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Hertz Energy Provides Antimony and Critical Minerals Projects Update and Announces Financing
Hertz Energy Inc. (“Hertz” or the “Company”) (CSE: HZ; OTCQB: HZLIF; FSE: QE2) is pleased to provide an update on the Company’s critical minerals projects, including antimony, lithium, and uranium and announces proposed financing.
The Company is focused on exploring its two antimony projects aggressively with use of Quebec Critical Minerals Flow thru funds at the Harriman Antimony Project in Quebec and Canadian Flow thru funds at its Lake George Antimony Project in New Brunswick.
The Property is located in the southwestern part of the Province, approximately 30 km southwest of the city of Fredericton.
The Property is comprised of 93 mineral claims within two claim blocks recently staked by the Company for a total area of approximately 2,104.5 hectares. The Property surrounds the past-producing Lake George Antimony Mine ("Lake George Mine") and is considered an exploration-stage Antimony-Gold (Sb-Au) prospect located immediately along strike to the southwest and northeast, as well as downdip to the north of the historical Lake George Mine. The Property benefits from excellent road access, hydroelectric power, and nearby available personnel for field and exploration activities.
The Lake George Mine was formerly the largest antimony producer in North America with a long history of production spanning from 1876 to 1996. The mine closed in 1996 due to falling antimony prices. From 1972 to 1981, 34,417 tonnes of concentrate grading 65% to 66% Sb was produced from the first deposit. Then from 1985 to 1990, approximately 1 Mt grading 4% Sb was extracted from a second deposit (Caron, 1996). The mine also contained molybdenum (Mo), tungsten (W), and Au mineralization. Infrastructure on the Lake George Mine includes 3 shafts, underground development on 10 levels, some remaining surface buildings, and a tailings pond. The deepest level of the mine is approximately 400 m below the surface. The Lake George Sb-Au Mine currently represents one of the Top 3 antimony occurrences in the Province of New Brunswick. More info can be found at: https://hertz-energy.com/lake-george-project/
The Harriman Property is an exploration stage antimony project located approximately 17 km northeast of the town of New Richmond in the Gaspé Region of Québec (Figures 1, 2). The Gaspé Region is known for a variety of significant mineral deposits, most notably the Mine Gaspé Copper Mine, currently being developed by Osisko Metals. The Harriman Property benefits from good road access, hydroelectric power, port access, and nearby available manpower.
The Harriman Property is strategically located at the intersection of the major ENE trending Restigouche Fault and Grand Pabos Fault with a second order northeast-trending fault hosting numerous antimony and gold showings (Figure 3).
The Property was developed by compiling and reviewing historical antimony (Sb) and gold (Au) showings from the Québec government geoscientific database known as SIGÉOM. The Property area was defined by a series of four antimony showings, all hosted along a northeast-trending fault structure (Figure 4). Historical results from the nearby showings along the northeast-trending fault include 2.32% Sb, 3.36 g/t Au (Harriman-2), 43.75 Sb, 3.4 g/t Au (New Richmond), 4.8% Sb, 7.89 g/t Au and 15.35% Sb (Harriman-4 Sud) (source: SIGÉOM).
The Harriman Property of Hertz includes the Harriman-4 Sud showing returning 15.35% Sb and 0.07 g/t Au from a historical grab sample of a massive stibnite vein in altered sediments. The nearby Harriman Gold occurrence, located 300 m to the northwest, returned an assay of 22.4 g/t Au from a grab sample. These showings and much of the property have had limited previous exploration and has not had any historical drilling.
Hertz Energy has completed a program of geological mapping and prospecting. The crew’s focus was in the area of favourable geology, particularly surrounding the historical showings as well as stream sediment and prospecting for new antimony and gold showings. Results are expected in the coming weeks. More info can be found at: https://hertz-energy.com/harriman-antimony-project/
The Agastya Lithium Property is comprised of 209 mineral claims covering approximately 10,650 hectares located in the Province of Québec and consists of three non-contiguous claim blocks along the greenstone belt that hosts the Adina, Trieste, and Galinée properties. These adjacent properties are known for their significant LCT (Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum) pegmatite potential hosted within greenstone/ metasediment packages:
- Winsome Resources – Adina Lithium Project: One of the Top 3 largest lithium resources in North America with an Indicated Mineral Resource of 60.5 Mt at 1.14% LiO and Inferred Resource of 15.9 Mt at 1.17% LiO using a 0.5% LiO cut-off (source: NI 43-101 Technical Report on PEA and MRE for Adina Lithium Project authored by Synectiq Inc. with a report date of September 30, 2024 and filed under Winsome’s SEDAR+ profile). Winsome also has an exclusive option to acquire the nearby Renard Operation, a fully permitted, former diamond mine located 60 km south of Adina with a convertible processing facility for future lithium production.
- Loyal Lithium – Trieste Lithium Project: Discovery of six spodumene-bearing pegmatites including a significant drilling result of 31.8 m at 2.2% LiO.
- 50% Azimut Exploration / 50% SOQUEM JV – Galinée Lithium Property:Drilling results include 1.62% LiO over 158.0 m including 3.33% LiO over 29.6 m, and Galinée features a 20 km long lithium-cesium anomaly.
- Rio Tinto/Midland Galinée Project: Spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes discovered over several hundred metres along a 7 km favourable contact zone. Significant drilling results include 1.38% LiO over 37.86 m including 1.88% LiO over 21.35 m.
The Agastya Property covers the western extent of the greenstone belt that trends through Trieste, Adina, and Galinée. Greenstone belts are known to host LCT pegmatite mineralization and are commonly targeted by exploration companies as they are favourable hosts for lithium and other valuable metals including gold. Recent discoveries surrounding the Agastya Project have been announced by Azimut Exploration and Soquem at their Galine Project: I am running a few minutes late; my previous meeting is running over.
