DLP Resources Expands Copper and Molybdenum zone on the 100 % Owned Esperanza Project with an Additional 53 Rock Samples Returning up to 3.46 % Cu, 130.5ppm Mo, 7930ppm Zn and 245ppm Co

DLP Resources Expands Copper and Molybdenum zone on the 100 % Owned Esperanza Project with an Additional 53 Rock Samples Returning up to 3.46 % Cu, 130.5ppm Mo, 7930ppm Zn and 245ppm Co

DLP Resources Inc. (TSXV: DLP) (OTCQB: DLPRF) ("DLP" or the "Company") announces receipt of the second phase of rock sampling results from the Esperanza porphyry copper-molybdenum project immediately south of the Chapi Mine in Southern Peru (Figure 1).

Results for the additional 53 rock samples taken in the initial reconnaissance sampling and mapping of the northwestern part of the project have returned highly anomalous copper, molybdenum, cobalt and zinc in mapped intrusive stocks and polymictic breccias within the overlying volcanics (Figures 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6).


  1. Fifteen of the fifty-three rock chip samples returned values between 0.3% Cu and 3.46% Cu (Table 1 and Figure 2). These samples were taken from outcropping quartz diorite and polymictic breccias with visible copper-oxides, iron oxides and tourmaline in fractures.
  2. Rock chip samples with high copper grades included:
    • Sample 1208 - 0.69% Cu, 130.50ppm Mo, 7930ppm Zn and 42.30ppm Co.
    • Sample 1226 - 1.84% Cu, 1.38ppm Mo, 1115ppm Zn and 42.50ppm Co.
    • Sample 1227 - 1.71% Cu, 5.56ppm Mo, 2490ppm Zn and 176.50ppm Co.
    • Sample 1229 - 3.46% Cu, 16.15ppm Mo, 1480ppm Zn and 185ppm Co.
    • Sample 1231 - 1.26% Cu, 2.43ppm Mo, 1050ppm Zn and 39.60ppm Co.
    • Sample 1232 - 0.70% Cu, 3.75ppm Mo, 487ppm Zn and 22.50ppm Co.
    • Sample 1237 - 1.54% Cu, 6.34ppm Mo, 774ppm Zn and 57.20ppm Co.
    • Sample 1240 - 0.82%Cu, 4.10ppm Mo, 410ppm Zn and 17.10ppm Co.

See Table 1 for the anomalous set of results for the second phase of rock chip samples and Table 2 for the first phase of anomalous results reported on March 13, 2024 (see DLP Resources Inc., news release of March 13, 2024).

Mr. Gendall, President and CEO commented: "With two phases of rock sampling and mapping completed on the Esperanza project, an area of 3.5km x 1.5km has now been identified with anomalous copper and molybdenum in rock samples. These anomalous copper-molybdenum values coupled with other porphyry copper indicators are very encouraging for locating a mineralized system at depth in this porphyry copper belt immediately south of the Chapi copper mine."

Table 1. Summary of Select Rock Chip Results for the Esperanza Porphyry Cu-Mo Project - Phase 2.

