the in-country environment, community studies and pre-construction activities. Before joining Moto Goldmines, he held senior operational and management positions with Gold Fields and WMC Resources. At these companies, Schmiede was responsible for underground and open-pit operations as well as project development and planning.
Schmiede holds a first-class mine managers certificate in Western Australia and a Bachelor of Engineering in Mining degree. He is also a fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Lui Evangelista - Chief Financial Officer
Lui Evangelista is Sarama's chief financial officer with 35 years of experience in accounting, finance and corporate governance with public companies. He has more than 20 years of experience in the mining industry –– 10 years of which have been at the operational and corporate level with companies operating in Francophone Africa.
Evangelista held the positions of group financial controller and acting CFO at Anvil Mining. which operated 3 mines in the DRC. He was an integral part of the senior management team that saw Anvil's market capitalization grow from C$100 million in 2005 to C$1.3 billion upon takeover by Minmetals in 2012.
Evangelista holds a Bachelor of Business in Accounting degree, a graduate diploma in business administration and a graduate diploma in applied corporate governance.
Simon Jackson - Non-executive Director
Simon Jackson is a founder, shareholder and non-executive chairman of Sarama Resources. Simon is a Chartered Accountant with over 25 years of experience in the mining sector. He is the chairman of Predictive Discovery and non-executive director of African gold producer Resolute Mining. He has previously held senior management positions at Red Back Mining, Orca Gold and Beadell Resources.
Jackson specializes in M&A, public equity markets management and corporate finance. His career has included corporate transactions in Canada, Australia, Africa and Indonesia. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Western Australia and is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.
Adrian Byass - Non-executive Director
Adrian Byass has more than 25 years of experience in the mining industry. He has focused his career on the economic development of mineral resources. He is skilled in economic and resource geology. Byass has experience ranging from production in gold and nickel mines to the evaluation and development of mining projects with listed and unlisted entities in several countries. He has also held several executive and non-executive board roles on both ASX and AIM-listed companies.
Byass presently operates in a corporate and market-focused capacity on a national and international basis. He has board-level experience in mine development, capital raising and M&A in Australia and on overseas stock exchanges. Byass has played key roles in a range of exploration and mining projects in Australia, Africa, North America and Europe. These projects were based on a suite of commodities including gold, base and specialty metals.
Byass holds a Bachelor of Science in Geology and a Bachelor of Economics. Byass is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, a fellow of the Society of Economic Geology and a competent person for the reporting of mineral resources (JORC 2012).
Byass is currently on the board of multiple ASX-listed companies, including Galena Mining, Kaiser Reef, Kingwest Resources and Infinity Lithium.
Michael Bohm - Non-executive Director
Michael Bohm is a seasoned director and mining engineer in the resources industry. His career spans roles as a mining engineer, mine manager, study manager, project manager, project director, and managing director.
He has been directly involved in the development of multiple mines in the gold, nickel, and diamond industries, and made significant contributions to Ramelius Resources during its formative years. This experience is particularly important as Sarama is currently in the process of rebuilding its operations in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia.
He is a current director of ASX-listed Riedel Resources and has previously been a director of ASX listed Perseus Mining, Ramelius Resources, Mincor Resources NL and Cygnus Metals.
Falco Resources
Investor Insight
Falco Resources presents a compelling investment opportunity with its high-margin Horne 5 gold project, strong partnerships, and advancing path to construction in Quebec’s prolific Rouyn-Noranda mining camp.
Falco Resources (TSXV:FPC) is a Canadian company focused on developing gold and base metal projects in the Rouyn-Noranda region of Quebec. Rouyn-Noranda is an established mining camp with a long history of exploration and development. The Noranda mining camp has historically produced 19 million ounces (Moz) of gold and 2.9 billion pounds (Blbs) of copper, and yet it is still under-explored for gold.
Falco’s principal property, Horne 5 project, holds 67,000 acres or nearly 67 percent of the total area of the entire mining camp and is located under the former Horne mine which produced 11.6 Moz of gold and 2.5 Blbs of copper. The 2021 feasibility study on the Horne 5 project suggests strong project economics with a total mine life of 15 years, after-tax NPV at 5 percent of US$761 million, and a payback period of 4.8 years, assuming gold prices at $1,600/oz. At the current gold prices of over $2,500/oz, the project economics will be even better.