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The AC/DC property encompasses amphibolized mafic volcanics (greenstone) of the Rouget and Corvette Formations and plutons of the Vieux Comptoir Intrusive suite, similar to the geological setting that hosts both the Cancet and Corvette lithium projects. Both Cancet and Corvette are hosted by amphibolite rocks of Guyer Group, which is similar in age to the Rouget formation (Mesoarchean).
The northwest-trending mafic volcanics of Rouget and Corvette Formations and associated Vieux Comptoir suites continue northwest to the adjacent Rio Tino/Exploration Azimut Inc. and Rio Tinto/Exploration Midland Inc. project areas.
These are advanced rocks, typically characterized by a pegmatitic texture, a granitic composition and contain several minerals such as biotite, muscovite, tourmaline, garnet, beryl and spodumene. These rocks are also known to host K-feldspar granite phases in pegmatite form which may host an abundance of spodumene.
Based on the results of the remote sensing data analysis and processing twelve (12) anomalous target areas have been identified across the two properties.
- 5 primary and numerous smaller secondary targets are identified at the AC/DC property.
- 7 primary and numerous smaller secondary targets are identified at the La Fleur property.
Strike lengths of the individual target trends range in length from 1 to 15km in length and are between 100m to 1,000m in width and are generally oriented in a northeasterly trending direction.
Each of the anomalous trends contain numerous dyke-like structures identified from high resolution orthophotography. Individual dyke-like structures range in length between 20 –500m or greater, often occur in clusters and are generally noted to occur in conformant orientation to the target trends.
Hertz is aggressively advancing exploration at the AC/DC Project and will provide updates upon receipt of exploration results.
Hertz Energy reports that the Company will not be proceeding further with the Snake Lithium Project and has terminated its Option Agreement on the Snake Lithium Property.
Hertz Energy has submitted applications for two uranium Exclusive Prospecting Licenses (EPLs) in Namibia.
Namibia is a country of diverse geology and has one of the richest uranium mineral reserves in the world. There are currently two large operating mines, the Husab and Rossing mines, in the Erongo Region and five major exploration projects planned to advance to production in the next few years as the country embraces the green energy transition. Uranium mining in Namibia is of considerable importance to the national economy1. In 2023, Namibia produced the 3rd largest quantity of uranium worldwide at 6,382 tonnes, ranked only behind Kazakhstan and Australia2.
Hertz Energy Namibia Uranium Project
The application areas cover an area of 9,627.84 hectares located in Central Namibia in the Erongo Region which hosts numerous primary and secondary uranium deposits. Primary economic uranium is hosted mainly in sheeted D-type alaskites which occur both as cross-cutting dykes and as bedding and/or foliation-parallel sills. The sheets can amalgamate to form larger granite plutons or granite stockworks made up of closely spaced dykes and sills. The mineralized alaskites tend to occur at marked stratigraphic levels, often associated with the Khan-Rössing Formation boundary, or, where the Rössing Formation is missing, the Khan-Chuos/Arandis Formation boundary. Secondary uranium deposits occur in calcretes in the coastal plain of the Namib Desert. The deposits are associated with ancient river systems that flowed westward from the Great Escarpment during the upper Cretaceous and lower Cenozoic periods. Uranium mineralization is typically located in calcretised fluvial channels which tend to be buried with little or no obvious surface expression to identify them.
Licence Application EPL-10186
EPL-10186 is located 40 km northeast of the coastal town of Swakopmund. Most of the licence is covered by recent sand, gravel, scree and calcrete, with a few outcrops of mica schist, calc-silicate rock, marble and red granite. There are two prominent sub-surface water conduits/streams which in general, are believed to be geographically similar to where paleo-channels carrying uranium-rich waters would have flowed. Preliminary interpretation of regional airborne radiometric data from the Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy indicates a strong and consistent radiometric anomaly trending northeast-southwest and coincident with the subsurface streams. The Company is targeting secondary uranium mineralization with potential for primary mineralization to the east of the application area. This is the similar style of mineralization found at ORANO's Trekkopje Mine 6 kilometres north of EPL-10186 and Elevate Uranium's Marenica deposit 40km to the north with a resource of 46Mlb U308 at a 93ppm U3O8 cutoff grade.
Licence Application EPL-10185
EPL-10185 is located 22 km east of the coastal town of Swakopmund. Its geology is comprised of units from the Kuiseb, Karibib, Arandis, Chuos and Khan Formations intruded by granodiorites and uranium prospective granites. Most of the western and central parts of the licence is under recent surficial cover made up of sand, gravel, scree, and calcrete. Preliminary interpretation of regional airborne radiometric data from the Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy indicates radiometric anomalies coinciding with favourable geology for primary alaskite-hosted uranium mineralization. This is the similar style of mineralization found at Bannerman Energy's Etango deposit located 15 km southeast of EPL-10185 as well as that at the Rossing Mine located 30km to the northeast. The Rossing Mine is one of the largest and longest operating uranium open cast mines in the world producing now for 46 years. In 2022, Rossing produced 2,659t U3O8 and currently has a feasibility study underway to extend the mine life beyond 20265.
Namibia has recently completed its political elections and On 3 December 2024, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah of the ruling SWAPO party was declared the winner of the election. She is set to become Namibia's first female president. The National Assembly elections saw SWAPO reduced to 51 seats, a bare majority of three. It was SWAPO's weakest showing since Namibia's independence in 1990. Incumbent president Nangolo Mbumba had not contested this election. Hertz Energy congratulates President Netumbi Nandi-Ndaithwah.
Hertz Energy EPL-10185 and EPL-10186 have been assessed by the Ministry of Mines and Energy are expected to be issued in Q1 of 2025.
