Horizon Minerals Limited  Quarterly Activities Report

Horizon Minerals Limited Quarterly Activities Report

Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) is pleased to provide the September 2024 Quarterly Activities Report. Horizon is an exploration and gold production company within the Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie regions of Western Australia.

A key objective for the Company is on near term gold production and exploration upside within our large tenement package of 928km2. The Company holds numerous multi - commodity assets including 1.8Moz of gold resources, the Nimbus Silver Zinc project, 50% of the Mt Thirsty Nickel Cobalt Manganese project in Western Australia, and listed investments including Richmond Vanadium Technology (ASX:RVT) which holds the world class 1.8Bt Richmond vanadium project in northwest Queensland.

Subsequent to the end of the September quarter and at the time of reporting, the company announced a proposed merger with Poseidon Nickel Limited and a two tranche placement of $14M. The merged entity shall have in addition to the resource base above, 422kt of Ni metal in resource, the 2.2Mtpa Black Swan processing facility that is proposed to be refurbished and upgraded to include a CIL gold circuit, the 1.5Mtpa Lake Johnston processing facility and untested gold anomalies adjacent to Black Swan.

Activities during the quarter focussed on implementation of the strategy of near term cashflow from mining projects, with mining commencing in August at Boorara to treat 1.24Mt of ore at Norton Goldfields' Paddington processing plant and announcing a JV agreement with BML Ventures to mine the Phillips Find project and treat 200kt of ore via a Toll Milling Agreement with FMR at their Greenfields plant near Coolgardie. The Mining Proposal, being the last permit required to undertake mining, was granted during the quarter and mobilisation commenced.

Multiple studies continued during the quarter for Kalpini and Pennys Find which are still ongoing, and the Ore Reserve study for Boorara completed by AMC Consultants. Preproduction activities continued for the Cannon Underground Gold Project with dewatering due to be completed in the next quarter.

There was minimal emphasis on drilling during the quarter as resources and expenditure focussed on preproduction activities aimed at getting assets into production to generate near term cashflow for the Company. The Company did however receive the final re-assays from the Burbanks project, with results not identifying any new economic mineralisation, however will provide invaluable information in the future modelling and upgrading of the resource model.

The company sold the first tranche of its listed investments in Ora Banda Mining Limited, selling 1,063,094 shares for proceeds of $532,943.

During the quarter, experienced mining executive Mr Warren Hallam joined the Company as a non-executive director, and non-executive directors Mr Jon Price and Mr Chris Hansen resigned from the board. The board is not seeking a replacement member of the board at this time.

*To view the full report, please visit:

About Horizon Minerals Limited:

Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) is a gold exploration and mining company focussed on the Kalgoorlie and Menzies areas of Western Australia which are host to some of Australia's richest gold deposits. The Company is developing a mining pipeline of projects to generate cash and self-fund aggressive exploration, mine developments and further acquisitions. The Teal gold mine has been recently completed.

Horizon is aiming to significantly grow its JORC-Compliant Mineral Resources, complete definitive feasibility studies on core high grade open cut and underground projects and build a sustainable development pipeline.

Horizon has a number of joint ventures in place across multiple commodities and regions of Australia providing exposure to Vanadium, Copper, PGE's, Gold and Nickel/Cobalt. Our quality joint venture partners are earning in to our project areas by spending over $20 million over 5 years enabling focus on the gold business while maintaining upside leverage.

Horizon Minerals Limited

Grant Haywood
Chief Executive Officer
T: +61 8 9386 9534
E: grant.haywood@horizonminerals.com.au

Michael Vaughan
Media Relations - Fivemark Partners
T: +61 422 602 720
E: michael.vaughan@fivemark.com.au

News Provided by ABN Newswire via QuoteMedia

Click here to view the Quarterly Cash Flow Report 30 September 2024

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Horizon Minerals Limited  and Poseidon Merging to Create Mid Cap Producer

Horizon Minerals Limited and Poseidon Merging to Create Mid Cap Producer

Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) and Poseidon Nickel Limited (ASX:POS) have entered into a scheme implementation deed pursuant to which they have agreed to a merger to be conducted by way of Schemes of Arrangement under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act), whereby Horizon will acquire 100% of the fully paid ordinary shares in Poseidon (Poseidon Shares) and 100% of the unlisted Poseidon options under the code POSAAB, subject to the satisfaction of various conditions.

In addition, Horizon has received firm commitments for a placement to raise $14 million to support the expanded business.


Logical consolidation of complementary assets in the Western Australian Goldfields

- The proposed transaction will consolidate Horizon's large gold resource and Poseidon's Black Swan processing infrastructure in the Kalgoorlie-Coolgardie districts.

- The combination provides a pathway for sustainable, long-term gold production and cashflow as an independent mid-cap producer.

Substantial resource base and regional tenure

- Combined JORC Mineral Resources of ~1.8Moz gold at an average grade of 1.84g/t Au and 422,700t nickel at an average grade of 1% Ni.