In 2024, significant milestones for the company include the operating lease and indemnity agreement (OLIA) with Glencore (LON:GLEN) and the Horne 5 project’s environmental impact assessment (EIA) admissibility. Falco Resources' operating license and indemnity agreement (OLIA) with Glencore Canada will enable Falco to utilize a portion of Glencore's lands. The agreement entails establishing a technical committee comprising two representatives from Glencore and two from Falco, tasked with safeguarding the uninterrupted operations of Glencore’s Horne copper smelter. Additionally, a parallel strategic committee will be formed. Glencore canl nominate one representative to join Falco's board of directors.
The successful completion of the OLIA, coupled with life-of-mine copper-zinc concentrate offtake agreements with Glencore, positions Falco to advance its Horne 5 project towards construction. The company is currently advancing with the permitting process for the project.
Falco is continuing with the next steps related to obtaining government permits and financing for its Horne 5 project after the report filed by the Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE). The BAPE examined the Falco Horne 5 mining project from a sustainable development perspective, requesting additional studies and analyses. More than 90 percent of the commission's opinions related to the project have already been considered, planned or initiated.
Company Highlights
- Falco Resources is a Canadian explorer of base and precious metals focused on developing its mineral properties in the Rouyn-Noranda region in Quebec, Canada.
- The company holds 67,000 acres of mining claims in the Rouyn-Noranda mining camp, accounting for nearly 67 percent of the entire mining camp.
- Rouyn-Noranda has a long history of mining and exploration. The area has established infrastructure and has been host to 50 former producers, including 20 base metal mines and 30 gold mines.
- Falco’s principal asset is the Horne 5 project which is a gold project with significant base metal by-products. It is located under the former Horne Mine which produced 11.6 Moz of gold and 2.5 billion pounds of copper from 1926 to 1976.
- The Horne 5 is a world-class deposit containing 7.6 Moz gold equivalent in measured and indicated resources and 1.7 Moz gold equivalent in inferred resources, making it a top 5 gold development project in Canada by resource size.
- The Horne 5 project represents a robust, high-margin, 15-year underground mining project with attractive economics. The 2021 feasibility study indicates after-tax NPV at 5 percent of US$761 million and after-tax IRR of 18.9 percent.
- The operating lease and indemnity agreement (OLIA) with Glencore coupled with EIA admissibility receipt from the government body positions Falco to advance its Horne 5 project towards construction.
Key Project
Horne 5 Project
The Horne 5 project is a world-class deposit located beneath the former Horne mine in the Rouyn -Noranda mining camp. Horne mine was operated by Noranda from 1926 to 1976 and produced 11.6 Moz of gold and 2.5 Blbs of copper. The Rouyn-Noranda mining camp has a rich exploration history having produced 19 Moz of gold and 2.9 Blbs of copper. The camp has hosted 50 producers including 20 base metal mines and 30 gold mines.
The Horne 5 is a world-class deposit containing 6.1 Moz gold equivalent in proven and probable reserves, 7.6 Moz gold equivalent in measured and indicated resources, and 1.7 Moz gold equivalent in inferred resources making it a top 5 gold development project in Canada by resource size.
The project boasts strong partners including Osisko Development, Osisko Gold Royalties, Glencore, and the Quebec Government. Osisko Development is a major shareholder in Falco Resources with a 16 percent stake, and the Quebec Government holds close to 7.5 percent stake in Falco.
Aside from gold, Horne 5 has significant base metal by-products. As per the feasibility study, precious metals (gold + silver) account for 75.6 percent of the mining revenue, while base metals (copper and zinc), account for 24.3 percent of the total mine revenue.
The 2021 updated feasibility study on the Horne 5 project indicates robust project economics. The feasibility study shows the project would generate an after-tax NPV at 5 percent of US$761 million and an after-tax IRR of 18.9 percent over the 15-year mine life. The production profile would average annual production of 220,300 oz gold over the life of the mine. Further, the study suggests significant copper and zinc by-product credits from the copper and zinc production, as well as the highly automated modern operations resulting in a low projected all-in sustaining cost (AISC) of $587/oz. Horne 5’s AISC is among the first quartile of global low-cost operations.
Recent news flows including the OLIA with Glencore and the Horne 5 project’s EIA admissibility are significant milestones in the advancement of the project towards development.