Cautionary Statement: This news release contains scientific and technical information with respect to adjacent properties to the Company’s properties, which the Company has no interest in or rights to explore. Readers are cautioned that information regarding the geology, mineralization, and mineral resources on adjacent properties is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization potential on the Company’s properties.
Qualified Person Statement
All scientific and technical information contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Paul Teniere, P.Geo., Technical Advisor of Hertz Energy, who is a "Qualified Person" as defined in NI 43-101.
Hertz Energy is pleased to announce a non-brokered private placement offering of up to 5,000,000 units (the “Units”) at a price of C$0.25 per Unit for gross proceeds of up to $1,250,000 (the “Offering”). Each Unit will consist of one common share in the capital of the Company (a “Common Share”) and one Common Share purchase warrant (a “Warrant”). Each Warrant will entitle the holder thereof to acquire one Common Share at an exercise price of C$0.45 per Common Share for a period of two years from the closing date of the Offering. The Warrants will be subject to an accelerated expiry, whereas anytime after four (4) months following the issue date of the Units that the closing price of the common shares of the Company on the Canadian Securities Exchange (the “CSE”) is equal to or above a price of C$0.55 for fourteen (14) consecutive trading days, the Company may file a notice to accelerate the expiry date of the Warrants to the date that is thirty (30) business days following the date of such notice. This placement is expected to close end of January 2025.
Hertz Energy also announces non-brokered private placement of up to 4,000,000 Quebec and Canadian National flow-through units of the Company (the “FT Units”) at a price of C$0.30 per FT Unit for gross proceeds of up to C$1.200,000 (the “Offering”). Red Cloud Securities Inc. (“Red Cloud”) will be acting as a finder for LaFleur Minerals on a “best efforts” basis under the Offering.
Each FT Unit will consist of one common share of the Company to be issued as a “flow-through share” (each, a “FT Share”) within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the “Income Tax Act”) and the Taxation Act (Québec) (the “Québec Tax Act”) and one common share purchase warrant (each, a “Warrant”). Each Warrant will entitle the holder thereof to purchase one common share of the Company (each, a “Warrant Share”) at a price of C$0.45 at any time on or before that date which is 24 months after the issue date of the FT Unit. The Warrants will be subject to an accelerated expiry, whereas anytime after four (4) months following the issue date of the FT Unit that the closing price of the common shares of the Company on the Canadian Securities Exchange (the “CSE”) is equal to or above a price of C$0.55 for fourteen (14) consecutive trading days, the Company may file a notice to accelerate the expiry date of the Warrants to the date that is thirty (30) business days following the date of such notice.
About the Company
Hertz Energy (CSE:HZ; OTCQB:HZLIF; FSE:QE2) is a British Columbia-based junior exploration company primarily engaged in the acquisition and exploration of energy and critical minerals properties. The Company’s lithium exploration projects include the AC/DC Lithium Project, and newly acquired Agastya Lithium Property in James Bay, Quebec. Hertz Energy also holds the Harriman Antimony Project in Québec and the Lake George Antimony Project in New Brunswick, Canada. Hertz Energy also has permit applications pending in Namibia for uranium exploration projects.
For further information, please contact Mr. Kal Malhi or view the Company’s filings at www.sedarplus.ca.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
Kal Malhi Chief Executive Officer and Director Email: kal@bullruncapital.ca |
Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
Cautionary Statement Regarding “Forward-Looking” Information
This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed “forward-looking statements”. All statements in this new release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that the Company expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words “expects”, “plans”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “intends”, “estimates”, “projects”, “potential” and similar expressions, or that events or conditions “will”, “would”, “may”, “could” or “should” occur. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company’s management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by applicable securities laws, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.
Full HMW Phase 2 (21Ktpa LCE) Mining Permit Granted
Galan Lithium Limited (ASX: GLN) (Galan or the Company) is pleased to announce that the Catamarca Ministro – Ministerio de Mineria (Mines Department Minister) has granted Galan the full Phase 2 mining permit for 21ktpa LCE production at its 100% owned HMW lithium brine project in Argentina. The grant of the permit means Galan has the ability to expand production up to 21ktpa LCE, subject to securing project finance and following the delivery of Phase 1 (up to 5.4ktpa LCE).
- Phase 2 Hombre Muerto West (HMW) mining permit has been granted, securing the pathway for Galan’s continued development at HMW at an efficient commercial scale up to 21,000 tpa LCE
- The granted permit includes all construction activities including ponds, plant, onsite laboratory, power and other required infrastructure
- HMW Phase 2 production would be cash flow positive at today’s lithium carbonate prices. Independent benchmarking highlights HMW as being within the first quartile of the lithium industry AISC cost curve
- The granting of Phase 2 permits supports Galan’s application for the RIGI, Argentina’s new incentive regime for large scale investments
“We are delighted with the grant of the Phase 2 mining permit which continues to solidify our strong relationship with the local Catamarcan authorities. It will allow Galan to increase production over threefold from Phase 1 and produce a premium quality lithium chloride product, which is in high demand.
Importantly, HMW is positioned in the first quartile of the cost curve and Phase 2 production would be cash flow positive even at today’s prevailing lithium carbonate prices. HMW is now poised to be a long term and resilient globally significant source of lithium supply.”
Figure 1. Wood Mackenzie 2028 Lithium Cost Curve: AISC (US$/t LCE)Wood Mackenzie Disclaimer “The foregoing information was obtained from the Lithium Cost Service™ a product of Wood Mackenzie.” "The data and information provided by Wood Mackenzie should not be interpreted as advice and you should not rely on it for any purpose. You may not copy or use this data and information except as expressly permitted by Wood Mackenzie in writing. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Wood Mackenzie accepts no responsibility for your use of this data and information except as specified in a written agreement you have entered into with Wood Mackenzie for the provision of such of such data and information." Information sourced in December 2024.
