Canada Silver Cobalt Creates CRUCIBLE, a Compelling Company Forum for Shareholders and Investors

Canada Silver Cobalt Creates CRUCIBLE, a Compelling Company Forum for Shareholders and Investors


Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.

Through direct messaging to our shareholders and investors, defines the corporate strategy and goals

Coquitlam, BC TheNewswire - September 5 2023 - Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. (TSXV:CCW) (OTC:CCWOF) (Frankfurt:4T9B) (the "Company" or "Canada Silver Cobalt") is pleased to create the CRUCIBLE forum where shareholders and investors can communicate directly with senior management to better understand our business model as it develops and how the Company plans to increase shareholder value.

"We are happy to restart the Company forum, where our resources are fused together to define the company's unique story as it develops on multiple, ever-changing fronts. We have previously, successfully used this communications approach to effectively reach out to our shareholders and investors in helping them understand the direction going forward," said Frank J. Basa, P.Eng., CEO Canada Silver Cobalt Works.

The company has been working on multiple properties in safe mining jurisdictions in both the EV battery metals and precious metals market. Through exploration and discovery on the respective properties, the Company contemplates the next stage of development to increase shareholder value.

Presently, the Company has been working on the spinout of the high-grade nickel-copper Graal property in Northern Quebec. A recent 16,000-meter drill program has resulted in combined nickel-copper grades of 1 percent over 10- to 30-meter lengths. Through the distribution of a dynamic dividend consisting of a share and warrant, the current shareholders benefit from this corporate strategy. This is a business model successfully used by the Company in the past.

Investors and shareholders can sign up to participate at the Crucible forum at or at the Company's website at .

About Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.

Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. recently discovered a major high-grade silver vein system at Castle East located 1.5 km from its 100%-owned, past-producing Castle Mine near Gowganda in the prolific and world-class silver-cobalt mining district of Northern Ontario. The Company has completed a 60,000m drill program aimed at expanding the size of the deposit with an update to the resource estimate underway.

In May 2020, based on a small initial drill program, the Company published the region's first 43-101 resource estimate that contained a total of 7.56 million ounces of silver in Inferred resources, comprising very high-grade silver (8,582 grams per tonne un-cut or 250.2 oz/ton) in 27,400 tonnes of material from two sections (1A and 1B) of the Castle East Robinson Zone, beginning at a vertical depth of approximately 400 meters. Note that mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Please refer to Canada Silver Cobalt Works Press Release May 28, 2020, for the resource estimate. Report reference: Rachidi, M. 2020, NI 43-101 Technical Report Mineral Resource Estimate for Castle East, Robinson Zone, Ontario, Canada, with an effective date of May 28, 2020, and a signature date of July 13, 2020.

The Company also has: (1) 14 battery metals properties in Northern Quebec where it has recently completed a nearly 16,000-metre drill program on the Graal property; and (2) the prospective 1,000-hectare Eby-Otto gold property close to Agnico Eagle's high-grade Macassa Mine near Kirkland Lake, Ontario where it is exploring. (3) lithium property – 230 square kilometers of greenfield exploration ground focussed along a significant volcanic sedimentary rock – Archean granite contact near Cochrane, Ontario contiguous to Power Metals' Case Lake Lithium properties.

Canada Silver Cobalt's flagship silver-cobalt Castle mine and 78 sq. km Castle Property feature strong exploration upside for silver, cobalt, nickel, gold, and copper. With underground access at the fully owned Castle Mine, an exceptional high-grade silver discovery at Castle East, a pilot plant to produce cobalt-rich gravity concentrates, a processing facility (TTL Laboratories) in the town of Cobalt, and a proprietary hydrometallurgical process known as Re-2Ox (for the creation of technical-grade cobalt sulphate as well as nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) formulations), Canada Silver Cobalt is strategically positioned to become a Canadian leader in the silver-cobalt space. More information at .

"Frank J. Basa"

Frank J. Basa, P. Eng.

