Bold Ventures Showcases New Gold Discovery and Recent New Results at Vancouver Resource Conferences

Bold Ventures Showcases New Gold Discovery and Recent New Results at Vancouver Resource Conferences

Bold Ventures Inc. (TSXV: BOL) (the "Company" or "Bold") is pleased to announce that the Company will have booths at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference (VRIC) from January 19 to 20 (booth 520), and AME Roundup from January 22 to 23 (booth 1524). The Company's President and COO, Bruce MacLachlan, and the Company's V.P. Exploration, Coleman Robertson, will be present for the duration of these two conferences, as well as the preceding Metals Investor Forum from January 17 to 18.

The Bold exhibition booth will showcase various samples, maps and photographs from the Company's Burchell Gold and Copper Project, the Company's Traxxin Gold Project, and the Company's Wilcorp Gold Project. Of particular interest is the recent high-grade gold discovery at the Burchell Project. The 111 Zone discovery yielded impressive gold values ranging from 10 ppb Au up to 68,000 ppb Au (68 g/t Au or 2.2 oz./t Au). See Bold press releases dated December 12, 2024 and January 9, 2025. The exhibition booth will also showcase newly obtained results from recent sampling programs at the three properties, which Bold is pleased to present below.

Burchell Gold-Copper Project - MMITM Soil Sampling Results

Results have recently been obtained from a November 2024 MMITM soil survey in the northwest corner of the Burchell Property, designed to test the strike extension of the Moss Trend on the adjacent Moss Gold Property to the west, one of several subparallel polymetallic trends in the region (see Goldshore Resources Inc.'s September 28, 2023 news release). 74 samples were collected on four northwest-southeast lines, perpendicular to the general strike of the country rocks and regional gold trends. Lines were spaced at 200-250 meters, 550-1100 m in length, with 50-meter sample station spacing.

Response ratios (RRs) were calculated for each sample by element, according to SGS guidelines, which state that 'response ratios in general need to be greater than 2-5 times background before being considered "anomalous".' Notable results include several coincident gold (Au) – copper (Cu) – molybdenum (Mo) response ratios >10 in the northern half of the survey (see Figure 1), with Au RRs up to 40; Cu RRs up to 61, and Mo RRs up to 369. Other notable results include zinc (Zn) RRs up to 93 and uranium (U) RRs up to 52. These anomalies provide a basis for further exploration in this area, which could include infill soil sampling or ground geophysics to better define targets for drilling.

The Burchell Gold-Base Metal Project is located approximately 105 km west of the port city of Thunder Bay in the south-central portion of Northwestern Ontario (see Figure 2). The claims are accessible via logging roads and secondary Highway 802 south from Trans-Canada Highway 11 travelling west from Thunder Bay. For additional information regarding the Burchell Gold-Copper Project visit the Burchell Gold-Copper Project Page here.

Traxxin Gold Project - Prospecting and Sampling Results

Recent assay results ranging from 345 ppb Au have been obtained from 20 grab samples collected during a November 2024 prospecting and sampling program at the Traxxin Property. 3 gold anomalies from 170 ppb Au to 345 ppb Au were obtained from samples of strained, silicified tonalite with local quartz veining in outcrop on an island northeast of the Traxxin Main Zone (see Figure 3). The November program took advantage of lower-than-average water levels to carry out shoreline prospecting. Descriptions of anomalous samples are included in Table 1 below. These results suggest that gold-bearing shear zones extend northeast from the mainland into Bedivere Lake, which warrants further investigation through ground geophysics and diamond drilling. For a full description of the Traxxin Gold project visit the Traxxin Gold Project Page here.

The Traxxin claim group is located 130 km west of Thunder Bay, Ontario (see Figure 2). The claims are road accessible via TransCanada Highway 11. Local infrastructure includes rail, power and an experienced mineral exploration workforce and mining supply, all located within hours of the property.

Wilcorp Gold Project - Prospecting and Sampling Results

Assays from 7.28 g/t gold (Au) have been obtained from 26 grab samples collected during a November 2024 prospecting and sampling program at the Wilcorp Property. The 7.28 g/t Au result corresponds to a sample of silicified mafic schist with 4-5% disseminated pyrite and arsenopyrite, in trench rubble / subcrop located approximately 60 meters along strike to the west-southwest of a September 2024 sample which returned 16.3 g/t Au (see October 31, 2024 news release and Figure 4 and Figure 5). These results, in conjunction with September 2024 and 2012 results, suggest two sub-parallel gold-bearing zones in this area (see Figure 5).

Other newly identified anomalies include: 278 ppb Au from quartz vein subcrop close to where the historical Eagle Prospect is thought to be located (see Figure 4), as well as 333 ppb Au from subcrop of chlorite carbonate schist with quartz veining in the southern part of the Property, associated with strong I.P. and E.M. anomalies (see Figure 4). Descriptions of anomalous samples are included in Table 1 below.

The Wilcorp claim group is located approximately 13 km east of the town of Atikokan, Ontario (see Figure 2) in McCaul Township, and 17 km south of Agnico Eagle's Hammond Reef deposit, which contains combined reserves and resources of 5.6 Moz of gold at 0.71 gpt Au (Agnico Eagle website, 2022). For a full description of the Wilcorp Gold Project visit the Wilcorp Gold Project Page here.