Wood Mackenzie’s emissions benchmarking service has also placed HMW within the first quartile of the industry greenhouse gas emissions curve. Strong environmental, social and governance principles have been a governing tenet of the development strategy for HMW, which focuses on the production of a lithium chloride concentrate from conventional evaporation allowing for significantly reduced energy and water consumption. In line with Galan’s commitment to social principles, at least 70% local content in employment and contracting opportunities has been targeted at HMW and remains a keen focus for the Government of Catamarca and Galan. Skills and training opportunities have been provided to increase local participation, with a view to creating a skilled local workforce and supply chain for sustainable long-term operations.
Galan has demonstrated considerable progress on the HMW project, including:
- 2019: Discovery well drilled, marking the inception of the HMW project.
- 2020-2024: Mineral Resource established and expanded, now ranked as a global Top 20 lithium resource.
- 2023: Completion of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Definitive Feasibility Studies (DFS), validating the project's technical and economic viability (https://wcsecure.weblink.com.au/pdf/GLN/02720109.pdf).
- 2023: Secured all required approvals for Phase 1 construction and commenced construction.
- 2024: Continued construction and built a lithium inventory in the ponds of over 6,000 tonnes LCE.
- 2025: Full mining permit for Phase 2 granted, securing the pathway for continued development.
Chairman of Galan, Richard Homsany, commented:
“The grant of the Phase 2 mining permit is testament to the hard work and commitment of our dedicated team, and also highlights the strong long-term relationships we have fostered with the Government of Catamarca and local communities, who we sincerely thank for their continued ongoing support. Through action we have demonstrated the benefits of our HMW operations: economically though the generation of employment, procurement and trade opportunities and socially through education, community programs and training opportunities. We look forward to continuing to work in co-operation with the Government of Catamarca and all stakeholders to maximise the benefits of Galan’s operations in the community, and ensure they are sustainable.”
The HMW project is separated into four production phases. The Phase 1 DFS is based on the production of 5.4ktpa LCE of lithium chloride concentrate, with production anticipated in the second half of 2025.
The Phase 2 DFS, announced on 3 October 2023, targets medium-term production of 21ktpa LCE of lithium chloride concentrate. Arcadium Lithium Plc, which is subject to a change of control transaction from Rio Tinto Limited, produced around 20ktpa LCE from the adjacent mining permit at Salar de Hombre Muerto in 2023.
Phase 3 at HMW aims to achieve 40ktpa LCE within a 2-5 year horizon whilst Phase 4 represents a longer-term target of 60ktpa LCE, leveraging lithium brine sourced from both HMW and Galan’s other 100%-owned project in Argentina, Candelas.
The phased development of the HMW and Candelas Mineral Resources mitigates funding and execution risk and allows for continuous process improvement. The production of lithium chloride as a product is in demand from lithium converters as battery chemistry is trending towards lithium iron phosphate technology. Galan received permission to sell lithium chloride from the Catamarca Government earlier in 2024.
The Phase 2 mining permit also supports Galan’s application for the Argentinian Régimen de Incentivo para Grandes Inversiones (RIGI). Subject to meeting the eligibility criteria for RIGI, the RIGI can provide the following key incentives:
- The corporate income tax rate is set at 25% (ordinarily 35%)
- Accelerated depreciation
- Absence of time limits in the computation of tax loss carry forwards
- Concessions on import duty, VAT and withholding tax
- Greater flexibility on foreign exchange movements
- Fiscal stability for a period of 30 years
Galan’s JP Vargas de la Vega further stated:
“Our plan for HMW is unchanged, beginning with Phase 1. Our immediate focus is finalising the financing and offtake arrangements for Phase 1. Once secured, our operations team will complete construction and commence first production of lithium chloride concentrate. While the operations team advances Phase 1 construction our corporate team, supported by advisors, will commence a project financing process for Phase 2.”
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Galan Lithium, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
3 Best-performing ASX Lithium Stocks of 2024
Global demand for lithium-based power presents a significant opportunity for Australia, the world's top lithium-producing nation.
Australia’s abundant lithium reserves and strong output position it as a key player in shaping the battery value chain into the 2030s. However, rapid EV market growth has driven increased mining, leading to a global lithium surplus.
The lithium market experienced significant upheaval in 2024, with oversupply and weaker-than-expected EV demand driving a 22 percent drop in lithium carbonate prices.
The year began with a supply glut weighing heavily on prices, which briefly rose in March before resuming their decline. Analysts project a continued surplus into 2025, despite production cuts and project delays.
While Chinese EV sales hit record highs late in the year, geopolitical tensions — including tariffs and potential US policy changes — added uncertainty to the global lithium landscape, leaving the market in a prolonged low-price environment.
Here the Investing News Network looks at the top three ASX-listed lithium companies by year-to-date gains. The list below was generated using TradingView’s stock screener on December 31, 2024, and includes companies that had market caps above AU$10 million at that time. Read on to learn more about their activities over the past year.
1. Vulcan Energy Resources (ASX:VUL)
Year-to-date gain: 84.48 percent
Market cap: AU$1.19 billion
Share price: AU$5.35
Europe-focused Vulcan Energy Resources aims to support a carbon-neutral future by producing lithium and renewable energy from geothermal brine. The company is currently developing the Zero Carbon lithium project in Germany's Upper Rhine Valley. Vulcan is utilising a proprietary alumina-based adsorbent-type direct lithium extraction (DLE) process to produce lithium with an end goal of supplying sustainable lithium for the European EV market.