Nommm%ppmppmppmRock Chip Samples 2x2m Sampling Area
12018134576243185171115.3330.7Qtz-Tourmaline breccia
12028134575243085172122.5670.8Intensely fractured diorite with FeOx boxworks
12038134566243075170723.2690.9Diorite with SS clasts and Fe-oxides + Tourmaline
12048134585243094171041.2985.1Sandstone with Fe-oxides + Quartz-sericite
12058134584243102172120.5639.9Diorite with argillic alteration + intense veining of Fe oxides
1206813457024310717120.0135.3201.7Diorite + Veining with FeOx + Mn + Neo + Tm
1207813450724315117140.0237.810758.5Diorite + Veining with FeOx + Tm
1208813448524319017290.69130.5793042.3Diorite, Arg, with SS and Qtz vlts and FeOx boxworks +Tm
1209813429324314117160.0111.0514613.8Diorite, Arg with SS and Qtz vlts and FeOx boxworks +Tm
1210813445424333017290.0437.3454.8Diorite, Arg altered, qtz-FeOx + Tm + fine alunite? in matrix.
1211813467624284417280.023413810.9Diorite Sil, Qtz vlts, Mn-Tm, intense angular fractures.
1214813481724275417290.0117.35239.3Diorite, Arg Alteration, Vlts of Qz, FeOx, Mn +Tm
1215813484624271817280.0120.23333.7Polymictic Bx frag of SS with FeOx veins + Mn
1217813491824286517180.017.482211.7Diorite QSP with Qtz vlts and FeOx-Mn
1218813497124287217110.017.372311.6Diorite QS with FeOx, Mn veins + intense fractures.
1226813632124450418861.841.38111542.5Polymictic Bx, pseudostratified with presence of malachite
1227813616424468218521.715.562490176.5Polymictic Bx, pseudostratification + malachite and Mn
1229813618124481718523.4616.151480185Polymictic Bx?, with malachite and Mn in matrix
1230813622424460918870.465.7337311.8Polymictic Bx?, with malachite and Mn in matrix
1231813619824455715891.262.43105039.6Polymictic Bx?, with malachite and Mn in matrix
1232813615224450018840.73.7548722.5Subhorizontal polymictic Bx with malachite and Mn in matrix
1234813610824449418760.414.7755354Polymictic Bx with malachite and Mn in subhorizontal horizons
1235813603324451818780.445.0254724.1Polymictic Bx with malachite and Mn in subhorizontal horizons
1236813608024456418530.767.911270245Polymictic Bx with malachite and Mn in subhorizontal horizons
1237813595824458718561.546.3477457.2Polymictic Bx with malachite, atacamite and Mn
1239813588024451318630.254.3637920.6Polymictic Bx with malachite in a subhorizontal horizon
1240813579224451018610.824.141017.1Polymictic Bx with malachite in a subhorizontal horizon
1241813567924456818520.386.1450626.5Polymictic Bx with malachite in a subhorizontal horizon
1242813535324401017890.123.22100146Polymictic Bx with malachite in a subhorizontal horizon
1244813544324406517920.324.381500115Polymictic Bx with malachite in a subhorizontal horizon
1245813440324271816740.0114318.9Diorite, Arg., with Mn in irregular veins
1246813454024298516910.015124134.4Diorite, Arg., with Mn in irregular veins
12478134364242830166723553.5Diorite, Qtz, Tm, FeOx in boxworks + intense fracturing + veins
1249813420024267416455.79496.3Quartzite/SS with FeOx in veinlets/fractures and presence of Tm
12508134158242640163717.05111.6Quartzite/SS with FeOx in veinlets/fractures and presence of Ser
17518134093242562162826.94819.7Bx of quartzite/SS with FeOx boxworks + FeOx in fractures
17528134627242082162612.28418.1Diorite, Arg, FeOx + quartzite/SS with FeOx boxworks
1754813443424225416450.0259.5891.7Vein?, QSP, malachite and OxFe in fractures and boxworks
17558134249242291163412.371.1Bx, QSP +FeOx boxworks +quartz
1756813424424227616434.87273.6Bx, QSP, presence of FeOx boxworks + quartz
17578134220242248165110.2513929.4Bx, subangular fragments, Qtz-Tm?
17598134070242351160710.05292.8Diorite, QSP, FeMo in fractures, FeOx +intense fracturing
17608134168242265164413.812118.7Bx, quartz veins with FeOx, Mn and Tm in fractures
Notes: Bx-Breccia, Qtz-Quartz, Tm-Tourmaline, Vlts-veinlets, FeOx-Iron Oxides, FeMo-ferrimolybdenite, Mt-magnetite, SS-sandstone, Py-Pyrite, Ep-Epidote, Chl-Chlorite, Arg-Argillic, QSP-Quartz-sericite-pyrite, Ser-Sericite, Sil-Silicified, Lim-Limonite, Neo-Neotocite, Mn-Manganese, Qtz-Quartz, V-Very, Frac-Fractured


Table 2. Summary of Select Rock Chip Results for the Esperanza Porphyry Cu-Mo Project - Phase 1.