Falco Resources’ OLIA with Glencore Canada enables Falco to utilize a portion of Glencore's lands. The agreement entails establishing a technical committee comprising two representatives from Glencore and two from Falco, tasked with safeguarding the uninterrupted operations of Glencore’s Horne copper smelter. Additionally, a parallel strategic committee will be formed. Glencore can nominate one representative to join Falco's board of directors.
The successful completion of OLIA coupled with life-of-mine copper-zinc concentrate offtake agreements with Glencore positions Falco to advance its Horne 5 project towards development. Further, the receipt of confirmation of the admissibility of its EIA for the Horne 5 project from the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks is a significant milestone. It provides a path forward for the development of the project.
Management Team
Luc Lessard – President, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Luc Lessard brings over 30 years of experience in the design, construction, and operation of mines. Before joining Falco, he held senior executive positions at Osisko Gold Royalties, Canadian Malartic GP (a joint venture of Agnico Eagle Mines and Yamana Gold), and Osisko Mining Corporation. At Osisko Mining Corporation, he oversaw the design, construction, and commissioning of the Canadian Malartic gold mine. Lessard has been involved in numerous surface and underground mining projects throughout his career. Lessard holds a bachelor’s degree in mining engineering from Laval University.
Anthony Glavac – Chief Financial Officer
Anthony Glavac has 25 years of experience in financial reporting, including over 15 years in the mining industry. Before joining Falco, he served as the director of financial reporting and internal controls at Dynacor Gold Mines and as the interim chief financial officer at Alderon Iron Ore. Glavac was previously the senior manager at KPMG, where he worked with a diverse portfolio of public and private companies, offering services such as audit, taxation, strategic advisory, and assistance with public offerings. Glavac is also engaged with other public companies within the mining sector.
Helene Cartier – Vice-president Environment, Sustainable Development and Community Relations
Helene Cartier possesses over 20 years of expertise in the environmental field. She began her mining career as part of the Cambior team before transitioning to the role of vice-president of environmental services and sustainable development at Osisko Mining. There, she played a pivotal role in the development and commissioning phases of the Canadian Malartic gold mine. She has served on the board of directors of several public and private companies.
Mireille Tremblay – Vice-president Legal Affairs and Corporate Secretary
Mireille Tremblay possesses more than 25 years of experience in business law, primarily in securities, mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, and governance. Before joining Falco in January 2021 as the director of legal affairs, Tremblay served as a legal advisor to clients across diverse industries, including the mining sector. She advocated for companies and investors involved in mining transactions in Africa, notably during the construction of a gold mine in Burkina Faso and in negotiations with the Ivorian government. Additionally, she has represented numerous companies, underwriters, and investors in various contexts, including public offerings and private placement financings, both domestically and internationally. Tremblay holds a law degree from the University of Montreal.
Mario Caron – Independent Chair
Mario Caron is a mining executive with over 40 years of experience in the mining industry in senior executive and board positions. His experience was gained nationally and internationally in both underground and open pit operations. As CEO of public companies, he secured mining licenses and various permits in numerous jurisdictions. From 2016 to 2023, he was the Chairman of New Moly LLC. (formerly known as Alloycorp Mining), a privatized company since August 2016 with a molybdenum deposit in British Columbia. Caron received his Bachelor of Engineering, Mining at McGill University and is a retired member of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario and of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec.
Alexander Dann – Non-independent Director
Alexander Dann is a chartered professional accountant with over 30 years of experience leading financial operations and strategic planning for multinational public companies, primarily in the mining and manufacturing sectors. In February 2021, he was appointed chief financial officer and vice president, finance of Osisko Development. Before that, Dann served as chief financial officer of The Flowr Corporation from November 2017 to March 2020, where he successfully guided such corporation from a small private company to a TSX Venture Exchange publicly traded corporation. Prior to that, he was chief financial officer of Avion Gold and Era Resources until their acquisitions by Endeavour Mining Corporation and The Sentient Group, respectively. Dann also held senior finance roles with Falconbridge. (now part of Glencore Canada Corporation), Rio Algom Limited (now part of BHP Billiton) and Litens Automotive Partnership (a group within Magna International Inc.). Dann is the nominee of Osisko Development on the Corporation’s Board of Directors pursuant to the Investor Rights Agreement entered into between the Corporation and Osisko Development on November 27, 2020 (the “Investor Rights Agreement”). Dann obtained his Chartered Accountant designation in 1995 and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Université Laval in Québec City.
