Phase 2 Drilling Returns Lithium Oxide Concentrations of 3.62% Over 6.46m, 2.91% Over 7.89m, 2.73% Over 8.39m and 2.45% Over 9.9m at International Lithium Corp.'s Raleigh Lake Lithium Project, Ontario, Canada

Phase 2 Drilling Returns Lithium Oxide Concentrations of 3.62% Over 6.46m, 2.91% Over 7.89m, 2.73% Over 8.39m and 2.45% Over 9.9m at International Lithium Corp.'s Raleigh Lake Lithium Project, Ontario, Canada

International Lithium Corp. (TSXV: ILC) (OTCQB: ILHMF) (FSE: IAH) (the "Company" or "ILC") is pleased to announce the complete assay results for Phase 2 of the diamond drilling program at the Raleigh Lake Lithium project near Ignace, Ontario, Canada.

Further to Company news releases dated February 9, March 21, May 17, and June 23, 2022; ILC completed 6,251 metres core drilling at the Raleigh Lake project in two phases. Phase 1 ran during the winter months of March and April 2022 where ten (10) holes were drilled for a total of 2,053 metres. Phase 2 ran from May 12 to June 30, 2022 drilling 4,198 metres in twenty-six (26) holes (Table 1). Phase 2 saw six holes targeting Zone 2 and twenty holes within Zone 1. This brings the total to eight holes drilled at Zone 2 and twenty-eight at Zone 1 in 2022 so far.

Drilling Highlights

  • All but two holes testing Pegmatite 1 in Zone 1 intersected spodumene-bearing pegmatite demonstrating tremendous continuity of the mineralized body (see Figure 1).
  • Pegmatite 1 shows a distinct mineral zonation with intervals of rubidium-enriched monocrystalline megacrystic microcline that occurs in the roof portion and occasionally in the spodumene-rich core of the pegmatite.
  • Potential exists for the thicker higher-grade mineralization to exist closer to surface as the enriched zone appears to be trending up-dip, closer to surface, to the northwest where very little drilling exists.
  • Recent structural interpretations (including results from Zone 2) predict additional parallel pegmatite at depth as the drilling moves further to the north.
  • Phase 1 and 2 pierce points intersected Pegmatite 1 along a strike length of 300 metres and along its dip for over 175 metres.
  • Phase 3 drilling will test the near-surface potential of the spodumene-rich core over an up-dip extent of over 250 metres.

Pegmatite 1 Spodumene Zone Intersection Highlights*

  • RL22-27: 13.74 metres grading 1.90% Li2O (from 115.23 metres)

including 7.89 metres averaging 2.91% Li2O in the spodumene core zone (from 120.51m);

  • RL22-29: 11.01 metres grading 1.32% Li2O (from 105.39 metres)

including 5.35 metres averaging 2.62% Li2O in the spodumene core zone (from 107.15m);

  • RL22-30: 6.44 metres grading 1.64% Li2O (from 117.82 metres);
  • RL22-34: 10.74 metres grading 1.18% Li2O (from 99.76 metres);
  • RL22-35: 9.9 metres grading 2.45% Li2O (from 97.2 metres);
  • RL22-36: 6.46 metres grading 3.62% Li2O (from 96.24 metres);
  • RL22-37: 8.39 metres grading 2.73% Li2O (from 99.36 metres);
  • RL22-39: 6.91 metres grading 1.8% Li2O (from 117.16 metres);

Pegmatite 1 Rubidium Bearing Microcline Intersection Highlights*

  • RL22-33: 1.75 metres grading 1.43% Rb2O from 111.4 metres;
  • RL22-35: 2.44 metres grading 0.95% Rb2O from 97.2 metres;
  • RL22-41: 2.8 metres grading 0.84% Rb2O from 106.7 metres.

* All intervals reported are downhole core lengths. Accurate true widths are unknown at this time but are estimated to be within 70-100% of the reported intervals based on the geometry of the bodies and structural measurements on oriented core.

Phase 2 Drilling
Twenty of the twenty-six holes drilled during Phase 2 of the 2022 drilling campaign were cored in Zone 1 and tested the up-dip and eastern extent of Pegmatites 1 and 3. Zone 1 is a stacked set of shallow dipping pegmatite dykes that make up the main target of the first stages of exploration of the Raleigh Lake project.

