TSX Venture Exchange Stock Maintenance Bulletins


  [formerly FluroTech Ltd. ("TEST")]
  BULLETIN TYPE: Transfer and New Addition to NEX, Symbol Change, Resume Trading
  BULLETIN DATE: October 26, 2023
  TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at the opening, Monday, October 30, 2023 , the securities of FluroTech Ltd., (the "Company") will resume trading.  Further to the Exchange Bulletin dated April 17, 2023 , a news release was issued on October 6, 2023 , announcing that the Company will not be proceeding with its proposed transaction.  The transaction contemplated would have constituted a Reverse Takeover as defined under Exchange Policy 5.2.

In accordance with TSX Venture Policy 2.5, the Company has not maintained the requirements for a TSX Venture Tier 2 company.  Therefore, effective at the opening on Monday, October 30, 2023 , the Company's listing will transfer to NEX, the Company's Tier classification will change from Tier 2 to NEX, and the Filing and Service Office will change from Calgary to NEX.

As of October 30, 2023 the Company is subject to restrictions on share issuances and certain types of payments as set out in the NEX policies.

The trading symbol for the Company will change from TEST to TEST.H.  There is no change in the Company's name, no change in its CUSIP number and no consolidation of capital.  The symbol extension differentiates NEX symbols from Tier 1 or Tier 2 symbols within the TSX Venture market.


Right Season Investments Corp. ("LITT")
  BULLETIN TYPE:  Consolidation
  BULLETIN DATE: October 26, 2023
  TSX Venture Tier 2   Company

Pursuant to a resolution passed by the shareholders of the Company on October 20, 2023 , the Company has consolidated its capital on a seventy (70) old for one (1)  new basis.  The name of the Company has not been changed.

Effective at the opening October 30, 2023 , the shares of Right Season Investments Corp. will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange on a consolidated basis. The Company is classified as a 'Financial Services - Investment Companies and Funds' company.

Post - Consolidation

Capitalization:                          Unlimited   shares with no par value of which

2,262,956   shares are issued and outstanding

Escrow                                     Nil   shares are subject to escrow

Transfer Agent:                        Endeavor Trust Corporation

Trading Symbol:                       LITT                  ( UNCHANGED )

CUSIP Number:                       76658Q206 (NEW)


  BULLETIN TYPE:  Name Change
  BULLETIN DATE: October 26, 2023
  TSX Venture Tier 2   Company

Pursuant to a resolution passed by directors on October 11, 2023 , the Company has changed its name as follows.  There is no consolidation of capital.

Effective at the opening October 30, 2023 , the common shares of  Stallion Uranium Corp. will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange, and the common shares of Stallion Discoveries Corp. will be delisted.  The Company is classified as a 'Mining' company.

Capitalization:                                     Unlimited  shares with no par value of which

109,381,286  shares are issued and outstanding

Escrow:                                               nil  common shares

Transfer Agent:                                   Endeavor Trust Corporation

Trading Symbol:                                  STUD                   ( UNCHANGED )

CUSIP Number:                                  852919109            ( NEW )


Sucro Limited   ("SUG")
  B   ULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-Shares
  BULLETIN DATE: October 26, 2023
  TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

The Prospectus of Sucro Limited ("Sucro") dated October 19, 2023 (the "Prospectus") has been filed with and accepted by the Ontario , Alberta , British Columbia Manitoba, New Brunswick , Newfoundland and Labrador , Nova Scotia , Prince Edward Island and Saskatchewan Securities Commissions, effective October 23, 2023 , pursuant to the provisions of the Ontario , Alberta , British Columbia Manitoba, New Brunswick , Newfoundland and Labrador , Nova Scotia , Prince Edward Island and Saskatchewan Securities Acts.

The subordinate voting shares (the "SVS") of the Company will be listed and admitted to trading on TSX Venture Exchange, on the effective dates stated below. Each Proportionate Voting Shares ("PVS") is convertible into one hundred (100) SVS. Only the SVS will be listed on the Exchange.

The gross proceeds to be received by the Company for the Offering Are C$15,004,000 , being 1,364,000 SVS at C$11 per SVS, plus up to an additional 15% if over-allotment option is exercised in full.

Listing Date:                  At the close of business ( 5:01 p.m. EDT ) on Friday, October 27, 2023 .

Commence Date:          The SVS will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange at the opening on Monday, October 30, 2023 , upon confirmation of closing.

The closing of the public offering is scheduled to occur before the market opening on Monday, October 30, 2023 . A further notice will be issued upon receipt of closing confirmation.

For further information, please refer to the Company's Prospectus dated October 19, 2023 available on SEDAR+ and to the Company's news releases dated October 23, 2023 .

Corporate Jurisdiction: Cayman Islands


Authorized:       490,000,000 SVS and 1,000,000 PVS

with a par value of US$0.0001 per SVS and US$0.001 per PVS, of which

Issued and Outstanding: 6,528,421 SVS and 167,189 PVS (not listed)

Escrowed Securities:     1,153,244 SVS and 167,189 PVS of which

115,324 SVS and 16,718 PVS are released as at the date of this bulletin

Transfer Agent:             Odyssey Trust Company

Trading Symbol: SUG

CUSIP Number: G8544S107

The Company is classified as a "Sugar Manufacturing" company (NAICS: 311310).

Company Contact:                    Stefano D'Aniello, CFO

Company Address:                   2020 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 1204 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 USA Company Phone Number:             (305) 901-1322

Company Email Address: sdaniello@sucro.us

Company Website: www.sucro.us



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"Ovarian cancer can be devastating, and when cancer cells stop responding to chemotherapy patients may feel hopeless about their journey. The data presented today reinforce the importance of ELAHERE as a transformative therapy for patients with limited options," said Svetlana Kobina , MD, PhD, vice president, oncology medical affairs, AbbVie. "We remain steadfast in our commitment to bring forward innovative therapies that improve the lives of patients with difficult-to-treat cancers."

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