Table 1

Table 1: November 2024 Traxxin and Wilcorp Project Significant Results
(UTM Z15)
(UTM Z15)
north of
Main Zone
654518.55412877OutcropFoliated, silicified tonalite with 1% pyrite blebs and local grey blebs of quartz.170
TraxxinC2775312024-11-08Island north of Main Zone654517.55412876OutcropGlassy, grey quartz veining with 1% pyrite in foliated, silicified tonalite. Outcrop 1m SW of C277530.345
TraxxinC2775402024-11-08Island north of Main Zone6545495412862TalusTonalite with recrystallized coarse quartz, sericite alteration, trace-0.5% pyrite blebs.221
TraxxinC277047n/an/an/an/an/aQuartz pebble blank.2.5
TraxxinC277048n/an/an/an/an/aStandard OREAS 24d.2.5
WilcorpC277041n/an/an/an/an/aQuartz pebble blank.2.5
WilcorpC277042n/an/an/an/an/aStandard OREAS 230.337
WilcorpC2770692024-11-02Northern Trenches 2012 14 grammer6157595403848RubbleQuartz-ankerite vein with silicified mafic schist wall rock containing 1% pyrite-arsenopyrite-chalcopyrite, 0.5% sulphides overall. Quartz rubble / subcrop on opposite side of trench from Bjorkman 8 grammer.932
WilcorpC2770702024-11-02Northern Trenches 2012 14 grammer615759.25403848RubbleSimilar to sample C277069, also from rubble 0.5m to the SSE.207
WilcorpC2770712024-11-02Northern Trenches 2012 14 grammer6157605403848RubbleSilicified mafic schist, minor quartz stringers, 4-5% disseminated pyrite-arsenopyrite. Rubble 1m E of C277070.7280
WilcorpC2770752024-11-02Patent Junction, Eagle Prospect6159985403798RubbleQuartz ankerite veining in mafic schist, trace pyrite. Rubble / subcrop, may have been blasted once.278
WilcorpC2770862024-11-03I.P. anomaly MC-116171385403203Frost heaveChlorite-carbonate schist with minor chalcopyrite blebs and minor silvery arsenopyrite, minor to moderate quartz-ankerite stringers. 333


Ring of Fire News

The Company congratulates Canada Chrome Corporation ("CCC") for its recent selection as a member of the USA Defence Industrial Base Consortium. The press release can be accessed through this link.

The Black Horse Chromite Deposit is part of the Koper Lake Project where CCC is the Operator of the chromite exploration effort. Bold owns a 10% carried interest (through to production) in the Black Horse Chromite NI 43-101 Inferred Resource of 85.9 Mt grading 34.5% Cr2O3 at a cut-off of 20% Cr2O3 (KWG Resources Inc., NI 43-101 Technical Report, Aubut 2015). Additionally, Bold owns a 40% working interest in all other metals found within the Koper Lake claims and has the right to earn up to an 80% working interest in all other metals. Bold has the Right of First Refusal on a 1% NSR covering all metals found within the claim group.

The Black Horse is contiguous with the Blackbird Chromite deposits owned by Wyloo, Ring of Fire Ltd. (formerly Noront Resources Inc.). Of additional note, the Koper Lake claims are located approximately 300 m from Ring of Fire Metal's Eagle's Nest Ni-Cu Massive Sulphide Deposit that is in the permit acquisition stage. Chromite, nickel and copper are critical minerals that will play an important role in the electrification plans of Ontario and North America. The Company is encouraged by these ongoing developments in this emerging critical mineral mining camp.

The environmental assessment process for all-weather road access to the Ring of Fire is being developed as three proposed road projects: the Northern Road Link, the Marten Falls Community Access Road and the Webeque Supply Road. Information and progress regarding these projects may be accessed via the links provided on Bold's Critical and Battery Metals page.

Farwell Gold-Copper Project

Bold is pleased to announce that it has signed a fourth amendment to the Farwell Property Option Agreement dated March 12, 2020 (the "Farwell Option Agreement") between three arms-length individuals as Vendors and Bold as the Optionee of the property.

On July 3, 2023, the Company and the Vendors entered into a First Amending Agreement (the "Farwell First Amendment") to amend the Farwell Option Agreement. Subsequently, on September 13, 2023, the Company and the Vendors entered into a Second Amending Agreement (the "Farwell Second Amendment") to further amend the Farwell Option Agreement (see Bold press release dated October 3, 2023). On April 23, 2024, the Vendors and Bold entered into a Third Amending Agreement (the "Farwell Third Amendment" and together with the Farwell First Amendment and Farwell Second Amendment, the "Amended Farwell Option Agreement") (see Bold press release dated April 29, 2024) to amend the Farwell Option Agreement.

The Vendors and Bold have now signed a Fourth Amending Agreement (the "Farwell Fourth Amendment") amending the Amended Farwell Option Agreement such that the Option can be exercised by the issuance of an aggregate of 1,550,000 common shares of Bold ("Shares") (reducing the total number of Shares Issuable by 100,000), 750,000 Shares of which have already been issued, the payment of an aggregate of $95,000 in cash (reducing the cash consideration from $225,000), $75,000 of which has already been paid, and expending $550,000 on exploration (reducing the exploration expenditure from $1,000,000), $250,000 of which expenditures have been made.