Zone 1 pegmatites have been defined by drilling and surface exposures in an area exceeding 600 metres x 400 metres for Pegmatite 1. The Phase 2 drill holes were drilled interstitially to historic drill holes and the Company's previous drilling (Figure 1). Pierce points were planned to be at approximately 50 metre step outs from one another in preparation for a maiden resource calculation and to better define the core zone of Pegmatite 1 and its associated rubidium rich component.

The high-grade core of Pegmatite 1 is trending up-dip towards the surface exposure (Figure 1 and 2). This trend provides an additional 250 metres of up-dip extension for the high-grade core from the current drilling, bringing a good portion of the target closer to surface. Additionally, there are several smaller spodumene bearing pegmatites intersected at deeper depths below Pegmatite 1 which the Company interprets as providing significant discovery potential below and to the north of the current target area.

Six holes from Phase 2 were cored into Zone 2 targeting structures interpreted from airborne magnetic data and supported by lithogeochemical surveys showing elevated lithium concentrations. The down dip projection of Pegmatite 2, a small surface exposure of spodumene-bearing pegmatite approximately 750 metres northwest of Pegmatite 1 with a similar structural orientation, was also tested during this program but access to suitable drill sites was restricted due to topographical and terrain constraints. Results were encouraging with some spodumene bearing pegmatitic veins being intersected but more importantly the continuity of the Zone 2 pegmatites, which dip consistently to the southeast, project below Pegmatites 1 and 3 at Zone 1. The down dip potential of these spodumene-bearing dykes will be further investigated in future drill programs.

A summary of the analytical results for Phase 2 is given in Table 2.

Phase 3 Drilling
The Company is now preparing for the third phase of drilling in 2022 where an additional 1,500 metres of drilling will test portions of the up-dip component to Pegmatite 1 and approximately 1,000 metres testing a number of shallow targets identified in Zones 5 and 6 that are road accessible.

Table 1: Summary of drill holes cored during Phase 2 of the 2022 drill program at Raleigh Lake.

Hole IDEastingNorthingAzimuthDipDepth (m)Elevation (m)Prospect
RL22-195753925474665315-50101461ZONE 2
RL22-205755775474468290-50149460ZONE 2
RL22-215755295474531315-50110458ZONE 2
RL22-225754815474545315-50221461ZONE 2
RL22-235752935473901280-50176469ZONE 2
RL22-245753185473994285-50152468ZONE 2
RL22-255768275473597315-75170480ZONE 1
RL22-265767925473573315-75170477ZONE 1
RL22-275767545473674310-50170482ZONE 1
RL22-28576757547367435-60182482ZONE 1
RL22-295767555473672305-70149482ZONE 1
RL22-305767195473585310-70137477ZONE 1
RL22-315767435473504315-70194480ZONE 1
RL22-325766735473551315-70170478ZONE 1
RL22-335767935473641315-80149481ZONE 1
RL22-345767465473651315-70140478ZONE 1
RL22-355767705473633315-70150478ZONE 1
RL22-365767105473618315-70161475ZONE 1
RL22-375766905473637310-70151474ZONE 1
RL22-385766935473567315-70173479ZONE 1
RL22-395766595473601315-70152474ZONE 1
RL22-405767245473671305-60152480ZONE 1
RL22-415767255473671355-58137480ZONE 1
RL22-425766215473543315-70167474ZONE 1
RL22-435766535473512315-70185478ZONE 1
RL22-445766165473478315-70230479ZONE 1


Table 2: Summary of significant mineralized intersections from Phase 2 Drilling at Raleigh Lake.

