Heavy Rare Earths Limited (“HRE” or “the Company”) is pleased to report on-ground exploration for rare earths has commenced at its 100 per cent-owned Duke project in the Northern Territory.
- Assays of up to 732 ppm total rare earths in historical drilling and surface rock chips
- First pass soil survey underway over extensive area of rare earth enrichment and anomalous radiometric thorium
- The primary rare earth exploration target is unconformity type vein mineralisation similar to Browns Range in Western Australia
- Up to 20 metres of clay-rich regolith overlying rare earth-enriched granite also demonstrates prospectivity for ion-adsorption type rare earth deposits
The Duke project comprises two adjacent granted exploration licences EL33101 and EL33194 that together cover an area of 255 km2 . They are located on the Phillip Creek pastoral lease approximately 50 kilometres north-west of Tennant Creek and 25 kilometres west of the Stuart Highway. Both the Alice Springs to Darwin railway and Amadeus natural gas pipeline cross the central part of the project area (Figure 1). Exploration on and around HRE’s tenement package has in the past focused on ironstone hosted Cu-Au-Bi and IOCG deposits, but this is the first time the area will be subject to exploration for rare earths.
The exploration model being investigated by HRE is an unconformity-type REE deposit similar to those at Northern Minerals’ (
ASX: NTU) Browns Range project in Western Australia. The unconformity in question occurs between the Proterozoic Warrego Granite and metamorphic rocks of the Flynn Group and overlying sandstone and conglomerate of the Tomkinson Creek Group. Rare earths are expected to be hosted in xenotime, an yttrium phosphate mineral that contains high concentrations of heavy rare earths (HREE). A secondary target for exploration at Duke is HREE-enriched ion-adsorption clay-type mineralisation hosted in saprolite developed on the extensive but poorly outcropping Warrego Granite.
Reconnaissance Visit – April 2023
HRE undertook a reconnaissance visit to the project area in April 2023 to assess access. During the visit prominent thorium (Th) anomalies from a previous explorer’s airborne magnetic/radiometric survey over the project area were investigated on the ground using a portable XRF (pXRF) and gamma-ray spectrometer. In addition, core from diamond drill hole PCRD001 drilled in 2009 to test a uranium anomaly from the same airborne survey (and in the same general area of the Th anomalies) was examined at the Northern Territory Geological Survey’s core library in Alice Springs. PCRD001 intersected Warrego Granite from 5 metres depth.
Figure 1: Location of Duke project tenements EL33101 and EL33194. Background image: 1:250,000 scale Tennant Creek Topographic Map.
pXRF analysis confirmed the presence of elevated rare earths both at outcrop and in the Warrego Granite. In situ analysis of silcrete outcrops and zones of quartz veining returned values ranging from below detection limits up to 0.21% TREE (total rare earths). Forty spot pXRF analyses on Warrego Granite intersected by PCRD001 averaged 745 ppm TREE with a maximum of 0.2% (2000 ppm) TREE.
Click here for the full ASX Release
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