Rare Earth Nanocrystals Could be Key Ingredient to Cost-Effective LED Lighting

Rare Earth Investing

Science World Report reported that rare-earth europium nanocrystals may be the missing ingredient to lower-cost, more energy efficient white LED’s.

Science World Report reported that rare-earth europium nanocrystals may be the missing ingredient to lower-cost, more energy efficient white LED’s.

As quoted in the market report:

Budai is working with a team of scientists from University of Georgia and Oak Ridge and Argonne national laboratories to understand a new group of crystals that might yield the right blend of colors for white LEDs as well as other uses. Zhengwei Pan’s group at UGA grew the nanocrystals using europium oxide and aluminum oxide powders as the source materials because the rare-earth element europium is known to be a dopant, or additive, with good phosphorescent properties.

To view the whole Science World Report, click here.

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