2022 Raleigh Lake Drilling Program: PHASE II Results
Pegmatite Intersections**
Hole_IDFrom (m)To (m)Width
RL22-27115.23128.9713.740.0111.900.14Pegmatite #1 top to bottom
incl.120.51128.47.890.0102.910.09Higher grade core of Pegmatite 1
RL22-29105.39116.411.010.0131.320.14Pegmatite #1 top to bottom
incl.107.15112.55.350.0202.620.19Higher grade core of Pegmatite 1
RL22-30117.82124.266.440.0101.640.27Peg #1
RL22-31155.6156.81.20.0101.880.24Peg #1
and165.791704.210.0101.040.30Peg #1
RL22-3252.3655.543.180.0201.070.22Peg #3
and142.73150.467.730.0100.630.13Peg #1
RL22-33108.93115.826.890.0300.360.39Peg #1
incl.111.4113.151.75--1.43Rb-rich core
RL22-3499.76110.510.740.0201.180.41Pegmatite #1 top to bottom
RL22-3597.2107.19.90.0202.450.44Pegmatite #1 top to bottom
Incl.97.299.642.44--0.95Rb-rich cap
RL22-3636.0838.192.110.0201.310.35Peg #3
and96.24102.76.460.0103.620.11Pegmatite #1 top to bottom
RL22-3799.36107.758.390.0102.730.17Pegmatite #1 top to bottom
RL22-3851.9555.283.330.0200.220.15Peg #3
and122.73128.645.910.0101.430.23Pegmatite #1 top to bottom
RL22-3923.8527.153.30.0101.330.25Peg #3
and117.16124.076.910.0101.800.26Pegmatite #1 top to bottom
RL22-4096.2106.310.10.0200.400.30Pegmatite #1 top to bottom
RL22-41104.15117.513.350.0200.710.27Pegmatite #1 top to bottom
Incl.106.7109.52.8--0.84Rb-rich core
RL22-4214014660.0101.120.21Outer margins of Peg #1
RL22-4357.2561.44.150.0201.150.37Peg #3
and153.55160.456.90.0101.100.24Outer margins of Peg #1
RL22-4450.554.13.60.0401.480.20Peg #3
and164.5168.94.40.0100.390.30Outer margins of Peg #1


** All intervals reported in this table are downhole core lengths. Accurate true widths are unknown at this time but are estimated to be within 70-100% of the reported intervals based on the geometry of the bodies and structural measurements on oriented core.

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Figure 1: Approximate surface trace outline of Pegmatite 1 showing pierce points from drilling. Pegmatite 1 appears to have an enriched core trending up dip toward the northwest. The Company will investigate this enrichment trend in upcoming drill programs.

To view an enhanced version of Figure 1, please visit:

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Figure 2: Cartoon cross section A-A' (Figure 1) illustrating the orientation of Pegmatite 1 and the up-dip projection to its surface outcrop. Pegmatite 1 appears to have an enriched core, a rubidium rich zone in the form of a monomineralic microcline and is thicker than previously interpreted based on the exposed outcrop, which occurs in a heavily vegetated area. Note that smaller pegmatitic veins intersected in the drill holes are not shown.

To view an enhanced version of Figure 2, please visit:

John Wisbey, Chairman and CEO of International Lithium Corp. commented:

These are very good results with high grades of lithium and rubidium at Raleigh Lake, and we are increasingly enthusiastic about the prospects for this project. Now that we have our permissions in place for further drilling, we will shortly begin some of the additional drilling that we have been planning.

We should be on track to produce a Maiden Resource Estimate for Raleigh Lake by the end of 2022.

It should be stressed that the above results represent drilling on only about 8% of our 48,500 hectares for this project.

Quality assurance/quality control procedures
International Lithium Corp. has implemented a rigorous quality assurance/quality control program to ensure best practices in sampling and analysis of diamond drill core. All assays are performed by Activation Laboratories Ltd. (ActLabs), with sample preparation and analysis carried out in their full-service facility in Dryden, Ontario. Sample preparation involves crushing the entire sample to 80% passing 2 mm, riffle split 250g and pulverize to 95% passing 105 µm (Code RX1).

Primary analysis method: Peroxide (Total) Fusion, ICP-OES & ICP-MS with 55 elements that include detection levels for Li of 15ppm - 50,000ppm and rubidium of 0.4 to 5,000 ppm (Lab code UT7). Sodium peroxide fusion provides total metal recovery and is effective for the decomposition of sulphides and refractory minerals which are common to pegmatite.

Over limit analysis method: Samples that return with results above the instruments detectable levels for lithium (50,000 ppm) and Rb (5,000 ppm) are then re-analyzed by Assay Grade, Peroxide (Total) Fusion (Code 8 Peroxide ICP-OES).

The drill program was under the control of a Professional Geoscientist, registered with Engineers & Geoscientists British Columbia. The Company and its contractors carried out the program under full compliance with COVID-19 protocols based on guidelines issued by Public Health Ontario and provincial health authorities of Ontario to ensure the safety and health, for all personnel.

About International Lithium Corp.

International Lithium Corp. believes that the world faces a significant turning point in the energy market's dependence on oil and gas and in the governmental and public view of climate change. In addition, we have seen the clear and increasingly urgent wish by the USA and Canada to safeguard their supplies of critical battery metals and to become more self-sufficient. Our Canadian projects are strategic in that respect.