- Combined tenure of 1,309km2 in an attractive geological position in the WA Goldfields.

- A strong pipeline of production sources, Mineral Resource growth opportunities, advanced brownfield exploration targets and greenfield exploration opportunities.

Aligned strategy of using Poseidon's Black Swan infrastructure to fast-track gold production

- Refurbishment of the front end of the Black Swan processing plant and conversion of the back end to facilitate gold production presents a significantly faster, lower capital pathway to gold production compared to building a new gold processing plant in the region.

- Horizon's 465koz Burbanks and 428koz Boorara gold deposits form the cornerstone assets in a project pipeline aiming to deliver a 5-year mine plan to fill the Black Swan processing plant.

To view the Merger Presentation, please visit:

- Conversion of the Black Swan processing plant to a gold plant with throughput optionality will unlock latent value in Horizon's portfolio and open up the region for toll milling and further consolidation.

Shared focus and ambition to become the next mid-tier gold producer

- Horizon aims to become a sustainable, 100kozpa standalone producer following the merger and conversion & recommissioning of the Black Swan processing plant.

Strategically positioned and permitted infrastructure

- In addition to the combined entity's Kalgoorlie-Coolgardie gold assets, Lake Johnston and Windarra present highly strategic assets that have the ability to deliver further shareholder value.

- Situated in the southern Goldfields, the permitted Lake Johnston 1.5Mtpa processing plant and associated infrastructure presents an opportunity to develop a lithium processing hub in this emerging lithium province.

- Located in Laverton, Windarra's water resource and gold tailings present highly strategic assets

Potential for re-rating based on enhanced scale and market relevance

- Enhanced trading liquidity and scale to drive increased market relevance, grow investor appeal and improved access to capital.

- Lower combined corporate overheads to enable greater focus on asset investment.


Pursuant to the terms of the Scheme Implementation Deed:

- each Poseidon shareholder will receive 0.1156 Horizon shares for every 1 Poseidon Share held (the Share Scheme);

- each holder of Poseidon options (other than a POS Incentive Option - see below) (Poseidon Options) will receive 0.1156 new Horizon options for every 1 Poseidon Option held (the Option Scheme and, together with the Share Scheme, the Schemes); and

- Poseidon, Horizon and each holder of POS Incentive Options will enter into a deed under which all of the relevant POS Incentive Options will be cancelled (or transferred to Horizon or its nominee) for cash consideration, with effect from the Implementation Date and conditional on the Scheme becoming effective (POS Incentive Option Deed). The POS Incentive Options are not subject to the Option Scheme.

The exchange ratio under the Share Scheme was based on a 40% premium to the 30-day volume weighted average price (VWAP) of $0.0042 per Poseidon share for the period up to 22 October 2024 that is $0.006. Based on the last trading price of Poseidon shares as at 22 October 2024, which was $0.006 and represents a 0% premium to the last traded price.

Following implementation of the Schemes, Horizon shareholders will own 69.8% of the Combined Group (defined below) while Poseidon shareholders will own the remaining 30.2%.

The Schemes are unanimously recommended by the POS Independent Board. Each member of the POS Independent Board intends to vote all Poseidon Shares they control in favour of the Share Scheme and all Poseidon Options they control in favour of the Option Scheme, subject to no Superior Proposal emerging and the Independent Expert concluding (and continuing to conclude) that the Schemes are in the best interests of Poseidon shareholders and holders of Poseidon Options, respectively.

Under the proposed transaction the combined group will have a global JORC Mineral Resource of ~1.8Moz of gold and ~422.7kt of nickel, as well as 1,309km2 of attractive exploration tenure and two strategically located processing facilities in Black Swan and Lake Johnston.

The Black Swan processing plant has a 2.2Mtpa nickel sulphide concentrator and associated infrastructure and is ideally located as a central processing hub for Horizon's gold projects as well as for regional toll treatment opportunities. The Black Swan concentrator will also unlock value for Horizon's high-grade Nimbus silver, zinc and gold project which contains 20.2Moz of silver, 78koz gold and 104kt of zinc.

The proposed transaction brings together complementary assets. A Feasibility Study on the refurbishment and conversion of the Black Swan processing plant to gold production from Horizon's large baseload and satellite gold deposits will be undertaken. The Feasibility Study is expected to be completed in the second half of 2025 with first gold production from Black Swan currently targeted for mid-2026.

The conversion of the Black Swan processing plant for gold processing would utilise the existing crushing and grinding circuit and likely involve the addition of a carbon in leach (CIL) circuit, elution plant and gold room. The Black Swan plant is currently on care and maintenance and will require some refurbishment. Horizon's Feasibility Study will provide an up-to-date estimate of the cost of completing this work.

The combined group of Horizon and Poseidon (the Combined Group) will be pursuing its growth strategy from a position of greater market scale, underpinned by an estimated pro-forma cash and listed investments balance of ~$19 million (inclusive of the Placement) and lower consolidated cost base. Following implementation of the Schemes, Poseidon will be delisted from the ASX and become a subsidiary of Horizon, and the Combined Group will continue to trade as Horizon Minerals Ltd under the ticker (ASX:HRZ).