On April 11, Vulcan announced the commencement of lithium chloride production at its lithium extraction optimisation plant in Germany. According to the company, the milestone marks the first lithium chemical production in Europe using local supply. The plant consistently exhibited over 90 percent lithium extraction efficiency.
The company already has binding lithium offtake agreements in place with major automakers and battery manufacturers, and expects to supply enough lithium for 500,000 EVs during the first phase of production.
During the third quarter, Vulcan received its first licences for lithium and geothermal exploration in Alsace, France. The permits cover 463 square kilometres, expanding Vulcan's total licenced area in the Upper Rhine Valley to 2,234 square kilometres across France and Germany.
In early August, Vulcan began commissioning its downstream lithium hydroxide optimisation plant (CLEOP) near Frankfurt, Germany, which will process the lithium chloride concentrate from its DLE plant.
A mid-October release from Vulcan outlines a memorandum of understanding with industrial software designer AVEVA. The partnership will see AVEVA build a digital framework for Vulcan’s Zero Carbon lithium project.
Also in October, the company earned S&P Global’s highest "dark green" sustainability rating, a first for the mining sector, under its Green Financing Framework.
On November 8, Vulcan announced it had commenced lithium hydroxide production at CLEOP. The milestone coincided with an AU$162 million funding infusion from Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection and the European Recovery and Resilience Facility.
To end the year, Vulcan announced the signing of a AU$1.45 billion conditional debt commitment letter with Export Finance Australia and a group of seven commercial banks.
2. Ioneer (ASX:INR)
Year-to-date gain: 6.67 percent
Market cap: AU$353.35 million
Share price: AU$0.16
Australia-listed Ioneer owns the Rhyolite Ridge lithium-boron project in Nevada, US. The project is considered the “sole lithium-boron deposit in North America.”
As part of the permitting process for the Rhyolite Ridge project, Ioneer completed and submitted the administrative draft environmental impact statement (EIS) to the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in mid-January. In mid-September, Ioneer announced that the BLM published the final EIS, moving the company closer to construction.
The comprehensive review process addressed environmental concerns, particularly regarding the protection of the endangered Tiehm's buckwheat plant found at the site. Ioneer has committed to measures aimed at safeguarding the plant's habitat.
In October, Ioneer secured final federal approval for its Rhyolite Ridge project, marking the first US lithium mine authorized under the Biden administration.
Rhyolite Ridge is projected to produce sufficient lithium for approximately 370,000 electric vehicle batteries annually. Construction is slated to commence in 2025, with production expected by 2028.
3. Prospect Resources (ASX:PSC)
Year-to-date gain: 2.25 percent
Market cap: AU$52.03 million
Share price: AU$0.09
Africa-focused exploration company Prospect Resources holds a diversified portfolio of assets in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Namibia. The company’s lithium prospects, Omaruru and Step Aside, are in Namibia and Zimbabwe respectively.
In late June, Prospect released an update on its exploration activities, reporting strong assay results from Phase 4 diamond drilling at the Step Aside lithium project in Zimbabwe and follow-up Phase 2 drilling at the Omaruru lithium project.
In the statement, Managing Director Sam Hosack highlighted the significant mineralization potential at both projects.
Moving forward, Prospect plans to slow down spending at its lithium projects as it turns to its newly acquired Mumbezhi copper project in Zambia. The company believes it can monetize Step Aside in the near term to aid in this goal.
In its June quarterly results, Prospect noted the completion of drilling and fieldwork for the Phase 4 diamond drilling program at the Step Aside lithium project in Zimbabwe, with no further exploration planned. The project is being prepared for sale to help fund the Mumbezhi copper project.
Meanwhile, Phase 2 drilling at the Omaruru lithium project is complete, and the company has reduced spending to holding costs as focus shifts to the Mumbezhi project.
In its September quarterly report, the company noted it was discontinuing its Bikita Gem earn-in project in Southeastern Zimbabwe after drilling results failed to identify economically viable volumes of petalite-rich lithium mineralization.
FAQs for investing in lithium
What is lithium?
Lithium is the lightest metal on the periodic table, and it is used in a wide variety of applications, including lithium-ion batteries, pharmaceuticals and industrial applications like glass and steel.
How do lithium-ion batteries work?
Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries work by using the flow of lithium ions in the battery's cell to power a device.
A lithium-ion battery has one or more cells, depending on the amount of energy storage it is capable of, and each cell has a positive electrode and negative electrode with an electrolyte separating them. When the battery is in use, lithium ions flow from the negative electrode to the positive electrode, running out of power once all have transferred. When the battery is charging, ions flow the opposite way.
Where is lithium mined?
Lithium is mined from two types of deposits, hard rock and evaporated brines. Most of the world's lithium production comes out of Australia, which hosts the Greenbushes hard-rock lithium mine. The next-largest producing country is Chile, which like Argentina and Bolivia is located in South America's Lithium Triangle.
Lithium in this famed area comes from evaporated brines, including the Salar de Atacama. Lithium can also be found in sedimentary deposits, but currently none are producing.
Where is lithium found in Australia?
Australia is the world’s top producer of lithium, and its lithium mines are all located in Western Australia except for one, which is Core Lithium’s (ASX:CXO,OTC Pink:CXOXF) Finniss mine in the Northern Territory. Western Australia accounts for around half of global lithium production, and the state is looking to become a hub for critical elements.
Who owns lithium mines in Australia?
Several companies own lithium mines in Australia, including some of the biggest ASX lithium stocks. In addition to the entities discussed above, others include: Pilbara Minerals (ASX:PLS,OTC Pink:PILBF) with its Pilgangoora operations; Arcadium Lithium with the Mount Cattlin mine; Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium (HKEX:0358), which owns the Mount Marion mine alongside Mineral Resources (ASX:MIN,OTC Pink:MALRF); and Tianqi Lithium (SZSE:002466), which is a partial owner of Greenbushes via its stake in operator Talison Lithium.