In consideration for entering into the Farwell Fourth Amendment, the Vendors will be paid $5,000 and issued 200,000 Shares following receipt of regulatory approval to the Farwell Fourth Amendment and receipt of an exploration permit and an exploration agreement that allows for the exploration of the Property. The following are the new schedules of cash payments, Share issuances and expenditure requirements:

a cash payment of $5,000 will be due on or before September 1, 2025; and

a cash payment of $10,000 will be due on or before September 1, 2026,

for aggregate cash payments of $15,000;

200,000 Shares to be issued on or before September 1, 2025; and

400,000 Shares to be issued on or before September 1, 2026,

for aggregate Share issuances of 600,000 Shares;

an aggregate of $350,000 of exploration work to be completed by September 1, 2025; and

an aggregate of $550,000 of exploration work to be completed by September 1, 2026.

The Vendors retain a 3% Net Smelter Royalty (3% NSR) in the property. This Farwell Fourth Amendment increases the cost of Bold's right to buy back half (1.5%) of the 3% NSR from $2,000,000 to $2,500,000 leaving a 1.5% NSR in favour of the Vendors. The Company also has the right of first refusal to purchase the remaining 1.5% NSR.

If a National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report is prepared on the Property with an indicated resource of at least 250,000 ounces of gold or gold equivalent and approved by all necessary regulatory authorities, the Vendors shall be paid the additional sum of $150,000. If a National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report is prepared on the Property with an indicated resource of at least 500,000 ounces of gold or gold equivalent, approved by all necessary regulatory authorities, the Vendors shall be paid the additional sum of $250,000.

All Shares to be issued will be subject to a four month and one day hold period from the date of issuance. The Farwell Fourth Amendment is subject to approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

Bold Ventures has submitted an early exploration permit application to the Ontario Mineral Lands Administration System that anticipates an exploration program consisting of geophysical and geochemical surveys and diamond drilling. The Company is currently negotiating exploration agreements with local First Nation interests.

The Farwell claim group is located in the east Lake Superior region of Northeastern Ontario approximately 55 km northwest of Wawa, Ontario (see Figure 2). The Trans-Canada Highway 17 connects Wawa with Sault Ste. Marie to the south and the towns of White River and Marathon to the northwest. For a full description of the Farwell Gold - Copper Project visit the Farwell Gold-Copper Project Page here.

QAQC Protocols

Grab samples at the Wilcorp and Traxxin Properties were collected, documented and photographed in the field, then placed in sealed bags and delivered to Activation Laboratories (ActLabs) in Thunder Bay, which is an ISO / IEC 17025 accredited laboratory. Grab sample collection is subject to Bold's internal quality assurance / quality control (QAQC) protocols, which include the insertion of blank material and certified reference material into each batch of samples submitted. Samples referenced in this news release were analyzed using ActLabs methods 1A2-50, a 50g fire assay with atomic absorption finish, with over-limit results analyzed using method 1A3-50, a 50g fire assay with gravimetric finish. Samples were also analyzed using ActLabs method 1F2, a 4-acid near total digestion with ICP-OES finish, yielding geochemical results for 35 elements.

MMITM samples were collected according to SGS Laboratories methodology, and shipped to SGS Laboratories in Burnaby, B.C., where they were analyzed according to SGS' MMI-M weak leach method, yielding concentrations for 53 elements.

The technical information in this news release was reviewed and approved by Coleman Robertson, B.Sc., P. Geo., the Company's V.P. Exploration and a qualified person (QP) for the purposes of NI 43-101.

Bold Ventures management believes our suite of Battery, Critical and Precious Metals exploration projects are an ideal combination of exploration potential meeting future demand. Our target commodities are comprised of: Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), Gold (Au), Silver (Ag), Platinum (Pt), Palladium (Pd) and Chromium (Cr). The Critical Metals list and a description of the Provincial and Federal electrification plans are posted on the Bold Critical and Battery Minerals page.

About Bold Ventures Inc.

The Company explores for Precious, Battery and Critical Metals in Canada. Bold is exploring properties located in active gold and battery metals camps in the Thunder Bay and Wawa regions of Ontario. Bold also holds significant assets located within and around the emerging multi-metals district dubbed the Ring of Fire region, located in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario.

For additional information about Bold Ventures and our projects please visit or contact us at 416-864-1456 or email us at

 "Bruce A MacLachlan"  "David B Graham"
 Bruce MacLachlan David Graham
 President and COO CEO
 Direct line: 416-864-1456 

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This Press Release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to differ materially from the statements made. When used in this document, the words "may", "would", "could", "will", "intend", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are subject to such risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause our actual results to differ materially from the statements made, including those factors discussed in filings made by us with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties, such actual results of current exploration programs, the general risks associated with the mining industry, the price of gold and other metals, currency and interest rate fluctuations, increased competition and general economic and market factors, occur or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, or expected. We do not intend and do not assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law. Shareholders are cautioned not to put undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.


