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August 17, 2023
GALENA MINING LTD. (“Galena” or the “Company”) (ASX: G1A) advises that significant high-grade assay results have been received for Abra after the data cut-off associated with the recent 2023 Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) (refer ASX announcement dated 7 August 2023). Results reinforce confidence in the existing mine plan, mineral resource conversion and extension, and production guidance.
Significant results include:
- 18.9m @ 17.1% lead and 30g/t silver
- 38.3m @ 12.1% lead and 15.4g/t silver
- 26.4m @ 11.9% lead and 28.6 g/t silver
- 35.7m @ 11.7% lead and 53.4g/t silver
- 10.4m @ 11.4% lead 29.9g/t silver
- 38.9m @ 10.0% lead and 40.9g/t silver
Two underground drill rigs continue working at Abra and the recent MRE update included an additional 26,277m (163 holes) of underground diamond drilling. The updated MRE highlighted that after mining and the re-interpretation of the upper margin of the orebody following underground access and mapping, there was no material change in grade or tonnage for the MRE. Since the MRE update data cut-off date (5 May 2023) a further 13,336m (70 holes) of drilling has occurred and these results relate to that drilling. Table 1 below lists all the intercepts from that drilling.
A significant portion of the mining plans over the next 12 months is now drilled to a 12m x 12m spacing and these results for areas within and adjacent to those work areas are expected to further improve the metal production during that time. The drilling is also confirming the extension of both Apron and Core mineralisation to the northeast of the deposit which is expected to increase the size of the MRE based on our current observations and understanding of the mineralisation in this area.
The increased confidence and understanding of the ore to be mined over the next 12 months will allow some drilling of the Abra North and Abra Copper-Gold targets below the existing mineralisation and planning has commenced for this drilling.
Managing Director, Tony James commented, “These strong results complement our mine plans over the next 12 months. Geologically they show the importance of the interface between the Core and Apron zones and the potential extension of the deposit to the Northeast. As mining progresses in these areas on multiple fronts and levels, it will generate enormous opportunity for us as we continue improving our production profile”.
Figure 1 – Schematic view looking north-west showing the stoping plans currently scheduled to be mined out toJune 2024. Feature is HG apron stopes to the north-eastern end of the mine currently being developed. (Also refer ASX announcement 4 August).
Figure 2 – Shows long section view looking north with location of some of the new drill holes on the north- eastern end of the deposit that will generate new mining shapes that will be included in the mine plan moving forward.
Figure 3 – shows a plan view of the north-eastern end of the Abra deposit with drill intersections lying welloutside the current mining shapes and the current Indicated/Inferred Mineral Resource boundary.
The drilling results shown in Appendix 1 below are all the drilling intercepts received to date from underground drilling since 5 May 2023 (refer ASX announcement 7 August 2023). Pb assay results shaded in red are those results that are greater than 10% Pb.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Galena Mining, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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12 December 2022
Abra Construction At 97% Complete – First Ore Stockpiled For January Processing
GALENA MINING LTD. (“Galena” or the “Company”) (ASX: G1A) is pleased to announce that the construction progress at its Abra Base Metals Mine (“Abra” or the “Project”) has reached 97% complete as of 30 November 2022. Processing plant commissioning is progressing quickly with practical completion now expected in December 2022. Ore currently being mined from underground is being stockpiled in readiness for processing to begin in January 2023. Concentrate production will commence January 2023.
Managing Director, Tony James commented, “Record underground development in November with delivery of the first 9,000t of ore to the ROM pad along with successful plant commissioning to date puts Abra on the verge of a quick transition into production. Recruitment and other operational readiness activities are well advanced in preparation for January production”.
Figure 1 – First material being tipped into the crusher during commissioning (Photo 26 November).
Figure 2 – Crushing and screening plant commissioning (Photo 26 November).
The following link will show a short video of the Abra crusher commissioning. https://youtube.com/shorts/iSG58MiW_3o
Update on Abra Project progress
Overall progress continues as planned, with first concentrate production expected in Q1 CY2023, following ore commissioning in January 2023. Practical completion of the processing plant is now expected ahead of schedule in December 2022. The processing plant engineering, procurement and construction has reached 99% complete. Piping and electrical works have made significant progress and at the end of November were 96% and 92% complete, respectively. Mechanical items installation is almost complete at 99%.
In November, the first material was crushed and screened as part of the staged commissioning process. The crushing plant ran at design capacity and all commissioning milestones were successfully achieved. Dry commissioning also progressed in most areas of the plant including water and air services, tailings and concentrate thickening, grinding and reagents. Dry commissioning of the remaining areas will be completed in December. Water commissioning commenced in the tailings and concentrate thickening areas of the plant and the remaining areas are expected to be wet commissioned by the end of December. The remaining commissioning schedule is unchanged from the last update and is shown below in Table 1.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Galena Mining, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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16 November 2022
Abra Construction At 92% Complete – Reaches First Ore Underground
GALENA MINING LTD. (“Galena” or the “Company”) (ASX: G1A) is pleased to announce that the construction progress at its Abra Base Metals Mine (“Abra” or the “Project”) has reached 92% complete as of 31 October 2022. Underground mine has reached the first ore (see ASX announcement 14 November 2022) and plant commissioning continues in several key areas with the project focussed on achieving first concentrate production in Q1 2023.
