September 01, 2024
Rumble Resources Limited (ASX: RTR) (“Rumble” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the return of significant high-grade tungsten assays from selected pulp samples of Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling completed by the Company in 2021. The assays confirm a potentially significant tungsten discovery that is spatially associated with the known gold resources at the Western Queen Gold Project.
- Tungsten assays received from selected drill pulp samples from seven holes drilled in 2021 have confirmed a potentially significant high-grade tungsten discovery at Western Queen
- Significant assay intersections include:
- 12m @ 0.56% WO3 and 0.46g/t Au from 69m (WQRC032)
- including 2m @ 2.48% WO3 and 0.12g/t Au from 70m
- 3m @ 0.69% WO3 from 90m and 2m @ 1.55% WO3 from 159m (WQRC101)
- 12m @ 0.34% WO3 and 3.22g/t Au from 202m (WQRC178)
- including 7m @ 0.49% WO3 and 4.71g/t Au from 206m
- 2m @ 0.75% WO3 and 0.48g/t Au from 81m (WQRC019)
- 12m @ 0.56% WO3 and 0.46g/t Au from 69m (WQRC032)
- The pulp assays complement the exceptionally high-grade intersection in recently reported drill hole WQDD0131:
- 4.05m @ 4.58% WO3, 0.72 g/t Au from 174.85m; including
- 2.05m @ 8.71% WO3, 1.38 g/t Au from 176.85m; and
- 0.65m @ 18.35% WO3, 2.97 g/t Au from 176.85m
- These new assays are largely coincident with a continuous tungsten anomaly outlined over a 2km area defined from drillhole XRF data and parallel the Western Queen Shear and known high-grade gold mineralisation
- The width and grade tenor of significant tungsten assays received at Western Queen to date suggest that Western Queen could host a significant tungsten resource
- Review of the Company’s pXRF analytical data has shown some 87 reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drill (DD) holes completed by Rumble reported >500ppm W
- The Company now plans to further analyse historical drilling including RC drill pulps and a substantial diamond core library held in storage for tungsten, which will likely constitute the bulk of the data required to classify an initial resource estimate, if one can be determined
- Tungsten is a critical and strategic metal given its relative scarcity, supply risk, defence applications and limited substitution options
Peter Harold, Managing Director and CEO commented“the discovery of tungsten at Western Queen has demonstrated the huge optionality that we have in our extensive tenement portfolio. The assay results from the 2021 drill pulp samples have confirmed that we have made a significant tungsten discovery at Western Queen. This is brilliant work by our exploration team and we look forward to receiving further assays from the substantial amount of existing drill core and pulps. Best case scenario, positive results from this future analysis could allow us to calculate a resource without any additional drilling.
Whilst the tungsten is a great new discovery, we already have substantial gold resources at Western Queen on a granted Mining Leases within trucking distance of a number of mills. Our primary focus is therefore to monetise these resources in the near term.”
Western Queen Tungsten Discovery
Tungsten (W) laboratory assays have been received for selected pulp samples from an initial seven holes of previous RC drilling completed by the Company in 2021 as part of the Western Queen gold resource drill program. The initial seven holes were selected based on appropriate spatial coverage across the 900m strike length of high tenor
>1000ppm W in pXRF (refer Figure 1) and having at least one sample in the hole greater than 5000ppm W in the pXRF database.
Significant intersections from the pulp samples include 12m @ 0.56% WO3, 0.46g/t Au from 69m, with the higher grade section of 2m @ 2.48% WO3 and 0.12g/t Au from 70m in WQRC032, 12m @ 0.34% WO3 and 3.22g/t Au from 202m, with a higher grade section of 7m @ 0.49% WO3 and 4.71g/t Au from 206m in WQRC178, 9m @ 0.22% WO3 plus 0.35g/t Au from 76m with a higher grade section of 2m @ 0.75% WO3 and 0.48g/t Au from 81m in WQRC178 and 5m @ 0.31% WO3, 0.31g/t Au from 220m in WQRC176( refer to Figure 1 and Table 1).
The significant intersections from the seven holes of pulp samples complement the previously reported tungsten mineralisation within drillhole WQDD013 (Refer to Rumble Resources Limited ASX announcement High-grade Tungsten Discovery at Western Queen 6 August 2024) which returned a spectacular intersection of 4.05m @ 4.58% WO3, 0.72 g/t Au from 174.85m; including 2.05m @ 8.71% WO3, 1.38 g/t Au from 176.85m; including 0.65m @ 18.35% WO3, 2.97 g/t Au from 176.85m(refer to Figure 2).
Figure 1 - Western Queen Project – Plan highlighting contoured maximum pXRF W in drill holes and location and intercepts of significant W intersections from pulp samples and WQDD013.
Encouragingly, all seven holes of pulps samples returned significant intercepts grading greater than 0.1% WO3. While geological investigations are preliminary, the tungsten mineralisation contains large aggregates of scheelite grains (up to 5mm) occurring parallel to the main foliation trend. The mineralisation is essentially multiple scheelite-pyroxene (tremolite)+/-gold endoskarn zones associated with the Western Queen orogenic shear zone (host to gold mineralisation) within dominant Archaean mafic amphibolite lithologies. Tungsten mineralisation occurs spatially proximal to gold mineralisation, however high-grade tungsten mineralisation does not always corelate with high-grade gold mineralisation The skarn development is thought to have been a later stage to the main gold event at Western Queen.
Click here for the full ASX Release
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