Nommm%ppmppmppmRock Chip Samples 2x2m Sampling Area
1153813681924438019530.440.77201079.9Quartz Diorite, FeOx + Malachite + Mn + Tm?
1159813670824445119400.016.31597.6Quartz Diorite, Qtz Veinlets + FeOx + Calcite
1160813653624453019290.016.84714.2Aplite Dyke, FeOx + Neotocite
1161813632424471919593.881.473540281Polymictic Bx, Qtz + Tm + Ox Cu + Mn
1162813632924471419592.841.752510237Polymictic Bx, Qtz + Tm + Ox Cu + Mn
1163813631124472319553.341.391905238Polymictic Bx, Qtz + Tm + Ox Cu + Mn
1164813631324467418533.851.461885323Polymictic Bx, Qtz + Tm + Ox Cu + Mn
1165813681824438419543.171.261600210Quartz Diorite, FeOx, CuOx, Malachite + Mn + Tm?
1166813681824438419540.220.54149068.3Quartz Diorite, FeOx, CuOx, Malachite + Mn + Tm?
1167813681824438419531.101.492030155.0Quartz Diorite, FeOx, CuOx, Malachite + Mn + Tm?
1168813681824438419530.070.3436123.20Quartz Diorite, FeOx, CuOx, Malachite + Mn + Tm?
1169813681824438419530.420.893270136.5Quartz Diorite, FeOx, CuOx, Malachite + Mn + Tm?
1171813673924440919304.671.763060209Quartz Diorite, Arg Alteration, Qtz Vlts, FeOx, + Vlts Calc
1172813632424471919324.711.632030383Polymictic Bx, Qtz + Tm + Ox Cu + Mn
1173813632924471418531.151.322730286Polymictic Bx, Qtz + Tm + Ox Cu + Mn
1174813631124472318531.451.28115526.4Polymictic Bx, Qtz + Tm + Ox Cu + Mn
1188813445624182419170.0114.86530.9Breccia, FeOx, Lim boxworks
1189813461524191319220.0128.8244.70Polymictic Bx, FeOx in fractures
1191813544724257319300.0210.28217.20Quartz vein, Strong Fracturing with FeOx + Mn
1192813463124325819260.026.54985.80Andesite fragment, FeOX, Intense Fracturing
1193813464624328219290.012.46272.20Quartz Diorite, QS Alteration, Very Fractured
1194813474524312519290.012.95482.60Quartz Diorite, FeOx, Turgite,
1195813479724334119253.08770.80Quartz Diorite, FeOx, Turgite, Intense Fractures
11968134471243472192414.8424.00Quartz Diorite, Quartz Vlts, FeOx boxworks, Intense Frac.
1197813416424326619173.76953.60Diorite with Qtz Vlts, Leached - FeOx + Qtz Tm vlts
Notes: Bx-Breccia, Qtz-Quartz, Tm-Tourmaline, Vlts-veinlets, FeOx-Iron Oxides, Mt-magnetite, Py-Pyrite, Ep-Epidote, Chl-Chlorite, Lim-Limonite, Neo-Neotocite, Mn-Manganese, Calc-Calcite, V-Very, Frac-Fractured


Quality Control and Quality Assurance

DLP Resources Peru S.A.C, a subsidiary of DLP Resources Inc., supervises sampling and carries out surface sampling and mapping of outcrop at the Esperanza project. Rock chip sampling was done within a maximum area of 2m x 2m and descriptions were carried out by a geologist. Samples are bagged and sealed on site before transportation to the ALS Peru S.A.C. sample preparation facility in Arequipa by Company vehicles and staff. Rocks are crushed with 70% passing

DLP Resources independently monitors quality control and quality assurance ("QA/QC") through a program that includes the insertion of certified reference materials.