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Bold Ventures (TSXV:BOL)

Bold Ventures

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Bold Ventures Receives Assays up to 68 g/t gold at the Newly Discovered 111 Zone at the Burchell Gold and Copper Property

Bold Ventures Inc. (TSXV: BOL) (the "Company" or "Bold") is pleased to announce that it has received additional grab sample results ranging from 10 ppb Au up to 68,000 ppb Au (68 gt or 2.2 ozt gold (Au)) at the newly identified 111 ("one-eleven") Zone at its Burchell Gold and Copper Property ("the Property"). The samples were collected during a short follow up sampling program in December 2024, in the vicinity of previous samples taken in November 2024. The November samples returned values ranging from

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Bold Ventures Signs Amendment to the Burchell Gold and Copper Property Option Agreement

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On July 3, 2023, the Company and the Vendors entered into a First Amending Agreement (the "Burchell First Amendment") to amend the Option Agreement. Subsequently, on September 13, 2023, the Company and the Vendors entered into a Second Amending Agreement (the "Burchell Second Amendment") to further amend the Burchell Option Agreement and Burchell First Amendment (see Bold press release dated September 13, 2023). Subsequently, on April 19, 2024, the Vendors and Bold entered into a Third Amending Agreement (the "Burchell Third Amendment") and together with the Burchell First Amendment and Burchell Second Amendment, (the "Amended Burchell Option Agreement") to further amend the Burchell Option Agreement and Burchell First Amendment and Burchell Second Amendment (see Bold press release dated April 29, 2024).

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Altair Minerals Limited  New Central Porphyry System Identified at Venatica

Altair Minerals Limited New Central Porphyry System Identified at Venatica

Sydney, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Altair Minerals Limited (ASX:ALR) (OTCMKTS:CHKMF) is pleased to announce preliminary findings following a site visit where the Company has identified a significant outcrop of stockwork system at Central Porphyry. Outcropping quartzite, magnetite and secondary biotite veined porphyry stockwork which is part of a new separate Central Porphyry - 3km Southwest of the high-grade Irka NE Porphyry.

Key Highlights:

- Identification of new Central Porphyry | Venatica West a Porphyry Cluster

Site visit has discovered a significant outcrop of leached porphyry stockwork and ultra-potassic vein system which identifies a Central Porphyry intrusive part of a cluster system at Venatica West. Typical alteration and veining present within Bornite-Gold rich Copper Porphyry systems.

- Extremely dense veining and stockwork | Multi-stage Mineralisation

Stockwork of A-type quartz, magnetite and secondary biotite on Central Porphyry is the densest identified to date across Venatica West, suggesting significant hydrothermal activity, overlapping events, fracturing and multi-stage mineralisation at Central Porphyry, ideal for copper enrichment.

- Small portion of a much larger system | Central Porphyry Remains Open

Identification of Central Porphyry is an outstanding outcome, due to only a portion of the potassic stockwork zone outcropping, which could've easily been missed. Ultra-potassic alteration with dense stockwork as seen within this outcrop, generally tends to expand kilometres, with remaining footprint of alteration sitting under soil cover. Further fieldwork can identify full extent of this Central Porphyry.

- Potential for regional Porphyry system | SW - NE Regional Porphyry System

Preliminary fieldwork analysis on-going, with already a new Central Porphyry system being identified within virgin grounds at Venatica West, sitting ~3km Southwest of the high-grade Irka NE Porphyry and ~2km Northeast of the Irka SW Porphyry-Skarn system. Suggestive of a regional SW to NE trending porphyry cluster, filling the intersection of two district faults.

- Community Engagement Commenced | Early Community Approval

Early engagement has commenced with the local community, with multiple local members showing support for on-going exploration works. Altair's exploration team has also met with the President of the Community with very positive preliminary discussions. Altair has received initial community approval for exploration works with intention of putting forward long-term proposal of work programs, community incentive programs, project scheduling and local training.

Discovery of New Central Porphyry at Venatica West

The Central Porphyry is located on the Irka permit, situated ~3km southwest of the high-grade Irka NE Porphyry target and is a new intrusion system identified within Venatica West during initial site visit.

The upper zone of a new Central Porphyry has been identified through outcrop which consists of leached ultra-potassic stockwork of quartz, magnetite and secondary biotite dense veining, and surrounded by phyllic alteration halo and hosted within overprinted argillic alteration.

The ultra-potassic alteration suggests Altair is standing above the core of the Central Porphyry. The overprinting of strong argillic alteration has occurred from later stage hydrothermal fluids which has replaced the feldspars with clay material while maintaining the stockwork veining - suggesting a multistage mineralisation event which can significantly enrich the grades of copper sulphide and hypogene zone below. This leached stockwork from late-stage argillic alteration indicates the copper has been remobilized and disseminated into structurally favourable zones below, with potential to enhance grades within the contacts and breccia's at the core of the Central Porphyry.

The ultra-potassic zone generally sits right above the core of a Porphyry intrusion and in the case of the Central Porphyry, it is the densest set of stockwork, and veinlets discovered so far at Venatica West, with high alteration suggesting this area is the key part of hydrothermal activity and potentially the feeder to multiple other Porphyry systems.

The presence of dense secondary biotite veining on altered ultra-potassic outcrop not only indicates the presence of a new Porphyry system sitting below but also is an essential element for developing a large-scale Porphyry deposit within this particular belt.

Within other billion-tonne deposits proximal to Venatica, the presence of secondary biotite into the plays a key role in developing "scale" as its presence within porphyry stock and outwards into diorite host rock, tends to allow substitution of Fe2+ and Mg2+ with Cu2+, which can extend the copper mineral deposit footprint by a further ~500m radius in each direction from the main Porphyry core.