Chief Executive Officer

For further information, contact:

Frank J. Basa, P.Eng.

Chief Executive Officer



Wayne Cheveldayoff,

Corporate Communications

P: 416-710-2410


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain forward-looking statements which include, but are not limited to, comments that involve future events and conditions, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Except for statements of historical facts, comments that address resource potential, upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt and security of mineral property titles, availability of funds, and others are forward-looking. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may vary materially from those statements. General business conditions may cause actual results to vary materially from forward-looking statements.

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Canada Silver Announces Effective Date of Name Change to "NORD PRECIOUS METALS MINING INC."

Canada Silver Announces Effective Date of Name Change to "NORD PRECIOUS METALS MINING INC."


Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.

January 19, 2024 TheNewswire - Coquitlam, BC, Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. (TSXV:CCW) (OTC:CCWOF) (Frankfurt:4T9B) (the "Company" or "Canada Silver Cobalt") is pleased to announce that further to its news release dated January 4, 2024, the TSX Venture Exchange has accepted the name change to " Nord Precious Metals Mining Inc. ".

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Canada Silver Announces Name Change to Nord Precious Metals Mining Inc.

Canada Silver Announces Name Change to Nord Precious Metals Mining Inc.


Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.

Coquitlam, BCCanada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. (TSXV:CCW) (OTC:CCWOF) (Frankfurt:4T9B) (the "Company" or "Canada Silver Cobalt is pleased to announce that shareholders at the Annual and General Meeting held on October 31, 2023 voted in favour to change the Company's name to "Nord Precious Metals Mining Inc".  The new name will better reflect the direction of the Company.  The name change is subject to TSX Venture Exchange ("Exchange") approval.

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Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.

New discoveries of precious and battery metals and progress towards surfacing value for shareholders through a spinout of a potentially large nickel-copper-cobalt property in Quebec

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Canada Silver Cobalt Begins Drilling at Lowney-Lac Edouard in Quebec, Targeting Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Mineralization

Canada Silver Cobalt Begins Drilling at Lowney-Lac Edouard in Quebec, Targeting Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Mineralization


Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.

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Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.

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American Salars Lithium INC. ("AMERICAN SALARS" OR THE "COMPANY") (CSE: USLI, OTC: USLIF, FWB: Z3P, WKN: A3E2NY ) announces it has entered into a Letter Of Intent Agreement (the "Agreement") with an arm's length vendor to acquire up to 100% of the Salar De Pocitos Project (the "Project") consisting of 10 mineral tenements spanning approximately 13,080 hectares and contiguous to the Company's 800 hectare Flagship Pocitos 1 Project in Salta Province, Argentina. This represents a property size increase of 1635% to a footprint combined total of 13,880 hectares on the Pocitos Salar, within the prolific Lithium Triangle. The closing of this transaction will culminate in American Salars having the second largest property asset on the Salar de Pocitos.

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Altech Batteries Limited  Acquisition of Additional Investments CERENERGY and Silumina

Altech Batteries Limited Acquisition of Additional Investments CERENERGY and Silumina

Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Altech Batteries Limited (ASX:ATC) (FRA:A3Y) (OTCMKTS:ALTHF) is pleased to announce that it has executed a binding Term Sheet to acquire Altech Advanced Materials AG's (FRA:AMA) 25% equity interest in Altech Energy Holdings GmbH (AEH) (75% holder of CERENERGY(R)) and 25% equity interest in Altech Industries Germany GmbH (AIG) (100% holder of Silumina AnodesTM) including all outstanding shareholder loans from AIG and AEH to AAM; together the 'Acquisitions'.


