Siren Gold Limited

First Hole At Auld Creek Intersects 20.8m @ 12.0g/t AuEq

Siren Gold Limited (ASX: SNG) (Siren or the Company) is pleased to provide an exploration update following assay results from its first drillhole at the Auld Creek Prospect.


  • Siren’s first drillhole ACDDH004 at the Auld Creek prospect intersected both the Fraternal and Bonanza Shoots.
    • The Fraternal Shoot intersected 20.8m at 5.9g/t Au, 2.6% Sb for 12.0g/t AuEq from 116.2m,including 4.6m @ 10.7g/t Au, 3.9% Sb for 19.9g/t AuEq.
    • The Bonanza Shoot intersected 3.5m @ 4.3g/t Au from 53.3m.
  • Results confirm historic drillholes that include;
    • 35m @ 4.1g/t Au, 2.9% Sb or 35m @ 11.0g/t AuEq,
    • 6m @ 4.1g/t Au, 4.1%Sb or 6m @13.8g/t AuEq, and
    • 7m @ 3.0g/t Au, 3.2% Sb or 7m @ 10.6g/t AuEq.
  • Assay results for the second hole ACDDH005 are still pending.
  • The thickness and consistency of the first hole at Auld Creek is very encouraging and consistent with recent trench results and historical drillholes.
Executive Chairman Brian Rodan commented:

“As previously reported, Siren was particularly excited about the type of mineralisation evident in the first drillhole at Auld Creek. We are very pleased to report that the assays confirm the presence of consistent high-grade gold and antimony mineralisation across the entire Fraternal intercept. AXDDH005 also intersected a broad zone of mineralisation, with assays pending. Drilling is continuing, with updated results to be provided to the market over the coming weeks”.

Figure 1. Stibnite (black) cemented host rock breccia from ACDDH004 at 131.4 to 131.8m that assayed 6.7g/t Au, 20.9% Sb for 56.0g/t AuEq.


The Auld Creek Prospect is contained within Siren’s Golden Point exploration permit and is situated between the highly productive Globe Progress mine, which historically produced 418koz @ 12.2g/t Au, and the Crushington group of mines that produced 515koz @ 16.3g/t Au. More recently OceanaGold (OGL) mined an open pit and extracted an additional 600koz of gold from lower grade remnant mineralisation around the historic Globe Progress mine. Collectively these mines produced 1.6Moz at 10g/t Au.

The Auld Creek Prospect represents high-grade gold-antimony (Sb) mineralisation that was potentially offset to the west, along NE-SE trending faults between Globe Progress and Crushington. Siren has recently acquired the Cumberland exploration permit that was part of the Globe Progress mining permit. Siren now holds the ground immediately to the north (Auld Creek) and south of the Globe Progress mine.

The gold-antimony mineralisation extends from Auld Creek south through Globe Progress and the Cumberland prospects and on to Big River, a strike length of 12kms with 9kms in Siren’s permits and the remaining 3kms in the Globe Progress reserve area.

Click here for the full ASX Release

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