Esperanza Project

The Esperanza Cu-Mo Project is an early-stage exploration project in Southern Peru consisting of 4,600 Ha of claims which are 100% owned by DLP. Esperanza is located ~35 km SW of the Cerro Verde Mine in Arequipa and immediately south of the Chapi Copper Mine.

Copper-molybdenum mineralization was initially observed in an early reconnaissance program undertaken in 2022. Subsequently we have completed a satellite alteration mapping program over the project and identified alteration consistent with porphyry copper-molybdenum systems. Follow-up of alteration and subsequent sampling and mapping commenced in early 2024.

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Figure 1: Esperanza Project Location

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Figure 2: Esperanza Project -Anomalous copper, molybdenum, zinc and cobalt in rock samples. 

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Figure 3: Esperanza Project - Simplified geology with anomalous copper in rock samples. 

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Figure 4: Esperanza Project - Simplified geology with anomalous molybdenum in rock samples.

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Figure 5: Esperanza Project - Simplified geology with anomalous zinc in rock samples.

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Figure 6: Esperanza Project - Simplified geology with anomalous cobalt in rock samples.

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Qualified Person

David L. Pighin, consulting geologist and co-founder of DLP Resources, is the qualified person of the Company as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Pighin has reviewed and approved the technical contents of this news release.

About DLP Resources Inc.

DLP Resources Inc. is a mineral exploration company operating in Southeastern British Columbia and Peru, exploring for Base Metals and Cobalt. DLP is listed on the TSX-V, trading symbol DLP and on the OTCQB, trading symbol DLPRF. Please refer to our web site www.dlpresourcesinc.com for additional information.


DLP Resources Inc.
Ian Gendall, CEO & President
Jim Stypula, Executive Chairman
Robin Sudo, Office & Land Manager/Corporate Secretary
Maxwell Reinhart, Investor Relations
Telephone: 250-426-7808
Email: iangendall@dlpresourcesinc.com
Email: jimstypula@dlpresourcesinc.com
Email: robinsudo@dlpresourcesinc.com
Email: maxreinhart@dlpresourcesinc.com

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". This information and these statements, referred to herein as "forward‐looking statements", are not historical facts, are made as of the date of this news release and include without limitation, statements regarding discussions of future plans, estimates and forecasts and statements as to management's expectations and intentions with respect to further sampling, mapping and advancement of the Esperanza Project in Peru.

These forward‐looking statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things rock chip results expected from the Esperanza Project in Peru.

Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. We seek safe harbor.

To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/206728

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Altech Batteries Limited  Acquisition of Additional Investments CERENERGY and Silumina

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Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Altech Batteries Limited (ASX:ATC) (FRA:A3Y) (OTCMKTS:ALTHF) is pleased to announce that it has executed a binding Term Sheet to acquire Altech Advanced Materials AG's (FRA:AMA) 25% equity interest in Altech Energy Holdings GmbH (AEH) (75% holder of CERENERGY(R)) and 25% equity interest in Altech Industries Germany GmbH (AIG) (100% holder of Silumina AnodesTM) including all outstanding shareholder loans from AIG and AEH to AAM; together the 'Acquisitions'.


- Altech's offer to acquire Altech Advanced Materials AG (AAM) project stakes accepted by AAM

- Altech to acquire additional 18.75% stake in CERENERGY(R) Project and additional 25% stake in Silumina AnodesTM Project including outstanding shareholder loans to AAM

- Altech will hold 75% of CERENERGY(R) & 100% of Silumina AnodesTM projects post acquisition

- Fraunhofer remains as 25% JV partner of the CERENERGY(R) project

- Altech will issue AAM approximately 532 million fully paid ordinary shares

- Acquisitions are valued at approximately A$23.3 million

- AAM market capitalisation on Frankfurt Stock Exchange is approximately A$38.7 million

- Based on DFS, and risk-adjusted AAM value, both projects valued at A$77 million

- AAM post-acquisition will be 21% shareholder of ATC

- New simplified corporate structure serves to optimise financing options

- Potential for ATC to divest acquired interests to strategic partners for project financing

- Subject to shareholder approval by both ATC and AAM

- General Meeting to be held inclusive of Independent Expert Report

In accordance with the project's ownership, the AAM equity interests to be acquired by ATC represent an additional 18.75% stake in the CERENERGY(R) project and an additional 25% stake in the Silumina AnodesTM project (refer Figure 1* Corporate Structure before and after Acquisitions).