- Altech's offer to acquire Altech Advanced Materials AG (AAM) project stakes accepted by AAM

- Altech to acquire additional 18.75% stake in CERENERGY(R) Project and additional 25% stake in Silumina AnodesTM Project including outstanding shareholder loans to AAM

- Altech will hold 75% of CERENERGY(R) & 100% of Silumina AnodesTM projects post acquisition

- Fraunhofer remains as 25% JV partner of the CERENERGY(R) project

- Altech will issue AAM approximately 532 million fully paid ordinary shares

- Acquisitions are valued at approximately A$23.3 million

- AAM market capitalisation on Frankfurt Stock Exchange is approximately A$38.7 million

- Based on DFS, and risk-adjusted AAM value, both projects valued at A$77 million

- AAM post-acquisition will be 21% shareholder of ATC

- New simplified corporate structure serves to optimise financing options

- Potential for ATC to divest acquired interests to strategic partners for project financing

- Subject to shareholder approval by both ATC and AAM

- General Meeting to be held inclusive of Independent Expert Report

In accordance with the project's ownership, the AAM equity interests to be acquired by ATC represent an additional 18.75% stake in the CERENERGY(R) project and an additional 25% stake in the Silumina AnodesTM project (refer Figure 1* Corporate Structure before and after Acquisitions).

Fraunhofer remains as 25% JV partner of the CERENERGY(R) project.

As consideration for the Acquisitions, and subject to shareholder approval, Altech will issue to AAM approximately 532 million fully paid ordinary shares, resulting in AAM holding 21% of Altech's issued share capital post Acquisitions. Based on the volume weighted average price (VWAP) of Altech shares being $0.044 over the 15 trading days prior to this announcement, the total consideration offered is valued at A$23.3 million. The shares proposed to be issued to AAM will be subject to a voluntary escrow period of 12 months from the date of issue. The Acquisition is still subject to several conditions precedent, including the approval of the Acquisitions by shareholders at the General Meetings of AAM and ATC.

Valuation of Transaction

AAM's current market capitalisation on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange A$38.7 million (equal to EUR23.2 million), while the consideration offered for its sole assets amounts to A$23.3 million.

The Cerenergy Project DFS has a Net Present Value (NPV) of A$281 million, with AAM's 18.75% stake equating to A$52 million at full financing. Applying a standard 0.23 NAV discount for financing risk, the adjusted valuation is A$12 million. The Silumina Project DFS has an NPV of A$1.14 billion, with AAM's 25% stake translating to A$285 million. After applying the same 0.23 NAV discount, the adjusted valuation stands at A$65 million. In total, the risk-adjusted value of both projects is A$77 million, compared to the A$23.3 million consideration offered for their acquisition.

AAM initially acquired a 25% stake in both the CERENERGY and Silumina Projects from ATC for a total consideration of A$8 million. Following the acquisition, AAM made additional capital contributions in response to cash calls from both project entities, providing a total of A$10.8 million to support project development, operational expenses, and financing commitments. This brings AAM's total investment in the projects to date to A$18.8 million compared to the A$23.3 million consideration offered for their acquisition.

Post Acquisitions

Post Acquisitions, Altech will own 100% of the Silumina AnodesTM Project and 75% of the CERENERGY(R) Battery Project, with Fraunhofer as 25% joint venture partner.

Strategic Rationale and Benefits

This transaction represents a pivotal moment for Altech's strategic growth. By acquiring 100% ownership of Silumina AnodesTM and 75% ownership of CERENERGY(R), Altech is positioning itself to accelerate the development and commercialisation of these high-value projects. The Silumina AnodesTM project is a breakthrough in battery material technology, incorporating high-purity alumina in silicon anodes to improve battery performance. The CERENERGY(R) project, meanwhile, is at the forefront of next-generation sodium chloride battery development, offering a sustainable alternative to conventional lithium-ion technology.

Additionally, the transaction presents a practical solution to recent funding challenges by AAM. Uncertainty among German investors regarding AAM's ownership structure has complicated AAM's fundraising efforts and hindered sustained support in Germany.