Key Takeaways

- Identification of new Central Porphyry akin to Bornite-Gold rich Copper Porphyries

- Ultra-potassic stockwork suggests we are standing above the core of the system

- Argillic overprint indicates a later-stage hydrothermal fluid enacted on Central Porphyry, leading to multi-phase mineralisation events.

- Leached outcrop, indicates copper has re-mobilized below into more structurally favourable zones allowing secondary enrichment in the porphyry core - which leads to higher grades.

- Presence of secondary biotite halo zone and veining in porphyry stock & diorite host is critical in developing scale within this belt for a large Cu-Au mineralisation zone beyond just the porphyry core.

- Structural alignment in SW-NE direction hosting a regional copper porphyry cluster. Irka NE Porphyry, the Central Porphyry and the SE Porphyry makes a potential corridor over more than 10km length.

This new Porphyry discovery adds on to the targets at Venatica, with 4x highly prospective undrilled targets for discovery being uncovered in this new district which is an extension of the belt which hosts multiple billion-tonne copper deposits, these targets at Venatica currently include:

- Irka NE Porphyry: Over 3.4km strike, with high-grade samples including:

- 7.0% Copper and 33g/t Silver
- 5.7% Copper and 43g/t Silver

- Irka SE Porphyry-Skarn: Large 6km2 anomalous area, with high-grade samples including:

- 4.8% Copper & 0.40g/t Gold
- 6.5% Copper & 0.52g/t Gold

- Central Porphyry: Newly discovered initial outcrop from field visit, part of a significantly larger system sitting under colluvial and soil cover. Ultra-potassic and advanced argillic alteration with significant stockwork and veining part of a separate porphyry intrusive.

- Venatica East: Over 17km of anomalous strike of copper stream sediments which are 5x background levels. Virgin grounds with potential to identify source of copper mineralisation feeding the streams and new major targets.

The identification of this Central Porphyry is significant and a result of the diligent fieldwork of the exploration team, as the outcrop is exposed over a minimal area and could've easily been missed. The degree of stockwork veining and hydrothermal activity suggests this alteration likely expands kilometres in each direction - with most of it sitting under post-mineral soil cover. Further detailed mapping and fieldwork will look to identify the true extent of this potassic alteration zone.

Venatica West is shaping up to be a regional porphyry system, hosting numerous high-quality targets for discovery. The Central Porphyry sits ~3km southwest of Irka NE and ~2km northeast of Irka SW, which indicates a structurally controlled regional porphyry trend SW - NE at Venatica West.

Community Engagement

Altair has received positive initial feedback from the community regarding its preliminary exploration activities and future plans. The community board has provided their approval and remains supportive with great relations built with local miners in the region who are eager for Altair to continue further exploration work.

Altair has also had an introduction and a very positive initial meeting with the President of the local community. Following from this, Altair representatives attended the initial community meeting and received approval to continue exploration works, with local members ready to assist. Altair continues to build upon existing supportive relationships within the community and will seek to provide a longterm formal proposal of its anticipated work programs, community incentive programs, project scheduling and local training. This proposal will be reviewed by the local community and President and will then be used to form the basis of monthly meetings with the community to build upon existing support.

Altair believes its early approach to engage the community and developing upon relationships which have been built over 10-years by the vendor of Irka will be key in fast-tracking exploration and development programs. Furthermore, this engagement is key to Altair's ESG core values and is expected to pay dividends in the future for both the Company and community. The early engagement with the community will also be critical in ensuring a smooth transition into its discovery programs.

Steps Forward at Venatica

The key anticipated steps forward aim to establish maximum value for shareholders through a scientific, systematic and diligent approach to exploration with the target of making a large-scale and globally significant discovery.

Venatica sits in the right the geological formation with all the key indicators capable of making such discovery. Altair plans to immediately initiate a comprehensive program to further evaluate the full potential of Venatica. The next key steps as part of the Venatica execution program includes:

- Evaluation of regional potential and detailed mapping

- On-going community engagement at Venatica West & Venatica East

- Rock chip and geochemical sampling program at Venatica West

Altair Chief Executive Officer, Faheem Ahmed comments:

"This is an outstanding find by our geological team within the high-grade Venatica Copper Project. This is now our third Porphyry target at Venatica West, and we are treading virgin and unexplored grounds here with potential to discover further mineralised outcrops and Porphyry's.

There is consistent dense veining across the outcrop which is exactly what you would like to see within a porphyry intrusion, suggesting significant magmatic fluid activity. More importantly, it appears the Central Porphyry has gone through multi-stage mineralisation, which not only introduces more copper into the intrusion, but also indicates copper has been leached from the outcrop and has potential to go through secondary enrichment below. These are all key indicators we are onto an exceptional exploration target, both with scale and potential to be high-grade.

We now have three key targets at Venatica West, two of them which has shown exceptional copper grades ranging 4 - 9% at surface across a large area. With the latest addition being this Central Porphyry, which has gone through significant leaching. Due to the leaching, we're looking for anomalous levels of copper at surface within the Central Porphyry, which will confirm to us this stockwork is likely to be significant mineralised at depth from remobilization of copper ions.