Completion of the Schemes is targeted for late January / early February 2025. The Schemes remain subject to various customary closing conditions, including the approval of Poseidon shareholders, holders of Poseidon Options, and the Court, which are summarised below.

Commenting on the proposed merger, Horizon Managing Director Mr Grant Haywood said:

"We believe this proposed merger represents a unique opportunity to unlock the value of our significant gold resource in the WA Goldfields and leverage strategically located processing infrastructure.

This really is a logical consolidation of complementary assets, delivering a near term and cost-effective processing pathway and creates greater potential for both sets of shareholders to create value from the cashflow generation potential of a long project pipeline and wholly owned processing infrastructure.

Outside gold, the merged nickel and silver assets enhances the respective asset values of both parties and retains full exposure for the combined shareholder group to crystalise value in any future sustained price upturn for these commodities."

Poseidon Nickel CEO Mr Brendan Shalders commented:

"The Schemes announced today are a pivotal step towards establishing a significant gold business and provides Poseidon shareholders and holders of Poseidon Options with an exciting opportunity to become part of an emerging gold producer at a time when the gold price is at all-time highs.

"There is strong alignment between Poseidon's strategy and that of Horizon, which is one of the core pillars underpinning this regional consolidation. Together we have greater capability to deliver on longer term cashflow generation from cornerstone operations fitting for an emerging mid-tier gold producer."

To view the Merger Presentation, please visit:

About Horizon Minerals Limited:  

Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) is a gold exploration and mining company focussed on the Kalgoorlie and Menzies areas of Western Australia which are host to some of Australia's richest gold deposits. The Company is developing a mining pipeline of projects to generate cash and self-fund aggressive exploration, mine developments and further acquisitions. The Teal gold mine has been recently completed.

Horizon is aiming to significantly grow its JORC-Compliant Mineral Resources, complete definitive feasibility studies on core high grade open cut and underground projects and build a sustainable development pipeline.

Horizon has a number of joint ventures in place across multiple commodities and regions of Australia providing exposure to Vanadium, Copper, PGE's, Gold and Nickel/Cobalt. Our quality joint venture partners are earning in to our project areas by spending over $20 million over 5 years enabling focus on the gold business while maintaining upside leverage.

News Provided by ABN Newswire via QuoteMedia

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Horizon Minerals Limited  Phillips Find Approved, Mobilisation Underway

Horizon Minerals Limited Phillips Find Approved, Mobilisation Underway

Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) is pleased to provide an update on the development of the Phillips Find Gold Project ("Phillips Find").


- Joint Venture (JV) Agreement in place with mining specialists BML Ventures Pty Limited (BML) to develop and mine two open pits at Phillips Find

- All management, technical, operational and maintenance roles to be undertaken by BML with oversight by the Company

- Low financial risk JV structure with BML to fund all project costs, with net cashflow after the asset recovery and repayment of costs to be split 50/50 between Horizon and BML

- Mining Proposal to develop Phillips Find has been approved by the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS)

- Site clearing works underway and offices and workshop being established

- 200 tonne excavator and two blast hole rigs have been mobilised to site, with haul trucks arriving this week

- Mining to commence in the coming weeks

- Existing 200kt Toll Milling Agreement executed with FMR Investments Pty Ltd (FMR) in May 2024 to be utilised for Phillips Find JV ore

- First ore from Phillips Find on track to be treated at FMR's Greenfields mill from February 2025 to June 2025

Commenting on the mining progress, Managing Director and CEO Mr Grant Haywood said:

"Our Phillips Find project is gearing up, with equipment mobilisation and site establishment well underway. We look forward to commencing production at Phillips Find later this month, along with mining our Boorara project, we will be mining and generating income from two independent assets in a strong gold price environment.

This is another major achievement for Horizon creating significant cashflows and value from our suite of in ground assets on our path to be a long-term sustainable gold producer."

Next Steps

Site mobilisation and establishment is well underway, with key equipment on site or scheduled for delivery shortly. Mining is due to commence in the coming weeks with early mining predominantly in waste whilst accessing ore through cutbacks of existing open pits. Ore stockpiles will be developed over the coming months, with processing of ore to occur through February to June 2025.

*To view tables and figures, please visit:

About Horizon Minerals Limited:  

Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) is a gold exploration and mining company focussed on the Kalgoorlie and Menzies areas of Western Australia which are host to some of Australia's richest gold deposits. The Company is developing a mining pipeline of projects to generate cash and self-fund aggressive exploration, mine developments and further acquisitions. The Teal gold mine has been recently completed.

Horizon is aiming to significantly grow its JORC-Compliant Mineral Resources, complete definitive feasibility studies on core high grade open cut and underground projects and build a sustainable development pipeline.