Paola Farnesi – Independent Director
Paola Farnesi is a senior financial professional with over 30 years of experience in corporate finance, financial reporting, M&A and risk management. She is currently vice president and treasurer of Domtar Corporation, responsible for negotiating and arranging $2.5 billion in corporate financings, overseeing an insurance portfolio of $50 billion in insurable values and managing the investments of pension fund assets of $8 billion. From 1994 to 2008, Farnesi held several other leadership positions at Domtar Corporation, including vice president of internal audit, where she was responsible for the implementation and subsequent compliance efforts related to Sarbanes-Oxley. Prior to joining Domtar Corporation, Farnesi worked at Ernst & Young for the assurance group in Montréal. Farnesi holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Graduate degree in Public Accountancy from McGill University, is a member of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Québec and obtained the ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors.
Chantal Sorel – Independent Director
Chantal Sorel is a corporate director. She has over 35 years of experience in general management with full profit and loss responsibility, project financing, project management, operations, strategic development, business development, mergers and acquisitions, in the industries of mining and metallurgy, power, infrastructure, industrial facilities, rail and transit. Sorel held the position of Vice President, Airport Infrastructures at Aéroports de Montréal from April 2023 to February 2024, after being an adviser to the airport from 2020 to 2023. Previously, she was executive vice president and managing director of capital at AtkinsRéalis (formerly known as the SNC-Lavalin Group) from 2016 to 2019 where she was responsible for the project financing and asset management of a $20 billion infrastructure and industrial asset portfolio. Sorel holds a degree in architecture from Université de Montréal and a master’s degree in project management from Université du Québec à Montréal and completed the Director Education Program jointly offered by the Institute of Corporate Directors, the McGill Executive Institute and the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.
Halcones Precious Metals Announces Surface Outcrop Chip Channel Sample Results, Including 20.05 g/t, 13.08 g/t, 8.54 g/t and 6.67 g/t Gold From Recent Field Work at Polaris Gold Project, Antofagasta Region Chile
Halcones Precious Metals Corp. (TSX – V: HPM) (the “Company” or “Halcones”) is pleased to announce results from the first field program completed by the Company at the Polaris gold project, Chile (“Polaris” or the “Project”). Halcones’ geologists recently initiated field work comprised of mapping and sampling in a portion of the Project area. The samples consisted of continuous 1m long chip samples to ensure representative sampling.
- The Polaris Project is a large, highly prospective gold project. 17 former artisanal, high-grade mines occur within the Project area. These bonanza grade operations were active approximately 130 years ago¹. Sampling of extensive zones of highly fractured and brecciated wall rocks was not carried out. Extensive gold mineralization has been identified by surface bedrock sampling over 2.7 km of strike length on the property to date. The full extent of this mineralization is presently unknown, however initial results demonstrate potential for mineralization occurring over wide areas at shallow depths (Figure 1). Large areas of the Project remain unsampled. Additional surface mapping and sampling is in progress and the results reported here are from the initial Halcones assays.
- Select highlights from this field programs include 20.05, 13.08, 8.54 and 6.67 g/t, hosted in veins and stockwork. See figure 2 for locations of samples.
- The initial sample area which contained multiple high grade surface samples has been expanded. Sampling by Halcones geologists returned values consistent with work done by the optionors of the Project and extended the known area of high grade mineralization to more than double that previously outlined.
- High grade mineralization exhibits a strong structural control and in the area of the reported sampling (Figure 2) high grade samples occur on the southwest side of a structural break.
- Gold bearing stockwork at surface has been sampled over approximately a 220m X 300m area and limits of this mineralized zone are not yet known. The average grade of the 20 samples collected by Halcones in this area was 4.26 g/t gold.
- Halcones believes there is potential for a larger tonnage surface deposit of vein and stockwork hosted mineralization hosted by the highly fractured rocks associated with fault splays associated with one of the major, continental scale, Atacama Fault Systems in the area.
- Northeast of the higher-grade sampling, there is an area extending approximately 150 meters further to the northeast of the structural break where samples are generally lower grade, however another parallel structure has been identified at the northeast edge of the low-grade sample area and grades appear to be stronger on the northeast side of the second structure there (Figure 2).
- Additional assays are expected to be released as they become available, and the Company is making plans to extend the sampling to a broader area.