Fraunhofer remains as 25% JV partner of the CERENERGY(R) project.

As consideration for the Acquisitions, and subject to shareholder approval, Altech will issue to AAM approximately 532 million fully paid ordinary shares, resulting in AAM holding 21% of Altech's issued share capital post Acquisitions. Based on the volume weighted average price (VWAP) of Altech shares being $0.044 over the 15 trading days prior to this announcement, the total consideration offered is valued at A$23.3 million. The shares proposed to be issued to AAM will be subject to a voluntary escrow period of 12 months from the date of issue. The Acquisition is still subject to several conditions precedent, including the approval of the Acquisitions by shareholders at the General Meetings of AAM and ATC.

Valuation of Transaction

AAM's current market capitalisation on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange A$38.7 million (equal to EUR23.2 million), while the consideration offered for its sole assets amounts to A$23.3 million.

The Cerenergy Project DFS has a Net Present Value (NPV) of A$281 million, with AAM's 18.75% stake equating to A$52 million at full financing. Applying a standard 0.23 NAV discount for financing risk, the adjusted valuation is A$12 million. The Silumina Project DFS has an NPV of A$1.14 billion, with AAM's 25% stake translating to A$285 million. After applying the same 0.23 NAV discount, the adjusted valuation stands at A$65 million. In total, the risk-adjusted value of both projects is A$77 million, compared to the A$23.3 million consideration offered for their acquisition.

AAM initially acquired a 25% stake in both the CERENERGY and Silumina Projects from ATC for a total consideration of A$8 million. Following the acquisition, AAM made additional capital contributions in response to cash calls from both project entities, providing a total of A$10.8 million to support project development, operational expenses, and financing commitments. This brings AAM's total investment in the projects to date to A$18.8 million compared to the A$23.3 million consideration offered for their acquisition.

Post Acquisitions

Post Acquisitions, Altech will own 100% of the Silumina AnodesTM Project and 75% of the CERENERGY(R) Battery Project, with Fraunhofer as 25% joint venture partner.

Strategic Rationale and Benefits

This transaction represents a pivotal moment for Altech's strategic growth. By acquiring 100% ownership of Silumina AnodesTM and 75% ownership of CERENERGY(R), Altech is positioning itself to accelerate the development and commercialisation of these high-value projects. The Silumina AnodesTM project is a breakthrough in battery material technology, incorporating high-purity alumina in silicon anodes to improve battery performance. The CERENERGY(R) project, meanwhile, is at the forefront of next-generation sodium chloride battery development, offering a sustainable alternative to conventional lithium-ion technology.

Additionally, the transaction presents a practical solution to recent funding challenges by AAM. Uncertainty among German investors regarding AAM's ownership structure has complicated AAM's fundraising efforts and hindered sustained support in Germany.

Altech will have the autonomy to make key investment and operational decisions without requiring external approvals, thereby enhancing project execution efficiency. Furthermore, the Acquisitions will provide Altech with a stronger negotiation position when engaging with potential strategic partners, customers, and financiers. Through these transactions, AAM will retain long-term upside potential through its new equity stake in Altech. This structure aligns the interests of both companies and ensures that AAM continues to benefit from future successes. AAM will remain as an investment company on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange rather than holding direct interest of both projects.

Consolidating ownership reduces the complexity of project governance and enhances Altech's ability to execute strategic initiatives with greater agility and less complexity. Additionally, the issuance of shares to AAM in lieu of cash payments preserve Altech's balance sheet strength, allowing it to deploy capital more effectively towards project development and commercialisation.

