Precious Metals Outlook

2024 Precious Metals Outlook Report

The experts predict precious metals to break out in 2024. Find out why!

The Investing News Network spoke with analysts, market watchers and insiders to get their best predictions and forecasts for these metals in 2024.

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Precious Metals

A Sneak Peek At What The Insiders Are Saying

"On a broad brush perspective, I wouldn't want to be in stocks, I wouldn't want to be in bonds, I wouldn't want to be in real estate. I wouldn't want to be in crypto. So where do we go? Precious metals."
— David Morgan, the Morgan Report"

"Gold is in a bull market in every currency in the world except the US dollar."
— Rick Rule of Rule Investment Media

“When gold turns, it can turn very, very dramatically, this time in particular because so many people are underinvested in gold and gold stocks.
— Adrian Day, Adrian Day Asset Management

"From a pricing standpoint, silver is historically undervalued relative to gold right now, and offers an attractive investment opportunity. We see a picture of silver fundamentals where supply trends cannot keep up with longer-term demand."
— Maria Smirnova, Sprott "

"My guess is that as the world descends into chaos — and I think that's true, we are going to see chaos later this year and throughout this decade — there's going to be a panic into gold, because it's the only financial asset that's not simultaneously someone else's liability"
— Doug Casey,

""I still think gold is your answer for wealth insurance. But if you're looking for profit, I actually skew it toward silver, and now might be a very good time""
— Rich Checkan, Asset Strategies International

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