Ian Parkinson, CEO and Director, of Halcones:
“We are extremely excited by the results from the first assays at Polaris. In just a few weeks in the field the team has significantly expanded one of the priority target areas in the North Zone. The extensive gold in stockwork is particularly encouraging as it demonstrates the potential for a large-scale bulk tonnage deposit at Polaris. Sampling and mapping continues with the goal to prioritize targets to be drilled later this year. It is rare to see such broad scale gold mineralization at surface. Many of the samples are not obviously mineralized other than the presence of fine stockwork fractures and veinlets that appear to carry the gold.”
About The Current Field Program
The were two main objectives of the current field program.
1) Expand the footprint of the known mineralization in the Northwest corner of the North Zone (see Figure 1)
2) Test and better define the extent of mineralized stockwork as a lower grade bulk tonnage opportunity adjacent to the known vein hosted mineralization.
This first phase of field work successfully expanded the surface area of mineralization (see Figure 2) and confirmed the presence of stockwork hosted gold mineralization at surface.
Sampling previously performed on Polaris identified the Northwest section of the North Zone as a priority area (see Figure 1). In recent field work, Halcones’ geologists increased the density of sampling and expanded the surface footprint of sampling in this priority area (see Figure 2). Halcones’ geologists took a total of 140 samples during the recent field campaign. 96 for which assays have been received, have been compiled in this release of which 22 returned values above 1g/t. The balance will be released shortly.
This sampling program has successfully expanded the surface expression of the work completed previously on Polaris. Additionally, stockwork mineralization has been confirmed over a broader area. The presence of mineralized stockwork over an extensive area supports Halcones’ geologist interpretation that bulk tonnage deposit potential exists at Polaris. Sampling has been limited in certain areas due to the presence of a thin layer of colluvial cover. Sampling programs are being planned to test bedrock below this this cover.
Halcones’ geologists have been working with a geological model that Polaris holds potential for a large scale bulk tonnage open pit operation. The presence of mineralization in stockworks in the wall rocks away from the historically mined, mineralized veins is a crucial component of this model that is present at Polaris. This stockwork is believed to have a similar genesis to the vein hosted mineralization previously exploited by artisanal miners but was never targeted. The stockwork mineralization is not visually obvious due to a general lack of associated sulfide minerals. The 17 known small scale mines in the Project area exploited very high-grade veins with no focus on the stockwork adjacent to the veins.
Figure 1. Polaris Project sampling has identified gold mineralization over a 2.7 km extent in an area that has never been drilled.

Figure 2. Polaris Field Program Results with recent assays represented. The stars are Halcones samples, the dots are samples by the optionors.

About The Sampling Process
Using a hammer and a rock chisel, a chip sample is carried out uniformly over at least 1 meter sections, ensuring complete collection and homogeneity in order to achieve proper representation of the sample. The sample is collected perpendicular to the dominant strike of the structures and the sample mass must be a minimum of 2 kg. In the event that the outcrop presents some mineralized structure, an independent sample will be taken only from the mineralized structure and an independent sample from the host rock on both sides of the structure. This process is designed to limit bias due to high grading sample collection.
All samples were bagged and sealed on site and delivered directly by the Project Geologist to ANDES ANALITYCAL ASSAY Laboratory in Copiapó, Chile. After sample preparation at ANDES ANALITYCAL ASSAY Laboratory in Copiapó, split pulp samples were shipped to ANDES ANALITYCAL ASSAY in Santiago, Chile for assaying gold by fire assay (AEF_AAS_1E42-FF), and for analyzing 34 other elements, including silver, by four acids (ICP_AES_AR34m1).
ANDES ANALITYCAL ASSAY is an independent laboratory certified with a global quality management system that meets all requirements of International Standards ISO/IEC 17025:2017, includes its own internal quality control samples comprising certified reference materials, blanks, and pulp duplicates.
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. David Gower, P.Geo., as defined by National Instrument 43-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators.
About Halcones Precious Metals Corp.
Halcones is focused on exploring for and developing gold-silver projects in Chile. The Company has a team with a strong background of exploration success in the region.
For further information, please contact:
Vincent Chen
Investor Relations
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Information
A qualified person, as defined in National Instrument 43-101, has not done sufficient work on behalf of Halcones to classify any historical grades, production or results reported above as current mineral resources or mineral reserves. The historical data should not be relied upon.