Furthermore, we are yet to even touch Venatica East, which hosts 17km strike of anomalous copper stream sediments. I'm incredibly excited to get boots on ground at Venatica East which is a pure greenfield opportunity and has never been systematically treaded or even sampled, and no one has ever followed up these prominent copper anomalies. We'll be the first Company to take an experienced geological team down to Venatica East, so the possibilities and upside is quite endless.

Simultaneously, we continue to progress works at Olympic Domain, our latest announcement on the project, 4 December 2024, has indicated a robust conductive ovoid, with historic drilling narrowly missing the core of the target. We are in intending to complete a follow-up TEM survey which can identify the precise depth of this ovoid, which will be critical for our drill program and targeting."

*To view tables and figures, please visit:

About Altair Minerals Limited:  

Altair Minerals Limited (ASX:ALR) (OTCMKTS:CHKMF) is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) with the primary focus of investing in the resource sector through direct tenement acquisition, joint ventures, farm in arrangements and new project generation. The Company has projects located in South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland with a key focus on its Olympic Domain tenements located in South Australia.

Altair Minerals Limited

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Vertex Minerals Limited  Strengthens Board with Appointment of Mining Executive Sean Richardson

Vertex Minerals Limited Strengthens Board with Appointment of Mining Executive Sean Richardson

Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Vertex Minerals Limited (ASX:VTX) (OTCMKTS:VTXXF) is pleased to announce the appointment of experienced mining executive Sean Richardson as an Independent Non-Executive Director.

Details of Mr Richardson's qualifications and experience are as set out below.

Commenting on the appointment, Chairman Roger Jackson said:

We are delighted to have Sean joining the Vertex Board at such an exciting time for the Company as we transition into high-grade gold production from stockpiles at Reward and beyond. He brings a wealth of relevant experience and we expect him to supplement the existing Board and Management team well.



Sean Richardson is a mining professional with a career spanning over 30 years. Mr Richardson experience extends from operations through to consultancy and managerial roles where he has been involved in the exploration and development of mineral projects in Australia, North America, Africa, South-East and Central Asia.

Mr Richardson's notable roles include Managing Director of Empire Resources (ASX:ERL), Chief Operating Officer for Bardoc Gold (ASX:BDC) and Operations Manager for Shaw River Manganese (ASX:SRR).

Mr Richardson is passionate about the mining industry and its role in the advance of society, an enthusiasm that has led Mr Richardson to a seek out and attain greater knowledge of the global minerals industry.

Mr Richardson holds a Master of Engineering Technology (Mining Engineering), a Master of Business Administration (Curtin), a Master of Science in Mineral Economics (WASM), a Graduate Diploma in Mining (WASM) and an Advanced Diploma in Engineering and Mine Surveying (TAFE).

Mr Richardson is also a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD), a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (FAusIMM) and a Member of Engineers Australia (MEIAust).

About Vertex Minerals Limited:  

Vertex Minerals Limited (ASX:VTX) is an Australian based gold exploration company developing its advanced Hargraves and Hill End gold projects located in the highly prospective Eastern Lachlan Fold Belt of Central West NSW. Other Company assets include the Pride of Elvire gold project and Taylors Rock gold/nickel/lithium project both located in the Eastern Goldfields of WA. The focus of Vertex Minerals is to advance the commercial production of gold from its NSW projects embracing an ethical and environmentally sustainable approach.

Vertex Minerals Limited

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Osisko Metals Begins 2025 Drill Program at Gaspé Copper

Osisko Metals Begins 2025 Drill Program at Gaspé Copper

Osisko Metals Incorporated (the " Company or " Osisko Metals ") ( TSX-V: OM ; OTCQX: OMZNF ; FRANKFURT: 0B51 ) is pleased to announce that the 2025 drill program is underway at its 100%-owned Gaspé Copper project, located next to the town of Murdochville in the Gaspé Peninsula, eastern Québec.

2025 Drill Program

News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia

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Questcorp Mining Announces Private Placement

Questcorp Mining Announces Private Placement

Questcorp Mining Inc. (CSE: QQQ) (the "Company" or "Questcorp") is pleased to announce that it intends to complete a non-brokered private placement offering (the "Offering") of up to 33,000,000 units (each, a "Unit") at a price of $0.06 per Unit for gross proceeds of $1,980,000. Each Unit will consist of one common share of the Company and one common share purchase warrant entitling the holder to acquire a further common share of the Company at a price of $0.10 per share for a period of two years.

The net proceeds of the Offering will be used by the Company to complete the acquisition of the La Union Project from Riverside Resources Inc., (see news release dated September 6, 2024), to continue a small exploration program at its North Island Copper Property, to retire existing payables and for general working capital purposes. Finders' fees or commissions may be paid in connection with the completion of the Offering, and all securities issued in the Offering will be subject to a four-month-and-one-day statutory hold period.

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Group Eleven Intersects 15.6m of 11.6% Zn+Pb, 122 g/t Ag and 0.19% Cu, incl. 3.5m of 21.3% Zn+Pb, 395 g/t Ag and 0.73% Cu at Ballywire; Silver and Copper Values Continue to Impress

Group Eleven Intersects 15.6m of 11.6% Zn+Pb, 122 g/t Ag and 0.19% Cu, incl. 3.5m of 21.3% Zn+Pb, 395 g/t Ag and 0.73% Cu at Ballywire; Silver and Copper Values Continue to Impress

Group Eleven Resources Corp. (TSXV: ZNG) (OTC Pink: GRLVF) (FSE: 3GE) ("Group Eleven" or the "Company") is pleased to announce results from the latest two holes of the ongoing drill program at the Company's 100%-owned Ballywire zinc-lead-silver discovery ("Ballywire"), PG West Project ("PG West"), Republic of Ireland.