Our key mission in the next decade is to make money for our shareholders from lithium and rare metals while at the same time helping to create a greener, cleaner planet. This includes optimizing the value of our existing projects in Canada and Ireland as well as finding, exploring and developing projects that have the potential to become world class lithium and rare metal deposits.

A key goal has been to become a well-funded company to turn our aspirations into reality, and following the disposal of the Mariana project in Argentina in 2021 and the Mavis Lake project in Canada in January 2022, the Board of the Company considers that ILC is now well placed in that respect with a strong net cash position.

The Company's interests in various projects now consists of the following, and in addition the Company continues to seek other opportunities:

Ownership Percentage
Future Ownership percentage if options exercised or work carried outOperator or JV Partner
Raleigh LakeOntario48,500100%100%ILC
Wolf RidgeOntario 5,7000%100%ILC
AvaloniaIreland29,20045%21%Ganfeng Lithium
Mavis LakeOntario 2,6000%0%
(carries an extra earn-in payment of CAD $1.4M if resource targets met)
Critical Resources Ltd 
Forgan Lake
& Lucky Lake
Ontario0%1.5% Net Smelter RoyaltyUltra Lithium Inc. 


The Company's primary strategic focus at this point is on the Raleigh Lake lithium, rubidium and caesium project in Canada and on identifying additional properties.

The Raleigh Lake project consists of 48,500 hectares (485 square kilometres) of mineral claims in Ontario and is ILC's most significant project in Canada. The exploration results there so far, which are on only about 8% of ILC's current claims, have shown significant quantities of rubidium and caesium in the pegmatite as well as lithium. Raleigh Lake is 100% owned by ILC, is not subject to any encumbrances, and is royalty free.

With the increasing demand for high tech rechargeable batteries used in electric vehicles and electrical storage as well as portable electronics, lithium has been designated "the new oil", and is a key part of a "green tech" sustainable economy. By positioning itself with projects with significant resource potential and with solid strategic partners, ILC aims to be one of the lithium and rare metals resource developers of choice for investors and to continue to build value for its shareholders in the '20s, the decade of battery metals.

Patrick McLaughlin, P. Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, has verified the disclosed technical information and has reviewed and approved the contents of this news release.

On behalf of the Company,

John Wisbey
Chairman and CEO

For further information concerning this news release please contact +1 604-449-6520

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

Except for statements of historical fact, this news release or other releases contain certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward-looking information or forward-looking statements in this or other news releases may include: the effect of results of anticipated production rates, the timing and/or anticipated results of drilling on the Raleigh Lake or Wolf Ridge or Avalonia projects, the expectation of resource estimates, preliminary economic assessments, feasibility studies, lithium or rubidium or caesium recoveries, modeling of capital and operating costs, results of studies utilizing various technologies at the company's projects, budgeted expenditures and planned exploration work on the Company's projects, increased value of shareholder investments, and assumptions about ethical behaviour by our joint venture partners or third party operators of projects. Such forward-looking information is based on a number of assumptions and subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those discussed in the sections entitled "Risks" and "Forward-Looking Statements" in the interim and annual Management's Discussion and Analysis which are available at While management believes that the assumptions made are reasonable, there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate. Should one or more of the risks, uncertainties or other factors materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking information. Forward-looking information herein, and all subsequent written and oral forward-looking information are based on expectations, estimates and opinions of management on the dates they are made that, while considered reasonable by the Company as of the time of such statements, are subject to significant business, economic, legislative, and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. These estimates and assumptions may prove to be incorrect and are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. Except as required by law, the Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking information should circumstances or management's estimates or opinions change.

To view the source version of this press release, please visit

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International Lithium Corp. to Receive CAD$2.2m plus a 2% Net Smelter Royalty Following Reduction of Interest in Its Non-Core Avalonia Project

International Lithium Corp. to Receive CAD$2.2m plus a 2% Net Smelter Royalty Following Reduction of Interest in Its Non-Core Avalonia Project

The Board of International Lithium Corp. (TSXV: ILC) (OTCQB: ILHMF) (FSE: IAH) (the "Company" or "ILC") is pleased to announce that it has signed a variation agreement in respect of its non-core Avalonia project in Ireland, which is a Joint Venture ("JV") with GFL International, Co. Ltd. ("Ganfeng") whereby:

  1. The option period under which Ganfeng has to spend CAD$10m to increase its share in the Avalonia project from 55% to 79% is further extended to 31 December 2025; and
  2. In consideration of a payment schedule from Ganfeng totalling CAD$2.2m between the period of September 2024 and 31 October 2025, and in further consideration of a 2% Net Smelter Royalty to ILC, the JV agreement will be varied such that ILC will reduce its stake in the Avalonia project to nil.