Altech will have the autonomy to make key investment and operational decisions without requiring external approvals, thereby enhancing project execution efficiency. Furthermore, the Acquisitions will provide Altech with a stronger negotiation position when engaging with potential strategic partners, customers, and financiers. Through these transactions, AAM will retain long-term upside potential through its new equity stake in Altech. This structure aligns the interests of both companies and ensures that AAM continues to benefit from future successes. AAM will remain as an investment company on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange rather than holding direct interest of both projects.

Consolidating ownership reduces the complexity of project governance and enhances Altech's ability to execute strategic initiatives with greater agility and less complexity. Additionally, the issuance of shares to AAM in lieu of cash payments preserve Altech's balance sheet strength, allowing it to deploy capital more effectively towards project development and commercialisation.

The Board of Altech believes the transaction will deliver significant strategic benefits, including:

- Consolidation of ownership in the Silumina AnodesTM and CERENERGY(R) projects, enabling streamlined decision-making and project execution

- Improved operational flexibility and efficiency to fast-track commercialisation efforts

- Addressing recent funding challenges faced by AAM and improving capital structure alignment

Conditions Precedent

The completion of the Acquisitions is subject to:

- All necessary regulatory approvals, including:

o ASX Listing Rule 7.1 shareholder approval for the issuance of consideration shares.

o Shareholder approval under item 7, section 611 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), to the extent that AAM, or any of its shareholders, will increase its voting power above 20% in Altech.

- Approval from the Australian Treasurer under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth), if required.

- Approval by AAM's shareholders meeting

- Execution of an escrow deed between Altech and AAM regarding the voluntary escrow conditions.

Board Recommendation

Mr Hansjoerg Plaggemars and Mr Uwe Ahren, being current Managing Directors of AAM, did not take part in any voting on the Acquisitions in their position as Board members of Altech and do not make a recommendation on the proposal. Mr Iggy Tan, being a previous Managing Director of AAM (resigned 31 December 2024) did not take part in any voting on the Acquisitions and does not make a recommendation on the proposal.

The Independent Directors of Altech, consisting of Mr Luke Atkins, Mr Dan Tenardi and Mr Peter Bailey, unanimously recommend that shareholders vote in favour of the Acquisitions, subject to the Independent Expert's Report concluding that the transaction is fair and/or reasonable to Altech shareholders. Altech's Board strongly believes that this transaction will enhance shareholder value over the long term by consolidating ownership, streamlining decision-making and ensuring that both projects progress efficiently towards commercialisation. The transaction structure ensures that AAM remains aligned with Altech's success while addressing funding constraints in a manner that benefits all stakeholders.

Next Steps

Altech will continue working closely with AAM to finalise definitive agreements and complete all required regulatory and shareholder approvals. Shareholders will be kept informed of any significant developments, and further announcements will be made as key milestones are achieved. The Company remains committed to executing this strategic initiative in a manner that enhances shareholder value and accelerates its growth objectives. The Board looks forward to engaging with shareholders throughout the approval process and appreciates the ongoing support from its investors.

To view the Indicative Timetable, please visit:

About Altech Batteries Ltd:  

Altech Batteries Limited (ASX:ATC) (FRA:A3Y) is a specialty battery technology company that has a joint venture agreement with world leading German battery institute Fraunhofer IKTS ("Fraunhofer") to commercialise the revolutionary CERENERGY(R) Sodium Alumina Solid State (SAS) Battery. CERENERGY(R) batteries are the game-changing alternative to lithium-ion batteries. CERENERGY(R) batteries are fire and explosion-proof; have a life span of more than 15 years and operate in extreme cold and desert climates. The battery technology uses table salt and is lithium-free; cobalt-free; graphite-free; and copper-free, eliminating exposure to critical metal price rises and supply chain concerns.

The joint venture is commercialising its CERENERGY(R) battery, with plans to construct a 100MWh production facility on Altech's land in Saxony, Germany. The facility intends to produce CERENERGY(R) battery modules to provide grid storage solutions to the market.

News Provided by ABN Newswire via QuoteMedia

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