Horizon has a number of joint ventures in place across multiple commodities and regions of Australia providing exposure to Vanadium, Copper, PGE's, Gold and Nickel/Cobalt. Our quality joint venture partners are earning in to our project areas by spending over $20 million over 5 years enabling focus on the gold business while maintaining upside leverage.

News Provided by ABN Newswire via QuoteMedia

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Horizon Minerals Limited  Phillips Find Mining Update

Horizon Minerals Limited Phillips Find Mining Update

Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) is pleased to provide an update on the development of the Phillips Find Gold Project ("Phillips Find").


- Joint Venture (JV) Agreement executed with BML Ventures Pty Limited (BML) to develop and mine two open pits at Phillips Find

- All management, technical, operational and maintenance roles to be undertaken by BML with oversight by the Company

- Low financial risk JV structure with BML to fund all project costs, with net cashflow after the asset recovery and repayment of costs to be split 50/50 between Horizon and BML

- Mining Proposal submitted to the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS) to develop Phillips Find lodged in early June 2024 with approval expected shortly

- The Mining Proposal is the last key approval required to develop Phillips Find

- Existing 200kt Toll Milling Agreement executed with FMR Investments in May 2024 to be utilised for Phillips Find JV ore

- In light of awaiting final permitting, the milling schedule has been renegotiated with PhillipsFind ore treated at FMR Investments Greenfields mill from February 2025 to June 2025

- Timing of cashflows to Horizon are expected to be unaffected as initial cash from gold revenue will repay BML's working capital prior to splitting out surplus net cashflows on a 50/50 asis towards the end of the project

- Pre-production planning is well advanced, with clearing and site establishment crews and the200 tonne excavator ready to mobilise to site from mid-September 2024 subject to Mining Proposal approval.

About Horizon Minerals Limited:  

Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) is a gold exploration and mining company focussed on the Kalgoorlie and Menzies areas of Western Australia which are host to some of Australia's richest gold deposits. The Company is developing a mining pipeline of projects to generate cash and self-fund aggressive exploration, mine developments and further acquisitions. The Teal gold mine has been recently completed.

Horizon is aiming to significantly grow its JORC-Compliant Mineral Resources, complete definitive feasibility studies on core high grade open cut and underground projects and build a sustainable development pipeline.

Horizon has a number of joint ventures in place across multiple commodities and regions of Australia providing exposure to Vanadium, Copper, PGE's, Gold and Nickel/Cobalt. Our quality joint venture partners are earning in to our project areas by spending over $20 million over 5 years enabling focus on the gold business while maintaining upside leverage.

News Provided by ABN Newswire via QuoteMedia

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Horizon Minerals Limited  Accomplished Mining Leader Strengthens Board

Horizon Minerals Limited Accomplished Mining Leader Strengthens Board

Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) is pleased to announce changes to its Board of Directors.

Experienced mining executive and director, Mr Warren Hallam, has agreed to join the Horizon Board of Directors as a Non-Executive Director effective 1 September 2024. Mr Hallam is currently a Non-Executive Director of St Barbara Limited and Poseidon Nickel Limited, and Non-Executive Chairman of Kingfisher Mining Limited.

Mr Hallam has a built a strong track record over 35 years in operations, corporate and senior leadership roles across multiple commodities. This includes previous Managing Director roles at Metals X Limited, Millenium Metals Limited and Capricorn Metals Limited. Mr Hallam is a metallurgist who also holds a Masters in Mineral Economics from Curtin University.

The Company also advises that Mr Jon Price has tendered his resignation as Non-Executive Director to focus on other business commitments, effective from 31 August 2024. Mr Price joined the Board of the Company in January 2016 as Managing Director and has guided Horizon through a transformational period of substantial resource growth prior to stepping down as Managing Director in June 2023.

Commenting on the Board changes, Non-Executive Chairman Mr Ashok Parekh said:

"We are delighted to welcome Warren to the board of Horizon as we transition the Company from an explorer to producer. We look forward to his guidance during this exciting growth phase.

On behalf of the board and broader Horizon team, I would also like to acknowledge and thank Jon for his significant contribution to the Company over many years and wish him well in his future endeavours."

About Horizon Minerals Limited:  

Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) is a gold exploration and mining company focussed on the Kalgoorlie and Menzies areas of Western Australia which are host to some of Australia's richest gold deposits. The Company is developing a mining pipeline of projects to generate cash and self-fund aggressive exploration, mine developments and further acquisitions. The Teal gold mine has been recently completed.

Horizon is aiming to significantly grow its JORC-Compliant Mineral Resources, complete definitive feasibility studies on core high grade open cut and underground projects and build a sustainable development pipeline.

Horizon has a number of joint ventures in place across multiple commodities and regions of Australia providing exposure to Vanadium, Copper, PGE's, Gold and Nickel/Cobalt. Our quality joint venture partners are earning in to our project areas by spending over $20 million over 5 years enabling focus on the gold business while maintaining upside leverage.