The Board of Altech believes the transaction will deliver significant strategic benefits, including:

- Consolidation of ownership in the Silumina AnodesTM and CERENERGY(R) projects, enabling streamlined decision-making and project execution

- Improved operational flexibility and efficiency to fast-track commercialisation efforts

- Addressing recent funding challenges faced by AAM and improving capital structure alignment

Conditions Precedent

The completion of the Acquisitions is subject to:

- All necessary regulatory approvals, including:

o ASX Listing Rule 7.1 shareholder approval for the issuance of consideration shares.

o Shareholder approval under item 7, section 611 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), to the extent that AAM, or any of its shareholders, will increase its voting power above 20% in Altech.

- Approval from the Australian Treasurer under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth), if required.

- Approval by AAM's shareholders meeting

- Execution of an escrow deed between Altech and AAM regarding the voluntary escrow conditions.

Board Recommendation

Mr Hansjoerg Plaggemars and Mr Uwe Ahren, being current Managing Directors of AAM, did not take part in any voting on the Acquisitions in their position as Board members of Altech and do not make a recommendation on the proposal. Mr Iggy Tan, being a previous Managing Director of AAM (resigned 31 December 2024) did not take part in any voting on the Acquisitions and does not make a recommendation on the proposal.

The Independent Directors of Altech, consisting of Mr Luke Atkins, Mr Dan Tenardi and Mr Peter Bailey, unanimously recommend that shareholders vote in favour of the Acquisitions, subject to the Independent Expert's Report concluding that the transaction is fair and/or reasonable to Altech shareholders. Altech's Board strongly believes that this transaction will enhance shareholder value over the long term by consolidating ownership, streamlining decision-making and ensuring that both projects progress efficiently towards commercialisation. The transaction structure ensures that AAM remains aligned with Altech's success while addressing funding constraints in a manner that benefits all stakeholders.

Next Steps

Altech will continue working closely with AAM to finalise definitive agreements and complete all required regulatory and shareholder approvals. Shareholders will be kept informed of any significant developments, and further announcements will be made as key milestones are achieved. The Company remains committed to executing this strategic initiative in a manner that enhances shareholder value and accelerates its growth objectives. The Board looks forward to engaging with shareholders throughout the approval process and appreciates the ongoing support from its investors.

To view the Indicative Timetable, please visit:

About Altech Batteries Ltd:  

Altech Batteries Limited (ASX:ATC) (FRA:A3Y) is a specialty battery technology company that has a joint venture agreement with world leading German battery institute Fraunhofer IKTS ("Fraunhofer") to commercialise the revolutionary CERENERGY(R) Sodium Alumina Solid State (SAS) Battery. CERENERGY(R) batteries are the game-changing alternative to lithium-ion batteries. CERENERGY(R) batteries are fire and explosion-proof; have a life span of more than 15 years and operate in extreme cold and desert climates. The battery technology uses table salt and is lithium-free; cobalt-free; graphite-free; and copper-free, eliminating exposure to critical metal price rises and supply chain concerns.

The joint venture is commercialising its CERENERGY(R) battery, with plans to construct a 100MWh production facility on Altech's land in Saxony, Germany. The facility intends to produce CERENERGY(R) battery modules to provide grid storage solutions to the market.

News Provided by ABN Newswire via QuoteMedia

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Argentina Lithium and Energy Exhibiting at Booth 2924, PDAC 2025 Convention in Toronto, March 2-5

Argentina Lithium and Energy Exhibiting at Booth 2924, PDAC 2025 Convention in Toronto, March 2-5

Visit Argentina Lithium and Energy (TSXV: LIT) (OTCQB: LILIF) at Booth #2924 at the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada's (PDAC) Convention at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC) from Sunday, March 2 to Wednesday, March 5, 2025.

About Argentina Lithium and Energy

News Provided by Newsfile via QuoteMedia

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