Who is Australia’s largest lithium producer?
Australia’s largest lithium producer is Albemarle (NYSE:ALB), which has interests in both the Greenbushes and Wodgina hard-rock lithium mines. Greenbushes is the world’s largest lithium mine, and Albemarle holds 49 percent ownership of operator Talison Lithium’s parent company.
Albermarle also has 60 percent ownership of Mineral Resources’ Wodgina mine, and owns the Kemerton lithium production facility as part of a 60/40 joint venture with Mineral Resources.
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Securities Disclosure: I, Georgia Williams, currently hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Lithium Market 2024 Year-End Review
Lithium prices remained low in 2024 on the back of oversupply and weak demand.
Lithium carbonate spent the majority of the year contracting, shedding 22 percent between January and December. Prices started the 12 month period at US$13,160.20 per metric ton (MT) and ended it at US$10,254.16.
The weak price environment was the result of a supply glut, a factor that S&P Global expects to persist in 2025.
In a November report, the firm forecasts a “global surplus of approximately 33,000 metric tons of lithium carbonate equivalent in 2025, a decrease from the 84,000 metric tons surplus projected for 2024 and 2023's 120,000 metric tons."
Against that backdrop, S&P is projecting continued lithium carbonate price declines next year, with the annual average price projected at US$10,542 in 2025, down from US$12,374 in 2024 and a steep drop from US$40,579 in 2023.
Adding to price pressure, advances in alternative battery technologies are posing challenges to lithium's traditional dominance. In 2024, these factors combined to create a year of volatility and transformation for the critical battery metal.
Supply surplus weighs on lithium prices
Market saturation emerged as a key theme for lithium early in the year as a continued surplus weighed on prices.
The excess comes on the back of steadily growing mine supply over the last four years. In 2020, the annual global mine supply tally was 82,500 MT, a number that more than doubled in 2023 to 180,000 MT.
Prices for lithium carbonate remained in the US$13,000 range for January, but began to rise in mid-February, ultimately reaching a year-to-date high of US$15,969.26 on March 14.
The price momentum was attributed to announcements that some new projects were being delayed, while operations in development and production were being transitioned to care and maintenance.
“We also began to see some supply response to the persistent lower price environment, with the announcement of delays to expansion plans and layoffs at some lithium producers or aspirants,” Adam Megginson, analyst at Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, told the Investing News Network during the first quarter.
“I only expect this to palpably impact the supply picture in 12 to 18 months, as that is when these expansions were planned to ramp.”
Record-setting lithium M&A activity
This precarious landscape was fertile ground for M&A deals, which occurred throughout the year.
“As lithium projects struggle to stay above water, analysts also expect M&A activity to increase as major producers with positive cash flow try to find deals in the market while junior companies try to sell projects in a market where private capitals are scarcer than previous years," a February 12 report from S&P Global states.
2024 started with the completion of Livent (NYSE:LTHM) and Allkem's merger of equals. The deal saw the two companies combine under the Arcadium Lithium (NYSE:ALTM,ASX:LTM) banner,boasting a market cap of US$5.5 billion and an extensive portfolio of lithium production assets and resources across the Americas and Australia.
By September, the weak price environment had forced Arcadium to halt expansion plans for its Mount Cattlin spodumene operation in Western Australia, with plans to transition to care and maintenance by mid-2025.
Despite that setback, Arcadium made headlines once again a month later as global mining major Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO,NYSE:RIO,LSE:RIO) made a move to acquire the multinational lithium company. Once the US$6.7 billion all-cash transaction closes, Rio Tinto will become the third largest producer of lithium globally.
Another notable 2024 lithium deal was Pilbara Minerals' (ASX:PLS,OTC Pink:PILBF) August plan to acquire Latin Resources (ASX:LRS,OTC Pink:LRSRF) in an all-stock deal valued at approximately US$369.4 million.
The acquisition will grant Pilbara Minerals access to Latin Resources' flagship Salinas lithium project in Brazil's Minas Gerais state, enhancing its presence in the burgeoning North American and European battery markets.
In late November, Sayona Mining (ASX:SYA,OTCQB:SYAXF) and US-based Piedmont Lithium (ASX:PLL,NASDAQ:PLL) unveiled a merger that is set to create a consolidated entity valued at about US$623 million.
These deals helped make lithium one of the most active M&A segments in the critical minerals space.
“Lithium stands out with both the highest volume of deals and largest total deal value from 2020-24 (US$24 billion),” a 2025 critical minerals outlook from Allens reads. “Deal volume for lithium M&A deals peaked in 2023, but remains relatively high in 2024, showing comparable volume to 2022.”
Global EV sales rebound amid trade tensions and policy shifts
As one of the largest end-use segments for lithium, the EV industry is a key factor in the market.
Weak North American EV sales early in the year offset some positivity out of Asian markets; however, in late Q3 and Q4, global sales began to pick up momentum. In October, the Chinese EV market set another monthly record with 1.2 million units sold, a 6 percent month-on-month increase. According to data from research firm Rho Motion, EV sales between January and October were up 24 percent compared to the same period in 2023.
“The global EV market is now picking back up again, hitting record sales for the second month in a row. Most of the growth is coming from China and Western manufacturers are clearly feeling threatened by this. The US market remains buoyant in part thanks to Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding for consumers switching to electric which may be at risk with the start of the Trump presidency,” said Charles Lester, data manager at Rho Motion.
However, there is speculation that President-elect Donald Trump will dismantle key components of the IRA, particularly targeting the US$7,500 EV tax credit. His transition team has indicated intentions to eliminate this consumer incentive, which was designed to promote EV adoption and bolster the country's clean energy sector.