News Provided by ABN Newswire via QuoteMedia

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Horizon Minerals Limited  Boorara Gold Project Mining Underway

Horizon Minerals Limited Boorara Gold Project Mining Underway

Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) is pleased to provide an update on the development of the Boorara Gold Project. The proposed mining project is 100% owned and located 15km east of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, adjacent to the Super Pit in the heart of the Western Australian goldfields (Figure 1).


- Horizon approved the development of Boorara in late July 2024 to mine a series of four open pits containing 1.24 Mt of ore at 1.24 g/t Au for 49.5 koz of gold

- Mining to occur over 14 months and processing over 19 months at Norton Gold Fields' Paddington plant to generate $30 million in free cashflow at a gold price of A$3,600/oz

- Boorara mining services and surface ore haulage contracts awarded to Hampton Transport Services Pty Ltd ("Hampton") on competitive terms, with no mining contractor payments until first gold pour sold and funds received

- Hampton has successfully mobilised and established the site, and grade control drilling is well advanced

- Mining has commenced with the first drill and blast pattern fired last week to build up broken stocks in conjunction with free dig areas in Pit 2, the larger pit in the Regal zone of the Boorara ore system

- Excavation has commenced on single shift, transitioning to double shift by the end of August, with a second digger shift commencing in September and ramping up to four digger shifts by the end of September

- All activities have been undertaken productively and safely

- First ore on track to be mined in September and processed at Paddington in October 2024

Commenting on the mining of Boorara, Managing Director and CEO Mr Grant Haywood said:

"It is very pleasing to see mining accelerating at Boorara, with all activities being undertaken ahead of schedule and safely, which is a credit to the site team and our contract business partners.

We are eagerly awaiting mining progressing to expose first ore in September and pouring gold bars in October to give us first revenue from Boorara in this strong gold price environment.

This is a major milestone for Horizon as we commence our journey to be a long-term sustainable gold producer, delivering significant cashflows into the business to create further value through our significant portfolio of assets.

Next Steps

Complete Phase 1 of the grade control drilling program, and gradually ramp-up load and haul production activities throughout the remainder of August and September. First milling and gold production is expected in October 2024.

*To view tables and figures, please visit:

About Horizon Minerals Limited:  

Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX:HRZ) is a gold exploration and mining company focussed on the Kalgoorlie and Menzies areas of Western Australia which are host to some of Australia's richest gold deposits. The Company is developing a mining pipeline of projects to generate cash and self-fund aggressive exploration, mine developments and further acquisitions. The Teal gold mine has been recently completed.

Horizon is aiming to significantly grow its JORC-Compliant Mineral Resources, complete definitive feasibility studies on core high grade open cut and underground projects and build a sustainable development pipeline.

Horizon has a number of joint ventures in place across multiple commodities and regions of Australia providing exposure to Vanadium, Copper, PGE's, Gold and Nickel/Cobalt. Our quality joint venture partners are earning in to our project areas by spending over $20 million over 5 years enabling focus on the gold business while maintaining upside leverage.

News Provided by ABN Newswire via QuoteMedia

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Element79 Announces Private Placement

Element79 Announces Private Placement


Element79 Gold Corp.

News Provided by TheNewsWire via QuoteMedia

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Element79 Gold Corp Shares Further Advances With Chachas Community on Lucero Surface Rights, Provides Corporate Update

Element79 Gold Corp Shares Further Advances With Chachas Community on Lucero Surface Rights, Provides Corporate Update


Element79 Gold Corp.

VANCOUVER, BC - T heNewswire - October 24, 2024 *Element79 Gold Corp.* (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS0) ("Element79" or the "Company") is pleased to announce additional progress towards obtaining approval of its surface rights contract at the Lucero project in Peru, through ongoing community engagement and recent approval at the Chachas General Assembly.

News Provided by TheNewsWire via QuoteMedia

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Rua Gold Responds to OTC Markets Request on Recent Promotional Activity

Rua Gold Responds to OTC Markets Request on Recent Promotional Activity

Rua Gold Inc. (TSXV: RUA) (OTCQB: NZAUF) (WKN: A4010V) ("Rua Gold" or the "Company") announces that it has been requested by OTC Markets Group Inc. ("OTC Markets") to issue this statement about promotional activity concerning its common shares (the "Shares") traded on the OTCQB Venture Market ("OTCQB") (operated by OTC Markets).

On October 21, 2024, OTC Markets informed the Company that it became aware of certain promotional activities concerning the Company and its Shares traded on the OTCQB, including the distribution of four email newsletters (the "Promotional Newsletters") published by Wealth Research Group LLC, an affiliate of Gold Standard Media, LLC ("Gold Standard"), Portfolio Wealth Global, an affiliate of Gold Standard, SHTFPlan.com, an affiliate of Gold Standard, and Future Money Trends LLC, an affiliate of Gold Standard, discussing the Company, its business, the economy, and the gold market generally.