The Avalonia project in Blackstairs, Ireland, has been a JV between ILC and Ganfeng since 2014, and Ganfeng has had management control of the project since 2017. While there were some historic resource estimates, drilling since then has not yet resulted in further resource estimates or an economic analysis.

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International Lithium Corp. Reports Results of 2024 Annual General Meeting

International Lithium Corp. Reports Results of 2024 Annual General Meeting

International Lithium Corp. (TSXV: ILC) (OTCQB: ILHMF) (FSE: IAH) (the "Company" or "ILC") is pleased to announce that all resolutions proposed at the Company's annual general meeting of shareholders held on September 16, 2024 were passed. All agenda items outlined in the information circular for the meeting were approved and all director nominees were elected, with over 99% of votes cast in favour of all the motions. The directors elected for the ensuing year are John Wisbey, Maurice Brooks, Anthony Kovacs, Ross Thompson, and Geoffrey Baker.

About International Lithium Corp.

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International Lithium Completes Purchase of the Highly Prospective Firesteel Copper Project Near Upsala, Ontario and Application for Drilling Permits

International Lithium Completes Purchase of the Highly Prospective Firesteel Copper Project Near Upsala, Ontario and Application for Drilling Permits

International Lithium Corp. (TSXV: ILC) (OTCQB: ILHMF) (FSE: IAH) (the "Company" or "ILC") is pleased to announce that it has completed the purchase of a 90% interest in a highly prospective grass roots copper and cobalt property in Northwestern Ontario (Company news release dated February 20, 2024).

The Firesteel project ("Firesteel" or the "Project" or "Property"), previously referred to as the Honeyjack project, is located less than 10 km directly west of Upsala along Highway 17 and stretches for 16 km to the Firesteel River (Figure 1 and 2).

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Market Disclosure in Advance of PDAC 2024

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In advance of the PDAC (Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada) conference, 'The World's Premier Mineral Exploration & Mining Convention', which starts on March 3, 2024, in Toronto, International Lithium Corp. (TSXV: ILC) ("ILC" or the "Company") wishes to put several matters into the public domain for full disclosure, enabling the Company to talk openly about anticipated questions and topics of a strategic nature.

Raleigh Lake Lithium and Rubidium Project

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Visit International Lithium Corp. at PDAC 2024, Booth #2350

Visit International Lithium Corp. at PDAC 2024, Booth #2350

Come visit International Lithium Corp. (TSXV: ILC) (OTCQB: ILHMF) (FSE: IAH) (the "Company" or "ILC") at Booth #2350 at the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada's (PDAC) Convention at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC) from Sunday, March 3 to Wednesday, March 6, 2024.

John Wisbey, Chairman and CEO, will be on hand with Anthony Kovacs, Director and COO, to discuss the recently announced positive PEA* for the Raleigh Lake Lithium project (located along Highway 17 just outside of Ignace, Ontario) and the recently acquired highly prospective Firesteel Copper project** (just down the road near Upsala) - all in Northwestern Ontario.

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Lithium Universe Ltd  MOU Signed with Lafarge Canada Inc.

Lithium Universe Ltd MOU Signed with Lafarge Canada Inc.

Melbourne, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Lithium Universe Limited (ASX:LU7) (FRA:KU00) (OTCMKTS:LUVSF) is pleased to announce the signing of a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Lafarge Canada Inc. ("Lafarge") for the exclusive supply of Aluminosilicate Secondary Product (ASCR) produced from the Becancour Lithium Refinery.


- MOU signed with strategic cement partner, Lafarge Canada Inc.

- Canadian cement producer, part of the Holcim Group

- Exclusive supply of all Aluminosilicate product ("ACSR") from Becancour

- ACSR is used as an additive to cement products

- Improves cement durability, strength, and production costs

- Significant growth in Canadian cement industry

ASCR, commonly used as an additive in the cement industry, significantly enhances compressive strength and reduces production costs. Lafarge, a strategic Canadian cement producer, is part of the Holcim Group. Both parties will now work towards finalizing a definitive supply and purchase agreement.