This press release contains “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking information includes, without limitation, regarding the prospectivity of the Project, the mineralization of the Project, the Company’s exploration program, the Company’s ability to explore and develop the Project and the Company’s future plans. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “plans”, “expects” or “does not expect”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates” or “does not anticipate”, or “believes”, or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will be taken”, “occur” or “be achieved”. Forward- looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Halcones, as the case may be, to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including but not limited to: general business, economic, competitive, geopolitical and social uncertainties; the actual results of current exploration activities; risks associated with operation in foreign jurisdictions; ability to successfully integrate the purchased properties; foreign operations risks; and other risks inherent in the mining industry. Although Halcones has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Halcones does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.
Lynette Zang: A Battle Royale is Coming, Sound Money is Safety
Lynette Zang, CEO of Zang Enterprises, sees volatile times ahead, and she shared with the Investing News Network how she's preparing to weather the storm.
"This is a very dangerous time. I mean, it's extremely dangerous, whether you're in the market or you're wondering what to do," she said on the sidelines of the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference.
"You've got to get to safety. And safety is sound money — physical silver, physical gold. They have different functions, but for me this is a battle royale. I'm going to the sidelines, I've got my safety net."
Zang also outlined how she's approaching the other core tenets she's focused on: food, water, energy, security, barterability, shelter and community.
Watch the interview above for more of her thoughts on those topics. You can also click here to view our Vancouver Resource Investment Conference playlist on YouTube.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Charlotte McLeod, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Editorial Disclosure: The Investing News Network does not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the information reported in the interviews it conducts. The opinions expressed in these interviews do not reflect the opinions of the Investing News Network and do not constitute investment advice. All readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence.
Andy Schectman: BRICS, Trump and Gold — What Will Wake the Public Up?
Andy Schectman, president of Miles Franklin, outlined his latest thoughts on the BRICS nations, sharing his thoughts on whether the bloc's plans will be affected by Donald Trump's return.
"I think these entities think in terms of decades and centuries, whereas we think in terms of days, weeks and much smaller increments," he told the Investing News Network.
"So no, this will not stop their drive to accumulate gold and to lessen their dependence on the dollar."
Schectman also noted that gold and silver are still underowned in the US, and explained what could trigger more buying. In his view, it could take an event as significant as a major bank bail-in.
Watch the interview above for more on what Schectman sees coming in 2025, as well as how to position. You can also click here to view our Vancouver Resource Investment Conference playlist on YouTube.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Resource for real-time updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Charlotte McLeod, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Editorial Disclosure: The Investing News Network does not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the information reported in the interviews it conducts. The opinions expressed in these interviews do not reflect the opinions of the Investing News Network and do not constitute investment advice. All readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence.
New Murchison Releases Feasibility Study for Crown Prince Gold Deposit
New Murchison Gold (ASX:NMG) released a feasibility study for the Crown Prince deposit, located at its flagship Garden Gully gold project near Meekatharra, Western Australia, on Monday (February 3).
In a press release, the company says the feasibility study was completed in January, and outlines an updated resource estimate of 2.205 million tonnes at 3.9 grams per tonne for 279,000 ounces of gold.
The feasibility study for the asset also outlines undiscounted pre-tax cashflow of AU$226 million over a period of 30 months at the current spot gold price of AU$4,385 per ounce.
Capital required to start production at Crown Prince stands at AU$5.4 million.
"The results of the Feasibility Study provide a sound basis for proceeding with the commencement of mining at Crown Prince,” said New Murchison Gold CEO Alex Passmore in a statement.
“Feasibility work to expand the mineral resource, optimise the overall mine plan and derisk the project in 2024 has contributed to successful advancement of the project," he added.
New Murchison has an ore purchase deal with Westgold Resources (ASX:WGX,OTC Pink:WGXRF). According to the company, it shortens the path to production, with material being taken to Westgold's Bluebird mill.
The firm sees Crown Prince as the most advanced prospect in the 677 square kilometre Garden Gully tenure package.
“The deposit is modest in size but high grade, particularly in the Southeast Zone (SEZ) supporting early positive cash flows. The SEZ is a new discovery where ore is available close to the surface, so 2025 will be another year of rapid progress to production for New Murchison Gold," Passmore elaborated in Monday's release.
Mining and environmental approval documentation for Crown Prince was submitted to relevant parties in late 2024.
Mining is expected to commence this June, while first ore sales are scheduled for August.
Don’t forget to follow us @INN_Australia for real-time news updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Gabrielle de la Cruz, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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