News Provided by Newsfile via QuoteMedia

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Lode Gold Signs Definitive Agreement to Execute Tax-Efficient Spin-Out, Creating Two Pure Play Companies

Lode Gold Signs Definitive Agreement to Execute Tax-Efficient Spin-Out, Creating Two Pure Play Companies

Lode Gold Resources Inc. (TSXV: LOD) (OTCQB: SBMIF) ("Lode Gold " or the "Company") is pleased to announce its wholly-owned subsidiary, ("1475039 B.C. Ltd." or "Gold Orogen") has entered into a binding Definitive Agreement (DA) on October 21, 2024 to acquire Great Republic Mining ("GRM", "Great Republic" or CSE: GRM), pursuant to which the GRM and the Company's subsidiary propose to complete a Reverse Take Over (RTO) transaction pursuant to which GRM will acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of the Company's subsidiary. It will be a tax efficient spin out: shareholders of Lode Gold will receive shares of Gold Orogen.

Transaction details, terms, and condition of the deal remain the same as in the Letter of Intent previously announced and can be read on its August 27th, 2024 news release.

The new company, Gold Orogen will have assets in two highly prospective areas in Canada: Yukon and Atlantic Canada. It will be a focused exploration pure play company. It will launch with funding of over $3 million dollars, with a plan to raise an additional $1.5 million. Work programs being executed or planned include: VTEM, SQUIDT, Soil Analysis, Geological Mapping, Trenching and Drilling in the next 12 months.

Wendy T. Chan, CEO of Lode Gold states, "We are very glad to have achieved yet another milestone, thanks to the hard work of our team. As promised in our business plan, we have now finalized definite spin out plans. It will be a tax efficient plan of arrangement. We will create two pure play companies to unlock value for shareholders. We have also initiated work programs in Yukon and New Brunswick, post raising over $4 million in the last two financings."

About Lode Gold

Lode Gold (TSXV: LOD) is an exploration and development company with projects in highly prospective and safe mining jurisdictions in Canada and the United States.

Its Golden Culvert and WIN Projects in Yukon, covering 99.5 km2 across a 27-km strike length, are situated in a district-scale, high-grade-gold-mineralized trend within the southern portion of the Tombstone Gold Belt. Gold deposits and occurrences within the Belt include Fort Knox, Pogo, Brewery Creek and Dublin Gulch, and Snowline Gold. A NI 43-101 technical report entitled "Technical Report on the WIN-Golden Culvert Property for Lode Gold" with an effective date of May 15, 2024, summarizing the work to date on these properties is available on the Company's profile on SEDAR+ (www.sedarplus.ca) and on the Company's website (www.lode-gold.com).

In New Brunswick, Lode Gold has created one of the largest land packages with a 42km strike within 420km2. Its McIntyre Brook Project, New Brunswick, covering 111 km2 and a 17-km strike length in the emerging Appalachian/Iapetus Gold Belt, is surrounded by Puma Exploration's Williams Brook Project (5.55 g/t Au over 50m)1 and is hosted by orogenic rocks of similar age and structure as New Found Gold's Queensway Project. The Fancamp's Riley Brook is a 309 km2 package covering a 25 km strike of Wapske formation with its numerous felsic units. Previous exploration efforts have focused on just VMS-style mineralization hosted in the felsic intrusions, and mostly focused on the base metals - the Company is the first to focus on and assay for gold. This transaction will close upon Exchange's acceptance.

The Company is also advancing its Fremont Gold development project in the historic Mother Lode Gold Belt of California where 50,000,000 oz of gold has been produced. Fremont, located 500km north of Equinox Gold's Castle Mountain and Mesquite mines, has a Preliminary Economic Assessment(" PEA") with an after-tax NPV (5%) of USD $217M, a 21% IRR, 11-year LOM, averaging 118,000 Oz per annum at USD $1,750 gold. A sensitivity to the March 31, 2023 PEA at USD $2,000/oz gold gives an after-tax NPV (5%) of USD $370M and a 31% IRR over an 11-year LOM. The project hosts an NI 43-101 resource of 1.16 MOz at 1.90 g/t Au within 19.0 MT Indicated and 2.02 MOz at 2.22 g/t Au within 28.3 MT Inferred. The MRE evaluates only 1.4 km of the 4 km strike length of the Fremont property which features five gold-mineralized zones. Significantly, three step-out holes at depth hit the mineralized structure, typical of orogenic deposits that often occur at depth. Fremont is located on 3,351 acres of 100% owned private land in Mariposa, the original Gold Rush County, and is 1.5 hours from Fresno, California. The property has year-round road access and is close to airports and rail.

Please refer to the Fremont Gold project NI 43-101 PEA technical report dated March 31, 2023, which is available on the Company's profile on SEDAR+ (www.sedarplus.ca) and on the Company's website (www.lode-gold.com). The PEA technical report has been reviewed and approved by independent "Qualified Persons" Eugene Puritch, P.Eng., FEC, CET, and Andrew Bradfield, P.Eng. both of P&E, and Travis Manning, P.E. of KCA.


The scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Jonathan Victor Hill, Director, BSc (Hons) (Economic Geology - UCT), FAusIMM, and who is a "qualified person" as defined by NI-43-101.


Wendy T. Chan, CEO & Director

Information Contact

Winfield Ding

Kevin Shum
Investor Relations
+1 (647) 725-3888 ext. 702

Cautionary Note Related to this News Release and Figures

This news release contains information about adjacent properties on which the Company has no right to explore or mine. Readers are cautioned that mineral deposits on adjacent properties are not indicative of mineral deposits on the Company's properties.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This news release includes "forward-looking statements" and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation. All statements included in this news release, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements including, without limitation, statements with respect to the completion of the transaction and the timing thereof, the expected benefits of the transaction to shareholders of the Company, the structure, terms and conditions of the transaction and the execution of a definitive agreement, the timing of submission to the CSE and TSXV, Gold Orogen raising an additional $1,500,000 and the anticipated use of proceeds. Forward-Looking statements include predictions, projections and forecasts and are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect", "potential", "target", "budget" and "intend" and statements that an event or result "may", "will", "should", "could" or "might" occur or be achieved and other similar expressions and includes the negatives thereof.

Forward-Looking statements are based on a number of assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by management based on the business and markets in which the Company operates, are inherently subject to significant operational, economic, and competitive uncertainties, risks and contingencies. These include assumptions regarding, among other things: that the Company and GRM will be able to negotiate the definitive agreement on the terms and within the time frame expected, that the Company and GRM will be able to make submissions to the CSE and TSXV within the time frame expected, that the Company and GRM will be able to obtain shareholder approval for the transaction, that the Company and GRM will be able to obtain necessary third party and regulatory approvals required for the transaction, if completed, that the transaction will provide the expected benefits to the Company and its shareholders.

There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate and actual results, and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include adverse market conditions, general economic, market or business risks, unanticipated costs, the failure of the Company and GRM to negotiate the definitive agreement on the terms and conditions and within the timeframe expected, the failure of the Company and GRM to make submissions to the CSE and TSXV within the timeframe expected, the failure of the Company and GRM to obtain shareholder approval for the transaction, the failure of the Company and GRM to obtain all necessary approvals for the transaction, and r other risks detailed from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators, including those described under the heading "Risks and Uncertainties" in the Company's most recently filed MD&A. The Company does not undertake to update or revise any forward-looking statements, except in accordance with applicable law.

News Provided by Newsfile via QuoteMedia

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RUA GOLD Provides an Update on Previously Announced Acquisition of Siren Gold's Reefton Assets

RUA GOLD Provides an Update on Previously Announced Acquisition of Siren Gold's Reefton Assets

Rua Gold Inc. (TSXV: RUA) (OTCQB: NZAUF) (WKN: A4010V) ("Rua Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the previously announced acquisition of Reefton Resources Pty Limited ("Reefton"), a 100% owned subsidiary of Siren Gold Ltd. (ASX: SNG) ("Siren") with tenements located adjacent to the Company's suite of properties in New Zealand's prolific Reefton Goldfield (the "Transaction").

The Company and Siren have agreed to amend the terms of Transaction whereby Rua Gold agrees to purchase 10,000,000 common shares of Siren at a price of A$0.20 per share, for aggregate gross proceeds of A$2,000,000.

The Company highlights that the following conditions have been satisfied:
  • Rua Gold shareholders have voted in favor of the transaction


Robert Eckford, CEO of Rua Gold, stated: "This is an exciting stage for Rua Gold shareholders, Siren Gold shareholders, and the Reefton Goldfields community. Our merger presents a prime opportunity to establish a high-grade gold and antimony exploration company ready to deliver value through its drilling program planned on this land package. We will be looking at a combination of new discoveries alongside the scalability of historic high-grade mines to become a leading gold producer in the region. New Zealand's mining industry is experiencing a resurgence, supported by local and foreign investment, as well as a pro-mining government implementing streamlined policies. The resulting improvements in regional infrastructure and employment will transform the West Coast and benefit all of New Zealand."

Transaction Highlights

Under the terms of the Amended Agreement, Siren shall receive total consideration of A$22 million (C$20.4 million):

  • A$2 million (C$1.8 million) in cash, of which A$1 million has been paid and the remaining A$1 million will be paid at the close of the Transaction;

  • A$2 million (C$1.8 million) in cash in exchange for 10,000,000 common shares of Siren, to be exchanged at the close of the Transaction; and

  • 83,927,383 fully paid shares of Rua Gold representing A$18 million (C$16.6 million1), to be issued at the close of the Transaction with agreed contractual resale restrictions.

Upon completion of the Transaction, Siren will own ~26% of Rua Gold, and Siren Chairman, Mr. Brian Rodan, will join the Rua Gold Board. The Transaction will deliver the following benefits to the Company's shareholders:

  • Increased scale and resources by combining projects and exploration teams.