About Lafarge Canada Inc.

Lafarge Canada ( is the largest provider of innovative and sustainable building solutions in Canada, including aggregates, cement, ready mix and precast concrete, asphalt and paving, road and civil construction. We have over 6,900 employees and 400 sites across the country, and as an affiliate of Holcim, Lafarge Canada is driven by the Group's purpose to build progress for people and the planet.

Holcim's 63,448 employees are on a mission to decarbonize building while improving living standards for all. We empower our customers to build better with less, with a broad range of low-carbon and circular solutions, from ECOPact(R) to ECOPlanet(R). Through innovative systems, from Elevate's roofing to PRB's insulation, Holcim makes buildings more sustainable in use, driving energy efficiency and green retrofitting.

With sustainability at the core of its strategy, Holcim is on its way to becoming a net-zero company with 1.5degC targets validated by SBTi.

Benefits of ASCR Product

The process yields in the region of 130,000 tonnes of alumina silicate by-product annually and will be marketed as a cement additive. This product comprises silica (SiO2), aluminium oxide (Al2O3), and ferric oxide (Fe2O3).

It features a fine particle size and large specific surface area, enhancing its reactivity and utility in cement production. The Jiangsu Lithium Refinery successfully sold this by-product to local cement industries. Alumina silicate can improve cement strength and durability by absorbing Ca(OH)2 produced during hydration, filling gaps, and reducing heat generation. It also helps to resist cracking in large-volume concrete by mitigating temperature-induced stress. The effectiveness of alumina silicate in cement is well-established, with cement containing 30% alumina silicate showing a 132% increase in 28-day compressive strength compared to Portland cement. Additionally, using the fly ash activity determination method, cement with 30% alumina silicate demonstrates a 174% increase in 3-month compressive strength compared to cement with 30% finely ground quartz sand. By replacing some cement raw materials, alumina silicate can reduce production costs, improve efficiency, and enhance cement quality and durability. Lithium Universe will focus on establishing sales of the alumina silicate additive to local cement manufacturers, providing significant cost-saving benefits.

Canadian Cement Industry

The cement industry in Canada has shown notable growth and resilience in recent years. In 2021, the cement and concrete product manufacturing industry's revenue reached approximately $12.3 billion, marking an increase of 14.14% from $10.8 billion in 2020, indicating robust demand in construction sectors. Cement production volumes in Canada also increased, with the country producing about 13.8 million metric tonnes in 2022, up by 6.2% from 2020's 13 million metric tonnes. This growth aligns with the broader economic recovery post-pandemic, driven by significant investments in infrastructure and residential construction. Moreover, the market size for cement manufacturing in Canada was estimated at $2.1 billion in 2025, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.5% from 2019 to 2024, though it experienced a decline at a CAGR of 3.8% over that period due to various market dynamics. The industry employs over 166,000 people, contributing significantly to Canada's economy with an annual economic impact of around $76 billion.

Lithium Universe Chairman, Iggy Tan said, "This is great news for Lithium Universe as we partner with Lafarge Canada Inc. to enhance the North American battery materials supply chain and promote sustainable innovation in Canada's cement industry. This collaboration will not only advance our focus on building Becancour Lithium refinery's secondary product supply chain but also strengthening local supply chains, fostering a more circular economy in Quebec, and contributing to greener construction materials."

About Lithium Universe Ltd:  

Lithium Universe Ltd (ASX:LU7) (FRA:KU00) (OTCMKTS:LUVSF), headed by industry trail blazer, Iggy Tan, and the Lithium Universe team has a proven track record of fast-tracking lithium projects, demonstrated by the successful development of the Mt Cattlin spodumene project for Galaxy Resources Limited.

Instead of exploring for the sake of exploration, Lithium Universe's mission is to quickly obtain a resource and construct a spodumene-producing mine in Quebec, Canada. Unlike many other Lithium exploration companies, Lithium Universe possesses the essential expertise and skills to develop and construct profitable projects.

Lithium Universe Ltd

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Coniagas Engages Laurentia Exploration for Drill Program on its near surface and extensive Ni-Cu-Co-PGM Massive Sulfide Mineralization Zones at Graal


Coniagas Battery Metals Inc.

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Highlights include:

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