Managing Director, Tony James commented, “Reaching first ore underground is extremely rewarding for everyone involved in the project. To see for the first time what we have predicted and interpreted as the Abra orebody delivers a significant step forward for the project. Record development metres in October has taken the mine to the ore and we continue to establish key underground infrastructure with the completion of the 6m diameter surface rise that will be the primary return airway.”
Update on Abra Project progress
Overall progress continues to remain in line for Project completion, with first commercial production expected in Q1 CY2023. The processing plant engineering, procurement and construction has reached 97% complete. Structural steel has been completed in October and mechanical installations are at 96% complete. Piping at 80% and electrical at 71% complete continue to progress quickly.
Pacific Energy’s Hybrid 10MW LNG/solar power station completed full integration with the solar power supply, dry commissioning of the crushing and screening areas was completed in early November and first rock crushing is scheduled for late November. Grinding section dry and wet commissioning will commence in the second half of November and is planned for completion by mid-December. The remaining commissioning schedule is unchanged from the last update and is shown below in Table 1.
Mine decline development continued during October. A total of 311m was developed with the decline reaching 1,284mRL. October represents the highest individual development month since the first cut was fired in the portal in October 2021. The decline location is 266m vertically below the surface and is 29m vertically below the original top of the orebody (1313mRL). Underground drilling has now identified mineralisation as high as 1330mRL which is currently being reviewed for potential extraction. The 1300mRL ore access drive reached first ore in early November (See ASX announcement 14 November 2022).
The 1290mRL horizon is a significant work area for development as underground infrastructure for pumping, ventilation, second means of egress and power are all distributed from this level outwards into the development network. All this infrastructure is currently being established and will result in an increased focus on lateral development and lower decline development in the short term.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Galena Mining, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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13 November 2022
Abra Mine Reaches Ore
GALENA MINING LTD. (“Galena” or the “Company”) (ASX: G1A) is pleased to announce that the underground development at its Abra Base Metals Mine (“Abra” or the “Project”) has reached the Abra orebody. Commissioning has commenced in several key areas of the processing facility and the Power Station (Pacific Energy) completed full integration of the hybrid gas/solar/battery energy storage system (BESS) power station on 10 November. The project remains on track for first concentrate production in Q1 2023.
Managing Director, Tony James commented, “Reaching first ore underground delivers another significant step in bringing the Abra project on-line. The first cut in the portal was taken in October 2021, and now 2,949m later and 250m below surface we have reached the orebody. Special acknowledgement needs to be given to Byrnecut and the Abra mining team for achieving this milestone, and everyone involved should be very proud of what they have achieved. It’s also important to acknowledge Pacific Energy and the Abra project team for the faultless commissioning of the power station and completing the full integration of the solar system”.
First ore heading underground has been reached on the 1300mRL access drive. Project to date (PTD) underground development to this point in time was 2,949m and first ore is 250m below the surface. Figure 2 below shows the mine development completed to the end of October 2022. The second underground development Jumbo has commenced at Abra in line with multiple headings being established and underground development is expected to increase accordingly. Underground grade control drilling continues and the 6m diameter return airway shaft drilling has been completed in November through to the surface.
On 20 October, the site changed over to mains power station with the commissioning of the Pacific Energy hybrid 10MW gas/solar/BESS power station. On the 10 November the system was fully integrated with the successful integration of the 6MW solar panels. The mine and general site infrastructure is running on mains power and plant commissioning to date includes the energisation of the crushing/screening sections.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Galena Mining, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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31 October 2022
Galena Mining Activities Report For Quarter Ended 30 September 2022
GALENA MINING LTD. (“Galena” or the “Company”) (ASX: G1A) reports on its activities for the quarter ended 30 September 2022 (the “Quarter”), primarily focused on construction of its 60%- owned Abra Base Metals Mine (“Abra” or the “Project”) located in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia.
- Abra Project 87% complete at end of the Quarter (14% of construction works completed during the Quarter). Project focus remains on underground access to the orebody and completion of the processing plant and remaining surface infrastructure.
- Underground development achieved 771m advance during the Quarter remaining on schedule with the decline reaching 1,300mRL. The decline is 13m below the top of the orebody and 250m below the surface.
- Overall processing plant construction has reached 93% complete. Plant engineering and drafting work is 100% complete and site construction work is 90% complete.
- All key overseas supplied equipment has arrived on site.
- Completed oversubscribed placement to raise A$17.2M.
- US$25M final debt drawdown was completed under the Taurus Debt Facilities.
- Cash balance at Quarter-end A$60.5M.
Abra comprises a granted Mining Lease, M52/0776 and surrounding Exploration Licence E52/1455, together with several co-located General Purpose and Miscellaneous Leases. The Project is 100% owned by Abra Mining Pty Limited (“AMPL” the Abra Project joint-venture entity), which in turn is 60% owned by Galena, with the remainder owned by Toho Zinc Co., Ltd. (“Toho”) of Japan.
Abra is fully permitted and under construction. First production of its high-value, high-grade lead- silver concentrate is currently scheduled for the first quarter of 2023 calendar-year.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Galena Mining, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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