Critics have argued that removing the tax credit could hinder domestic EV sales and potentially benefit foreign competitors, notably China, by undermining investments in the US battery supply chain.
With that in mind, the proposed repealing of the tax credit has raised concerns among automakers and environmental advocates about the future of America's competitiveness in the rapidly growing global EV market.
The Biden administration made efforts to address that issue in May, when it sharply increased tariffs on Chinese EVs, raising duties to over 100 percent to counter alleged unfair trade practices. While the move was made to bolster domestic EV production and sales, critics said it could disrupt supply chains and raise consumer costs.
Following suit in August, North American neighbor Canada levied a 100 percent tariff on Chinese EVs, aligning with the US and EU to counter China’s trade practices. At the time, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau criticized China’s policies as unfair, citing their impact on Canadian industries and workers. He emphasized the need to protect the domestic EV and metal sectors from overcapacity caused by China’s state-driven production.
Canada also introduced a 25 percent surtax on Chinese steel and aluminum imports.
In response, China filed a formal complaint with the World Trade Organization over Canada’s decision to impose tariffs on Chinese-made EVs, steel and aluminum. Beijing criticized the measures as protectionist and in violation of international trade rules. China also filed similar complaints against the US and EU.
As uncertainty continues to plague the lithium space, analysts are projecting a sustained low-price environment into 2025, despite the production cuts and project delays that were prevalent in 2024.
"With the production cuts announced so far having primarily been about slowing future growth rather than immediate production, strong mine supply growth is still expected in the short-term, namely 24.7 percent in 2024 and 17.4 percent in 2025," Macquarie analysts told S&P Global as 2024 drew to a close.
"This suggests lower prices will need to persist for longer in the absence of any further price-induced cuts that rebalance the market sooner than our forecasts indicate.”
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Securities Disclosure: I, Georgia Williams, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Editorial Disclosure: The Investing News Network does not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the information reported in the interviews it conducts. The opinions expressed in these interviews do not reflect the opinions of the Investing News Network and do not constitute investment advice. All readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence.
Top 5 Canadian Lithium Stocks of 2024
Ongoing surpluses in the lithium market continued weighing down prices and impeding the sector’s growth throughout 2024.
A broad consolidation prompted analysts to declare that prices have bottomed, signaling a potential recovery ahead.
According to a Sprott Insights report from late July, a lithium shortage could materialize in 2025 and will be exacerbated by the lack of new production able to ramp up quickly.
“There are currently only 101 lithium mines in the world, and even as more mines and exploration projects come online, the added supply may likely not be able to keep up with demand,” Jacob White wrote.
Demand from China alone is projected to climb by nearly 20 percent annually over the next decade.
The impact of lithium shortages may also be heightened by the low-price environment that has plagued the market in 2024.
“This is especially evident given that the current unsustainably low lithium prices have led to project curtailments and driven some miners to reduce capital expenditures and investments in future supply,” White noted. “We believe that the lithium price may have bottomed, and higher lithium prices may be necessary to incentivize the required future production.”
The Investing News Network has created an overview of the top 5 Canadian lithium stocks listed on the TSX, TSXV and CSE. This list was created on December 27, 2024, using TradingView‘s stock screener, and all data was current at that time. Only companies with market caps above C$10 million for TSX and TSXV and above C$5 million for CSE are included.
1. Q2 Metals (TSXV:QTWO)
Year-to-date gain: 220 percent
Market cap: C$106.11 million
Share price: C$0.80
Exploration firm Q2 Metals is exploring its flagship Mia lithium property in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of Québec, Canada. The property contains the Mia trend, which spans over 10 kilometers. Also included in Q2 Metals' portfolio is the Stellar lithium property, comprised of 77 claims and located 6 kilometers north of the Mia property.
In 2024, Q2 Metals also focused on exploring the Cisco lithium property, which is situated in the same region. On February 29, the company entered into three separate option agreements to gain a 100 percent interest in Cisco. The news caused its share price to skyrocket, reaching a Q1 high of C$0.54 on March 4.
Q2 Metals closed the acquisition of Cisco in June and now wholly owns the project.
In mid-May, the company announced the start of a summer drill program at the Cisco property. It has since released multiple significant updates, including the confirmation of eight new mineralized zones on July 8.
On October 1, Q2 released assays from the drill program, and its share price spiked on the news, ultimately climbing to an all-time high of C$1.48 on October 11.
“These assays continue to validate the potential and scale of the Cisco Property as that of a larger mineralized system,” said Neil McCallum, vice president of exploration. “One important observation of these results is the higher-grade nature of the larger mineralized system as we test and track the system progressing to the south.”
By the end of the drill program, the company had drilled 17 holes covering 6,360 meters in total, and it released the final results from the campaign on December 17.
As of mid-December, Q2 now has the exclusive right to acquire a 100 percent interest in 545 additional mineral claims, which would triple its land position at the Cisco lithium property. The new claims, located south of the original property, enhance prospects for development and future mining infrastructure.
2. Power Metals (TSXV:PWM)
Year-to-date gains: 73.08 percent
Market cap: C$67.57 million
Share price: C$0.45
Exploration company Power Metals holds a portfolio of diversified assets in Ontario and Québec, Canada.
In late February, Power Metals commenced a winter drill program at its Case Lake property in Northeastern Ontario. The program was designed to expand and define lithium-cesium-tantalum (LCT) mineralization, building on previous work that revealed high-grade lithium and cesium mineralization.
Company shares rose to an H1 high of C$0.47 at the end of March coinciding with news that Power Metals had staked the 7,000 hectare Pelletier project, consisting of 337 mineral claims in Northeast Ontario. According to the company, the project features LCT potential, with peraluminous S-type pegmatitic granites intruding into metasedimentary and amphibolite formations.
