January 21, 2024
SensOre Limited (ASX: S3N or the Company) is pleased to report results from soil sampling at the Abbotts North project and the approval of the Programme of Work (PoW).
- New pegmatites have been identified at the Abbotts North project building on those previously announced in September 2023.
- First soil sample program was successful in locating previously unmapped sub-cropping pegmatites.
- Programme of Work (PoW) has been approved.
- Site mobilisation scheduled for 29 January 2024.
- Drilling is on schedule to begin in February 2024.
- Re-branding of SensOre (ASX:S3N) to Premier1 Lithium (ASX:P1L) awaiting final ASIC and ASX approval
All heritage and environmental approvals are on track to facilitate first pass drilling in February 2024 with site mobilisation scheduled for 29 January 2024. The RC program is designed to drill test a series of outcropping lithium bearing pegmatite units along ~500-600m of strike length within the main Buttamiah Prospect area. The pegmatites show previously reported grades of up to 1.25% Li2O at surface. Approximately 2,000m of RC drilling is planned to test for lithium mineralisation continuity at depth and assess pegmatite scale, geometry and mineralogy.
SensOre has also completed the first pass lithium targeted soil geochemistry program at the Abbotts North project for a total of 600 samples. Factor analysis (FA) was employed at Abbotts North with the purpose of identifying multielement signatures within the soil assay samples which may be indicative of Li mineralisation. The work was successful in identifying spatial and geochemical associations between lithium mineralisation and mapped geology. The results from the soil survey highlighted new areas of interest with anomalous responses comparable to the geochemical signature over the main lithium bearing pegmatite field. The soil anomalism also correlates with prominent structural contacts and corridors.
Subsequent ground truthing of the prioritised soil anomalism located ~2km Southeast of the main lithium bearing pegmatites confirmed the presence of discreet sub-cropping pegmatites in the vicinity of the anomaly. The full strike extent of these new pegmatites has not been defined and remains open.
Follow-up work is required to assess these new areas.
SensOre CEO Richard Taylor commented: "The potential at Abbotts North continues to grow for us. We have barely scratched the surface in terms of the areas potential and we are encouraged that with every field program we are seeing new opportunities emerge. These results set the scene for our drill program in February.”
Click here for the full ASX Release
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