  • G11-3552-27 intersected (from 213.0m):
    • 24.8m of 8.1% Zn+Pb (5.8% Zn and 2.3% Pb), 80 g/t Ag and 0.12% Cu, including
    • 15.6m of 11.6% Zn+Pb (8.3% Zn and 3.3% Pb), 122 g/t Ag and 0.19% Cu, including
    • 6.6m of 16.7% Zn+Pb (11.1% Zn and 5.7% Pb), 240 g/t Ag and 0.42% Cu, including
    • 3.5m of 21.3% Zn+Pb (13.3% Zn and 8.0% Pb), 395 g/t Ag and 0.73% Cu
    • Located in middle of 270m gap between two previously released drill fences
  • G11-3552-25 intersected (from 187.2m):
    • 16.2m of 2.8% Zn+Pb (2.1% Zn and 0.7% Pb) and 8 g/t Ag, including
    • 4.6m of 7.4% Zn+Pb (5.6% Zn and 1.8% Pb) and 21 g/t Ag, including
    • 1.9m of 12.9% Zn+Pb (9.6% Zn and 3.3% Pb) and 39 g/t Ag
    • Located 50m NNW from G11-3552-27
  • Above results confirm the extent of the recently announced flat-lying zone of zinc-rich massive sulphide lenses at least 360m along strike and remaining open to the NE
  • Massive sulphide zone is pierced by G11-3552-27 and seven previously released holes, of which three are referenced below:
    • G11-3552-12: 29.6m of 10.6% Zn+Pb and 78 g/t Ag (released 11-Jun-24)
    • G11-3552-18: 11.8m of 11.6% Zn+Pb and 48 g/t Ag (released 22-Oct-24)
    • G11-3552-19: 15.3m of 14.5% Zn+Pb and 56 g/t Ag (released 14-Nov-24)
  • Drilling continues at Ballywire with two rigs testing further down-dip of the two holes released today, plus the NE extension; assay results are expected in due course

"It is great to see the NE massive sulphide zone now consistently intersected by eight high-grade holes over a strike length of 360m and open to the NE," stated Bart Jaworski, CEO. "Excellent silver and significant copper values are also noteworthy because they increasingly point to a stratigraphically deeper horizon known to be highly prospective for copper and silver in this part of Ireland. Namely, the Gortdrum Cu-Ag mine, active in the 1960s and 70s, is located 10km NE of Ballywire, whereas, the Denison and Tullacondra Cu-Ag historic occurrences are 5km SE and 45km SW of Ballywire, respectively. A deeper Cu-Ag horizon at Ballywire is one of our key targets for 2025.

Our two other key targets include: (i) exploration drilling along strike from the drilled 2.6km-long discovery area towards the encompassing 6km long prospective trend and (ii) up and down dip from the discovery trend in search of parallel zones of mineralization. We eagerly await results from drilling down dip of today's results and along the NE extension."

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Exhibit 1. Cross-Section A-A' of G11-3552-25, -27 (Filling In 270m Gap Between Fences) at Ballywire

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Exhibit 2. Plan Map Showing Key New Drilling (G11-3552-25, -27) at Ballywire

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Exhibit 3. Emerging Massive Sulphide Zone and Upcoming Drill Results at Ballywire

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Recent Holes from Ballywire Discovery

The Ballywire prospect at the Company's 100%-owned PG West Project in Republic of Ireland, is a relatively new zinc-lead-silver discovery (first announced Sept-2022). In addition to 42 holes drilled and reported by Group Eleven to date, the most recent two holes (G11-3552-25 to -27) are reported today (see Exhibits 1 to 6). Note, a second batch of assays totalling over 50m within G11-3552-27 is still pending.

High-grade mineralization from G11-3552-25 and -27 consists predominantly of massive and semi-massive sulphide (sphalerite, galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite and suspected tennantite-tetrahedrite), as well as, disseminated and vein hosted sulphide mineralization. Mineralization occurs along and/or close to the base of the Waulsortian Limestone (see Exhibit 1).

Exhibit 4. Summary of Assays from G11-3552-25 and -27 at Ballywire

G11-3552-25187.15203.3516.202.140.692.838.00 -
Incl.187.15195.518.363.591.114.7014.49 -
Incl.190.87195.514.645.591.827.4120.97 -
Incl.192.69194.601.919.593.3212.9239.19 -

Note: True width of the overall mineralized package in all holes above is estimated at approx. 90-100% of the intersected interval

Overall, recent drilling suggests the emergence of two distinct styles of mineralization. First, relatively flat-lying zinc-rich massive sulphide lenses and second, 'other high-grade mineralization', dominated by variably dipping massive sulphides, as well as, vein-hosted and disseminated mineralization (see Exhibits 1-3). Both styles occur at or near the base of the Waulsortian Limestone and offer great exploration opportunities as drilling progresses.