During Q4, Power Metals identified a new pegmatite zone at Case Lake through soil sampling. The samples from the zone, located north-northwest of its West Joe prospect, revealed elevated levels of cesium, tantalum, lithium and rubidium, highlighting promising drill targets for the winter program.
The company has also launched its Phase 2 drone magnetic survey, to refine its structural model for critical mineral targets at West Joe and the Main Zone ahead of 2025 exploration efforts.
In a December 10 exploration update, Power Metals disclosed that its partner Black Diamond Drilling, a First Nations owned drilling company, had completed a total of 16 drill holes for 971 meters of the planned 2,000 meter program. Environmental studies are also ongoing.
Shares rose over the following week to a year-to-date high of C$0.49 on December 16.
3. Lithium Chile (TSXV:LITH)
Year-to-date gains: 45.28 percent
Market cap: C$163 million
Share price: C$0.77
South America-focused Lithium Chile owns several lithium land packages in Chile and Argentina, including its Salar de Arizaro property in Argentina.
On April 9, Lithium Chile announced a 24 percent increase in the resource estimate for Salar de Arizaro. The new total for the project is 4.12 million metric tons (MT) of lithium carbonate equivalent, categorized as follows: 261,000 MT in the measured category, 2.24 million MT in the indicated category and 1.62 million MT in the inferred category.
Not long after, on April 18, the company reported the creation of two wholly owned Canadian subsidiaries — Lithium Chile 2.0 and Kairos Gold — as part of a spinout to separate its Chilean and Argentinian assets.
Lithium Chile will retain its Argentinian lithium projects, and transfer its 111,978 hectares of Chilean lithium properties to Lithium Chile 2.0 and its portfolio of gold assets in Chile to Kairos Gold.
In a July operational update for the Salar de Arizaro project the company highlighted that a drill hole encountered "a brine-rich, sandy formation encountered from 161 to 500-metres."
An August announcement provided an update, noting the spin out of Lithium Chile 2.0 was reliant on finalizing a strategic deal for the company's Arizaro property. As for Kairos Gold, its spin out was effective on December 4.
In mid-December, Lithium Chile penned a letter of intent to sell its 80 percent stake of the Argentinian Arizaro lithium project.
While Lithium Chile did not disclose the buyer it was noted that the buyer “is a large, Asian based company founded over two decades ago (and) a diversified enterprise with significant interests in mining, renewable energy, and technology sectors.”
The move to sell its flagship asset signals a significant step in the company's strategic realignment. Although company shares reached a year-to-date high of C$0.88 in March, the recent sale news has pushed shares into the C$0.80 level.
4. Volt Lithium (TSXV:VLT)
Year-to-date gains: 26.09 percent
Market cap: C$47.53 million
Share price: C$0.29
Volt Lithium is a lithium development and technology company aiming to become a premier North American lithium producer utilizing its unique technology to extract lithium from oilfield brine.
On April 29, Volt announced a strategic investment of US$1.5 million by an unnamed company operating in the Delaware Basin in West Texas, US. This investment is earmarked for the deployment of a field unit to produce lithium hydroxide monohydrate using Volt's proprietary direct lithium extraction (DLE) technology.
The company's share price retreated in the second half of Q2, but July 17 news that Volt increased its processing capacity at its operations in Alberta, Canada, by 100 fold to 96,000 liters per day caused its price to shoot up more than C$0.08 during trading that day.
An August announcement from Volt highlighted the deployment and subsequent production scale up of Volt’s DLE technology in the Permian Basin. The field unit's processing capacity had been increased to 200,000 liters, or 1,250 barrels, of oilfield brine per day on location in West Texas.
At the end of Q3, Volt achieved first lithium production in the Permian Basin. Shares of Volt reached a year-to-date high of C$0.49 on September 26, the day of the announcement.
“Achieving first lithium production establishes Volt as a leader in direct lithium extraction from North American oilfield brines and marks the Company’s strategic shift from development to production,” said Alex Wylie, the company's president and CEO.
During the fourth quarter the company raised C$6.2 million through a two-tranche private placement.
In mid-December Volt partnered with Wellspring Hydro to test its proprietary DLE technology in North Dakota, US. The field study aims to evaluate the feasibility of extracting lithium from oilfield brine in the Bakken formation.
Volt also released another update on its field operations in Texas, where it had increased processing to more than 2,500 barrels per day. In January 2025, the company expects to commission its next field unit, which will process up to 10,000 barrels per day.
5. Nevada Lithium Resources (CSE:NVLH)
Year-to-date gains: 14.89 percent
Market cap: C$62.9 million
Share price: C$0.27
Mineral exploration and development company Nevada Lithium Resources is focused on advancing its flagship Bonnie Claire lithium-boron project, located in Nye County, Nevada, US.
In January, Nevada Lithium released the results of a previously conducted seismic survey. The findings identified “a major north-south-trending fault zone as a target for lithium brine exploration.”
At the beginning of Q2 the company reported the commencement of the updated preliminary economic assessment for Bonnie Claire. Additionally, the company also noted “positive” results from test work on the proposed hydraulic borehole mining method that is being considered for the project.
The company also released several drill hole updates throughout the year highlighting the potential of its asset.
In mid-December, Nevada Lithium filed its mineral resource estimate for Bonnie Claire's Lower and Upper Zones, which featured significantly increased tonnage and grades. The project's Lower Zone hosts an indicated resource of 275.85 million metric tons grading 3,519 parts per million lithium and 8,404 parts per million boron.
The company announced on December 27 that it is commencing trading on the TSXV on December 31. The news sent shares to a year-to-date high of C$0.27 that day.
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Securities Disclosure: I, Georgia Williams, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
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