  • Increased exposure to the highly prospective and under-explored Reefton Goldfield, as the largest landholder in the district with approximately 120,000 ha of combined tenements.

  • Improved investor visibility and positioning amongst peers, with the opportunity to broaden the Company's shareholder base.

  • Potential for future operational synergies (i.e., centralized infrastructure and workforce) by realizing economies of scale across the whole land package.

  • Continued exposure to the Company's highly prospective asset, Glamorgan on the North Island of New Zealand.

Transaction Update Details

The Company has obtained approval from its shareholders concerning the Transaction.

In addition, on October 17, 2024, the Company obtained consent from the NZPAM to the change of control of Reefton's exploration permits as a consequence of the Transaction.

The Company is working to satisfy the TSXV requirements for the Transaction under section 5.7 of TSXV Policy 5.3. To obtain final approval from the TSXV, the Company will submit a National Instrument 43-101 compliant independent report and a financial plan demonstrating that the Company has sufficient financial resources to close the Transaction and to fund the first stage of the recommended work program and property payment obligations for a minimum of six months.

The transaction agreements governing the acquisition of Reefton and evidence of disinterested shareholder approval of the Company have been filed with the TSXV. A legal title opinion confirming Siren's authority to transfer the Reefton project will also be required. Final closing will be subject to the TSXV's clearance of these requirements.

About Rua Gold

Rua Gold is an exploration company, strategically focused on New Zealand. With decades of expertise, our team has successfully taken major discoveries into producing world-class mines across multiple continents. The team is now focused on maximizing the asset potential of RUA's two highly prospective high-grade gold projects.

The Company controls the Reefton Gold District as the dominant landholder in the Reefton Goldfield on New Zealand's South Island. Rua Gold will have approximately 120,000 hectares of tenements, following the completion of its previously announced acquisition of Reefton Resources Pty Limited2, in a district that historically produced over 2 million ounces of gold grading between 9 and 50 grams per tonne.

The Company's Glamorgan Project solidifies Rua Gold's position as a leading high-grade gold explorer on New Zealand's North Island. This highly prospective project is located within the North Islands' Hauraki district, a region that has produced an impressive 15 million ounces of gold and 60 million ounces of silver. Glamorgan is within 3 kms of OceanaGold Corporation's biggest gold mining project, WKP.

For further information, please refer to the Company's disclosure record on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca.

Rua Gold Contact

Robert Eckford

Chief Executive Officer

Tel: +1 604 655 7354

Email: reckford@RUAGOLD.com

Website: www.RUAGOLD.com

This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this new release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that the Company expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur and specifically include statements regarding: the Company's strategies, expectations, planned operations or future actions, including but not limited to exploration programs at its Reefton project and the results thereof; and the Company's acquisition of Reefton Resources Pty Limited. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements.

Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. A variety of inherent risks, uncertainties and factors, many of which are beyond the Company's control, affect the operations, performance and results of the Company and its business, and could cause actual events or results to differ materially from estimated or anticipated events or results expressed or implied by forward looking statements. Some of these risks, uncertainties and factors include: general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; risks related to the effects of the Russia-Ukraine war; risks related to climate change; operational risks in exploration, delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration projects or capital expenditures; the actual results of current exploration activities; conclusions of economic evaluations; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; changes in labour costs and other costs and expenses or equipment or processes to operate as anticipated, accidents, labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry, including but not limited to environmental hazards, flooding or unfavourable operating conditions and losses, insurrection or war, delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing, and commodity prices. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements and reference should also be made to the Company's CSE Form 2A - Listing Statement filed under its SEDAR+ profile at www.sedarplus.ca for a description of additional risk factors.

Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by applicable securities laws, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.


1 Calculated using Rua Gold's 30-day VWAP on the CSE as of July 12, 2024 of C$0.1983 at an AUD:CAD exchange rate of 0.9246.
2 Refer to news released dated July 15, 2024.

To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/227207

News Provided by Newsfile via QuoteMedia

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Lode Gold Launches Exploration Program at One of the Largest Land Packages in New Brunswick

Lode Gold Launches Exploration Program at One of the Largest Land Packages in New Brunswick

Lode Gold Resources Inc. (TSXV: LOD) (OTCQB: SBMIF) ("Lode Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that a Heliborne HeliTEM² Survey over the Riley Brook and McIntyre Brook properties, in northern New Brunswick, has been initiated as part of the recently announced Acadian Gold Joint Venture with Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (refer to Figure 1). The properties encompass a combined 419 km2 land package of mineral claims, constituting gold mineralized zones that extend over several kilometres, on trend with Puma Exploration's Williams Brook property.

The recent combination of mineral assets between Fancamp and Lode Gold Resources Inc. into a dominant land holding of high-quality, underexplored ground in New Brunswick, was a major development which now aims to be further validated by this high-resolution heliborne electro-magnetic and radiometric survey.

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