Looking forward, seven (7) drill holes (G11-3552-24, -26, -28 and 29 to -32; see Exhibit 3) are in progress with results expected in due course. Exhibit 3 shows drilling to date across 1.25km of the overall 2.6km long trend (see Exhibit 2) of significantly mineralized drill intercepts (open in all directions). This in turn is hosted within a 6km long prospective trend defined by four gravity high anomalies, only one of which (anomaly 'C') is systematically drilled to date (see Exhibit 5).

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Exhibit 5. Regional Gravity at Ballywire Showing 6km Long Prospective Trend

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Notes to Exhibit 6: (a) Pallas Green MRE is owned by Glencore (see Glencore's Resources and Reserves Report dated December 31, 2023); (b) Stonepark MRE: see the 'NI 43-101 Independent Report on the Zinc-Lead Exploration Project at Stonepark, County Limerick, Ireland', by Gordon, Kelly and van Lente, with an effective date of April 26, 2018, as found on SEDAR; and (c) the historic estimate at Denison was reported by Westland Exploration Limited in 'Report on Prospecting Licence 464' by Dermot Hughes dated May, 1988; the historic estimate at Gortdrum was reported in 'The Geology and Genesis of the Gortdrum Cu-Ag-Hg Orebody' by G.M. Steed dated 1986; and the historic estimate at Tullacondra was first reported by Munster Base Metals Ltd in 'Report on Mallow Property' by David Wilbur, dated December 1973; and later summarized in 'Cu-Ag Mineralization at Tullacondra, Mallow, Co. Cork' by Wilbur and Carter in 1986; the above three historic estimates have not been verified as current mineral resources; none of the key assumptions, parameters and methods used to prepare the historic estimates were reported and no resource categories were used; significant data compilation, re-drilling and data verification may be required by a Qualified Person before the historic estimates can be verified and upgraded to be compliant with current NI 43-101 standards; a Qualified Person has not done sufficient work to classify them as a current mineral resource and the Company is not treating the historic estimates as current mineral resources. 'Rathdowney Trend' is the south-westerly projection of the Rathdowney Trend, hosting the historic Lisheen and Galmoy mines.

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Exhibit 6. Regional Map of PG West (100% Interest) and Stonepark (77.64% Interest)

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Note: Two westernmost prospecting licenses were surrendered in December 2024 from the Stonepark Project, reflecting decreasing prospectivity and the Company's preference to focus on core prospects (Ballywire and Carrickittle West)


The Company has engaged ProConsul Capital Ltd. ("ProConsul") to provide investment marketing consulting services (the "Services") commencing February 6th, 2025. In consideration for the Services, the Company will pay a fee of C$6,000/month and has agreed to grant stock options to ProConsul, the number and terms of which stock options will be determined at a later date. The agreement is subject to TSX Venture Exchange acceptance and renewable on a month-to-month basis unless terminated by either party on 30 days written notice.

Qualified Person

Technical information in this news release has been approved by Professor Garth Earls, Eur Geol, P.Geo, FSEG, geological consultant at IGS (International Geoscience Services) Limited, and independent 'Qualified Person' as defined under Canadian National Instrument 43-101.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Information

Group Eleven inserts certified reference materials ("CRMs" or "Standards") as well as blank material, to its sample stream as part of its industry-standard QA/QC programme. The QC results have been reviewed by the Qualified Person, who is satisfied that all the results are within acceptable parameters. The Qualified Person has validated the sampling and chain of custody protocols used by Group Eleven.

About Group Eleven Resources

Group Eleven Resources Corp. (TSXV: ZNG) (OTC Pink: GRLVF) and (FSE: 3GE) is a mineral exploration company focused on advanced stage zinc exploration in the Republic of Ireland. Group Eleven announced the Ballywire discovery in September 2022. Key intercepts to date include:

  • 10.8m of 10.0% Zn+Pb and 109 g/t Ag (G11-468-03)
  • 10.1m of 8.6% Zn+Pb and 46 g/t Ag (G11-468-06)
  • 10.5m of 14.7% Zn+Pb, 399 g/t Ag and 0.31% Cu (G11-468-12)
  • 11.2m of 8.9% Zn+Pb and 83 g/t Ag (G11-3552-03)
  • 29.6m of 10.6% Zn+Pb, 78 g/t Ag and 0.15% Cu (G11-3552-12) and
  • 11.8m of 11.6% Zn+Pb, 48 g/t Ag (G11-3552-18)
  • 15.6m of 11.6% Zn+Pb, 122 g/t Ag and 0.19% Cu (G11-3552-27)

Ballywire is located 20km from Company's 77.64%-owned Stonepark zinc-lead deposit1, which itself is located adjacent to Glencore's Pallas Green zinc-lead deposit2. The Company's two largest shareholders are Glencore Canada Corp. (17.1% interest) and Michael Gentile (16.5%). Additional information about the Company is available at

Bart Jaworski, P.Geo.
Chief Executive Officer

E: | T: +353-85-833-2463
E: | T: 604-644-9514

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Such statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the future results of operations, performance and achievements of the Company, including the timing, content, cost and results of proposed work programs, the discovery and delineation of mineral deposits/resources/ reserves and geological interpretations. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located. All of the Company's public disclosure filings may be accessed via and readers are urged to review these materials, including the technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.

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